A game of hide and seek results in the discovery of a baby Sumatran rhino! Leo, Katie and Hero go to Sumatra, Indonesia to return the rhino to its mother.
The Junior Rangers take a young giant panda to China to search for a bamboo forest. But what happens when the panda strays off on its own?
Simon and his friends are performing in their school play. Simon and Mamadou are playing the role of trees, Lou is disguised as a mouse and Ferdinand is an elephant. The kids are all excited. But the play is about to begin and Simon suddenly realizes that all the parents are in the audience. Full house! And stage-fright kicks in! But hes not the only one scared to go on. Mamadou is petrified with fear. But were always stronger together and with the two of them reassuring each other, the play is going to be a great success!
The green Grub wants to stay with Dolly for the winter, but always finds her at the wrong time with the request. The Wind accidentally blows the The Green Grub to the seaside, then brings it back to Dolly. Finally, Dolly happily welcomes the Green Grub for the winter and prepares a comfortable bed for him.
The inhabitants of the forest hold a baking contest to celebrate the arrival of summer, but Dr Owl goes overboard with tasting. With the help of Beetle Bodobács, they manage to save the evening with chimney cakes and dancing. The next day, Dr Owl apologizes and improves his mood with a group workout.
On a rainy day, Dolly's house gets flooded. When the rain stops, Stanley, the stag beetle, repairs the roof. Berry also helps Dolly, who is upset about her soaked drawings. Berry visits Raymond, the copper beetle, who has plenty of bells. He asks for two special bells to cheer Dolly up. At home, he makes coconut balls and later delivers them to Dolly along with the bells, which make her very happy. Later, Berry paints over the stain caused by the rain, and Dolly repaints the pictures with the help of Flutter and Leapy. The bells bring joy to the house.
Flutter, the butterfly girl, catches a cold on a gloomy, rainy day. Doctor Owl examines her and advises her to rest a lot in bed. Her friends visit often to take care of her, and Flutter always asks them to read from her new book. Soon, everyone knows the story, which tells of a ball held in a splendid castle. One day, Balthazar makes Flutter sad by saying that the princess story is just a fairy tale. Flutter turns away, disappointed, and falls asleep. Balthazar meets Doctor Owl, who notices that something is bothering him.
Mama Owl's chicks are born, and soon they are strong enough for Berry and Dolly to visit them. Doctor Owl asks for their help while he works. The owl babies are very lively, and Berry and Dolly play with them enthusiastically and patiently. At lunchtime, Mama Owl is running out of patience, but eventually, they manage to feed the chicks. After finishing lunch and resting a little, the little ones regain their energy. They happily jump around Mama Owl, who feels it is time that the chicks learn to fly.
Alfonso, the cricket, plays beautifully on his violin for the forest inhabitants, but one day, no one listens to his new piece. First, he looks for Berry, Balthazar, and Stanley, but they are busy. He goes to Dolly, but she doesnt have time either. Very discouraged, he decides to leave the forest. However, he meets the Magpie, who welcomes him and cheers him up. Meanwhile, the others begin to search for Alfonso. When they find him, they apologize and invite him to play his new piece at the playground opening.
Bing drives his toy car around the breakfast things on the table and accidentally spills krispos all over the kitchen floor. He helps Flop to clear them up with the aid of the voo-voo cleaner but neither of them notice when Bings car gets sucked up along with the krispos.
Bing and Pando discover a new climbing frame at the playground. Its got climbing bits, tippy bits and even a wobbly bridge. But when Bing gets to the top of the slide its too scary for him to go down. Bing watches Pando to see how he does it, then he helps Hoppity Voosh to go down. When Hoppity likes it Bing has a go too.
Coco and Charlie are playing at Bings house when Coco spots the measuring lines on the wall that show how Bing has grown. Flop measures Bing and hes bigger than the last time. When Bing cant reach his paper aeroplane Coco offers to measure him again to check if hes really grown.
Bing is getting ready to go to Sulas house but hes all sneezy and hot so Flop decides that Bing needs to stay home and keep his germs to himself. Even though Bing is soon tucked up on the sofa with a hot honey lemon hes very disappointed that he cant play with Sula.
Tilda dreams of learning to fly. Excited by Robin Robin's statement that anyone with wings can fly, Tilda makes herself some from lettuce leaves. Robin is supposed to give her flying instruction, but she gets bored with all the tedious theory. Molly gets Rupert to help persuade Tilda flying is a bad idea.
One day, Tilda opens her front door and can't believe her eyes: there's an egg in her front garden. While Tilda asks Robin Robin for tips on egg care, Molly distributes flyers in Wild Rose Lane to find the owner. After a while, the egg cracks open and a chick hatches. As at that moment Tilda is not at home, the chick thinks Molly is its mother.
As Rupert would prefer to read than go out for a walk with Tilda, he pretends to have a cold. At once, Tilda declares herself his nurse and makes tea for him, gives him nose massages and makes him gargle, take cold foot baths and do a special keep fit programme.
Among the newly fallen Autumn leaves Little Nutbrown Hare finds a very peculiar little, hairy, green… something. Intrigued by what it might be Little Nutbrown Hare asks all his friends, but they all have different answers! It is certainly a very useful something, great for back scratching and games but it takes Little Grey Squirrel to solve the mystery.
One bright moonlit Autumn night, the Nutbrown Hares are both having trouble sleeping. As they lay quietly in a pile of leaves they listen to the sounds of the night… swish, hoot, wobble, nibble, croak and splash! They go on a journey to discover whats making the interesting night noises, but will they work out what sound the moon makes?
Chilly Autumn winds blow as Little Nutbrown Hare chases the beautiful fallen leaves. When one wafts so high that only a bird could catch it Little Nutbrown Hare wishes he could fly as well. He and Little Field Mouse try every way they can think of to fly, without luck. They have fun trying, however, and along the way they discover they have their own very special talents.
After Caillou accidentally upsets Rosie by not listening when she asks him to stop pushing her on the swings, he pretends to be the Red Racer who has trouble getting a Giant (Rosie) to listen to him. Caillou learns that you should always listen to your friends, especially when theyre uncomfortable.
When Mommys new plant is mysteriously knocked over, Caillou wants to find the culprit, but offends his family when he accuses them. In a detective fantasy, he learns that it can be hurtful to blame someone for something when you dont have proof.
Dad gives Kate a puzzle that seems too hard to solve. In Mimiloo, Mim-Mim finds an enchanted ring that leads everyone on a quest to find the hidden treasure of King Tut-n-Bunny. It leads them to a sphinx which is full of obstacles and challenges that test the gangs abilities and Mim-Mims courage.
Kate is making a balloon buddy for Mim-Mim and needs a big balloon. In Mimiloo, Kate, Mim-Mim and their friends find a balloon tree, but all its balloons are flat and droopy. They must find a way to re-inflate the balloons for the Big Balloon Parade, where Kate has a big surprise for Mim-Mim!
It's Easter Monday, and the sprinklers are coming to visit Annalee. Boribon also starts painting eggs, but he doesn't succeed at first… or does he?
Buns and Meemaw love Halloween the most. By helping friends with their costumes, they save the day.
The friends find a mansion that might have ghosts, or maybe whoever is in there just needs a friend.
After one of the best Halloweens ever, Rhonda lost all her candy. Buns and her friends save the day.
Findus promises the chickens that he will build them a feather brush machine. However, he then passes on this difficult tinkering to Pettson, who is more skilled with his hands. Unfortunately, Pettson forgets the order. When the chickens joyfully await the finished machine the next day and are presented with nothing, they are deeply disappointed. The old man and his cat now learn what it means not to keep a promise.
It is very windy and therefore a good opportunity to fly a kite. Findus overdoes it, however, because he has great fun annoying the chickens with his flying manoeuvres. This eventually leads to them vehemently refusing to continue laying eggs for this chaotic chicken-hostile farm. So they spontaneously decide to emigrate to Gustavsson. On the way there, however, they are threatened by a hungry buzzard.
Huckle and his pals all receive party invitations, but the party's location is a mystery. Small circular marks left behind by whoever delivered the invitations are an important clue. It leads Huckle and pals to Miss Honey who's been walking with a crutch. Grateful for the help she got raking up all her leaves, Miss Honey decided to throw a party for all the volunteers./Huckle and his pals discover a mysterious gigantic spoon.
In the hot savanna it is hard to find some shade, monkey thought he found the perfect place when this “place” started to move…. Turns out to be his friend the Camel who's all ready to play Monkeys favorite game… “Monkey See Monkey Do”!
Fireman Sam
Fireman Sam
Much excitement! There's a new 'Cowboy Colin' book, released today! The children of Greendale are excited that their teacher Lauren has ordered a copy of the book and is going to read it to them once Pat has delivered it. Problem is… everyone ELSE in Greendale is excited too and wants to have a look.. Pat's delayed and once his van runs out of petrol he has no choice but to jump on Pumpkin and ride to school. Watch out 'Cowboy Colin'! Here comes Cowboy PAT!
When Rosie, Scoutbadger and Woodsy are busy with their friends, Berry realises that she does not have one of her own. So, when she finds a twisted little branch that looks a bit like an animals face, she calls it Cherry, says that it is her friend and brings it in to be part of the family. However, Berrys artificial friend starts to take up a little too much room.
Woodsy tried to take some honey from the bees and they chased him. He got such a fright that he no longer wants to leave the burrow. His brothers and sister will do everything they can to help him over his phobia.
Who has the most extraordinary costume in the savannah? Doodleboo explains to Sketchy how to draw a Zebra.
Who is very agile flying through the air? Doodleboo explains to Sketchy how to draw a dragonfly.
Messy can't remember where he left his favourite sock. He goes to Okido and learns how to 'jog' his memory, but when the rollercoaster breaks down, will he be able to help Stan Tall remember where he left his screwdriver?
Messy goes to Okido to find out why vacuum cleaners are so noisy, and inadvertantly releases a huge swarm of Vacubot 2000s across Okido City!
On Summers hottest night Little Nutbrown Hare finds it hard to sleep. When a swim in the river isnt enough to cool him down, Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends ask Little White Owl to tell them a really cold and sleepy bedtime story. Will she come up with a story that can make them feel cool and finally get Little Nutbrown Hare off to sleep?
Little Nutbrown Hare is impressed by Blue Birds description of a flowery field that looks just like a sea of colour from her birds eye view. He visits the field with Big Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse, and they discover that everyone has their own unique view of the field, and each one is special in its own way.
One gorgeous Summer morning Big Nutbrown Hare wakes to find Little Nutbrown Hare enthralled by a story of Little White Owls. Encouraged, Little Nutbrown Hare sets off to make up a story of his own, but finds it harder than he thought to come up with one. With the help of his father, he finally uses some fruit hes collected on the way to help him tell a very colourful tale.
Bing and Sula are having so much fun playing together they dont want to say goodbye when Amma arrives to pick Sula up. To delay her departure Bing hides Sulas sparkly shoe in the toilet and it gets soaking wet much to Sulas annoyance.
Bing takes his Hoppity Voosh toy to the park to see the ducks and play on the slide. But when he steps in dog poo and heads to Ammas house to get cleaned up he leaves Hoppity behind. Amma helps Bing to fooocus so that he can remember where he went and retrace his steps to find Hoppity.
After several false starts to get out on a picnic Bing and Flop are finally ready to leave just as it starts to rain. Bing is very disappointed but as they unpack the wheelie bag he realises that they can have their picnic indoors instead.
Bing and Sula find a helium balloon stuck in a tree in the park. They both want to play with it at the same time so Flop makes two strings and they invent a noisy balloon game called “Stuck Duckies”. When they run in opposite directions the balloon flies away, so Flop volunteers to be the stuck duckie so the game doesnt have to end.
The Moonbug can't walk. The centipede always helps him to get him to where he wants to go. But one day the centipede has to go on a long journey, so the Moonbug is left to go alone to Alfonso's concert. But Eddy, the potatobeetle builds a special chair with wheels for Moonbug. The Moonbug can finally go alone to Alfonso's concert, and anywhere he wants to.
A great storm tears down the fireflies' house. The whole house breaks into peaces and all the lanterns with it. So the small firefiles go on a journey to find the wise old Shining Bug, and ask him to give them new lanterns. When the fireflies return home they are surprised by their new home, the forest friends have built them.
On a spring day, Flutter meets a group of unknown butterfly girls. The girls are happy, energetic and skitty, and Flutter is in awe of them at first. But it turns out the group always makes fun of Flutter's real friends. So Flutter decides to choose her peacful way of life besides her friends.
The Ant Queen has just recovered from a long sickness, so the ants decide to build her a giant Ferris Wheel on top of the hill. The work isn't going as fast as they've planned, so the forest friends decide to help them. The work still goes slowly, so they sadly give up, but then the night stars arrive to help the group, and the Ferris Wheel is finally complete.
Huckle, Lowly and Sally set out to prove to Pig Will and Pig Wont that the figure they saw wearing a strange yellow suit and helmet is not a spaceman from another planet. The clues finally lead them to the realization that it was really Granny Goodpig wearing her yellow suit to protect her while she collected honey from her beehives./ Someone took all the red roses from Granny Goat's garden leaving Huckle and gang puzzled.
It is night time at the jungle, it is dark and Monkey hears a strange a noise. Who is making that noise? Whooooo? It is the owl and he is hooting hello. Monkey is happy to meet his friend and to invite him to join him in his favorite game… “Monkey See Monkey Do”!
Fireman Sam
Fireman Sam
Kipper decides to make something out of old bits and pieces he finds lying around. He thinks hes making a flying machine, but in fact it turns out to be something much more useful for a hot day.
Kipper Tiger and the others are having a picnic on Big Hill. Arnolds so busy banging on his new drum he doesnt even want a sandwich. Tiger goes to hunt bugs and get away from the noise. He gets stuck in the root of a tree but luckily he has taken a biscuit tin with him to put the bugs in and finds himself drumming too as he beats on it for the others to come and rescue him.
Caillou goes to the water park and faces pirates, races down lazy river, and rides a big slide!
Caillou gets stung by a bee, but learns that bees are special creatures that don't want to hurt people!
Rupert has always dreamed of living in the woods. And Tilda thinks wishes like that should be fulfilled. So Tilda, Rupert and Molly set out to spend a night in the forest. Rupert is amused by all the luggage the ladies are taking with them – for him, the woods have everything one could need! He soon discovers that it's not that easy...
Tilda is expecting Rupert to breakfast, but the hedgehog doesn't turn up. So Tilda goes to Rupert's house, where Edna tells her that Rupert has gone into the village. The mouse finds it odd that Rupert has forgotten their arrangement and sets off after him.
The wind is blowing on the beach while the Triplets are really excited at the thought of trying their brand new kite. But because of the wind ziouuuff the three sun hats fly away and go into the sea. The children dont know what to do and look for a way to get their hats back. But by the way, where are going all the items which fly away?
The boys and Kiko are making a football field to play on the beach, all they need is a fourth player to make two teams. They ask Girl who was picking up shells on the beach. She happily accepts their offer but once the fields ready, and with no explication at all, Girl starts sulking on her towel and refuse to talk to the boys. Nothing will make her stop, not pulling faces, not Mommies hugs, not even candies! What could have possibly happen?
Grandpa Fox invents a scary story for the children. But the children become scared for real and decide to lay a trap for the nasty monster who is supposed to appear and drag them away by the feet… When it comes to the shivers, Grandpa will not be the only one to be scared….
Caillou wants to be like a real rockstar, but his loud tunes keep disturbing his family. He goes into a rockstar fantasy, where he learns that he doesnt need to play loudly to make an impact, and finds a new way to rock out – by turning his rock song into a lullaby for Rosie.
At the park to watch a meteor shower, Caillou is surprised to see a new girl, Tina. Suddenly feeling shy, Caillou pretends to be the fearless Dax Turbo Space Captain who makes first contact with the alien, Shyanne (Tina). This helps Caillou overcome his shyness and make a new space-loving friend.
Piper must limit playtime when the Trainees are assigned to bring food to the poor Mtambo.
Koko becomes incredibly strong after she gets an upgrade to her hydraulic power booster.
Wilson goes for the gold to find out what he's best at as all of Chuggington is celebrating and competing in the Chuggington Games!
During an expedition to the jungle, Smeraldo finds an ancient vase from the dragons age. Since he needs help to carry the relic to his lab, Grisu will join him in the mission. The job isnt easy, as the vase is very frail and a bunch of wild animals - especially some cheeky toucans - will get in their way. But with the help of Smeraldo, Olivia and Stella (who sneaked onboard to take part in the adventure), Grisu manages to carry the precious object to a safe place.
A shooting star has been seen above Dragontown. At it fell in the surrondings, Pr. Smeraldo wants to find it before the wind and the rain bury the stone. Unfortunately, he has a wide area to comb. It's a perfect mission for Grisu and Stella. Equiped with a metal detector, Grisu has to deal with many obstacles, among them Thingy who turns mad every time he hears the detector beeping. And you can't imagine how many metal things lie around. Not only can't Grisu and Stella find the precious meteorite, but also they collect metal waste such as an old whistle, a magnet, wire or a weathervane.
A yellow-eyed penguin wanders into Heros kennel. The Junior Rangers head to New Zealand to find the penguins home, but can they prevent tourists from disturbing yellow-eyed penguins on the beach?
Flutter, the butterfly girl, tries to bake an apple pie, but unfortunately, it doesn't turn out well. With the help of a fairy, she manages to fix it and then finds a lost marker and repairs the window as well. The Lily Fairy discovers that Flutter solved everything on her own and then moves on to help others.
Alfonso, the cricket, invites Bubble, Berry, and Dolly for a visit. They make ice cream and play together. Bubble admits to cheating in the game. Because of this, the little friends come up with a new game where everyone can win..
The inhabitants of the forest gather on the hilltop to watch the evening meteor shower. Stanley and Balthazar want to build a seesaw but constantly encounter obstacles. The Firefly helps them, and with the assistance of the Moon, they swing on the Moon rocker seesaw. The meteor shower mesmerizes them, then they bid farewell to each other, and everyone starts heading home. The Firefly falls asleep contentedly.
On Reggie Squirrels seventh birthday, he couldn't find his friends at home. He runs into Harry Hedgehog, who offers to take him for a ride in a carriage. When they return, the forest inhabitants celebrate Reggie Squirrel together, giving him seven candles as a gift. They then fly in a hot air balloon, marveling at the night sky. Finally, Reggie Squirrel happily returns home and wishes his friends a good night.
Bubble and Stanley gather chestnuts, and then they create marvelous figures out of them at the house of the stag beetle. Bubble takes the figures home, but upon seeing the mess, Stanley offers his help. In the process, they get caught up in a series of accidents, resulting in the gingerbread house breaking. Bubble receives a new gingerbread house from Rosita the rose beetle and happily tidies up his room.
Bing finds his old baby shoes. They are much too small for Bing now but Coco loves them and so does baby Charlie. When the shoes are a perfect fit for Charlie, Bing has a hard time letting them go to a new home.
Flop is feeling poorly so Bing decides to look after him. He makes Flop comfy on the sofa, gives him a blanket and reads an exciting Hoppity Voosh story. But when Bing tries to make Flop a honey-lemon drink he ends up making a big mess instead. Poor Flop...
Its music time at the creche and everyone wants a turn on the drum. Bing gets impatient waiting for his turn but as he tries to grab the drum from Sula he trips and breaks it. Now nobody can play the drum.
Bing and Sula are playing a vooshing game with their favourite toys, Hoppity Voosh and Hippo Fairy. They throw them into the air to see how high they can fly – Voooooosh! Uh-oh…Sulas hippo gets stuck in a tree so Bing throws Hoppity up to save her, only for Hoppity to get stuck too.
Bing and Pando are playing outside in the cold, blowing steamy dragon breath at each other and discovering icicles hanging from the tap. Flop makes hot chocolate to warm everybody up but Bing cant wait for it to cool down before he can drink it and burns his fingers – Pandos quick thinking brings the icicle to the rescue.
Get to know our little pets better through charming stories featuring the characters from the popular Bing series.
At school, the kids are rehearsing their dance acts for the talent show. Lou and Sophie dance super well. Ferdinand and Simon are so clumsy that they fall on their buts at the end of their choreography. Everyone laughs, even Lou who compares them to a couple of clowns. The two friends are offended, especially Ferdinand who doesnt want anyone making fun of him anymore. So Simon asks Lou to show them how to dance. And though she is surprised, she agrees. But the two boys are so naturally clumsy, that they fall down again. Lou bursts out laughing This time, Simon gets really angry: why dont they just quit making fun of them! Lou tells the boys that they really are funny!
When Pettson and Findus return from an outing in the forest, they discover a dead magpie in the yard - the nosey parker. Findus and the chickens are very sad about this. Pettson explains to them that the magpie was very old. They all decide to give her a nice funeral by the lakeside. During the preparations, they fondly remember the little experiences they had with her.
It is a sunny Spring day in the meadow and Little Nutbrown Hare is enjoying all it has to offer. As the day wears on a heavy grey cloud forces Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse to seek shelter from the rain. Will the friends let a little water ruin their fun or will they discover that rainy days can be just as exciting.
Little Nutbrown Hare is disappointed when a trail of ants disappears with the delicious Spring berries hes found. Hes convinced that ants are not very nice, and only after Big Nutbrown Hare explains how the ants were probably taking the berries home to their families does Little Nutbrown Hare forgive them. And when he sees how clever the ants are, he soon wants to be like them.
Woozle is ill. His tummy hurts, his head hurts. Everything is hurting. Just stay in your basket all day and sleep, Aunty says. That sleeping turns into dreaming. Woozle and Pip blast off to the moon in a rocket. Star jumping, sun dancing or moon racing. When Woozle wakes up, he is feeling a lot better already. Theme: When youre ill you need to rest.
Molly stands trembling at Tilda's door: last night she heard noises in the village shop and then found an empty tin can. It's bound to have been a hungry ghost making trouble! That night, Tilda, Rupert, Molly and Edna lie in wait in the village shop to catch the ghost red-handed.
A tiring gardening session make the friends of Wild Rose Lane dream of going away on holiday. But none of them wants to be all alone in far-off places. So Tilda suggests that they simply swap homes. No sooner said than done! Tilda moves in to Edna's, Molly to Rupert's, Robin to Tilda's, the squirrels to Molly's and Rupert to Robin's.
A dog? In the city? In an apartment? No way! answers Mom, and even Grandpa cannot be convinced. A dog is a lot of responsibilities. But the Kids keep on dreaming about a little dog: a Labrador? A German Shepard? A Yorkshire terrier? Once again the only answer they get is No! No! No!” However when Mom sees them writing a moving letter to Santa, she cannot resist nd says yes.
The Triplets look back on the most beautiful day of their lives: the day they got Toto! When they had seen him at the pet shop they had immediately fallen in love with him but a customer was just about to buy the little dog. Toto, who had already grown fond of the Triplets, did everything he could to drive the customer away and it worked very well!
Detective Brewster works to help Wilson find Koko's award ribbon that Wilson secretly borrowed. After secretly borrowing it, Wilson sings with pride about him feeling like he won the ribbon.
Pontypandy has gone Bug Hunt mad as everyone is hooked on the new smart phone game. Norman, James, Sarah and Mandy think theyre the only ones playing the game. But when they realise theyre not, they resort to taking Neptune to find the last bug out at sea. Sam carries out a daring ocean rescue.
Station Officer Steele decides to direct his new musical Hearts of Fire and Steele, with Norman winning the part of Steele as a young boy. During the performance, Norman tells James to always keep the spotlight on him. James and Norman tussle and the spotlight falls, sparking a fiery finale to the show.
Kipper finds an old key and remembers its for a clockwork mouse in his toybox. His friend Mouse is unimpressed – its not like a real mouse. Kipper decides the two mice should have a race and when the clockwork mouse wins, Mouse has had enough. She decides to hide the key.
At the seaside Tiger just wants to read his book. Kipper keeps interrupting him so Tiger tells him to go for a swim. Kipper plays ball with a friendly sea lion but Tiger doesnt believe him. He finishes his book and Kipper starts reading – now he wants to be left alone. Tiger meets the sea lion too and soon all three of them play happily together, book forgotten.
After Daddy accidentally frightens Caillou with a picture book monster named Squibby, hes too scared to fall asleep. So, with a flashlight in hand, Caillou pretends to be a monster tracker where he “shines a light” on what scares him and discovers that its not so scary after all.
While trying a new trick on his bike, Caillou loses control and has a fall, triggering a new fear of bike riding. But by playing with the Red Racer, the worlds best driver, Caillou learns how to manage his fear and try again.
It's the hottest day of the year on Sodor and the sun is causing the tracks to buckle and bend. Dowager Hatt, arrives with a present for the Fat Controller - a white pith helmet to protect him from the sun explaining that white reflects heat. Meanwhile the buckled tracks cause Whiff to lose some rubbish from his trucks and a dropped bottle causes a fire. When Belle and Flynn come to the rescue, Belle is derailed and Flynn must travel on his road wheels to put out the fire. The buckled tracks are finally repaired and Thomas suggests that they paint the new tracks white (like Sir Topham's hat) which will reflect the sun and hopefully stop the tracks buckling again.
What was supposed to be a relaxing trip to the hot spring turns into a disaster when the mischievous Japanese Macaques steal the Junior Rangers' gadgets.
In this episode, the Junior Rangers attempt to return a crab-eating macaque to the wild. Their knowledgeable friend, Ranger Rocky, assists them in their journey through the rainforest.
Pats mission is to deliver a bouncy castle to Laurens class. The castle is impossible to deliver as it inflates inside the post office. Pat delivers the bouncy castle by helicopter but once delivered Jess gets his claws stuck in the castle and it bursts. Pat remembers that Michael ordered hundreds of sticky plasters for his mobile shop and uses them to cover the holes.
Pat is delivering a telescope to Charlie at Greendale Peak for the once in a lifetime comet thats appearing that night. Pat is late with the delivery when his sat nav leads him in the wrong direction and his van gets stuck in the mud. Pat lassoes himself to safety just in time to deliver the telescope and watch the comet.
Bing and his friends put on a show in the park. After Cocos dance, Pandos song and Sulas acrobatics display everyone is excited to see Bings finale. When he gets up on the stage Bing is overcome with stage fright so his friends, and rainbow fairy mice, come to the rescue.
Sula and Amma go round to Bings house to watch the fireworks. Sula doesnt like the bangs so shes wearing her earmuffs but Bing thinks hes brave enough to watch the Fireworks outside in the garden. Suddenly –theres a huge BANG! and a super loud rocket sends Bing racing back inside and under the kitchen table in shock.
Bing plays with a new orange balloon but when he bounces on it too enthusiastically, it POPS. Bing is sad to lose his new toy so Flop helps him put the balloon fragments in the Bye Bye Box; a memory box where things too broken to be fixed but too special to throw away are kept.
Flop is pushing Bing on the swing in the park when Pando arrives and wants to have a go too. They agree to let each other have turns by counting up to ten but when Pando has his turn he wont count properly. Bing gets so cross he runs in front of the swing and gets bumped.
Bing is busy building a tower as tall as he is with his blocks and is upset when Coco arrives and hijacks the blocks so that she can make a rainbow pattern with them instead. When even Charlie wants to play with the blocks its clear a new game needs to be found that they can all play together.
Oswald takes over the ice cream route when Johnny Snowman has the sniffles. Johnny is very grateful, especially as he has a special delivery that he does every Friday afternoon. Oswald and Weenie set off but soon find that doing a job isnt always easy. Nevertheless, Oswald and Weenie press on and end up not only making that special delivery but also selling all of the ice cream!
Oswald and Weenie offer to pick tutti-fruits for Madame Butterfly so that she can make their favourite pie. They take little Catrina along with strict instructions not to let her spoil her appetite by eating the fruits. Once at the park, Catrina spots a mother bird struggling to feed her hungry babies and decides to help. Oswald doesnt realise what shes up to as he keeps being distracted by his passing friends. Thinking Catrina is trying to eat the tutti fruits herself, Oswald spills all of his fruits trying to stop her. But when he finds out what Catrina is really up to he gladly lends a hand.
Sports guru Skye Sampson asks Bob to build a 100 metre zip-line for her new fitness program. It's a job that Leo should love to help with, but he seems very distracted. Leo is put in charge of finishing the launch platform and fixing the zip-line, but he keeps making mistakes and wonders if he is up to the job. Lofty tries to convince Leo of how well they're doing, but when the zip-line comes loose it's the last straw. Leo says he should give up being a builder. Scoop and Lofty panic that Leo is going to leave the team – they decide they must make things right! But in their attempts to fix the platform they end up demolishing it instead.
Science and engineering hot shot Mei Moon has designed and built a rocket, named Stella. If successful Stella will become the smallest rocket ever to reach space. The Spring City Rockets have gathered and made a banner to celebrate and Bob's job is to finish building Stella's launch pad near the Observatory. Lofty is given the important task of lifting Stella onto the launch pad. Mei reminds him he has to be very careful, but he becomes flustered and tries to place the rocket before the launch pad is finished. Stella falls off and flops into wet concrete, ejecting her landing parachute, which Lofty accidentally runs over and rips. Now the launch is ruined. The team clean the concrete splattered rocket by using the machine wash back at the yard, but they still have the problem of the ripped parachute.
Little Nutbrown Hare wakes up to a colourful sprig of holly in the snow outside the hollow log. Its surprise gift from Little Spotty Deer, who has returned to the meadow. This gives Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse the idea to spread the joy and surprise all their other friends with a holly sprig too, so the three of them make a game of it. Theme: Spreading fun and joy.
Day It is the shortest day of the year so the sun doesn't rise until very late and is going to set very early. To Little Nutbrown Hare everything feels mixed up and there's no time to do all the things he wants to do. Thats until he and Little Field Mouse name it Topsy-Flopsy Day and decide to make a fun and funny day of it!
In Winter, Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends try to find an extra special place and extra special food for Feast Day celebrations. When things go awry and nothing seems special at all, they discover that the most important thing is to be able to celebrate with those you love. Theme: celebrating with those you love.
Timmy and his friends are making paper planes but Timmy needs some help from Finlay. Help Timmy decide which transport comes next.
When Huckle and the gang hear strange mumbling voices in the Busytown Museum, it begins to look like its coming from the new Mummy Exhibit. However, after tracking down the clues and putting them together, the sounds turn out to be the voices of the workmen echoing up through air vents from the basement.
In the real world Messy is playing with his toy planes, cars and boats and wonders how they all work, so he goes to Okido to find out! When he arrives, Felix and Zoe, they tell him to hurry because they want to watch the “All Okido Race to Windy Hill” with him. “Theres a mystery prize!” they tell him. Messy says they wont watch the race… because theyre going to be in the race and win! He whistles over the Okidoodle and they skidoodle to the starting line!
In the real world Messy cant reach a sock in the top drawer! He wonders if hell ever be tall enough.“When you need to know, go to Okido!” he says. Messy gets to Okido just in time to catch Felix and Zoe leaving to meet Zim, Zam and Zoom at the funfair! They jump into the Okidoodle, but Felix accidentally lets go of the funfair map, which flies away! Messy stops and luckily, Lofty the giant was there to catch it for them. Lofty is with his niece Mini, and so they invite her to the funfair with them. “Minis a bit too big for the Okidoodle” notices Messy, so she follows behind on her scooter.
When Huckleberry and Blueberrys Patti Persimmon-style mystery story is rejected by the online mystery magazine, Strawberry comes up with a new way to raise funds for Hucks pet shelter—a big dog show! Plum attempts to turn the dog show into an extravagant dance performance. The competition heats up, everyone wanting their pup to perform in an even more spectacular manner, and the dog training sessions go comically awry. Meanwhile Huck and Blueberry co-write a monster mystery, inadvertently starting a rumor that a Berry Patch monster is loose! The rumor, combined with Jadeybug from the post office forgetting to send out the show invitations, results in no one coming to the show. Fortunately, Blueberry had submitted her and Hucks new mystery story to the online magazine, and the editor is thrilled with their work.
Harry is pleased when he wins a game he is playing with Nana so he visits Dino-World where he makes up lots of games and wins every time.
Harry wants to do lots of things all at once so instead of choosing one activity he goes to Dino-World.
Handy and the gang use science to experiment building a bridge to retrieve a lost model plane.
One day two visitors come to the Island of Sodor to take pictures of interesting engines. At first Bert finds them very polite. They drive their little blue car along the line, racing ahead of him and stop to take pictures as they go past. But they dont bother waving or saying hello and when they drive through a puddle Bert gets splashed with muddy water and decides they are very rude. He decides to get his own back by using his steam to make water rain down on them from the wet branches, but the Small Controller is not very happy with him.
When Ducks driver boils an egg in his whistle it leaves Duck making a very funny sound. The other engines think it is very funny, but Mike insists that an engine that cant whistle is not a proper engine. Mike can be grumpy and tends to overheat, but when he loses his temper with a cow later that day he blows his own whistle cap right off and into a field. Now Mike cant whistle properly and hes not very happy about it. He cant see the funny side of the situation as easily as his friends Rex and Bert.
At the request of Emma the forest ranger, Grisu has to tag the sick trees in the forest. The trees must absolutely be cut down before the storm arrives. But all the marks he makes are erased by a mysterious eraser: Fumé, who is determined to defend his tree. Grisu finds a solution by using his father to replant the tree sheltered from the wind.
Olivia competes in the famous Sand Dune Race in a new electric 4x4 she has designed, but her co-pilot has just pulled out. Fortunately, Grisu will take his place. Accompanied by Fumé and Stella, he joins Olivia in the desert. The race begins and soon Slad and Vlad - better known as “The Tricktwins” - give them a hard time. The twins, ready to do anything to win, try to trick them. While Grisu and Olivia's charred windsceen prevents them from moving forward, Grisu has an idea that allows them to get back in the race. Before crossing the finish line, they even help the Tricktwins to get out of a quicksand.
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse befriend a little green caterpillar but aren't prepared for the changes it will undergo.
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse see a beautiful rainbow. When it disappears before Big Nutbrown Hare can see it, they recreate it for him with flowers.
Grandpa and Grandma have come to look after the children. In the afternoon, Grandma goes for a walk in the forest with Scoutbadger, Rosie and Berry. Grandpa stays in the burrow with Woodsy who thinks he is going to have a quiet time but things turn out to be more hectic than he had anticipated.
Team Bob are creating a Soft Play Café for Chef Tattie in an old warehouse by the docks, ready for an opening party tomorrow. Though the build is on track, Chef cant decide what colour to paint the disco room so Bob offers to put up paint samples for him to choose from. Leo shows off his mash-up app and Tattie decides that Leo should DJ for the party. However, Leo isnt as confident as he appeared to Chef and the extra responsibility distracts him from the build. Eventually he ends up walking through spilled paint after putting up the colour samples, leaving differently coloured footprints all over the floor.
Leo is late as hes overslept thanks to staying up late playing a fishing game on his phone. Bob, Lofty, Leo and Wendy are installing a satellite dish and at the Spring City News HQ located at the docks. The dish has to be in place in time for the Six OClock News bulletin. En route to site the team stop to say hello to the Spring City Rockets who are practicing in preparation for a dance show later that day which will be covered on the news. On site Leo and Lofty are teamed up. During the build Leo is distracted by the game; Lofty suggests he should pay more attention. While tying the dish to Loftys hook Leo - distracted by the game - does not secure it properly. As Lofty raises the dish it comes loose and drops to the floor.
Baby Sadie's dolly has mysteriously gone missing somewhere between home and the band shell in Busytown Park. Huckle and his team search for clues at all the places Sadie visited that day. They discover the dolly inside a grand piano that's playing a few sour notes./Cars are disappearing from a particular parking space, Huckle and gang set out to find out why.
Leo, Katie, Hero and a sun bear cub set off for the rainforest to find the cubs mother. Alas, they end up trapped in an overgrowth of stinky Rafflesia flowers! Can the Junior Rangers, Hero and sun bear cub overcome the overpowering odour of the Rafflesias and escape?
A pygmy hippo appears in the garden pond. The Junior Rangers hit the road to send the hippo home, but their journey is delayed by a sticky situation involving quicksand.
At the beach, Simon discovers a crab sitting in a pool of water between the rocks. But a little girl, Maelle, is already there and she declares that the pool of water is hers! Simon doesnt agree one little bit! In order to see who gets to “own” the pool of water, Simon offers a challenge: see who can catch a crab first! Simon loses this particular challenge, but he wins the next one, which consists in collecting the most winkles. One last challenge will decide the definitive winner: the first one to reach the water wins the whole beach!
One autumn day, Reggie Squirrel is visited by his old friend, Otto Badger, who brings a frisbee as a gift. They happily play with it, and when they head home, the frisbee falls at the base of a tree. Later, Berry and his friends find it and play with it, but Balthazar throws it so far that the frisbee vanishes. Reggie Squirrel asks them about it later, but Balthazar denies having seen it. Dolly and Flutter find the frisbee and bring it back to Reggie. Berry, feeling ashamed, admits that they accidentally threw the frisbee and couldn't find it. In the end, they all play happily with it until dark, carefully making sure not to throw it too far.
Leapy, the grasshopper girl, gets paint on her hair while painting her house in the spring. She cant wash it off, so Zephyr, the dragonfly, offers to cut her hair. Leapy is very sad when she sees herself in the mirror; she doesnt like her new hairstyle. At Zephyr's suggestion, they show the others, but only Dolly notices the change and compliments her. Later, they hold a hairstyle day, where everyone creates special hairstyles for themselves. Leapy happily finishes painting her house and invites her friends to a spring feast.
Stanley's birthday is approaching, and he becomes very curious and cant wait to find out what gift he will receive from Dolly. He peeks into the ladybird girl's drawer. The next day, he tells Balthazar that he knows what his gift will be. On his birthday, the friends gather and wish Stanley a happy birthday. Flutter presents the cake, they sing, and then Stanley blows out the candles and cuts the cake. Stanley receives many nice gifts, including a bowling set from Dolly. Stanley admits that he peeked into the ladybird girl's drawer because he was curious about his gift.
Shaun invites his friends to Sand Island during the summer heatwave. Christopher and Chloe, the two canaries, ferry the friends over. Bubble, Balthazar, Dolly, Stanley, Berry, Flutter, and Shaun build sand houses. Balthazar accidentally knocks down Bubble the flower beetle's house. Suddenly, a summer shower begins and washes away all the sand houses. They stand sadly around their ruined creations and decide to build a large drip sandcastle together. Side by side, they build drip towers, construct castle walls, and decorate the tops with sand balls. The day passes joyfully, and by the evening, when the canaries come to pick them up, magnificent drip towers stand tall on the island.
At the end of summer, the Star Girl visits her friends. She rarely comes because her star-shaped house is in the sky. They spend a day together, and when night falls, the Star Girl bids everyone farewell. She cant speak, but she plays the harp beautifully. The music will lift her house into the sky. However, this time one of the harp strings comes loose, and the house doesnt rise. The Wind blows the string out of her hand, and she cant catch it.
The Centipede's apple tree hasnt had any fruit for many years. He asks Berry for help, who carefully tends to the tree. At the beginning of summer, apples finally appear, and the Centipede is so happy that he invites his distant relative, the Millipede, for a visit. However, the Millipede falls ill and cant come. The Centipede then invites his friends to a big apple party. When they arrive, they pretend that the Millipede was there, but it turns out that it was just his friends in costume.
The Cave Spider and the tiny Spiderling are good friends, and one summer day they are walking on the mountaintop. Spiderling blows a dandelion at the Cave Spider, who falls and gets injured. Spiderling immediately seeks help from Doctor Owl, who determines that the Cave Spider's legs are bruised and prescribes two weeks of rest. Berry, Dolly, Stanley, and Balthazar help the Cave Spider get home. Dolly suggests they sew a large canopy so the Cave Spider can watch the ants' end-of-summer fireworks from the air. Flutter, Leapy, Zephyr, and the others make the canopy, and on the night of the fireworks, they lift the Cave Spider up so he can enjoy the view from above.
Bing is playing Hide & Seek at the creche with Sula, Pando and Coco. Bing doesnt go to the toilet with all the others before the game starts and when he needs to go before he is found he has to decide whether to give up his hiding place or try and hold on.
Bing and Flop are making ginger bunny biscuits for Charlie and Coco. But when Charlie and Coco arrive Charlies done a mega poo and in all the fuss cleaning him up nobody hears the chickie timer ring to tell them that the biscuits are cooked.
Bing and Pando experiment with Bings toy train on the Fun Fort in the playground. The train is good at going over bridges and brilliant at going down the slide. But when Bing slides it off the roof of the play house, the train crashes and breaks. Bing is upset until he realises that the pieces fit together to make something completely different.
Bing and Sula are having so much fun playing together they dont want to say goodbye when Amma arrives to pick Sula up. To delay her departure Bing hides Sulas sparkly shoe in the toilet and it gets soaking wet much to Sulas annoyance.
Spring has arrived and Tilda fervently wants to paint a white sheep on a green meadow. She grabs her easel and sets off. Her friends may have lots of other suggestions for things she could paint, but she has her heart set on a sheep. Her friend Patrick the sheep turns out to be a difficult model: he just can't keep still.
When Molly visits Tilda, her friend is looking for a birthday present for Rupert. In the end, Tilda decides on a blue scarf. Molly suggests sending Rupert the present as a parcel to make the surprise all the bigger. A great idea, thinks Tilda.
Rupert's sensitive hedgehog nose tells him that the weather tomorrow is going to be fantastic. He at once informs Tilda and the two friends decide to prepare a picnic. The other friends join in and the preparations last long into the night, with Molly and Rupert finally falling asleep in Tilda's living room. .
Crisp Autumn days are perfect for collecting pretty golden leaves and playing hide and boo. Little Nutbrown Hare is so excited that he accidently promises to play with two different games with two different friends on the same day. He cant be in two places at once, so how will he keep both his promises and both his friends happy?
A fun, spooky tale from little White Owl leaves the friends a little on edge, so when they hear strange noises in the pumpkin patch, they wonder what kind of creepy creature might be lurking there with them. Will Big Nutbrown Hare be able to convince them not to let their imaginations run away with them?
The friends are all playing together in the Autumn meadow. Little Redwood Fox inadvertently spoils all the games of the day, but the others put their heads together and come up with a game that suits her perfectly.
After a safety demonstration at school, Caillou goes overboard trying to accident-proof his house. But in a secret agent fantasy where an Agent (Caillou) almost fails a mission because of an actual safety bubble, Caillou realizes that accidents happen, but you can always be prepared.
Caillou is having too much fun playing Space Captain to go to sleep, so he pretends to be Dax Turbo, trying to keep his sleepy crew awake so they can complete their mission, and learns that everyone needs time to rest and recharge, even intrepid space captains.
Kate sees a falling star shoot across the sky and wonders where it landed. In Mimiloo, Kate, Mim-Mim and their friends find the fallen star in the Forever Forest. Its just a baby, so they must find a way to reunite it with its mama in the nighttime sky.
When Dad catches a cold, Kate wants to help him feel better. In Mimiloo, Gobble and Tack have caught a bug too…the giggle bugs! Kate and Mim-Mim must find the cure: merry berry bush berries. The bush will only release berries if they make it laugh, but Mim-Mims jokes arent funny. Hell have to tickle its funny bone another way!
Racing is exciting, but not for everyone. When Boribon feels sad because he hasn't won first place, Annalee cleverly finds a way to cheer the little bear up.
Buns has to choose between showing up to her own fan club or helping her sister Blossom.
Strange noises in the house seem to Findus to clearly indicate a haunting ghost or an encroaching monster. But his search for the exact origin of the sounds is unsuccessful. By chance, he and Pettson find out that swallows and their young birds have been living very well hidden under the gable of the roof for a short time. The little ones are constantly emitting hungry sounds that could very well be mistaken for ghostly voices.
It's hot - very hot! And in this heat, Gustavsson talks Pettson into buying a large vat for immediate collection. So in the middle of the heat, Pettson first has to get his old tractor going. Together with Findus, he then organises the transport of the huge piece to his farm. The old inventor's best idea is now to convert the vat into a fancy swimming pool, with an additional invention for drying off.
Something knocks Sgt. Murphys hat off his head, chops the tops of Baker Humperdinks baguettes, and sheers a path through a flower bed. Although no one saw anything, they all heard it make the same whoop whoop whoop sound. Putting the clues together, Huckle, Sally and Lowly figure out that it was Vanderbuilts new, out of control, boomerang./The mysterious disappearance of Mayor Fox leaves Huckle and the gang on an important search.
All Monkey wants is to eat a nice fresh carrot, but someone has beat him to it. When Monkey discovers that the rabbit is the carrot eater he immediately invites him to play Monkeys favorite game… “Monkey See Monkey Do”!
Fireman Sam
Fireman Sam
Big Bob, the bell from the church tower of Rev Timm's church has been away to get mended. To great fanfair and much excitement - a party is planned to celebrate and the children have prepared a special bell ringing tune Big Bob is coming back to Greendale. Pat has to deliver it to the church in time for the installation people to pop it in the bell tower.
Rosie has the habit of keeping everything they find, which annoys her brothers. Then the boys find an object that Rosie lost and do not want to return it, using her favourite principle of 'finders, keepers'.
Its lovers day in the forest. While Margaret and Edmund are wondering what gifts they can give each other, Scoutbadger and Rosie are intrigued by Woodsys behaviour. He seems to have a secret that they are determined to disover….
Messy wants to run further, but he keeps getting out of breath. Will he able to take on the Great Okido Challenge, and race to the finish line?
Messys got pins and needles! He needs Zim and Zams help. Will he be able to get through the crowds at The Okido Musical Statues competition without Mayor Oki spotting him?
Little Nutbrown Hare has a new game. He will be Big Nutbrown Hare for a day, doing jobs like finding food, answering tricky questions and resting in the grass. Likewise, Big Nutbrown Hare must take on his sons jobs of playing with his friends, making up new games and asking questions. Its all great fun until they realize that they are much, much better at being themselves.
A Summer storm sweeps across the valley and a nervous Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends scamper into a cave with Big Nutbrown Hare. They are all safe and dry in the cave, but the thunder outside is still scary. Big Nutbrown Hare explains that noises cant hurt you… but will he help them overcome their fears enough to enjoy the storm and the wonders of nature that it brings?
A lazy Summers day brings a wonderful discovery for Little Nutbrown Hare… a tree full of bright, beautiful, tasty plums! Little Nutbrown Hare isnt the only one enjoying the juicy summer fruit, it seems like every animal in the meadow has come for a taste. As the Summer goes on the plums disappear and Little Nutbrown Hare begins to wonder what all the animals will do without them.
Coco discovers Bings dressing up box so they both dress up. Coco is Princess Cococapono and Bing is, of course, King Bing. But there is only one crown and both need it to complete their outfits. When the crown gets broken Flop helps them to make new crowns out of the broken pieces.
Bing makes Sula a picture with all her favourite things on it. It just needs one last jewel stuck on but OOPS the glue spills all over the picture. Sparkles save the day.
Sula, Pando, Flop and Padget all have a knack, a special thing that only they can do. Bing is frustrated when all his own knacks are easy for everyone else to do too. When Pando accidentally hurts Bings ear they are all in for a surprise as Bing discovers he does have a knack that no-one else can do.
Sula and Bing tag their favourite things around the house with heart shaped stickies. Sometimes they have different favourites and sometimes their favourite things are the same. But when Sula tags Hoppity Voosh Bing is upset because Hoppity is his most favourite of favourites and hes not sure he wants to share him.
The three bark beetles can't decide what costume to wear to the spring carnival party. So they ask the help of Leapy. Since she also still hasn't gotten a costume yet, they come up with the idea to dress as the four seasons. Leapy becomes Spring, and the three bark beetles become Summer, Fall and Winter. The four seasonelves go on to win the costume contest at the party.
In January, Eddy the Potato beetle and his friends visit Stanley, who presents his new toy cars. Eddy would like to try out the silver truck but accidentally breaks it. The next day, Eddy confesses his mistake and compensates Stanley with a golden-colored vehicle, while Patrik, the handyman beetle, repairs the wheel.
In February, the little friends gather for a carnival party and agree that there won't be a costume competition. Instead, the girls dress up as vegetables, while the boys dress up as fruits. However, Katie, the yellow ladybird and Snail Sam are not aware of this arrangement. So when they burst into Vende's house where the ball is taking place, everyone teams up to creatively transform their costumes. The friends enjoy the celebration, which is made complete by a large basket of colorful carnival donuts. On their way home, they admire the first snowdrops.
The five girls are getting ready for a spring welcoming party, where they will perform a spring dance. They share their plan with the mushrooms, who are thrilled and offer their hats. Rosita, the rose beetle promises to return them, but Berry puts the hats back incorrectly. Rosita puts them back in the correct order and, as an apology, the girls also present their dance to the mushrooms.
It's midday and Busytown citizens are dozing off all over town. Huckle, Sally and Lowly try to find out why. Noticing the number of sleeping people holding melted ice cream cones is an important clue. Ultimately, the kids discover that the ice cream truck isn't playing the usual perky tune to announce its arrival - it's playing a lullaby./Someone has taken Huckles car and left their car in its place!
Would you believe that water is falling from the sky in the hot savanna…well it can happen if you have an elephant friend next to you…and when Monkey sees a friend he always invites him to play his favorite game Monkey See Monkey Do.
Fireman Sam
Fireman Sam
Kipper finds an old key and remembers its for a clockwork mouse in his toybox. His friend Mouse is unimpressed – its not like a real mouse. Kipper decides the two mice should have a race and when the clockwork mouse wins, Mouse has had enough. She decides to hide the key.
At the seaside Tiger just wants to read his book. Kipper keeps interrupting him so Tiger tells him to go for a swim. Kipper plays ball with a friendly sea lion but Tiger doesnt believe him. He finishes his book and Kipper starts reading – now he wants to be left alone. Tiger meets the sea lion too and soon all three of them play happily together, book forgotten.
Caillou gets ready for his first day back at school and Mommy packs him a lunchbox surprise!
Caillou is worried there's a monster under his bed, so Daddy checks to make him feel better!
Tilda wants to open a hotel so that people from far afield can spend time in beautiful Wild Rose Lane. Rupert thinks it's a bad idea, but Tilda sticks to her guns. Then the first guests arrive at Hotel Appleseed, a frog and his son. But instead of being quiet and polite, the guests turn Tilda's house on its head. Soon she is rushed off her feet with work.
One day, a mouse called Ferdinand Pearstalk turns up on Tilda's doorstep and announces that he will be taking over her house: the vicar has swapped churches and with him the church mouse. To Tilda's amazement, he immediately moves in. With a heavy heart, Tilda puts all her stuff on a handcart and trundles off.
In Grandpas garden, Turbulent is fascinated by the super heroes stories he can read in his book. He wishes too to be a Kind Vigilante who saves the lovely and the helpless. Unfortunately, every time he tries to save someone, his sister who stucked her kite in a tree or his brother who is afraid of a spider for example, Grandpa always comes first and fixes the problem. When Turbulent was at the most discouraging point, a new villain appears ant kidnap all the people he loves, the Kind Vigilante is back in business!
The Triplets are playing in the park when Mommy calls them because its time to go home. When they arrive she asks them if Toto is not with them but the Triplets thought he was already with Mommy! What a disaster! Toto is lost! Its the total panic, the Triplets are desperate and worst, the park is about to close! Everyone starts to look for Toto, Grandpa makes the tour of the neighborhood, Mommy hangs signs everywhere and calls the Police. We absolutely need to find him !
Scoutbadger is angry with Martis who prefers to play a game with Loudo. Scoutbadger hates this game and wants his friend, his very best friend, not to play it and spend more time with him.
When Caillous over-enthusiasm accidentally scares away the birds on his backyard bird feeder, he jumps into an explorer fantasy where he is pursued by a very enthusiastic but friendly Bigfoot (Mommy) and learns to soften his approach in order to see the birdies up close.
When Caillou thinks his snow buddy isn't as good as Sarah's, his feelings of inadequacy inspire an Ace Builder fantasy. Caillou learns that just because something is different, doesn't mean it's better or worse, it's just different!
Wilson organizes Zephie, Piper, and Hoot & Toot together to form his very own Junior Chug Patrol Crew, but he finds it difficult to be a good chief.
With guidance from the ever-wise Hanzo, Tai must learn how to remain focused, calm, and balanced.
The Trainees are on a mission to play top-secret spy games in Chuggington but their sleuthing missions turn into wild shenanigans.
Toramento is exhausted because of his job, so Grisu tries to help him by boosting a malfunctioning and slow cleaning robot to do the job in his place. But the boosted robot is not easy to control and makes a mess all around the city, also because Thingy wants to play with it, sending the machine haywire. Eventually Grisu understands that Toramento doesnt need a robot doing the job in his place, but a care-giving device that provides coffee and massages, keeping his stamina up.
Checking the safety items at the watch tower in the forest, Emma realizes that the alarm system doesn't work anymore. Grisu suggest using the old fire station alarm bell. Great idea! Unfortunately, David, who's supposed to set it up, is called for an intervention and must leave. Grisu offers his help. Here is Grisu and Stella heading to the forest with the old bell on a cart. The noisy bell creates some confusion in the forest since everybody thinks there's a fire. Not mentioning Michel, Gertrud's very talkative parrot who can't help but imitating every sound and voice he hears. The mission turns into a catastrophe when Grisu burns the bell… right when a fire starts into the forest. But Grisu is resourceful, as always, and he uses Michel as a spare alarm bell.
When a Sunda slow loris lands in the garden, the Junior Rangers quickly learn that they have to return it to the wild. Will they manage to find the slow loris a home? Or will the slow loris end up as a snack for a hungry sun bear?
The green Grub wants to stay with Dolly for the winter, but always finds her at the wrong time with the request. The Wind accidentally blows the The Green Grub to the seaside, then brings it back to Dolly. Finally, Dolly happily welcomes the Green Grub for the winter and prepares a comfortable bed for him.
Berry the snail and Dolly the ladybird are the best friends ever. They have many adventures, while they make new friends and get knowledge about the world around them.
The inhabitants of the forest hold a baking contest to celebrate the arrival of summer, but Dr Owl goes overboard with tasting. With the help of Beetle Bodobács, they manage to save the evening with chimney cakes and dancing. The next day, Dr Owl apologizes and improves his mood with a group workout.
On a rainy day, Dolly's house gets flooded. When the rain stops, Stanley, the stag beetle, repairs the roof. Berry also helps Dolly, who is upset about her soaked drawings. Berry visits Raymond, the copper beetle, who has plenty of bells. He asks for two special bells to cheer Dolly up. At home, he makes coconut balls and later delivers them to Dolly along with the bells, which make her very happy. Later, Berry paints over the stain caused by the rain, and Dolly repaints the pictures with the help of Flutter and Leapy. The bells bring joy to the house.
Flutter, the butterfly girl, catches a cold on a gloomy, rainy day. Doctor Owl examines her and advises her to rest a lot in bed. Her friends visit often to take care of her, and Flutter always asks them to read from her new book. Soon, everyone knows the story, which tells of a ball held in a splendid castle. One day, Balthazar makes Flutter sad by saying that the princess story is just a fairy tale. Flutter turns away, disappointed, and falls asleep. Balthazar meets Doctor Owl, who notices that something is bothering him.
Charlie is coming to play and Bing has planned lots of things for them to do. But when Charlie arrives he doesnt want to play any of the games Bing has put out. Bing is upset until Flop suggests they watch to see what Charlie really wants to do. Charlie heads straight for the kitchen where he, and Bing, have a great time making music with pots and pans.
Bing and Flop are in the park when they see Pando on a skateboard. Bing is full of awe as he watches Pando skate up and down and cant wait to have a go himself, but its much harder to balance than Pando made it look. Bing falls off and bumps his knee but Pando finds a clever way to help Bing get his confidence back.
Bing is at Ammas creche when a butterfly flies in and lands on Sulas painting. Bing tries to help the butterfly go back outside by picking it up but he holds it too tightly and the poor butterfly is squished. Flop and Amma help the sad children say goodbye to the dead butterfly.
Bing wants to draw a big picture so Flop finds him some chalk to draw on the pavement. Bing draws a fabulous stripy, spotty, zig-zag dinosaur but just as hes finished a rain shower washes the dinosaur away. Bing is devastated until he sees that a bit of dinosaur is left behind and with that new beginning there is another chalk something waiting to be created.
Bing and Sula find a potato in Ammas vegetable patch with a comical face, so they take it under their wing, naming it “Nosey”. The two children look after Nosey and show him around the creche but unfortunately Nosey goes down the slide too quickly and his nose falls off. Amma shows them how to plant both bits of potato so that they can grow new potatoes.
Get to know our little pets better through charming stories featuring the characters from the popular Bing series.
Simon, Gaspard, Grandpa and Grandma are hiking through the mountains on their way to a lake to go swimming. But as they climb the steep path, Gaspard tires and doesnt want to go any further. In order to motivate him, Grandma tells him about the legendary Popolino that they wont be able to see if he insists on staying put. Since Simon is skeptical about its existence, Grandma tells him a secret: it would be great if Simon helped her make him believe in the Popolino. It works, Simon describes the Popolino so well that Gaspard gets excited about meeting it.
Findus' self-confidence is in serious crisis: the chickens accuse him of not being a real cat because he doesn't hunt mice. A strange accusation, he thinks. Because Findus actually likes mice and feels no need to hunt them. But in order not to be brought up any further, he tries to conform to the hens' ideas. But he doesn't succeed at all in chasing mice because he lacks any experience.
The Summer meadow is home to a many amazing treasures of nature. When Little Nutbrown Hare finds a beautiful blue butterfly, he and Little Field Mouse go on a hunt for other blue treasures to bring back and show Big Nutbrown Hare, including blueberries, blue bells and even blue eggshells. Meanwhile, Big Nutbrown Hare has discovered the biggest blue treasure of them all. What could it be?
Little Nutbrown Hare wakes early one Summer morning before the sun has risen. Big Nutbrown Hare sends Little Nutbrown Hare off to invite his friends for breakfast so he can rest a little longer. Along the way Little Nutbrown Hare discovers how wonderful and different all his friends homes are. Will Little Nutbrown Hare still love his own home as much as he did?
Woozle and Pip want to stage a play, but things are going a little differently than they had hoped. Carefull now; Dont really break a leg Woozle and Pip!
While Tilda is having a picnic by the river with her friends, Snaily creeps into the garden to look for food. He sees another snail that has fallen asleep on the wall of the house and is threatening to dry out. Courageously, Snaily saves the other snail, but in doing so gets trapped under a bucket.
When Tilda one morning wakes up especially early, she is visited by Robin. He tells her that he as a robin wakes the sun every morning and invites Tilda to join him the following day. For this, however, Tilda has to get up at half past four! That evening, she's so excited she has difficulty going to bed early.
The Triplets remember their first days with Toto very well. They had had to teach him well, just as Mom said, but it was easier said than done, for the little dog had decided to mark his territory and refused to give his paw. At night, the kids heard him cry in his basket and wanted to reassure him, but off to bed had said Mom. However she was not as harsh as it seems because in the morning, guess who the Triplets found warmly tucked in their Moms bed?
While strolling through the city gardens, the triplets are delighted to stumble upon a gelato street vendor. They would love to have one but « not before lunch », says Mom. The three kids try to negotiate but in vain. As she gets lost in a daydream in which she is the queen of a world made of ice cream and whipped cream, Girl does not notice that her mom and her brothers are gone. She decides to go back to the ice-cream stand. Will she be able to resist to help herself to a delicious ice cream? Of course not!
Koko, Piper, and Hodge stumble upon an unexpected number of things that glow in the dark around Chuggington.
Hannah, James, Mandy, Sarah and Norman have been using Joes Growmaster 2000 to produce their giant Pumpkin. James, pulling the pumpkin balanced carefully across four Go-Karts, heads downhill. The Go Karts, and James go flying down towards the park. Sam must rescue James as the Go-Kart is heading straight for the cliffs.
Its the day of Pontypandys new Ocean Rescue Centre launch and Station Officer Steele is taking the firefighters on a tour of the centre. As they arrive on the quay, so does the new coastguard, Ben Hooper. The Grand Opening is scheduled for the evening; James and Sarah are hanging bunting and Mike will be letting off fireworks on a floating platform by means of a detonator he will activate from the safety of the quayside. Charlie takes Mike out to the floating platform but before he goes, Ben gives Mike one of his all new lifejackets with a whistle… just in case!
Kipper, Tiger and Pig decide to have a race. The prize is one of Pigs chocolate cakes. Tiger goes on his tricycle and ends up in the duck pond but Kipper keeps running. Arnold gets a lift with Jake on his scooter. Guess who gets the chocolate cake?
Pig leaves Arnold with Kipper and wobbles off on his bicycle. Kipper lends Arnold his first bike and, with the help of stabilisers, they have a wonderful ride round Big Hill. Pig cant believe its Arnold hurtling towards him on his return – a better bike rider than Pig will ever be.
Caillou feels intimidated when Billy, Clementines brother, shows off some super cool moves at the skate park. Caillou pretends to be Skip Super, facing off against Giant Rexy while helping new superhero, Kick-Flip (Billy), overcome his feelings of inadequacy to help save the day.
Caillou gets carried away with generosity when at the neighbourhood Give and Take and he gives Rosies doll away without asking. In a Pirate fantasy where his treasure is given to a sea monster, Caillou learns that its not right to give things away that dont belong to you.
One day two visitors come to the Island of Sodor to take pictures of interesting engines. At first Bert finds them very polite. They drive their little blue car along the line, racing ahead of him and stop to take pictures as they go past. But they dont bother waving or saying hello and when they drive through a puddle Bert gets splashed with muddy water and decides they are very rude. He decides to get his own back by using his steam to make water rain down on them from the wet branches, but the Small Controller is not very happy with him.
The Junior Rangers take a baby smooth-coated otter to the rainforest to find its home. Unfortunately, a group of hungry crocodiles have their eyes on the little otter.
Leo finds a playful young orangutan in his garden. With the orangutan in tow, the Junior Rangers travel to the Indonesian island of Sumatra to look for the orangutans mother.
Pats special mission is to deliver a family of hibernating fruit bats to Amy. They are to be the star attraction of her animal day. Pats delivery is made almost impossible when the bats escape and fly to Teds mill. With Bill and Julians help, Pat rescues the bats. Amys animal day is a huge success as Pat delivers the fruit bats just in time.
Pat is asked to deliver a batch of eggs to Amy. They are due to hatch at midday so Pat needs to get a move on. Pats journey gets stalled along the way when the eggs are accidentally sold to Michael who in turn sells them to Sara. Pumpkin keeps jumping out of a field and Bonnie chases Jess. Pat finally gets the eggs back, and they start to hatch. Jess incubates the eggs and walks proudly into Amys followed by six ducklings.
Bing and Sula go to the park to feed the ducks. Sula is very good at standing quietly and giving the ducks just the right amount of food. Bing throws all his duck food into the water in one go and gets more than he bargained for when a big flappy goose comes to gobble it all up.
Its snack time for Bing but the only banana left is too mushy to eat. Flop suggests making a smoothie with it instead. Disaster strikes when Bings carrot accidentally gets put into the blender as well and when it gets shredded Bing is upset to discover that his carrot has changed and that he cant have it back.
Bing finds a frog in the garden and wants to keep it so he and Sula make the frog a house in a bucket. But froggy doesnt like her new home and hops out. Maybe theyve not thought enough about what froggy really needs in her home.
Bing wants to play his car park game with Flop but Charlie is visiting and keeps messing up the game. Bing wants Charlie to go away so Flop with Charlie in the kitchen. Bing doesnt enjoy his game on his own and finds out that some games are better played together.
Bing is playing in the garden when he sees his shadow; Flop has one too. Flop and Bing play shadow tag, taking it in turns to be It, but a raincloud covers the sun and the shadows disappear. Flop persuades Bing to go inside, out of the rain, but Bing is upset that his shadow is getting wet outside. .
Henry is reluctant to go to the beach with Oswald and Daisy because he hates getting wet, but Oswald eventually manages to persuade him and they all head off. Once there, Daisy starts splashing around, inadvertently scaring Henry away from the water. She decides to go surfing so shes out of Henrys way while he settles down to read his newspaper on his special Penguin Patrol raft. Suddenly Daisy appears riding a huge wave and heading straight for the beach – and the unsuspecting Henry! Everyone ends up in the water. Just as well, since Daisy has got stranded on a sandbar and needs rescuing.
The Annual Big City Sand Sculpture Contest is taking place at the beach, and Oswald is judging the final entries. Each competitor has his or her own method of creating sand sculptures and there are some interesting results – Henry uses very exact methods while Daisy has a more unstructured approach. Oswald thinks that all of the sculptures are good in their own way and finds it very hard to decide whos is the best. However, he ends up not having to choose when Pongo jumps into the sea making such a splash it causes all of the sculptures to merge into one beautiful and very unique giant sculpture – the clear winner!!
Bob and the team have been busy building a new water park, “Spring City Splash” that includes a wave pool and splash zone. Now there is only one thing left to build... the double dragon water slide. Scoop loves dragons and cannot wait to help build the slides, but when he is asked to help build the support beams instead, he is less than impressed with his job. As Bob attaches the new water park entrance sign, Scoop digs foundations for the support beams. Suddenly Scoop becomes distracted with the arrival of the dragon slides and doesnt finish the foundations. He attempts to see the dragon slides only to be sent back to finish his job. Now totally eager to get to the slides, Scoop rushes to complete his job and doesnt realise that the support beams are not set and are beginning to lean.
Leo and Muck are having great fun playing the very latest computer game “Space Robots!” Bob reminds them theyve got an early start in the morning. Muck pleads to stay up a bit longer and Leo promises theyll get a good nights sleep…just as soon as they reach the top level of the game. But at dawn theyre still playing! Next morning, Leo and Muck are very tired and sleepy. Bob explains that they have to finish building The Spring City Wheel, a huge Ferris-wheel, in the Docklands Regeneration Area. Hes promised the Spring City Rockets theyll be the first to ride on it - today! Bob and the gang drive towards the site but on the way Muck and Leo stop to have a quick nap.
Can you guess how much I love you? Little Nutbrown Hare asks his father. Big Nutbrown Hare looks up at the big, old oak tree. As much as the Old Oak Tree is big? he asks. Little Nutbrown Hare holds up an acorn in triumph. No, as big as this acorn! He replies. Because this acorn will just keep growing and growing and growing.
One morning in the early Springtime, Little Nutbrown Hare wakes to find the air filled with a delightful smell. He and Little Field Mouse search all over the meadow, the woods and by the riverside to find the source of the wonderful smell. They discover all kinds of new and unexpected Spring scents… sweet, pretty and fresh, but will they find the one they are searching for?
Little Nutbrown Hare watches as Blue Birds eggs hatch into three happy, chirpy baby birds. Fascinated and charmed by these youngsters, he visits them every day and even helps teach them to sing, play and fly. But how will he feel when Summer is on its way and they are ready to fly the nest and make homes of their own?
Timmy and his friends are playing pirates. Where is the treasure in the garden?
Mr. Rabbit makes up coupons for free cookies to celebrate the grand opening of his cookie shop and gives them to his young son to drop in the mailbox outside. But the coupons never arrive. After chasing down the clues from the mail carrier to the post office and back again, Huckle determines that Jr Rabbit mistakenly dropped the coupons into the trash container beside the mail box. /A model boat is mysteriously broken and Huckle, Lowly and Sally set out to discover how it happened.
In the real world Messy is in his kitchen and he is really hungry… His tummy thinks its lunchtime already! “My tummys not very good at telling the time” he says, “but what is time anyway? Hm, when you need to know, go to Okido!” He lands with a jump in Zoe and Felixs garden just in time to go to the lab to see what Zim and Zams amazing discovery is! They jump into the Okidoodle and go to the Cloudship to find Zim, Zam and Zoom with loads of clocks and the amazing discovery, which is… a door. The trio look unimpressed. But it turns out to be a time machine!
It's the Okido Circus today and Messy is worried about performing his tripple flip. Will his friends be able to help him conquer his tummy flutters before the audience arrives?
Plums plan to direct a small, simple fairytale play as a surprise performance for the Baby Berrykins snowballs out of control when she hears of the same play being done on a grand scale in Berry Big City. Not listening to Strawberrys advice to keep it simple, she becomes convinced that unless her production is as big, shell be the laughing stock of the berry bitty theatrical world! Casting the girls and Berrykins as stage stars in a sendup of “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves,” Plum attempts to match the spectacular stage effects of a big city theater.
A preschool boy named Harry receives a bucket full of toy dinosaurs. This bucket holds a secret --- by using its power, Harry can travel with his dinosaurs to an amazing land of imagination called Dino World.
When Harry thinks his delicious cookie has been stolen he goes to Dino-World where he plays at being a detective searching for the thief.
Rowdy doesnt feel part of a construction project, thinking his friends have better abilities. Chuck and his pals refurbish a machine to help Rowdy, but Rowdy realizes that he already has unique talents.
The three miniature engines are the smallest on the Island of Sodor. People love to come to see them, but sometimes they dont seem to take them seriously, making comments about them being cute, or like toys, but not really seeing them as being useful. When it is time for the sheeps wool to be delivered to market, the Small Controller says it is the miniature engines chance to prove how useful they really are. Rex takes on the job and it is all going well, until an overturned cart spills bales of wool onto the line and poor Rex ends up being derailed.
Bulgy is very competitive with the trains and wants more passengers to travel by road. He witnesses an accident at the construction site, which pollutes the railway water tower. He decides not to tell anyone and soon the engines are breaking down, leaving Bulgy and Bertie to carry all their passengers. Bulgy is delighted until he learns that having so many passengers is not so easy for buses on their own!
A rare bird, the Picking Bird, is in the forest for a very short time, and Dr. Natureza wants to be the first to take a photo. But she caught a terrible cold, so it will be up to Grisu to help her as a wildlife photographer. Exploring the forest is an exciting adventure for Grisu and Stella, but the mysterious bird isnt easy to spot. Plus Fumé, whos searching ingredients for a dragon recipe, unintentionally messes up with Grisus mission. In the end, however, Grisu understands that the bird is attracted by sparkling stuff. So he comes up with an inventive way to take the perfect picture just before sunset.
Grisu, with Stellas help, has to babysit and feed a little sea lion while Dr. Natureza is healing its mother. They must prevent the cub from reaching the sea and get lost, but the baby is pretty lively and the mission is not so easy. When the sea lion goes missing, a quest begins. Eventually, the little dragon realizes that the sea lions are very sociable animals, and they love to play, so he will create an improvised fun fair to get the cub back, avoiding other getaways.
Little Field Mouse and Little Nutbrown Hares favourite tree falls over in a summer storm. They're sad until they discover the fallen tree provides an exciting new place to explore.
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse are inspired to make a spiders web, but run into all sorts of comic trouble when they do.
Pico and Rosie do not agree with the days plans made by their respective families. Pico dreams of having some independence while Rose wants calm and attention. They decide to change places.
After a solar panel demonstration, Mayor Madison decrees that the Sea Life Center will be entirely powered by renewable energy. Bob and the team must build a wind farm, which excites Scoop - he can't wait to see the 'spinny things' going round. As they begin construction, Mr Bentley arrives and pulls Bob away, enthusing about other renewable energy schemes they have planned. Spring City will need more energy as it grows, so they need to think ahead. Scoop decides he should think ahead like Mr Bentley suggests, and convinces Lofty to move some of the turbines closer together.
Bob announces theres been a Spring City Clock Competition to design the new Spring City Clock – and guess whos won? The Spring City Rockets! Bob shows the Machines their winning design and explains that metal figures will emerge and sound the bells on the clock. Wendy has been welding the metal figures together. Leo arrives and is looking forward to helping Bob with the decorative cladding around the clock tower but Bob tells him its Recycling Day today and his job is to take all the recycling to the Centre first. Bob and the Machines set off to the site while Leo and Muck gather up the boxes of recycling from around the Yard. But Leo is in such a hurry that he mistakes the box with the metal figures in for recycling and dumps it at the Recycling Centre.
It seems some sort of monster is causing havoc in Busytown Lake. The kids catch glimpses of it and find numerous finny footprints by the shoreline. However closer investigation reveals it to be Mr Fix-Its latest invention – a swim fin-wheeled amphibious submarine car!/Huckle and his pals try to track down a bad driver.
While playing in the garden, Leo and Hero stumble upon a reticulated python and its eggs. The Junior Rangers drive to the rainforest to find a suitable home for the python, but an aggressive hippo makes the task a lot more difficult.
Katie identifies a large-beaked bird in the garden as an Australian pelican. The Junior Rangers bring the pelican to a lake and track down the pelicans parents.
Simon and Lou are playing in the park when they run into Simons older cousin. Maxime and his friend Renaud are playing soccer together. Simon and Lou want to join in but the big kids tell them theyre too little! Simon and Lou are going to prove the contrary. So when the big boys decide to show off with their skateboard, Simon comes up with an occasion to show them they are not little at all! Simon proves it by not falling off the skateboard. Which is more than can be said for the big boys!
On a spring day, Alfonso finds an unknown seedling by the stream. The cricket carefully guards the plant, which soon produces a special flower. Alfonso waters and tends to it daily, happily watching it grow. One morning at the end of summer, Alfonso notices that the flower has wilted and its petals have fallen off. Sadly, he gathers the petals and brings them into the house. In the afternoon, Dolly visits him, and later his friends come over to cheer him up. They bring delicious pancakes, but Alfonso is still sad. They go out to the stream, and Alfonso scatters the flower petals into the water, bidding them farewell with tears.
As the end of summer approaches, the Lightning Beetle visits the fireflies and surprises them with a new book about planets and stars. After a conversation, one little firefly, when the others were already asleep, sets out to conquer the sky, but becomes completely exhausted and crashes. Doctor Owl diagnoses him with a fever and possible pneumonia, so he stays with him to heal. The other fireflies decide to surprise him. With the help of Berry, Dolly, Balthazar, Stanley, Flutter, and Eddy, they make colourful orbs, and the Lightning Beetle crafts the Sun. They suspend the planets on a hoop, which Eddy rotates with a contraption. They also instal tiny lights, resembling stars.
Dolly goes for a walk, and finally she is enriched with a beautiful cherry and a good friend.
Berry becomes sad because he can not climb on the rainbow but Dolly makes him happy with an exceptionally creative present.
The kite breaks loose, Berry and Dolly together with their friends are stuck on a high tree. Of course eventually everybody reaches the ground safe and sound.
The characters in the Berry and Dolly stories are a bunch of tiny bugs and beetles who live alongside one another in the forest. The stories are lead by the title characters: Berry the snail and Dolly the ladybird. A variety of other characters join them in their fun and games throughout the series with the stories set in their forest home. All the characters houses, belongings and clothes perfectly match their individual appearance.
Bing takes his Hoppity Voosh toy to the park to see the ducks and play on the slide. But when he steps in dog poo and heads to Ammas house to get cleaned up he leaves Hoppity behind. Amma helps Bing to fooocus so that he can remember where he went and retrace his steps to find Hoppity.
After several false starts to get out on a picnic Bing and Flop are finally ready to leave just as it starts to rain. Bing is very disappointed but as they unpack the wheelie bag he realises that they can have their picnic indoors instead.
Bing and Sula find a helium balloon stuck in a tree in the park. They both want to play with it at the same time so Flop makes two strings and they invent a noisy balloon game called “Stuck Duckies”. When they run in opposite directions the balloon flies away, so Flop volunteers to be the stuck duckie so the game doesnt have to end.
Coco discovers Bings dressing up box so they both dress up. Coco is Princess Cococapono and Bing is, of course, King Bing. But there is only one crown and both need it to complete their outfits. When the crown gets broken Flop helps them to make new crowns out of the broken pieces.
In Tilda's garden, Robin and another robin are quarrelling over an earthworm. Tilda wants to save the poor worm and distracts the birds by suggesting a competition. First, the robins should compete at cherry stone-spitting. This ends in a draw and Tilda sets the next task: pecking out a pattern in a leaf. Both birds peck out a star, so it's a another tie.
One chilly, windy day, Tilda wants to visit her friend Molly. On her way across the fields, she meets Patrick the sheep, who's got a cold. Tilda immediately informs Molly and together the two mice knit Patrick a nice warm scarf. Patrick is overjoyed, but now all the other sheep want scarves too. Now Tilda and Molly have to call her friends in to help.
Unbearable noise is distracting the inhabitants of Wild Rose Lane from their activities. As it turns out, Billy and Benny have found a trumpet and decided to dedicate themselves to music. Their distorted squawking is torment for the neighbours. Things can't go on like this, so Tilda prescribes the young squirrels music lessons from the frogs.
Its a fine Autumn day and it seems that all of the meadow creatures are out enjoying the sun. Little Nutbrown Hare is surprised that Big Nutbrown Hare knows every single creature in the meadow. He sets out to trick him into believing there is a brand new animal… called a Grrr-umph, which he cleverly creates out of shadows! Will Big Nutbrown Hare be tricked?
Little Nutbrown Hare discovers that everyone else can whistle but him… the birds, Little Grey Squirrel, Otter and even the wind in the river reeds. Inspired by the wind, he practices really hard and eventually learns to blow through a reed himself to make it whistle. He and his friends make a beautiful and eerie whistling symphony amongst the reeds.
Little Nutbrown Hare tries to jump high enough to reach a last Autumn apple on a high branch. Unable to reach it, even with the help of Little Field Mouse, he gives up. But after watching some little salmon struggling to swim up a waterfall he decides to think like a fish and try, try, try again until he reaches the tasty prize.
When Caillou gets the giggles at school, his silliness disrupts the rest of the class. In a rodeo fantasy, an announcers (Leo) silly antics are distracting to Buck Buckaroo (Caillou), and Caillou learns that being silly is great, but sometimes you have to shake your sillies out for your friends.
When Daddy has to stop playing with Caillou and Leo to run an errand, the boys try to stop Daddy from leaving. Then in a farmer fantasy where a farmer and his farm hand (Caillou and Leo) are bombarded by clingy sheep, Caillou and Leo learn that they can have fun while they wait for Daddy to return.
A family camp-out in the backyard has Kate both excited and nervous—shes never slept outside before. In Mimiloo, she and Mim-Mim find Boomer with a case of the hiccups! The only cure is to scare the hiccups away with a journey to Happy Hollow—a place thats supposed to be full of spooky creatures! Will it work?
Kate and Dad are building derby cars to race on their homemade track. In Mimiloo, Kate, Mim-Mim and all their friends race their own cars in the Rip Roaring Race at the Rumbly Race Track. In everyones haste to win, Mim-Mim is the only one who tested his car beforehand. Lucky for his friends, Mim-Mim added some special parts!
The lake is vast, the water is deep, and Boribon is small. At first, hes afraid of the water, but Ben helps him and teaches him how to swim. They also build a sandcastle together.
Findus likes to sit in front of Pettson on the handlebars when he rides his bike. But now he also wants to have his own bicycle. And Pettson builds him one. The first cautious attempts at riding are actually quite successful. So Findus feels called to take on difficult challenges. When Pettson is asleep, he ventures on a rapid downhill tour. Which gets the chickens into big trouble.
Pettson and Findus are fishing on the lake in an old rubber dinghy that has not been used for years. Unfortunately, a mishap with a fishing hook causes it to leak and the two end up in the water. Back on land, Pettson invents a crazy story about a sea monster that is supposed to live in their lake. Findus now thinks that this monster must feel lonely. He builds his own second monster out of the leaky rubber dinghy as suitable company. Pettson is increasingly embarrassed by the action because he resents having fooled the cat.
Huckle, Lowly and Sally set out to prove to Pig Will and Pig Wont that the figure they saw wearing a strange yellow suit and helmet is not a spaceman from another planet. The clues finally lead them to the realization that it was really Granny Goodpig wearing her yellow suit to protect her while she collected honey from her beehives./ Someone took all the red roses from Granny Goat's garden leaving Huckle and gang puzzled.
It is night time at the jungle, it is dark and Monkey hears a strange a noise. Who is making that noise? Whooooo? It is the owl and he is hooting hello. Monkey is happy to meet his friend and to invite him to join him in his favorite game… “Monkey See Monkey Do”!
Fireman Sam
Fireman Sam
Pat has a special delivery for Amy a brand new very special breed of sheep. But on the way to Amy's the new sheep escapes and gets mixed up with all the other Greendale sheep. Not just that, the new sheep leads all the others on a romp through Pencaster, eating all the cheese and smashing all the flowers. What a cheeky sheep! Pat realises that Bonnie the dog isn't just a very cute ball of fur she's also a rather good SHEEP dog!..
As part of their feuding, the Tomcats want to lay a trap for Rosie and shut her in a cave. However a rock blocks the entrance to the cave, trapping the 'prisoner' Rosie and her 'kidnapper' Sourpuss together. The children from both sides will learn that, faced with a major event, they must stop their 'war' and co-operate to free everyone… including their favourite enemies.
Grandpa Fox invents a scary story for the children. But the children become scared for real and decide to lay a trap for the nasty monster who is supposed to appear and drag them away by the feet… When it comes to the shivers, Grandpa will not be the only one to be scared….
Who's the perfect guide for a walk in the woods? Doodleboo explains how to draw a fox.
After accidentally causing a mini avalanche, Messy must help Lofty dig out the entrance to his cave so he can warm up again - brr!
Mayor Oki wants to dress to impress all the visiting Mayors with a gemstone encrusted chain. He neeeds Messy's help to work out how to make gemstones before she arrives!
Little Nutbrown Hare awakes to find the leaves changing colour and falling off the trees, the flowers dropping off the bushes and the tadpoles turning into frogs. Autumn is here and its time for change! Little Nutbrown Hare misses the joys of the Summer meadow. Will he discover that Autumn has its own delights?
The cool Autumn breeze isnt enough to deter Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse from going out to find what special experiences the day might bring. However, with the weather and wind constantly changing, its very hard for the friends continue playing any one game. Will the strange weather spoil their fun, or will it bring them a special experience after all?
Among the newly fallen Autumn leaves Little Nutbrown Hare finds a very peculiar little, hairy, green… something. Intrigued by what it might be Little Nutbrown Hare asks all his friends, but they all have different answers! It is certainly a very useful something, great for back scratching and games but it takes Little Grey Squirrel to solve the mystery.
Bing wants Flop to read him his favourite book as he has his bath but Bing joins in with the story too enthusiastically Flop suggests they finish the story in bed as books dont like baths. Bing is heartbroken when the book falls into the bath as he gets into his pyjamas, until Flop helps him to understand that even though the book is wet the story isnt.
Bing has a great time choosing the perfect present for Sula in Padgets shop. Its a wand and is sparkly and flashy and spinny and Bing knows that she will love it. Bing is thrilled until it is time to hand the present over when he decides he wants to keep the spinny wand himself.
Bing wants to try Cocos Hula Hoop. Its harder than it looks but he finds lots of other hoopy games as he tries. Just as Bing almost gets it right he gets carried away with spinning, trips over and breaks the hoop. Coco is upset that she cant hula anymore until Bing and Charlie remind her of all the other games they can still do with the bent hoop.
Bing and Sula are in the park playing at being giants and splashing in puddles with their big welly boots. As they play the puddles get bigger and bigger until Bing slips over in the mud and gets wet everywhere. Amma comes to the rescue with a giant warm bath and a giant carroty bagel.
In April, the Pigeon post brings the ants a bouncy castle. It's Dr Owl's task to invite everyone for the jumping session, but Berry is nowhere to be found. Hail interrupts the jumping fun, but the friends seek shelter in the ant castle. The toy gets damaged, but with the help of a cloud, Berry can also join the jumping. Then the ants rebuild the castle, and everyone happily continues jumping.
Balthazar and Stanley are building a raft that gets carried away by the stream. They end up far from home, but then decide to head back during a storm. Christopher, the canary helps them, but they fall off during a gust of wind. They find refuge in a hollow to rest where they are finally discovered and helped to go home by the Spider. The next day, they play along the stream again, but they no longer worry if the raft run away.
Flutter, the butterfly girl, tries to bake an apple pie, but unfortunately, it doesn't turn out well. With the help of a fairy, she manages to fix it and then finds a lost marker and repairs the window as well. The Lily Fairy discovers that Flutter solved everything on her own and then moves on to help others.
Alfonso, the cricket, invites Bubble, Berry, and Dolly for a visit. They make ice cream and play together. Bubble admits to cheating in the game. Because of this, the little friends come up with a new game where everyone can win..
When a new nameplate is about to be placed on the statue of Admiral Hornblast, it suddenly disappears. Huckle, Sally and Lowly check out the photos and videos taken at the scene and ultimately determine that the statue slide over the plate when it was bumped by an out of control bulldozer./Pig Will and Pig Wont are playing spies. However Pig Wont suddenly finds himself out of the game when his Secret Spy Ring disappears!
Monkey tries to keep his balance and walk slowly on the edge of a stack of hay, but things are not going as planned. Thinking it is impossible Monkey cautiously watches as cat gracefully walks along the fence. When cat succeeds Monkey is so impressed that he offers cat to join him in his favorite game… “Monkey See Monkey Do”!
Fireman Sam
Fireman Sam
Kipper, Tiger and Pig decide to have a race. The prize is one of Pigs chocolate cakes. Tiger goes on his tricycle and ends up in the duck pond but Kipper keeps running. Arnold gets a lift with Jake on his scooter. Guess who gets the chocolate cake?
Pig leaves Arnold with Kipper and wobbles off on his bicycle. Kipper lends Arnold his first bike and, with the help of stabilisers, they have a wonderful ride round Big Hill. Pig cant believe its Arnold hurtling towards him on his return – a better bike rider than Pig will ever be.
Caillou and the Super Friends use their powers to save their ball from the Master Thief!
One morning, Molly knocks excitedly on Tilda's door: there's going to be a knitting competition in the village. Tilda and Molly at once set off to the village shop to buy some wool. All the other inhabitants of Wild Rose Lane are also buying knitting materials. The competition makes rivals of the friends and they work alone, quietly and secretly.
It is almost winter in Wild Rose Lane and the inhabitants are getting their provisions in. Hedgehog Rupert is looking forward to hibernating. But Tilda is sad at the thought of all the nice things her best friend will miss while he's asleep. With the promise that she will cook for him, she persuades Rupert to stay awake and spend the winter at her place.
Mommy has a great news for the Triplets, Mrs Bun, Ninis mom, is going to have a baby ! The Triplets are super excited but Mommy warns them, Nini may not be so happy about it because its not always easy to accept a new baby at home. And indeed, when Eliott and The Triplets arrive at the bakery, Nini is very sad, she doesnt want this new baby. Mrs Bun, who needs to go to the doctor, gives the key of the shop to Eliott and the children and they are going to do everything thats possible to make Nini smiles and theyre gonna prove her to have siblings is really really fun !
Were at home with the Triplets and its practically time to go to bed, our three children are quietly watching TV, a documentary about firemen which passionates Turbulent. But Girl and Poet are not really happy about it, theyd rather watch a fairytail or a documentary about animals. Next, we have a quarrel for the remote control. After all, the zapper is a magical wand which does whatever you want. But these squabbles drives Mommy crazy and she takes the remote away! When you dont have a zapper anymore, you just have to make your own TV: the Triplets TV!
So that his snack and game party is a success, Scoutbadger starts to do all the things that had been allotted to the others. He says he does things better and faster - even if it is not true. The others decide to let him get on with it. When he realises that he has forgotten his own task, that of inviting their friends, Scoutbadger realizes that he has gone too far.
Clementine is coming over to play, but Caillou cant find her favourite action figure in his messy room. Overwhelmed by the task of cleaning up, he pretends to be a superhero who is overwhelmed with so many people to help and learns a new strategy to go one-by-one until the job is done.
Caillou has to wear an uncomfortable sunhat, but he is too shy to tell Clementines Mommy how he feels. He pretends to be Ace Builder who is struggling to build a bridge because of an ill-fitting hard-hat. After Ace finally tells his boss how he feels, Caillou is inspired to speak up in real life.
Zephie, Wilson, and Brewster compete to be Koko's partner in a relay race, but Koko knows that Zephie is the weakest.
Wilson looks shiny and new after his trip to the Chug Wash and the other trainees are impressed - but everyone knows he's a magnet for a mess!
Sandro and Stella are preparing a surprise party for David's tenth anniversary as captain of the fire brigade. But Fumé unwittingly smashes the cake Sandro baked, and the firefighter doesn't have time to make a new one because he has to go on a rescue mission. So Grisu offers to bake one in his stead, helped by Stella. They immediately run into difficulties as the grocery shop is closed. They have to get their ingredients elsewhere – Fumé at Gertrude's, Stella at Maria's pizzeria and Grisu at Guellec's farm. This entails comic mishaps such as Stella running on a rollin pin or Grisu pursued by the black sheep.
Natureza is going to to the polar cap to conduct some studies. She needs someone to build an igloo for her while she sets up scientific instruments. Impervious to cold, Grisu accepts to come along and build the igloo. He quickly runs into comic difficulties: the snow he is to dig out to make bricks gets too hard, he's distracted by a playful sea lion, then he's trapped by falling icicles (and fortunately gets rescued by Natureza)… To top it off, as Grisu is almost done, a snowball thrown by the sea lion smashes on his head. Surprised, the little dragon lets out a flame that melts down the igloo's top. But a firefighter never gives up!
Join the Junior Rangers as they race across the tundra to reunite a lost reindeer calf with its herd. However, a river crossing might prove too tiring for the young reindeer.
Mama Owl's chicks are born, and soon they are strong enough for Berry and Dolly to visit them. Doctor Owl asks for their help while he works. The owl babies are very lively, and Berry and Dolly play with them enthusiastically and patiently. At lunchtime, Mama Owl is running out of patience, but eventually, they manage to feed the chicks. After finishing lunch and resting a little, the little ones regain their energy. They happily jump around Mama Owl, who feels it is time that the chicks learn to fly.
Alfonso, the cricket, plays beautifully on his violin for the forest inhabitants, but one day, no one listens to his new piece. First, he looks for Berry, Balthazar, and Stanley, but they are busy. He goes to Dolly, but she doesnt have time either. Very discouraged, he decides to leave the forest. However, he meets the Magpie, who welcomes him and cheers him up. Meanwhile, the others begin to search for Alfonso. When they find him, they apologize and invite him to play his new piece at the playground opening.
One autumn day, Reggie Squirrel is visited by his old friend, Otto Badger, who brings a frisbee as a gift. They happily play with it, and when they head home, the frisbee falls at the base of a tree. Later, Berry and his friends find it and play with it, but Balthazar throws it so far that the frisbee vanishes. Reggie Squirrel asks them about it later, but Balthazar denies having seen it. Dolly and Flutter find the frisbee and bring it back to Reggie. Berry, feeling ashamed, admits that they accidentally threw the frisbee and couldn't find it. In the end, they all play happily with it until dark, carefully making sure not to throw it too far.
Leapy, the grasshopper girl, gets paint on her hair while painting her house in the spring. She cant wash it off, so Zephyr, the dragonfly, offers to cut her hair. Leapy is very sad when she sees herself in the mirror; she doesnt like her new hairstyle. At Zephyr's suggestion, they show the others, but only Dolly notices the change and compliments her. Later, they hold a hairstyle day, where everyone creates special hairstyles for themselves. Leapy happily finishes painting her house and invites her friends to a spring feast.
Stanley's birthday is approaching, and he becomes very curious and cant wait to find out what gift he will receive from Dolly. He peeks into the ladybird girl's drawer. The next day, he tells Balthazar that he knows what his gift will be. On his birthday, the friends gather and wish Stanley a happy birthday. Flutter presents the cake, they sing, and then Stanley blows out the candles and cuts the cake. Stanley receives many nice gifts, including a bowling set from Dolly. Stanley admits that he peeked into the ladybird girl's drawer because he was curious about his gift.
Bing discovers a hole in his favourite yellow wellies but he doesnt want to throw them away in the stinky dustbin. With Flops help, Bing finds a way to recycle the wellies into colourful flower pots instead.
Bing and Flop hear the familiar jingle of Gillys ice cream van and race across the park to find her. After a long run Bing finally gets his ice cream but as he waves goodbye to Gilly he tips the ice cream out of the cone. Its too late to call Gilly back so Flop makes a fruit cone out of the cone and some of his fruit kebab instead.
Bing sees Coco with a plaster on her finger and of course he wants one too. In the absence of a real plaster, Bing makes one out of sticky tape, but its so sticky that it hurts when he tries to take it off. Bing doesnt want Flop to help so Flop comes up with a new game so that Bing can do it himself.
On the way to Padgets shop Bing and Flop stop to play with Arlo the cat. Bing loves Arlo and knows just where he likes to be stroked and what games he likes playing. On the way home, Bing spots a new cat but this one isnt so friendly and scares Bing when he tries to play with it.
Bing and Flop find a patchy of fluffy white dandelions in the park. After blowing the seeds off all but one of them, Bing decides to take the last one as a present to Sula. As they set off across the park Bing negotiates many windy, wobbly hazards to keep the dandelion safe only for Sula to scatter the seeds accidentally as she hugs Bing saying hello.
Get to know our little pets better through charming stories featuring the characters from the popular Bing series.
The whole familyis going canoeing in a mountain lake! Gaspard climbs into a canoe with Mommy, Simon in another one with Daddy. Gaspard is disappointed that hes not with Simon but he quickly forgets about it when Mommy tells him theyre going to beat Daddy and Simon in a race! Mommys and Gaspards canoe quickly pulls ahead. Simon eggs on his father to paddle faster. They try to get back into the race but Simon deviates their canoe with his reckless rowing and to cap it off, he drops his paddle in the water.
Findus really wants to be the pumpkin king of the village one day. This year, with the help of Pettson, he is working especially hard to grow a giant pumpkin. Because Findus tries so hard, even the chickens believe in him. But the competition with Gustavsson and Beda never sleeps. If Findus is to succeed anyway, it will take a crazy miracle.
The series follows a warm father-son relationship that Little Nutbrown Hare decides he wants a clever long tail like his friends, rather than a short fluffy one. They help out by making him a long tail but all the results are either too tickly, bendy or flappy. When Big Nutbrown Hare spots his son from way across a grassy field everyone realizes that Little Nutbrown Hares little tail is clever in its own way.
One Summers day Little Field Mouse is very excited to show Little Nutbrown Hare her new favourite thing, a very pretty flower… the prettiest ever! She lets Little Nutbrown Hare borrow it to show Big Nutbrown Hare, but when it blows away during the night Little Nutbrown Hare worries how his friend will react. Will he be able to work up the courage to tell her what happened?
Woozle and Pip are painting. First Woozle receives a coat of paint, next the kennel is touched up a little and then there is paint everywhere in The Magic Garden. Aunty tells Woozle and Pip off. And what do you say now Woozle and Pip? Yes, apologies are in order!
Rupert has always dreamed of living in the woods. And Tilda thinks wishes like that should be fulfilled. So Tilda, Rupert and Molly set out to spend a night in the forest. Rupert is amused by all the luggage the ladies are taking with them – for him, the woods have everything one could need! He soon discovers that it's not that easy...
Tilda is expecting Rupert to breakfast, but the hedgehog doesn't turn up. So Tilda goes to Rupert's house, where Edna tells her that Rupert has gone into the village. The mouse finds it odd that Rupert has forgotten their arrangement and sets off after him.
While buying pastries at Mrs Buns bakery, mom puts up a flyer for a babysitter. A baby sitter for the Triplets? « Out of the question! », reply the three kids in unison. After making sure that the first applicants never manage to reach their mom on the phone, Eliott, a teenage boy, gets to try out for the job. But the Triplets have more than one trick up their sleeves and have decided to drive the poor Eliott completely crazy. Mom comes home to a most surprising scene: the poor boy is asleep on the couch and the triplets are quietly playing cards.
Poet was quietly sitting on the pot when he suddenly heard a horrible sound and quickly ran away, convinced that a dragon was hiding in the toilet. The triplets called their Grandpa for help, but he only managed to stop the roaring temporarily. He must be hungry, suggests Girl, so why not feed him the roast? Another miss, but Toto had a feast! Good thing Mom called a real dragon hunter to the rescue, a plumber, and everything returns to normal. There is just one slight problem: there is nothing left for dinner!
When a new chugger, Rosa, comes to Chuggington, the trainees try to find the best job for her.
As twins Sarah and James can never agree on what kind of birthday party to have, Bronwyn has decided that this year they will have two parties – both going on at the same time. James will be a science party and Sarahs will be a football party. Meanwhile at the fire station the volunteer firefighters led by Trevor, are trying to learn about different types of fire extinguisher, but not getting very far. Back at the birthday parties - Sarahs party is proving way more popular than James as Mrs Chens science experiments are turning out to be a little boring… not quite the explosions, fireworks and robots that James was expecting. But when she produces a small piece of sodium - hes sure that a chemical that bursts into flames when it comes into contact with water will get everyone interested in his party! Back at the fire station, Elvis has taught the volunteer firefighters a rhyme to help them remember the extinguisher colour codes, but they still cant quite remember the lyrics!
Its the annual Pontypandy Cheese Roll Challenge (a race down a hill chasing a giant circular cheese) and Norman really wants the prize - the giant cheese! He sets out to win, but is too late to enter the competition so decides hell have to get the cheese another way…At the fire station, Elvis and Sam are trying to train with Saturn, the thermal imaging device, but Radar keeps interrupting proceedings by sniffing out and eating their lunch, some freshly baked sausage rolls. Things go from bad to worse when Saturn hits the side of the training tower and breaks!
Pig is very proud of his new purple woolly sweater and shows it off to Kipper. Arnold spots a big red arrow, and then another, and they follow them into the woods. Pig doesnt notice he has caught his sweater on a branch. The arrows were Tigers idea and he laughs at them from a tree hes hiding in. Then he realises theyre lost. The unravelled wool from Pigs sweater leads them back home.
Jake has lost something in the park – its a surprise so he cant tell Kipper and Tiger what it is. They find a treasure map signed by Bluebeard the pirate and follow the clues. When they all meet up again Kipper and Tiger realise Jake lost the map. The treasure hunt was to be a surprise for Kippers birthday, but Jakes even go the date wrong!
Caillou is sad when the sandcastle he built with Grandpa gets washed away. In a medieval fantasy, the Silver Knight (Caillou) helps the King (Daddy) rebuild his ruined castle, and Caillou learns that its the process of creating the castle that is the most fun.
When Caillou accidentally breaks Clementine's moms dinosaur model, he guiltily hides it, but that makes his tummy hurt. In a castaway fantasy, helping Rexy cure his own guilty tummy ache helps Caillou realize the importance of owning up to a mistake.
When Ducks driver boils an egg in his whistle it leaves Duck making a very funny sound. The other engines think it is very funny, but Mike insists that an engine that cant whistle is not a proper engine. Mike can be grumpy and tends to overheat, but when he loses his temper with a cow later that day he blows his own whistle cap right off and into a field. Now Mike cant whistle properly and hes not very happy about it. He cant see the funny side of the situation as easily as his friends Rex and Bert.
The Junior Rangers make a trip to the jungle to reunite a shy pangolin with its mother. There, the Junior Rangers come face to face with a ferocious tiger!
Hero comes across an egg in the garden. To Leos surprise, a baby Komodo dragon hatches from the egg instead of a baby bird. The Junior Rangers decide to bring the Komodo dragon back to the island it comes from.
Lizzy and Lauren have arranged a surprise horse riding lesson for Ben. When Amy receives an emergency call out, Pat is called upon to bring Pumpkin to the mail centre. Pumpkin is being a very naughty pony and when he manages to escape, Pat needs to stop him from ransacking Pencaster Market and bring him back in time for Bens surprise.
Pat has to deliver a film, screen and projector to Michael for his Open Air Movie Night in Pencaster Square. When the projector rolls off down the road and the film reel falls out the back of the van, Pat finds himself in a race against time. Using the special delivery helicopter, Pat locates the film and saves the movie night from disaster.
Bing is at Ammas creche and its his turn to choose the game, Musical Statues. Flop gets the Bingpad going and soon all the children are dancing like crazy. Sula goes out first, quickly followed by Coco. They both watch for wobblers with Amma.
Bing drives his toy car around the breakfast things on the table and accidentally spills krispos all over the kitchen floor. He helps Flop to clear them up with the aid of the voo-voo cleaner but neither of them notice when Bings car gets sucked up along with the krispos.
Bing and Pando discover a new climbing frame at the playground. Its got climbing bits, tippy bits and even a wobbly bridge. But when Bing gets to the top of the slide its too scary for him to go down. Bing watches Pando to see how he does it, then he helps Hoppity Voosh to go down. When Hoppity likes it Bing has a go too.
Coco and Charlie are playing at Bings house when Coco spots the measuring lines on the wall that show how Bing has grown. Flop measures Bing and hes bigger than the last time. When Bing cant reach his paper aeroplane Coco offers to measure him again to check if hes really grown.
Bing is getting ready to go to Sulas house but hes all sneezy and hot so Flop decides that Bing needs to stay home and keep his germs to himself. Even though Bing is soon tucked up on the sofa with a hot honey lemon hes very disappointed that he cant play with Sula.
Oswald and Weenie find out that their favourite TV personality Sammy Starfish is playing for one night only at the Big City Auditorium. They rush out to buy tickets, saving a place in the queue for their friends. Oswald lets everyone else go first only to find they have sold out of tickets when it is his and Weenies turn. Distraught, Oswald turns to go home when he hears a stagehand struggling with a piano. Oswald kindly lends a hand and finds himself on stage with none other than Sammy Starfish! In fact, he ends up accompanying him on the piano!
Henry and Daisy stop talking to each other after a big argument and poor Oswald ends up being stuck in the middle. After many failed attempts to patch things between the quarrelsome duo. Oswald discovers it is only when he gets into a spot of trouble that Henry and daisy pull together to rescue him and they all become friends again.
Bob and the team are setting up the Spring City Halloween Festival. Everyone is excited except Lofty. Lofty thinks Halloween is scary, so when he is sent to collect a giant ghost decoration he is more than nervous. Meanwhile Wendy is trying to play a Halloween trick on Bob but keeps ending up with the joke on her. Lofty arrives to collect the ghost decoration from Curtis but even the crate it is stored in looks scary. Determined to be brave, Lofty picks up the crate. But then he hears a rattling sound and thinks its the ghost. He zooms off, still carrying the crated ghost, hoping to get his scary job over with. By rushing off, he doesnt realise that the crate is not locked.
Bob and his crew are building a special area to celebrate local citizens who have improved the life of Spring City. Each recipient will get to see his or her image inside a golden star on a plinth. But Mayor Madison is struggling to decide who exactly will feature in the very first golden star. Various suggestions include Mr. Bentley, who is very keen to be chosen, Tilly and Jenny. But when the Spring City Rockets suggest Betsy, Scoop decides that the honour should go to a machine – and that machine should be him. Scoop shows off in front of Maria hoping he will be chosen. But his reckless behavior results in cutting through an electric cable and causing a massive power cut.
Its Spring blossom season and the pretty pink blossoms that come floating down the stream remind Big Nutbrown Hare of a magnificent cherry tree from his youth. He sets off cross- country to find it, with Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse, but the journey is longer and harder than he remembered. Will the blossoms floating downstream give them a clue as to a shorter way home?
Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends go on a hunt for treasure in the meadow and collect all kinds of unique gems like flowers, feathers, apples and egg-shells. But theres a hole in Little Nutbrown Hares leaf-bag and he loses the precious collection along the way. Luckily, Big Nutbrown Hare is not far behind to collect the lost treasure as well as follow its trail to find his son.
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse innocently pick lots of Spring flowers from a field and deliver bunches to their friends. When they realise that they are being followed everywhere by a cloud of yellow butterflies, they realise that the butterflies need the flowers, to feed from their nectar. How will they lead the little butterflies to more flowers and sweet nectar?
The class are going camping and Timmy wants to build his own tent. What does he need for his camping trip?
The kids search for the owner of a sketchbook that contains drawings done from a high point of view. After determining the artist wasn't drawing at the top of a ladder or up in a tree, they discover the sketchbook belongs to one of Busytown's tallest residents, Jeremy Giraffe. / Huckle and gang investigate a strange temperature drop which turns Busytown's summer to winter.
Messy's hiccups cause a landslide while out on a nature walk, will he be able to find his way home? And will he ever stop hiccuping?
Messy has to deliver the giant pongberry to the Pongberry Pie Festival, before it goes off and releases a terrible pong in Okido City!
Asked by the girls to play Prince Berry Charming in the new play that Plum is directing for the Baby Berrykins, Huck pushes aside his reluctance and says yes. Bad goes to comically worse as the girls discover he cant act, cant dance, cant sing, suffers from extreme stage fright, and never really wanted to do the play in the first place. After dress rehearsal devolves into a comedy of errors, Strawberry finally gets the sheepish Huck to confess that acting, singing and dancing are just not for him.
When Harry finds a nest with an egg in it he wants to keep it, but Nana explains that it wouldn't be fair.
Harry wants to stay up all night so he goes to Dino-World where he can play for as long as he wants.
Chucks Grandpa visits for a truck show, and Chuck and his buddies train him in hopes of winning. But Grandpa shows that speed, strength and looks arent the only things that make you a winner.
When Rebecca works with the Troublesome Trucks, everyone expects the worst. Some think the results will be amusing, others worry something more serious may happen. The other engines are so busy looking out for Rebecca that they have accidents themselves… while Rebecca, turning expectations around, finds the Troublesome Trucks highly entertaining!
Toby is sent to work at the castle while Stephen is being serviced, but some of the passengers make fun of him and say he doesnt look like a proper engine. They even call him a shed on wheels. Millie and Glynn tell Toby not to worry about what those silly passengers are saying, but Toby cant help thinking about it. That night he cant sleep. He hears a strange noise and discovers that thieves are trying to steal King Godreds Crown, but can a shed on wheels become a hero and save the day?
Grisu, with Stellas help, has to pilot a special drone that Mr Guellec bought for his farm, where a Rainbow Magpie is ruining his fruits. The drones loudspeaker is supposed to emit a sound that will repel the bird in a harmless way, but things dont go as planned. Not only does the Rainbow Magpie look unaffected by the drone, but it even mistakes it for a bird and chases after it. Grisu has a hard time shooing the bird away - with Fumes intervention making things worse - until he finds out that luring it to the nearby forest is much more effective….
Grisu helps Toramento, who is setting up a sightseeing tour of the Pink Cave of the Valley. But some funny facts happen in the Cave: signs moving apparently by themselves, strange noises… Toramento suspects that a ghost lives there, but Grisu doesnt believe it. After a little mayhem, the little dragon finds out that the funny facts are caused by a small but sassy bat, who lives in the Cave and is annoyed by artificial light. Eventually, Grisu, helped by Stella and Toramento, creates a light system built with luminescent rocks, that spreads a soft glow that doesnt annoy the bat.
When Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse find a strange set of prints in the snow and hunt for the owner, their imaginations run away with them.
Little Nutbrown Hare discovers he can't fit under his favourite hiding log anymore. With Big Nutbrown Hare's help, he learns he has grown bigger since last Spring, and can now clamber into a hole in a tree that's an even better hiding place. Big Nutbrown Hare learns that you are never too young to play.
Rosie has promised to accompany Biva to her exam. However, the very same day, her father Basil arrives unexpectedly.
Saffi has won a “Design a Statue” competition and now Bob and the team are turning her design into a water-fountain for the shopping mall. Saffi explains that her elephant statue design was based on her favourite toy, Mr Trunkers, but has since lost him. So when Muck is chosen to deliver the elephant statue, he promises to take extra special care of it for Saffi. But in his excitement, Muck accidentally knocks the elephant into a wall and scrapes off its paint. Muck cant quite bring himself to own up to Saffi, so decides to tell Bob what has happened first. On his way to tell Bob, Muck overhears Anish telling Saffi how proud he is of her statue. Muck panics and ends up damaging the elephant more.
When Skye Sampson asks Bob and Team to create a beach motocross course on Fixham Beach, Bob is so enthused he decides to compete himself. But its been a while since hes ridden his old bike and he wonders if it will even make it round the course. While Bob and Curtis work on the bike, word gets out that there is a mysterious entrant called the Masked Biker. Scoop and Muck become convinced that the Masked Biker is Leo, hiding his identity to take part even though he isnt old enough to race.
Someone in Busytown Park got rid of Sally and Hilda's newly drawn hopscotch board. Huckle and Lowly set about helping the girls find out who's responsible. As it turns out the culprit isn't a who, but a what - the park's new sprinkler system washed the chalk drawing clean off the sidewalk./ Mr. Gronkles great great grandfather has hidden a priceless treasure somewhere and its up to Huckle and the gang to find it.