Simon is going to spend the night at his big buddy Ferdinands house. Ferdinands house is kind of different from his, they do things differently, but still, its kind of cool. When it comes time for bed though, he loses his smile. Because Simon thinks that he sees a monster in the yard! With Ferdinand, the two of them build a fortress with pillows in order to protect themselves from the monster. Later on, the two little guys are going to find out that the monster in the yard is none other than a frog!
Its December, and its gingerbread time! Berry and Dolly love making them. Berrys house filled with the wonderful smell of the biscuits what the magpie immediately noticed from above. Grabbed the bowl and flew away with it. Oh my!
On a summer afternoon after a heavy storm Leapy, the grasshopper found an injured stranger, He immediately called for help. Berry and Dolly arrived in no time as always.
Berry and Dolly are planting sunflowers on a spring day. They take care of the flowers carefully as they emerge from the ground and grow tall. The two friends are very happy. Unfortunately the joy does not last long; someone damaged the flowers.
Dolly wants to bake strawberry pie, so she asks Stanley and Balthazar to pick some strawberries. Along the way, the two friends are playing with a pebble, until they had a fight and fall into the water.
On a winter day, Milla, the snow beetle, invited her friends to ski. Berry, Lily and Flutter had nothing to ski with, so they made new skis for everyone.
There will be a puppet show in the middle of the forest. Berry, Dolly, Balthazar and Eddy also get going to watch the show. Eddy and Balthazar had a fight over a pebble when Eddy, the potato beetle, felt down. Oh my!
One day, Egon happily played with his new black scooter. The others also wants to try it but Egon not in the mood for sharing at all!
Bing is vooshing with Hoppity around the garden, making him fly higher and higher. With one particularly enthusiastic throw Hoppity disappears. After a hunt, Bing finds Hoppity in the washing up bowl and gets upset because a wet, mucky Hoppity just doesnt feel right.
Bing and his friends play Nature Explorers in Ammas garden by spinning a giant colour wheel and then finding something of that colour in the garden. When its Bings turn to find something red he doesnt look carefully before he tries to pick a raspberry and pricks his finger.
Bing has enough money to buy one thing in Padgets shop but he finds it hard to choose between all the lovely things. After much deliberation Bing chooses a camper van but on the way home he begins to regret his decision.
Its bedtime but wheres Hoppity? Bing remembers playing with him in the garden but now its all dark out there and he doesnt really like the dark. Flop finds Bings carrot torch and together they set off into the dark on an adventure. But wheres Hoppity?
Unbearable noise is distracting the inhabitants of Wild Rose Lane from their activities. As it turns out, Billy and Benny have found a trumpet and decided to dedicate themselves to music. Their distorted squawking is torment for the neighbours. Things can't go on like this, so Tilda prescribes the young squirrels music lessons from the frogs.
Tilda finds a bottle containing a treasure map in the stream. She excitedly shows Rupert her discovery and the two go on a treasure hunt. They turn Wild Rose Lane on its head, but there's no treasure to be found. After hours of searching in vain, the pair recover with a tasty picnic in Tilda's garde, where Tilda finally decodes the complicated map.
Tilda's Great Great Aunt Emily is visiting Wild Rose Lane. Rupert suggests they have a competition to decide which of the two mice bakes the better cheesecake. While Emily sets to work in Rupert's kitchen, Tilda discovers an old recipe from her ancestor Eusebia which sounds better than her own.
One Spring morning a cute spotty ladybird lands on Little Nutbrown Hare and seems to want to stay with him. All his friends admire the interesting little creature and he feels very special indeed. When she eventually flies away Little Nutbrown Hare follows her, wanting her back. But he understands why she left when he discovers she has lots of tiny spotty babies.
It is a sunny Spring day in the meadow and Little Nutbrown Hare is enjoying all it has to offer. As the day wears on a heavy grey cloud forces Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse to seek shelter from the rain. Will the friends let a little water ruin their fun or will they discover that rainy days can be just as exciting.
Little Nutbrown Hare is disappointed when a trail of ants disappears with the delicious Spring berries hes found. Hes convinced that ants are not very nice, and only after Big Nutbrown Hare explains how the ants were probably taking the berries home to their families does Little Nutbrown Hare forgive them. And when he sees how clever the ants are, he soon wants to be like them.
Caillou and his classmates face a tough decision when their soccer ball rolls out of bounds. They consider breaking Ms. Martins rules to retrieve it until Caillou imagines hes a space captain who flies his ship through a black hole and discovers that rules are often made for good reasons.
Caillou proudly shows off a new scooter trick to his friends, but when they grow tired of his bragging they pretend to be Rodeo Stars like Buck Buckaroo (Caillou) who is discouraged by Lizzy Lassos (Clementine) bragging. Lizzy, and Caillou, learn that showing off can sometimes make others feel bad.
Kate wants to win at pin the tail on the donkey, but she misses. In Mimiloo, Kate and Mim-Mim want to race against their new friend, Auggie the Froggie, in a leapfrog race. Tack gives Kate a pair of Hoppy Socks so she can jump above Mim-Mim, but they give her an unfair advantage!
Kates dad gives her a big empty box to play with! In Mimiloo, Tack cant think of any new inventions—his Big Idea Board and his Big Idea Box are empty. To help Tack get out of his inventing slump, Kate and Mim-Mim have to help him imagine all the things that his empty box can become.
Annalee and Boribon go on a hike. Annalee fills her backpack, and they set off to climb a mountain. When they reach the top and the strange rock, an interesting view unfolds before them. However, on the way back, a small accident happens….
What a fright: Findus has completely forgotten that the next day is Pettson's birthday, and so he has no present. The chickens, on the other hand, are well prepared. They have been rehearsing a dance ballet for days. Findus feverishly thinks about what else he can organise himself, but he can't think of anything in a hurry. So he meekly asks to be allowed to take part in the chickens' show. But how and with what?
The chickens are very strict: they are not convinced by Findus' performance on his new bike so far. They do not want to live with this dangerous situation on the farm. They demand that Findus must pass a highly official cycling test before he is allowed to ride around at will. He has to master stations on a course that the chickens have devised. Findus is now a little afraid of failing the test.
Caillou has a show and tell, and learns that being patient can teach him cool new things!
Peppino delivers pizzas faster than anyone in Busytown, so when the kids wait an unusually long time for their pizza to arrive, they figure something must be wrong at the pizzeria. But Peppino isn't there and neither is his delivery car. By following his delivery route, the kids ultimately find Peppino stuck in an elevator./Fairy dust and strange sightings has Hilda Hippo convinced there are real live fairies in Busytown Woods!
Monkey wants to build himself a new house, when the first try doesn't end well he decides to use rocks. To his big surprise one of these rocks turns out to be no other then his friend Turtle! Well, a visit from a friend is always a good reason to play Monkeys favorite game… “Monkey See Monkey Do”!
The Junior Cadets are so excited to ride in Wallaby 2. But that all changes when an emergency call comes in. Racing to get Norman to the Mountain Activity Centre for his ride on Wallaby 2, Dilys drives too fast and skids over a ravine. Sam and Elvis perform a daring double rescue with the help of Wallaby Two to save them.
Its fright night for Norman after he watches a scary movie, but his panic leaves him thinking everyone is turning into Pontypandy Zombies… Pondies. He tries to signal for help but ends up trapped in a burning building. The Fire Team are called to the rescue.
Pat needs to deliver Bernie the parrot to Amy for a check-up, before getting Bernie back to the Parrot Sanctuary. On the way Bernie escapes and hitches a ride on the Pencaster Flyer. Bernie gets into all sorts of mischief, he steals Bills skateboard, gets caught up in Mrs Goggins scarf and winds up in a boat on Pencaster Harbour. As the storm clouds roll in, its up to Pat to save Bernie and get him to Amy.
The children have been left alone in the burrow and have made a mess. To avoid being told off, they say that a wild animal caused the chaos. The rumour spreads through the undergrowth and creates a panic that only the truth can stop….
Woodsy is desperately trying to do do something that requires calm and concentration but his intrusive family make it impossible. The more he tries to be on his own, the less the others leave him alone as they are very curious to find out what he is up to….
Sketcky is looking for the perfect gift for Mother's Day! He can count on Doodleboo to have a good idea...
Sketcky dreams of going to the shooting stars night. But there will be a lot of people and Sketcky wants to get the best spot. Doodleboo knows exactly what he would need to arrive first tonight...
Bubble would like to see a new decoration in the jar and Doodleboo knows perfectly how to embellish it!
In the real world Messy has just finished eating all the hiking-sock-flavoured jam, and he doesnt know what to do with all the jars, so he goes to Okido to ask! When Messy lands, Felix and Zoe are playing some new instruments that they made them themselves! Suddenly, Zoe realises she has lost her communicator. Zoe thinks it must be in the Cloudship, so they hail the Okidoodle to take them there. Zam is putting out the rubbish when they arrive, and Zim has just finished cleaning the entire kitchen! Clearly its not where Zoe left it, so they check the bins in case it was thrown away by accident. But the rubbish has already been taken when they get there!
In the real world Messy is playing with his toy planes, cars and boats and wonders how they all work, so he goes to Okido to find out! When he arrives, Felix and Zoe, they tell him to hurry because they want to watch the “All Okido Race to Windy Hill” with him. “Theres a mystery prize!” they tell him. Messy says they wont watch the race… because theyre going to be in the race and win! He whistles over the Okidoodle and they skidoodle to the starting line!
Its Spring blossom season and the pretty pink blossoms that come floating down the stream remind Big Nutbrown Hare of a magnificent cherry tree from his youth. He sets off cross- country to find it, with Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse, but the journey is longer and harder than he remembered. Will the blossoms floating downstream give them a clue as to a shorter way home?
Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends go on a hunt for treasure in the meadow and collect all kinds of unique gems like flowers, feathers, apples and egg-shells. But theres a hole in Little Nutbrown Hares leaf-bag and he loses the precious collection along the way. Luckily, Big Nutbrown Hare is not far behind to collect the lost treasure as well as follow its trail to find his son.
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse innocently pick lots of Spring flowers from a field and deliver bunches to their friends. When they realise that they are being followed everywhere by a cloud of yellow butterflies, they realise that the butterflies need the flowers, to feed from their nectar. How will they lead the little butterflies to more flowers and sweet nectar?
Bing and Pando are both tired but insist on one last game of Hide and Seek before bed. Pando finds a great hiding place under the covers of Bings bed but by the time Bing finds him hes fast asleep. Bing is tired too and gets upset when he thinks theres nowhere left for him to sleep, but Flop and Padget find a way.
Bing and Sula help Amma to get lunch ready. Bing watches yummy peas and delicious carrots go into the pot, but when lunch is served theyre all mixed up together and Bing doesnt like it. Amma finds Bing an unmixing spoon so that Bing can enjoy his lunch just the way he likes it.
Bing falls in love with a lost dog he and Flop find in the park and decides he wants to keep her. When the owner turns up Bing is very upset when it comes to saying goodbye to his new friend.
At Ammas creche the children make eggy heads with egg shells and cress seeds. Bing knows his Eggy needs water, light and time before it can grow hair but waiting is hard so he tries to speed up the process by giving Eggy lots of water with the garden hose.
Dolly wants to bake strawberry pie, so she asks Stanley and Balthazar to pick some strawberries. Along the way, the two friends are playing with a pebble, until they had a fight and fall into the water.
On a winter day, Milla, the snow beetle, invited her friends to ski. Berry, Lily and Flutter had nothing to ski with, so they made new skis for everyone.
There will be a puppet show in the middle of the forest. Berry, Dolly, Balthazar and Eddy also get going to watch the show. Eddy and Balthazar had a fight over a pebble when Eddy, the potato beetle, felt down. Oh my!
One day, Egon happily played with his new black scooter. The others also wants to try it but Egon not in the mood for sharing at all!
Huckle and the gang race all over Busytown trying to find the lock that fits and old key they found. They search everywhere from the Busytown Museum to Mr Gronkles antiques. They come up empty until they remember that an old roll top desk was being delivered to the antique store near where they found the key and had a lock on it. They try the key and it fits. / Chocolate sauce on Lowly's car leaves Huckle and the gang puzzled.
Trying to see as much of the beautiful savannas view as possible; Monkey climbs higher and higher up the tree. At this height there is only one friend Monkey can meet… the Giraffe is ready and willing to play Monkeys favorite game Monkey see Monkey Do.
Fireman Sam
Fireman Sam
Kipper, Pig and Arnold enjoy themselves riding on the Big Wheel and looking in distorting mirrors at the Fair. They decide to go into the maze and Pig worries about Arnold getting lost. Guess who gets lost? It isnt Arnold!
Big Owl gets dirty and Kipper decides to give him a bath. Tigers hat falls in the mud and they decide to give it a bath too. Things get totally out of hand and they wash blankets, all the other toys and finally themselves.
Caillou gets to choose one toy from the store, but there are so many cool toys to pick from!
Caillou spends a day outside finding different ways to play in the snow.
One chilly, windy day, Tilda wants to visit her friend Molly. On her way across the fields, she meets Patrick the sheep, who's got a cold. Tilda immediately informs Molly and together the two mice knit Patrick a nice warm scarf. Patrick is overjoyed, but now all the other sheep want scarves too. Now Tilda and Molly have to call her friends in to help.
Unbearable noise is distracting the inhabitants of Wild Rose Lane from their activities. As it turns out, Billy and Benny have found a trumpet and decided to dedicate themselves to music. Their distorted squawking is torment for the neighbours. Things can't go on like this, so Tilda prescribes the young squirrels music lessons from the frogs.
The Triplets are at the beach, and they cant wait to go swimming!!! Unfortunately, there is a new lifeguard on the beach, and he is not the kind to let anyone have fun... The Triplets cant either bathe, or make sandcastles, or pirouettes, or kite. What a bummer! The lifeguard whistles constantly, like a quartermaster sergeant against his soldiers. Then the Triplets are going to k really hard to escape the lifeguard and give him the hardest time, who will win this fight?
Be friend with a shark, is that even possible? Poet discovers a swimming ring shaped like a shark in the sand. He imagines being friend with a NICE shark which is tired of everyone thinking hes bad. Turbulent and Girl take him out of his musing and ask him if he wants to join them to fish shrimps. But Poet wont fish shrimps, no! He will find a shark and make him his new friend. Hell bring it back to Paris where he will play with it, feed it, learn it how to brush teeth and bed it. Not sure Mommy will agree.
Martis has a very distinctive laugh and this becomes an attraction for his friends - until the moment that the joke no longer makes him laugh at all.
After a safety demonstration at school, Caillou goes overboard trying to accident-proof his house. But in a secret agent fantasy where an Agent (Caillou) almost fails a mission because of an actual safety bubble, Caillou realizes that accidents happen, but you can always be prepared.
Caillou is having too much fun playing Space Captain to go to sleep, so he pretends to be Dax Turbo, trying to keep his sleepy crew awake so they can complete their mission, and learns that everyone needs time to rest and recharge, even intrepid space captains.
The trainees are going off to training camp to learn to work as a team and acquire new skills. They have to put up three shelters before sunset, when Skylar and Tyne will come to inspect them. Things get off to a bumpy start when Hoot and Toot squabble over who is taking which cars. They accidentally leave one behind with half the parts for the shelters. It's not long before Brewster notices that they dont have everything they need. Hoot and Toot feel terrible for letting the team down.
Lots of freight has arrived from the docks and Cormac is worried how he and Old Puffer Pete will get it all delivered in time. He hopes Pete has his fast wheels on today. Pete says that he doesnt, because slow and steady is the way to go. Cormac disagrees and challenges Pete to a race. They will divide up all the deliveries and the first to finish wins.
Koko is thrilled that she is going to be spending the day training with Daley – the express courier. She watches him pick up and deliver various items all around Chuggington. As they're heading to the docks to collect a part for the repair shed, Daley is called to another urgent job. He cant be in two places at once, so Koko offers to go to the docks. She speeds in and picks up the first freight case she sees, but later discovers its the wrong one.
Smeraldo is to sail to the famous pirate Red Hair Anna's shipwreck to retrieve its treasure chest. Grisu, accompanied by Stella, goes with Smeraldo to operate his boat crane and haul the treasure, while Smeraldo is in his submarine. Unfortunately, the young dragon unwittingly breaks the professor's glasses and has to pilot the submarine all by himself. He finds the treasure but also encounters a giant and playful octopus. Grisu, surprised by the animal, burns the rope and the treasure sinks back into the sea. Everything seems lost, but a firefighter never gives up! Using a giant air bubble, Grisu manages to bring the treasure up again and saves the mission.
Natureza wants to study a very rare butterfly that lives on trees on top of mountain peaks. At David's requests, Grisu accompanies her – as a junior pilot – on a hot air ballon ride to the peaks. As Grisu never flew one, there's a bunch of comic mishaps before they manage to reach the mountains. But as they're getting close to the butterfly, the balloon accidently bumps into flying Fumé. Surprised Grisu breathes a flame on the envelope heater, ruining it and bringing them back down to the ground. But a firefighter never gives up. Grisu asks his father to throw a big flame in the balloon envelope. They take off again and head for the butterfly!
A vervet monkey shows up as an uninvited guest to one of Leos picnics. The Junior Rangers head to the savannah to bring the monkey home, but the trip takes a nasty turn when they fall into an animal trap.
Bubble, the small flower beetle one spring day decided to build a tall tower from his colorful building blocks. Unfortunately the tower is keep falling down again and again.
Berry, Dolly, Stanley, Balthazar, Flutter and Bubble are hiking in the forest on a beautiful autumn day. Suddenly they recognized that someone is crying in the bush. They found a mushroom without his hat. The friends immediately start to help him.
One spring day, Frank longhorn beetle visits his friend, Stanley. Frank suggests to organize a football match. Everyone wants to play football, the two teams get together quickly. The girls cheer on the sidelines. The game is about to start.
Easter is here. The girls: Dolly, Flutter, Leapy, Zephyr and Rosita gather and start to paint the Easter eggs. They happily work all day, painting beautiful eggs.
One night Berry is already in his bed, when he hears some strange noise. First he doesn't care, but the noise just getting louder. Finally he opens the door when the little green worm appeared. Long time no see friend just arrived.
After several false starts to get out on a picnic Bing and Flop are finally ready to leave just as it starts to rain. Bing is very disappointed but as they unpack the wheelie bag he realises that they can have their picnic indoors instead.
Bing and Sula find a helium balloon stuck in a tree in the park. They both want to play with it at the same time so Flop makes two strings and they invent a noisy balloon game called “Stuck Duckies”. When they run in opposite directions the balloon flies away, so Flop volunteers to be the stuck duckie so the game doesnt have to end.
Coco discovers Bings dressing up box so they both dress up. Coco is Princess Cococapono and Bing is, of course, King Bing. But there is only one crown and both need it to complete their outfits. When the crown gets broken Flop helps them to make new crowns out of the broken pieces.
Bing makes Sula a picture with all her favourite things on it. It just needs one last jewel stuck on but OOPS the glue spills all over the picture. Sparkles save the day.
Sula, Pando, Flop and Padget all have a knack, a special thing that only they can do. Bing is frustrated when all his own knacks are easy for everyone else to do too. When Pando accidentally hurts Bings ear they are all in for a surprise as Bing discovers he does have a knack that no-one else can do.
Get to know our little pets better through charming stories featuring the characters from the popular Bing series.
When Simon and Ferdinand see Mommy and Daddy playing badminton, they want to try too: playing with rackets looks like a cinch! Except that no, its super hard to hit the birdie with these big rackets. They arent able to have one single volley. Simon is determined though, yes, they are going to do it! But it will have to wait until after lunch because Daddy has just called them to table. During the meal, Gaspard, but not on purpose, pops off the top of his apple sauce and Simons immediate reflex is to hit it in mid-air with his big spoon. Yes, he did it!
The farm is covered deep in snow. Pettson is dancing around in his kitchen with the chickens. Findus wants to come in too, but at that moment the rotten door handle falls off. So he sets off freezing to the Gustavsson's, meets Harpo and both then end up with Beda Andersson. Pettson and Gustavsson now also go in search of their protégés.
Can you guess how much I love you? Little Nutbrown Hare asks his father. Big Nutbrown Hare looks up at the big, old oak tree. As much as the Old Oak Tree is big? he asks. Little Nutbrown Hare holds up an acorn in triumph. No, as big as this acorn! He replies. Because this acorn will just keep growing and growing and growing.
One morning in the early Springtime, Little Nutbrown Hare wakes to find the air filled with a delightful smell. He and Little Field Mouse search all over the meadow, the woods and by the riverside to find the source of the wonderful smell. They discover all kinds of new and unexpected Spring scents… sweet, pretty and fresh, but will they find the one they are searching for?
Woozle and Pip are bored. And now Aunty Peartree has told them to clean their kennel today! Boohoo! That doesnt sound like fun at all! Unless… You dress up and pretend you are a knight... No a princess!... Or a Firefighter! Woozle and Pip discover that cleaning your kennel can be fun after all. Plus they learn the days of the week!
Spring has arrived and Tilda fervently wants to paint a white sheep on a green meadow. She grabs her easel and sets off. Her friends may have lots of other suggestions for things she could paint, but she has her heart set on a sheep. Her friend Patrick the sheep turns out to be a difficult model: he just can't keep still.
When Molly visits Tilda, her friend is looking for a birthday present for Rupert. In the end, Tilda decides on a blue scarf. Molly suggests sending Rupert the present as a parcel to make the surprise all the bigger. A great idea, thinks Tilda.
On the beach, the Triplets are playing with Mommys bag, she scolds them nicely and tells them its time to go home ! But when she reaches for the keys, they are not here anymore ! They probably fell off the bag when the Triplets were playing with it. They have to find the keys or therwise everyone will have to sleep on the beach tonight - which by the way, sound good to the Triplets. Maybe raking the beach could be useful? Or then metal detectors, which would allow to find all the keys of the beach.
The Triplets are watching a movie on television, when Poet starts to ask Mommy How do you make a movie ?, she answers him that you need actors band a director to lead them and make the movie. Poet is very excited, when hes a grown up, he wants to be a director and make animal documentaries. But his brother and sister do not agree with that, they want Poet to film them doing stunt, in a castle, with Dragons and sleeping beauties. Poor Poet will have to comply with the tantrums of his actors, not easy to do movies.
Koko's confidence is shaken after she gets in an accident. Scared and second-guessing herself, can she regain her speed in time to save Wilson and Brewster from trouble?
When a penguin escapes from Newtown Zoo Elvis really hopes he will see it. But its Norman and Mandy who meet the penguin first, waddling across the beach! Norman wants to take it home so it can live in his house but Mandy thinks they should take it back to the Zoo! Meanwhile Dilys is trying to clear the Cut Price Store of a delivery of boxes so the place looks tidy for her romantic meal with Trevor later. One of the boxes holds scented candles - that she is lighting to test which one smells the best for her dinner date. Norman has managed to sneak the penguin upstairs into his room and is quickly finding that keeping a penguin is a very messy smelly business indeed….
Most of the good folk of Pontypandy have gathered in Pontypandy Park for the annual town festival. Norman is running the coconut shy (gluing down the coconuts so nobody can win), Bella is providing delicious pizzas and Moose is manning the Test Your Strength machine. The fire fighters are well represented with Sam giving the kids rides on Jupiter whilst Station Officer Steele is proudly showing off his new Mobile Command Unit vehicle. Mike is running late with his stick your head through a hole in a painted board amusement. Helen tells him its unusable as the paint is still wet.
Pig with a blue mouth from eating a blue sweet, Kipper with a black eye from a telescope with an inked eyepiece, Jake itching from itching powder – Tiger has fun with his joke box but the joke is on him when the others decide enough is enough!
Tigers very excited when his new rocket arrives. Hes not so excited when it refuses to take off. With a bit of help from Kipper and Sock Thing, everything works out fine.
When Caillous over-enthusiasm accidentally scares away the birds on his backyard bird feeder, he jumps into an explorer fantasy where he is pursued by a very enthusiastic but friendly Bigfoot (Mommy) and learns to soften his approach in order to see the birdies up close.
When Caillou thinks his snow buddy isn't as good as Sarah's, his feelings of inadequacy inspire an Ace Builder fantasy. Caillou learns that just because something is different, doesn't mean it's better or worse, it's just different!
James likes to show off and be the centre of attention, but when he doesnt get his own way, he sulks and pouts. One day James is showing off so much that the passengers start complaining so the Fat Controller takes his coaches away. James starts to pout and he is still pouting the next morning. He is so sulky and rude that the Fat Controller leaves him in his shed. Eventually James apologises and the Fat Controller gives him some work to do, but when James discovers that hes pulling waste trucks he starts sulking again and it is only when his friends help him laugh at himself that James finally manages to find a way to dowhat he has to do, and even enjoy it!
Kyle's ATV is invaded by Echidnas! Can the Junior Rangers help him get his precious vehicle back?
The Junior Rangers have to break up a fight between two ferocious... Mantis Shrimps!
Pat and Jess are called to Cardiff to collect a new sorting machine when the Pencaster machine breaks down. Whilst they negotiate with Rowena Roberts, the Cardiff sorting office manager, as to how to move the heavy machine onto the SDS plane, Ben is fighting his own battles at the Pencaster office as his merry band of “helpers” from the village cause more chaos in their attempts to sort the post!After a quick tour of Gilbertson Castle, Pat and Jess manage to get the new sorting machine to Pencaster ust in time to deliver a missing birthday present to Meera. Happy Birthday Meera - and well done, Postman Pat!
Its a snowy day in Greendale, and Ted Glen has invited the kids to his workshop to meet his friend, space expert Professor Farrow. Julians excited but so is Pat, who has always yearned to be an astronaut. Hes even more thrilled when he finds that his special delivery is a space suit - an extra surprise for the kids. When his van breaks down in a snowy lane, he finds an ingenious solution - only to suffer a puncture - and Ted is unable to help... Meanwhile, Professor Farrow and Lauren take the kids out into the snow and re-create the surface of the moon. Pats determined to make his delivery, but how will he make it on foot through the snow?
Bing and Flop are building a sandcastle when Pando joins them in the sandpit with his wind-up digger toy to help. Bing finds a lovely poiky thing in the sand and thinks it will make the perfect decoration for the top of his castle not realizing it belongs to Pandos digger.
Its a beautiful Autumn day and Bing and Sula are in the park with Flop collecting acorns. When Bings pile of acorns keeps getting smaller Flop suggests they hide behind a bush to see whats happening to them – a squirrel is the culprit, hiding acorns for winter.
Bing finds his old baby shoes. They are much too small for Bing now but Coco loves them and so does baby Charlie. When the shoes are a perfect fit for Charlie, Bing has a hard time letting them go to a new home.
Flop is feeling poorly so Bing decides to look after him. He makes Flop comfy on the sofa, gives him a blanket and reads an exciting Hoppity Voosh story. But when Bing tries to make Flop a honey-lemon drink he ends up making a big mess instead. Poor Flop...
Its music time at the creche and everyone wants a turn on the drum. Bing gets impatient waiting for his turn but as he tries to grab the drum from Sula he trips and breaks it. Now nobody can play the drum.
When Henrys Cousin Louie comes to stay, Henry starts feeling homesick for the Frozen North. He decides there and then to go back with Cousin Louie and a sad Oswald goes round Big City to tell all of their friends. They gather at the bus stop to wish Henry bon voyage when suddenly a gust of wind takes the party balloons up into the air – along with Catrina! Everyone ends up hanging onto the balloons for dear life and Henry realises he has to make a choice - save his friends or catch the bus….
While housesitting for Henry, Daisy breaks his favourite fish vase. Oswald advises her to simply tell Henry what happened, but Daisy, worried that Henry will be angry with her, is sure there's another way out. She tries to mend the vase, buy a new one, and make a replica, but all her efforts fail. Daisy despairs, but Oswald reminds her that she has ruffled Henry's feathers many times before and they are still friends. Daisy confesses the truth to Henry only to discover he has an entire cupboard full of fish vases!
Its Christmas time. Bob and the team are building the Spring City Christmas display in the city centres plaza. Lofty loves everything Christmas and decorates the yard in snowflakes. Then he sees that Bobs home doesnt have any decorations, so he decides to give him the perfect present. Lofty arrives on site, determined to give Bob his Christmas present but when asked to help hang the lights, he puts the present down by the giant display tree. Lofty finishes his work and again tries to give Bob his present but now its lost somewhere in the display.
Bob must finish a Dinosaur Park attraction for the Mayor to visit that evening. This involves creating a trail around which life-sized models of dinosaurs will be positioned, climaxing with a roaring animatronic model of a triceratops. Muck starts to clear the main path. Hes fascinated, but also a little bit scared of dinosaurs. Leo reassures Muck by revealing he too was a bit wary of dinosaurs when he was small, and gets Muck to 'roar' like a dinosaur. The model dinosaurs arrive and are very impressive. Scoop decides to surprise Leo and pushes the triceratops into the middle of the path. Instead of surprising Leo, they spook Muck who panics and knocks the model over a cliff.
When Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse find a strange set of prints in the snow and hunt for the owner, their imaginations run away with them.
Little Nutbrown Hare discovers he can't fit under his favourite hiding log anymore. With Big Nutbrown Hare's help, he learns he has grown bigger since last Spring, and can now clamber into a hole in a tree that's an even better hiding place. Big Nutbrown Hare learns that you are never too young to play.
When Big Nutbrown Hare tells Little Nutbrown Hare a beautiful full moon will rise that night, Little Nutbrown wants to invite all his friends around for a celebration. When the full moon is veiled in clouds, Little Nutbrown is disappointed - but is extra delighted when the clouds part to reveal a bright red moon.
Timmy and his friends are making a train out of lots of different shapes. Can you help them?
Trying to figure out what a strange piece of metal with a number 10 on it is, Huckle and his pals take it to Blacksmith Bear who helps them discover strange writing on it. Figuring it must be a foreign language, they take it to Ms Honey and, with her help, determine the piece of metal is a lost tap from Hildas French tap dance shoes./Huckle and pals set out to find the whistle blower who is causing a traffic jam.
Messy is running around in his garden and notices his shadow chasing him and copying everything he does! Trying to figure out how to get rid of it, he goes to Okido. When he arrives, his shadow has followed him and then he spots more shadows on the side of Felix and Zoes house. He looks up to find his friends on the balcony of their treehouse, making shadow puppets. He bounces up to join them and then all of a sudden the shadows disappear….
Messy is hiding in a tent made of cushions, pretending not to be scared of the storm outside! He wonders why the sky is flashing and being so noisy! So he spins to Okido to find the answer. When Messy arrives, Zoe and Felix are lounging, warm and dry in deck chairs, but it appears to be raining on him, and he cant escape it! “Look up Messy!” giggles Zoe. Its Fluff the cloud! Shes been watering Felix and Zoes garden and now needs to go home so invites the trio to come and meet her family.
Berrykin Bloom's braggart cousin, Berrykin Bertram, has won the hot sauce competition at the local county fair year after year. But this year, Sour and Apple are determined to help the kindhearted Bloom win... whether he wants to or not!
Harry is finding it difficult to learn to play the violin and is fearful about performing in his school concert so he goes to Dino-World to practice.
When Harry discovers that he is too small to pick apples he goes to the Dino-World Mooseum to find some growth enhancing milk from a mechanical cow.
Chuck helps a celebrity truck, who is just looking to relax, hide from a nosy reporter.
The Troublesome Trucks are being particularly cheeky and disobedient. When a new brake van called Bradford arrives from The Mainland Thomas is delighted to work with him as Bradford is excellent at keeping The Troublesome Trucks under control. But Bradford is a real stickler for the rules, and Thomas soon tires of his petty regulations, which are always making him late.. Eventually Thomas is so fed up with Bradford that he decides to go off without a brake van, a reckless and dangerous move, which ends up with Thomas hurtling out of control down Gordons Hill with no brake van to stop him.
Samson boasts proudly that he has been given a very special job taking stone from the quarry to the docks. But when he learns that Thomas has been given the same job he tries to find another way to prove how important he is. So he decides to take much more trucks than he should insisting that this will save time. But with so many heavy trucks Samson cant get over Gordons Hill. So it takes even longer and when he asks Thomas to help him, he ends up making Thomas late too. The Fat Controller is not happy, but Samson insists that hes learned his lesson and wont make the same mistake again….
To help David who has to take off for a firefghter operation, Grisu offers to bring a package to the post office. Even if the package matters a lot for David since it's a birthday present for his best friend, the mission shouldn't be too difficult. Except that, after an accident, the package ends up in Guellec's van, then in a field with playful sheeps. Grisu and Stella miss the mail and therefore have to deliver the package by themselves. What they will manage to do, thanks to Grisu's invention: a cart pulled by drones!.
Fumé asks his son to watch over the water plant while he's away. Grisu accepts this mission and Stella comes along. But the young dragon accidently pulls the wrong lever, causing the water to heat too much. To cool it down, Grisu and Stella have to turn a wheel but they end up getting it unhinged. Fortunately Grisu and Stella manage to press a red button, which is a like a second line of defence. But their mishaps made the volcano shake and a boulder flattens a hot water hose. As Grisu tries to dislodge it, Fumé shows up in the plant unanounced, which makes Stella shout in surprise and startled Grisu burn two stalagmites holding the boulder.
On a snowy Winters morning Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse are amazed at the intricate patterns they find in the snowflakes, each one different from the others. The friends try to take one to show Big Nutbrown Hare, but they always melt before he sees them. Will they find a way to stop the lovely flakes from melting?
When Little Nutbrown Hare discovers that he has grown a thick Winter coat, he and Little Field Mouse make a coat from moss to help other creatures in the meadow stay warm. They discover that everyone has their own ways of coping in the colder months, but Big Nutbrown Hare uses the coat as a picnic rug on the snow so they can enjoy a Winter feast.
Woodsys latest collection is made up of a staggering 345 pine cones that he has hidden in the guest room. Edmund is furious and asks his son to find another place for his collection. After several unsuccessful attempts, Woodsy finally chooses Loudos underground burrow. Just when he thinks he has found the perfect place, he gets a big surprise.
Its the Machines Check Up Day; a day when Curtis the mechanic comes to check their mechanics and engines are all working properly! Scoop boast hes going to get top marks for his check-up. Lofty is worried he wont get any. After Scoop, Lofty and Muck have a Jet-Wash, Bob calls Curtis to tell him theyre ready but Scoop realises his orange emergency light is broken and thinks he wont get top marks. He panics and decides to hide until Curtis has gone! Scoop scours the Yard for somewhere to hide – but in the process makes himself muddy again. Then he breaks the glass in his side mirror before tearing his rear tyre mud flap. Eventually Bob finds Scoop hiding behind a pile of cement bags, looking dishevelled and sorry for himself! Bob and Wendy fix Scoop so hes ready for his check-up. Lofty is still worried and nervous about being examined.
Roland Sweet has commissioned Bob and Team to build a giant games testing area outside the Shopping Mall to publicise the opening of his new games store. Leo impresses Roland with his musical knowledge, so Roland asks if he can assemble the giant piano keyboard while the rest of the team build a child-sized dolls house and Snakes and Ladders board. Bob asks Scoop to help Leo with the keyboard and but Scoop mixes up the piano keys when moving them. Leo is too proud to follow the diagram Roland gave him so he and Scoop muddle through, treating the keyboard like a jigsaw.
When Huckle and the gang hear strange mumbling voices in the Busytown Museum, it begins to look like its coming from the new Mummy Exhibit. However, after tracking down the clues and putting them together, the sounds turn out to be the voices of the workmen echoing up through air vents from the basement.
An animal statue is knocked over! Can the Junior Rangers find the culprit? Does it have anything to do with the lifelike Shoebill statue?
Gaspard and Simon are playing “knights”. For costumes, their father has made them really cool shields. But without horses, playing “knights” is a whole lot less fun! No need to ask dad for help, Simon is going to make them himself. Awesome, but still, Gaspard finds that Simon isnt quite as talented as Dad. Simon is going to prove him wrong and show his brother he can do everything that Dad can do: he vacuums like him, well, almost…Gaspard is still unconvinced. Simon decides to prove it by preparing dinner like Dad! His “very original” recipe surprises his parents a bit but Gaspard thinks its delicious! The parents go along with the game and even let Simon tuck them into bed, just like Dad does! But if Simon puts his parents to bed, then whos going to put him to bed?!?!
Bubble, the small flower beetle one spring day decided to build a tall tower from his colorful building blocks. Unfortunately the tower is keep falling down again and again.
Berry, Dolly, Stanley, Balthazar, Flutter and Bubble are hiking in the forest on a beautiful autumn day. Suddenly they recognized that someone is crying in the bush. They found a mushroom without his hat. The friends immediately start to help him.
One spring day, Frank longhorn beetle visits his friend, Stanley. Frank suggests to organize a football match. Everyone wants to play football, the two teams get together quickly. The girls cheer on the sidelines. The game is about to start.
Easter is here. The girls: Dolly, Flutter, Leapy, Zephyr and Rosita gather and start to paint the Easter eggs. They happily work all day, painting beautiful eggs.
One night Berry is already in his bed, when he hears some strange noise. First he doesn't care, but the noise just getting louder. Finally he opens the door when the little green worm appeared. Long time no see friend just arrived.
One autumn day, Dolly made plum dumplings and invited her friends for lunch. Balthazar and Stanley decided to make an eating competition.
One night, Berry and Dolly saw a shiny thing falling from the sky. Fearfully, they head to the depths of the forest to find out what the strange light might be. They found a star-shaped house and a girl.
Bing and Sula have a lovely time in the park clambering around on the trees. At first its Sula who needs Bings help to climb up but when Bing climbs a bit too high he gets stuck and then he needs some help himself.
Bings friends are coming to his house for a cake party. Sula arrives first and Bing cant wait to show her the cake hes made, but he accidentally tips the cake off its stand and breaks it into pieces. Bing is upset that the cake is ruined but Amma helps him see it somewhat differently.
Bing helps Flop do the shopping at Padgets shop but whilst Flop is paying he finds a strawberry lolly that he cant resist putting in his pocket. When Flop sees Bing licking the lolly on the way home they have to decide what to do now.
Bing and Pando are both tired but insist on one last game of Hide and Seek before bed. Pando finds a great hiding place under the covers of Bings bed but by the time Bing finds him hes fast asleep. Bing is tired too and gets upset when he thinks theres nowhere left for him to sleep, but Flop and Padget find a way.
Edna asks Rupert to look after her sons Billy and Benny. No problem, thinks Rupert. They can play while he reads a book. But no sooner has Rupert sat down in his armchair than the little squirrels turn up with one request after another. First they want lunch, then they need to go to the loo, then they want to play.
All the inhabitants of Wild Rose Lane are looking forward to the broadcast of a spooky play on the radio. Only Billy and Benny aren't allowed to join in, as they're still too young. The disappointed boys decide to teach the adults a lesson. In the evening, the friends gather at Tilda's.
Tilda is visited by her Great Great Aunt Emily. In honour of the occasion, all the friends have a game of Blind Man's Buff. Emily and Rupert have to take off their glasses. After the game, the two pairs of spectacles get mixed up and Emily and Rupert suddenly start suffering all manner of mishap: Rupert bites into an onion instead of an apple...
The Summer meadow is home to a many amazing treasures of nature. When Little Nutbrown Hare finds a beautiful blue butterfly, he and Little Field Mouse go on a hunt for other blue treasures to bring back and show Big Nutbrown Hare, including blueberries, blue bells and even blue eggshells. Meanwhile, Big Nutbrown Hare has discovered the biggest blue treasure of them all. What could it be?
Little Nutbrown Hare wakes early one Summer morning before the sun has risen. Big Nutbrown Hare sends Little Nutbrown Hare off to invite his friends for breakfast so he can rest a little longer. Along the way Little Nutbrown Hare discovers how wonderful and different all his friends homes are. Will Little Nutbrown Hare still love his own home as much as he did?
The series follows a warm father-son relationship that Little Nutbrown Hare decides he wants a clever long tail like his friends, rather than a short fluffy one. They help out by making him a long tail but all the results are either too tickly, bendy or flappy. When Big Nutbrown Hare spots his son from way across a grassy field everyone realizes that Little Nutbrown Hares little tail is clever in its own way.
When Caillou feels overwhelmed by the pressure of drawing a special thank you card for Grandma and Grandpa, he pretends to be Red Eagle, trying to impress his mentor, Bald Eagle (Grandpa), with a flying trick. Caillou comes to realize that anything he draws will be special because it came from him.
Caillou is so excited to fly his kite that when it gets damaged, he ignores the problem. Eventually, the kite breaks and Caillou has to find solace in a game of Space Captain where Dax Turbo (Caillou) ignores his ships warning lights until the ship breaks down, teaching Caillou to face his problems head on.
Kate discovers that Mom finished sewing Mim-Mim on the day Kate was born, so they share a birthday! In Mimiloo, Kate and Mim-Mim secretly set out to throw each other surprise parties. They each try to make it the very best party for the other, which means altering their friends party plans, disappointing their friends and making a gigantic mess!
When Kate cant jump high enough to retrieve a ball stuck in a tree, she wonders what it would be like to have superpowers. In Mimiloo, Tacks new Supercharger invention gives everyone superpowers! But their new abilities arent enough to get Boomer out of a bouncy predicament.
Annalee wants to bake an apple pie, but there are no apples at home. Boribon hops into his car and heads off to the old apple tree. Although he makes it home safely, he doesn't bring any apples with him. What could have happened to him along the way?
When Pettson and Findus return from an outing in the forest, they discover a dead magpie in the yard - the nosey parker. Findus and the chickens are very sad about this. Pettson explains to them that the magpie was very old. They all decide to give her a nice funeral by the lakeside. During the preparations, they fondly remember the little experiences they had with her.
Findus' self-confidence is in serious crisis: the chickens accuse him of not being a real cat because he doesn't hunt mice. A strange accusation, he thinks. Because Findus actually likes mice and feels no need to hunt them. But in order not to be brought up any further, he tries to conform to the hens' ideas. But he doesn't succeed at all in chasing mice because he lacks any experience.
Caillou and friends come up with an adventurous plan to save Teddy from Cavegirl Rosie!
When Huckle, Lowly and Sally find a lost bag, they use the eyeglass case, atomizer, map, and a red scarf inside it to determine that the owner is a famous international opera star whos come to Busytown to perform for the first time./Cyclists getting flat tires somewhere in Busytown lead Huckle and the gang on a mystery.
Walking on stilts is difficult even for a talented athlete like Monkey; And it is even more difficult if one stilts breaks and the other gets stuck in the mud…but not to worry, Flamingo is here to save the day. Once out of the mud, Monkey invites Flamingo to play his favorite game… “Monkey See Monkey Do”!
Pontypandy has gone Bug Hunt mad as everyone is hooked on the new smart phone game. Norman, James, Sarah and Mandy think theyre the only ones playing the game. But when they realise theyre not, they resort to taking Neptune to find the last bug out at sea. Sam carries out a daring ocean rescue.
Station Officer Steele decides to direct his new musical Hearts of Fire and Steele, with Norman winning the part of Steele as a young boy. During the performance, Norman tells James to always keep the spotlight on him. James and Norman tussle and the spotlight falls, sparking a fiery finale to the show.
Ted has entered his Red Rocket into the Pencaster Flying Machine Challenge and Pat needs to deliver it to him in time for the race to begin. When Pat lands in Thompsons Field after some gusty winds, one of the sheep starts the Rocket and it lifts off with Pat and Jess inside! With no time to spare, Pat agrees to fly Teds Rocket around the course… can Pat make it in time and win Ted the trophy?
Rosie,in order to beat Scoutbadger in a race, entrusts her precious necklace to Woodsy. However she does not fully trust him even if he does swear to look after it well. However, the Tomcats decide to steal the necklace. In order to get it back and prove to Rosie that he deserves her trust, Woodsy gives in to the Tomcats blackmail and even takes some foolhardy risks….
Martis wants to leave, like his older brothers before him. Scoutbadger says he would like to go along too. The boys will find out that they are not yet quite big enough to play the adult.
It's spring, the season of lovers and flowers! Sketcky would very much like to offer one to Bubble but first we need to let it grow and especially protect it against all kinds of threats. Doodleboo knows exactly what it takes to get away from anyone who wants to steal his friend's seed...
Sketcky would like to discover the secrets and hidden treasures of Mother Nature. But it is not the spider who weaves its web that can accompany him! Doodleboo has a Riddleboo that will do the trick...
1 ride, 2 rides, 3 rides.... 10 rides! In the competition of going around in circles, Sketcky gets dizzy quickly! Doodleboo knows a Riddleboo that is as pretty as Bubble!
In the real world Messy cant reach a sock in the top drawer! He wonders if hell ever be tall enough.“When you need to know, go to Okido!” he says. Messy gets to Okido just in time to catch Felix and Zoe leaving to meet Zim, Zam and Zoom at the funfair! They jump into the Okidoodle, but Felix accidentally lets go of the funfair map, which flies away! Messy stops and luckily, Lofty the giant was there to catch it for them. Lofty is with his niece Mini, and so they invite her to the funfair with them. “Minis a bit too big for the Okidoodle” notices Messy, so she follows behind on her scooter.
In the real world Messy is in his kitchen and he is really hungry… His tummy thinks its lunchtime already! “My tummys not very good at telling the time” he says, “but what is time anyway? Hm, when you need to know, go to Okido!” He lands with a jump in Zoe and Felixs garden just in time to go to the lab to see what Zim and Zams amazing discovery is! They jump into the Okidoodle and go to the Cloudship to find Zim, Zam and Zoom with loads of clocks and the amazing discovery, which is… a door. The trio look unimpressed. But it turns out to be a time machine!
One clear Spring night, Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse settle in to enjoy Little White Owls story of adventure and treasures. Inspired by her tale, the two set out to try and touch the most special treasure of all – a shiny star. They climb higher and higher but the beautiful stars seem just out of reach. Will they find a way to get their wish?
Little Nutbrown Hare befriends a little yellow fluffy creature by the river, and it follows him everywhere, quacking and copying his every move. Its too little to speak and doesnt look like any creature Little Nutbrown Hare or his friends have seen before. How will he return it to its parents if he doesnt know what kind of creature it is?
When Little Nutbrown Hare sees Blue Bird building a nest, he thinks it looks like fun, so he and Little Field Mouse build one themselves. But it's a bit too scratchy and tickly for them to get comfortable in. They give it to their friends to try out, but they also find it not quite right. Will anybody find their nest cozy and useful?
Bing gets jealous when Sula pays more attention to Pando on a playdate. As he feels more and more left out Bing tries to get Sulas attention and spoils Sulas tea party. Sula pushes Bing and they both end up angry. Amma shows them a way to get rid of all their anger so the toy party can continue.
Bing is playing the talking lettuce game on Flops phone when he drops the phone and accidentally breaks it. Too panicked to tell Flop whats hes done Bing puts the phone in the bin but hes so upset that Flop knows something has happened.
Bing and his friends put on a show in the park. After Cocos dance, Pandos song and Sulas acrobatics display everyone is excited to see Bings finale. When he gets up on the stage Bing is overcome with stage fright so his friends, and rainbow fairy mice, come to the rescue.
Sula and Amma go round to Bings house to watch the fireworks. Sula doesnt like the bangs so shes wearing her earmuffs but Bing thinks hes brave enough to watch the Fireworks outside in the garden. Suddenly –theres a huge BANG! and a super loud rocket sends Bing racing back inside and under the kitchen table in shock.
Bubble, the small flower beetle one spring day decided to build a tall tower from his colorful building blocks. Unfortunately the tower is keep falling down again and again.
Berry, Dolly, Stanley, Balthazar, Flutter and Bubble are hiking in the forest on a beautiful autumn day. Suddenly they recognized that someone is crying in the bush. They found a mushroom without his hat. The friends immediately start to help him.
One spring day, Frank longhorn beetle visits his friend, Stanley. Frank suggests to organize a football match. Everyone wants to play football, the two teams get together quickly. The girls cheer on the sidelines. The game is about to start.
Easter is here. The girls: Dolly, Flutter, Leapy, Zephyr and Rosita gather and start to paint the Easter eggs. They happily work all day, painting beautiful eggs.
When Hilda arrives at Sally's dance party, she's suddenly struck with a severe case of the sneezes. Thinking she's come down with a cold, her friends take her to Doctor Lion who informs her she has an allergy to something. It turns out she's allergic to her best friend Sally - or rather, the new rose-scented perfume Sally's wearing./Huckle, Lowly and Sally find they have their mystery-solving hands full when things start disappearing, in the blink of an eye!
Everyone knows what happens when a bull sees red, but do you know what happens when he sees red flowers? Ask Monkey, his friend the bull came to visit just as he was picking beautiful red flowers at the farm, do you know what happened? They ended up playing Monkeys favorite game… “Monkey See Monkey Do”!
Fireman Sam
Fireman Sam
Pig with a blue mouth from eating a blue sweet, Kipper with a black eye from a telescope with an inked eyepiece, Jake itching from itching powder – Tiger has fun with his joke box but the joke is on him when the others decide enough is enough!
Tigers very excited when his new rocket arrives. Hes not so excited when it refuses to take off. With a bit of help from Kipper and Sock Thing, everything works out fine.
Caillou goes to the mall to choose presents for his friends and Santa lends a hand!
Caillou has a show and tell, and learns that being patient can teach him cool new things!
Caillou and friends come up with an adventurous plan to save Teddy from Cavegirl Rosie!
Tilda finds a bottle containing a treasure map in the stream. She excitedly shows Rupert her discovery and the two go on a treasure hunt. They turn Wild Rose Lane on its head, but there's no treasure to be found. After hours of searching in vain, the pair recover with a tasty picnic in Tilda's garde, where Tilda finally decodes the complicated map.
Tilda's Great Great Aunt Emily is visiting Wild Rose Lane. Rupert suggests they have a competition to decide which of the two mice bakes the better cheesecake. While Emily sets to work in Rupert's kitchen, Tilda discovers an old recipe from her ancestor Eusebia which sounds better than her own.
Mommy is coming home! The Triplets run to welcome her when they realize her favorite flowerpot has been knocked down and broken. But who could do such a thing? The Triplets decide to hide the flowerpot but unfortunately Mommy sees it and asks to know who did this. Since no one replies, she states a fault confessed is half redressed and she gives them five minutes to find the guilty one. Who did this? Girl with her tea party? Turbulent with his soccer ball? Or Poet with his violin? Or maybe someone else?
Its the end of the day at the beach and the Triplets want an ice cream. Mommy says they wont be hungry for dinner when she prepares for them a delicious soup of stinging nettles and a juicy ox tongue. When she sees their reaction, Mommy challenges them to fish their dinner and everything theyll find will end in their plate. The Triplets are more than excited, which one of them will bring the biggest fish? But unfortunately, our heroes will only catch a disgusting, sticky jellyfish. They hope Mommy wont make them eat it.
When Rosie, Scoutbadger and Woodsy are busy with their friends, Berry realises that she does not have one of her own. So, when she finds a twisted little branch that looks a bit like an animals face, she calls it Cherry, says that it is her friend and brings it in to be part of the family. However, Berrys artificial friend starts to take up a little too much room.
When Caillou gets the giggles at school, his silliness disrupts the rest of the class. In a rodeo fantasy, an announcers (Leo) silly antics are distracting to Buck Buckaroo (Caillou), and Caillou learns that being silly is great, but sometimes you have to shake your sillies out for your friends.
When Daddy has to stop playing with Caillou and Leo to run an errand, the boys try to stop Daddy from leaving. Then in a farmer fantasy where a farmer and his farm hand (Caillou and Leo) are bombarded by clingy sheep, Caillou and Leo learn that they can have fun while they wait for Daddy to return.
Russ is away, so Skipper Stu must unload the ship on his own and then reload it swiftly, as an urgent cargo of rails has to go out. It all goes well until the crane breaks down. Eddie tries to fix it but its too big a job.. Stu is upset – hes never missed a deadline. Asher notices the old steam crane and persuades Stu to try using the relic, even though its been out of commission for years. They fire it up and just when it looks like it might work, the crane cant quite reach the ship.
Sub-zero temperatures are causing problems for the chuggers. The docks are covered by thick fog and the haulers cant get out with their deliveries on the treacherous tracks. It also means that no cargo ships will be able to dock today. Jackman has the Chug Patrollers out early gritting the tracks. When the Working Wheels Yard runs out of diesel, Vee declares an emergency and all diesel engines are grounded. The only place that still has a supply of diesel is the docks.
The chuggineers have a busy day ahead. They need to repair the damage caused by a fire at the lighthouse, and fix some track out near the river. Fletch is keen to impress Zack and show him how responsible he is, so he offers to take care of the work at the lighthouse, while the others fix the track - but he soon discovers that being in charge is hard. He wastes valuable time on things that shouldnt concern him, and then forgets to pick up the hook he needs for the crane. Running out of time, he rushes and carelessly drops the lighthouse roof into the sea.
Grisu has a new mission: helping Toramento to change the lighthouses bulb. Soon he discovers that this is not the only problem with the lighthouse. The rotating lamp is also blocked by a seagull's nest. And the seagull doesn't allow anyone to approach its nest. Grisu, being attacked by the animal, spits a flame and burns the bulb. How to replace it? He must find a solution quickly before a boat runs aground on the reefs. Could Fumé do the trick? Grisu asks his father for help. Thanks to Stella and Toramento, Fumé will overcome his hate of water, thus being able to reach Grisu. Then, he will replace the light bulb by spitting out the biggest flame ever.
Natureza wants to study hawklings about to hatch on top of Mount Dragonberg and for that, she needs to set up a camera in their nest. Grisu accompanies her – as a fellow mountain climber. But he's not quite a seasoned one and has a few comic failures (fortunately he has a safety rope). As they are about to cross a wooden bridge, Fumé – who's tagging along – accidently wakes up a grumpy bear. Surprised, Grisu breathes out a flame that burns the bridge, ruining the expedition. But a firefighter never gives up.
A yellow-crested cockatoo joins Leo and Heros game of musical statues. After learning more about the bird, the Junior Rangers travel to the rainforest to take it home.
One autumn day, Dolly made plum dumplings and invited her friends for lunch. Balthazar and Stanley decided to make an eating competition.
One night, Berry and Dolly saw a shiny thing falling from the sky. Fearfully, they head to the depths of the forest to find out what the strange light might be. They found a star-shaped house and a girl.
One day Berry and Flutter played a board game. The first round was won by Berry, and the second one was won by him as well. In the third round, Flutter finished first. Berry got very angry. They played another round, but Flutter won again. Berry couldnt help but made a scene.
Stanley and Balthazar ruin Flutter's playing cards, but seeing the butterfly girl's sadness, they ask Dolly's help to make a brand new card deck.
Leapy the grasshopper makes fun of Katie the yellow ladybird, because she blows bigger bubbles than her. Later, regretting her actions, Leapy has to find a way to apologize to Katie.
Sula and Bing tag their favourite things around the house with heart shaped stickies. Sometimes they have different favourites and sometimes their favourite things are the same. But when Sula tags Hoppity Voosh Bing is upset because Hoppity is his most favourite of favourites and hes not sure he wants to share him.
Bing wants Flop to read him his favourite book as he has his bath but Bing joins in with the story too enthusiastically Flop suggests they finish the story in bed as books dont like baths. Bing is heartbroken when the book falls into the bath as he gets into his pyjamas, until Flop helps him to understand that even though the book is wet the story isnt.
Bing has a great time choosing the perfect present for Sula in Padgets shop. Its a wand and is sparkly and flashy and spinny and Bing knows that she will love it. Bing is thrilled until it is time to hand the present over when he decides he wants to keep the spinny wand himself.
Bing wants to try Cocos Hula Hoop. Its harder than it looks but he finds lots of other hoopy games as he tries. Just as Bing almost gets it right he gets carried away with spinning, trips over and breaks the hoop. Coco is upset that she cant hula anymore until Bing and Charlie remind her of all the other games they can still do with the bent hoop.
Bing and Sula are in the park playing at being giants and splashing in puddles with their big welly boots. As they play the puddles get bigger and bigger until Bing slips over in the mud and gets wet everywhere. Amma comes to the rescue with a giant warm bath and a giant carroty bagel.
Get to know our little pets better through charming stories featuring the characters from the popular Bing series.
While Daddy and Mommy are still asleep, Simon wakes up and immediately starts playing tag with Gaspard. The two brothers are having a ball. Simon touches Gaspard who touches him back. Is Simon “it” again? No, Mommy is “it”! She has just gotten up and is now running after her two bunnies, chasing them around the house and when she catches them, its to give them a big hug. Come on guys, time to go wake up Daddy! Simon and Gaspard jump on him and give him lots of kisses, encouraging him to come play with them. Alright!
Findus is bored. To avoid a bad mood, Pettson entrusts him with his old harmonica, which the little cat is allowed to play with for a change. Findus promises to take the best possible care and then immediately plays around outside in the yard with the valuable heirloom until he takes a little break. Shortly afterwards the harmonica has disappeared. Does Beda Andersson's cow have anything to do with it?
Little Nutbrown Hare watches as Blue Birds eggs hatch into three happy, chirpy baby birds. Fascinated and charmed by these youngsters, he visits them every day and even helps teach them to sing, play and fly. But how will he feel when Summer is on its way and they are ready to fly the nest and make homes of their own?
Its Spring blossom season and the pretty pink blossoms that come floating down the stream remind Big Nutbrown Hare of a magnificent cherry tree from his youth. He sets off cross- country to find it, with Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse, but the journey is longer and harder than he remembered. Will the blossoms floating downstream give them a clue as to a shorter way home?
Everything in The Magic Garden is topsy-turvy. The kennel, Aunty Peartree and the Tulips have all been disturbed by something mysterious. Everyone is upset. What are these strange piles of dirt on the ground? Woozle and Pip conduct a thorough investigation...what can it be?
Rupert's sensitive hedgehog nose tells him that the weather tomorrow is going to be fantastic. He at once informs Tilda and the two friends decide to prepare a picnic. The other friends join in and the preparations last long into the night, with Molly and Rupert finally falling asleep in Tilda's living room. .
In Tilda's garden, Robin and another robin are quarrelling over an earthworm. Tilda wants to save the poor worm and distracts the birds by suggesting a competition. First, the robins should compete at cherry stone-spitting. This ends in a draw and Tilda sets the next task: pecking out a pattern in a leaf. Both birds peck out a star, so it's a another tie.
When the Triplets are going to the beach, Turbulent offers to carry the umbrella but it seems too heavy for him and Mommy asks him if he wants help. But no ! « I am strong » answers Turbulent. Then comes the lifeguard to help them, he is super strong with giant muscles and Turbulent is very impressed. Plus, the lifeguard has won the Mister Beach competition. Its decided, Turbulent will do exactly the same. He decides to start exercising, doing a lot of push ups and weightlifting. But sport is really hard. And Turbulent would rather play with his brother and sister.
The Triplets are having fun in the park with Toto when the dog suddenly rushes after Mrs Gzell's cat, well actually rather after the cookie the cat had in its mouth. He runs like the wind and for the Triplets, Toto is THE Champion. But Mrs Gzell replies that if hes so strong like they say, he should take part to the dog championship the next day. The Triplets are sure Toto will win everything, the competition of snoring, of barking and even the eating contest. Unfortunately, when the competition begins, those are not the challenges the Triplets were expecting.
When Action Chugger fails to show up for Hero Day, Brewster decides to be a hero himself.
A zap from a toy robots laser beam and a chance comment from Mandy makes Norman-Man think hes found his super powers… hes invisible! He gets the chance to test his new-found powers out when Joes robotic dog goes on the rampage, but soon discovers he isnt invisible. Sam and the teams dream of a fire free month go up in flames.
When Ellie takes the Cadets on a field trip, they soon discover that gas canisters and campfires dont mix. Now they find themselves in the middle of a forest fire. Fortunately, Sam and Tom finish their helicopter safety checks just in time to swoop to the rescue.
Pig suggests Kipper takes some of his unwanted things to a jumble sale. He points out that if Kipper gets rid of old stuff, he will have more room for new stuff. Kipper is almost convinced until he realises his precious comics have to go.
Kipper and Tiger are having great fun with the hosepipe and paddling pool. Unfortunately Tiger didnt attach the hosepipe to the tap properly and suddenly theres water everywhere.
Clementine is coming over to play, but Caillou cant find her favourite action figure in his messy room. Overwhelmed by the task of cleaning up, he pretends to be a superhero who is overwhelmed with so many people to help and learns a new strategy to go one-by-one until the job is done.
Caillou has to wear an uncomfortable sunhat, but he is too shy to tell Clementines Mommy how he feels. He pretends to be Ace Builder who is struggling to build a bridge because of an ill-fitting hard-hat. After Ace finally tells his boss how he feels, Caillou is inspired to speak up in real life.
A storm is approaching and Skiff and Joe, the Lighthouse Keeper, patrol Arlesburgh, helping everyone to prepare for it. Duck and Oliver dont think a tiny little railboat should be out in a storm and it seems they are right when Skiffs anchor rope snaps and his sail unfurls. Skiff is terrified as he gets blown down the track and right into a tree that lightning has brought down across the branchline. When Skiff realises that both Oliver and Duck are heading towards the tree he manages to raise his sail to warn them and avert a serious accident.
Can the Junior Rangers get a baby Komodo Dragon to a safe place before the menacing adults get to it?
The Junior Rangers invent a new mechanical leg for a Japanese Spider Crab.
Its Chris Beacons birthday and hes looking forward to spending the day onshore and having a party at the village hall. Pats SDS mission is to pick up all the presents from everyone who wont be able to be at the party later. The kids and Lauren are working on decorating the village hall and making Ben a big card from them all whilst Nisha and Ajay provide special birthday cakes for Chris and Micawber and Alf and Dorothy send over lovely fresh eggs and cheese and a special homemade woolly jumper. Meanwhile, the weather is getting worse out at Pencaster Lighthouse and Chris realises, sadly, that hell have to stay and man the lighthouse and make sure that the passing boats are protected. He wont be able to join everyone for his birthday after all! But Pat has a great idea – if Chris cant come to the birthday party, the birthday party can come to him!
The children are excited as theres a big Winter Snowdown on the fells. Theres a snowman building competition, followed by a race down the snowy hill! Pats Special Delivery is a consignment of deflated inner tubes for them to slide on, but the 4x4 hits an icy patch and slips into a ditch - and when Ted tries to rescue him, his truck gets stuck as well! On the fells competition is rife - not between the children, but with Ajay and Amy! Everyone is keen for the race to begin - but where is Pat with the inner tubes?
Bing and Sula are playing a vooshing game with their favourite toys, Hoppity Voosh and Hippo Fairy. They throw them into the air to see how high they can fly – Voooooosh! Uh-oh…Sulas hippo gets stuck in a tree so Bing throws Hoppity up to save her, only for Hoppity to get stuck too.
Bing and Pando are playing outside in the cold, blowing steamy dragon breath at each other and discovering icicles hanging from the tap. Flop makes hot chocolate to warm everybody up but Bing cant wait for it to cool down before he can drink it and burns his fingers – Pandos quick thinking brings the icicle to the rescue.
Charlie is coming to play and Bing has planned lots of things for them to do. But when Charlie arrives he doesnt want to play any of the games Bing has put out. Bing is upset until Flop suggests they watch to see what Charlie really wants to do. Charlie heads straight for the kitchen where he, and Bing, have a great time making music with pots and pans.
Bing and Flop are in the park when they see Pando on a skateboard. Bing is full of awe as he watches Pando skate up and down and cant wait to have a go himself, but its much harder to balance than Pando made it look. Bing falls off and bumps his knee but Pando finds a clever way to help Bing get his confidence back.
Bing is at Ammas creche when a butterfly flies in and lands on Sulas painting. Bing tries to help the butterfly go back outside by picking it up but he holds it too tightly and the poor butterfly is squished. Flop and Amma help the sad children say goodbye to the dead butterfly.
Oswald is excited to meet Henry's cousin, Louie, but as the penguins catch up on old times, Oswald feels left out. Convinced they dont want him around, Oswald goes home. The penguins suddenly notice Oswald is missing and seek him out. Henry tells Louie what a great friend Oswald is. Happy again, Oswald plays the piano as Henry and Louie dance the Penguin Polka together.
Oswald decides to grow tomatoes in his back garden, so he and Weenie go to Bingo's Bazaar to buy a tomato plant. Once planted, it quickly produces a juicy red tomato, but the next morning the fruit is half-eaten by a snail. Oswald and Weenie plant other tomato plants and the vines produce lots of tomatoes, but overnight they are eaten by snails. Frustrated, Oswald moves the plants into the house, but he soon worries that the snails may be hungry. He leaves half the plants in the garden for the snails and grows the rest on the windowsill for him and Weenie!
Bob, Wendy, Leo, Scoop and Lofty are completing the second stage of a bridge over the River Coil in Spring City. This involves building a spar and building out a bridge deck, which is held up by cables attached to the spar. The bridge is due to be complete by Monday morning, in time for the city-folk to get to work. Scoop is sceptical about Leos claims to have caught a fish in the river; Scoop doesnt like fish. The team learn from Mr Bentley that Mayor Madison has re-routed the next days Spring City Quarter Marathon to finish on the bridge, which means they need to finish the bridge by the end of the day. The bridge will be officially opened by the winner crossing the bridge finishing line. When Scoop dips his digger into the river he accidentally catches a fish in his bucket.
Bob and the team have been building a new monorail system that goes across Spring City. Now they only have the last station to complete before the train takes its first journey that evening. But when Bob leaves Leo to finish the last stations platform, Leo has trouble to concentrate on one job at a time. Leo tries to juggle three jobs at once with lots of different questions from Dizzy, Lofty and Tiny. Soon the cement is dripping onto the tracks, the platform tiles overload and break, and the roof crashes into the track and bends it out of shape. Leo thought things couldnt get any worse until he realises that Bob is testing the train... and its heading for the bend in the track! As the train gets closer and closer, Leo finds it harder to decide what to do. But soon he takes control of the situation and concentrates.
On a Midsummer's night, Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends decide to try to stay up all night. With the beautiful long dusk there is plenty of time for play, but one by one they drop off to sleep in the wee small hours. Luckily that leaves them plenty of energy to play the next day.
When Little Nutbrown Hare discovers Little Field Mouse has a wonderful collection of interesting Autumn leaves and Little Grey Squirrel has a collection of acorns of all varieties, he decides to start a collection of his own. But Little Nutbrown Hare can't decide what to collect, until his father encourages him to realise that he has a wonderful collection of memories.
Little Nutbrown Hare & Little Field Mouse are surprised to find an egg lying on the ground. Blue Bird agrees to look after it and when a rather odd and demanding bird hatches, she loves it like her own. When Little White Owl hears it calling one night, she tells them all that the lucky chick is a baby owl and she will teach her all an owl needs to know.
Apricot doesnt like loud noises and gets really scared during a thunderstorm. Which objects make a loud noise and which objects are quiet?
Huckle and his pals all receive party invitations, but the party's location is a mystery. Small circular marks left behind by whoever delivered the invitations are an important clue. It leads Huckle and pals to Miss Honey who's been walking with a crutch. Grateful for the help she got raking up all her leaves, Miss Honey decided to throw a party for all the volunteers./Huckle and his pals discover a mysterious gigantic spoon.
In the real world, Messy is drinking water in his kitchen, and wonders why he has to drink it? What if there wasnt any? He springs over to Okido to look for answers. In Okido Zoe and Felix are in their garden getting ready for a surprise day trip that Zim, Zam and Zoom are taking them on! They are packing Felixs backpack to be prepared for anything – Messy helpfully contributes a bath plug and a sock, before they whizz off to the Cloudship to find out where theyre going.
Messy is dancing to the music from the radio in his kitchen when he hears some noise outside, and wonders what the difference is and how you make music. So he goes to Okido to find out with his friends. In Okido, Zoe is playing a ukulele and Felix is playing a recorder and they are trying to make music, but theyre not very good yet, and neither is Messy when he tries! They see the Cloudship arrive and go in to see Zim, Zam and Zoom. “The Musicbots have a bad case of rhythm-rust!” declares Zam.
When Apple feels left out of a Berryball game and an advanced ballet class, she invents some “groove booties” programmed to dance to any beat. She temporarily impresses her friends with her dance moves, but when the groove booties go out of control and threaten the town's Berryball game, she is forced to fess up.
When Sam uses Harry's bucket to collect drips from a leak in the house Harry rushes to Dino-World to save the dinos from drowning.
At his school's 'Show and Tell', Harry's dinosaurs are branded as old-fashioned in comparison to one of the other kid's hi-tech Dino-Robot.
Chuck and the gang build a giant monster-like vehicle in the parts yard.
Judy and Jerome, the breakdown train, have been stuck at Knapford Yard for some time – having been somewhat superseded by Rocky and even Harvey. Ryan hears their sad story and offers to take them to Arelsburgh Harbour for a change of scenery. They love it there at first but soon take advantage of other engines so they can have a tour around the island. Meanwhile, Daisy has a run in with a bull and is derailed. When Thomas goes looking for the breakdown train, it is nowhere to be found! Ryan feels responsible – not just for Daisy but also to make sure Judy & Jerome get to be Really Useful. Ryan catches up with Judy and Jerome in the end and The Fat Controller is reminded how useful they can be. He decides they will have a new home at Arlesburgh with their friends Ryan and Daisy.
Daisy the railcar can carry passengers without having to pull any coaches. So, when Thomas is sent to work in the quarry for a spell and Daisy takes on his usual responsibilities, Annie and Clarabel are left behind. Daisy takes every opportunity to remind Annie and Clarabel that, as long as she is working Thomass branch line, they are not needed. But, when Daisy becomes popular with her passengers, she has to pull some passenger coaches after all! Annie and Clarabel get their own back by tricking Daisy into thinking she is need of repair. But two wrongs dont make a right and Annie and Clarabel only end up being left behind in a siding… and then pulled along by dirty old Diesel! *Cough! Cough!*.
Doctor Natureza needs help to clean up the ocean. Indeed, a large sheet of plastic floats on the water and endangers the flora and fauna. Grisu, accompanied by Stella, boards the « laboratory boat » to help Doctor Natureza vacuum up the waste with the machine she has developed. But throughout the process, Grisu burns the pumping engine. They can't vacuum the ocean anymore. Fortunately, Grisu has the idea of using all the waste that lies around them and Natureza's bicycle to design a new – and ecological- device that finally allows them to achieve the mission. Because, as firefighter, Grisu never gives up!
Mr. Cornuzzo, a journalist, comes to Dragontown to check whether Stellas school blog articles about Grisu are true. He quickly comes to the conclusion that what Stella invented everything, and she is actually a liar. To his eyes, Grisu is nothing more than a tiny lizard! Driven by his friendship for Stella, Grisu tries to do his best to prove Cornuzzo that there are dragons in Dragontown. However, acting like a dragon is none of Grisus best skills.
Little Nutbrown Hare is fascinated that his friend Little Grey Squirrel is going to stay in his dray all Winter long. He and Little Field Mouse decide to hibernate in the hollow log until Spring, but soon become bored and fidgety. Little Field Mouse gives up and plays in the snow. Will Little Nutbrown Hare manage to stay inside, or will he be tempted out as well?
After a long quiet winter in the meadow Little Nutbrown hare announces that he cant wait for winter to be over so he can enjoy the other seasons with their special treats to see, hear and taste. Will the sound of icicles tinkling in the wind, the taste of a frozen Winter berry and some very unusual tracks in the snow convince the little hare that Winter is just as special as the other seasons?
Scoutbadger goes for a walk with Rosie and her father, Basil. During the walk, Scoutbadger discovers that the flamboyant Basil, who tells him stories that fire his imagination, is more at ease with the tales he tells than with reality.
Bob and the team are building a new aquarium at the sea life center for a baby tiger shark. Scoop is excited, imagining the shark will be like a pet puppy. Leo is less than enthused, barely concealing his fear of sharks. When the shark is collected at the docks and placed in a holding tank inside Mucks tray, Scoop convinces Muck they should take “Stripy” the shark “for a walk” around the neighbourhood. After introducing her to Pilchard, and pointing out the mayors office (startling Mr Bentley!), they see JJ and Saffi on the playing field, teaching Cooper some pet tricks. Determined to teach Stripy some tricks too, Scoop and Muck begin a game of fetch... which ends up with Muck getting his front bucket stuck between two trees. Back at the sea life centre, Bob is concerned. If the shark doesnt arrive soon, she will miss her feeding time.
Bob and the gang are building an Automatic Car Wash for Curtiss Garage, but Roley is being as obsessive as ever, checking and re-checking that the newly laid tarmac is absolutely, completely flat. Just as Roley gives Bob the all clear to start building, Mayor Madison and Mr. Bentley arrive in Phillip expecting to use the car wash! Wendy explains theyve been held up – but to come back later. Once the car wash is ready, Wendy explains how the control console works and does a test run. It works perfectly and at last Curtis can re-open his garage. Roley, however, is still not convinced the tarmac is flat. To re-assure him Bob tells Leo to do one more test run. As the run starts, Roley thinks he sees some un-flattened tarmac and rushes into the car wash to flatten it!
Mr. Rabbit makes up coupons for free cookies to celebrate the grand opening of his cookie shop and gives them to his young son to drop in the mailbox outside. But the coupons never arrive. After chasing down the clues from the mail carrier to the post office and back again, Huckle determines that Jr Rabbit mistakenly dropped the coupons into the trash container beside the mail box. /A model boat is mysteriously broken and Huckle, Lowly and Sally set out to discover how it happened.
Can the Junior Rangers help Kai find his sister's pet rabbit, Patches, who got lost on Rabbit Island?
What was supposed to be a relaxing trip to the hot spring turns into a disaster when the mischievous Japanese Macaques steal the Junior Rangers' gadgets.
In the yard, Simon is showing a snail to his friends. But Ferdinand says hes got way better to show, hes got a squirrel in his yard! Simon is bummed and decides to up the ante: well guess what, hes got a dragon in his yard! And he suggests they all come back that evening to see it, (that will give him time to dress Gaspard up as a dragon.) But even though everyone quickly sees its a hoax, they all flip out big time when Dad appears at the back of the yard, disguised as…a dragon of course!
One day Berry and Flutter played a board game. The first round was won by Berry, and the second one was won by him as well. In the third round, Flutter finished first. Berry got very angry. They played another round, but Flutter won again. Berry couldnt help but made a scene.
Stanley and Balthazar ruin Flutter's playing cards, but seeing the butterfly girl's sadness, they ask Dolly's help to make a brand new card deck.
Leapy the grasshopper makes fun of Katie the yellow ladybird, because she blows bigger bubbles than her. Later, regretting her actions, Leapy has to find a way to apologize to Katie.
Dolly accidentally knocks over a glass of water on Berry's painting. The colors on Berry's painting get faint and watery. Berry gets mad at Dolly for 'ruining' his painting. Later Berry's friends admire the little snail's unique style of painting, so he insists that it was his idea to make the painting like this. But then Dolly arrives and sheds light to Berry's lies.
One day Dolly leaves for and adventure with Harry Hedgehog, so she asks Bubbles to take care of her flowers while she's gone. Bubble forgets to water them, so they quickly wither. Now Bubble has to find a way to make the flowers bloom again.
The residents of the forest decide to celebrate the last day of the year with music. The ants form a choir, Dr Owl becomes the conductor, and all the little bugs create instruments for themselves. But Iris, the icebeetle loses her bells, so everyone starts to help her find them.
The boys resent the girls for not telling them what Christmas surprise they have in mind for the night. But all things go well, when the surprise is revealed and their old friend, the Stargirl takes them on a magical ride on her starship in the clear night sky.
Bing and Sula help Amma to get lunch ready. Bing watches yummy peas and delicious carrots go into the pot, but when lunch is served theyre all mixed up together and Bing doesnt like it. Amma finds Bing an unmixing spoon so that Bing can enjoy his lunch just the way he likes it.
Bing falls in love with a lost dog he and Flop find in the park and decides he wants to keep her. When the owner turns up Bing is very upset when it comes to saying goodbye to his new friend.
At Ammas creche the children make eggy heads with egg shells and cress seeds. Bing knows his Eggy needs water, light and time before it can grow hair but waiting is hard so he tries to speed up the process by giving Eggy lots of water with the garden hose.
Bing gets jealous when Sula pays more attention to Pando on a playdate. As he feels more and more left out Bing tries to get Sulas attention and spoils Sulas tea party. Sula pushes Bing and they both end up angry. Amma shows them a way to get rid of all their anger so the toy party can continue.
A new kind of biscuit has been delivered to the village shop and Molly would dearly love to know how they taste. Under Tilda's alarmed gaze, she climbs up the counter on which the biscuit tin is standing, climbs inside – and when a gust of wind blows the lid shut, can't get out again. Horrified, Tilda rushes off to get help from Rupert.
Molly stands trembling at Tilda's door: last night she heard noises in the village shop and then found an empty tin can. It's bound to have been a hungry ghost making trouble! That night, Tilda, Rupert, Molly and Edna lie in wait in the village shop to catch the ghost red-handed.
A tiring gardening session make the friends of Wild Rose Lane dream of going away on holiday. But none of them wants to be all alone in far-off places. So Tilda suggests that they simply swap homes. No sooner said than done! Tilda moves in to Edna's, Molly to Rupert's, Robin to Tilda's, the squirrels to Molly's and Rupert to Robin's.
One Summers day Little Field Mouse is very excited to show Little Nutbrown Hare her new favourite thing, a very pretty flower… the prettiest ever! She lets Little Nutbrown Hare borrow it to show Big Nutbrown Hare, but when it blows away during the night Little Nutbrown Hare worries how his friend will react. Will he be able to work up the courage to tell her what happened?
Trying to keep cool on a sticky Summers day by the stream, Little Nutbrown Hare and Big Nutbrown Hare have lots of fun skipping stones and throwing sticks. When Little Nutbrown Hare discovers that sticks float, the two follow the sticks down the river to see where they go. Its not an easy chase, and there is a surprise around every corner. Where will the sticks end up?
Summer is at its hottest and Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse want to run and play but the sun is just too hot and strong. Thats until Little Grey Squirrel gives them both a wonderful present, big leafy parasols. When he later changes his mind and takes Little Nutbrown Hares parasol back, the little hare is naturally disappointed. Can the friends find a way for all of them to be happy?
When Caillou mistakenly ruins dinner, he feels like a bad guy. But while pretending to be superhero Skip Super, saving the city from a villainous Little Girl (Rosie), Caillou and the Little Girl learn that making a wrong choice doesnt make you a bad person.
While playing “pirates”, Caillou becomes jealous of Rosie's superior whistling skills. Caillou retreats into a pirate fantasy where the pirate captain (Caillou) acts out jealously after he is replaced by his first mate (Rosie) and almost sinks the ship.
Kate cant get the timing right to jump rope. In Mimiloo, Gobble has a case of the sneezy snorts and needs boom chicka bee honey tea to feel better. In order to get the honey, Kate must lead her friends to find the beat and make the most beautiful music the bees have ever heard.
Kates family trip to the zoo is canceled when it starts raining. In Mimiloo, Kate and Mim-Mim help their pals make their own zoo animals out of bushes and hedges. But after a spritz, the animals come alive, and things quickly get a little too wild!
Boribon receives a football for his name day. He excitedly starts playing with it, but as he doesn't know the rules, he's a little clumsy. Fortunately, Ben comes by on his scooter and starts teaching Boribon. Practice pays off and Boribon scores his first goal.
Buns finds a chrysalis, vowing to protect it until the butterfly emerges and flies off safely.
Findus really wants to be the pumpkin king of the village one day. This year, with the help of Pettson, he is working especially hard to grow a giant pumpkin. Because Findus tries so hard, even the chickens believe in him. But the competition with Gustavsson and Beda never sleeps. If Findus is to succeed anyway, it will take a crazy miracle.
Pettson and Findus have picked cherries. They are happy about the great yield of three buckets full to the brim. Because Petterson has to visit Beda Anderson for a moment, Findus guards the harvest. But then aggressive rabbit thieves appear and challenge the cherry sheriff Findus to a kind of duel. They brazenly want to steal his cherries and have good cards because: They are outnumbered. One against many - Findus might as well pack his bags.
Caillou is chosen to be Class Cupid and gets to deliver Valentine's Cards to all his friends!
Huckle and the gang race all over Busytown trying to find the lock that fits and old key they found. They search everywhere from the Busytown Museum to Mr Gronkles antiques. They come up empty until they remember that an old roll top desk was being delivered to the antique store near where they found the key and had a lock on it. They try the key and it fits. / Chocolate sauce on Lowly's car leaves Huckle and the gang puzzled.
Trying to see as much of the beautiful savannas view as possible; Monkey climbs higher and higher up the tree. At this height there is only one friend Monkey can meet… the Giraffe is ready and willing to play Monkeys favorite game Monkey see Monkey Do.
Hannah, James, Mandy, Sarah and Norman have been using Joes Growmaster 2000 to produce their giant Pumpkin. James, pulling the pumpkin balanced carefully across four Go-Karts, heads downhill. The Go Karts, and James go flying down towards the park. Sam must rescue James as the Go-Kart is heading straight for the cliffs.
Fireman Sam
Pat has to deliver a disco machine to the school in time for the disco that evening. While the children wait excitedly, the disco machine is damaged in an accident and Pat has to take the machine to Ted for repair. To make matters worse, the bridge to Greendale is closed at the last minute and its up to Pat to find a way to the school in time to save the disco.
The children set out to find a treasure that Grandpa and his best friend hid in the forest a long time ago. And the long time is the problem as Grandpas clues are no longer very accurate….
Berry is annoyed with Edmund as he does not want to play at skittles with her. She decides to change fathers. Accompanied by Rosie, she wants to find out what her friends fathers are like.
What can help Sketchy to become a sledding champion? Doodleboo explains how to draw a penguin.
It's the Okido Circus today and Messy is worried about performing his tripple flip. Will his friends be able to help him conquer his tummy flutters before the audience arrives?
Messy's hiccups cause a landslide while out on a nature walk, will he be able to find his way home? And will he ever stop hiccuping?
Big Nutbrown Hare teaches Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends to play hide-and-seek, but the boisterous little hare finds it hard to stay still and quiet, especially when the Spring meadow is full of birds, butterflies and lizards to chase. When he does manage to stay still and quiet he finds the creatures of the meadow come to him… even very shy ones.
Little Nutbrown Hare finds a very special feather with bright colours, spots and soft tickly bits. Just as he shows off to his friends how it can fly and float, a cheeky bird flies away with it. Little Grey Squirrel climbs her tree and discovers the bird using it to feather her nest. Will Little Nutbrown Hare find a way to get his feather back, or will he decide that the bird needs it more than he does?
One Spring morning a cute spotty ladybird lands on Little Nutbrown Hare and seems to want to stay with him. All his friends admire the interesting little creature and he feels very special indeed. When she eventually flies away Little Nutbrown Hare follows her, wanting her back. But he understands why she left when he discovers she has lots of tiny spotty babies.
Bing plays with a new orange balloon but when he bounces on it too enthusiastically, it POPS. Bing is sad to lose his new toy so Flop helps him put the balloon fragments in the Bye Bye Box; a memory box where things too broken to be fixed but too special to throw away are kept.
Flop is pushing Bing on the swing in the park when Pando arrives and wants to have a go too. They agree to let each other have turns by counting up to ten but when Pando has his turn he wont count properly. Bing gets so cross he runs in front of the swing and gets bumped.
Bing is busy building a tower as tall as he is with his blocks and is upset when Coco arrives and hijacks the blocks so that she can make a rainbow pattern with them instead. When even Charlie wants to play with the blocks its clear a new game needs to be found that they can all play together.
Bing and Sula go to the park to feed the ducks. Sula is very good at standing quietly and giving the ducks just the right amount of food. Bing throws all his duck food into the water in one go and gets more than he bargained for when a big flappy goose comes to gobble it all up.
One night Berry is already in his bed, when he hears some strange noise. First he doesn't care, but the noise just getting louder. Finally he opens the door when the little green worm appeared. Long time no see friend just arrived.
One autumn day, Dolly made plum dumplings and invited her friends for lunch. Balthazar and Stanley decided to make an eating competition.
One night, Berry and Dolly saw a shiny thing falling from the sky. Fearfully, they head to the depths of the forest to find out what the strange light might be. They found a star-shaped house and a girl.
One day Berry and Flutter played a board game. The first round was won by Berry, and the second one was won by him as well. In the third round, Flutter finished first. Berry got very angry. They played another round, but Flutter won again. Berry couldnt help but made a scene.
When Mr Frumbles morning newspaper disappears off his front step, Huckle sets out to investigate what happened to it. After a number of other innocuous items disappear from across town, Huckle ultimately discovers that the culprits are none other than Pig Will and Pig Wont. They are enthusiastically taking part in Busytowns Annual Recycling Drive by picking up anything they see that can be recycled./Huckle, Lowly and Sally happen upon a huge tooth and cant imagine anyone in all of Busytown big enough to own it.
Monkey is hungry, oh so hungry, but he cannot find anything to eat, when all of a sudden, a nut falls from above followed by another and another…it is Squirrel, his good friend! Seeing how fast Squirrel moves around, Monkey is inspired to play his favorite game… “Monkey See Monkey Do”!
Fireman Sam
Fireman Sam
Pig suggests Kipper takes some of his unwanted things to a jumble sale. He points out that if Kipper gets rid of old stuff, he will have more room for new stuff. Kipper is almost convinced until he realises his precious comics have to go.
Kipper and Tiger are having great fun with the hosepipe and paddling pool. Unfortunately Tiger didnt attach the hosepipe to the tap properly and suddenly theres water everywhere.
Caillou is chosen to be Class Cupid and gets to deliver Valentine's Cards to all his friends!
Caillou goes to the circus and has so much fun that he brings the circus back home!
Edna asks Rupert to look after her sons Billy and Benny. No problem, thinks Rupert. They can play while he reads a book. But no sooner has Rupert sat down in his armchair than the little squirrels turn up with one request after another. First they want lunch, then they need to go to the loo, then they want to play.
All the inhabitants of Wild Rose Lane are looking forward to the broadcast of a spooky play on the radio. Only Billy and Benny aren't allowed to join in, as they're still too young. The disappointed boys decide to teach the adults a lesson. In the evening, the friends gather at Tilda's.
Mommy must go shopping but when shes back, she wants the Triplets to play for her and her friend the new piece they learn The Flowers Dance. Unfortunately, the day before, when Eliott was supposed to make them repeat, the Triplets preferred to play with their mini-cars. Which is way more fun! How will they manage to learn a piece in less than three hours? Hopefully, their imagination is always there to help.
The Triplets armchair is quite damaged, Mommy decided to recover it with a new fabric and it will be to the siblings to choose the color! Poet wants blue, the color of the sky, Turbulent wants green, the countrys color, and Girl wants yellow, the color of the sun! Not easy to agree on a same color but careful! If they dont decide quickly, Mommy will, and she has some strange color ideas like grey, the color of the rain!
Woodsy tried to take some honey from the bees and they chased him. He got such a fright that he no longer wants to leave the burrow. His brothers and sister will do everything they can to help him over his phobia.
While at the grocery store with Mommy, Caillou sees Ms. Martin outside of school for the first time. Feeling shy, he hides from her and pretends to be a secret agent where Double-O Teddy helps him learn that its okay to feel shy, but its not okay to be unkind.
After suggesting a game that Tina might have trouble playing with her prosthetic arm, an anxious Caillou insists they play the one game he knows she likes – Space Captain! In their space fantasy, Caillou learns that Tina is capable of more than he thought, if shes given the opportunity to try.
Koko's confidence is shaken after she gets in an accident. Scared and second-guessing herself, can she regain her speed in time to save Wilson and Brewster from trouble?
When Action Chugger fails to show up for Hero Day, Brewster decides to be a hero himself.
Wilson is chosen to appear on Radio Chuggington and decides to exaggerate a news story when his friends want to see a movie instead of listening to the radio.
At the request of Emma the forest ranger, Grisu has to tag the sick trees in the forest. The trees must absolutely be cut down before the storm arrives. But all the marks he makes are erased by a mysterious eraser: Fumé, who is determined to defend his tree. Grisu finds a solution by using his father to replant the tree sheltered from the wind.
Olivia competes in the famous Sand Dune Race in a new electric 4x4 she has designed, but her co-pilot has just pulled out. Fortunately, Grisu will take his place. Accompanied by Fumé and Stella, he joins Olivia in the desert. The race begins and soon Slad and Vlad - better known as “The Tricktwins” - give them a hard time. The twins, ready to do anything to win, try to trick them. While Grisu and Olivia's charred windsceen prevents them from moving forward, Grisu has an idea that allows them to get back in the race. Before crossing the finish line, they even help the Tricktwins to get out of a quicksand.
Katie finds out that a big fish in the garden pond is a whitespotted bamboo shark. The Junior Rangers sail to the Pacific Ocean to find a coral reef for the bamboo shark to live in.
Dolly accidentally knocks over a glass of water on Berry's painting. The colors on Berry's painting get faint and watery. Berry gets mad at Dolly for 'ruining' his painting. Later Berry's friends admire the little snail's unique style of painting, so he insists that it was his idea to make the painting like this. But then Dolly arrives and sheds light to Berry's lies.
One day Dolly leaves for and adventure with Harry Hedgehog, so she asks Bubbles to take care of her flowers while she's gone. Bubble forgets to water them, so they quickly wither. Now Bubble has to find a way to make the flowers bloom again.
The residents of the forest decide to celebrate the last day of the year with music. The ants form a choir, Dr Owl becomes the conductor, and all the little bugs create instruments for themselves. But Iris, the icebeetle loses her bells, so everyone starts to help her find them.
The boys resent the girls for not telling them what Christmas surprise they have in mind for the night. But all things go well, when the surprise is revealed and their old friend, the Stargirl takes them on a magical ride on her starship in the clear night sky.
The forest friends go for a walk in the forest, but Bubbles can't stop hiccupping. His friends try to help him by giving all sorts of advice. To eat, drink, hold his breath... But none of them seem to help. Finally, Stanley scares Bubbles from behind the tree. The hiccup stops, but now Bubbles is offended by Stanley. They all make amends later, after Stanley saves Bubbles from slipping into the creek.
Flop teaches Bing and Pando how to blow bubbles. Pando soon gets the hang of it but Bing struggles and gets frustrated. After many attempts and some gentle guidance from Flop Bing finally blows a big bubble and is outraged when Pando pops it.
Bing and Sula head off for a picnic at the paddling pool with Flop. But when they get there, they are shocked to find there is no water inside. Bings disappointment soon gives way to the realisation that its a very special pool day. With no water there are all sorts of games they can play that are usually against the pool rules.
During Bings bedtime routine he inadvertently pees on his blankie and its too wet to wash and dry before bed. Fortunately his Hoppity Voosh toy has a cape just as soft and huggy as blankie and it even smells just right too.
Coco shows Bing how to do really good Big Boos and together they make Flop jump. When Bing tries out his new tricks on Charlie he finds out the power of Boo has to be scaled down for babies.
Bing and Sula discover a new toy at Ammas creche, a talking ride on car. It seems like fun until Talkie Taxi keeps saying the same thing over and over again. When the taxi crashes and is finally silenced Bing and Sula use their imagination to play a game they really want to play without being dictated to by the noisy taxi.
Get to know our little pets better through charming stories featuring the characters from the popular Bing series.
Simon and Maëlle are having a race on the beach. The first one to touch the big boulder wins! Except that they touch it at the exact same moment and therefore think that theyve both won! No choice left; they will have to run another race and ask Gaspard to be the ref. Gaspard is proud to be able to play the role, hes the one who gets to decide who wins! Well, in theory because in practice, neither Simon nor Maelle listen to him during the next two races.
It has snowed overnight and Findus wants to go sledging immediately. However, the sledge is broken and Petton is busy with other things. Then Gustavsson brings over some old pots and pans that have been sorted out. Findus really wants to keep the big pan so that he can use it as a spare sledge. This works out quite well down the hill, but then Findus accidentally slides onto the lake, where the ice collapses beneath him. Only Harpo can save his friend.
Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends go on a hunt for treasure in the meadow and collect all kinds of unique gems like flowers, feathers, apples and egg-shells. But theres a hole in Little Nutbrown Hares leaf-bag and he loses the precious collection along the way. Luckily, Big Nutbrown Hare is not far behind to collect the lost treasure as well as follow its trail to find his son.
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse innocently pick lots of Spring flowers from a field and deliver bunches to their friends. When they realise that they are being followed everywhere by a cloud of yellow butterflies, they realise that the butterflies need the flowers, to feed from their nectar. How will they lead the little butterflies to more flowers and sweet nectar?
Today is play day in the Magic Garden! Everyone can take part. This is going to be exciting; The Magic Garden Race! Log Walking, Digging ... Who is going to win?
One chilly, windy day, Tilda wants to visit her friend Molly. On her way across the fields, she meets Patrick the sheep, who's got a cold. Tilda immediately informs Molly and together the two mice knit Patrick a nice warm scarf. Patrick is overjoyed, but now all the other sheep want scarves too. Now Tilda and Molly have to call her friends in to help.
Unbearable noise is distracting the inhabitants of Wild Rose Lane from their activities. As it turns out, Billy and Benny have found a trumpet and decided to dedicate themselves to music. Their distorted squawking is torment for the neighbours. Things can't go on like this, so Tilda prescribes the young squirrels music lessons from the frogs.
The Triplets are quietly playing cards on the top bunk and Turbulent is taking all the place, which annoys Girl and Poet. Turbulent replies that if they're unhappy, they can leave HIS bed! For Turbulent, his bed is a dungeon and you can only enter with the right imaginary ticket ! To get even with him, Girl and Poet decide to make their bed become an hotel and a restaurant in THEIR bed. And Turbulent is not welcome. Nobody is happy with their place anymore. Mommy will have to find a clever way to close the argument.
Today Poet is sick, he cant go to school and Mommy decides to prepare him a good hot milk with honey. Girl and Turbulent are so jealous and they wonder if Poet would not be Mommys favorite! Once they come home from school, they even find Poet in Mommys bed: there is no doubt anymore, he is her favorite! They decide to take a drastic decision, they will leave the house, let Mommy and Poet alone and they will regret it. But Mommy has a solution of her own to put an end to this conflict.
Wilson is chosen to appear on Radio Chuggington and decides to exaggerate a news story when his friends want to see a movie instead of listening to the radio.
Monster Mania hits town when there is a sighting of the Pontypandyness Monster. Norman, determined to get the first sighting of the monster, takes Joes Submaster 2000 without asking. Now trapped at the bottom of the lake, Sam and Penny must perform an underwater rescue before the submersible fills with water.
Norman sets out to make a wizard adventure movie with Mandy, Sarah and James. But when he finds himself dangling from a zip line, high above the Pontypandy countryside, Sam and the mountain rescue team give the kids something better to film.
Pig sets up a sweet shop with Arnold as his assistant. Kipper says hed like one of each but Pig wants to be paid. He says hell take a conker in exchange for a gobstopper. But hes made the same offer to Tiger – and in a game of conkers with Kipper, it turns out Tigers world beating conker is, in fact, a gobstopper on a string!
Mouse wants Kipper to push her along on a roller skate. Hes got a better idea. Why dont they play Hide and Seek? She doesnt know what it is so Kipper explains that she covers her eyes and counts to ten while someone hides. Mouse hides first but when its her turn to count she confesses to Kipper that she cant count past five. Kipper says hell teach her and he does his best but in the end its easier to count to five TWICE. But by the end of the game Mouse counts all the way to ten – AND finds Kipper.
Caillous balloon fun at the harvest fair is cut short when his excitement causes him to accidentally lose his balloon. A make-believe hot air balloon race teaches him a lesson in mindfulness, which he puts to use to win a new red balloon!
Caillou is disappointed that he has to stop flying paper airplanes for bath time, so Daddy suggests an underwater adventure where Caillou realizes that when one adventure doesnt work out, its okay to let it go because there are other ways to have fun.
When the Fat Controller gives Daisy the job of conveying some special passengers up to the holiday town of Harwick, she gets carried away with the responsibility – deciding that, because she is a very special engine, they must be very special passengers! Not stopping for a group of children with sticky ice lollies and refusing to pull a dusty baggage truck results in the passengers not being able to perform their puppet show! Once the audience has been specially bussed in for the show, Daisy is humbled as she becomes a puppet stand for the performance of… a Punch & Judy puppet show!
Kyle claims to have discovered a brand new animal species - it has the fur and body of an otter, webbed feet and bill of a duck, and a tail like a beaver. Kylasaurus needs help!
Hopes are high for this evening's hoe-down on Greendale's village green - especially among PC Selby and Ted, who each harbour hopes of dancing with Dr Gilbertson. Pat's mission is to deliver one of Ted's inventions, a mechanical horse or “bucking bronco”, to the event. But when the bronco is accidentally switched on in the back of Pat's van, it rolls away and Pat can't find a way to recapture it. He enlists Amy's help, but jealous Pumpkin pushes the bronco away, making matters worse. Meanwhile PC Selby and Ted are each determined to be the best banjo-playing dancers Greendale (or more specifically, Dr Gilbertson) has ever seen….
Everyone in Greendale is excited because pop superstar, Brad Lee is coming to Pencaster Bay to perform a concert. Unfortunately Brads luxury private ship has broken down en route so Pat and Jess must head out to sea in the SDS boat and collect him. Meanwhile Julian, Meera, Bill and Sarah are on the train to Pencaster Bay with their mums to watch the concert. The kids enter into a cacophonous sing off to decide who is the best singer. Pat and Jess collect Brad Lee from his ship only to find that hes afraid of small boats!
Bing wants to draw a big picture so Flop finds him some chalk to draw on the pavement. Bing draws a fabulous stripy, spotty, zig-zag dinosaur but just as hes finished a rain shower washes the dinosaur away. Bing is devastated until he sees that a bit of dinosaur is left behind and with that new beginning there is another chalk something waiting to be created.
Bing and Sula find a potato in Ammas vegetable patch with a comical face, so they take it under their wing, naming it “Nosey”. The two children look after Nosey and show him around the creche but unfortunately Nosey goes down the slide too quickly and his nose falls off. Amma shows them how to plant both bits of potato so that they can grow new potatoes.
Bing discovers a hole in his favourite yellow wellies but he doesnt want to throw them away in the stinky dustbin. With Flops help, Bing finds a way to recycle the wellies into colourful flower pots instead.
Bing and Flop hear the familiar jingle of Gillys ice cream van and race across the park to find her. After a long run Bing finally gets his ice cream but as he waves goodbye to Gilly he tips the ice cream out of the cone. Its too late to call Gilly back so Flop makes a fruit cone out of the cone and some of his fruit kebab instead.
Bing sees Coco with a plaster on her finger and of course he wants one too. In the absence of a real plaster, Bing makes one out of sticky tape, but its so sticky that it hurts when he tries to take it off. Bing doesnt want Flop to help so Flop comes up with a new game so that Bing can do it himself.
Oswald takes Weenie to the Big City Pet Show. There are a number of interesting pets competing - a robot cat called Tinsel, a slug named Sluggo, Steve Tree's woodpecker Woody - but Oswald is sure that Weenie will win first prize as the Best Pet. However, Weenie doesnt do well in the competition, because she is distracted by Woody whos escaped and is chipping away at the tent pole, endangering everyone. In the nick of time, Weenie saves the day, and proves that she is the best pet of all.
Oswald and Daisy go bird watching. Oswald tells Daisy she has to be quiet and still. But Daisy is too full of energy – each time they find a bird, she makes a noise and scares it away. Finally Oswald's had enough, and he goes off bird watching on his own. But Oswald encounters a giant bird which accidentally flies off with him. The resourceful Daisy proves her worth when she rescues Oswald.
Film director, Carl Parker, has commissioned Bob and his team to build the set and rocket for a movie – Space Robots 3. The clock is ticking, as they need to release it before Christmas. Leo reveals to Scoop he has aspirations to act, whilst Carl seems to have little control over his remote controlled robot D11D that keeps spooking Muck and running over Wendys toe. Saffi, who is hanging around the studio gates, is a big fan of D11D which leads an eager-to-impress Leo to claim he will be acting in the film, not just building sets. Leo with Scoops help then tries to get the directors attention in various scenes whilst Bobs team and the director are trying to get the set and rocket ready for filming. Leo decides to give up but then has an idea. The next morning, the first days filming is due to start but Leo is nowhere to be seen. Carl calls action on the first scene (between D11D and a much larger robot.).
When Bob and the team are asked to build a set for movie-star Dash Lightnings new film, Muck thinks that his dreams have come true. Dash Lightning is Mucks hero, so he decides that he wants to meet him whilst working at Spring City Studios. But when Muck gets distracted with trying to find his hero, he doesnt pay attention to any of the jobs he is doing. On racing to meet his hero, Muck clips the sets backdrop and he doesnt wait to check the pyrotechnic lights, causing them to fall towards the studio-lighting crane. Just as the director calls action, the set falls apart and the pyrotechnics explode towards the lights, risking a fire.
Little Nutbrown Hare & Little Field Mouse go on an adventurous journey through the woods in search of a special Autumn leaf. They leave a trail of acorns to find their way home, but Little Grey Squirrel unwittingly collects the acorns and leaves them all lost in the woods. Luckily he is able to help when he climbs to the treetops and spies the meadow in the distance.
Spring is coming and Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse are very brave and go on a journey through the meadow to discover the source of a mysterious – and slightly spooky - creaking sound. They follow the clues to discover… its the frozen lake melting, and singing as it does!
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse pick lots of delicious strawberries. Little Nutbrown Hare eats all his and runs out so Little Field Mouse shares hers with him. When he goes to collect some more for his friend he eats them all too. Little Field Mouse shows him how to eat them really slowly to make them last longer.
Timmy and Finlay can hear some scary noises in the Nursery. Who is making the scary sounds?
Something knocks Sgt. Murphys hat off his head, chops the tops of Baker Humperdinks baguettes, and sheers a path through a flower bed. Although no one saw anything, they all heard it make the same whoop whoop whoop sound. Putting the clues together, Huckle, Sally and Lowly figure out that it was Vanderbuilts new, out of control, boomerang./The mysterious disappearance of Mayor Fox leaves Huckle and the gang on an important search.
In the real world, Messy discovers his socks are in the washing machine! This makes him wonder how a washing machine knows what to do so he goes to Okido to find out… Messy is just about to land in Okido as usual when he is caught mid-air by Zams new camping invention: Camperbot! “Are we going camping?” asks Messy, still held upside down. Zoe and Felix excitedly tell Messy that they are going to test out Camperbot up on Giant Mountain. Felix and Zoe show Messy what Camperbot can do, but when Messy asks it for a sock sandwich it replies that it is “not programmed” to do that… “Not programmed?!” mimics Messy, questioningly.
In the real world, Messy has just woken up and is looking for his sock breakfast, but it is under his toy box and he cant reach, or move it… He needs to know how to move heavy things, and the best place to find out the answer is Okido! When he arrives Zoe and Felix are also trying to move a heavy box! They need to go to the recycling centre today. So they all go to Zam and Zim to find out the best way to do it. Zim, Zam and Zoom are sunbathing and enjoying Zams latest invention when the three arrive.
When the girls discover that Apple's groove booties can teach the pups to dance, Plum gets an idea for a Doggie Dance Show. Wanting to impress them, Huck offers to have TomTom join the show... despite the pup's obvious dislike of performing in public. It's up to Strawberry to help Huck see that he should not force TomTom into something he just doesn't want to do.
Harry can't find one of his red cowboy socks - the ones with a white fringe.
When Charlie lends Harry her Sergeant Shout toy for the weekend, Harry promises not to let it leave in his bedroom.
Chuck and friends play with and learn from Kazuo, Sokus cousin visiting from Japan.
Snow comes early to the Island of Sodor – and it is heavier than usual! Donald and Douglas are coupled back-to-back with a van between their tenders and snowploughs on their fronts. Donald and Douglas keep squabbling about which line they should clear first, culminating in a big argument. Donald pulls away hard, snapping a damaged coupling and moving away with Douglass tender! So Douglas is left behind in the snow – without coal or water! The time apart helps cool the brothers tempers. They are delighted to be reunited in the end – and share water and coal from their tenders. Brothers!
James likes to show off and be the centre of attention, but when he doesnt get his own way, he sulks and pouts. One day James is showing off so much that the passengers start complaining so the Fat Controller takes his coaches away. James starts to pout and he is still pouting the next morning. He is so sulky and rude that the Fat Controller leaves him in his shed. Eventually James apologises and the Fat Controller gives him some work to do, but when James discovers that hes pulling waste trucks he starts sulking again and it is only when his friends help him laugh at himself that James finally manages to find a way to dowhat he has to do, and even enjoy it!
Grisu has promised Mr. Toramento to help him clean up the beach. The problem is that he has more important things to do, like taking the fire truck ride that David promised him. Or even more urgently, helping his firefighting heroes find the fire truck keys that David lost. So, he messes up his work, until he realizes that it's better to do things right. At the end he eventually finds the keys and gets his fire truck ride.
Grisu wants to set up a special birthday party for Fumé at the pizzeria, and to offer him his favorite pizza. Unfortunately, Mr. Guellec has hurt his arm and he can't harvest the tomatoes that the pizza sauce requires. With Stella's help, Grisu turns into a farmer but it's not an easy task to harvest Guellec's high tomato plants for such a tiny dragon. Fortunately, Grisu has plenty of ideas: if you can't reach the tomatoes, try to make the tomatoes reaching you! And after having burnt the cart he needs to deliver the tomatoes in time, Grisu finds a way to achieve his mission by creating the first rolling catamaran!
Little Nutbrown Hare follows some unusual tracks in the snow that eventually lead him to a shy little spotty deer. He plays with his new friend every day, until she has to leave again with her mother to search for food. Little Nutbrown Hare is sad to see her go, but hes also glad that he has friends that stay in the meadow all year round.
The snow in the meadow is so deep that Little Nutbrown Hare has to stay under the Old Oak tree. Wondering what he is going to do all day in deep snow and with no one to play with, his imagination soon takes over as he creates new kinds of fun. By the time his friends reach him, Little Nutbrown Hare cant believe how the time has flown!
Rosie talks too much. She has told the twins that her best friend, Biva, is going to meet Loudo. The two brothers are extremely excited at the news and decide to spy on the two children. This is a catastrophe for Rosie - unless….
While working at Fixham Campsite, Dizzy wants to camp out with Leo and the Spring City Rockets till shes put off by the creepy crawlies. She later regrets her decision and returns with Scoop and Muck but they are frightened by the spooky story Leo is telling and the Rockets think they are the creatures from his story. Everyone panics and the build is damaged as they flee. Dizzy gets her wheel stuck in a ditch and is left behind.
Sports guru Skye Sampson asks Bob to build a 100 metre zip-line for her new fitness program. It's a job that Leo should love to help with, but he seems very distracted. Leo is put in charge of finishing the launch platform and fixing the zip-line, but he keeps making mistakes and wonders if he is up to the job. Lofty tries to convince Leo of how well they're doing, but when the zip-line comes loose it's the last straw. Leo says he should give up being a builder. Scoop and Lofty panic that Leo is going to leave the team – they decide they must make things right! But in their attempts to fix the platform they end up demolishing it instead.
The kids search for the owner of a sketchbook that contains drawings done from a high point of view. After determining the artist wasn't drawing at the top of a ladder or up in a tree, they discover the sketchbook belongs to one of Busytown's tallest residents, Jeremy Giraffe. / Huckle and gang investigate a strange temperature drop which turns Busytown's summer to winter.