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A young California Sea Lion makes a surprise appearance during Leos basketball game. Later, a voyage to find the sea lions home turns into a daring rescue on the high seas.
The Junior Rangers have a brush with a poacher as they try to return an Indian Star Tortoise to its home in the scrub forest.
Norman wants a dog so is looking after Auntie Phyllis dog to prove what a good owner he can be. But the dog wont do anything that Norman asks. Things only get worse when Norman takes the dog for a walk by the river with Dilys and Trevor. Hannah and Mandy are having a picnic with Lizzie and Joe and tease Norman about his dog training skills. The embarrassment increases when Norman has to call out the dogs name… Lady Puffle-Paws! Back at the station, things arent going any better for Penny. Steele has left her in charge of getting him a new desk, only for the wrong desk to be delivered. Now sitting in Steeles office is a desk with a bunk-bed and slide. Sam has a plan to remove the bed and slide, and leave just the desk… but then Elvis gets stuck on the slide.
The Triplets armchair is quite damaged, Mommy decided to recover it with a new fabric and it will be to the siblings to choose the color! Poet wants blue, the color of the sky, Turbulent wants green, the countrys color, and Girl wants yellow, the color of the sun! Not easy to agree on a same color but careful! If they dont decide quickly, Mommy will, and she has some strange color ideas like grey, the color of the rain!
Its the night and The Triplets and Grandpa are at the beach to observe the night of the shooting stars. The Triplets are really really excited and ask a lot of questions to Grandpa. He explains to them that when you discover a new star you can name it after yourself, and when you see a shooting star you must make a wish. When they see their first shooting star, the Triplets wish for exactly the same thing, to have their own little star, The Triplets star!
In Grandpas garden, Turbulent is fascinated by the super heroes stories he can read in his book. He wishes too to be a Kind Vigilante who saves the lovely and the helpless. Unfortunately, every time he tries to save someone, his sister who stucked her kite in a tree or his brother who is afraid of a spider for example, Grandpa always comes first and fixes the problem. When Turbulent was at the most discouraging point, a new villain appears ant kidnap all the people he loves, the Kind Vigilante is back in business!
Bing is at Ammas creche when a butterfly flies in and lands on Sulas painting. Bing tries to help the butterfly go back outside by picking it up but he holds it too tightly and the poor butterfly is squished. Flop and Amma help the sad children say goodbye to the dead butterfly.
Bing wants to draw a big picture so Flop finds him some chalk to draw on the pavement. Bing draws a fabulous stripy, spotty, zig-zag dinosaur but just as hes finished a rain shower washes the dinosaur away. Bing is devastated until he sees that a bit of dinosaur is left behind and with that new beginning there is another chalk something waiting to be created.
Bing and Sula find a potato in Ammas vegetable patch with a comical face, so they take it under their wing, naming it “Nosey”. The two children look after Nosey and show him around the creche but unfortunately Nosey goes down the slide too quickly and his nose falls off. Amma shows them how to plant both bits of potato so that they can grow new potatoes.
Bing discovers a hole in his favourite yellow wellies but he doesnt want to throw them away in the stinky dustbin. With Flops help, Bing finds a way to recycle the wellies into colourful flower pots instead.
Toramento is exhausted because of his job, so Grisu tries to help him by boosting a malfunctioning and slow cleaning robot to do the job in his place. But the boosted robot is not easy to control and makes a mess all around the city, also because Thingy wants to play with it, sending the machine haywire. Eventually Grisu understands that Toramento doesnt need a robot doing the job in his place, but a care-giving device that provides coffee and massages, keeping his stamina up.
Tilda wants to open a hotel so that people from far afield can spend time in beautiful Wild Rose Lane. Rupert thinks it's a bad idea, but Tilda sticks to her guns. Then the first guests arrive at Hotel Appleseed, a frog and his son. But instead of being quiet and polite, the guests turn Tilda's house on its head. Soon she is rushed off her feet with work.
One day, a mouse called Ferdinand Pearstalk turns up on Tilda's doorstep and announces that he will be taking over her house: the vicar has swapped churches and with him the church mouse. To Tilda's amazement, he immediately moves in. With a heavy heart, Tilda puts all her stuff on a handcart and trundles off.
In trying to teach Paddles hurling, Fagan and Bracken are a bit too competitive, and despite Paddles best efforts on the pitch soon theres a falling out, with Bridie caught in the middle. Paddles is very downcast and wishes they could all be friends again. The Old Moor Hen suggests a visit to the Magical Wishing Tree. Overhearing, Fagan thinks this might just make all his dreams come true! But what sort of wishes really come true, and who will visit the tree?
Little Nutbrown Hare is disappointed when a trail of ants disappears with the delicious Spring berries hes found. Hes convinced that ants are not very nice, and only after Big Nutbrown Hare explains how the ants were probably taking the berries home to their families does Little Nutbrown Hare forgive them. And when he sees how clever the ants are, he soon wants to be like them.
When Caillou gets the giggles at school, his silliness disrupts the rest of the class. In a rodeo fantasy, an announcers (Leo) silly antics are distracting to Buck Buckaroo (Caillou), and Caillou learns that being silly is great, but sometimes you have to shake your sillies out for your friends./When Daddy has to stop playing with Caillou and Leo to run an errand, the boys try to stop Daddy from leaving. Then in a farmer fantasy where a farmer and his farm hand (Caillou and Leo) are bombarded by clingy sheep, Caillou and Leo learn that they can have fun while they wait for Daddy to return.
While at the grocery store with Mommy, Caillou sees Ms. Martin outside of school for the first time. Feeling shy, he hides from her and pretends to be a secret agent where Double-O Teddy helps him learn that its okay to feel shy, but its not okay to be unkind. /After suggesting a game that Tina might have trouble playing with her prosthetic arm, an anxious Caillou insists they play the one game he knows she likes-Space Captain! In their space fantasy, Caillou learns that Tina is capable of more than he thought, if shes given the opportunity to try.
Books are full of secrets that can all be uncovered! But when Conni suddenly loses her favorite book, she discovers where to buy or borrow books and even how to learn stories by heart and tell them to others.
A visit to the doctors can be really fun, as Conni discovers when she is told to hop on one leg, guide her fingertips to the tip of her nose and then memorize lots of colorful pictures as in the memory game. Actually, she would like to go to the pediatrician again next week.
With a camera in hand, Sketcky tries to make a movie about knights but he does not know where to start. Doodleboo is going to help him by making him a Riddleboo!
Sketcky is desperate because he would have liked to play outside but there is too much wind. Doodleboo has fun because he knows a Riddleboo who loves the wind.
Sketcky does not return, he dreamed that he had the power to fly in the air and he would have wished it lasted... Doodleboo suggests Sketcky discover a Riddleboo that can fulfill all his wildest dreams!
Sketcky wants to make Bubble her Queen, but for that, he needs to be a king! But how does one become king? Doodleboo has a little idea of a Riddleboo.
Sketcky would like to go outside to fly his kite but it is impossible because there is not enough wind. Doodleboo suggests going to the park instead because he knows a very fun activity. What is it?
Messy is in his garden looking at ants. He notices how they move in lines and come in and out of a hole in the ground! He wonders why – its off to Okido to find out! Messy crash lands in front of Zoe and Felix who are holding a cake. They tell him that its Mayor Okis birthday so theyre having a picnic so they zip off to the park to meet Zim, Zam and Zoom. Felix, Zoe and Messy are a little disappointed on arrival when see that the picnic food Zim, Zam and Zoom have brought is TINY….
Messy finds a grey sticky thing that looks like a net in the corner of his bathroom. But what is it - he goes to Okido to find out! He lands in Zoe and Felixs garden to find them doing some paper gluing to make a picture. Zoes communicator rings and Zam tells her that theres an emergency at Loopy Bridge and she needs their help! When they arrive they see that theres a crack in Loopy Bridge! Zam says she could fix it but shes run out of glue… Felix offers his paper glue to her, but she tells him that it wont be sticky enough, and she needs a special glue.
All the balls at Farmer Patrick Pig's new mini putt are disappearing. After much investigation Huckle and the gang track the missing balls to Patrick's record breaking egg laying chicken. / When the gold coins Mr Fix It finds on the beach disappear, Huckle, Lowly and Sally set out to find out where they went.
Wilson and Brewster forget their fire safety rules during a drill and miss out on earning their badges – but they learn from their mistakes and when theres a real fire, they know just what to do.
To earn his badge, Wilson must show that he knows how to recognise destination icons. He gets distracted by following a butterfly and totally forgets where he is supposed to be going. After running around to some wrong locations, he finally concentrates really hard, and remembers he was supposed to be going to the foundry.
Brewster and Wilson compete to earn their Helping Wheels badge. However they get so caught up trying to outdo each other, that they dont help anyone. Koko beats them to it, winning her badge by helping a little girl rescue her kite. In the end, Wilson and Brewster help each other out and decide to work together as a team to earn their badge.
Cars are to be driving slowly through school zone, but there are always some cars trying to avoid the rules. While the kids are focusing on their cards to exchange against new ones Blue car is manoeuvring its way a bit too fast through school zone amazed that there are kids everywhere. Poli scolds Blue Car, A school zone is designated as a safe area for children. When you see the sign, know there could be kids around.If you're in a hurry, you should use another route, or start out earlier.
The kids are having a Traffic Safety Quiz. 1.How do you safely cross at a crosswalk which does not have a signal? 2.If you are on a bicycle and you want to cross the road, what do you do? 3. Cars can't stop right away because it takes them some distance to brake. 4.Where is the proper place to ride your scooter or in-line skates? It all ends with a nice picture of everybody together!
Osbourne is teaching Timmy how to do magic tricks. What will he pull out of his hat?
Timmy and Yabba are doing a puppet show for the class. But there is a surprise puppet in the show. Who is it?
Harry and the dinos are playing a game of 'I Spy'', Harry decides to 'spy' his dinos, but he can't remember their proper dinosaur names.
Harry and Charlie are arguing over what the moon is made of. In order to settle their dispute they take a rocket journey to the moon via Dino World.
Lauren and Sara lead a camping trip to the Scottish Highlands, but disaster strikes when Ajay and PC Selby are stuck in Pencaster with the tent and cooking equipment. Pat must transport them to the Highlands in the SDS Plane and put up the tent before nightfall in order to accomplish his mission. When a Highland cow gets into the tent and refuses to leave, Pat comes up with a plan for Alf to team up with Bill and coax the cow out with their father-and-son cow call - and Bill helps Alf move his own cow, who turns out to be missing Bill.
Findus meets a curious spiny animal in a corner of the yard - a little hedgehog. The cat is determined to teach his new friend things he likes to do himself. However, Findu's preferences such as gymnastics and climbing are not at all suited to a short-legged hedgehog. This leads to some harmless accidents. When the newcomer disappears without a trace, Findus worries that he has driven him away with his impetuous ways.
Beda writes an angry letter to Gustavsson because his shooting noise has scared her cow. When the postman wants to deliver the letter, he stops at Pettson and Findus' house first. Findus accidentally drops the letter into the soup, making it unreadable. The two trick the postman for a while so that he doesn't notice how they rewrite the letter on their own assumption about its contents. In the process, the previous complaint turns into a friendly invitation to coffee and cake.
Pettson and Findus go out into the woods to find a Christmas tree. Findus shows Pettson the place where he met the strange postman. Now he remembers the package that he had until now completely forgotten! The two wander through the woods, and hear someone playing the violin sadly and call out for help. They meet a strange forest warden, who is lonely and terribly bored because he has nothing to do. As if by a miracle, the forest warden comes up with the idea that he could carve the wooden Santas. Pettson is happy, yes, perhaps now he can manage to complete his invention after all. On their way back Pettson and Findus get themselves trapped a snowstorm and become lost.
Prillan and her hens are really annoyed. Pettson makes a lot of noise when he hammers away in his barn working on his invention. The hens dont get any sleep anymore. Pettson jumps for joy and storms out of his shed. It finally works!!! But then his Santa Claus machine comes to a halt and one Muckla catches a wheel and disappears with it. Findus wants to get the wheel back from the Mucklas but Pettson must exchange his hat for it. As Christmas is approaching, Findus and Pettson are very excited. Will the real Santa Claus come to their home? Will Pettsons Santa Claus machine work? And then a small miracle happens...
Daddy brings Daisy and Ollie to the funfair for the first time. Ollie is excited about riding on the famous, Whooper Dooper roller-coaster but Daisy isnt so confident. She encourages the others to enjoy the smaller rides and games first and when they spot Sonny getting off the coaster, he looks like hes really enjoyed himself. With a little bit of encouragement, Daisy decides to ride the roller-coaster and conquers her fear to have a brilliant time.
Daisy and Ollie are enjoying pretending to camp on the front lawn. Postman Geoff arrives and thinks its funny that they are enjoying such a pampered experience and the kids ask Daddy to take them camping in the real wilderness instead. When Daddy struggles to erect the tent and a rainstorm starts, it looks like this camping trip will be a wash-out. Luckily Farmer Fran is on hand to offer up her barn and they enjoy an indoor camping experience instead.
Daddy has a surprise for Daisy and Ollie and brings them to a Hot air balloon regatta. Unfortunately, they are too small to go for a flight in the basket, but Postman Geoff and farmer Fran help the children see the world from a bird-eye-view after all. Boo floats up in the picnic basket on a surprise balloon ride of her own and with a little help from Daisy and Ollie they bring her safely back down to the ground.
The series follows a warm father-son relationship that Little Nutbrown Hare decides he wants a clever long tail like his friends, rather than a short fluffy one. They help out by making him a long tail but all the results are either too tickly, bendy or flappy. When Big Nutbrown Hare spots his son from way across a grassy field everyone realizes that Little Nutbrown Hares little tail is clever in its own way.
One Summers day Little Field Mouse is very excited to show Little Nutbrown Hare her new favourite thing, a very pretty flower… the prettiest ever! She lets Little Nutbrown Hare borrow it to show Big Nutbrown Hare, but when it blows away during the night Little Nutbrown Hare worries how his friend will react. Will he be able to work up the courage to tell her what happened?
Coco is staying at Bings house for her very first sleepover and as she produces her collection of Rainbow Fairy Mice and insists on playing the Goodnight Game its not long before the differences in their bedtime routines emerge.
Bing and Sula have a penny each for the Surprise Machine in Padgets shop. Sula gets the silver rhino she wanted so Bing is convinced he will get the toy he wants too. When the Surprise Machine delivers his capsule Bing is upset to discover the alien he has set his heart on is not inside.
Bing wants to get dizzy on the roundybout so Pando pushes him superfast. Bing quickly learns that a little dizzy is fun, but too much dizzy is no fun at all.
The Triplets have been playing outside in the rain and they are now filthy. It is high time to take a bath! The three kids hop in the tub, which turns into an agitated ocean, with lipstick goldfish and eye-shadow corals. After a crazy expedition and many splashes, it is Mom's turn to enjoy a nice relaxing bath. But not for long...because she soon finds out that the Triplets have replaced the bubble bath with dish soap!
Nini, the bakers three-year-old daughter is completely infatuated with Turbulent. So when she gets to spend the afternoon with the Triplets, she is as happy as can be and already pictures herself marrying the little boy and having many kids with him. Poet and Girl have a great time teasing their brother and Turbulent is quite upset We are not in love! But the next day, the bakery is covered in hearts!
Asked by the girls to play Prince Berry Charming in the new play that Plum is directing for the Baby Berrykins, Huck pushes aside his reluctance and says yes. Bad goes to comically worse as the girls discover he cant act, cant dance, cant sing, suffers from extreme stage fright, and never really wanted to do the play in the first place. After dress rehearsal devolves into a comedy of errors, Strawberry finally gets the sheepish Huck to confess that acting, singing and dancing are just not for him.
Brewster and Wilson compete to earn their Helping Wheels badge. However they get so caught up trying to outdo each other, that they dont help anyone. Koko beats them to it, winning her badge by helping a little girl rescue her kite. In the end, Wilson and Brewster help each other out and decide to work together as a team to earn their badge.
To earn their badges, Koko and Brewster must keep to a schedule picking up passengers. Koko is too eager and gets ahead of schedule, while Brewster is too cautious and gets behind schedule – but in the end, they both learn to run on time!
Brewster is assigned to look after Ebo the elephant while some work is done on his enclosure. He decides to show Ebo where he lives. Ebo likes it at the depot because there is a pond to play in and he loves the chug wash. When its time to go home, Ebo doesnt want to go back to the Safari Park. With Kokos help, Brewster tricks him into the car, and returns Ebo to the park. Ebo is unhappy – until he sees the new water feature, thats been built for him to play in!
Kevin and Dough are chasing each other to get to Jennys house first. And Whooper does not slow down when approaching the crosswalk, although Poli told him to do so. Everybody has to be more careful to be safe, Green means go…but just because the lights green, doesnt mean its safe to run across. Remember three steps! Step 1: always stop at the curb before you enter into a crosswalk and wait for the green light. Step 2: make sure all cars are stopped before you cross. Step 3: dont take your eyes off the cars while youre crossing. Always keep watching to make sure that you see the cars and the drivers see you.
A Boarding guard helps kids to get on and off the bus safely and there is lots of advice how to behave on the bus, like never stick your heads out of the window – sit still in your seats and always wear your seat belt - when you get off the bus, a motorcycle or bicycle might be coming... always look both ways first, then get off slowly - after you get off the bus, never run around the front to cross the street. Drivers cant see you and thats dangerous. Always remember that the doors on a bus or van can be very dangerous, too.
Its Art Time and Timmy is painting a picture of a rainbow. What colours are in the rainbow?
Harry is upset to learn that he must return his library book so decides to hide the book in Dino-World.
Harry is reluctant to have a bath so he goes to Dino-World where he endeavours to become as dirty and stinky as he possibly can.
Theres a thump on Kippers front door. When he opens it, theres a ball. But its not an ordinary ball as Kipper soon finds out – it seems to have a life of its own, and Arnold has great fun with it when no-one is looking.
Kipper and Tiger go to the stream and play with their paper boats. They decide playing pirates and building a raft is more exciting. Soon they find themselves marooned on an island in the stream….but luckily Pig is there to save them.
Simon is Lous best friend, until one day when he realizes that Ferdinand is also Lous best friend. Simon is jealous but as soon as Ferdinand realizes that Lou has lice, he no longer wants to play with her. Simon on the other hand, couldnt care less about lice! Thats what being a best friend is all about! And he invents a game so that everyone will want to play with Lou. And sure enough, at the end, she gives Simon a big kiss: YIPPEE!!!!
In trying to teach Paddles hurling, Fagan and Bracken are a bit too competitive, and despite Paddles best efforts on the pitch soon theres a falling out, with Bridie caught in the middle. Paddles is very downcast and wishes they could all be friends again. The Old Moor Hen suggests a visit to the Magical Wishing Tree. Overhearing, Fagan thinks this might just make all his dreams come true! But what sort of wishes really come true, and who will visit the tree?
In the Magic Garden, where Woozle and Pip experience fun, exciting and imaginative adventures with all of their friends! Along the way they learn to get along, respecting each other and the environment they live in, creating a wonderful, rich world filled with friendship, curiosity, discovery and positivity.
One morning, Molly knocks excitedly on Tilda's door: there's going to be a knitting competition in the village. Tilda and Molly at once set off to the village shop to buy some wool. All the other inhabitants of Wild Rose Lane are also buying knitting materials. The competition makes rivals of the friends and they work alone, quietly and secretly.
It is almost winter in Wild Rose Lane and the inhabitants are getting their provisions in. Hedgehog Rupert is looking forward to hibernating. But Tilda is sad at the thought of all the nice things her best friend will miss while he's asleep. With the promise that she will cook for him, she persuades Rupert to stay awake and spend the winter at her place.
The Tomcats now consider Rosie as their enemy number 1 instead of Scoutbadger. Blinded by rivalry, Scoutbadger is fooled by the cats who turn him against the fox so that they can steal a game of skittles. Our two heroes will finally join together to get back the skittles, especially as these belong to Woodsy….
Beda writes an angry letter to Gustavsson because his shooting noise has scared her cow. When the postman wants to deliver the letter, he stops at Pettson and Findus' house first. Findus accidentally drops the letter into the soup, making it unreadable. The two trick the postman for a while so that he doesn't notice how they rewrite the letter on their own assumption about its contents. In the process, the previous complaint turns into a friendly invitation to coffee and cake.
Caillou feels frustrated when Rosie solves all the scavenger hunt clues at Grandma and Grandpas beach house. In fantasy, Caillou pretends to be a pirate captain on a sinking ship who learns the importance of listening to his team./Caillou doesnt like Daddys chicken dinner, and he says so with a Yuck! Going into fantasy, Caillou pretends to be the Silver Knight, cooking a meal for a very picky King (Daddy), and the experience teaches him to express his dislike for something in a more polite way.
Caillou is frustrated when he cant score a basket in his new basketball hoop. After pretending hes in charge of a space mission, guiding a shuttle pilot (Mommy) into a moon crater, Caillou learns to slow down and take a breath. This helps him finally score a basket!/When Caillou can't get the steps right to a block party line dance, he worries hell ruin the dance for everyone. But Grandma's story about square dancing for a famous square dance caller (Caillou) helps Caillou overcome his anxiety and dance the night away.
I've got lice? But I wash my hair all the time! Conni learns fast that this has got nothing to do with dirt and that this happens to a lot of kids. The main thing is to get rid of the pests! Mum and Conni declare war on the lice. Yay! The lice are all gone, Conni is happy. Apart from one... and this one gets scrutinized under the magnifying glass to a hair.
Bubble would like to see a new decoration in the jar and Doodleboo knows perfectly how to embellish it!
It's spring, the season of lovers and flowers! Sketcky would very much like to offer one to Bubble but first we need to let it grow and especially protect it against all kinds of threats. Doodleboo knows exactly what it takes to get away from anyone who wants to steal his friend's seed...
Sketcky would like to discover the secrets and hidden treasures of Mother Nature. But it is not the spider who weaves its web that can accompany him! Doodleboo has a Riddleboo that will do the trick...
1 ride, 2 rides, 3 rides.... 10 rides! In the competition of going around in circles, Sketcky gets dizzy quickly! Doodleboo knows a Riddleboo that is as pretty as Bubble!
In the real world, Messy is in the living room playing his musical horn. PARP he sounds through a soft play tunnel but to Messys surprise he hears the loud PARP repeat back to him. Thats strange? He tilts his head inside “Hello?” To his astonishment he hears the same timid “hello” shout back at him but theres no-one to be seen! Messy folds his arms and taps his foot “Well if you wont tell me who you are Im going to Okido to find out!” and vortexes himself to Okido. Messy arrives in Zoe and Felixs garden. “Hello” shouts Messy. “Hello” Felix shouts back, but poor Messy cant see where Felix is hiding and starts to feel uneasy.
In the real world Messy is in the bathroom looking for his toothbrush. “My teeth are pretty dirty – even for a Messy Monster!” he says. He dives into the laundry basket frantically launching socks and clothes in search of his toothbrush but has no such luck. “But why do I have to brush my teeth? Why cant I just clean them with water?” He transports himself to Okido to find out. Messy arrives in Okido where Zoe and Felix are cleaning a very dirty looking Okidoodle. “He went off road and got all muddy” Zoe explains. “Maybe we need to scrub it off?” Felix picks up a broom and starts to scrub Okidoodle whilst Messy sprays with the water hose. Together they make lots of muddy puddles!
This series about a fireman named Sam, his fellow firefighters, and other residents in the fictional Welsh rural village of Pontypandy.
Agent Sparkes and Agent Price, investigators of the mysterious mysteries of Pontypandy, are on their first case involving strange goings on near the cliffs. But having discovered some shadowy characters in a boat out at sea, Sam helps Norman and Hannah discover a mysterious secret society in Pontypandy.
Berry, Dolly, Stanley, Balthazar, Flutter and Bubble are hiking in the forest on a beautiful autumn day. Suddenly they recognized that someone is crying in the bush. They found a mushroom without his hat. The friends immediately start to help him.
One spring day, Frank longhorn beetle visits his friend, Stanley. Frank suggests to organize a football match. Everyone wants to play football, the two teams get together quickly. The girls cheer on the sidelines. The game is about to start.
Easter is here. The girls: Dolly, Flutter, Leapy, Zephyr and Rosita gather and start to paint the Easter eggs. They happily work all day, painting beautiful eggs.
Its a hot day and Bing and Flop buy an ice lolly from Gilly the ice cream lady. Before they can eat them a frog hops into Bings paddling pool and they go to the rescue. By the time they return to the ice lollies all thats left are the sticks and a plate of lolly goo.
Bing and Sula enjoy painting a giant mural at Ammas nursery until Bings enthusiastic rainbow painting makes paint run all over Sulas beautiful tree. Sula is upset, until Flop and Amma help them see that the painting isnt spoiled, its just different. In fact, the harder they look the more they can see that they have painted a beautiful rainbow tree.
Bing and Flop play hide and seek on the way to Padgets shop. Bing doesnt want the game to end when they get there so he hides behind the door to the stock room, where Flop really cant see him. When the door slams shut, Bing is stuck inside.
Mrs Twigg is unwell with a dose of the sniffles and leaves Fergus and Fergal in charge of running the shop. Paddles and Bracken offer to help the twins with their home delivery service and things quickly go from bad to worse.
It has snowed overnight and Findus wants to go sledging immediately. However, the sledge is broken and Petton is busy with other things. Then Gustavsson brings over some old pots and pans that have been sorted out. Findus really wants to keep the big pan so that he can use it as a spare sledge. This works out quite well down the hill, but then Findus accidentally slides onto the lake, where the ice collapses beneath him. Only Harpo can save his friend.
Grisu has promised Mr. Toramento to help him clean up the beach. The problem is that he has more important things to do, like taking the fire truck ride that David promised him. Or even more urgently, helping his firefighting heroes find the fire truck keys that David lost. So, he messes up his work, until he realizes that it's better to do things right. At the end he eventually finds the keys and gets his fire truck ride.
Grisu wants to set up a special birthday party for Fumé at the pizzeria, and to offer him his favorite pizza. Unfortunately, Mr. Guellec has hurt his arm and he can't harvest the tomatoes that the pizza sauce requires. With Stella's help, Grisu turns into a farmer but it's not an easy task to harvest Guellec's high tomato plants for such a tiny dragon. Fortunately, Grisu has plenty of ideas: if you can't reach the tomatoes, try to make the tomatoes reaching you! And after having burnt the cart he needs to deliver the tomatoes in time, Grisu finds a way to achieve his mission by creating the first rolling catamaran!
This evening, André and Eva, Simon and Gaspards parents are going out and they have hired a babysitter, Marion, to look after the kids. It turns out the boys had some pretty misconstrued notions about Marion and the babysitter has her work cut out for her. But Marion is very resourceful and super clever and super nice. So much so that the next day, Simon asks his parents if theyre not by chance going to go out again tonight so Marion can come babysit them!
Daddy is very busy today: he is baking a super cake for Mommys birthday. Everything has to be ready so they can surprise her when she gets home from the office. Simon and Gaspard have promised daddy that they will straighten up their rooms and set the table for the big event. But the two brothers also want to prepare their own surprise for mommy.. In order to get everything done in time, Simon and Gaspard realize they are going to have to straighten up their room and set the table…in their own particular fashion! Whoa, is Mommy ever going to be surprised!
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse see a beautiful rainbow. When it disappears before Big Nutbrown Hare can see it, they recreate it for him with flowers.
As the family are gathering in food for the winter, Berry becomes ill and is the focus of her parents attention. Her brothers and sisters, who would rather laze around instead of sorting redcurrants or nuts, notice this. Now, one after the other, they all fall ill… with much playacting. Edmund and Margaret are not fooled and come up with a response as they have every intention of having a relaxed moment tasting some nice, fresh redcurrant juice….
Rosie, Scoutbadger, Woodsy and Berry decide to put on a show for their parents. They make a little theatre but Scoutbadger wants to control everything and thinks he is a star. His team quits and each one goes off to rehearse an act alone. Woodsy will juggle with plums, Rosie will walk on stilts and Berry will do acrobatics. Meanwhile, Scoutbadger rehearses his one-badger show but finally goes hoarse….
Thomas befriends a stray dog who is wandering around the railway and tries to find him a home. In the process, Thomas derails and the fuzzy little dog raises the alarm.
Tilda wants to open a hotel so that people from far afield can spend time in beautiful Wild Rose Lane. Rupert thinks it's a bad idea, but Tilda sticks to her guns. Then the first guests arrive at Hotel Appleseed, a frog and his son. But instead of being quiet and polite, the guests turn Tilda's house on its head. Soon she is rushed off her feet with work.
One day, a mouse called Ferdinand Pearstalk turns up on Tilda's doorstep and announces that he will be taking over her house: the vicar has swapped churches and with him the church mouse. To Tilda's amazement, he immediately moves in. With a heavy heart, Tilda puts all her stuff on a handcart and trundles off.
Kipper visits Tiger who is in bed with a really bad cold. Tiger is a demanding patient and none of the things Kipper has brought to cheer him up seem to work. In the end Kipper calls Pig and Arnold in to give the patient some of his medicine.
Pig asks Kipper to look after Arnold and says hes really tired so he wont be any trouble. Kipper reads to him, makes a house under the table, turns a cardboard box into a railway engine, but by the time Pig returns, its Kipper who cant keep his eyes open.
When Caillou gets the giggles at school, his silliness disrupts the rest of the class. In a rodeo fantasy, an announcers (Leo) silly antics are distracting to Buck Buckaroo (Caillou), and Caillou learns that being silly is great, but sometimes you have to shake your sillies out for your friends./When Daddy has to stop playing with Caillou and Leo to run an errand, the boys try to stop Daddy from leaving. Then in a farmer fantasy where a farmer and his farm hand (Caillou and Leo) are bombarded by clingy sheep, Caillou and Leo learn that they can have fun while they wait for Daddy to return.
While at the grocery store with Mommy, Caillou sees Ms. Martin outside of school for the first time. Feeling shy, he hides from her and pretends to be a secret agent where Double-O Teddy helps him learn that its okay to feel shy, but its not okay to be unkind. /After suggesting a game that Tina might have trouble playing with her prosthetic arm, an anxious Caillou insists they play the one game he knows she likes-Space Captain! In their space fantasy, Caillou learns that Tina is capable of more than he thought, if shes given the opportunity to try.
Children from Chuggington School are coming to the Safari Park, and Mtambo is training Wilson and Brewster to help out as junior guides. Mtambo tells them its important to pay close attention to what he tells them about the animals, as they in turn will have to pass on the facts to the children - who will be tested afterwards to see how much theyve learned. Wilson is impatient, as usual, and wants to give a tour right now! He slips away at the first opportunity, finds the children, and tells them to hop aboard!
A yellow-eyed penguin wanders into Heros kennel. The Junior Rangers head to New Zealand to find the penguins home, but can they prevent tourists from disturbing yellow-eyed penguins on the beach?
When a Sunda slow loris lands in the garden, the Junior Rangers quickly learn that they have to return it to the wild. Will they manage to find the slow loris a home? Or will the slow loris end up as a snack for a hungry sun bear?
Meera's expecting a Gecko to arrive and has got his lovely tank all ready and cosy to greet her new pet called George. Pat's collected him and is on his way but the gecko has escaped and now everyone's looking all over Greendale for the little chap… The children join in, helping Pat search for him and with Meera's knowledge about geckos and Bill's skill at chirruping just like the little creature he is soon found. Come on George, it's time for your Welcome to Greendale Party thanks to Pat!
Mrs Goggins is really missing her home town in Scotland. A postcard from her sister hints that a gifts on its way and shes really looking forward to receiving it. Pat collects it at the sorting office - paaaarp, boooomph!! Whats that?! Jess nearly jumps out of his black and white skin. Dont panic, its just a set of BAGPIPES! On the way to deliver them to Mrs Goggins the bagpipes come in rather useful and Pat even masters the art of playing them - just in time to deliver them to Mrs G with much celebration and booming along the way.
Bing sees Coco with a plaster on her finger and of course he wants one too. In the absence of a real plaster, Bing makes one out of sticky tape, but its so sticky that it hurts when he tries to take it off. Bing doesnt want Flop to help so Flop comes up with a new game so that Bing can do it himself.
On the way to Padgets shop Bing and Flop stop to play with Arlo the cat. Bing loves Arlo and knows just where he likes to be stroked and what games he likes playing. On the way home, Bing spots a new cat but this one isnt so friendly and scares Bing when he tries to play with it.
Bing and Flop find a patchy of fluffy white dandelions in the park. After blowing the seeds off all but one of them, Bing decides to take the last one as a present to Sula. As they set off across the park Bing negotiates many windy, wobbly hazards to keep the dandelion safe only for Sula to scatter the seeds accidentally as she hugs Bing saying hello.
Bing is vooshing with Hoppity around the garden, making him fly higher and higher. With one particularly enthusiastic throw Hoppity disappears. After a hunt, Bing finds Hoppity in the washing up bowl and gets upset because a wet, mucky Hoppity just doesnt feel right.
Bing and his friends play Nature Explorers in Ammas garden by spinning a giant colour wheel and then finding something of that colour in the garden. When its Bings turn to find something red he doesnt look carefully before he tries to pick a raspberry and pricks his finger.
The trainees try for their Keep Chuggington Beautiful badges by thinking of ways to make their city more attractive. Kokos going to wash down platforms using the firecar and Brewsters going to repaint some fences using the paintcar. Wilson decides to do some litter-picking – but a stowaway monkey makes things a bit difficult for him! In the end, the monkey helps Wilson in his task and Chuggington is left even more beautiful!
Oswald offers to watch Roderick Robot's mechanical cat, Tinsel while Roderick gets a buff and shine at the Barber Shop. Oswald thinks it will be easy, but Tinsel's mischievous antics drive him to distraction. The naughty cat runs away and, as he searches for her, Oswald realises that not all pets are as good as Weenie.
Oswald, Weenie and Madame Butterfly discover a huge egg in the park. Realising it has fallen from a nest high up in a tree and not seeing the mother bird anywhere, a caring Oswald decides to take the egg home to his flat where it will be safe. Meanwhile Madame Butterfly will wait at the nest to tell the mother bird where her egg is. Oswald soon discovers that looking after such a delicate egg is not easy. When he finally reaches the safety of his flat, the egg hatches and the Me Ta Bird chick is reunited with her mother.
Bob and the team are setting up the Spring City Halloween Festival. Everyone is excited except Lofty. Lofty thinks Halloween is scary, so when he is sent to collect a giant ghost decoration he is more than nervous. Meanwhile Wendy is trying to play a Halloween trick on Bob but keeps ending up with the joke on her. Lofty arrives to collect the ghost decoration from Curtis but even the crate it is stored in looks scary. Determined to be brave, Lofty picks up the crate. But then he hears a rattling sound and thinks its the ghost. He zooms off, still carrying the crated ghost, hoping to get his scary job over with. By rushing off, he doesnt realise that the crate is not locked.
Bob and his crew are building a special area to celebrate local citizens who have improved the life of Spring City. Each recipient will get to see his or her image inside a golden star on a plinth. But Mayor Madison is struggling to decide who exactly will feature in the very first golden star. Various suggestions include Mr. Bentley, who is very keen to be chosen, Tilly and Jenny. But when the Spring City Rockets suggest Betsy, Scoop decides that the honour should go to a machine – and that machine should be him. Scoop shows off in front of Maria hoping he will be chosen. But his reckless behavior results in cutting through an electric cable and causing a massive power cut.
Its Spring blossom season and the pretty pink blossoms that come floating down the stream remind Big Nutbrown Hare of a magnificent cherry tree from his youth. He sets off cross- country to find it, with Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse, but the journey is longer and harder than he remembered. Will the blossoms floating downstream give them a clue as to a shorter way home?
Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends go on a hunt for treasure in the meadow and collect all kinds of unique gems like flowers, feathers, apples and egg-shells. But theres a hole in Little Nutbrown Hares leaf-bag and he loses the precious collection along the way. Luckily, Big Nutbrown Hare is not far behind to collect the lost treasure as well as follow its trail to find his son.
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse innocently pick lots of Spring flowers from a field and deliver bunches to their friends. When they realise that they are being followed everywhere by a cloud of yellow butterflies, they realise that the butterflies need the flowers, to feed from their nectar. How will they lead the little butterflies to more flowers and sweet nectar?
Grouchy hears someone calling for help. Snowy, a tiny arctic hare, is trapped under a big icicle. Grouchy lifts the weights as if they were light as a feather and throws them aside. Snowy is impressed. She asks Grouchy to teach her to be a polar bear just like him. Grouchy reluctantly agrees. Snowy tries to lift heavy things, climb an iceberg and swim in the sea - but fails. However, when she rescues Grouchy and his friends from the aftermath of a blizzard she discovers that she might be a very bad polar bear but she is a very good hare.
The kids search for the owner of a sketchbook that contains drawings done from a high point of view. After determining the artist wasn't drawing at the top of a ladder or up in a tree, they discover the sketchbook belongs to one of Busytown's tallest residents, Jeremy Giraffe. / Huckle and gang investigate a strange temperature drop which turns Busytown's summer to winter.
In the real world, Messy is sniffing around his sitting room trying to find out what smells so bad... Eurghh fresh laundry - Messy cant stand this clean smell! In fact its smelly socks that smell delicious to a Messy monster! Why do some socks smell good and some bad? Its off to Okido to find out! Felix and Zoe are outside in Okido, holding their noses against a terrible smell in the air. The smell is so terrible that Lolly thinks its the flowers Mayor Oki gave to her.
In the real world, Messy is in the laundry basket, hurling socks around the bathroom. “Green, my favourite! But I wonder what makes green socks green?” He vortexes himself to Okido to find out. When Messy lands in Okido, Felix and Zoe are in the garden beating the dirt out of their tent. Dust billows out in clouds as Messy helps them, but its still covered in dirt. Zam asks if they need any help, because she has just the thing!
When a comedy of errors causes Orange, Plum and Cherry to arrive late to their campout, they start off their annual tradition of telling tall-tales around the campfire by making up three outrageous, hysterical accounts of what held them up.
When Harry finds a nest with an egg in it he wants to keep it, but Nana explains that it wouldn't be fair.
Harry wants to stay up all night so he goes to Dino-World where he can play for as long as he wants.
When Mayor Goodwheels appoints Chuck as Deputy Mayor for the day, Chuck takes on too much work trying to please his citizens..
Dunbar is leaving Chuggington for a while and so the trainees have a new teacher - Skylar. Brewster is not happy and doesnt think anyone else can fill Dunbars wheels.
When Harrison breaks down, Koko volunteers to replace him on the night shift, determined to make the fastest run ever. But Vee insists that Wilson and Brewster go too, despite Kokos protests that Brewster will slow them down. Koko races off, teasing Brewster about being a slowcoach. Suddenly she shudders and slows to a stop and Brewster and Wilson overtake - thinking that its one of her games and shell shoot past them any minute now. When she doesnt, Wilson is worried - but if they turn back theyll never make the delivery on time!
Angelina is excited to perform “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy” at tonight's holiday showcase and can't wait for the holiday party afterwards.
In her excitement, Angelina invites two friends, Alice and Vici, to see The Nutcracker..
Chilly Autumn winds blow as Little Nutbrown Hare chases the beautiful fallen leaves. When one wafts so high that only a bird could catch it Little Nutbrown Hare wishes he could fly as well. He and Little Field Mouse try every way they can think of to fly, without luck. They have fun trying, however, and along the way they discover they have their own very special talents.
Crisp Autumn days are perfect for collecting pretty golden leaves and playing hide and boo. Little Nutbrown Hare is so excited that he accidently promises to play with two different games with two different friends on the same day. He cant be in two places at once, so how will he keep both his promises and both his friends happy?
Rosie has promised to accompany Biva to her exam. However, the very same day, her father Basil arrives unexpectedly.
Saffi has won a “Design a Statue” competition and now Bob and the team are turning her design into a water-fountain for the shopping mall. Saffi explains that her elephant statue design was based on her favourite toy, Mr Trunkers, but has since lost him. So when Muck is chosen to deliver the elephant statue, he promises to take extra special care of it for Saffi. But in his excitement, Muck accidentally knocks the elephant into a wall and scrapes off its paint. Muck cant quite bring himself to own up to Saffi, so decides to tell Bob what has happened first. On his way to tell Bob, Muck overhears Anish telling Saffi how proud he is of her statue. Muck panics and ends up damaging the elephant more.
When Skye Sampson asks Bob and Team to create a beach motocross course on Fixham Beach, Bob is so enthused he decides to compete himself. But its been a while since hes ridden his old bike and he wonders if it will even make it round the course. While Bob and Curtis work on the bike, word gets out that there is a mysterious entrant called the Masked Biker. Scoop and Muck become convinced that the Masked Biker is Leo, hiding his identity to take part even though he isnt old enough to race.
Someone in Busytown Park got rid of Sally and Hilda's newly drawn hopscotch board. Huckle and Lowly set about helping the girls find out who's responsible. As it turns out the culprit isn't a who, but a what - the park's new sprinkler system washed the chalk drawing clean off the sidewalk./ Mr. Gronkles great great grandfather has hidden a priceless treasure somewhere and its up to Huckle and the gang to find it.
A swim in the garden brings Leo and Hero up close and personal with a Malayan water monitor. The Junior Rangers set out to search for the monitors home, but will their jeep survive a river crossing after a jeep float gets punctured?
Imagine Leos surprise when he realises that a piece of seaweed in his aquarium is actually a leafy seadragon! The Junior Rangers set forth to put the leafy seadragon back in Australian waters, but their mission changes course when they have to save leafy seadragons that have been washed ashore.
Norman is hurrying out the door blowing a vuvuzela, excited to watch the sporting event of the year - a football match between the Flaming Hoses (Sam, Penny, Elvis) and Pontypandy United (Lizzie, Tom, Moose). But Norman is frustrated to learn that Dilys has offered his help to Bella Lasagne - who is setting up a pop-up pizza stand in the park today. When Norman arrives at the stand, he is excited to discover it has a view over the football field below... and as he gets to work, he becomes continually distracted by the match. Meanwhile, team captains Steele and Trevor are using the game to settle a long-running sporting rivalry. So intent on winning, they both butt into the match and take over the ball, trying to show the players how to play the game properly.
Despite all Mommies effort to fix it, there is nothing to do, the door of the Triplets closet is definitely broken. It opens automatically every time someone closes it and it makes an awful shrilling noise. Instantly, the Triplets imagination goes wild, all the more that they just read a book about a knight ghost who haunts a dirty old castle. For them there is not doubt, their closet is haunted! What reassures not at all Poet, or Toto!
Tomorrow is my birthday, claims Girl, but Poet and Turbulent disagree: No, mine! they both answer. Mom explains that Triplets have the same birthday. The Triplets are quite disappointed, they each wanted to have their own party and their very own cake. However, Grandpa has an idea: he takes them to the countryside and shows Girl a rose bush which he created especially for her, lends a little plane to Turbulent, as well as a spyglass to Poet. At first, they are each extremely happy...but it is a lot more fun to share your presents, right?
The Triplets and Eliott play cards quietly in the living room, when they smell something burning in the kitchen. What a mess! Now Mommys cake is ruined! Eliott is really embarrassed, he has to bake the cake again. Mrs Gzell brings her sick cat for Eliott to nurse as she's going out. Eliott gives that important task to the Triplets. They are really excited! But between Toto, a particularly annoying fly and Imhotep who does whatever he wants, the Triplets have a lot of work.
Bing and Flop hear the familiar jingle of Gillys ice cream van and race across the park to find her. After a long run Bing finally gets his ice cream but as he waves goodbye to Gilly he tips the ice cream out of the cone. Its too late to call Gilly back so Flop makes a fruit cone out of the cone and some of his fruit kebab instead.
Bing sees Coco with a plaster on her finger and of course he wants one too. In the absence of a real plaster, Bing makes one out of sticky tape, but its so sticky that it hurts when he tries to take it off. Bing doesnt want Flop to help so Flop comes up with a new game so that Bing can do it himself.
On the way to Padgets shop Bing and Flop stop to play with Arlo the cat. Bing loves Arlo and knows just where he likes to be stroked and what games he likes playing. On the way home, Bing spots a new cat but this one isnt so friendly and scares Bing when he tries to play with it.
Bing and Flop find a patchy of fluffy white dandelions in the park. After blowing the seeds off all but one of them, Bing decides to take the last one as a present to Sula. As they set off across the park Bing negotiates many windy, wobbly hazards to keep the dandelion safe only for Sula to scatter the seeds accidentally as she hugs Bing saying hello.
Checking the safety items at the watch tower in the forest, Emma realizes that the alarm system doesn't work anymore. Grisu suggest using the old fire station alarm bell. Great idea! Unfortunately, David, who's supposed to set it up, is called for an intervention and must leave. Grisu offers his help. Here is Grisu and Stella heading to the forest with the old bell on a cart. The noisy bell creates some confusion in the forest since everybody thinks there's a fire. Not mentioning Michel, Gertrud's very talkative parrot who can't help but imitating every sound and voice he hears. The mission turns into a catastrophe when Grisu burns the bell… right when a fire starts into the forest. But Grisu is resourceful, as always, and he uses Michel as a spare alarm bell.
One morning, Molly knocks excitedly on Tilda's door: there's going to be a knitting competition in the village. Tilda and Molly at once set off to the village shop to buy some wool. All the other inhabitants of Wild Rose Lane are also buying knitting materials. The competition makes rivals of the friends and they work alone, quietly and secretly.
It is almost winter in Wild Rose Lane and the inhabitants are getting their provisions in. Hedgehog Rupert is looking forward to hibernating. But Tilda is sad at the thought of all the nice things her best friend will miss while he's asleep. With the promise that she will cook for him, she persuades Rupert to stay awake and spend the winter at her place.
Its Halloween! The crows have been at he vegetables again, so Mr Wolfie has tasked Paddles and Bracken with the job of making a scarecrow. Fagan discovers the scarecrow and decides it might be a hoot to dress up and scare the locals. After much shrieking and screaming the whole community are convinced their village has a monster on the loose. Until Paddles figures it out and gives Fagan the fright of his life.
The Summer meadow is home to a many amazing treasures of nature. When Little Nutbrown Hare finds a beautiful blue butterfly, he and Little Field Mouse go on a hunt for other blue treasures to bring back and show Big Nutbrown Hare, including blueberries, blue bells and even blue eggshells. Meanwhile, Big Nutbrown Hare has discovered the biggest blue treasure of them all. What could it be?
Caillou feels frustrated when Rosie solves all the scavenger hunt clues at Grandma and Grandpas beach house. In fantasy, Caillou pretends to be a pirate captain on a sinking ship who learns the importance of listening to his team./Caillou doesnt like Daddys chicken dinner, and he says so with a Yuck! Going into fantasy, Caillou pretends to be the Silver Knight, cooking a meal for a very picky King (Daddy), and the experience teaches him to express his dislike for something in a more polite way.
Caillou is frustrated when he cant score a basket in his new basketball hoop. After pretending hes in charge of a space mission, guiding a shuttle pilot (Mommy) into a moon crater, Caillou learns to slow down and take a breath. This helps him finally score a basket!/When Caillou can't get the steps right to a block party line dance, he worries hell ruin the dance for everyone. But Grandma's story about square dancing for a famous square dance caller (Caillou) helps Caillou overcome his anxiety and dance the night away.
Conni without Mau? Unthinkable! But suddenly Mau has disappeared. Where's the last place he might have been? Maybe someone has seen him? Conni and her whole family start looking for him like real private investigators and they find a hot lead... But will they find Mau?
What does a knight do, anyway, when he's not high up on his horse with sword and lance, riding across the country? Well, he lets his knave polish his suit of armour, sleeps with his family in the bower and warms himself in front of the crackling fire of a large fireplace. This and much more is what Conni and her family experience on a very special excursion.
Help! Sketcky does not have a costume idea for the island party tomorrow. Fortunately, Bubble has a great idea that will make everyone laugh.
Sketcky wanted to make sandcastles at the beach, but it started to rain! Doodleboo will give him a good idea to keep himself busy without having to cope with the rain.
Its so hot! cries Sketcky! What is better than a Riddleboo to know how to get refreshed?
Sketcky is thrilled to have plenty of treats for the upcoming Halloween and hopes to have more than the year before. But how to do it? Doodleboo has an idea: he knows what makes it possible to collect even more candy on Halloween!
Sketcky wonders about the island in the distance. He would like to see it more closely, but how? Fortunately, Doodleboo has the solution.
Messy is spinning himself around and around in circles across the sitting room… just for fun of course! He loses balance and topples over. Messy sits up and wonders why his windmill came to a dizzy end? He magically transports himself to Okido to find out! In Okido, Zoe and Felix are practising ballet so Messy bounces in to show off his best monster moves until theyre interrupted by the sound of Zoes communicator – its Zim calling! Theyre invited to help Zim, Zam and Zoom at Magneto Zone.
Messy is running around in his garden and notices his shadow chasing him and copying everything he does! Trying to figure out how to get rid of it, he goes to Okido. When he arrives, his shadow has followed him and then he spots more shadows on the side of Felix and Zoes house. He looks up to find his friends on the balcony of their treehouse, making shadow puppets. He bounces up to join them and then all of a sudden the shadows disappear….
Baby Sadie's dolly has mysteriously gone missing somewhere between home and the band shell in Busytown Park. Huckle and his team search for clues at all the places Sadie visited that day. They discover the dolly inside a grand piano that's playing a few sour notes./Cars are disappearing from a particular parking space, Huckle and gang set out to find out why.
To earn their badges, Koko and Brewster must keep to a schedule picking up passengers. Koko is too eager and gets ahead of schedule, while Brewster is too cautious and gets behind schedule – but in the end, they both learn to run on time!
Brewster is assigned to look after Ebo the elephant while some work is done on his enclosure. He decides to show Ebo where he lives. Ebo likes it at the depot because there is a pond to play in and he loves the chug wash. When its time to go home, Ebo doesnt want to go back to the Safari Park. With Kokos help, Brewster tricks him into the car, and returns Ebo to the park. Ebo is unhappy – until he sees the new water feature, thats been built for him to play in!
To earn their badges, the trainees must devise a fitness routine. Wilson climbs on the train jack and has Lori move him up and down. But Lori points out that she is the only one getting a work out! When Wilson tries to move off the jack his wheels spin and spin and he discovers its the perfect stationary bike for a chugger! He demonstrates his wheel work out and wins his badge.
Poli teaches little Kevin: be smart whenever you cross the street, use a crosswalk, an overpass, or an underpass and always obey the lights! “Super Ranger Toy” is on sale and many people are coming to the store including Kevin and his mom. Kevin wants to reach the store fast, so nobody takes the last Super Ranger toy and starts running across the street without using the crosswalk – in fact some other people are not crossing at the crosswalks so Kevin thinks he does not have to bother either.
Kevin and Dough are chasing each other to get to Jennys house first. And Whooper does not slow down when approaching the crosswalk, although Poli told him to do so. Everybody has to be more careful to be safe, Green means go…but just because the lights green, doesnt mean its safe to run across. Remember three steps! Step 1: always stop at the curb before you enter into a crosswalk and wait for the green light. Step 2: make sure all cars are stopped before you cross. Step 3: dont take your eyes off the cars while youre crossing. Always keep watching to make sure that you see the cars and the drivers see you.
Today at the Nursery Osbourne is taking photos of the class. Look at Osbournes photos, who are they?
Its Art Time and Timmy is painting a picture of a rainbow. What colours are in the rainbow?
Harry has a nightmare in which he is chased by a monster, so he goes to Dino World in an attempt to hide from it.
Harry is upset to learn that he must return his library book so decides to hide the book in Dino-World.
Its Knights and Dragons Day at school and Pat has to travel to a Welsh castle to pick up some ancient artefacts and Sarah Gilbertsons Auntie Jackie! Pat is rather partial to a suit of armour - and when hes presented with a real one at the castle, he cant resist trying it on! But the suit gets stuck shut, leaving the excitable children wondering where their artefacts are! As they wait, Sarah Gilbertson starts telling them tales of the mysterious Stone of Penrhys and her ancestor King Gilbertson and his knightly adventures, which Bill is loathe to believe.
Findus promises the chickens that he will build them a feather brush machine. However, he then passes on this difficult tinkering to Pettson, who is more skilled with his hands. Unfortunately, Pettson forgets the order. When the chickens joyfully await the finished machine the next day and are presented with nothing, they are deeply disappointed. The old man and his cat now learn what it means not to keep a promise.
It is very windy and therefore a good opportunity to fly a kite. Findus overdoes it, however, because he has great fun annoying the chickens with his flying manoeuvres. This eventually leads to them vehemently refusing to continue laying eggs for this chaotic chicken-hostile farm. So they spontaneously decide to emigrate to Gustavsson. On the way there, however, they are threatened by a hungry buzzard.
Pettson has planned a quiet, relaxing day of fishing with Findus. As they arrive at the Lake, Signhild pulls up in her van. She starts setting up for a fishing contest and assumes that Pettson is there to sign up. Pettson has no intention of doing this. When Findus sees that theres a delicious prize for the winner he pleads with Pettson to take part, but Pettson is determined to have a quiet day. On their way home they bump into their grumpy old neighbour Gustavsson, who is heading for the fishing contest.
Pettson and Findus are having fun skimming stones across the lake, until Pettson takes a tumble and falls into the water. He splashes around till he finds his footing, but Findus is not very impressed with his swimming skills. Pettson tells him he is a very good swimmer and was given a guppy badge when he was young, by the famous swimmer Arne Borg, so this proves he can swim. Pettson decides to show off his swimming skills, but just to be on the safe side he creates a swimming machine to make sure he stays afloat.
Daisy has been looking after Sonnys hamster, Hamlet. Ollie is very excited to see it when he comes over, but it looks like the cage door has been left open by mistake and Hamlet has disappeared. Daisy is very worried about telling Daddy her mistake but learns that honesty is the best policy and together they can find Hamlet before Sonny arrives.
Daisy and Ollie are off to the dentist for a routine check-up but Ollie is worried as hes never been to the dentist before. Eddie the dentist reassures Ollie and shows him that theres nothing to worry about? Looking after your teeth is really important and visiting the dentist can be a lot of fun too!
Daisy and Ollie wish they could speak Dog language like Herbie. Farmer Fran shows them that while we might not be able to speak the same language as animals, we can often understand what they mean by watching and listening to them. They have lots of fun on the farm trying to understand the animals and soon pick up lots of clues.
Trying to keep cool on a sticky Summers day by the stream, Little Nutbrown Hare and Big Nutbrown Hare have lots of fun skipping stones and throwing sticks. When Little Nutbrown Hare discovers that sticks float, the two follow the sticks down the river to see where they go. Its not an easy chase, and there is a surprise around every corner. Where will the sticks end up?
Summer is at its hottest and Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse want to run and play but the sun is just too hot and strong. Thats until Little Grey Squirrel gives them both a wonderful present, big leafy parasols. When he later changes his mind and takes Little Nutbrown Hares parasol back, the little hare is naturally disappointed. Can the friends find a way for all of them to be happy?
Bing builds a house out of the sofa cushions and Coco decides its the perfect starting point for a game of “Big Bad Wolf” with Sula and Charlie. Bing enjoys being wolfie until hes not allowed into the house he built, at which point the game loses its appeal.
Its a hot day and Bing and Flop buy an ice lolly from Gilly the ice cream lady. Before they can eat them a frog hops into Bings paddling pool and they go to the rescue. By the time they return to the ice lollies all thats left are the sticks and a plate of lolly goo.
Bing and Sula enjoy painting a giant mural at Ammas nursery until Bings enthusiastic rainbow painting makes paint run all over Sulas beautiful tree. Sula is upset, until Flop and Amma help them see that the painting isnt spoiled, its just different. In fact, the harder they look the more they can see that they have painted a beautiful rainbow tree.
The Triplets were playing in the park when suddenly a snake! a monster! They all ran to Mom who quickly reassured them: it was only a dog hiding in a bush. Mom seems to never be scared so the Triplets decide to test her, but, whatever they do, she always reacts with great calm. The only thing that could really frighten her would be if she could no longer find her children!
The Triplets receive a beautiful robot-dog from Japan. They are delighted but Toto is quite annoyed by the newcomer who seems to be stealing his thunder. He decides to set a trap to make believe that the toy is messy, but instead of punishing him the Triplets find the robot even cuter. They even fight over who will get to sleep with him. However, that very same night Ouch! it stings! its cold! Nothing can replace a soft and warm little Toto.
Blueberry and Huckleberry pitch their new play, an adaptation of the Baby Berrykins favorite BerryFairyTale, “The Littlest Berrykin,” to Plum and the assembled cast and crew. We see the story they are narrating in action: a comedy about three princesses (played by Strawberry, Lemon and Raspberry) on a quest for a fabled Golden Berry to determine which of them is best suited to rule the kingdom—the King and Queen (Huck and Blueberry) are retiring to the tropics. Accompanied by their Berrykins-in-Waiting, the Princesses set off on the quest. Whichever one returns with the Golden Berry will be declared the new monarch.
To earn their badges, the trainees must devise a fitness routine. Wilson climbs on the train jack and has Lori move him up and down. But Lori points out that she is the only one getting a work out! When Wilson tries to move off the jack his wheels spin and spin and he discovers its the perfect stationary bike for a chugger! He demonstrates his wheel work out and wins his badge.
The trainees must learn to trust each other. One of them will close their eyes while the other guides them around. Koko is very good at leading Brewster around, but finds it hard to close her eyes and trust him to guide her. When she realises that Brewster wont earn his badge if she doesnt let him lead, her strong sense of friendship overrides her fear, Brewster guides her around successfully, and they both win their badges.
The trainees are trying for their Starmap badges as they learn to navigate by the stars. Wilson and Koko quickly learn to identify the constellations – but Brewster just cant see them. Eventually, by concentrating hard and using his imagination, he finally manages to see the pictures in the constellations. He follows his Starmap and meets up with Koko and Wilson in Old Town where Olwin is waiting for them.
Its Mrs. Roras birthday and mom has a pie for her. CAPs supposed to deliver the pie, but hes running a little late. Its going to get cold. So KEVIN and SUJI decide to take the pie instead. Instead of going the way mom said Kevin is taking a short cut which leads them through a narrow alley with no sideway. Therefore they need to pay special attention and walk along the side of the road, not in the middle where they cant see cars coming. They have to stop and move to the side when cars want to get by.
Jin explains how the rear-view mirror works and then almost has an accident because there still was a blind spot. Kevin, Doug and Suji are playing hide and seek when Suji suddenly cant be found. They are playing in an unsafe playground and almost get hurt by cars driving around and not seeing them. Poli explains. there are certain spots around cars, trucks and buses that drivers cant see, called blind spots. The bigger the vehicle is, the bigger the blind spots are. If children like Suji walk or play in these blind spots, the drivers cant see them.
Timmy wants to paint a picture of Mittens but he doesnt have any orange paint. Help Timmy learn how to mix colours.
Harry's friend Charlie brings her new kitten (Buster) to visit Harry.
Harry is disappointed to find that he is not able to join in with any of the activities his family are taking part in at home.
Kipper visits Tiger who is in bed with a really bad cold. Tiger is a demanding patient and none of the things Kipper has brought to cheer him up seem to work. In the end Kipper calls Pig and Arnold in to give the patient some of his medicine.
Pig asks Kipper to look after Arnold and says hes really tired so he wont be any trouble. Kipper reads to him, makes a house under the table, turns a cardboard box into a railway engine, but by the time Pig returns, its Kipper who cant keep his eyes open.
Simon and his family are spending the weekend at Grandma and Grandpas. Simon is excited about being with his grandparents but much less excited about all the responsibilities he has because hes “a big boy now”. He has to help carry the suitcases, set the table, cut his meat all by himself whereas his little brother Gaspard doesnt have to do anything! “It sure stinks being big”! he grumbles. But thanks to Grandpa, Simon understands that being big also has its advantages: like going fishing with Grandpa instead of having to take a nap, or getting to sleep on the top bunk! Being bigs not that bad after all!
Its Halloween! The crows have been at he vegetables again, so Mr Wolfie has tasked Paddles and Bracken with the job of making a scarecrow. Fagan discovers the scarecrow and decides it might be a hoot to dress up and scare the locals. After much shrieking and screaming the whole community are convinced their village has a monster on the loose. Until Paddles figures it out and gives Fagan the fright of his life.
In the Magic Garden, where Woozle and Pip experience fun, exciting and imaginative adventures with all of their friends! Along the way they learn to get along, respecting each other and the environment they live in, creating a wonderful, rich world filled with friendship, curiosity, discovery and positivity.
When Tilda breaks a teacup right after getting up, for Molly there's only one explanation: it's Friday the 13th. At first, Tilda dismisses this as pure superstition. After several further mishaps, however, she begins to worry that maybe there is something to it. Her friends are absolutely convinced.
Tilda dreams of learning to fly. Excited by Robin Robin's statement that anyone with wings can fly, Tilda makes herself some from lettuce leaves. Robin is supposed to give her flying instruction, but she gets bored with all the tedious theory. Molly gets Rupert to help persuade Tilda flying is a bad idea.
It is well known that foxes have very developed instincts. Rosie decides to use them to resolve the mystery of the missing nuts. However she forgets to use her brain too and her certainties cause her problems, especially when she starts unjustly accusing certain friends….
Findus promises the chickens that he will build them a feather brush machine. However, he then passes on this difficult tinkering to Pettson, who is more skilled with his hands. Unfortunately, Pettson forgets the order. When the chickens joyfully await the finished machine the next day and are presented with nothing, they are deeply disappointed. The old man and his cat now learn what it means not to keep a promise.
When Caillou can't wait to open the mysterious box Daddy brought home, he imagines he's an explorer searching for the Lost City accompanied by his assistant (Rosie). By being patient, they finally find the city and Caillou discovers that some things are worth waiting for. /When Gilbert decides to sleep in Rosies room, Caillou feels so lonely that he pretends to be a castaway stranded on a deserted island. To get back home, Caillou builds a raft with island buddies Teddy and Rexy and realizes that because he has his friends, hes not alone at all.
Caillou wants to be like a real rockstar, but his loud tunes keep disturbing his family. He goes into a rockstar fantasy, where he learns that he doesnt need to play loudly to make an impact, and finds a new way to rock out – by turning his rock song into a lullaby for Rosie./At the park to watch a meteor shower, Caillou is surprised to see a new girl, Tina. Suddenly feeling shy, Caillou pretends to be the fearless Dax Turbo Space Captain who makes first contact with the alien, Shyanne (Tina). This helps Caillou overcome his shyness and make a new space-loving friend.
Conni's family has to move house. No! Losing her friends, going to a new school, having a new bedroom? But in the end it all turns out to be good. In the playground near to her new home, Conni meets Anna – the beginning of a great friendship!
What amazing thing can we do with a coin? Doodleboo explains how to draw a Pig.
What can help Sketchy to become a sledding champion? Doodleboo explains how to draw a penguin.
Who can see really well at night? Doodleboo explains to Sketchy how to draw owl.
What sings a melodie without landing on without wrong note? Doodleboo explains how to draw a cute bird.
Its a grey day in the real world. Messy monster is looking out of the window and sees something hes ever seen before. A beautiful arch made up of every colour you can possibly imagine appears between the clouds. Bigger and bigger it gets, as it stretches across the gloomy grey sky, but what is it? “When you need to know, go to OKIDO” says Messy and he transports himself to Okido to find out.
In the real world, Messy is in the garden searching for his caterpillar friends. He is sure hes found the bush where they used to live but strangely the bush is now home to lots of pretty butterflies. “I wonder whats happened to them?” When you need to know go to Okido. Messy lands in Okido just in time to join Zim, Zoe and Felix on a nature walk. They begin down the path ready to spot as many different types of flowers, plants, animals, birds and insects as they can. Felix suddenly stops “Look” he cries. “Its a caterpillar” says Zim rushing towards it. They realise the giant caterpillar has lost her friends and looks very sad.
Thomas finds himself stranded on a strange island which is inhabited by even stranger locomotives. Will he ever find a way back to Sodor?
Tomorrow is Show and Tell and the pupils must bring in something interesting to show the class. The most interesting exhibit will have pride of place on the Nature Table. The competition is on!
It's a rainy day. Findus is very bored and his mood is getting worse because he can't go out to play. To distract and entertain him, Pettson tells Findus a fantastic story about how his boot ended up in the goldfish bowl. He starts by telling how he got the goldfish and when he found out that he could talk to them.
Professor Smeraldo, in the middle of a pyramid exploration, calls Fumé to have some information about Thudnose, a pharaoh who was nicknamed The Dragon Pharaoh. Unfornutately, the video communication is not good and is quickly cut off. Grisu and Fumé go to Egypt to give Smeraldo a hand. Unfortunately, they don't know how to get into the pyramid to meet him, so they have no other choice than find their way all by themselves, like Egyptologist. Grisu manages to use and decrypt the pharaoh's secret motto. They finally find Smeraldo. Grisu helps him to overcome the final obstacle to eventually discover the marvelous sarcophagus of Thudnose!
Grisu and Stella are wandering in the harbour eating an ice-cream. David arrives by car, he comes to see his friend Olivier, a sailor whose expedition has just fallen through. Olivier was supposed to go sailing and clear up the mystery of the “Mermaid pass” but his teammates have withdrawn at the last minute. Fortunately, Grisu can replace them. And here are Olivier and Grisu leaving on the planned expedition. But they didn't notice that Stella is also on board, locked in a closet in spite of herself.
Simon invites his friends Lou and Ferdinand for a play date at his house. Simon decides that theyre going to play “Super heroes from outer space”. Simon decides how theyre going to build their space ship, what mission they should go on and most importantly, that the space ship commander is…him of course! But Lou and Ferdinand decide that theyve had quite enough of Simon bossing them around and they go play on the swing set. Theyre done playing with Simon. Annoyed, Simon goes off to play by himself. But playing alone is no fun at all! And suddenly he realizes that he cant boss his friends around. Everyone is equal…and off they go, playing all together this time!
Grandpa is looking after Simon and Gaspard at the house. Hes not alone though, he has brought his dog Elvis along ! The two brothers are in seventh heaven ! But when Elvis meets up with Milou, the boys cat, their encounter is going to set off fireworks. Elvis barks, Milou runs all over the place. Simon is absolutely sure and besides everybody knows it : cats and dogs cant get along! With Gaspards help he does everything he can to separate them…before realizing that quite to the contrary, all they want to do is have fun together!
Little Field Mouse and Little Nutbrown Hares favourite tree falls over in a summer storm. They're sad until they discover the fallen tree provides an exciting new place to explore.
Scoutbadger still has a soft toy, however this morning it is not in its usual place at the bottom of the bed. Scoutbadger has to find it but how can he search without revealing what he is looking for and perhaps having the others make fun of him?
The children want to give their parents a portrait of them which is much more flattering than reality. But arent imperfections part of what we like about others ?
A little railway show comes to Sodor and a misunderstanding leads to all the small engines on railway turning up at Ulfstead Castle to participate.
One morning, Molly knocks excitedly on Tilda's door: there's going to be a knitting competition in the village. Tilda and Molly at once set off to the village shop to buy some wool. All the other inhabitants of Wild Rose Lane are also buying knitting materials. The competition makes rivals of the friends and they work alone, quietly and secretly.
It is almost winter in Wild Rose Lane and the inhabitants are getting their provisions in. Hedgehog Rupert is looking forward to hibernating. But Tilda is sad at the thought of all the nice things her best friend will miss while he's asleep. With the promise that she will cook for him, she persuades Rupert to stay awake and spend the winter at her place.
Kipper cant understand where the contents of his cereal packet have gone, or why, when he know he put them away, his toys are littered all over the place. Then he discovers hes got a little visitor – and life may never be the same again.
Kipper and Pig see kangaroos and helicopters in the cloud shapes. Suddenly Arnold walks up a rainbow and Kipper has to go and find him. Is it all a dream?
Caillou feels frustrated when Rosie solves all the scavenger hunt clues at Grandma and Grandpas beach house. In fantasy, Caillou pretends to be a pirate captain on a sinking ship who learns the importance of listening to his team./Caillou doesnt like Daddys chicken dinner, and he says so with a Yuck! Going into fantasy, Caillou pretends to be the Silver Knight, cooking a meal for a very picky King (Daddy), and the experience teaches him to express his dislike for something in a more polite way.
Caillou is frustrated when he cant score a basket in his new basketball hoop. After pretending hes in charge of a space mission, guiding a shuttle pilot (Mommy) into a moon crater, Caillou learns to slow down and take a breath. This helps him finally score a basket!/When Caillou can't get the steps right to a block party line dance, he worries hell ruin the dance for everyone. But Grandma's story about square dancing for a famous square dance caller (Caillou) helps Caillou overcome his anxiety and dance the night away.
Hodge wants to be more independent, but Eddie never lets him do jobs on his own. So when Wilson startles Hodge, causing him to accidentally break a junction box, Hodge decides to deal with it himself. Using the crane, he jams the wires back in and shuts the doors. Easy. But then strange things start happening. Lights and signals stop working, Vee malfunctions and chuggers are sent to the wrong destinations. Hodge and Wilson realise it must have something to do with the box they broke!
Join the Junior Rangers as they race across the tundra to reunite a lost reindeer calf with its herd. However, a river crossing might prove too tiring for the young reindeer.
A visit to the mangrove swamp is in order when Leo and Hero find a baby estuarine crocodile in the garden. Can the Junior Rangers find the baby crocodiles nest while avoiding the adult crocodiles that roam the swamp?
Poor old Alf - hes planted a big garden full of juicy raspberries and the naughty birds are busy noshing them all!!. Time for a scarecrow which happily has just arrived at Pencaster Sorting Office. Funny thing, tho, its the spitting image of PC Selby! - well, if a policeman cant scare away the birds what can?! Lots of cases of mistaken identity and cheeky tricks being played on Pat pepper the path to delivery this time, with Pat finally getting the Scarecrow to the field and the birds hot-winging it out of Alfs garden just in time!
Toot Toot! Its the Seaside Special (the beautiful bright green Greendale Flyer), stoking its engines ready for a trip to the seaside! Julian is So excited and is packing buckets, spades, kites and a picnic ready for the fun day out. Dad, Postman Pat and his mum Sarah are all ready to go but no! An urgent call from Ben stops Pat - Mrs Gogginss handbag is at the sorting office and shes going to need it – especially as its got her ticket for the Seaside Special inside it. Pat whizzes off to get it and much crazy crossing of paths with Mrs Goggins follows until finally he delivers the handbag AND himself! - just in time for the family to head out on the Seaside Special for their day at the seaside.
Bing has enough money to buy one thing in Padgets shop but he finds it hard to choose between all the lovely things. After much deliberation Bing chooses a camper van but on the way home he begins to regret his decision.
Its bedtime but wheres Hoppity? Bing remembers playing with him in the garden but now its all dark out there and he doesnt really like the dark. Flop finds Bings carrot torch and together they set off into the dark on an adventure. But wheres Hoppity?
Bing and Sula have a lovely time in the park clambering around on the trees. At first its Sula who needs Bings help to climb up but when Bing climbs a bit too high he gets stuck and then he needs some help himself.
Bings friends are coming to his house for a cake party. Sula arrives first and Bing cant wait to show her the cake hes made, but he accidentally tips the cake off its stand and breaks it into pieces. Bing is upset that the cake is ruined but Amma helps him see it somewhat differently.
Bing helps Flop do the shopping at Padgets shop but whilst Flop is paying he finds a strawberry lolly that he cant resist putting in his pocket. When Flop sees Bing licking the lolly on the way home they have to decide what to do now.
This badge is a little different. The trainees must award this badge to someone they appreciate. Brewster finds it difficult, as he appreciates so many of his friends for so many different reasons. In the end, he decides to award it Vee, who always keeps an eye out for him, encourages him to do his best - and keeps Chuggington running like clockwork!
Oswald and Daisy are making sticky honey buns, but Daisy doesnt follow the recipe properly and they end up getting stuck to the dough -- and each other! -- instead. They ask Henry for help, and he ends up getting stuck as well. The three then head through Big City, and everyone they meet somehow ends up getting stuck, too. But when they think that it couldnt get much worse, it starts to rain! Oswald suddenly realises that they can become unstuck by standing in the rain and sure enough the sticky dough gets washed away.
Pongo the Friendly Dragon is sad because he doesnt have anyone his size to play with and cant enjoy activities like riding on the seesaw. Feeling sorry for his friend, Oswald finds the perfect match for Pongo - Laverne the White Elephant - but Pongo is too shy to say hello to her. Oswald devises ways to get them together, but the clumsy Pongo keeps ruining his efforts. Finally Oswald manoeuvres both Pongo and Laverne into the basket of a hot-air balloon and sets them adrift, and they float off together, friends at last.
Scoop is fascinated by a heavy storm, but the impressive lightning damages the Fixham Lighthouse. Bob and the team must repair its lamp and replace its main power cable before dark. On the way they pass Curtis at the Marina and learn that the storm also damaged his motor boat, which he's trying to fix. While Lofty helps remove and replace the lamp, Scoop digs up the old power cable from the lighthouse to shore. With the tide coming in and night-time approaching, Bob and Wendy stay at the lighthouse to finish the job. They get the lamp working again, just as a new lightning storm arrives. Fascinated by the lightning, Scoop accidentally pulls out the new cable and cuts the power.
Team Bob are creating a Soft Play Café for Chef Tattie in an old warehouse by the docks, ready for an opening party tomorrow. Though the build is on track, Chef cant decide what colour to paint the disco room so Bob offers to put up paint samples for him to choose from. Leo shows off his mash-up app and Tattie decides that Leo should DJ for the party. However, Leo isnt as confident as he appeared to Chef and the extra responsibility distracts him from the build. Eventually he ends up walking through spilled paint after putting up the colour samples, leaving differently coloured footprints all over the floor.
One clear Spring night, Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse settle in to enjoy Little White Owls story of adventure and treasures. Inspired by her tale, the two set out to try and touch the most special treasure of all – a shiny star. They climb higher and higher but the beautiful stars seem just out of reach. Will they find a way to get their wish?
Little Nutbrown Hare befriends a little yellow fluffy creature by the river, and it follows him everywhere, quacking and copying his every move. Its too little to speak and doesnt look like any creature Little Nutbrown Hare or his friends have seen before. How will he return it to its parents if he doesnt know what kind of creature it is?
When Little Nutbrown Hare sees Blue Bird building a nest, he thinks it looks like fun, so he and Little Field Mouse build one themselves. But it's a bit too scratchy and tickly for them to get comfortable in. They give it to their friends to try out, but they also find it not quite right. Will anybody find their nest cozy and useful?
Under a fiery sun Crackpot starts to sweat. He sees a snowman picking up speed as he melts faster and faster and finally melting into a puddle: „Oh no, Im melting too!“ Inui shakes her head at her friend's silliness. They decide to play a practical joke on their friends by trying to convince them that the sweating caribou is actually melting. They have a lot of fun playing the trick on Lady P, Grouchy and Albert. And Crackpot stops melting when Inui weaves tree branches between his antlers to fashion a combination sun-hat/parasol.
The kids' awesome sandcastle gets trampled overnight. A lone set of footprints along the beach leads to a prime suspect who claims not to have seen their sandcastle, yet he's carrying a big shell that once adorned it. As it turns out, no one touched their castle. The culprit was the rising waters of high tide. / /Huckle, Sally and Lowly discover the impossible – a set of ski tracks that run on either side of a tall tree.
In the real world, Messy is surrounded by his usual mess! Hopping about, he asks himself why fish live underwater, but birds live in trees? When you need to know go to Okido! Messy lands with a somersault onto his bottom and finds Felix and Zoe are painting their house. “Why?” asks Messy. “You have to take care of the place you live in Messy”, explains Zoe. And just at that moment an alarm goes off… Its a Cloudship emergency!
In the real world, Messy is trying to fly, and doesnt understand why he cant. So he jumps into the vortex to go to Okido and find out! When Messy bounces off the trampoline in Okido he flaps his little arms to turn the bounce into flying but he lands with a bump onto his bottom! Zoe and Felix laugh at him for trying to fly, and tell him to go with them to hear Mayor Okis AMAZING news. Messy loves anything amazing, so they skidoodle on down to Okido Park.
At the girls' campout, Sour launches into a whopper of a yarn about the adventures she and Sweet had in the Berry Deep Dark Forest. She tries to get Sweet to participate in spinning the tale, but Sour's over-the-top performance leaves Sweet behind. Toward the end, Sour graciously changes the story to pull Sweet into it, giving Sweet the opportunity to toss in an ad lib that makes a nice topper to Sour's story. Sweet is thrilled when everyone applauds her, even Sour, who is impressed by her contribution and proud of her sister.
Harry finds a skipping rope outside his house and decides that 'Finders should be Keepers', so he goes to Dino World to play with it.
Harry is nervous about giving a speech about dinosaurs to his classmates.
Chuck is eager to help out around the truck stop but he may need a little support from his friends.
Wilson is determined to get his Animal Transportation badge by taking Ebo the elephant to his new home in the Safari Park. But the naughty elephant has other ideas! He causes mayhem by throwing fruit and grabbing onto low hanging branches. To top it all, he uses his trunk to uncouple his car and escape! Poor Wilson chases after the mischievous elephant, who leads him down an overgrown track. Ebo accidentally sends a tree crashing to the ground trapping Wilson - and finally realizes the game has gone too far.
Wilson and Koko are having loads of fun racing each other - until Wilson damages his wheel! Hes scared of going to the repair shed to get it checked out, so he tries to put on a brave face and ignore the problem - despite Koko and Brewsters protests. When he gives Felix the Farmer and his churns of fresh cream a ride to the market, Wilsons condition worsens. The bumpy journey turns the cream to butter!
Ms. Mimi organizes her students into groups, asking them to work together to create a dance.
As a class project, the mouselings are asked to report on their heroes.
A fun, spooky tale from little White Owl leaves the friends a little on edge, so when they hear strange noises in the pumpkin patch, they wonder what kind of creepy creature might be lurking there with them. Will Big Nutbrown Hare be able to convince them not to let their imaginations run away with them?
The friends are all playing together in the Autumn meadow. Little Redwood Fox inadvertently spoils all the games of the day, but the others put their heads together and come up with a game that suits her perfectly.
Woodsy has gone camping with Loudo and his father and Scoutbadger finds himself alone. Unexpectedly, Scoutbadger is unsettled by his twins absence. He is sure that being twins creates a special link between them and now 'senses' that Woodsy is in great danger. He wants to find out what is happening.
Mr Bentley is doing vocal warm-ups with the Spring City Rockets, and is about to begin rehearsals for his latest masterpiece, “A Pocketful of Pirates”. As Bob, Wendy, Leo, Dizzy and Muck arrive to renovate the hilltop theatre, Mr Bentley encourages them to join in the warm-ups. But Bob proves to be a hopeless thespian. As he confesses: Im a builder, not a actor!” But Dizzy shows theatrical flair. When Mr Bentley has to run home and retrieve an important prop, he asks Dizzy to assistant direct. Shes so excited by the task that she accidentally tells Leo to use slow-drying cement instead of fast-drying cement as they begin paving a hillside track down to the theatre. Torn between two important tasks - the play and the build - Dizzy also messes up her directorial duties, telling Brandon to get his pirate props from the wrong box.
Team Bob are on site to create a temporary city beach for the summer in Spring City. Bob explains that they will be using sand from a real beach. Mr. Bentley interrupts to inform them that he wants it to be a Blue Ribbon beach, an eco award for the cleanest, safest beaches, so they will have to work hard to keep the site tidy. There will be an inspection later in the day and he is determined for them to get the award for Spring City. Lofty takes this very seriously and is worried when Muck spills sand on the site.
The kids try to find the owner of a camera using the photos for clues. All the pictures are sporting events, so they eventually find out the camera belongs to the sports reporter for the Busytown Bugle./ A list Sally made mysteriously disappears right off the page.
Leo, Katie and Hero travel to the forest to return an equatorial spitting cobra to its home. Things heat up when the Junior Rangers and slithery serpent are ambushed by mongooses.
The discovery of a green iguana in the garden leads to an adventure in the rainforest! The Junior Rangers want nothing more than to find the iguanas home, but a hungry hawk has other plans for the iguana.
The Pontypandy Pioneers go exploring in some mountain caves; further down the mountain, Steele and Gareth renovate an old hand-cart that was once used in the mines. Mandy is interested in bats but Norman is terrified at the prospect of bats flapping their wings at him and turning him into a bat! Finally Mandy spots a bat, separates from the others and follows it down a tunnel. Slipping, she falls down into a crevice and is trapped.
The Triplets are at the beach and theyd like to make a present for Mommy, a pucka-shell necklace. But its not easy when there are only mussels on the beach. When suddenly, Turbulent finds a gorgeous shell, he puts it against his ear to listen to the sea when surprise! The shell tickles him, its a hermit crab which fascinate Poet and Girl. They imagine themselves living great adventures in the deep sea with their new friend. But during their game, the Triplets didnt realize the tide had risen. They are stuck on their rock, how will they escape?
The wind is blowing on the beach while the Triplets are really excited at the thought of trying their brand new kite. But because of the wind ziouuuff the three sun hats fly away and go into the sea. The children dont know what to do and look for a way to get their hats back. But by the way, where are going all the items which fly away?
The boys and Kiko are making a football field to play on the beach, all they need is a fourth player to make two teams. They ask Girl who was picking up shells on the beach. She happily accepts their offer but once the fields ready, and with no explication at all, Girl starts sulking on her towel and refuse to talk to the boys. Nothing will make her stop, not pulling faces, not Mommies hugs, not even candies! What could have possibly happen?
Bing is vooshing with Hoppity around the garden, making him fly higher and higher. With one particularly enthusiastic throw Hoppity disappears. After a hunt, Bing finds Hoppity in the washing up bowl and gets upset because a wet, mucky Hoppity just doesnt feel right.
Bing and his friends play Nature Explorers in Ammas garden by spinning a giant colour wheel and then finding something of that colour in the garden. When its Bings turn to find something red he doesnt look carefully before he tries to pick a raspberry and pricks his finger.
Bing has enough money to buy one thing in Padgets shop but he finds it hard to choose between all the lovely things. After much deliberation Bing chooses a camper van but on the way home he begins to regret his decision.
Its bedtime but wheres Hoppity? Bing remembers playing with him in the garden but now its all dark out there and he doesnt really like the dark. Flop finds Bings carrot torch and together they set off into the dark on an adventure. But wheres Hoppity?
Sandro and Stella are preparing a surprise party for David's tenth anniversary as captain of the fire brigade. But Fumé unwittingly smashes the cake Sandro baked, and the firefighter doesn't have time to make a new one because he has to go on a rescue mission. So Grisu offers to bake one in his stead, helped by Stella. They immediately run into difficulties as the grocery shop is closed. They have to get their ingredients elsewhere – Fumé at Gertrude's, Stella at Maria's pizzeria and Grisu at Guellec's farm. This entails comic mishaps such as Stella running on a rollin pin or Grisu pursued by the black sheep.
When Tilda breaks a teacup right after getting up, for Molly there's only one explanation: it's Friday the 13th. At first, Tilda dismisses this as pure superstition. After several further mishaps, however, she begins to worry that maybe there is something to it. Her friends are absolutely convinced.
Tilda dreams of learning to fly. Excited by Robin Robin's statement that anyone with wings can fly, Tilda makes herself some from lettuce leaves. Robin is supposed to give her flying instruction, but she gets bored with all the tedious theory. Molly gets Rupert to help persuade Tilda flying is a bad idea.
It is the 83rd annual conkers competition in Drumsna and Paddles, Bracken, Bridie, Fagan and even Uncle Liam are all competing for the renowned title of “The Supreme Conqueror”. Everyone wants to win and each competitor is ready to do whatever it takes. Bracken steeps his conker in vinegar. Fagan finds a monster conker namely a coconut which fell off the back of the Drumsna delivery van. Fagan and Bracken beat all opponents and meet in the final. Fagans coconut is declared the winner and Mrs Hoot reprimands Bracken for using vinegar, declaring that all conkers are created equal.
Little Nutbrown Hare wakes early one Summer morning before the sun has risen. Big Nutbrown Hare sends Little Nutbrown Hare off to invite his friends for breakfast so he can rest a little longer. Along the way Little Nutbrown Hare discovers how wonderful and different all his friends homes are. Will Little Nutbrown Hare still love his own home as much as he did?
When Caillou can't wait to open the mysterious box Daddy brought home, he imagines he's an explorer searching for the Lost City accompanied by his assistant (Rosie). By being patient, they finally find the city and Caillou discovers that some things are worth waiting for. /When Gilbert decides to sleep in Rosies room, Caillou feels so lonely that he pretends to be a castaway stranded on a deserted island. To get back home, Caillou builds a raft with island buddies Teddy and Rexy and realizes that because he has his friends, hes not alone at all.
Caillou wants to be like a real rockstar, but his loud tunes keep disturbing his family. He goes into a rockstar fantasy, where he learns that he doesnt need to play loudly to make an impact, and finds a new way to rock out – by turning his rock song into a lullaby for Rosie./At the park to watch a meteor shower, Caillou is surprised to see a new girl, Tina. Suddenly feeling shy, Caillou pretends to be the fearless Dax Turbo Space Captain who makes first contact with the alien, Shyanne (Tina). This helps Caillou overcome his shyness and make a new space-loving friend.
Originally, Conni simply wanted to know more about squirrels. But on a safari into the woods with granddad and Anna she discovers a whole lot of different animals, plants and fruits of the wood that you can even eat. In the end this trip, too, becomes an exciting and literally tingly adventure.
The autumn wind blows leaves from the trees and together with those leaves a kite lands in front of Conni's feet. It's a pity, its broken! But it gives Conni the idea to make her own together with Anna. To ensure that their dragons not simply blow away like the leaves from the tree they have to practice a bit….
Doodleboo is invited to the inauguration of a new play park, but Sketcky cannot accompany him. Fortunately, Doodleboo found him the best babysitter!
It's a deal-Doodleboo, Sketcky and Bubble go on vacation. But seeing Sketcky rack up the baggage, Doodleboo digs his head to find a way to transport everything without getting tired. What will his good idea be this time?
Sketcky is surprised: there are plenty of insects in Doodleboo's garden, but almost no flies! Doodleboo knows what flies dislike and makes them fly away, and he will make Sketcky guess!
Sketcky is looking for his little dinosaur everywhere and Doodleboo offers him to do an archaeological excavation in the toy box! Sketcky, having found it, learns that thanks to archeology, there are other extraordinary beings too. Moreover, Doodleboo knows something that is even better and more prehistoric than dinosaurs...
Sketcky's friends are coming soon and he still does not know what he's going to serve them. It should be something everyone loves but not too difficult to cook. Doodleboo will help him prepare a gourmet meal thanks to his Riddleboo!
Messy is hiding in a tent made of cushions, pretending not to be scared of the storm outside! He wonders why the sky is flashing and being so noisy! So he spins to Okido to find the answer. When Messy arrives, Zoe and Felix are lounging, warm and dry in deck chairs, but it appears to be raining on him, and he cant escape it! “Look up Messy!” giggles Zoe. Its Fluff the cloud! Shes been watering Felix and Zoes garden and now needs to go home so invites the trio to come and meet her family.
In the real world, Messy is drinking water in his kitchen, and wonders why he has to drink it? What if there wasnt any? He springs over to Okido to look for answers. In Okido Zoe and Felix are in their garden getting ready for a surprise day trip that Zim, Zam and Zoom are taking them on! They are packing Felixs backpack to be prepared for anything – Messy helpfully contributes a bath plug and a sock, before they whizz off to the Cloudship to find out where theyre going.
It seems some sort of monster is causing havoc in Busytown Lake. The kids catch glimpses of it and find numerous finny footprints by the shoreline. However closer investigation reveals it to be Mr Fix-Its latest invention – a swim fin-wheeled amphibious submarine car!/Huckle and his pals try to track down a bad driver.
The trainees must learn to trust each other. One of them will close their eyes while the other guides them around. Koko is very good at leading Brewster around, but finds it hard to close her eyes and trust him to guide her. When she realises that Brewster wont earn his badge if she doesnt let him lead, her strong sense of friendship overrides her fear, Brewster guides her around successfully, and they both win their badges.
The trainees are trying for their Starmap badges as they learn to navigate by the stars. Wilson and Koko quickly learn to identify the constellations – but Brewster just cant see them. Eventually, by concentrating hard and using his imagination, he finally manages to see the pictures in the constellations. He follows his Starmap and meets up with Koko and Wilson in Old Town where Olwin is waiting for them.
To earn their badges, Wilson and Brewster must rescue Emery, who will pretend to be broken down in a tunnel. They spend so much time bickering that a fed up Emery drives off. It looks like Wilson and Brewster wont earn their badges – until theres a power cut causing a real emergency. They work together and rescue a now genuinely stranded Emery!
A Boarding guard helps kids to get on and off the bus safely and there is lots of advice how to behave on the bus, like never stick your heads out of the window – sit still in your seats and always wear your seat belt - when you get off the bus, a motorcycle or bicycle might be coming... always look both ways first, then get off slowly - after you get off the bus, never run around the front to cross the street. Drivers cant see you and thats dangerous. Always remember that the doors on a bus or van can be very dangerous, too.
Its Mrs. Roras birthday and mom has a pie for her. CAPs supposed to deliver the pie, but hes running a little late. Its going to get cold. So KEVIN and SUJI decide to take the pie instead. Instead of going the way mom said Kevin is taking a short cut which leads them through a narrow alley with no sideway. Therefore they need to pay special attention and walk along the side of the road, not in the middle where they cant see cars coming. They have to stop and move to the side when cars want to get by.
Timmy wants to paint a picture of Mittens but he doesnt have any orange paint. Help Timmy learn how to mix colours.
Timmy and Finlay build Otus an enormous castle with colourful flags. What colour are the flags?
Harry is reluctant to have a bath so he goes to Dino-World where he endeavours to become as dirty and stinky as he possibly can.
Harry's friend Charlie brings her new kitten (Buster) to visit Harry.
Postman Pat is an animated series aimed at pre-school children. The postman delivers his good mood as well as letters and parcels to the friendly town of Greendale. Postman Pat's trusty kitten Jess is always with him on his travels and adventures as they ride together in a little red van.
Strange noises in the house seem to Findus to clearly indicate a haunting ghost or an encroaching monster. But his search for the exact origin of the sounds is unsuccessful. By chance, he and Pettson find out that swallows and their young birds have been living very well hidden under the gable of the roof for a short time. The little ones are constantly emitting hungry sounds that could very well be mistaken for ghostly voices.
It's hot - very hot! And in this heat, Gustavsson talks Pettson into buying a large vat for immediate collection. So in the middle of the heat, Pettson first has to get his old tractor going. Together with Findus, he then organises the transport of the huge piece to his farm. The old inventor's best idea is now to convert the vat into a fancy swimming pool, with an additional invention for drying off.
One day Pettsons potato patch comes under attack from some rare demoiselle cranes. This invasion attracts the attention of another unwanted visitor, Hillevi the bird watching enthusiast. Pettson is not keen on having his potato patch ruined by the birds, or on having any of Hillevis bird watching friends trample over his farm. He decides that something must be done. Pettsons neighbour Gustavsson is not pleased either, hes worried that if Pettson chases the birds away they will fly over and eat his crops. Pettson and Gustavsson both go off on their separate missions to find a method for scaring away the birds.
Sometimes life is hard for little cats, at least Findus thinks so. It seems to him that big old men get to do lots of fun things that little cats cant do. Pettson gets to make pancakes and also eat lots more of them than Findus. When he tries to eat as many as hed like, his stomach is just too small. When night descends Pettson gets to sleep in a lovely big bed, but Findus has to sleep in a small cot, when really he would like a big bed too. Life for Findus just seems so unfair. Just as he is drifting off to sleep he sees a shooting star and makes a wish.
Daisy has lost her voice from singing too many songs on her new karaoke machine! Daisy and Ollie go in search of Daisys voice but soon realise that you cant just find a lost voice. Doctor Kit explains that Ollie can help Daisy by playing some quiet games and allowing Daisy to rest her voice.
Daisy and Ollie would love to travel into outer-space and visit all the other planets in the solar system. Whizzy helps the children imagine what each planet would be like and they set off on a galactic adventure. Mercury would be too hot and Venus would be very windy. They soon discover that Planet Earth is the perfect place to be.
Daisy is going for her first eye test at the opticians. Otis the optician explains how an optometrist tests your eyes to determine whether you need to wear glasses or not. Although they might not need glasses today, they have lots of fun trying on all the cool frames in the shop.
You Summer in the meadow is a great time to find tasty snacks to eat. Big Nutbrown Hare seems to know all the best tricks and hiding spots for the yummy treats and Little Nutbrown Hare cant help but wish he was as big and smart as his father. However, he soon finds out that there are some things a little Nutbrown Hare can teach a Big Nutbrown Hare.
On Summers hottest night Little Nutbrown Hare finds it hard to sleep. When a swim in the river isnt enough to cool him down, Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends ask Little White Owl to tell them a really cold and sleepy bedtime story. Will she come up with a story that can make them feel cool and finally get Little Nutbrown Hare off to sleep?
Bing and Flop play hide and seek on the way to Padgets shop. Bing doesnt want the game to end when they get there so he hides behind the door to the stock room, where Flop really cant see him. When the door slams shut, Bing is stuck inside.
Bing and Flop are building a sandcastle when Pando joins them in the sandpit with his wind-up digger toy to help. Bing finds a lovely poiky thing in the sand and thinks it will make the perfect decoration for the top of his castle not realizing it belongs to Pandos digger.
Its a beautiful Autumn day and Bing and Sula are in the park with Flop collecting acorns. When Bings pile of acorns keeps getting smaller Flop suggests they hide behind a bush to see whats happening to them – a squirrel is the culprit, hiding acorns for winter.
Girl cannot stop thinking about the wonderful ballet she saw the night before and Mom suggests taking dancing classes. How wonderful! However, she would have to take a test with Mrs. Chausson, the director of the dancing school. Girl is very scared and asks her two brothers to help her out. So when the kids and their Mom stumble upon Mrs. Chausson at the bakery, there is no time to lose: they put on a show in the very middle of the shop. Will they make a good impression on Mrs Chausson?
String Beans? Yuck! The Triplets refuse to eat them, but when Mrs Bun asks them to take care of Nini and make sure she eats her greens, they go along with it! They even tell her how good for you and full of vitamins vegetables are and pretend to be in a fancy restaurant. But it seems that the only true way to convince her would be to taste them in front of her! Well thats another story!
A blockage somewhere in the sparkleberry juice system that powers Berry Bitty City results in a repair crew of Berrykins invading the town with jackhammers. The girls leave for the day to avoid the noise and not get in the workers way. Trying to make the best of the situation, Strawberry gets an idea for the girls to have fun by holding their own berry bitty relay race—passing the baton from a sailboat race on the lake, to a steeple chase on frogs, to a sky race on birds.
To earn their badges, Wilson and Brewster must rescue Emery, who will pretend to be broken down in a tunnel. They spend so much time bickering that a fed up Emery drives off. It looks like Wilson and Brewster wont earn their badges – until theres a power cut causing a real emergency. They work together and rescue a now genuinely stranded Emery!
To earn her badge, Koko has to deliver two different types of cargo safely. She goes too fast and nearly breaks her cargo of eggs – then goes too slow, and is nearly late with her cargo of wool. Happily, she realises that different cargos need different delivery methods: slow and steady with the eggs, but faster with the wool. Learning the difference means that she wins her badge!
To earn their badges, the trainees have to play a game. They have to find pairs of chuggers behind different-coloured roundhouse doors. Koko and Brewster do well, but easily-distracted Wilson fails the first time around. After a pep talk from Vee, he applies himself – and by concentrating really hard, he wins his badge!
Kevin, Doug and Jenny are playing in the rain sharing umbrellas with each other. The cars are not having a good day as the road is slippery. The Kids are soaked and vision is pad and cars are going too fast. When school is about to finish Poli is going there to make sure the kids are safe and teaches them that when it rains, it takes more time and distance for a car to stop, because the roads are more slippery than usual and not to walk too close to the curb as its safer to keep your distance from cars when it rains.
First, you should use the sidewalk side when you get in and out of a car. It's dangerous to use the road side because it puts you in traffic and could create an accident. Second, its the rule to always fasten your seat belt whenever youre in a car. Whether youre in a booster seat or a regular seat, you must buckle up. Remind adults its the rule, too. Third, remember that children should always sit in the back seat. The front seats the most dangerous place to be if accidents happen.
Timmy and Finlay build Otus an enormous castle with colourful flags. What colour are the flags?
When Harry is told to tidy his room he simply transfers all the mess into Dino-world, where he is told there is a 'no tidying up rule'.
Harry accidentally smashes his mum's favourite china teacup.
Kipper cant understand where the contents of his cereal packet have gone, or why, when he know he put them away, his toys are littered all over the place. Then he discovers hes got a little visitor – and life may never be the same again.
Kipper and Pig see kangaroos and helicopters in the cloud shapes. Suddenly Arnold walks up a rainbow and Kipper has to go and find him. Is it all a dream?
Simon is playing soccer in the yard with his two super buddies Mamadou and Ferdinand when suddenly, he slips on the ball. His friends laugh. Bummed, Simon accuses Ferdinand of having done it on purpose. Since Ferdinand says that he didnt do anything wrong, Simon stomps off, shouting “Im not your friend anymore !” But when he finds out that Ferdinand is building a cardboard rocket with Mamadou, Simon really really wants to be his friend again! Friendship after all, can weather silly little arguments cant it?
It is the 83rd annual conkers competition in Drumsna and Paddles, Bracken, Bridie, Fagan and even Uncle Liam are all competing for the renowned title of “The Supreme Conqueror”. Everyone wants to win and each competitor is ready to do whatever it takes. Bracken steeps his conker in vinegar. Fagan finds a monster conker namely a coconut which fell off the back of the Drumsna delivery van. Fagan and Bracken beat all opponents and meet in the final. Fagans coconut is declared the winner and Mrs Hoot reprimands Bracken for using vinegar, declaring that all conkers are created equal.
In the Magic Garden, where Woozle and Pip experience fun, exciting and imaginative adventures with all of their friends! Along the way they learn to get along, respecting each other and the environment they live in, creating a wonderful, rich world filled with friendship, curiosity, discovery and positivity.
One day, Tilda opens her front door and can't believe her eyes: there's an egg in her front garden. While Tilda asks Robin Robin for tips on egg care, Molly distributes flyers in Wild Rose Lane to find the owner. After a while, the egg cracks open and a chick hatches. As at that moment Tilda is not at home, the chick thinks Molly is its mother.
As Rupert would prefer to read than go out for a walk with Tilda, he pretends to have a cold. At once, Tilda declares herself his nurse and makes tea for him, gives him nose massages and makes him gargle, take cold foot baths and do a special keep fit programme.
Over by the river, Berry finds a magnificent, shiny stone. This fascinates Scoutbadger who is determined to get his hands on it. He tricks his sister into exchanging, in secret, the stone for a 'magic chestnut' that grants wishes. But the wishes Berry makes do not seem to be coming true….
It is very windy and therefore a good opportunity to fly a kite. Findus overdoes it, however, because he has great fun annoying the chickens with his flying manoeuvres. This eventually leads to them vehemently refusing to continue laying eggs for this chaotic chicken-hostile farm. So they spontaneously decide to emigrate to Gustavsson. On the way there, however, they are threatened by a hungry buzzard.
When Caillous over-enthusiasm accidentally scares away the birds on his backyard bird feeder, he jumps into an explorer fantasy where he is pursued by a very enthusiastic but friendly Bigfoot (Mommy) and learns to soften his approach in order to see the birdies up close. /When Caillou thinks his snow buddy isn't as good as Sarah's, his feelings of inadequacy inspire an Ace Builder fantasy. Caillou learns that just because something is different, doesn't mean it's better or worse, it's just different!
Clementine is coming over to play, but Caillou cant find her favourite action figure in his messy room. Overwhelmed by the task of cleaning up, he pretends to be a superhero who is overwhelmed with so many people to help and learns a new strategy to go one-by-one until the job is done./Caillou has to wear an uncomfortable sunhat, but he is too shy to tell Clementines Mommy how he feels. He pretends to be Ace Builder who is struggling to build a bridge because of an ill-fitting hard-hat. After Ace finally tells his boss how he feels, Caillou is inspired to speak up in real life.
Conni finds a little cat and takes it home with her. Is she able to convince her parents that tomcat Mau has found a new home? And what does a tomcat need? A lot of questions and…a happy ending?
What do you need for a great birthday? Doodleboo explains how to draw a birthday cake.
What doesn't have feathers and can fly silently like a bird? Doodleboo explains how to draw a ladybug.
Who loves to learn new tricks? Doodleboo explains how to draw a Dolphin.
How to travel all around the world ? Doodleboo explains how to draw a flying saucer.
In the real world, Messy is in the playroom trying to push his cart but the wheels seem stuck - it wont move! When you need to know go to Okido. Messy lands in Okido, its a hot day! What better way to quench your thirst in Okido but to have a smoothie from the smoothie robot at the café. Messy, Zoe and Felix jump into Oki-doodle and whizz off to Okido City. When they arrive and order their smoothies theres bad news! The smoothie robot has broken down and so the trio help to make smoothies until help arrives but they just cant make them as fast as Smilford. A long queue forms outside the city as the thirsty people of Okido come for their smoothies!
In the real world, Messy is in his bedroom about to take a big bite out of his green sock for breakfast until a huge gush of wind helps his breakfast sock escape from his grip. It blows away out through a window and lands on a faraway tree. Hmm “Why does the wind blow anyway” asks a disappointed and hungry Messy and he vortexes himself to Okido. Messy lands in Zoe and Felixs garden and immediately tells them how annoyed he is at the wind for blowing away his breakfast! Just as Zoe and Felix reassure Messy there is no wind blowing in Okido today, they hear an increasingly loud groan come from up above them.
With the help of his new friend Gator, Percy learns all about being brave as Thomas spots some suspicious giant footprints at the Sodor Clay Pits.
Paddles and Bracken and all the new pupils are feeling nervous and anxious - its their first day of school. An over confident Fagan bosses it in an impromptu game of Gaelic Football. Miss Hoot the Teacher and Uncle Liam the Head Master put the pupils into pairs in class and to their dismay Paddles and Fagan are put together - it looks like they have nothing in common. Its going to be a long day. Paddles discovers that Fagan is nervous too, and finds the toy that Fagan made and then lost. Everyone is impressed with Fagans inventiveness. Fagan is relieved and at the end of the day everyone else is also. Theyve all made new friends and had a great day. Same time tomorrow then?
What a fright: Findus has completely forgotten that the next day is Pettson's birthday, and so he has no present. The chickens, on the other hand, are well prepared. They have been rehearsing a dance ballet for days. Findus feverishly thinks about what else he can organise himself, but he can't think of anything in a hurry. So he meekly asks to be allowed to take part in the chickens' show. But how and with what?
Smeraldo is to sail to the famous pirate Red Hair Anna's shipwreck to retrieve its treasure chest. Grisu, accompanied by Stella, goes with Smeraldo to operate his boat crane and haul the treasure, while Smeraldo is in his submarine. Unfortunately, the young dragon unwittingly breaks the professor's glasses and has to pilot the submarine all by himself. He finds the treasure but also encounters a giant and playful octopus. Grisu, surprised by the animal, burns the rope and the treasure sinks back into the sea. Everything seems lost, but a firefighter never gives up! Using a giant air bubble, Grisu manages to bring the treasure up again and saves the mission.
Natureza wants to study a very rare butterfly that lives on trees on top of mountain peaks. At David's requests, Grisu accompanies her – as a junior pilot – on a hot air ballon ride to the peaks. As Grisu never flew one, there's a bunch of comic mishaps before they manage to reach the mountains. But as they're getting close to the butterfly, the balloon accidently bumps into flying Fumé. Surprised Grisu breathes a flame on the envelope heater, ruining it and bringing them back down to the ground. But a firefighter never gives up. Grisu asks his father to throw a big flame in the balloon envelope. They take off again and head for the butterfly!
Today its super windy. In the yard, Simon and his friend Ferdinand are trying to get their kite flying. It works when its Ferdinand who is holding the kite but not when its Simon. And even worse, when its Simons little brother Gaspard holding on to the kite, it flies super duper high! Simon is bummed. He turns around and heads back home. But he quickly changes his mind when he sees that his brother is being carried away by the kite! Super Simon to the rescue!
Simon is playing cars with his friend and neighbor Ferdinand. Suddenly, he really really has to go pee. When he returns from the bathroom though, Ferdinand is no longer there. And Simons car has disappeared! Persuaded that Ferdinand has stolen it from him, Simon decides to lead an investigation. He goes over to Ferdinands house and searches everywhere for it. But no matter how hard he looks, no-go, he cant find it. And whats worse, Ferdinand is playing like nothing is wrong! When he returns home, super annoyed, what should Simon find in the bathroom, exactly where he left it, but his…car! He had totally forgotten.
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse are inspired to make a spiders web, but run into all sorts of comic trouble when they do.
While their parents are absent, Scoutbadger, Rosie and Woodsy have to agree on the next family outing. Rosie and Scoutbadger quickly have different suggestions. Each tries to persuade Woodsy to vote for their idea. Finally, Woodsy comes up with a different suggestion but is disappointed when the other two do not even listen to him. Woodsy is peeved and goes to find Loudo, determined to make his voice heard in some other way.
Is Rosie hanging around with the Tomcats? Scoutbadger and Woodsy have some good reasons for thinking so….
In Brazil, Thomas meets two wood-burning engines who've never travelled beyond their eucalyptus railway. Thomas agrees to swap jobs with them for the day, but this causes more trouble than he expects.
When Tilda breaks a teacup right after getting up, for Molly there's only one explanation: it's Friday the 13th. At first, Tilda dismisses this as pure superstition. After several further mishaps, however, she begins to worry that maybe there is something to it. Her friends are absolutely convinced.
Tilda dreams of learning to fly. Excited by Robin Robin's statement that anyone with wings can fly, Tilda makes herself some from lettuce leaves. Robin is supposed to give her flying instruction, but she gets bored with all the tedious theory. Molly gets Rupert to help persuade Tilda flying is a bad idea.
Tiger wants to show everyone how good he is at crazy golf. Hes a bit upset when Kipper manages to get the ball through the Windmill – and he doesnt – but hes even more upset when his ball ends up in the pond and even Arnold manages the Loop the Loop.
Kipper is confused when he finds himself having a conversation with an echo. Pig seems to know something about it. Then Jake gets involved and the echo turns out to be a chatty bird called Henry.
When Caillou can't wait to open the mysterious box Daddy brought home, he imagines he's an explorer searching for the Lost City accompanied by his assistant (Rosie). By being patient, they finally find the city and Caillou discovers that some things are worth waiting for. /When Gilbert decides to sleep in Rosies room, Caillou feels so lonely that he pretends to be a castaway stranded on a deserted island. To get back home, Caillou builds a raft with island buddies Teddy and Rexy and realizes that because he has his friends, hes not alone at all.
Caillou wants to be like a real rockstar, but his loud tunes keep disturbing his family. He goes into a rockstar fantasy, where he learns that he doesnt need to play loudly to make an impact, and finds a new way to rock out – by turning his rock song into a lullaby for Rosie./At the park to watch a meteor shower, Caillou is surprised to see a new girl, Tina. Suddenly feeling shy, Caillou pretends to be the fearless Dax Turbo Space Captain who makes first contact with the alien, Shyanne (Tina). This helps Caillou overcome his shyness and make a new space-loving friend.
Wilson is assisting Frostini as he creates a new flavour for the mayors banquet: Chugstastic Chewy Cheesecake! But they discover that the mayors wife is allergic to cheese. Frostini will have to come up with something else by tonight! Wilson tries to help, but ends up causing the mixing machine to explode covering everything in ice cream. Annoyed, Frostini sends Wilson to the chugwash. Then hes to do Frostinis ice-cream round at the Safari Park, while Frostini thinks up the new flavour.
Leo finds a baby plantain squirrel eating his seed collection. The Junior Rangers drive to the forest to locate the squirrels nest and mother.
A common tree frog hops into the garden one wet and rainy day. Leo, Katie and Hero take the frog to the forest, where Ranger Rocky directs them to find the frogs breeding ground.
Its Chinese Day at school and the children are really looking forward to a day of special chinese themed celebration, helped by Michael. As a special surprise Michael has ordered a real Chinese Dragon costume which Pat picks up at the sorting office to deliver to the school. On the way tho, naughty horse Pumpkin gets the dragons head stuck on his own and as he canters off into the fields the locals are terrified that theres a REAL dragon on the lose.. Thank goodness Pat is there to calm everyone down, bring Pumpkin home AND deliver the dragon to the children.
The children of Greendale have been practicing for “Karaoke Night” and cannot wait for it to be time to sing. Everyone has a number prepared and are ready to shake their stuff on the special stage thats been put up. The Karaoke Machine is pretty special too - its solar powered! But as it turns itself on in Pats van all its charge is used up and so it turns itself off half way through the night. Oh dear! What will they do without the music to sing along to? Pat realises just in time his special big van has just the power they need to help! Sing on, Greendale and sing on PAT.
Bing and Pando are both tired but insist on one last game of Hide and Seek before bed. Pando finds a great hiding place under the covers of Bings bed but by the time Bing finds him hes fast asleep. Bing is tired too and gets upset when he thinks theres nowhere left for him to sleep, but Flop and Padget find a way.
Bing and Sula help Amma to get lunch ready. Bing watches yummy peas and delicious carrots go into the pot, but when lunch is served theyre all mixed up together and Bing doesnt like it. Amma finds Bing an unmixing spoon so that Bing can enjoy his lunch just the way he likes it.
Bing falls in love with a lost dog he and Flop find in the park and decides he wants to keep her. When the owner turns up Bing is very upset when it comes to saying goodbye to his new friend.
At Ammas creche the children make eggy heads with egg shells and cress seeds. Bing knows his Eggy needs water, light and time before it can grow hair but waiting is hard so he tries to speed up the process by giving Eggy lots of water with the garden hose.
Bing gets jealous when Sula pays more attention to Pando on a playdate. As he feels more and more left out Bing tries to get Sulas attention and spoils Sulas tea party. Sula pushes Bing and they both end up angry. Amma shows them a way to get rid of all their anger so the toy party can continue.
To earn their Town Crier badges, Wilson and Brewster each have to make an announcement, speaking loudly, clearly and with style. Brewster is too quiet and nobody listens to him. Wilson is loud and clear, but he exaggerates! Having failed their first badge attempt, Wilson and Brewster decide to help each other. Brewster teaches Wilson how to stick to the facts and Wilson gives Brewster pointers on announcing with pizzazz. They both earn their badges on the second try!
Oswald takes over the ice cream route when Johnny Snowman has the sniffles. Johnny is very grateful, especially as he has a special delivery that he does every Friday afternoon. Oswald and Weenie set off but soon find that doing a job isnt always easy. Nevertheless, Oswald and Weenie press on and end up not only making that special delivery but also selling all of the ice cream!
Oswald and Weenie offer to pick tutti-fruits for Madame Butterfly so that she can make their favourite pie. They take little Catrina along with strict instructions not to let her spoil her appetite by eating the fruits. Once at the park, Catrina spots a mother bird struggling to feed her hungry babies and decides to help. Oswald doesnt realise what shes up to as he keeps being distracted by his passing friends. Thinking Catrina is trying to eat the tutti fruits herself, Oswald spills all of his fruits trying to stop her. But when he finds out what Catrina is really up to he gladly lends a hand.
Leo is late as hes overslept thanks to staying up late playing a fishing game on his phone. Bob, Lofty, Leo and Wendy are installing a satellite dish and at the Spring City News HQ located at the docks. The dish has to be in place in time for the Six OClock News bulletin. En route to site the team stop to say hello to the Spring City Rockets who are practicing in preparation for a dance show later that day which will be covered on the news. On site Leo and Lofty are teamed up. During the build Leo is distracted by the game; Lofty suggests he should pay more attention. While tying the dish to Loftys hook Leo - distracted by the game - does not secure it properly. As Lofty raises the dish it comes loose and drops to the floor.
After a solar panel demonstration, Mayor Madison decrees that the Sea Life Center will be entirely powered by renewable energy. Bob and the team must build a wind farm, which excites Scoop - he can't wait to see the 'spinny things' going round. As they begin construction, Mr Bentley arrives and pulls Bob away, enthusing about other renewable energy schemes they have planned. Spring City will need more energy as it grows, so they need to think ahead. Scoop decides he should think ahead like Mr Bentley suggests, and convinces Lofty to move some of the turbines closer together.
Big Nutbrown Hare teaches Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends to play hide-and-seek, but the boisterous little hare finds it hard to stay still and quiet, especially when the Spring meadow is full of birds, butterflies and lizards to chase. When he does manage to stay still and quiet he finds the creatures of the meadow come to him… even very shy ones.
Little Nutbrown Hare finds a very special feather with bright colours, spots and soft tickly bits. Just as he shows off to his friends how it can fly and float, a cheeky bird flies away with it. Little Grey Squirrel climbs her tree and discovers the bird using it to feather her nest. Will Little Nutbrown Hare find a way to get his feather back, or will he decide that the bird needs it more than he does?
One Spring morning a cute spotty ladybird lands on Little Nutbrown Hare and seems to want to stay with him. All his friends admire the interesting little creature and he feels very special indeed. When she eventually flies away Little Nutbrown Hare follows her, wanting her back. But he understands why she left when he discovers she has lots of tiny spotty babies.
Inui has promised her friends that shell play follow my leader with them but a blizzard interrupts her plans. When the snow storm dies down, she goes to find them but they seem to have disappeared. However, she has a funny feeling that shes being followed by some strange snowmen…. Inui understands that the followers are no-one else but Grouchy and Crackpot, soon to be joined by a snow revealed Lady P. As the game progresses its choreographed to music. When it suddenly stops, Inuis friends tumble over her, knocking off the snow.
The new yellow t-shirt that Sally planned on wearing for her portrait painting has mysteriously turned green. Huckle and Lowly help Sally look for clues as to how this colour-change happened. They discover that mixing different colours results in the creation of a new one. It turns out that the dye from a blue blanket turned the yellow shirt green in the washing machine. / The kids discover pieces of a large metal hand, Huckle and gang are determined to find out to whom they belong.
In the real world, Messy is throwing some awesome moves on the kitchen counter, dancing with his drink bottle in one hand. When he bounds into the garden and opens the drink, it fizzes out over the top and nearly all of it goes on the floor! He wonders why that happened, so he goes to Okido to find out! When he lands, Zoe and Felix are staring up at the sky because hundreds of birds are all flying in the same direction.
Messy is making a new jigsaw puzzle in his bedroom and its of a dinosaur. “Id love to see a REAL dinosaur,” he says. He wonders why hes never seen one… So off he goes to Okido! Messy lands in Zoe and Felixs garden and cartwheels down the path to catch up with them. Zoe and Felix are carrying sandcastle equipment – Messy picks up Felixs bucket and puts it on his head. “Whats this?” he asks, “A new hat?” Felix and Zoe laugh and invite him to come to the beach with them. Messy speeds off in excitement!
Apple isn't paying attention when Strawberry describes their campout tradition of telling Tall Tales. So Apple tells her thrilling adventure of a wild road rally she entered, only to surprise the girls by proving the story is actually true.
Harry takes his blue and red robots into Dino World so that he can continue the battle they were having at home, but without Nana's scorn.
After watching a movie about the life of a Cleopatra, the gang go to Dino World to make Patsy Queen.
Looking to avoid a future breakdown, Chuck exercises to the extreme.
The trainees are heading for a lesson with Dunbar in the training yard when an underground tunnel catches Kokos eye. She wants to explore it but Vee says she isnt ready yet. Dunbar is called away from the lesson about switching tracks before they barely get started. With time on her wheels, Koko decides shes going to see where that tunnel goes. She persuades Wilson to come with her, and calls Brewster a scaredy-chugger because he refuses to go. Koko and Wilson emerge into the countryside and Wilson starts to feel nervous in these unfamiliar surroundings.
Wilson and Brewster are sent to get stone from the mountain quarry. Brewster is in a hurry to get the job done, so that he can get back and practise some new moves in the training yard with Koko. For once he doesnt slow things down by asking questions, and he doesnt hear Dunbar warning them to be extra careful on the way back, as going downhill with a heavy load is harder. At the quarry, afraid that Wilson will slow them down, Brewster takes most of the load.
The mouselings are given the task of coming up with an original project for “Make-It-All-Up-Day.”.
Angelina learns that everyone is important in a ballet company and no role is too small.
Its a fine Autumn day and it seems that all of the meadow creatures are out enjoying the sun. Little Nutbrown Hare is surprised that Big Nutbrown Hare knows every single creature in the meadow. He sets out to trick him into believing there is a brand new animal… called a Grrr-umph, which he cleverly creates out of shadows! Will Big Nutbrown Hare be tricked?
Little Nutbrown Hare discovers that everyone else can whistle but him… the birds, Little Grey Squirrel, Otter and even the wind in the river reeds. Inspired by the wind, he practices really hard and eventually learns to blow through a reed himself to make it whistle. He and his friends make a beautiful and eerie whistling symphony amongst the reeds.
Scoutbadger is detained by Edmund and asks Martis (his best friend) to take their group of friends to the hazelnut tree that Martis spotted from the top of his tree. It is full of nuts and they must collect them before the village Tomcats beat them to it. Martis is very proud of his task but on the way his bossy attitude is catastrophic and irritates the children. Rosie decides to become leader instead but this does not please Martis at all.
Bob, Leo, Muck and Scoop are at Fixham Castle to clear a courtyard wall and restore a bricked-up archway to its original splendour. Leo is taken by a statue of Sir Roger de Fixham riding a horse in the courtyard and Muck and Scoop play charging knights. After the wall is cleared they hear a strange beeping noise. It turns out to be Mr. Bentley who is searching for buried treasure with his metal detector. Bentley tells them The Legend of the Silver Shield – a shield that the knight on the statue originally held but which was later buried somewhere in the castle grounds. Scoop is transfixed! While Bob and the others knock out the bricks from the Archway, Scoop decides to dig around for buried treasure.
Bob tells a tired Scoop to stay behind at Bob's Yard as he goes to build an ice-cream kiosk at the beach. Scoop keeps finding spurious reasons to radio Bob and make him return to the yard. Finally theres a real crisis but Bob doesn't believe its anything serious. Scoop takes a burning bin to the beach where it falls on the kiosk roof. Scoop saves the kiosk by scooping sand onto the roof.
Forgetful Mayor Fox has misplaced the giant key to the city that he's supposed to be presenting to a visiting astronaut. Huckle and his pals try to figure out where he set it down. They learn that Mayor Fox did one thing while touring a candy factory that required both his hands - stirring a huge pot of candy goo. Not far away they find a big chocolate-covered key./When Busytown residents are baffled by mysterious door knocking, Huckle and gang discover who it is.