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The Junior Rangers help Peyo befriend a Llama.
An animal statue is knocked over! Can the Junior Rangers find the culprit? Does it have anything to do with the lifelike Shoebill statue?
Simon and Gaspard have gone to visit the farm in Grandpas side-car. They wait for him while he goes off to get some eggs and whiles hes gone they become obsessed by the tractor that is parked next to them. Grandpa returns but the side-car to his motor-cycle has broken down. While hes repairing it, Isabelle the farmer takes the children with her to feed the chickens in their coop. Simon and Gaspard meet Poppy the duck. All they have to do is give him a piece of bread and he follows them everywhere! By hiding, the two brothers manage to ditch the duck. They decide to continue their game of hide and seek, just the two of them.
There will be a puppet show in the middle of the forest. Berry, Dolly, Balthazar and Eddy also get going to watch the show. Eddy and Balthazar had a fight over a pebble when Eddy, the potato beetle, felt down. Oh my!
One day, Egon happily played with his new black scooter. The others also wants to try it but Egon not in the mood for sharing at all!
Bubble, the small flower beetle one spring day decided to build a tall tower from his colorful building blocks. Unfortunately the tower is keep falling down again and again.
Berry, Dolly, Stanley, Balthazar, Flutter and Bubble are hiking in the forest on a beautiful autumn day. Suddenly they recognized that someone is crying in the bush. They found a mushroom without his hat. The friends immediately start to help him.
One spring day, Frank longhorn beetle visits his friend, Stanley. Frank suggests to organize a football match. Everyone wants to play football, the two teams get together quickly. The girls cheer on the sidelines. The game is about to start.
Easter is here. The girls: Dolly, Flutter, Leapy, Zephyr and Rosita gather and start to paint the Easter eggs. They happily work all day, painting beautiful eggs.
One night Berry is already in his bed, when he hears some strange noise. First he doesn't care, but the noise just getting louder. Finally he opens the door when the little green worm appeared. Long time no see friend just arrived.
Bing drives his toy car around the breakfast things on the table and accidentally spills krispos all over the kitchen floor. He helps Flop to clear them up with the aid of the voo-voo cleaner but neither of them notice when Bings car gets sucked up along with the krispos.
Bing and Pando discover a new climbing frame at the playground. Its got climbing bits, tippy bits and even a wobbly bridge. But when Bing gets to the top of the slide its too scary for him to go down. Bing watches Pando to see how he does it, then he helps Hoppity Voosh to go down. When Hoppity likes it Bing has a go too.
Coco and Charlie are playing at Bings house when Coco spots the measuring lines on the wall that show how Bing has grown. Flop measures Bing and hes bigger than the last time. When Bing cant reach his paper aeroplane Coco offers to measure him again to check if hes really grown.
Bing is getting ready to go to Sulas house but hes all sneezy and hot so Flop decides that Bing needs to stay home and keep his germs to himself. Even though Bing is soon tucked up on the sofa with a hot honey lemon hes very disappointed that he cant play with Sula.
Tilda is visited by her Great Great Aunt Emily. In honour of the occasion, all the friends have a game of Blind Man's Buff. Emily and Rupert have to take off their glasses. After the game, the two pairs of spectacles get mixed up and Emily and Rupert suddenly start suffering all manner of mishap: Rupert bites into an onion instead of an apple...
A new kind of biscuit has been delivered to the village shop and Molly would dearly love to know how they taste. Under Tilda's alarmed gaze, she climbs up the counter on which the biscuit tin is standing, climbs inside – and when a gust of wind blows the lid shut, can't get out again. Horrified, Tilda rushes off to get help from Rupert.
Molly stands trembling at Tilda's door: last night she heard noises in the village shop and then found an empty tin can. It's bound to have been a hungry ghost making trouble! That night, Tilda, Rupert, Molly and Edna lie in wait in the village shop to catch the ghost red-handed.
When Little Nutbrown Hare, Little Field Mouse and Big Nutbrown Hare go up to high meadow with Big Nutbrown Hare they get caught in the mist. Its a little scary so they hold hands and pass the time by playing guessing games. As the mist starts to lift, they see a beautiful circle rainbow around the sun.
Little Nutbrown Hare is excited because Big Nutbrown Hare has agreed to meet him later to play games. When his father arrives to tell him a storm is coming and he needs to gather food instead, Little Nutbrown Hare is hiding so Big Nutbrown Hare leaves. He searches the meadow for his father, more and more disappointed, but when he learns why Big Nutbrown Hare couldnt play this time, he understands.
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse discover creatures that can blend in with their surroundings and are inspired to learn just where they can blend in. Little Nutbrown hare becomes disappointed when his white fluffy tail and his dark brown ear tips give him away each time. Thats until he discovers the reeds by the river are exactly the right height and colours to camouflage him perfectly.
After Caillou blows up at Leo for falling behind in a relay race, Leo decides he no longer wants to play, so Caillou pretends to be an athlete who is criticized by his Coach (Leo) during a track and field meet. Realizing that his words were hurtful, Caillou cheers Leo on, making the race even more fun.
Caillou can't bear to dig up his beloved green bean plant in the school garden. He goes into a farming fantasy where an overly-fluffy sheep is reluctant to shave her wool. Caillou learns that while saying goodbye can be hard, its the only way to move forward.
Conni would so have liked to build her sand fortress until the end but now she's gotten sick. Her nose is running, her throat hurts and additionally she's freezing. Mum brings her nasal spray and bedtime-stories and dad surprises her with a new warm shawl. This passes the time real quick until Conni is healthy again. And when Conni returns to the playground a nice surprise waits for her.
Conni is angry.... Again someone threw garbage over the fence of the kindergarten. And in the park there is trash on the ground as well. Conni and the hedgehog-group have an idea: They start a big cleaning campaign! They learn that glass, plastics and paper are totally different types of trash and that you can even make new stuff from them.
Sketcky, Doodleboo and Bubble are raving about a magnificent picture of the seabed... Sketcky and Doodleboo wonder what could hide behind these pretty corals. Bubble has an idea and inspiration for Doodleboo who will make it the most beautiful of his Riddleboos...
Buns and Meemaw love Halloween the most. By helping friends with their costumes, they save the day.
The friends find a mansion that might have ghosts, or maybe whoever is in there just needs a friend.
After one of the best Halloweens ever, Rhonda lost all her candy. Buns and her friends save the day.
Who is stealing vegetables from Zoofie's garden? Everyday something new is missing. Before everything is gone Zoofie contacts the emergency station. Paulie Police car takes on the mysterious case, backed-up by temporary deputy Calamity Crow.
What a quiet and lazy day! Digsy only has to fill a hole in the ground, than he'll be free for the rest of the day... Or? One by one his friends ask him for small favors, and before he knows it he has so much to do that he doesn't even knows where to begin, and in the end nothing gets done.
Caillou goes to the mall to choose presents for his friends and Santa lends a hand!
Caillou has a show and tell, and learns that being patient can teach him cool new things!
Kevin and Suji are in the car with das tickling each other while they are driving for a picnic. Kevin notices that dad is looking into the mirror all the time and wonders. Well, son - theyre like a third eye! The mirrors help me keep track of what the cars around me are doing, explains dad. When they approach a light Kevin wants dad to speed up to make the green light, but dad explains, not a good idea - if the light turns red, we wont be able to stop. When you cross the road, never assume a car will be able to go around you.
There is fee pizza somewhere, Kevin and Doug are following signs to find the place. As always they are in a hurry as they are supposed to be a Jennys house shortly, but Doug really wants some pizza first. They are running across sidewalks where scooters are parked and eventually bump into Cindy with her scooter and get hurt. Poli explains everybody, if you should encounter a vehicle on the sidewalk, don't attempt to manoeuvre around it. Instead, Stand in one spot, or lean against the nearest wall. Unfortunately they miss the free pizza and are late at Jennys!
Timmy and Otus are having fun building a den. Help them decorate it.
Timmy and his friends are making paper planes but Timmy needs some help from Finlay. Help Timmy decide which transport comes next.
Harry can't find one of his red cowboy socks - the ones with a white fringe.
When Charlie lends Harry her Sergeant Shout toy for the weekend, Harry promises not to let it leave in his bedroom.
Hopes are high for this evening's hoe-down on Greendale's village green - especially among PC Selby and Ted, who each harbour hopes of dancing with Dr Gilbertson. Pat's mission is to deliver one of Ted's inventions, a mechanical horse or “bucking bronco”, to the event. But when the bronco is accidentally switched on in the back of Pat's van, it rolls away and Pat can't find a way to recapture it. He enlists Amy's help, but jealous Pumpkin pushes the bronco away, making matters worse. Meanwhile PC Selby and Ted are each determined to be the best banjo-playing dancers Greendale (or more specifically, Dr Gilbertson) has ever seen….
Findus notices several knots in Pettson's handkerchief and asks what they are for. Pettson explains that they are reminder knots for him. They are supposed to help him remember something that he must not and does not want to forget under any circumstances. They then work through the knots one by one that day. Which is quite exhausting, because the old man has often made quite crazy connections.
Findus and Pettson make preparations for the festival on Midsummer's Eve. Findus does not want to miss a second of this special day. He makes a bet with the chickens that he will manage to stay awake for the whole 20 hours. He fights sleepiness all day, but conquers it with actions such as putting up furniture, decorating the fairground, picking flowers, making wreaths.
Professor Smeraldo's car accidentally ran into an obelisk in the desert, which now may fall down. It has to be straightened back up fast, as it threatens to tip over. Grisu offers to come help him out and operate a nearby crane to fix up the monument. But Smeraldo gives him wrong instructions by mistake and the crane nearly ends up in the river. Ensue a series of mishaps, such as Smeraldo being chased by a crocodile, and saved by Grisu and his sandwich. Grisu finally manages to put a strap linked to the crane around the obelisk. But as the young dragon is about to operate the crane and pull on the obelisk tip, the crocodile shows up again.
Because he has unintentionally caused an accident and slightly injured Toramento, Grisu suggests replacing him in his job which is to unload and load Olivier's boat. Unfortunately, Grisu, distracted by his father, makes a big mistake as he confuses the boats and unloads and loads the bad one (Smeraldo's boat.) In the end, he burns the forklift... Fortunately, he finds an original solution by creating a kind of suspended train, hanging on the streetlamps (like a car assembly line).
Daisy and Ollie would love to travel into outer-space and visit all the other planets in the solar system. Whizzy helps the children imagine what each planet would be like and they set off on a galactic adventure. Mercury would be too hot and Venus would be very windy. They soon discover that Planet Earth is the perfect place to be.
Daisy is going for her first eye test at the opticians. Otis the optician explains how an optometrist tests your eyes to determine whether you need to wear glasses or not. Although they might not need glasses today, they have lots of fun trying on all the cool frames in the shop.
Daisy and Ollie are excited to go and visit Farmer Fran and Postman Geoffs new baby Libby, at the hospital. They wonder what kind of games they can play and are excited to give her the presents they have chosen. Meeting baby Libby is very special, they are fascinated to see how small and helpless a newborn baby is.
On a Midsummer's night, Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends decide to try to stay up all night. With the beautiful long dusk there is plenty of time for play, but one by one they drop off to sleep in the wee small hours. Luckily that leaves them plenty of energy to play the next day.
When Little Nutbrown Hare discovers Little Field Mouse has a wonderful collection of interesting Autumn leaves and Little Grey Squirrel has a collection of acorns of all varieties, he decides to start a collection of his own. But Little Nutbrown Hare can't decide what to collect, until his father encourages him to realise that he has a wonderful collection of memories.
Little Nutbrown Hare & Little Field Mouse are surprised to find an egg lying on the ground. Blue Bird agrees to look after it and when a rather odd and demanding bird hatches, she loves it like her own. When Little White Owl hears it calling one night, she tells them all that the lucky chick is a baby owl and she will teach her all an owl needs to know.
Bing and Sula are having so much fun playing together they dont want to say goodbye when Amma arrives to pick Sula up. To delay her departure Bing hides Sulas sparkly shoe in the toilet and it gets soaking wet much to Sulas annoyance.
Bing takes his Hoppity Voosh toy to the park to see the ducks and play on the slide. But when he steps in dog poo and heads to Ammas house to get cleaned up he leaves Hoppity behind. Amma helps Bing to fooocus so that he can remember where he went and retrace his steps to find Hoppity.
After several false starts to get out on a picnic Bing and Flop are finally ready to leave just as it starts to rain. Bing is very disappointed but as they unpack the wheelie bag he realises that they can have their picnic indoors instead.
Bing and Sula find a helium balloon stuck in a tree in the park. They both want to play with it at the same time so Flop makes two strings and they invent a noisy balloon game called “Stuck Duckies”. When they run in opposite directions the balloon flies away, so Flop volunteers to be the stuck duckie so the game doesnt have to end.
Stanley's birthday is approaching, and he becomes very curious and cant wait to find out what gift he will receive from Dolly. He peeks into the ladybird girl's drawer. The next day, he tells Balthazar that he knows what his gift will be. On his birthday, the friends gather and wish Stanley a happy birthday. Flutter presents the cake, they sing, and then Stanley blows out the candles and cuts the cake. Stanley receives many nice gifts, including a bowling set from Dolly. Stanley admits that he peeked into the ladybird girl's drawer because he was curious about his gift.
Shaun invites his friends to Sand Island during the summer heatwave. Christopher and Chloe, the two canaries, ferry the friends over. Bubble, Balthazar, Dolly, Stanley, Berry, Flutter, and Shaun build sand houses. Balthazar accidentally knocks down Bubble the flower beetle's house. Suddenly, a summer shower begins and washes away all the sand houses. They stand sadly around their ruined creations and decide to build a large drip sandcastle together. Side by side, they build drip towers, construct castle walls, and decorate the tops with sand balls. The day passes joyfully, and by the evening, when the canaries come to pick them up, magnificent drip towers stand tall on the island.
At the end of summer, the Star Girl visits her friends. She rarely comes because her star-shaped house is in the sky. They spend a day together, and when night falls, the Star Girl bids everyone farewell. She cant speak, but she plays the harp beautifully. The music will lift her house into the sky. However, this time one of the harp strings comes loose, and the house doesnt rise. The Wind blows the string out of her hand, and she cant catch it.
The Centipede's apple tree hasnt had any fruit for many years. He asks Berry for help, who carefully tends to the tree. At the beginning of summer, apples finally appear, and the Centipede is so happy that he invites his distant relative, the Millipede, for a visit. However, the Millipede falls ill and cant come. The Centipede then invites his friends to a big apple party. When they arrive, they pretend that the Millipede was there, but it turns out that it was just his friends in costume.
Rupert has always dreamed of living in the woods. And Tilda thinks wishes like that should be fulfilled. So Tilda, Rupert and Molly set out to spend a night in the forest. Rupert is amused by all the luggage the ladies are taking with them – for him, the woods have everything one could need! He soon discovers that it's not that easy...
There are new seat belts at the school bus. Kevin, Doug and Jenny are rushing to their seats fighting for the best one for todays school excursion. The driver asks them to stop! It's time to go so you need to strap yourselves in! During the drive Doug spots a rabbit through the window, or a squirrel, or a polar bear…a giraffe. Kevin takes off his belts to see better. But then the bus comes to a sudden break as there are rocks on the street and Kevin suffers a strong bump flying through the air before being rescued by Poli again. Accidents can happen in a split second. And that's why, it's important to wear your seatbelt even on short car rides.
Cars are to be driving slowly through school zone, but there are always some cars trying to avoid the rules. While the kids are focusing on their cards to exchange against new ones Blue car is manoeuvring its way a bit too fast through school zone amazed that there are kids everywhere. Poli scolds Blue Car, A school zone is designated as a safe area for children. When you see the sign, know there could be kids around.If you're in a hurry, you should use another route, or start out earlier.
Timmy likes football. What other things does Timmy like?
Harry is scared of going to the dentist, but when Trike complains that his horn is sore Harry insists that Trike goes to the Horntist in Dino World.
Whilst playing in the yard with Charlie, Harry insists on being first on the swing.
Kipper decides to make something out of old bits and pieces he finds lying around. He thinks hes making a flying machine, but in fact it turns out to be something much more useful for a hot day.
Kipper Tiger and the others are having a picnic on Big Hill. Arnolds so busy banging on his new drum he doesnt even want a sandwich. Tiger goes to hunt bugs and get away from the noise. He gets stuck in the root of a tree but luckily he has taken a biscuit tin with him to put the bugs in and finds himself drumming too as he beats on it for the others to come and rescue him.
Caillou takes his first plane trip and learns how to enjoy it safely!
Caillou finds an old camera and practices his colours through photography.
Caillou's friends come to his house for a fun and spooky Halloween party.
Buns helps Nevillle and Kevin with their dance routine.
Rupert has always dreamed of living in the woods. And Tilda thinks wishes like that should be fulfilled. So Tilda, Rupert and Molly set out to spend a night in the forest. Rupert is amused by all the luggage the ladies are taking with them – for him, the woods have everything one could need! He soon discovers that it's not that easy...
Tilda is expecting Rupert to breakfast, but the hedgehog doesn't turn up. So Tilda goes to Rupert's house, where Edna tells her that Rupert has gone into the village. The mouse finds it odd that Rupert has forgotten their arrangement and sets off after him.
Grandpa and Grandma have come to look after the children. In the afternoon, Grandma goes for a walk in the forest with Scoutbadger, Rosie and Berry. Grandpa stays in the burrow with Woodsy who thinks he is going to have a quiet time but things turn out to be more hectic than he had anticipated.
The farm is covered deep in snow. Pettson is dancing around in his kitchen with the chickens. Findus wants to come in too, but at that moment the rotten door handle falls off. So he sets off freezing to the Gustavsson's, meets Harpo and both then end up with Beda Andersson. Pettson and Gustavsson now also go in search of their protégés.
Caillous balloon fun at the harvest fair is cut short when his excitement causes him to accidentally lose his balloon. A make-believe hot air balloon race teaches him a lesson in mindfulness, which he puts to use to win a new red balloon!
Caillou is disappointed that he has to stop flying paper airplanes for bath time, so Daddy suggests an underwater adventure where Caillou realizes that when one adventure doesnt work out, its okay to let it go because there are other ways to have fun.
Conni knows the way back from kindergarten by heart. But today there's a construction site that blocks her way home. Oh no! How is she supposed to find the way home? A man Conni doesn't know wants to help her. She's supposed to follow him... But Conni has learned that she's not supposed to follow strangers!
What animal is as graceful as a dancer ? Doodleboo and Sketchy explain how to draw a Flamingo.
What costume Sketchy really wants to wear? Doodleboo explains how to draw a Super Hero.
Who is the hide and seek master in the garden? Doddleboo explains how to draw a mole.
Who would be a great companion to have on an adventure? Doodleboo explains how to draw a dog.
What was a caveman's favorite attraction? Doodleboo explains how to draw a funny dinosaur.
Caillou goes to the mall to choose presents for his friends and Santa lends a hand!
Caillou has a show and tell, and learns that being patient can teach him cool new things!
A yellow-crested cockatoo joins Leo and Heros game of musical statues. After learning more about the bird, the Junior Rangers travel to the rainforest to take it home.
The characters in the Berry and Dolly stories are a bunch of tiny bugs and beetles who live alongside one another in the forest. The stories are lead by the title characters: Berry the snail and Dolly the ladybird. A variety of other characters join them in their fun and games throughout the series with the stories set in their forest home. All the characters houses, belongings and clothes perfectly match their individual appearance.
It turns out whether there are witches or not, and that it is not nice to frighten others.
Berry and Dolly goes to the kindergarten and the day passes fast with lot of interesting plays.
Balthazar really gets to like the unknown bumblebee girl, and with the help of the friends he even builds a house for her.
Bing drives his toy car around the breakfast things on the table and accidentally spills krispos all over the kitchen floor. He helps Flop to clear them up with the aid of the voo-voo cleaner but neither of them notice when Bings car gets sucked up along with the krispos.
Bing and Pando discover a new climbing frame at the playground. Its got climbing bits, tippy bits and even a wobbly bridge. But when Bing gets to the top of the slide its too scary for him to go down. Bing watches Pando to see how he does it, then he helps Hoppity Voosh to go down. When Hoppity likes it Bing has a go too.
Coco and Charlie are playing at Bings house when Coco spots the measuring lines on the wall that show how Bing has grown. Flop measures Bing and hes bigger than the last time. When Bing cant reach his paper aeroplane Coco offers to measure him again to check if hes really grown.
Bing is getting ready to go to Sulas house but hes all sneezy and hot so Flop decides that Bing needs to stay home and keep his germs to himself. Even though Bing is soon tucked up on the sofa with a hot honey lemon hes very disappointed that he cant play with Sula.
Bing is playing Hide & Seek at the creche with Sula, Pando and Coco. Bing doesnt go to the toilet with all the others before the game starts and when he needs to go before he is found he has to decide whether to give up his hiding place or try and hold on.
Daddy takes the children to the car show room, hes buying a green car? Daisy and Ollie learn about hybrid cars and enter a competition to design their own hybrid car of the future. Whizzy and Boo cant agree on their car design but surprisingly a mix of both of both of their ideas creates the winning design.
Daddy takes the children, Whizzy & Boo to visit the farm and collect some eggs. Watching the chicks hatching makes them wonder which came first, the chicken or the egg? Together they try and find out!
Daisy and Ollie are looking forward to helping Daddy babysit Libby for the afternoon but soon realise its not that easy! Libby cant speak yet and understanding what she wants is very difficult. The children try hard to understand Libby and entertain her for the day.
After Big Nutbrown Hare shows Little Nutbrown Hare a special place where his voice echoes, he and Little Field Mouse play a game of 'Try to find me' with Little Redwood Fox and Little Grey Squirrel. They hide in the ravine and as their voices bounce off the rocky walls, their friends have a very tricky time trying to find them.
When Little Nutbrown Hare, Little Field Mouse and Big Nutbrown Hare go up to high meadow with Big Nutbrown Hare they get caught in the mist. Its a little scary so they hold hands and pass the time by playing guessing games. As the mist starts to lift, they see a beautiful circle rainbow around the sun.
Little Nutbrown Hare is excited because Big Nutbrown Hare has agreed to meet him later to play games. When his father arrives to tell him a storm is coming and he needs to gather food instead, Little Nutbrown Hare is hiding so Big Nutbrown Hare leaves. He searches the meadow for his father, more and more disappointed, but when he learns why Big Nutbrown Hare couldnt play this time, he understands.
Molly stands trembling at Tilda's door: last night she heard noises in the village shop and then found an empty tin can. It's bound to have been a hungry ghost making trouble! That night, Tilda, Rupert, Molly and Edna lie in wait in the village shop to catch the ghost red-handed.
A tiring gardening session make the friends of Wild Rose Lane dream of going away on holiday. But none of them wants to be all alone in far-off places. So Tilda suggests that they simply swap homes. No sooner said than done! Tilda moves in to Edna's, Molly to Rupert's, Robin to Tilda's, the squirrels to Molly's and Rupert to Robin's.
Superbuns helps Blossom and Gnat work together to write a story for great stories camp.
Geemaw tries to be more of a traditional gramma, much to Blossom and Buns kind amusement.
When Rajivs crown gets knocked off and lost, he is devastated. He returns to the sheds and says he can't and won't do any jobs without his crown. He believes it's the only reason he's good at anything. Thomas, Ashima and Shankar take on all of Rajiv's jobs and try their best to find the crown. Rajiv feels useless, but when everyone falls asleep, Noor Jehan ends up crashing towards Shankar, about to hit him because her brakes don't work. Rajiv shunts Shankar out the way and saves the day! He can be a useful engine without his crown after all!
Norman, Mandy, Sarah and James are having a sleepover at Mandys house. Norman is determined that it will be the Best Sleepover Ever. But when Dilys accidentally packs his Cuddly Sheep Pyjamas instead of his Army Bob Pyjamas he has to hide them (pretending that big boys sleep in their clothes). Back at the fire station, Sam and Penny are covering the night shift and playing a guessing game (having to guess the name of the item drawn on a piece of paper that is stuck to their head). When Boyce turns up, to give them some training he gets hooked on the game and joins in.
When Bronwyn decides she needs to record some relaxing whale song Charlie offers to take her out on the skiff to find a whale. Ben turns up and Bronwyn suggests that as he knows so much about whales, he should come along too. Meanwhile Sam has agreed to look after Sarah and James for the day and show them around the Ocean Rescue Centre. Unfortunately they seem too engrossed in their hand-held games consoles to really take any notice. Out at sea, Charlie and Ben are trying to out-do each other on their sea-faring skills while Bronwyn seems to be hanging on the suave Bens every word. Back at the Ocean Rescue Centre, Elvis and Penny are trying to figure out how the new sonar panel on Neptune works.
Kipper finds an old key and remembers its for a clockwork mouse in his toybox. His friend Mouse is unimpressed – its not like a real mouse. Kipper decides the two mice should have a race and when the clockwork mouse wins, Mouse has had enough. She decides to hide the key.
At the seaside Tiger just wants to read his book. Kipper keeps interrupting him so Tiger tells him to go for a swim. Kipper plays ball with a friendly sea lion but Tiger doesnt believe him. He finishes his book and Kipper starts reading – now he wants to be left alone. Tiger meets the sea lion too and soon all three of them play happily together, book forgotten.
After Daddy accidentally frightens Caillou with a picture book monster named Squibby, hes too scared to fall asleep. So, with a flashlight in hand, Caillou pretends to be a monster tracker where he “shines a light” on what scares him and discovers that its not so scary after all.
While trying a new trick on his bike, Caillou loses control and has a fall, triggering a new fear of bike riding. But by playing with the Red Racer, the worlds best driver, Caillou learns how to manage his fear and try again.
The trainees are doing a sign-reading exercise. If they work as a team and follow the signs correctly - therell be a wonderful surprise at the end of it. The trainees start off together, but Koko and Wilson quickly lose patience with Brewster - hes so methodical, that its slowing them up! The friends have a bit of a falling out, and Wilson and Koko race on ahead guessing at the outcome of the course without waiting for the final clue. But Brewsters approach is the right one and his patience is rewarded when he finds the surprise - a private screening of a new Action Engine movie at the ride - in theatre!
Can the Junior Rangers get a baby Komodo Dragon to a safe place before the menacing adults get to it?
The Junior Rangers invent a new mechanical leg for a Japanese Spider Crab.
Dorothy is looking forward to a delivery from Pat a hive of brand new honey bees! She's got the jars ready for the honey and everything.. Pat's got all the gear for handling bees but keeping swarming bees in a hive is a tricky business! As the bees escape and start to buzz all over Greendale it's up to Pat to chase and gather them all up again so that Dorothy can make her honey!
Doctor Gilbertson has a 'visitor' arriving in the afternoon her sister's cat called Bess! And Bess looks rather similar to Jess!... Meow! Pat and Juluian have promised to get Bess to Doctor Gilberston. Double Meow! Poor Jess Julian seems to like Bess more than him! And when Bess escapes a series of chases and misunderstandings make Julian realise how much he loves his good old friend Jess after all.
Sula and Amma have come to Bings house for lunch but there are no carrots so Flop pops to the shop to get some. Bing stays behind but its not long before he starts to miss Flop. Missing Flop…its a Bing thing.
Bing has a brand new Hoppity Voosh lunch box, and Pando has the exact same one – match! At first its fun to match, but that changes when Bing and Pando mix their lunchboxes up and end up with the wrong lunch.
Coco is staying at Bings house for her very first sleepover and as she produces her collection of Rainbow Fairy Mice and insists on playing the Goodnight Game its not long before the differences in their bedtime routines emerge.
Bing and Sula have a penny each for the Surprise Machine in Padgets shop. Sula gets the silver rhino she wanted so Bing is convinced he will get the toy he wants too. When the Surprise Machine delivers his capsule Bing is upset to discover the alien he has set his heart on is not inside.
Bing wants to get dizzy on the roundybout so Pando pushes him superfast. Bing quickly learns that a little dizzy is fun, but too much dizzy is no fun at all.
Weenie is playing with her favourite toy, a ball of yarn, when it bounces out of the flat and starts unravelling. Oswald and Weenie chase it through the streets as the yarn ties up virtually all of Big City. After Oswald finally catches the now tiny ball, he finds that everyone is having fun with the yarn, using it as a tightrope, a hammock, a limbo stick, etc. And Weenie has her favourite toy back.
Ding-a-ling! Ding-a-ling! Oswald and Weenie rush to the window of their flat to see Johnny Snowman in the street below selling ice cream from his ice cream truck. They run downstairs in search of a swizzleberry swirl and a vanilla dog biscuit only to find that the truck has already left. They try to catch up with it only to find the ding-a -lings they hear are coming from everything but the truck. Disappointed, they head for home. As they turn the corner into Fish Street, they spot Johnny trying to change the tyre. Oswald eagerly helps him and, as a reward, gets his favourite ice cream for free - and of course a vanilla dog biscuit for Weenie!
Saffi declares that Wendy is her hero. She then tells the Spring City Rockets that her hero is going to build them a fancy tree house so that they can have their first ever club meeting. Wendy wants to live up to her hero status and re-organises the schedule so that the elaborate tree house is ready by the end of the day. But things dont quite go to schedule when Saffi tries to help out. Saffi arranges furniture on wet paint and then causes Wendy to stick to adhesive. Things then get worse when Saffi uses the tree-house before it is ready, causing it to collapse. Now not only does Wendy have to save the collapsing tree-house but also the Rockets prize cup. With the help of Bob, Wendy dangles from a harness to retrieve the prize cup.
When Bob takes Pilchard for her check-up, he discovers that the Vet Tilly is looking after a dog named Cooper... and he likes to chase cats. Vet Tilly panics as Mayor Madison is arriving that evening with her cat to be groomed. She doesnt want Cooper to chase the Mayors cat! Bob suggests making a reception area that keeps cats and dogs separate and immediately the Vet commissions the build. Now working against the clock, Bob and the team have to complete the new reception area before the Mayor arrives. But on promising to keep the animals away from the building work, Leo accidentally lets Pilchard escape from her basket and doesnt return to collect Cooper. Bob cant continue his work until all the animals are out of the way.
Little Nutbrown Hare discovers that everyone else can whistle but him… the birds, Little Grey Squirrel, Otter and even the wind in the river reeds. Inspired by the wind, he practices really hard and eventually learns to blow through a reed himself to make it whistle. He and his friends make a beautiful and eerie whistling symphony amongst the reeds.
Little Nutbrown Hare falls into a muddy Autumn puddle and is delighted when he startles Little Grey Squirrel, who doesnt recognize him at first. This starts a great new game of Surprise! as they dress up in disguises to surprise the others. But they werent ready for Little Field Mouse, who works out a clever way of surprising her friends even more.
Little Nutbrown Hare tries to jump high enough to reach a last Autumn apple on a high branch. Unable to reach it, even with the help of Little Field Mouse, he gives up. But after watching some little salmon struggling to swim up a waterfall he decides to think like a fish and try, try, try again until he reaches the tasty prize.
Inui persuades her friends to climb a high mountain in order to see the Northern Lights. Her lantern leads the way to the summit. Inui says they must make sure they dont fall asleep and miss the show. Crackpot says he knows a good way to keep awake and drops an icicle down the back of Inuis parka. She does a stamping dance to get rid of it. Her friends join in but soon they fall asleep and miss the spectacle. Early in the morning they wake up and watch open mouthed another amazing light-show: the sunrise!
The Pig Twins discover a puddle full of stranded goldfish. Huckle and his pals try to solve the mystery of where they came from. It turns out they were blasted out of the park fountain when an obstruction in the drain hole suddenly got unplugged./ A mysterious message on Sgt. Murphys radio has Huckle and the gang baffled!
In the real world Messy is playing with his toy planes, cars and boats and wonders how they all work, so he goes to Okido to find out! When he arrives, Felix and Zoe, they tell him to hurry because they want to watch the “All Okido Race to Windy Hill” with him. “Theres a mystery prize!” they tell him. Messy says they wont watch the race… because theyre going to be in the race and win! He whistles over the Okidoodle and they skidoodle to the starting line!
In the real world Messy cant reach a sock in the top drawer! He wonders if hell ever be tall enough.“When you need to know, go to Okido!” he says. Messy gets to Okido just in time to catch Felix and Zoe leaving to meet Zim, Zam and Zoom at the funfair! They jump into the Okidoodle, but Felix accidentally lets go of the funfair map, which flies away! Messy stops and luckily, Lofty the giant was there to catch it for them. Lofty is with his niece Mini, and so they invite her to the funfair with them. “Minis a bit too big for the Okidoodle” notices Messy, so she follows behind on her scooter.
When the prize violets Lemon is raising for the flower show start mysteriously disappearing, Lemon jumps to some wrong conclusions.
Harry is reluctant to have a bath so he goes to Dino-World where he endeavours to become as dirty and stinky as he possibly can.
Harry's friend Charlie brings her new kitten (Buster) to visit Harry.
When the gang decides to make their own movie, Chuck wants to do it all by himself.
Action Chugger goes undercover as an ordinary chugger and learns that its hard work without his super powers.
The Mayor asks Brewster to make a film about Chuggington and he has to learn to make the best of what he has.
Maria ordered way too much stock and if she doesn't sell hundreds of pizzas today, everything will be ruined! Grisu offers to do some advertising to bring people in. After a shooting session, Grisu Stella and Fumé distribute and stick flyers and posters around the city. But Fumé overzealous sticks his posters anywhere. Grisu has to catch up with his father's mistakes and ends up burning the cart full of flyers. After his despair moment, Grisu has the idea to do an air show. With his father, they draw a giant pizza in the sky, made with colored smoke...and it works.
Stella is taking part in a dance video contest and she asks Grisu to dance along with her. The young dragon accepts immediately. But as soon as they start filming, Fumé comes in and asks his son to do dragon training with him. He then unwittingly makes Grisu fall and botches the shot. From then on, Stella and Grisu keep changing location so that they can shoot in a quiet place, meaning without Fumé. But the older dragon shows up anyway and ruins the shot, albeit unvoluntarily.
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse befriend a little green caterpillar but aren't prepared for the changes it will undergo.
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse see a beautiful rainbow. When it disappears before Big Nutbrown Hare can see it, they recreate it for him with flowers.
So that his snack and game party is a success, Scoutbadger starts to do all the things that had been allotted to the others. He says he does things better and faster - even if it is not true. The others decide to let him get on with it. When he realises that he has forgotten his own task, that of inviting their friends, Scoutbadger realizes that he has gone too far.
Mayor Madison has arranged for Ballroom Blitz, TV dance sensation, to come on tour to Spring City. When star dancer, Sylvain de Souza, threatens to cancel the show unless he gets a sprung dance floor, Maria enlists Bob to save the day, in return for a show tango with her hero. Dance fever sweeps Team Bob and the Spring City Rockets but Lofty despairs of ever being able to dance as well as the others. Just as he finds his dancing mojo, Lofty accidentally wrecks part of the sprung dance floor. Sylvain recognizes a kindred spirit in Lofty and urges him to follow his dreams, no matter how unlikely they may seem.
When Mila is appearing on the childrens TV game show, “Whiz-A-Quiz”, the rest of the Spring City Rockets are disappointed that they didnt get tickets to watch and support her. This gives Mayor Madison the idea for Bob to build an outdoor movie area at the Stadium where everyone can watch the game show together. But when Mayor Madison asks Lofty to help the Spring City Rockets decorate the stadium, he gets carried away and leaves Leo to finish the support frames for the giant screen all by himself. A job that is too big for one person. When the giant screen arrives, the frame isnt sturdy enough to hold it and the whole structure starts falling apart. Lofty races in and saves the TV screen but the frame, stage and audience seating are broken.
When Mr Frumbles morning newspaper disappears off his front step, Huckle sets out to investigate what happened to it. After a number of other innocuous items disappear from across town, Huckle ultimately discovers that the culprits are none other than Pig Will and Pig Wont. They are enthusiastically taking part in Busytowns Annual Recycling Drive by picking up anything they see that can be recycled./Huckle, Lowly and Sally happen upon a huge tooth and cant imagine anyone in all of Busytown big enough to own it.
Can the Junior Rangers help Kai find his sister's pet rabbit, Patches, who got lost on Rabbit Island?
What was supposed to be a relaxing trip to the hot spring turns into a disaster when the mischievous Japanese Macaques steal the Junior Rangers' gadgets.
Simon and Gaspard are playing Super-dinosaurs but now its time to go to bed. Once they are in bed, Simon cant get to sleep. He isnt even tired. Mischievous, he sneaks into Gaspards room but his brother has fallen asleep. Slipping on a toy car, Simon makes a noise and wakes him up. And the two brothers begin playing Super-Dinosaurs again but Gaspard falls right back to sleep. Simon still doesnt feel tired so he goes off to the living room, telling his parents hes thirsty. Mommy gives him a glass of water and tucks him back into bed.
One autumn day, Dolly made plum dumplings and invited her friends for lunch. Balthazar and Stanley decided to make an eating competition.
One night, Berry and Dolly saw a shiny thing falling from the sky. Fearfully, they head to the depths of the forest to find out what the strange light might be. They found a star-shaped house and a girl.
One day Berry and Flutter played a board game. The first round was won by Berry, and the second one was won by him as well. In the third round, Flutter finished first. Berry got very angry. They played another round, but Flutter won again. Berry couldnt help but made a scene.
Dolly helps Christopher, the canary who broke his wing. In gratitude Christopher takes Dolly to the island where the yellow ladybird lives.
Berry visits his distant relative, Snail Sam.
Reggie Squirrel is busy collecting food for the winter. But, oh dear, someone has chewed through his pantry wall! His hazelnuts have all rolled way! Berry and Dolly know who did it….
Berry and Dolly make an ice skate with the help of Iris, the snowbug and teach Stanley how to ice-skate.
Bing is playing Hide & Seek at the creche with Sula, Pando and Coco. Bing doesnt go to the toilet with all the others before the game starts and when he needs to go before he is found he has to decide whether to give up his hiding place or try and hold on.
Bing and Flop are making ginger bunny biscuits for Charlie and Coco. But when Charlie and Coco arrive Charlies done a mega poo and in all the fuss cleaning him up nobody hears the chickie timer ring to tell them that the biscuits are cooked.
Bing and Pando experiment with Bings toy train on the Fun Fort in the playground. The train is good at going over bridges and brilliant at going down the slide. But when Bing slides it off the roof of the play house, the train crashes and breaks. Bing is upset until he realises that the pieces fit together to make something completely different.
Bing and Sula are having so much fun playing together they dont want to say goodbye when Amma arrives to pick Sula up. To delay her departure Bing hides Sulas sparkly shoe in the toilet and it gets soaking wet much to Sulas annoyance.
A tiring gardening session make the friends of Wild Rose Lane dream of going away on holiday. But none of them wants to be all alone in far-off places. So Tilda suggests that they simply swap homes. No sooner said than done! Tilda moves in to Edna's, Molly to Rupert's, Robin to Tilda's, the squirrels to Molly's and Rupert to Robin's.
While Tilda is having a picnic by the river with her friends, Snaily creeps into the garden to look for food. He sees another snail that has fallen asleep on the wall of the house and is threatening to dry out. Courageously, Snaily saves the other snail, but in doing so gets trapped under a bucket.
When Tilda one morning wakes up especially early, she is visited by Robin. He tells her that he as a robin wakes the sun every morning and invites Tilda to join him the following day. For this, however, Tilda has to get up at half past four! That evening, she's so excited she has difficulty going to bed early.
Big Nutbrown Hare has a lot to do today. Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse promise to help but there are so many wonderful distractions they forget their promise and let Big Nutbrown Hare down. Luckily they learn a valuable lesson from some bees and get busy to make to things right!
It's Little Field Mouse's birthday and Little Nutbrown Hare wants to give her exactly the right gift. After a moments thought he realises he has no idea what to give her. Big Nutbrown Hare encourages his son to think about everything he knows about his friend. He remembers she likes to look nice on her birthday, so her makes her a lovely necklace and she is delighted!
Little Nutbrown Hare keeps winning a game with Little Field Mouse, and enjoys it so much he doesn't realise she is frustrated with losing. Big Nutbrown Hare helps him realise that winning is less important than making sure everyone enjoys playing the game. So Little Nutbrown Hare invents a new game that Little Field Mouse and her twin siblings can enjoy playing too.
After Daddy accidentally frightens Caillou with a picture book monster named Squibby, hes too scared to fall asleep. So, with a flashlight in hand, Caillou pretends to be a monster tracker where he “shines a light” on what scares him and discovers that its not so scary after all.
While trying a new trick on his bike, Caillou loses control and has a fall, triggering a new fear of bike riding. But by playing with the Red Racer, the worlds best driver, Caillou learns how to manage his fear and try again.
Hot waffles, steaming cocoa and on top of this the delicious smell of the fir-tree green that Conni and her mum use to make an Advent wreath. Advent is handicraft-time because stars made from straw and pictures for windows are meant to decorate the house. But the best thing is that Conni even makes the candles herself this year and at the 1 st Sunday of advent she is even allowed to light them on her own!
When Hanne reads the story of the small lantern-fish she discovers that the kids already know it by heart. Then why don't you play-act it yourself, she suggests. Just like in the theatre! Excitedly the kids start rehearsing their roles. On top of that they also make costumes and build a real stage setting. And now Conni can't wait for the big day when mum and dad will see her on stage!
On the beach, there is a contest for the most beautiful sandcastle and a balloon trip to win. Doodleboo and Sketcky, enthusiastic, would like to participate. Doodleboo knows a very useful Riddleboo.
Blossom has a star gazing sleepover.
Buns has an important job for Easter.
Buns has to choose between showing up to her own fan club or helping her sister Blossom.
Harry Hot Rod and Robbie Robot starts a secret club. For a secret club you need secrets. But when do the secrets go too far? Is it when people gets upset or sad? And for how long should you keep a secret? Should you keep silent even if someone might be in danger? Robbie and Harry are facing a severe ordeal.
A squeaky go-cart needs some oiling. Calamity Crow and Robbie Robot go to Tommy Tow Truck to borrow some oil, but Tommy's out. They borrow the oil can without permission and suddenly it's gone! When Tommy comes back he thinks he's been robbed and calls the emergency station.
Caillou and friends come up with an adventurous plan to save Teddy from Cavegirl Rosie!
Caillou is chosen to be Class Cupid and gets to deliver Valentine's Cards to all his friends!
A lot of things happen downtown.Mr. Builder says they're repairing a building and replacing some underground pipes. The rescue team is taking care of the safety checks at the sites! While Doug is on his way to the bakery again to get yummy cakes he almost has an accident with Micky who is busy mixing cement. Poli explains,. You have to be extremely careful around construction sites. For one thing, there's always a lot of heavy equipment coming in and out of a construction site, and small children can be very hard for the trucks to see. And another thing kids, when those barriers are set up by the crew, it makes it very difficult for cars and pedestrians to share the road.
There are new seat belts at the school bus. Kevin, Doug and Jenny are rushing to their seats fighting for the best one for todays school excursion. The driver asks them to stop! It's time to go so you need to strap yourselves in! During the drive Doug spots a rabbit through the window, or a squirrel, or a polar bear…a giraffe. Kevin takes off his belts to see better. But then the bus comes to a sudden break as there are rocks on the street and Kevin suffers a strong bump flying through the air before being rescued by Poli again. Accidents can happen in a split second. And that's why, it's important to wear your seatbelt even on short car rides.
Timmy and his friends are playing pirates. Where is the treasure in the garden?
The class are going camping and Timmy wants to build his own tent. What does he need for his camping trip?
Harry receives a box of magic tricks for Christmas but is unable to create any magic.
Harry is scared of going to the dentist, but when Trike complains that his horn is sore Harry insists that Trike goes to the Horntist in Dino World.
Everyone in Greendale is excited because pop superstar, Brad Lee is coming to Pencaster Bay to perform a concert. Unfortunately Brads luxury private ship has broken down en route so Pat and Jess must head out to sea in the SDS boat and collect him. Meanwhile Julian, Meera, Bill and Sarah are on the train to Pencaster Bay with their mums to watch the concert. The kids enter into a cacophonous sing off to decide who is the best singer. Pat and Jess collect Brad Lee from his ship only to find that hes afraid of small boats!
In the evening, while looking at the sky, Findus asks Pettson if there are people living on the moon and if they might not fall down in a moon earthquake. And sure enough, in the middle of the night a man falls from the moon onto a nearby field. Findus wants to help the stranger get back home to the moon. Their joint ideas for this are original, but unfortunately do not work. Finally, an astonished Pettson comes to the rescue.
It is the middle of winter when Findus decides to celebrate his so-called half-year name day. Pettson has never heard of such a thing, but he agrees anyway and goes to great lengths to prepare a delicious feast with several courses for them both and the chickens. Just as everyone is about to start the starter, they hear a knock at the window and one hungry animal after another from the forest asks for food.
Because of a domestic accident, Fumé's hurt his foot and his wing. He must stay at home and not move at all. At David's request, Grisu agrees to take care of his father as a nurse. But Fumé is an unbearable patient and Grisu ends up giving in to his whims: to go and get a pizza at Maria's. The journey turns into an adventure and Grisu realizes that the city is definitely not made for the disabled. For the return trip, he builds a kind of racing kart. Fumé is so happy that he feels much better now, ready to go back for another pizza.
Grisu's mission is to replace David in a camping trip where he was supposed to take the children. But his father accompanies them and makes a lot of mistakes, pretending he knows everything about camping! Grisu ends up burning the tent. Fortunately, he has the idea to make clay tiles with the help of his father's flame. And so, he makes a shelter for him and his friends.
Daddy is taking Daisy and Ollie to the park for Emergency Services Day. Together they discover more about all the different services and see a whole host of emergency vehicles and meet the police dogs. But where is the fire engine? And where did Whizzy go?
Ollie cant understand why Daisy doesnt find his jokes funny. Daddy loves telling jokes too but they just cant seem to make Daisy laugh. Together they learn that not everyone finds the same things funny and discover eventually that Daisy is a big fan of slapstick comedy and they all enjoy a giggle together.
Daddy has surprised Daisy and Ollie with a visit to a steam railway. A rather unexpected train journey ensues when they meet Mrs Johnson and her pet chihuahua Chicco. When the train passes through a tunnel Chicco and Boo disappear and together Daisy and Ollie solve the mystery of the, Missing Monkey and little dog on the steam train!.
Little Nutbrown Hare & Little Field Mouse go on an adventurous journey through the woods in search of a special Autumn leaf. They leave a trail of acorns to find their way home, but Little Grey Squirrel unwittingly collects the acorns and leaves them all lost in the woods. Luckily he is able to help when he climbs to the treetops and spies the meadow in the distance.
Spring is coming and Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse are very brave and go on a journey through the meadow to discover the source of a mysterious – and slightly spooky - creaking sound. They follow the clues to discover… its the frozen lake melting, and singing as it does!
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse pick lots of delicious strawberries. Little Nutbrown Hare eats all his and runs out so Little Field Mouse shares hers with him. When he goes to collect some more for his friend he eats them all too. Little Field Mouse shows him how to eat them really slowly to make them last longer.
Coco discovers Bings dressing up box so they both dress up. Coco is Princess Cococapono and Bing is, of course, King Bing. But there is only one crown and both need it to complete their outfits. When the crown gets broken Flop helps them to make new crowns out of the broken pieces.
Bing makes Sula a picture with all her favourite things on it. It just needs one last jewel stuck on but OOPS the glue spills all over the picture. Sparkles save the day.
Sula, Pando, Flop and Padget all have a knack, a special thing that only they can do. Bing is frustrated when all his own knacks are easy for everyone else to do too. When Pando accidentally hurts Bings ear they are all in for a surprise as Bing discovers he does have a knack that no-one else can do.
Sula and Bing tag their favourite things around the house with heart shaped stickies. Sometimes they have different favourites and sometimes their favourite things are the same. But when Sula tags Hoppity Voosh Bing is upset because Hoppity is his most favourite of favourites and hes not sure he wants to share him.
The Cave Spider and the tiny Spiderling are good friends, and one summer day they are walking on the mountaintop. Spiderling blows a dandelion at the Cave Spider, who falls and gets injured. Spiderling immediately seeks help from Doctor Owl, who determines that the Cave Spider's legs are bruised and prescribes two weeks of rest. Berry, Dolly, Stanley, and Balthazar help the Cave Spider get home. Dolly suggests they sew a large canopy so the Cave Spider can watch the ants' end-of-summer fireworks from the air. Flutter, Leapy, Zephyr, and the others make the canopy, and on the night of the fireworks, they lift the Cave Spider up so he can enjoy the view from above.
On a spring day, Alfonso finds an unknown seedling by the stream. The cricket carefully guards the plant, which soon produces a special flower. Alfonso waters and tends to it daily, happily watching it grow. One morning at the end of summer, Alfonso notices that the flower has wilted and its petals have fallen off. Sadly, he gathers the petals and brings them into the house. In the afternoon, Dolly visits him, and later his friends come over to cheer him up. They bring delicious pancakes, but Alfonso is still sad. They go out to the stream, and Alfonso scatters the flower petals into the water, bidding them farewell with tears.
As the end of summer approaches, the Lightning Beetle visits the fireflies and surprises them with a new book about planets and stars. After a conversation, one little firefly, when the others were already asleep, sets out to conquer the sky, but becomes completely exhausted and crashes. Doctor Owl diagnoses him with a fever and possible pneumonia, so he stays with him to heal. The other fireflies decide to surprise him. With the help of Berry, Dolly, Balthazar, Stanley, Flutter, and Eddy, they make colourful orbs, and the Lightning Beetle crafts the Sun. They suspend the planets on a hoop, which Eddy rotates with a contraption. They also instal tiny lights, resembling stars.
Dolly goes for a walk, and finally she is enriched with a beautiful cherry and a good friend.
Tilda is expecting Rupert to breakfast, but the hedgehog doesn't turn up. So Tilda goes to Rupert's house, where Edna tells her that Rupert has gone into the village. The mouse finds it odd that Rupert has forgotten their arrangement and sets off after him.
The kids are having a Traffic Safety Quiz. 1.How do you safely cross at a crosswalk which does not have a signal? 2.If you are on a bicycle and you want to cross the road, what do you do? 3. Cars can't stop right away because it takes them some distance to brake. 4.Where is the proper place to ride your scooter or in-line skates? It all ends with a nice picture of everybody together!
Poli teaches little Kevin: be smart whenever you cross the street, use a crosswalk, an overpass, or an underpass and always obey the lights! “Super Ranger Toy” is on sale and many people are coming to the store including Kevin and his mom. Kevin wants to reach the store fast, so nobody takes the last Super Ranger toy and starts running across the street without using the crosswalk – in fact some other people are not crossing at the crosswalks so Kevin thinks he does not have to bother either.
Otus has a toy truck and the class have built an obstacle course. What shapes are the obstacles?
Harry is playing his favourite computer game when he accidentally loses Mum's latest report for her newspaper.
Charlie is having a sleepover and has invited Harry, however, Charlie's Mum says he is only allowed to bring one of the dinos with him.
Kipper finds an old key and remembers its for a clockwork mouse in his toybox. His friend Mouse is unimpressed – its not like a real mouse. Kipper decides the two mice should have a race and when the clockwork mouse wins, Mouse has had enough. She decides to hide the key.
At the seaside Tiger just wants to read his book. Kipper keeps interrupting him so Tiger tells him to go for a swim. Kipper plays ball with a friendly sea lion but Tiger doesnt believe him. He finishes his book and Kipper starts reading – now he wants to be left alone. Tiger meets the sea lion too and soon all three of them play happily together, book forgotten.
Caillou gets to choose one toy from the store, but there are so many cool toys to pick from!
Caillou spends a day outside finding different ways to play in the snow.
Caillou and his family go to a tree farm to find a holiday tree.
Buns and Blossom make a gift for their grammas.
Tilda wants to open a hotel so that people from far afield can spend time in beautiful Wild Rose Lane. Rupert thinks it's a bad idea, but Tilda sticks to her guns. Then the first guests arrive at Hotel Appleseed, a frog and his son. But instead of being quiet and polite, the guests turn Tilda's house on its head. Soon she is rushed off her feet with work.
One day, a mouse called Ferdinand Pearstalk turns up on Tilda's doorstep and announces that he will be taking over her house: the vicar has swapped churches and with him the church mouse. To Tilda's amazement, he immediately moves in. With a heavy heart, Tilda puts all her stuff on a handcart and trundles off.
Pico and Rosie do not agree with the days plans made by their respective families. Pico dreams of having some independence while Rose wants calm and attention. They decide to change places.
Findus is bored. To avoid a bad mood, Pettson entrusts him with his old harmonica, which the little cat is allowed to play with for a change. Findus promises to take the best possible care and then immediately plays around outside in the yard with the valuable heirloom until he takes a little break. Shortly afterwards the harmonica has disappeared. Does Beda Andersson's cow have anything to do with it?
When Caillou wants to play T-ball instead of helping his family with spring cleaning, a fantasy about being a player on a famous (but selfish) baseball team during the World Baseball Finals shows him that teamwork is the best approach.
When Caillou and Clementine find a tiger toy at school, they are reluctant to look for its owner and give it back. By pretending to be a safari guide who finds a baby tiger separated from his mother, Caillou realizes that its not right to keep things that dont belong to you, no matter how much you love them.
But I'm not a baby anymore! shouts Conni as her mum and dad look for a babysitter to take care of her and Jakob for an evening. She doesn't want a strange girl that looks after her and tells her when to go to sleep. But as she meets Marie she has to admit: A babysitter can be a great friend.
Who is the king of hide and seek in the forest? Doodleboo explains how to draw a squirrel.
What provides milk while we picnic in the countryside? Doodleboo explains how to draw a cow.
What's soft, and does not get cold? Doodbleboo explains how to draw an eskimo.
Who is the ideal person to clean up Sketchy's mess? Doodleboo, joking, explains how to draw Sketchy.
Who is little and doesn't need anything for camping? Doodleboo explains how to draw a turtle.
Caillou and friends come up with an adventurous plan to save Teddy from Cavegirl Rosie!
Caillou is chosen to be Class Cupid and gets to deliver Valentine's Cards to all his friends!
Katie finds out that a big fish in the garden pond is a whitespotted bamboo shark. The Junior Rangers sail to the Pacific Ocean to find a coral reef for the bamboo shark to live in.
Berry and Dolly accidentally ruin the snowman of Balthazar but finally they build an even nicer one jointly.
Berry and Dolly insist on seeing an octopus. They manage to get to the home island of the octopus and in the way back home rainbow-fishes help them.
The violin of the poor Cricket breaks. Berry and Dolly takes care that neither the Cricket nor the other animals remain without instrument and music.
Dolly helps Christopher, the canary who broke his wing. In gratitude Christopher takes Dolly to the island where the yellow ladybird lives.
Bing and Flop are making ginger bunny biscuits for Charlie and Coco. But when Charlie and Coco arrive Charlies done a mega poo and in all the fuss cleaning him up nobody hears the chickie timer ring to tell them that the biscuits are cooked.
Bing and Pando experiment with Bings toy train on the Fun Fort in the playground. The train is good at going over bridges and brilliant at going down the slide. But when Bing slides it off the roof of the play house, the train crashes and breaks. Bing is upset until he realises that the pieces fit together to make something completely different.
Bing and Sula are having so much fun playing together they dont want to say goodbye when Amma arrives to pick Sula up. To delay her departure Bing hides Sulas sparkly shoe in the toilet and it gets soaking wet much to Sulas annoyance.
Bing takes his Hoppity Voosh toy to the park to see the ducks and play on the slide. But when he steps in dog poo and heads to Ammas house to get cleaned up he leaves Hoppity behind. Amma helps Bing to fooocus so that he can remember where he went and retrace his steps to find Hoppity.
After several false starts to get out on a picnic Bing and Flop are finally ready to leave just as it starts to rain. Bing is very disappointed but as they unpack the wheelie bag he realises that they can have their picnic indoors instead.
Its Boos birthday! Daddy doesnt have all of the ingredients they need to make Boos favourite banana birthday cake so they head off to the supermarket. Daisy and Ollie learn about the importance of writing a list to make sure you buy everything you need as its so easy to get distracted by the wonderful array of items on sale!
Daisy and Ollie are pretending to be monsters in the garden which makes them wonder if monsters are real. They start to imagine all the different imaginary monsters they would like to meet and invent some marvelous characterful friends.
Daddy surprises the children with a trip to, Milos Diner-saur. Daisy, Ollie and Sonny are intrigued as theyve never been to a real restaurant before. Daddy helps them navigate the menu and what to choose, it turns out theres a lot more to running a restaurant than cooking at home!
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse discover creatures that can blend in with their surroundings and are inspired to learn just where they can blend in. Little Nutbrown hare becomes disappointed when his white fluffy tail and his dark brown ear tips give him away each time. Thats until he discovers the reeds by the river are exactly the right height and colours to camouflage him perfectly.
Big Nutbrown Hare has a lot to do today. Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse promise to help but there are so many wonderful distractions they forget their promise and let Big Nutbrown Hare down. Luckily they learn a valuable lesson from some bees and get busy to make to things right!
It's Little Field Mouse's birthday and Little Nutbrown Hare wants to give her exactly the right gift. After a moments thought he realises he has no idea what to give her. Big Nutbrown Hare encourages his son to think about everything he knows about his friend. He remembers she likes to look nice on her birthday, so her makes her a lovely necklace and she is delighted!
While Tilda is having a picnic by the river with her friends, Snaily creeps into the garden to look for food. He sees another snail that has fallen asleep on the wall of the house and is threatening to dry out. Courageously, Snaily saves the other snail, but in doing so gets trapped under a bucket.
When Tilda one morning wakes up especially early, she is visited by Robin. He tells her that he as a robin wakes the sun every morning and invites Tilda to join him the following day. For this, however, Tilda has to get up at half past four! That evening, she's so excited she has difficulty going to bed early.
Nevillle creates a fabulous outfit for the neighborhood fashion show.
Buns and friends find Kevins stuffy together.
Gordon is going about his usual business when something extraordinary happens – he cant stop giggling! What starts as a little chuckle soon turns into full blown hysterics and… Gordon HATES IT! The more he tries to stop laughing, the worse it gets and hes convinced if Sir Topham Hatt/Fat Controller sees him in this silly state, hell take the Express from him and give him silly jobs instead. Desperately, he heads to Steam Works to be fixed, where he learns that a little bit of laughter doesnt do anybody any harm!
Whilst doing some kite flying with the other kids, Mandy is inspired to want to fly over Pontypandy Mountain. Hannah tells her that her dad, Joe, has just thing… which turns out to be a hot air balloon hes made himself and named rather grandly: Cloudscraper! Meanwhile Sam is puzzled by a spate of emergencies around Pontypandy that seem to imply a rather large creature is eating things… Mandy is overjoyed by the prospect of flying in Cloudscraper and kits herself out ready for her flight, Joe has a camera inside the balloons gondola which will transmit live images of Mandys flight to all her friends.
Its snowy and Norman is directing his very first movie up in the mountains, starring Mandy and Sarah. Sam and Elvis are also up in the mountains, on their way to a skiing lesson with Penny. Penny suggests that Sarah wears a transceiver, so that the kids can be found in case of an emergency. As the shoot continues, Norman becomes frustrated when his actors keep breaking into laughter at his cheap special effects. If they cant act scared, it wont be the “scariest monster movie EVER!” Meanwhile, Penny is teaching her students about avalanche safety and skiing, but poor Elvis is having trouble learning to stop – he keeps crashing into Penny and Sam!
Kipper, Tiger and Pig decide to have a race. The prize is one of Pigs chocolate cakes. Tiger goes on his tricycle and ends up in the duck pond but Kipper keeps running. Arnold gets a lift with Jake on his scooter. Guess who gets the chocolate cake?
Pig leaves Arnold with Kipper and wobbles off on his bicycle. Kipper lends Arnold his first bike and, with the help of stabilisers, they have a wonderful ride round Big Hill. Pig cant believe its Arnold hurtling towards him on his return – a better bike rider than Pig will ever be.
Caillou feels intimidated when Billy, Clementines brother, shows off some super cool moves at the skate park. Caillou pretends to be Skip Super, facing off against Giant Rexy while helping new superhero, Kick-Flip (Billy), overcome his feelings of inadequacy to help save the day.
Caillou gets carried away with generosity when at the neighbourhood Give and Take and he gives Rosies doll away without asking. In a Pirate fantasy where his treasure is given to a sea monster, Caillou learns that its not right to give things away that dont belong to you.
The trainees are taking their passenger test. If they pass, theyll be able to carry passengers all on their own. Brewster and Wilson are a little nervous, but Koko is confident - after all, shes a passenger train! Mr. Simkins, from the Ministry of Chuggers, arrives to examine them. His jiggleometer will tell him whether or not the trainees are riding smoothly. Koko volunteers to go first. Unfortunately, just as she starts, Simkins coughs and sets the machine off with a deafening beep.
Kyle claims to have discovered a brand new animal species - it has the fur and body of an otter, webbed feet and bill of a duck, and a tail like a beaver. Kylasaurus needs help!
Oh no! Someone is stung by the Brazilian Yellow Scorpion!
The Train Station in Pencaster is getting a brand new stained glass window but, um, the locals think that the new 'modern art' window isn't all that great.. Pat's job is to deliver it but when it gets a dangerous crack in it during the journey Ajay says he can't accept the delivery. It's a Special Delivery: Mission Not Accomplished! Oh dear! Pat knows exactly who to ask for help and the children of Greendale School find their gorgeious mosaic picture of Greendale comes in very handy.
Mrs Goggins has organised a fun 'Sculpture Trail' and lots of friends including the children have been busy making their own sculptures to add to the display. P.C Selby's made a giant policeman's helmet, Alf's made a straw tractor, Reverend Timms has even made a giant angel! Trouble is naughty Rosie the goat has nibbled bits off all the pieces. The children's lovely model of Jess the Cat is destroyed. Disaster! Pat has a plan though. He uses all the bits and bobs from other scultpures to mend the children's sculpture and everyone's very happy indeed with the result.
Bing builds a house out of the sofa cushions and Coco decides its the perfect starting point for a game of “Big Bad Wolf” with Sula and Charlie. Bing enjoys being wolfie until hes not allowed into the house he built, at which point the game loses its appeal.
Its a hot day and Bing and Flop buy an ice lolly from Gilly the ice cream lady. Before they can eat them a frog hops into Bings paddling pool and they go to the rescue. By the time they return to the ice lollies all thats left are the sticks and a plate of lolly goo.
Bing and Sula enjoy painting a giant mural at Ammas nursery until Bings enthusiastic rainbow painting makes paint run all over Sulas beautiful tree. Sula is upset, until Flop and Amma help them see that the painting isnt spoiled, its just different. In fact, the harder they look the more they can see that they have painted a beautiful rainbow tree.
Bing and Flop play hide and seek on the way to Padgets shop. Bing doesnt want the game to end when they get there so he hides behind the door to the stock room, where Flop really cant see him. When the door slams shut, Bing is stuck inside.
Bing and Flop are building a sandcastle when Pando joins them in the sandpit with his wind-up digger toy to help. Bing finds a lovely poiky thing in the sand and thinks it will make the perfect decoration for the top of his castle not realizing it belongs to Pandos digger.
On a snowy day in Big City, Oswald is babysitting Catrina. Oswald takes her to get an ice-cream cone at Johnny's Shop. As they take a shortcut through the park, they come across the Egg Twins building a fort, Daisy skating, and Henry making a snow angel. Every time Oswald stops to join in, Catrina cries until she can participate, too. By the time they get to the ice-cream shop, Catrina is so tired from her adventures that she falls fast asleep.
Oswald decides to clean out his flat and throw away his unwanted rubbish. But as he makes his way to the dump, he encounters his friends - Henry, Daisy, Madame Butterfly, and the Egg Twins - who all find uses for his things. By the time he gets to the dump, the wagon is empty. So now he can start loading it up with other people's rubbish!
Bob is looking after Curtiss garage while Leo takes him out for a birthday meal at Chef Tatties. However, the meal is a ruse, arranged so that Bob and his gang can secretly give Curtis workshop a makeover. Scoop is excited to be at the garage; he claims to have a great knowledge of mechanics. The build is all on schedule until Bob is forced to attend to Mr Bentley who keeps him busy because hes very fussy about how much air he has in Philips tyres. At the restaurant Curtis is keen to get back to the garage as he is nervous about leaving it in somebody elses hands. When Bob rings Leo and asks him to play for time Leo orders more and more food for himself to eat. At the, now busy, garage Scoop decides to take a look at whats troubling Betsy, using the new vehicle inspection lift.
Bob and the team are building Spring Citys new Ice Rink when the Rockets arrive and plead with him to finish it as soon as possible. They explain that the rink they were going to be playing on that evening is out of action and they have no-where to play! Bob tells them hell do his best and the building begins. Muck is fascinated by the idea of Ice Hockey and when Bob and Wendy set off to get the clear plastic panels to fit in the barrier surrounds, Muck decides to have a little go himself. Despite Leos protestations, all the machines are soon skidding about on the ice causing mayhem! When Bob and Wendy arrive back, they are alarmed to see all the barriers knocked down! Muck says sorry but Bob knows that the Rockets will be back very soon and they need to work fast.
One Autumn day Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse convince Little Grey Squirrel to leave his pile of spotted acorns unattended, so they can all play with the crunchy leaves. While theyre gone Little Redwood Fox discovers the yummy acorns and takes them home. Once she finds out they actually belong Little Grey Squirrel, she has to decide whether to give them back or keep them.
The first snowfall of the Winter blankets the entire meadow, and Little Nutbrown Hare is confused because he can no longer see the bush, the log or his seedpod ball under all the snow! Will Little Nutbrown Hare be able to find his way around the meadow now that all his familiar places are covered under a blanket of fresh white snow?
On a snowy Winters morning Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse are amazed at the intricate patterns they find in the snowflakes, each one different from the others. The friends try to take one to show Big Nutbrown Hare, but they always melt before he sees them. Will they find a way to stop the lovely flakes from melting?
It is a lovely, sunny Arctic summers day and Inui and her friends are at the beach. Grouchy, Lady P and Sacha cool off in the sea. As Crackpot hesitates on the waters edge, Inui and her friends decide to give him a gentle prod. He hovers over the water, running in mid-air before he flings himself back onto the beach. He admits he cant swim. In fact, hes never even learned to float! With Whitneys support and a cooler box full of ice-creams his friends help him to overcome his fear of the water.
The kids find some numbered papers blowing around the park. After investigating several possibilities of where they could be from, they finally figure out they were once fastened to trees in the park as part of a self-guided tour to celebrate Arbor Day. / When all the milk in Huckles Dads store turns out to be sour, Huckle, Sally and Lowly set out to find out why.
In the real world Messy is in his kitchen and he is really hungry… His tummy thinks its lunchtime already! “My tummys not very good at telling the time” he says, “but what is time anyway? Hm, when you need to know, go to Okido!” He lands with a jump in Zoe and Felixs garden just in time to go to the lab to see what Zim and Zams amazing discovery is! They jump into the Okidoodle and go to the Cloudship to find Zim, Zam and Zoom with loads of clocks and the amazing discovery, which is… a door. The trio look unimpressed. But it turns out to be a time machine!
It's the Okido Circus today and Messy is worried about performing his tripple flip. Will his friends be able to help him conquer his tummy flutters before the audience arrives?
Strawberry has her hands full when she agrees to babysit a young Berrykin who has magical powers.
Harry is disappointed to find that he is not able to join in with any of the activities his family are taking part in at home.
When Harry is told to tidy his room he simply transfers all the mess into Dino-world, where he is told there is a 'no tidying up rule'.
Inspired by Johnny Cool, a rock 'n roll tour bus, Chuck and friends decide to start a band.
Koko is told an important secret and struggles to keep it to herself.
A new trainee, Piper, arrives in Chuggington and gets a lot of attention making Toot very jealous.
Some sheeps escaped from Mr. Guellec's field. The farmer is torn as he can't watch the herd and fix the broken fence which allows the sheep to run away at the same time. It's a perfect mission for Grisu who will learn to be a shepherd, with Stella's help. But the task isn't a piece of cake since the sheep don't want to listen to him at all. They rush away throughout the streets of Dragontown, causing troubles. Grisu and Stella have to discover how to steer a herd, especially a stubborn black sheep. Not an easy mission but as ever, a fire fighter never gives up!
The Dragon Stone, a beautiful and rare stone that Grisu's ancestors found centuries ago breaks accidently. It was supposed to be the main stone of an exhibition that Professor Smeraldo has set up. To avoid cancelling the exhibition, Grisu, Fumé and Stella go to explore a cave where they might find another legendary Dragon Stone. But the expedition turns into an adventure when they realize that only the two kids are able to go through the very small entrance of the cave. The quest quickly appears to be a big task for such young kids, even if one of them is a dragon. But thanks to their tenacity (fire-fighters never give up!), Grisu and Stella will be able to find the legendary stone and to find their way back. The exhibition will be saved!
Little Field Mouse and Little Nutbrown Hares favourite tree falls over in a summer storm. They're sad until they discover the fallen tree provides an exciting new place to explore.
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse are inspired to make a spiders web, but run into all sorts of comic trouble when they do.
Woodsy has had enough of Berry telling the parents when he does something he shouldn't. Following Loudos advice, he devises a good way to stop this tale-telling. Now, when Berry tells tales about him, no one will believe her… But is this really a good idea ?
JJ and Mila are training for a snowboarding stunt show to be performed at the opening of the Winter in Spring Festival - a celebration of winter in Spring City. Bob and the team will be building a triple chairlift to transport passengers to the top of Observatory Hill. But Bob isnt keen on the cold weather - hed much prefer to be building sandcastles on the beach! During a work break, Skye offers Bob a snowboarding lesson - and hes terrible! Meanwhile, Scoop is determined to have a slide down the snowy hill - but Wendy warns him that without snow chains, hell have no control. Scoop cant resist... and ends up sliding all over the slope and crashing into a support beam, causing the chairlift cable to jump off the wheel tracks.
Bob and his crew are finishing off the new penguin pool at Spring City Zoo. Its almost complete when Lofty accidentally drops a large rock, which smashes the observation window. Its urgent that they fix it quickly because the penguins will be arriving any moment. Meanwhile Mayor Madison and Mr. Bentley are entertaining a special visitor, the grouchy Mayor Snipe from Riverdale. They take him on a tour of the city, but he isnt impressed with the castle, the sports stadium or the revolving restaurant.Back at the zoo the penguins have arrived, but the pool isnt ready for them yet. Leo has been busy working on a new pond and water feature at The Town Hall, and Lofty suggests the penguins can stay there until their new home is ready.
Trying to figure out what a strange piece of metal with a number 10 on it is, Huckle and his pals take it to Blacksmith Bear who helps them discover strange writing on it. Figuring it must be a foreign language, they take it to Ms Honey and, with her help, determine the piece of metal is a lost tap from Hildas French tap dance shoes./Huckle and pals set out to find the whistle blower who is causing a traffic jam.
In this episode, the Junior Rangers attempt to return a crab-eating macaque to the wild. Their knowledgeable friend, Ranger Rocky, assists them in their journey through the rainforest.
The Junior Rangers take a baby smooth-coated otter to the rainforest to find its home. Unfortunately, a group of hungry crocodiles have their eyes on the little otter.
Its Lous birthday. At school the day before, Simon overhears her saying that the present that she has always dreamed of is a rainbow-colored-butterfly-unicorn-kitty! Of course they don exist but Simon is determined to make one for her with some help from Mom. What a wonderful birthday present to offer Lou! It turns out perfectly, its beautiful and boy is she going to be happy! Simon and Mommy take the bus to go to Lous birthday party.
Berry and Dolly together with their friends build a giant swing for the birthday of Harry, the hedgehog.
Berry and Dolly gets a present but they start a fight to posess it. Finally turns out that they got a tandem bicycle.
Winter soon ends. The inhabitants of the forest are preparing to make a Spring Feast to say farewell to winter.
While Berry, Dolly, Flutter and Balthazar having a good time on the lake shore Stanley the stag beetle arrived with the wonderful news that the spring training day is about to begin.
One beautiful day Christopher the canary found love. Chloe lived on an oak tree not far from Dolly's house. The newlyweds about to start nesting. This mesmerized Berry and Dolly for sure.
On a hot summer day, Berry, Dolly, Bubble and Balthazar put on their swimsuits, looked for their buckets, shovels and started to build the loveliest sand castle on the Sand Island.
On a sunny autumn day, Berry and Dolly went into to forest to pick blueberries. Flutter, the butterfly girl, and Eddy, the potato beetle joined them as well. When Eddy saw the fruitful bushes cant help but pick all the best fruits before the others. Whats left to do?
Bing takes his Hoppity Voosh toy to the park to see the ducks and play on the slide. But when he steps in dog poo and heads to Ammas house to get cleaned up he leaves Hoppity behind. Amma helps Bing to fooocus so that he can remember where he went and retrace his steps to find Hoppity.
After several false starts to get out on a picnic Bing and Flop are finally ready to leave just as it starts to rain. Bing is very disappointed but as they unpack the wheelie bag he realises that they can have their picnic indoors instead.
Bing and Sula find a helium balloon stuck in a tree in the park. They both want to play with it at the same time so Flop makes two strings and they invent a noisy balloon game called “Stuck Duckies”. When they run in opposite directions the balloon flies away, so Flop volunteers to be the stuck duckie so the game doesnt have to end.
Coco discovers Bings dressing up box so they both dress up. Coco is Princess Cococapono and Bing is, of course, King Bing. But there is only one crown and both need it to complete their outfits. When the crown gets broken Flop helps them to make new crowns out of the broken pieces.
Rupert has always dreamed of living in the woods. And Tilda thinks wishes like that should be fulfilled. So Tilda, Rupert and Molly set out to spend a night in the forest. Rupert is amused by all the luggage the ladies are taking with them – for him, the woods have everything one could need! He soon discovers that it's not that easy...
Tilda is expecting Rupert to breakfast, but the hedgehog doesn't turn up. So Tilda goes to Rupert's house, where Edna tells her that Rupert has gone into the village. The mouse finds it odd that Rupert has forgotten their arrangement and sets off after him.
Tilda wants to open a hotel so that people from far afield can spend time in beautiful Wild Rose Lane. Rupert thinks it's a bad idea, but Tilda sticks to her guns. Then the first guests arrive at Hotel Appleseed, a frog and his son. But instead of being quiet and polite, the guests turn Tilda's house on its head. Soon she is rushed off her feet with work.
Days On a hot Summers day Big Nutbrown Hare wants the young ones to have some relaxing time by the river. Like most young kids they have trouble staying quiet and still. When they do finally manage some quiet time, they experience the variety of life that the river has to offer, including some rare birds and a family of terrapins.
Little Nutbrown Hare wakes up to a colourful sprig of holly in the snow outside the hollow log. Its surprise gift from Little Spotty Deer, who has returned to the meadow. This gives Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse the idea to spread the joy and surprise all their other friends with a holly sprig too, so the three of them make a game of it. Theme: Spreading fun and joy.
Day It is the shortest day of the year so the sun doesn't rise until very late and is going to set very early. To Little Nutbrown Hare everything feels mixed up and there's no time to do all the things he wants to do. Thats until he and Little Field Mouse name it Topsy-Flopsy Day and decide to make a fun and funny day of it!
Caillou feels intimidated when Billy, Clementines brother, shows off some super cool moves at the skate park. Caillou pretends to be Skip Super, facing off against Giant Rexy while helping new superhero, Kick-Flip (Billy), overcome his feelings of inadequacy to help save the day.
Caillou gets carried away with generosity when at the neighbourhood Give and Take and he gives Rosies doll away without asking. In a Pirate fantasy where his treasure is given to a sea monster, Caillou learns that its not right to give things away that dont belong to you.
This dog in the park just ran to Conni and jumped all around her. Of course, you first get frightened by this. But when a dog-trainer visits the kindergarten, Conni learns the best way to get to know and how to greet a dog, how you pet him and then even get to play with him. That's when she discovers that dogs can be really good friends.
I've got lice? But I wash my hair all the time! Conni learns fast that this has got nothing to do with dirt and that this happens to a lot of kids. The main thing is to get rid of the pests! Mum and Conni declare war on the lice. Yay! The lice are all gone, Conni is happy. Apart from one... and this one gets scrutinized under the magnifying glass to a hair.
Sketcky shows off in front of Bubble with his old sea bass tricorn. According to him, there is nothing more important for a pirate captain than to have a hat. But Doodleboo has an idea of what can be even more valuable for a pirate!
Buns and friends go Christmas carolling.
Buns plays on her old baby swing.
Nevillle has plans for a cardboard box.
Calamity Crow is practicing hard for the big talent show tonight. He really wants to win, but when he walks around the city and seeing all the other contenders practicing their tricks, he begins to doubt that he has chance to win. In his eagerness to impress the judge Calamity happens to cause an accident.
When the grumpy police officer Rocky Malone comes by to stay with Paulie and Fiona for the day, they aren't too excited; He never laughs! They try to tell him jokes and make pranks all day to make him laugh, but he just doesn't get it. In the end Paulie and Fiona are exhausted from trying so hard, and they get in a really bad mood.
Caillou plays Dig-and-Build outside on a sunny day.
Caillou goes to the circus and has so much fun that he brings the circus back home!
Cars are to be driving slowly through school zone, but there are always some cars trying to avoid the rules. While the kids are focusing on their cards to exchange against new ones Blue car is manoeuvring its way a bit too fast through school zone amazed that there are kids everywhere. Poli scolds Blue Car, A school zone is designated as a safe area for children. When you see the sign, know there could be kids around.If you're in a hurry, you should use another route, or start out earlier.
The kids are having a Traffic Safety Quiz. 1.How do you safely cross at a crosswalk which does not have a signal? 2.If you are on a bicycle and you want to cross the road, what do you do? 3. Cars can't stop right away because it takes them some distance to brake. 4.Where is the proper place to ride your scooter or in-line skates? It all ends with a nice picture of everybody together!
Osbourne is teaching Timmy how to do magic tricks. What will he pull out of his hat?
Timmy and Yabba are doing a puppet show for the class. But there is a surprise puppet in the show. Who is it?
Whilst playing in the yard with Charlie, Harry insists on being first on the swing.
Harry is playing his favourite computer game when he accidentally loses Mum's latest report for her newspaper.
PC Selby is being honoured with a medal for being “Best local Policeman of the year” and Pat is despatched to Pencaster bay to collect both the medal and the person who is going to present it; The Duchess of Pencaster! Somewhat star struck Pat and Jess drive the Duchess towards Pencaster back to the award ceremony at Greendale but at her request they stop to help some of the villagers which unfortunately leads to her getting covered in coal dust and mud! PC Selby is also on his way to Greendale and also finds people in need of help and his best uniform is soon torn and covered in paint and compost!
Findus meets a curious spiny animal in a corner of the yard - a little hedgehog. The cat is determined to teach his new friend things he likes to do himself. However, Findu's preferences such as gymnastics and climbing are not at all suited to a short-legged hedgehog. This leads to some harmless accidents. When the newcomer disappears without a trace, Findus worries that he has driven him away with his impetuous ways.
Beda writes an angry letter to Gustavsson because his shooting noise has scared her cow. When the postman wants to deliver the letter, he stops at Pettson and Findus' house first. Findus accidentally drops the letter into the soup, making it unreadable. The two trick the postman for a while so that he doesn't notice how they rewrite the letter on their own assumption about its contents. In the process, the previous complaint turns into a friendly invitation to coffee and cake.
After an expedition to the Jungle, Doctor Natureza finds out that a little monkey, Simmy, hid in her plane and followed her to Dragontown. Grisu has to help Natureza to bring the monkey back and reintroduce into the wild. But Simmy doesnt seem to be in a rush to return to wildlife and, being quite cheeky and lively, it gives Grisu a hard time. Eventually, the little dragon finds out that the monkey needs to make peace with its brother Sammy, and after that the two apes return to their home in the Jungle together.
Olivia and Sandro are preparing orienteering training for the crew. David and Steffan are to meet them but have been called to another mission. But they cant let Olivia and Steffan know as their walkie-talkie isnt working. Grisu volunteers to deliver the message with Stellas help and following the map Olivia has prepared. But they must get to the firefighters before the enter the cave at the end of the trail. Grisu and Stella have to work without a compass after Fumé breaks it; but using traditional navigation methods and with an ingenious invention from Grisu when all seems lost, the manage to deliver their message just in time.
Daisy, Ollie, Daddy, Whizzy and Boo put on a musical to show their friends what they have learned about the different seasons. Daddy showcases his musical talents on the piano, Whizzy acts as lighting and special effects and Daisy, Ollie & Boo perform their special songs about the Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Its a musical spectacular!
Daisy and Ollie are very excited to be going on a mini break to Ireland to see Daisys Nana and Grandad. The airport Is a very busy and exciting place and Whizzy enjoys meeting the X-ray machine. Daisys never been on an aeroplane before, what does flying feel like?
Daisy and Ollie discover a little caterpillar in Daddys vegetable patch and call it Curly. Curly loves eating Daddys cabbages! When Curly disappears and the children find a cocoon in his place, Whizzy explains that caterpillars actually grow into beautiful butterflies.
Little Nutbrown Hare makes a slippery slide from a pile of snow and has so much fun he decides to keep it a secret and play with it all by himself. But he soon gets bored playing by himself, and invites his friends to play. They build bigger and curvier slides together and slide faster and faster. Little Nutbrown Hare learns its lots more fun to shares the joy with his friends.
After Big Nutbrown Hare shows Little Nutbrown Hare a special place where his voice echoes, he and Little Field Mouse play a game of 'Try to find me' with Little Redwood Fox and Little Grey Squirrel. They hide in the ravine and as their voices bounce off the rocky walls, their friends have a very tricky time trying to find them.
When Little Nutbrown Hare, Little Field Mouse and Big Nutbrown Hare go up to high meadow with Big Nutbrown Hare they get caught in the mist. Its a little scary so they hold hands and pass the time by playing guessing games. As the mist starts to lift, they see a beautiful circle rainbow around the sun.
Bing wants Flop to read him his favourite book as he has his bath but Bing joins in with the story too enthusiastically Flop suggests they finish the story in bed as books dont like baths. Bing is heartbroken when the book falls into the bath as he gets into his pyjamas, until Flop helps him to understand that even though the book is wet the story isnt.
Bing has a great time choosing the perfect present for Sula in Padgets shop. Its a wand and is sparkly and flashy and spinny and Bing knows that she will love it. Bing is thrilled until it is time to hand the present over when he decides he wants to keep the spinny wand himself.
Bing wants to try Cocos Hula Hoop. Its harder than it looks but he finds lots of other hoopy games as he tries. Just as Bing almost gets it right he gets carried away with spinning, trips over and breaks the hoop. Coco is upset that she cant hula anymore until Bing and Charlie remind her of all the other games they can still do with the bent hoop.
Bing and Sula are in the park playing at being giants and splashing in puddles with their big welly boots. As they play the puddles get bigger and bigger until Bing slips over in the mud and gets wet everywhere. Amma comes to the rescue with a giant warm bath and a giant carroty bagel.
Berry becomes ill and Dolly and the friends take care of him until he is cured.
Berry becomes sad because he can not climb on the rainbow but Dolly makes him happy with an exceptionally creative present.
The kite breaks loose, Berry and Dolly together with their friends are stuck on a high tree. Of course eventually everybody reaches the ground safe and sound.
The characters in the Berry and Dolly stories are a bunch of tiny bugs and beetles who live alongside one another in the forest. The stories are lead by the title characters: Berry the snail and Dolly the ladybird. A variety of other characters join them in their fun and games throughout the series with the stories set in their forest home. All the characters houses, belongings and clothes perfectly match their individual appearance.
Tilda wants to open a hotel so that people from far afield can spend time in beautiful Wild Rose Lane. Rupert thinks it's a bad idea, but Tilda sticks to her guns. Then the first guests arrive at Hotel Appleseed, a frog and his son. But instead of being quiet and polite, the guests turn Tilda's house on its head. Soon she is rushed off her feet with work.
Kevin and Dough are chasing each other to get to Jennys house first. And Whooper does not slow down when approaching the crosswalk, although Poli told him to do so. Everybody has to be more careful to be safe, Green means go…but just because the lights green, doesnt mean its safe to run across. Remember three steps! Step 1: always stop at the curb before you enter into a crosswalk and wait for the green light. Step 2: make sure all cars are stopped before you cross. Step 3: dont take your eyes off the cars while youre crossing. Always keep watching to make sure that you see the cars and the drivers see you.
A Boarding guard helps kids to get on and off the bus safely and there is lots of advice how to behave on the bus, like never stick your heads out of the window – sit still in your seats and always wear your seat belt - when you get off the bus, a motorcycle or bicycle might be coming... always look both ways first, then get off slowly - after you get off the bus, never run around the front to cross the street. Drivers cant see you and thats dangerous. Always remember that the doors on a bus or van can be very dangerous, too.
Timmy loves driving his new go-kart but he has to drive safely. Help him learn when to stop and when to go.
Harry goes to Dino-World to learn how to make origami animals.
Harry is pleased when he wins a game he is playing with Nana so he visits Dino-World where he makes up lots of games and wins every time.
Kipper, Tiger and Pig decide to have a race. The prize is one of Pigs chocolate cakes. Tiger goes on his tricycle and ends up in the duck pond but Kipper keeps running. Arnold gets a lift with Jake on his scooter. Guess who gets the chocolate cake?
Pig leaves Arnold with Kipper and wobbles off on his bicycle. Kipper lends Arnold his first bike and, with the help of stabilisers, they have a wonderful ride round Big Hill. Pig cant believe its Arnold hurtling towards him on his return – a better bike rider than Pig will ever be.
Caillou goes to the mall to choose presents for his friends and Santa lends a hand!
Caillou has a show and tell, and learns that being patient can teach him cool new things!
Caillou and friends come up with an adventurous plan to save Teddy from Cavegirl Rosie!
On Park Appreciation Day, Buns reminds her friends about the power of teamwork.
One morning, Molly knocks excitedly on Tilda's door: there's going to be a knitting competition in the village. Tilda and Molly at once set off to the village shop to buy some wool. All the other inhabitants of Wild Rose Lane are also buying knitting materials. The competition makes rivals of the friends and they work alone, quietly and secretly.
It is almost winter in Wild Rose Lane and the inhabitants are getting their provisions in. Hedgehog Rupert is looking forward to hibernating. But Tilda is sad at the thought of all the nice things her best friend will miss while he's asleep. With the promise that she will cook for him, she persuades Rupert to stay awake and spend the winter at her place.
Rosie has promised to accompany Biva to her exam. However, the very same day, her father Basil arrives unexpectedly.
It has snowed overnight and Findus wants to go sledging immediately. However, the sledge is broken and Petton is busy with other things. Then Gustavsson brings over some old pots and pans that have been sorted out. Findus really wants to keep the big pan so that he can use it as a spare sledge. This works out quite well down the hill, but then Findus accidentally slides onto the lake, where the ice collapses beneath him. Only Harpo can save his friend.
Excited for a day with Grandma, Caillou feels helpless when she arrives with a sprained ankle. In fantasy, Castaway Caillou tries to help a sick Rexy. When Rexy cheers up after a loving hug from Teddy, Caillou realizes that the best thing he can do to help Grandma is show her some love.
Caillou and Leos airshow fantasy is cut short when Leo accidentally breaks Caillous toy plane. An angry Caillou goes to Daddy who helps him realize that he should forgive Leo. Together, they patch up the plane, and takeoff to the sky again!
In the kindergarten they handicraft funny jewelery for the big carnival party. Everyone talks about how they will disguise themselves this year, only Conni is a bit perplexed. Fortunately, mum has a bunch of old clothes that might just help them to conjure up something. And that gives Conni a great idea: Yay! I'll... But she's not going to tell her friends - for now!
Who is the true king of hide and seek? Doodleboo explains how to draw a Chameleon.
What allows you to go play in the clouds? Doodleboo explains how to draw an hot air balloon.
Who is a very soft little animal that loves to snack on leaves on top of a tree? Doodleboo explains how to draw a koala.
What animal is the best at scratching your back? Doodleboo explains how to draw a cute hedgehog.
What's the best guardian of treasure? Doodleboo explains how to draw a Dragon.
Caillou plays Dig-and-Build outside on a sunny day.
Caillou goes to the circus and has so much fun that he brings the circus back home!
Leo meets an Atlantic puffin in the garden while playing with his remote-controlled car. The Junior Rangers decide to take the puffin home to Iceland. There, Leo has a mishap at the edge of a cliff.
Berry visits his distant relative, Snail Sam.
Reggie Squirrel is busy collecting food for the winter. But, oh dear, someone has chewed through his pantry wall! His hazelnuts have all rolled way! Berry and Dolly know who did it….
Berry and Dolly make an ice skate with the help of Iris, the snowbug and teach Stanley how to ice-skate.
Berry and Dolly together with their friends build a giant swing for the birthday of Harry, the hedgehog.
Bing and Sula find a helium balloon stuck in a tree in the park. They both want to play with it at the same time so Flop makes two strings and they invent a noisy balloon game called “Stuck Duckies”. When they run in opposite directions the balloon flies away, so Flop volunteers to be the stuck duckie so the game doesnt have to end.
Coco discovers Bings dressing up box so they both dress up. Coco is Princess Cococapono and Bing is, of course, King Bing. But there is only one crown and both need it to complete their outfits. When the crown gets broken Flop helps them to make new crowns out of the broken pieces.
Bing makes Sula a picture with all her favourite things on it. It just needs one last jewel stuck on but OOPS the glue spills all over the picture. Sparkles save the day.
Sula, Pando, Flop and Padget all have a knack, a special thing that only they can do. Bing is frustrated when all his own knacks are easy for everyone else to do too. When Pando accidentally hurts Bings ear they are all in for a surprise as Bing discovers he does have a knack that no-one else can do.
Sula and Bing tag their favourite things around the house with heart shaped stickies. Sometimes they have different favourites and sometimes their favourite things are the same. But when Sula tags Hoppity Voosh Bing is upset because Hoppity is his most favourite of favourites and hes not sure he wants to share him.
Its New Years Eve! Daisy and Ollie discover how to throw an autism friendly New Years party for Daisys cousin Theo. Celebrating should be inclusive for everyone and together they have a wonderful time planning the party.
Daisy and Ollie set out on a fantastical imaginary adventure to rescue the precious banana treasure from a mischievous villain.
Daisy and Ollie attend a dancing lesson at an inclusive theatre club where they discover various ways to help them learn the steps and keep in time with the music. They meet Rose who is deaf, and she helps them to understand how she interprets the music without hearing it like they do. The children put on a brilliant performance for the theatre group.
Little Nutbrown Hare keeps winning a game with Little Field Mouse, and enjoys it so much he doesn't realise she is frustrated with losing. Big Nutbrown Hare helps him realise that winning is less important than making sure everyone enjoys playing the game. So Little Nutbrown Hare invents a new game that Little Field Mouse and her twin siblings can enjoy playing too.
Days On a hot Summers day Big Nutbrown Hare wants the young ones to have some relaxing time by the river. Like most young kids they have trouble staying quiet and still. When they do finally manage some quiet time, they experience the variety of life that the river has to offer, including some rare birds and a family of terrapins.
Little Nutbrown Hare wakes up to a colourful sprig of holly in the snow outside the hollow log. Its surprise gift from Little Spotty Deer, who has returned to the meadow. This gives Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse the idea to spread the joy and surprise all their other friends with a holly sprig too, so the three of them make a game of it. Theme: Spreading fun and joy.
Rupert has always dreamed of living in the woods. And Tilda thinks wishes like that should be fulfilled. So Tilda, Rupert and Molly set out to spend a night in the forest. Rupert is amused by all the luggage the ladies are taking with them – for him, the woods have everything one could need! He soon discovers that it's not that easy...
Tilda is expecting Rupert to breakfast, but the hedgehog doesn't turn up. So Tilda goes to Rupert's house, where Edna tells her that Rupert has gone into the village. The mouse finds it odd that Rupert has forgotten their arrangement and sets off after him.
Blossom and Superbuns journey to meet Blossoms science hero and get a picture together.
Rhonda and Blossom team up for the lemonade stand for the fair, but they can't agree on anything.
Thomas is working on the Brazilian Railway when he meets Gustavo – a big, blue engine who reminds him of Gordon! So when Gustavo offers Thomas a bit of advice, Thomas takes it the wrong way and thinks that Gustavo is trying to boss him around! Thomas doesnt listen to Gustavo's friendly words – and he soon runs into trouble!
When Joe and Mike discover that Norman is entering Pontypandys big go-kart race, The Pontypandy Cup, they get very nostalgic about the go-karts they made when they were kids. Despite Hannah and Lizzies trepidation that two grown men will be entering a race that is actually for children – their competitiveness gets the better of them and they both set off to make their karts. Meanwhile Sam, Penny and Ben are in Titan replacing life buoys that have come loose, but Sam keeps getting a soaking. The Pontypandy Cup is about to start; Norman is determined to win but the competition is looking fierce: Mike arrives in a souped-up go-kart and Joe makes a spectacular entrance in a rocket-powered Hover-Kart!
The Pontypandy Pioneers are working towards their construction badges and what better way to do it than to build a treehouse under the supervision of Mike Flood! Norman is desperate to be the first one into the treehouse, and so is Derek. Meanwhile at the fire station, under the supervision of Tom Thomas, the firefighters are doing some zip line training. Elvis is overjoyed that he will be rescuing Dolly, the practice dummy, but in his enthusiasm he gets himself stuck half way down the zip line!
Pig is very proud of his new purple woolly sweater and shows it off to Kipper. Arnold spots a big red arrow, and then another, and they follow them into the woods. Pig doesnt notice he has caught his sweater on a branch. The arrows were Tigers idea and he laughs at them from a tree hes hiding in. Then he realises theyre lost. The unravelled wool from Pigs sweater leads them back home.
Jake has lost something in the park – its a surprise so he cant tell Kipper and Tiger what it is. They find a treasure map signed by Bluebeard the pirate and follow the clues. When they all meet up again Kipper and Tiger realise Jake lost the map. The treasure hunt was to be a surprise for Kippers birthday, but Jakes even go the date wrong!
Caillou is sad when the sandcastle he built with Grandpa gets washed away. In a medieval fantasy, the Silver Knight (Caillou) helps the King (Daddy) rebuild his ruined castle, and Caillou learns that its the process of creating the castle that is the most fun.
When Caillou accidentally breaks Clementine's moms dinosaur model, he guiltily hides it, but that makes his tummy hurt. In a castaway fantasy, helping Rexy cure his own guilty tummy ache helps Caillou realize the importance of owning up to a mistake.
Wilson has been given the important job of bringing the refrigerated ice cream cars from the ice cream factory to the Ice Cream Tasting Fair. The refrigeration cars are heavy, so hell have to take them one at a time. Wilson makes the first trip successfully, but when his hero - cool ice cream chugger Frostini - offers to give him a tour of the factory, he forgets all about the important job he has been charged with.
Peyo is stuck in a tree with an Anaconda hanging right above him. Can the Junior Rangers get to him in time?
Peyo gives a Three-toed Sloth a bath and washes its camouflage away!
Meera's expecting a Gecko to arrive and has got his lovely tank all ready and cosy to greet her new pet called George. Pat's collected him and is on his way but the gecko has escaped and now everyone's looking all over Greendale for the little chap… The children join in, helping Pat search for him and with Meera's knowledge about geckos and Bill's skill at chirruping just like the little creature he is soon found. Come on George, it's time for your Welcome to Greendale Party thanks to Pat!
Mrs Goggins is really missing her home town in Scotland. A postcard from her sister hints that a gifts on its way and shes really looking forward to receiving it. Pat collects it at the sorting office - paaaarp, boooomph!! Whats that?! Jess nearly jumps out of his black and white skin. Dont panic, its just a set of BAGPIPES! On the way to deliver them to Mrs Goggins the bagpipes come in rather useful and Pat even masters the art of playing them - just in time to deliver them to Mrs G with much celebration and booming along the way.
Its a beautiful Autumn day and Bing and Sula are in the park with Flop collecting acorns. When Bings pile of acorns keeps getting smaller Flop suggests they hide behind a bush to see whats happening to them – a squirrel is the culprit, hiding acorns for winter.
Bing finds his old baby shoes. They are much too small for Bing now but Coco loves them and so does baby Charlie. When the shoes are a perfect fit for Charlie, Bing has a hard time letting them go to a new home.
Flop is feeling poorly so Bing decides to look after him. He makes Flop comfy on the sofa, gives him a blanket and reads an exciting Hoppity Voosh story. But when Bing tries to make Flop a honey-lemon drink he ends up making a big mess instead. Poor Flop...
Its music time at the creche and everyone wants a turn on the drum. Bing gets impatient waiting for his turn but as he tries to grab the drum from Sula he trips and breaks it. Now nobody can play the drum.
Bing and Sula are playing a vooshing game with their favourite toys, Hoppity Voosh and Hippo Fairy. They throw them into the air to see how high they can fly – Voooooosh! Uh-oh…Sulas hippo gets stuck in a tree so Bing throws Hoppity up to save her, only for Hoppity to get stuck too.
Oswald builds a nice simple birdhouse so that the birds can keep warm. His friends tell him to add things to the birdhouse - paint, flowers, bells - to make it more attractive, but in the end the birds prefer his simple birdhouse.
Henry wakes up with a long feather sticking up from his head. Oswald tells him to go to the barber, but Henry is afraid it will hurt, and he goes to great lengths - wearing a hat, sticking jam on his head - to avoid doing so. Finally, Oswald convinces him to go, and Henry finds out that getting a haircut isnt so scary after all.
Bob and his crew are finishing off the new extension to the Spring City Museum. They are awaiting the delivery of its first exhibit – a full sized Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton. Mr. Bentley has come out in his lunch break to supervise the arrival of the skeleton. But while Bob is back at his yard Leo discovers to his horror that Mr. Bentley has bungled the dimensions of the doors to the new extension, and now they are unable to get the huge dinosaur skeleton inside. Lofty suggests taking the skeleton to pieces and reassembling the bones inside the building.
Jenny Dobbs, the zoo keeper, asks Bob to finish building the new bear enclosure at Spring City zoo. He plans a three-tiered natural habitat that resembles a rocky mountain, with a pool and cave for shelter. Scoop thinks the mountain needs to be a tall as possible in order to keep the bear happy, and he convinces Muck and Lofty to help him. Unfortunately they build it too high. The rocks and soil in-fill can't take the weight and the whole mountain collapses. Scoop apologises, but Bob quite likes the idea of a bigger structure and alters the design so they can re-build the mountain with four levels. They finish just in time as a crate carrying the bear arrives.
When Little Nutbrown Hare discovers that he has grown a thick Winter coat, he and Little Field Mouse make a coat from moss to help other creatures in the meadow stay warm. They discover that everyone has their own ways of coping in the colder months, but Big Nutbrown Hare uses the coat as a picnic rug on the snow so they can enjoy a Winter feast.
Little Nutbrown Hare is fascinated that his friend Little Grey Squirrel is going to stay in his dray all Winter long. He and Little Field Mouse decide to hibernate in the hollow log until Spring, but soon become bored and fidgety. Little Field Mouse gives up and plays in the snow. Will Little Nutbrown Hare manage to stay inside, or will he be tempted out as well?
After a long quiet winter in the meadow Little Nutbrown hare announces that he cant wait for winter to be over so he can enjoy the other seasons with their special treats to see, hear and taste. Will the sound of icicles tinkling in the wind, the taste of a frozen Winter berry and some very unusual tracks in the snow convince the little hare that Winter is just as special as the other seasons?
Inui and her friends listen to the hail pounding on her igloo. When the hail-storm is over Inui pokes her head out of the igloo: the icy ground is pitted with holes and strewn with hailstones. Grouchy gives one of the hailstones a desultory kick. In an aerial shot we see the hailstones bouncing off each other. Inui persuades her friends to help her build their very own Crazy Golf course. Using an inverted umbrella handle as a golf club, she shows her friends how to pot the hailstones into the holes.
Peppino delivers pizzas faster than anyone in Busytown, so when the kids wait an unusually long time for their pizza to arrive, they figure something must be wrong at the pizzeria. But Peppino isn't there and neither is his delivery car. By following his delivery route, the kids ultimately find Peppino stuck in an elevator./Fairy dust and strange sightings has Hilda Hippo convinced there are real live fairies in Busytown Woods!
Messy's hiccups cause a landslide while out on a nature walk, will he be able to find his way home? And will he ever stop hiccuping?
Messy has to deliver the giant pongberry to the Pongberry Pie Festival, before it goes off and releases a terrible pong in Okido City!
Lemon orders a new high-tech machine to do salon services faster, then worries that she is no longer needed in the community.
Harry accidentally smashes his mum's favourite china teacup.
Harry needs help making up a story to go with his new drawing.
Detective Chuck is on the case for Rowdys missing horn and all clues point to Soku!
The trainees compete to be in Skylars Squad - a new rescue team.
Piper sneaks out of the depot before she is ready and finds out the hard way that she has a lot to learn.
Grisu has to look after Thingy while his mistress Olivia is away. Grisu has to take the dog to the pet grooming shop to take a bath. But Thingy is a stubborn dog. He refuses to move forward. Grisu & Stella will have to use kindness and to be smart enough to drive the dog through the town. Without listening to his father Fumé, who tries to make him use his dragon flame...
The shooting of the movie “The monster of the Valley”, directed by the famous Quintin Ratatino, is going badly. A fire has destroyed his mechanical monster and his film crew has deserted the scene. Grisu and Stella help to save the movie. Grisu takes on the role of the monster and Stella helps with the technique. But playing the main part in a Ratatinos movie is not that easy, evenmore when the director asks Grisu to play the role... of a nasty dragon!
When Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse find a strange set of prints in the snow and hunt for the owner, their imaginations run away with them.
Little Nutbrown Hare discovers he can't fit under his favourite hiding log anymore. With Big Nutbrown Hare's help, he learns he has grown bigger since last Spring, and can now clamber into a hole in a tree that's an even better hiding place. Big Nutbrown Hare learns that you are never too young to play.
Basil, who has promised Rosie to go with her to find a rare leaf, hears Scoutbadger doubting his ability to keep his promises. To reassure Rosie, Basil decides to do even better than his promise, he will bring his daughter the most beautiful of rare leaves. Unfortunatley, he has problems and cannot make the rendezvous. Rosie is disappointed. Scoutbadger realises that he should not have doubted Basil and repairs his mistake….
Bob and the team arrive at the Racetrack to build three horse stables the day before a big race. At the sight of the horses, Leo goes into cowboy mode for the duration of the build. Henry Corner, the anxious groom, wants the build to be as noise-free as possible for the sake of his nervy horses, which is exactly when the noisy Two-Tonne arrives in reverse. The build progresses well, until, getting carried away lassoing with some spare ropes, Leo scares the horses, who escape from their paddock and kick out at the nearly-built stables in their excitement. The stables collapse like dominos! Bob and Scoop have to round up the horses now galloping around the racetrack while Wendys quick thinking and Loftys help steers them back safely into their paddock. But the stables still need to be built all over again and now its nearly dusk. A contrite Leo thinks he may have a solution, but what?
Rolands Gifts is an internet gift shop; Bob, Leo, Scoop, Muck and Lofty are in it's huge distrubution warehouse with owner, Roland Sweet. Its a few days before Christmas and Roland has commissioned Bob and his team to install a hi-tech a robotic picking system, which will pick items off shelving, wrap them and put them into delivery vans via a chute. The system needs to be installed by evening the next day so customers receive their gifts in time for Christmas Day. Scoop and Muck are excited and do robotic impressions; Leo claims to be very knowledgeable about robotics. During the installation Leo switches the system on to prove his knowledge to Scoop. Meanwhile an approaching snowstorm has moved the delivery deadline to that very evening.
Huckle and his pals all receive party invitations, but the party's location is a mystery. Small circular marks left behind by whoever delivered the invitations are an important clue. It leads Huckle and pals to Miss Honey who's been walking with a crutch. Grateful for the help she got raking up all her leaves, Miss Honey decided to throw a party for all the volunteers./Huckle and his pals discover a mysterious gigantic spoon.