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Rising temperatures have caused a lake to dry up. It's up to the Junior Rangers to find a new home for the Hippopotamus.
The Junior Rangers have to help a lonely Proboscis Monkey find his honk again.
Fireman Sam
The Triplets were playing in the park when suddenly a snake! a monster! They all ran to Mom who quickly reassured them: it was only a dog hiding in a bush. Mom seems to never be scared so the Triplets decide to test her, but, whatever they do, she always reacts with great calm. The only thing that could really frighten her would be if she could no longer find her children!
The Triplets receive a beautiful robot-dog from Japan. They are delighted but Toto is quite annoyed by the newcomer who seems to be stealing his thunder. He decides to set a trap to make believe that the toy is messy, but instead of punishing him the Triplets find the robot even cuter. They even fight over who will get to sleep with him. However, that very same night Ouch! it stings! its cold! Nothing can replace a soft and warm little Toto.
Girl cannot stop thinking about the wonderful ballet she saw the night before and Mom suggests taking dancing classes. How wonderful! However, she would have to take a test with Mrs. Chausson, the director of the dancing school. Girl is very scared and asks her two brothers to help her out. So when the kids and their Mom stumble upon Mrs. Chausson at the bakery, there is no time to lose: they put on a show in the very middle of the shop. Will they make a good impression on Mrs Chausson?
Bing is vooshing with Hoppity around the garden, making him fly higher and higher. With one particularly enthusiastic throw Hoppity disappears. After a hunt, Bing finds Hoppity in the washing up bowl and gets upset because a wet, mucky Hoppity just doesnt feel right.
Bing and his friends play Nature Explorers in Ammas garden by spinning a giant colour wheel and then finding something of that colour in the garden. When its Bings turn to find something red he doesnt look carefully before he tries to pick a raspberry and pricks his finger.
Bing has enough money to buy one thing in Padgets shop but he finds it hard to choose between all the lovely things. After much deliberation Bing chooses a camper van but on the way home he begins to regret his decision.
Its bedtime but wheres Hoppity? Bing remembers playing with him in the garden but now its all dark out there and he doesnt really like the dark. Flop finds Bings carrot torch and together they set off into the dark on an adventure. But wheres Hoppity?
Sandro and Stella are preparing a surprise party for David's tenth anniversary as captain of the fire brigade. But Fumé unwittingly smashes the cake Sandro baked, and the firefighter doesn't have time to make a new one because he has to go on a rescue mission. So Grisu offers to bake one in his stead, helped by Stella. They immediately run into difficulties as the grocery shop is closed. They have to get their ingredients elsewhere – Fumé at Gertrude's, Stella at Maria's pizzeria and Grisu at Guellec's farm. This entails comic mishaps such as Stella running on a rollin pin or Grisu pursued by the black sheep.
Pettson and Findus are fishing on the lake in an old rubber dinghy that has not been used for years. Unfortunately, a mishap with a fishing hook causes it to leak and the two end up in the water. Back on land, Pettson invents a crazy story about a sea monster that is supposed to live in their lake. Findus now thinks that this monster must feel lonely. He builds his own second monster out of the leaky rubber dinghy as suitable company. Pettson is increasingly embarrassed by the action because he resents having fooled the cat.
Singing sensation Spaniel OConnell visits & this gives Fagan & Bracken an idea: Lightning can strike twice – lets form a band and be rich and famous! Meanwhile, Paddles misses hanging around with his best friend. A conversation with Spaniel means its Paddles that grabs the headlines instead.
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse see a beautiful rainbow. When it disappears before Big Nutbrown Hare can see it, they recreate it for him with flowers.
Alfonso, the cricket, invites Bubble, Berry, and Dolly for a visit. They make ice cream and play together. Bubble admits to cheating in the game. Because of this, the little friends come up with a new game where everyone can win..
The inhabitants of the forest gather on the hilltop to watch the evening meteor shower. Stanley and Balthazar want to build a seesaw but constantly encounter obstacles. The Firefly helps them, and with the assistance of the Moon, they swing on the Moon rocker seesaw. The meteor shower mesmerizes them, then they bid farewell to each other, and everyone starts heading home. The Firefly falls asleep contentedly.
Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave take their Rollypods to the Rollypod Garage for a bubble makeover! They fix Daves broken car-hooter, pump up their tyres so their Rollypods will go faster and polish up their paintwork until it sparkles. Then its time to show off their shiny new vehicles in a friendly Rollypod race!
Conni has wanted a bicycle for a long time. Her parents surprise her with a beautiful bike. She is very happy, but …now she has to learn how to ride it.
Conni goes camping at sea with her parents and her friend Simon. Its a holiday full of new experiences and adventures and then it starts to rain…How does it feel to spend a night inside a wet sleeping bag in a tent?
Help! Sketcky does not have a costume idea for the island party tomorrow. Fortunately, Bubble has a great idea that will make everyone laugh.
Sketcky wanted to make sandcastles at the beach, but it started to rain! Doodleboo will give him a good idea to keep himself busy without having to cope with the rain.
Its so hot! cries Sketcky! What is better than a Riddleboo to know how to get refreshed?
Sketcky is thrilled to have plenty of treats for the upcoming Halloween and hopes to have more than the year before. But how to do it? Doodleboo has an idea: he knows what makes it possible to collect even more candy on Halloween!
Messy is hiding in a tent made of cushions, pretending not to be scared of the storm outside! He wonders why the sky is flashing and being so noisy! So he spins to Okido to find the answer. When Messy arrives, Zoe and Felix are lounging, warm and dry in deck chairs, but it appears to be raining on him, and he cant escape it! “Look up Messy!” giggles Zoe. Its Fluff the cloud! Shes been watering Felix and Zoes garden and now needs to go home so invites the trio to come and meet her family.
In the real world, Messy is drinking water in his kitchen, and wonders why he has to drink it? What if there wasnt any? He springs over to Okido to look for answers. In Okido Zoe and Felix are in their garden getting ready for a surprise day trip that Zim, Zam and Zoom are taking them on! They are packing Felixs backpack to be prepared for anything – Messy helpfully contributes a bath plug and a sock, before they whizz off to the Cloudship to find out where theyre going.
Trying to figure out what a strange piece of metal with a number 10 on it is, Huckle and his pals take it to Blacksmith Bear who helps them discover strange writing on it. Figuring it must be a foreign language, they take it to Ms Honey and, with her help, determine the piece of metal is a lost tap from Hildas French tap dance shoes./Huckle and pals set out to find the whistle blower who is causing a traffic jam.
Daisy and Ollie really want to see penguin feeding time at the zoo, but can they work out how to read a map to get there on time? Daddy doesnt think the need a map, he knows his way around the zoo…but when they get lost several times and almost miss feeding time, Daisy and Ollie help him realise that map reading is a very useful skill. Together they navigate their way there just in time and enjoy an ice cream at feeding time!
Leo discovers a reef manta ray pup in the garden. The Junior Rangers set sail to find the manta ray a home in the ocean, but what happens when Ranger Rocky gets stuck in a sea jelly bloom?
Ranger Rocky entrusts the Junior Rangers with a mission—return a mola to the ocean! The Junior Rangers take up the challenge, but find themselves having to wing it when some seagulls start pecking the mola.
Jess wants to introduce Willow to his new friend, Chloe the caterpillar. But where's Chloe gone? He searches for her in all the places she might be, where he's visited her before, where there might be juicey leaves she'd like to eat but it's not until a butterfly breaks out of a little Chloe-shaped-sack that Jess realises that Chloe's just changed!
Jess is playing puddle jumping, dodging the rain to have fun on a gloomy day when suddenly, just as the rain's stopping, the sun comes out and at the same time he sees a beautiful rainbow in the sky. He's desperate to show his friends, and it's not until he works out you need sunshine and rain at the same time to make a rainbow that he can show his friends the beautiful coloured shape in the sky.
Harry has a cold but gets bored of staying in bed so decides to go and play in Dino world.
Big Bob, the bell from the church tower of Rev Timm's church has been away to get mended. To great fanfair and much excitement - a party is planned to celebrate and the children have prepared a special bell ringing tune Big Bob is coming back to Greendale. Pat has to deliver it to the church in time for the installation people to pop it in the bell tower.
Philip spots Toby and assumes that he is a diesel boxcab just like him. Convinced that they will become best friends, Philip rushes up to introduce himself, but Toby finds him rather overwhelming. Philip is very persistent and manages to get Toby to have a race with him, but Toby doesnt like it very much. Philip gets upset and thinks Toby doesnt like him, but with a little help he eventually learns that you can be friends with someone who doesnt like the same things you like.
When Gordon is late to pull the Express the Fat Controller gives it to Henry instead. Because Gordon has said how difficult his work is, Henry doubts hes up to the job but more than proves himself and all the passengers love him. Gordon is left to take over Henrys work, which he thinks is beneath him, and he ends up going on strike. The Fat Controller insists Gordon pulls the Flying Kipper as penance but Gordon refuses till Henry makes Gordon think the job is too hard for him, spurring Gordon to prove Henry wrong.
When Stella and David find a seagull that cant fly, Grisu becomes the birds flight instructor. The little dragon tries all kinds of ways to coax the bird to fly, but nothing works. Grisu decides the bird needs to understand the feeling of flight, so he builds a large hang glider and takes the bird for a ride in the sky. Fumé is so delighted to see his son in the air that he flies up to him, scaring Grisu and the bird…which causes Grisu to burn the hang glider. Thanks to all Grisu has show the seagull, the bird spreads its wings and flies. But will Grisu…?
Stranavoce is to do a recital in the main square, accompanied on the piano by Stella. David, her daughter and Grisu drive to Stranavoce's to get his piano and move it to the venue. But David suddenly has to go on an emergency and takes the singer – who wants to rehearse at the main square – with him. So Stella and Grisu decide to move the piano (it's on wheels) all by themselves. They soon hit a slope and can't push the piano up it. Fumé comes in and without being asked, pushes the piano up the hill with the kids on it. But then Fumé trips and the piano rolls down the other side, ending up in a haystack by the farm.
Roland Sweet has commissioned Bob and Team to build a giant games testing area outside the Shopping Mall to publicise the opening of his new games store. Leo impresses Roland with his musical knowledge, so Roland asks if he can assemble the giant piano keyboard while the rest of the team build a child-sized dolls house and Snakes and Ladders board. Bob asks Scoop to help Leo with the keyboard and but Scoop mixes up the piano keys when moving them. Leo is too proud to follow the diagram Roland gave him so he and Scoop muddle through, treating the keyboard like a jigsaw.
Bob and the team are building a new aquarium at the sea life center for a baby tiger shark. Scoop is excited, imagining the shark will be like a pet puppy. Leo is less than enthused, barely concealing his fear of sharks. When the shark is collected at the docks and placed in a holding tank inside Mucks tray, Scoop convinces Muck they should take “Stripy” the shark “for a walk” around the neighbourhood. After introducing her to Pilchard, and pointing out the mayors office (startling Mr Bentley!), they see JJ and Saffi on the playing field, teaching Cooper some pet tricks. Determined to teach Stripy some tricks too, Scoop and Muck begin a game of fetch... which ends up with Muck getting his front bucket stuck between two trees. Back at the sea life centre, Bob is concerned. If the shark doesnt arrive soon, she will miss her feeding time.
You Summer in the meadow is a great time to find tasty snacks to eat. Big Nutbrown Hare seems to know all the best tricks and hiding spots for the yummy treats and Little Nutbrown Hare cant help but wish he was as big and smart as his father. However, he soon finds out that there are some things a little Nutbrown Hare can teach a Big Nutbrown Hare.
On Summers hottest night Little Nutbrown Hare finds it hard to sleep. When a swim in the river isnt enough to cool him down, Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends ask Little White Owl to tell them a really cold and sleepy bedtime story. Will she come up with a story that can make them feel cool and finally get Little Nutbrown Hare off to sleep?
Bing wants to play his car park game with Flop but Charlie is visiting and keeps messing up the game. Bing wants Charlie to go away so Flop with Charlie in the kitchen. Bing doesnt enjoy his game on his own and finds out that some games are better played together.
Bing is playing in the garden when he sees his shadow; Flop has one too. Flop and Bing play shadow tag, taking it in turns to be It, but a raincloud covers the sun and the shadows disappear. Flop persuades Bing to go inside, out of the rain, but Bing is upset that his shadow is getting wet outside. .
Bing is at Ammas creche and its his turn to choose the game, Musical Statues. Flop gets the Bingpad going and soon all the children are dancing like crazy. Sula goes out first, quickly followed by Coco. They both watch for wobblers with Amma.
Girl cannot stop thinking about the wonderful ballet she saw the night before and Mom suggests taking dancing classes. How wonderful! However, she would have to take a test with Mrs. Chausson, the director of the dancing school. Girl is very scared and asks her two brothers to help her out. So when the kids and their Mom stumble upon Mrs. Chausson at the bakery, there is no time to lose: they put on a show in the very middle of the shop. Will they make a good impression on Mrs Chausson?
String Beans? Yuck! The Triplets refuse to eat them, but when Mrs Bun asks them to take care of Nini and make sure she eats her greens, they go along with it! They even tell her how good for you and full of vitamins vegetables are and pretend to be in a fancy restaurant. But it seems that the only true way to convince her would be to taste them in front of her! Well thats another story!
Strawberry fills in at the bumblebee post office and learns that sometimes even when you try your very best, things don't always turn out as planned.
The Junior Rangers bring a young Rothschilds giraffe to the savannah to find it a good home. However, the expedition comes to a standstill when the Junior Rangers jeep gets bogged in mud.
The Junior Rangers travel to the rainforest to reunite a Malayan tiger cub with its mother. But when the cub goes missing in some tall grass, the Junior Rangers have to put their heads together to find it.
Jess is searching for Horace by the pond but he's nowhere to be found. When he calls into a hollow log and his voice echo's back, Jess thinks it's the voice of a new friend and sets about trying to work out where the friend is. By using comparisons and clever thinking, Jess works out that it's not someone else - it's his voice bouncing off the log. It's an echo,.
Jess is off to play painting and gluing with his pink rabbit friend Mimi. He's very excited. But when he arrives Mimi's hutch is overflowing with rubbish and there's no space for their art project. Jess works out how to get the rubbish out of the hutch using recyclling re-using and re-pairing.
Harry is finding it difficult to learn to play the violin and is fearful about performing in his school concert so he goes to Dino-World to practice.
In this charming collection of tales, the curious Kipper explores the attic, goes fishing with Tiger, finds a magical umbrella, takes a trip to the seaside, receives a visitor in the night and more.
In this charming collection of tales, the curious Kipper explores the attic, goes fishing with Tiger, finds a magical umbrella, takes a trip to the seaside, receives a visitor in the night and more.
Its Art Time and Timmy is painting a picture of a rainbow. What colours are in the rainbow?
Singing sensation Spaniel OConnell visits & this gives Fagan & Bracken an idea: Lightning can strike twice – lets form a band and be rich and famous! Meanwhile, Paddles misses hanging around with his best friend. A conversation with Spaniel means its Paddles that grabs the headlines instead.
In the park one day, Simon is dressed up as Super Rabbit. He is taking penalty shots and scoring every time. Since Ferdinand says its no fair, he cant win against a superhero, Simon agrees to take off his disguise and come back and play without it. But pretty shortly, he realizes his costume has disappeared! With help from Lou, Gaspard and Ferdinand, Simon scours the park for his costume. But no, go, its nowhere to be seen. And now hell never be able to be Super Rabbit again! Finally, way off in the park, he sees the silhouette of Super Rabbit!
Tainá doesnt want to eat, all she wants to do is to play – and because of that, she barely manages to answer the Cru-Cru call. Its Sofia whos calling, the greedy Green Anaconda, who got stuck on a tree after her tummy got bloated for eating too much. The gang tries everything, but Sofias tummy is way too large and she just wont pass through the branches, until Suri accidentally pricks Sofia with her spines and she finally frees herself. Thats when the adventure starts! The anaconda starts rolling down a hill, accidentally taking Pepe and Catu with her, and the three of them almost fall into the abyss – but at the last minute Tainá regains her strength by eating some fruits, and saves the group. Eating is good, but we shouldnt overdo it.
Mr. Pedroangelo, a sculptor woodpecker, wont let anyone sleep in the forest. The stuck-up little bird prefers to work at night and sleep during the day, leaving everyone else with dark circles and with their hair standing on end. Tainá and her gang are called out to intervene, but nothing will talk Mr. Pedroangelo out of working at night, until Tainá has an ingenious idea: preventing the woodpecker from sleeping during the day, for him to understand how bad it is to spend a sleepless night. The plan works and Mr. Pedroangelo becomes the dearest bird in the forest, with his beautiful animal sculptures all around.
The Junior Rangers head to the ocean to find a home for a young scalloped hammerhead shark. Unfortunately, the adventure takes a wet turn when the hammerhead shark gets caught in a shrimp net.
Leo comes across an eastern spotted skunk while playing a game of mini-golf in the garden. The Junior Rangers pop by the prairie to find a suitable home for the skunk, but an unfriendly coyote could put a dent in their plans.
Sleeping a night in the school means: having a barbecue, listening to stories and taking a night walk to look for hedgehogs and …little funny vampires? Or are these perhaps bats? Conni will sort it out!
Swimming in a bathtub is great but how to swim in a big swimming pool? No problem for Conni. Together with her friend Simon she learns how to swim; it takes time but in the end they both receive a seahorse swimming award.
Sleeping a night in the school means: having a barbecue, listening to stories and taking a night walk to look for hedgehogs and …little funny vampires? Or are these perhaps bats? Conni will sort it out!
Who can see really well at night? Doodleboo explains to Sketchy how to draw owl.
What sings a melodie without landing on without wrong note? Doodleboo explains how to draw a cute bird.
What do you need for a great birthday? Doodleboo explains how to draw a birthday cake.
In the real world, Messy is in the playroom trying to push his cart but the wheels seem stuck - it wont move! When you need to know go to Okido. Messy lands in Okido, its a hot day! What better way to quench your thirst in Okido but to have a smoothie from the smoothie robot at the café. Messy, Zoe and Felix jump into Oki-doodle and whizz off to Okido City. When they arrive and order their smoothies theres bad news! The smoothie robot has broken down and so the trio help to make smoothies until help arrives but they just cant make them as fast as Smilford. A long queue forms outside the city as the thirsty people of Okido come for their smoothies!
In the real world, Messy is in his bedroom about to take a big bite out of his green sock for breakfast until a huge gush of wind helps his breakfast sock escape from his grip. It blows away out through a window and lands on a faraway tree. Hmm “Why does the wind blow anyway” asks a disappointed and hungry Messy and he vortexes himself to Okido. Messy lands in Zoe and Felixs garden and immediately tells them how annoyed he is at the wind for blowing away his breakfast! Just as Zoe and Felix reassure Messy there is no wind blowing in Okido today, they hear an increasingly loud groan come from up above them.
Fireman Sam
Fireman Sam
While Berry, Dolly, Flutter and Balthazar having a good time on the lake shore Stanley the stag beetle arrived with the wonderful news that the spring training day is about to begin.
One beautiful day Christopher the canary found love. Chloe lived on an oak tree not far from Dolly's house. The newlyweds about to start nesting. This mesmerized Berry and Dolly for sure.
On a hot summer day, Berry, Dolly, Bubble and Balthazar put on their swimsuits, looked for their buckets, shovels and started to build the loveliest sand castle on the Sand Island.
Bing and Sula have a penny each for the Surprise Machine in Padgets shop. Sula gets the silver rhino she wanted so Bing is convinced he will get the toy he wants too. When the Surprise Machine delivers his capsule Bing is upset to discover the alien he has set his heart on is not inside.
Bing wants to get dizzy on the roundybout so Pando pushes him superfast. Bing quickly learns that a little dizzy is fun, but too much dizzy is no fun at all.
Bing builds a house out of the sofa cushions and Coco decides its the perfect starting point for a game of “Big Bad Wolf” with Sula and Charlie. Bing enjoys being wolfie until hes not allowed into the house he built, at which point the game loses its appeal.
Charlotte is regretting her wish that something exciting would happen in Drumsnella when lots of strange things start to happen. Crop circles, all manner of things disappearing, and what are those lights and noises coming from the woods?
Big Bob, the bell from the church tower of Rev Timm's church has been away to get mended. To great fanfair and much excitement - a party is planned to celebrate and the children have prepared a special bell ringing tune Big Bob is coming back to Greendale. Pat has to deliver it to the church in time for the installation people to pop it in the bell tower.
Its circus day in Dragontown! But when Grisu comes to ask for a fightfighting job, he discovers the circus performers are not there yet to put up the big tent for the circus. So Grisu volunteers, along with Stellas help. But its not easy! The sheep almost eat the directions, and the poles are heavy, and Fumé gets in the way. In the meantime, Stranavoce travels across town to announce the circus, coming across the strange talents of some Dragontown residents. Just as Grisu and Stella have finished planting the poles and are ready to raise the tent, Stranavoce gets a call: Now the circus performers arent coming at all! Oh no!
Ratatino was supposed to be filming the very shy Leopard Monkeys for his new documentary in the jungle. But he fell at the airport and hurt his arm, so he asks Grisu to go in his place, to track and film the monkeys for him. Fumé is happy to fly Grisu to the jungle as he hopes it will give him a chance to do some dragon training with his son. However, tracking the Monkeys proves to be a very difficult task until Grisu discovers they like music and he turns Fumé into a one-man jungle band as he films the Monkeys successfully.
In the park, Simon wants to impress Lou and her friend Sophie by playing superhero. But he comes to save them for the silliest reasons, and just about every minute, and each time it turns into a minor catastrophe. As a result, the girls have pretty quickly had enough of Simon, who on the other hand, doesnt understand their reaction. And a good thing he doesnt give up because when he saves the two girls from a big puddle of muddy water, he finally becomes a real superhero in their eyes!
Lou wants to show her pet hamster, Albert, to Simon. Simon and Lou are feeding him when suddenly, a blackbird swoops down and steals his food. While Simon and Lou are off chasing the bird, Albert escapes from his cage. Argh, what a catastrophe! With help from Ferdinand, the kids finally find Albert hiding in a hole in the ground. And with a handful of seeds, Simon is able to get him to come out of the hole.
One Summers day Little Field Mouse is very excited to show Little Nutbrown Hare her new favourite thing, a very pretty flower… the prettiest ever! She lets Little Nutbrown Hare borrow it to show Big Nutbrown Hare, but when it blows away during the night Little Nutbrown Hare worries how his friend will react. Will he be able to work up the courage to tell her what happened?
Its lovers day in the forest. While Margaret and Edmund are wondering what gifts they can give each other, Scoutbadger and Rosie are intrigued by Woodsys behaviour. He seems to have a secret that they are determined to disover….
As part of their feuding, the Tomcats want to lay a trap for Rosie and shut her in a cave. However a rock blocks the entrance to the cave, trapping the 'prisoner' Rosie and her 'kidnapper' Sourpuss together. The children from both sides will learn that, faced with a major event, they must stop their 'war' and co-operate to free everyone… including their favourite enemies.
Diesel always likes to appear rough and tough in front of Arry and Bert. But when Thomas, unexpectedly, finds him lovingly fussing over some baby ducklings he threatens to tell everyone that Diesel is just a big softie. Diesel is horrified and promises to be nice to everyone in exchange for Thomas not telling anyone about the ducklings. All the engines are pleasantly surprised when Diesel starts being polite and friendly, but just how long can he keep it up?
Harry Hot Rod is looking forward to a fun and relaxing day with his friends. Only problem is that he forgot that today is cleaning day, and everyone in the city should participate. Harry comes up with a lie to escape from the cleaning. The next day he lies again to avoid helping with painting a fence.
In this charming collection of tales, the curious Kipper explores the attic, goes fishing with Tiger, finds a magical umbrella, takes a trip to the seaside, receives a visitor in the night and more.
In this charming collection of tales, the curious Kipper explores the attic, goes fishing with Tiger, finds a magical umbrella, takes a trip to the seaside, receives a visitor in the night and more.
The kids are having a Traffic Safety Quiz. 1.How do you safely cross at a crosswalk which does not have a signal? 2.If you are on a bicycle and you want to cross the road, what do you do? 3. Cars can't stop right away because it takes them some distance to brake. 4.Where is the proper place to ride your scooter or in-line skates? It all ends with a nice picture of everybody together!
Koko and Brewster are trying for their Courier badges. They each have to deliver three packages before five oclock. But after two deliveries, Kokos badge quest is interrupted when Eddie needs her to take him to an emergency track repair. Koko thinks she hasnt won her badge – until Vee says that, as Koko has delivered him to the track repair, Eddie can count as the third package.
Eddie and Hodge have cleaned the sludge out of the chugwash. Now theyre going to refill the chugwash soap, then clean the underground tunnels using the Scrub-A-Chug - a fantastic piece of rolling stock with brushes that cleans the ceiling of the tunnel. Their work is interrupted when they get called away on an emergency. Wilson decides to be helpful by finishing their chores. Unfortunately, he accidentally replaces the chugwash soap with chugwash sludge - and when he tries to clean the tunnels with the Scrub-a-Chug, he ends up making an even bigger mess!
Wilson is given the important job of taking some photos, to be used on a poster promoting Chuggington. Meanwhile, Dr. Ling has a special assignment for Hoot and Toot: pulling a robotic dinosaur around town to promote a new exhibition at the museum. Wilson isnt having much luck taking exciting pictures - until he sees the dinosaur go by. Wowzer! He has to get a photo of that! He chases after it, but unfortunately has a collision. His camera flies off and lands out of reach - just as Hoot and Toot arrive with the dinosaur. Hoot has an idea. Extending the dinosaurs neck, and using its jaws to grab, Hoot and Toot reach up and retrieve Wilsons camera.
Kyle finds a distressed kiwi and doesn't know how to help it. The rangers are on it! Or in this case, Detective Katie along with Leo as Watson and Hero as Toby, are on it! With a combination of sleuthing techniques and ranger work, the rangers eliminate the possibilities of a lost and hungry kiwi.
The Junior Rangers help a Galapagos tortoise - which can weigh more than a fridge - flip back on its feet.
When Pat takes a Special Delivery for Michaels Chinese Summer Festival, hes astonished to find that its a huge block of ice. Its a race against time to deliver it, especially when Pat discovers that Ben hasnt shut the doors of the van properly and the ice flies out and lands in a field of sheep. When Pat finally delivers it to Greendale he discovers that Michael didnt order a block of ice at all, he ordered an ice sculpture! Luckily Ted is on hand with his toolbox and together he and Pat make sure Michael gets the delivery he ordered….
The kids are doing a show and tell at school based on family heirlooms. Pat is delivering a precious jeweled Indian elephant to Meera when Bonnie grabs the elephant and runs away with it. The jewel comes loose and is then stolen by a magpie who likes shiny things. Pat and Amy head to find the magpies nest and with a bit of help from Jess they find the jewel and return it to Meera.
Coco shows Bing how to do really good Big Boos and together they make Flop jump. When Bing tries out his new tricks on Charlie he finds out the power of Boo has to be scaled down for babies.
Bing and Sula discover a new toy at Ammas creche, a talking ride on car. It seems like fun until Talkie Taxi keeps saying the same thing over and over again. When the taxi crashes and is finally silenced Bing and Sula use their imagination to play a game they really want to play without being dictated to by the noisy taxi.
Its a windy day and Bing wants to fly his Hoppity Voosh kite with Flop. And he wants to do it all by himself. Even when Pando arrives and wants to help Bing insists on doing it his way. When the kite gets caught up in the park bench Bing realises that there are some times when another pair of hands comes in handy.
Its bath time and Bing just cant help adding a few more quirts of bubble goo…and a few more….and a few more, until he gets more bubbles than he can handle.
Bing goes to play with Sula who is engrossed in a game of sparkle magic when he arrives. Bing wants to play too but Sula finds all sorts of reasons why Bing cant play with her special sparkly things. Amma suggests that Bing makes his own sparkle magic stone but disaster strikes when Bing accidentally spills Sulas precious sparkle dust.
Hoot and Toot have to sort some recycling bins in order to earn their Green Machine badges. Toot is anxious to go to the ride-in to see an Action Chugger movie, so she skimps on the job, skipping one of the bins to save time. The twins ask Vee for their badge - and when she tells them they havent earned it, they wonder how she knows. When they finish the job properly, they find their badge at the bottom of the bin they skipped!
Oswald builds a nice simple birdhouse so that the birds can keep warm. His friends tell him to add things to the birdhouse - paint, flowers, bells - to make it more attractive, but in the end the birds prefer his simple birdhouse.
Henry wakes up with a long feather sticking up from his head. Oswald tells him to go to the barber, but Henry is afraid it will hurt, and he goes to great lengths - wearing a hat, sticking jam on his head - to avoid doing so. Finally, Oswald convinces him to go, and Henry finds out that getting a haircut isnt so scary after all.
When Mila is appearing on the childrens TV game show, “Whiz-A-Quiz”, the rest of the Spring City Rockets are disappointed that they didnt get tickets to watch and support her. This gives Mayor Madison the idea for Bob to build an outdoor movie area at the Stadium where everyone can watch the game show together. But when Mayor Madison asks Lofty to help the Spring City Rockets decorate the stadium, he gets carried away and leaves Leo to finish the support frames for the giant screen all by himself. A job that is too big for one person. When the giant screen arrives, the frame isnt sturdy enough to hold it and the whole structure starts falling apart. Lofty races in and saves the TV screen but the frame, stage and audience seating are broken.
JJ and Mila are training for a snowboarding stunt show to be performed at the opening of the Winter in Spring Festival - a celebration of winter in Spring City. Bob and the team will be building a triple chairlift to transport passengers to the top of Observatory Hill. But Bob isnt keen on the cold weather - hed much prefer to be building sandcastles on the beach! During a work break, Skye offers Bob a snowboarding lesson - and hes terrible! Meanwhile, Scoop is determined to have a slide down the snowy hill - but Wendy warns him that without snow chains, hell have no control. Scoop cant resist... and ends up sliding all over the slope and crashing into a support beam, causing the chairlift cable to jump off the wheel tracks.
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse go on a long trip with Big Nutbrown Hare to find some food he hid away during the warmer months. Little Nutbrown Hare plays with a stick along the way, which turns out to have many uses, one of which is helping them find the food and another is finding their way home again.
Little Nutbrown Hare is very proud of a Christmas Tree he has built from pine cones. So proud, that when Little Field Mouse accidentally knocks it over he has trouble forgiving her. When he makes a mistake of his own, Big Nutbrown Hare forgives him immediately, and he understands how important it is to forgive.
Seeing his tracks in the fresh snow inspires Little Nutbrown Hare to create a new game called snow seek. The friends have a lot of fun creating tracks for Little Nutbrown Hare to follow, but Little Redwood Foxs tracks completely disappear and so does she. When Big Nutbrown Hare reports that Little Redwood Fox was sighted walking backwards, they work out how she managed to trick them all.
SASHA the seal wants to demonstrate to INUI and friends that he can break the North Pole Hole-Jumping record. In mid-air he almost collides with ALBERT only to miss the last hole. Whats worse, SASHA hurts his flipper. His dream cannot come true. But INUI knows how he can break the record despite the sporting injury. – with a little help from his friends. While LADY P and GROUCHY build a ramp INUI and SACHA slide downhill an her new sledge, gaining enough speed to use the ramp to catapult them into the air - and landing after the 10th hole.
Huckle and the gang race all over Busytown trying to find the lock that fits and old key they found. They search everywhere from the Busytown Museum to Mr Gronkles antiques. They come up empty until they remember that an old roll top desk was being delivered to the antique store near where they found the key and had a lock on it. They try the key and it fits. / Chocolate sauce on Lowly's car leaves Huckle and the gang puzzled.
In the real world, Messy is throwing some awesome moves on the kitchen counter, dancing with his drink bottle in one hand. When he bounds into the garden and opens the drink, it fizzes out over the top and nearly all of it goes on the floor! He wonders why that happened, so he goes to Okido to find out! When he lands, Zoe and Felix are staring up at the sky because hundreds of birds are all flying in the same direction.
Messy is making a new jigsaw puzzle in his bedroom and its of a dinosaur. “Id love to see a REAL dinosaur,” he says. He wonders why hes never seen one… So off he goes to Okido! Messy lands in Zoe and Felixs garden and cartwheels down the path to catch up with them. Zoe and Felix are carrying sandcastle equipment – Messy picks up Felixs bucket and puts it on his head. “Whats this?” he asks, “A new hat?” Felix and Zoe laugh and invite him to come to the beach with them. Messy speeds off in excitement!
A blockage somewhere in the sparkleberry juice system that powers Berry Bitty City results in a repair crew of Berrykins invading the town with jackhammers. The girls leave for the day to avoid the noise and not get in the workers way. Trying to make the best of the situation, Strawberry gets an idea for the girls to have fun by holding their own berry bitty relay race—passing the baton from a sailboat race on the lake, to a steeple chase on frogs, to a sky race on birds.
Harry decides to imitate his Mum by becoming a newspaper reporter for the day.
When Harry is disappointed that he can't have what he wants for breakfast he goes to Dino-world.
Chuck and friends open their own business but cannot decide what to make.
On her way to see a lamb at the farm, Zephie gets lost! She shouts for help and rings her little bell, but no one hears her. Morgan fits her with a siren so that she can call for help if it ever happens again. Zephie falls in love with her new accessory and cant resist playing with it and setting the siren off - much to the annoyance of the other chuggers. She is reminded that the siren is for emergencies only - so there is only one thing for it, she must find some emergencies. In her mind, a snoring Irving is an escaped lion, and a squirrel keeping still in a tree must be stuck.
Twiga the giraffe is going to have a baby! An excited Koko has been given the job of keeping watch overnight, and fetching Dr. Gosling, the vet, if Twiga goes into labour. That night Mtambo (the safari tour guide train) tells Koko all about nocturnal animals. Koko learns how they use their senses to get round in the dark. When Twiga goes into labour, Koko goes to fetch the vet - but her headlight suddenly burns out on the way.
After learning all about jAJz dance, improvisation and poetry, Angelina and her friends get an opportunity to show everyone what they've learned.
Gracie comically goofs up her magic tricks.
Its a fine Autumn day and it seems that all of the meadow creatures are out enjoying the sun. Little Nutbrown Hare is surprised that Big Nutbrown Hare knows every single creature in the meadow. He sets out to trick him into believing there is a brand new animal… called a Grrr-umph, which he cleverly creates out of shadows! Will Big Nutbrown Hare be tricked?
Little Nutbrown Hare discovers that everyone else can whistle but him… the birds, Little Grey Squirrel, Otter and even the wind in the river reeds. Inspired by the wind, he practices really hard and eventually learns to blow through a reed himself to make it whistle. He and his friends make a beautiful and eerie whistling symphony amongst the reeds.
Over by the river, Berry finds a magnificent, shiny stone. This fascinates Scoutbadger who is determined to get his hands on it. He tricks his sister into exchanging, in secret, the stone for a 'magic chestnut' that grants wishes. But the wishes Berry makes do not seem to be coming true….
Bob must finish a Dinosaur Park attraction for the Mayor to visit that evening. This involves creating a trail around which life-sized models of dinosaurs will be positioned, climaxing with a roaring animatronic model of a triceratops. Muck starts to clear the main path. Hes fascinated, but also a little bit scared of dinosaurs. Leo reassures Muck by revealing he too was a bit wary of dinosaurs when he was small, and gets Muck to 'roar' like a dinosaur. The model dinosaurs arrive and are very impressive. Scoop decides to surprise Leo and pushes the triceratops into the middle of the path. Instead of surprising Leo, they spook Muck who panics and knocks the model over a cliff.
Bob, Wendy, Leo, Scoop and Lofty are completing the second stage of a bridge over the River Coil in Spring City. This involves building a spar and building out a bridge deck, which is held up by cables attached to the spar. The bridge is due to be complete by Monday morning, in time for the city-folk to get to work. Scoop is sceptical about Leos claims to have caught a fish in the river; Scoop doesnt like fish. The team learn from Mr Bentley that Mayor Madison has re-routed the next days Spring City Quarter Marathon to finish on the bridge, which means they need to finish the bridge by the end of the day. The bridge will be officially opened by the winner crossing the bridge finishing line. When Scoop dips his digger into the river he accidentally catches a fish in his bucket.
Huckle, Lowly and Sally set out to prove to Pig Will and Pig Wont that the figure they saw wearing a strange yellow suit and helmet is not a spaceman from another planet. The clues finally lead them to the realization that it was really Granny Goodpig wearing her yellow suit to protect her while she collected honey from her beehives./ Someone took all the red roses from Granny Goat's garden leaving Huckle and gang puzzled.
Kyle finds some mysterious tracks and cube-shaped poop outside a burrow. Curious, he approaches the burrow... but he falls in by accident and the entrance collapses behind him. He's trapped! And he's not alone...there's a baby wombat trapped with him!
Kyle is kept awake all night by a mysterious screech that seems to echo throughout the Tasmanian forest. The rangers are on it! After Katie deciphers an audio recording that Kyle sent, they're able to identify the owner of the screech - a Tasmanian Devil.
Fireman Sam
String Beans? Yuck! The Triplets refuse to eat them, but when Mrs Bun asks them to take care of Nini and make sure she eats her greens, they go along with it! They even tell her how good for you and full of vitamins vegetables are and pretend to be in a fancy restaurant. But it seems that the only true way to convince her would be to taste them in front of her! Well thats another story!
When Grandpa stumbles upon the Triplets half-broken robot-dog, he decides to fix it! The kids are thrilled to play with the toy again but the toy quickly starts to behave in a very odd way. Slowly but surely it goes completely crazy and brakes down! The Triplets plan its funerals and seem to be inconsolable. Maybe a new robot would cheer them up!
When the Triplets are going to the beach, Turbulent offers to carry the umbrella but it seems too heavy for him and Mommy asks him if he wants help. But no ! I am strong answers Turbulent. Then comes the lifeguard to help them, he is super strong with giant muscles and Turbulent is very impressed. Plus, the lifeguard has won the Mister Beach competition. Its decided, Turbulent will do exactly the same. He decides to start exercising, doing a lot of push ups and weightlifting. But sport is really hard. And Turbulent would rather play with his brother and sister.
Bing and Sula have a lovely time in the park clambering around on the trees. At first its Sula who needs Bings help to climb up but when Bing climbs a bit too high he gets stuck and then he needs some help himself.
Bings friends are coming to his house for a cake party. Sula arrives first and Bing cant wait to show her the cake hes made, but he accidentally tips the cake off its stand and breaks it into pieces. Bing is upset that the cake is ruined but Amma helps him see it somewhat differently.
Bing helps Flop do the shopping at Padgets shop but whilst Flop is paying he finds a strawberry lolly that he cant resist putting in his pocket. When Flop sees Bing licking the lolly on the way home they have to decide what to do now.
Bing and Pando are both tired but insist on one last game of Hide and Seek before bed. Pando finds a great hiding place under the covers of Bings bed but by the time Bing finds him hes fast asleep. Bing is tired too and gets upset when he thinks theres nowhere left for him to sleep, but Flop and Padget find a way.
Natureza is going to to the polar cap to conduct some studies. She needs someone to build an igloo for her while she sets up scientific instruments. Impervious to cold, Grisu accepts to come along and build the igloo. He quickly runs into comic difficulties: the snow he is to dig out to make bricks gets too hard, he's distracted by a playful sea lion, then he's trapped by falling icicles (and fortunately gets rescued by Natureza)… To top it off, as Grisu is almost done, a snowball thrown by the sea lion smashes on his head. Surprised, the little dragon lets out a flame that melts down the igloo's top. But a firefighter never gives up!
Chicken Fia is desperately unhappy: her feathers are falling out. With a magnifying glass, Pettson and Findus discover that she has a flea that irritates her skin. So Fia has to be quarantined. Pettson and Findus now think about how to get rid of the annoying and persistent guest. Even after an apple cider vinegar shower, the annoying chicken flea won't go away. So Doctor Findus flea frightener, has to catch it with a flea trap made by Pettson.
Charlotte is downcast when her kite zooms off and a trip to the woods for a camp out doesnt lift her spirits. Who can solve the puzzle of the ghost and the dragon in the trees and cheer Charlotte up in the process?
Little Field Mouse and Little Nutbrown Hares favourite tree falls over in a summer storm. They're sad until they discover the fallen tree provides an exciting new place to explore.
On Reggie Squirrels seventh birthday, he couldn't find his friends at home. He runs into Harry Hedgehog, who offers to take him for a ride in a carriage. When they return, the forest inhabitants celebrate Reggie Squirrel together, giving him seven candles as a gift. They then fly in a hot air balloon, marveling at the night sky. Finally, Reggie Squirrel happily returns home and wishes his friends a good night.
Bubble and Stanley gather chestnuts, and then they create marvelous figures out of them at the house of the stag beetle. Bubble takes the figures home, but upon seeing the mess, Stanley offers his help. In the process, they get caught up in a series of accidents, resulting in the gingerbread house breaking. Bubble receives a new gingerbread house from Rosita the rose beetle and happily tidies up his room.
Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave help Hatty find his matching green ice skate. Understanding that a pair is two things that look the same and go together, they have fun matching pairs by shape, size and colour. They eventually find Hattys missing skate at the ice rink next to two a pair of identical snowmen. And theres still time to look for two pairs of hockey sticks and team up in pairs to enjoy a game of ice hockey!
Grandma is sleeping and mum has gone shopping. Hey – we will surprise them both with some homemade cakes because we are the bakers! Is this really a good idea of Conni or will it cause pandemonium?
Sleeping a night in the school means: having a barbecue, listening to stories and taking a night walk to look for hedgehogs and …little funny vampires? Or are these perhaps bats? Conni will sort it out!
Sketcky wonders about the island in the distance. He would like to see it more closely, but how? Fortunately, Doodleboo has the solution.
Doodleboo is invited to the inauguration of a new play park, but Sketcky cannot accompany him. Fortunately, Doodleboo found him the best babysitter!
It's a deal-Doodleboo, Sketcky and Bubble go on vacation. But seeing Sketcky rack up the baggage, Doodleboo digs his head to find a way to transport everything without getting tired. What will his good idea be this time?
Sketcky is surprised: there are plenty of insects in Doodleboo's garden, but almost no flies! Doodleboo knows what flies dislike and makes them fly away, and he will make Sketcky guess!
Messy is dancing to the music from the radio in his kitchen when he hears some noise outside, and wonders what the difference is and how you make music. So he goes to Okido to find out with his friends. In Okido, Zoe is playing a ukulele and Felix is playing a recorder and they are trying to make music, but theyre not very good yet, and neither is Messy when he tries! They see the Cloudship arrive and go in to see Zim, Zam and Zoom. “The Musicbots have a bad case of rhythm-rust!” declares Zam.
In the real world, Messy discovers his socks are in the washing machine! This makes him wonder how a washing machine knows what to do so he goes to Okido to find out… Messy is just about to land in Okido as usual when he is caught mid-air by Zams new camping invention: Camperbot! “Are we going camping?” asks Messy, still held upside down. Zoe and Felix excitedly tell Messy that they are going to test out Camperbot up on Giant Mountain. Felix and Zoe show Messy what Camperbot can do, but when Messy asks it for a sock sandwich it replies that it is “not programmed” to do that… “Not programmed?!” mimics Messy, questioningly.
Huckle and his pals all receive party invitations, but the party's location is a mystery. Small circular marks left behind by whoever delivered the invitations are an important clue. It leads Huckle and pals to Miss Honey who's been walking with a crutch. Grateful for the help she got raking up all her leaves, Miss Honey decided to throw a party for all the volunteers./Huckle and his pals discover a mysterious gigantic spoon.
Daddy has surprised Daisy and Ollie with a trip to the cinema. Neither of them has ever been to the movies before and theyre excited to find out what happens inside. Daisy and Ollie choose a comedy film. They buy their tickets and Daddy reminds them of the importance of not losing them. They choose some yummy snacks and head for the screen to enjoy the movie, although it isnt long before Daddy wishes hed taken better care of his ticket!
The Junior Rangers bring a young Rothschilds giraffe to the savannah to find it a good home. However, the expedition comes to a standstill when the Junior Rangers jeep gets bogged in mud.
The Junior Rangers travel to the rainforest to reunite a Malayan tiger cub with its mother. But when the cub goes missing in some tall grass, the Junior Rangers have to put their heads together to find it.
Jess is searching for Horace by the pond but he's nowhere to be found. When he calls into a hollow log and his voice echo's back, Jess thinks it's the voice of a new friend and sets about trying to work out where the friend is. By using comparisons and clever thinking, Jess works out that it's not someone else - it's his voice bouncing off the log. It's an echo,.
Jess is off to play painting and gluing with his pink rabbit friend Mimi. He's very excited. But when he arrives Mimi's hutch is overflowing with rubbish and there's no space for their art project. Jess works out how to get the rubbish out of the hutch using recyclling re-using and re-pairing.
A preschool boy named Harry receives a bucket full of toy dinosaurs. This bucket holds a secret --- by using its power, Harry can travel with his dinosaurs to an amazing land of imagination called Dino World.
Pat has a special delivery for Amy a brand new very special breed of sheep. But on the way to Amy's the new sheep escapes and gets mixed up with all the other Greendale sheep. Not just that, the new sheep leads all the others on a romp through Pencaster, eating all the cheese and smashing all the flowers. What a cheeky sheep! Pat realises that Bonnie the dog isn't just a very cute ball of fur she's also a rather good SHEEP dog!..
Diesel always likes to appear rough and tough in front of Arry and Bert. But when Thomas, unexpectedly, finds him lovingly fussing over some baby ducklings he threatens to tell everyone that Diesel is just a big softie. Diesel is horrified and promises to be nice to everyone in exchange for Thomas not telling anyone about the ducklings. All the engines are pleasantly surprised when Diesel starts being polite and friendly, but just how long can he keep it up?
The Troublesome Trucks are being particularly cheeky and disobedient. When a new brake van called Bradford arrives from The Mainland Thomas is delighted to work with him as Bradford is excellent at keeping The Troublesome Trucks under control. But Bradford is a real stickler for the rules, and Thomas soon tires of his petty regulations, which are always making him late.. Eventually Thomas is so fed up with Bradford that he decides to go off without a brake van, a reckless and dangerous move, which ends up with Thomas hurtling out of control down Gordons Hill with no brake van to stop him.
Maria ordered way too much stock and if she doesn't sell hundreds of pizzas today, everything will be ruined! Grisu offers to do some advertising to bring people in. After a shooting session, Grisu Stella and Fumé distribute and stick flyers and posters around the city. But Fumé overzealous sticks his posters anywhere. Grisu has to catch up with his father's mistakes and ends up burning the cart full of flyers. After his despair moment, Grisu has the idea to do an air show. With his father, they draw a giant pizza in the sky, made with colored smoke...and it works.
Stella is taking part in a dance video contest and she asks Grisu to dance along with her. The young dragon accepts immediately. But as soon as they start filming, Fumé comes in and asks his son to do dragon training with him. He then unwittingly makes Grisu fall and botches the shot. From then on, Stella and Grisu keep changing location so that they can shoot in a quiet place, meaning without Fumé. But the older dragon shows up anyway and ruins the shot, albeit unvoluntarily.
Bob and the gang are building an Automatic Car Wash for Curtiss Garage, but Roley is being as obsessive as ever, checking and re-checking that the newly laid tarmac is absolutely, completely flat. Just as Roley gives Bob the all clear to start building, Mayor Madison and Mr. Bentley arrive in Phillip expecting to use the car wash! Wendy explains theyve been held up – but to come back later. Once the car wash is ready, Wendy explains how the control console works and does a test run. It works perfectly and at last Curtis can re-open his garage. Roley, however, is still not convinced the tarmac is flat. To re-assure him Bob tells Leo to do one more test run. As the run starts, Roley thinks he sees some un-flattened tarmac and rushes into the car wash to flatten it!
While working at Fixham Campsite, Dizzy wants to camp out with Leo and the Spring City Rockets till shes put off by the creepy crawlies. She later regrets her decision and returns with Scoop and Muck but they are frightened by the spooky story Leo is telling and the Rockets think they are the creatures from his story. Everyone panics and the build is damaged as they flee. Dizzy gets her wheel stuck in a ditch and is left behind.
Little Nutbrown Hare is impressed by Blue Birds description of a flowery field that looks just like a sea of colour from her birds eye view. He visits the field with Big Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse, and they discover that everyone has their own unique view of the field, and each one is special in its own way.
One gorgeous Summer morning Big Nutbrown Hare wakes to find Little Nutbrown Hare enthralled by a story of Little White Owls. Encouraged, Little Nutbrown Hare sets off to make up a story of his own, but finds it harder than he thought to come up with one. With the help of his father, he finally uses some fruit hes collected on the way to help him tell a very colourful tale.
Bing drives his toy car around the breakfast things on the table and accidentally spills krispos all over the kitchen floor. He helps Flop to clear them up with the aid of the voo-voo cleaner but neither of them notice when Bings car gets sucked up along with the krispos.
Bing and Pando discover a new climbing frame at the playground. Its got climbing bits, tippy bits and even a wobbly bridge. But when Bing gets to the top of the slide its too scary for him to go down. Bing watches Pando to see how he does it, then he helps Hoppity Voosh to go down. When Hoppity likes it Bing has a go too.
Coco and Charlie are playing at Bings house when Coco spots the measuring lines on the wall that show how Bing has grown. Flop measures Bing and hes bigger than the last time. When Bing cant reach his paper aeroplane Coco offers to measure him again to check if hes really grown.
When Grandpa stumbles upon the Triplets half-broken robot-dog, he decides to fix it! The kids are thrilled to play with the toy again but the toy quickly starts to behave in a very odd way. Slowly but surely it goes completely crazy and brakes down! The Triplets plan its funerals and seem to be inconsolable. Maybe a new robot would cheer them up!
When the Triplets are going to the beach, Turbulent offers to carry the umbrella but it seems too heavy for him and Mommy asks him if he wants help. But no ! I am strong answers Turbulent. Then comes the lifeguard to help them, he is super strong with giant muscles and Turbulent is very impressed. Plus, the lifeguard has won the Mister Beach competition. Its decided, Turbulent will do exactly the same. He decides to start exercising, doing a lot of push ups and weightlifting. But sport is really hard. And Turbulent would rather play with his brother and sister.
Strawberry struggles with how to be the berry best hostess when she has the very worst house guests.
The Junior Rangers head to the ocean to find a home for a young scalloped hammerhead shark. Unfortunately, the adventure takes a wet turn when the hammerhead shark gets caught in a shrimp net.
Leo comes across an eastern spotted skunk while playing a game of mini-golf in the garden. The Junior Rangers pop by the prairie to find a suitable home for the skunk, but an unfriendly coyote could put a dent in their plans.
Baa's feeling lonely as his buddy Billie the mouse has gone off for the day. Jess goes hunting for someone to come to the meadow to live with Baa. He find a fish to live in the trough, but there's no pond weed for him to live, he tries Sammy snail but he carries his own home on his back so he doesn't need a new home, finally they realise that there are ants already living with Baa in the meadow.
Mimi's painting a lovely picture at her hutch, with Jess along for a visit. Suddenly she's collapses in fits of tickly giggles, there are ants everywhere.. Mimi can't paint, tho, whilst she's being tickled and Jess works out they are here for her honey sandwiches!
When Harry discovers that he is too small to pick apples he goes to the Dino-World Mooseum to find some growth enhancing milk from a mechanical cow.
In this charming collection of tales, the curious Kipper explores the attic, goes fishing with Tiger, finds a magical umbrella, takes a trip to the seaside, receives a visitor in the night and more.
In this charming collection of tales, the curious Kipper explores the attic, goes fishing with Tiger, finds a magical umbrella, takes a trip to the seaside, receives a visitor in the night and more.
Timmy wants to paint a picture of Mittens but he doesnt have any orange paint. Help Timmy learn how to mix colours.
Charlotte is downcast when her kite zooms off and a trip to the woods for a camp out doesnt lift her spirits. Who can solve the puzzle of the ghost and the dragon in the trees and cheer Charlotte up in the process?
For the Grand Animal Parade, at school, Daddy has made Simon a super-duper crocodile costume. Wow is it awesome, thanks dad! At school, Lou, who is disguised as a parrot, and Ferdinand as an elephant, also think that Simons costume is amazing. In the school yard before class, Simon wearing his crocodile outfit, chases after the parrot and the elephant in order to eat them! Unfortunately, Lou almost goes running into another kid and her parrot costume gets torn on a tree branch. Argh, the costume is ruined!
Tainá is in a bad mood because her baby tooth is bothering her. She is being rude even to her friends: Suri, Pepe, and Catu. The “cru-cru” call sounds and she barely manages to gather her gang, who is avoiding her. “Nobody can stand Tainá in a bad mood,” says a wise Pepe, ever patient. The monkeys were the ones calling Tainá; they want to drink from the river and Olivia, a jaguar, is not letting anyone come close to the water. Tainá, having a bad day herself, ends up provoking the jaguar and sets in motion a crazy chase through the forest. In the middle of this mess, Tainá even loses the baby tooth that was bothering her. Feeling better and able to think straight, she figures out that Olivia is out of control because she has a thorn in her bottom. Tainá manages to remove the thorn from the jaguar, who calms down, and both of them apologize: Tainá to her friends, and the jaguar to the monkeys. After all, no one has to put up with our bad mood.
Tainá wants to do everything on her own, and ends up hurting her foot, which is now all bandaged. But theres no broken foot that can prevent our heroine from helping the forest, so Tainá and her friends respond to a call from Gustavo, the skunk. Gustavo wants Tainá to look after his nephew for him. Gustavo wont do anything by himself! Hes always asking for everybodys help for anything he must do. The baby skunk causes a lot of trouble until his mom arrives. In the end, the adventure makes Tainá learn that she must trust people more often, and Gustavo, that its nice to get by on his own, for a change.
Leos paper plane crashes into a young Malayan colugo. The Junior Rangers search the rainforest for the colugos mother, but the mission comes to a halt when they chance upon a forest fire. Will the Junior Rangers eventually succeed in their mission? Or will their plans go up in smoke?
Leo meets an oriental pied hornbill while picking apples in his garden. To find the hornbills nest, the Junior Rangers set out for the rainforest once again.
From rainy home to sunny Spain – Conni is going on holiday and she will fly for the first time. Its a big adventure – passport control, check-in, bag drop-off … and then in the airplane, where there are so many other exciting things that the long journey to Spain seems to pass in the blink of an eye.
Conni visits her friend Annika who is living on a farm. There are pigs, cows, chickens and a lot of other animals to discover. These are thrilling days, with a lot of fun but also a lot to learn about animals and a farmers life.
Swimming in a bathtub is great but how to swim in a big swimming pool? No problem for Conni. Together with her friend Simon she learns how to swim; it takes time but in the end they both receive a seahorse swimming award.
What doesn't have feathers and can fly silently like a bird? Doodleboo explains how to draw a ladybug.
Who loves to learn new tricks? Doodleboo explains how to draw a Dolphin.
How to travel all around the world ? Doodleboo explains how to draw a flying saucer.
In the real world, a hungry Messy is searching for a sock to eat. He finds a delicious green sock under his bed but its covered in dust, he nibbles it anyway… “Aaa-chooo” sneezes Messy and his eyes begin to tear. “Thats weird,” says Messy, “Im not sad and I havent hurt myself, so why is this wet stuff coming out of my eyes”. He vortexes himself to Okido to find out. Messy lands with a thud into Zoe and Felixs sail boat which is bobbing along on the river. Zoe explains that the river has become so full of water that its flooded the streets of Okido.
In the real world, Messy is fascinated by a goldfish swimming around in its bowl. “How do you stay under water for so long” he asks but theres no response from the fish apart from a line of bubbles, which Messy watches rise to the surface. “When you need to know go to Okido” he cries. In Okido, Messy joins Zoe and Felix in the garden where theyre looking at all their favourite finds gathered in a treasure chest. Messys attention immediately turns to a golden-shiny-round-thing that glistens golden in the sunlight.
Its the day of Pontypandys new Ocean Rescue Centre launch and Station Officer Steele is taking the firefighters on a tour of the centre. As they arrive on the quay, so does the new coastguard, Ben Hooper. The Grand Opening is scheduled for the evening; James and Sarah are hanging bunting and Mike will be letting off fireworks on a floating platform by means of a detonator he will activate from the safety of the quayside. Charlie takes Mike out to the floating platform but before he goes, Ben gives Mike one of his all new lifejackets with a whistle… just in case!
As twins Sarah and James can never agree on what kind of birthday party to have, Bronwyn has decided that this year they will have two parties – both going on at the same time. James will be a science party and Sarahs will be a football party. Meanwhile at the fire station the volunteer firefighters led by Trevor, are trying to learn about different types of fire extinguisher, but not getting very far. Back at the birthday parties - Sarahs party is proving way more popular than James as Mrs Chens science experiments are turning out to be a little boring… not quite the explosions, fireworks and robots that James was expecting. But when she produces a small piece of sodium - hes sure that a chemical that bursts into flames when it comes into contact with water will get everyone interested in his party! Back at the fire station, Elvis has taught the volunteer firefighters a rhyme to help them remember the extinguisher colour codes, but they still cant quite remember the lyrics!
On a sunny autumn day, Berry and Dolly went into to forest to pick blueberries. Flutter, the butterfly girl, and Eddy, the potato beetle joined them as well. When Eddy saw the fruitful bushes cant help but pick all the best fruits before the others. Whats left to do?
Its December, and its gingerbread time! Berry and Dolly love making them. Berrys house filled with the wonderful smell of the biscuits what the magpie immediately noticed from above. Grabbed the bowl and flew away with it. Oh my!
On a summer afternoon after a heavy storm Leapy, the grasshopper found an injured stranger, He immediately called for help. Berry and Dolly arrived in no time as always.
Its a hot day and Bing and Flop buy an ice lolly from Gilly the ice cream lady. Before they can eat them a frog hops into Bings paddling pool and they go to the rescue. By the time they return to the ice lollies all thats left are the sticks and a plate of lolly goo.
Bing and Sula enjoy painting a giant mural at Ammas nursery until Bings enthusiastic rainbow painting makes paint run all over Sulas beautiful tree. Sula is upset, until Flop and Amma help them see that the painting isnt spoiled, its just different. In fact, the harder they look the more they can see that they have painted a beautiful rainbow tree.
Bing and Flop play hide and seek on the way to Padgets shop. Bing doesnt want the game to end when they get there so he hides behind the door to the stock room, where Flop really cant see him. When the door slams shut, Bing is stuck inside.
On the day of the performance more disaster strikes – Charlotte has lost her voice. Oh no, who knows all her parts and can step in to save the day? Paddles discovers his inner strength just in the nick of time!
Pat has a special delivery for Amy a brand new very special breed of sheep. But on the way to Amy's the new sheep escapes and gets mixed up with all the other Greendale sheep. Not just that, the new sheep leads all the others on a romp through Pencaster, eating all the cheese and smashing all the flowers. What a cheeky sheep! Pat realises that Bonnie the dog isn't just a very cute ball of fur she's also a rather good SHEEP dog!..
When Stella and David find a seagull that cant fly, Grisu becomes the birds flight instructor. The little dragon tries all kinds of ways to coax the bird to fly, but nothing works. Grisu decides the bird needs to understand the feeling of flight, so he builds a large hang glider and takes the bird for a ride in the sky. Fumé is so delighted to see his son in the air that he flies up to him, scaring Grisu and the bird…which causes Grisu to burn the hang glider. Thanks to all Grisu has show the seagull, the bird spreads its wings and flies. But will Grisu…?
Stranavoce is to do a recital in the main square, accompanied on the piano by Stella. David, her daughter and Grisu drive to Stranavoce's to get his piano and move it to the venue. But David suddenly has to go on an emergency and takes the singer – who wants to rehearse at the main square – with him. So Stella and Grisu decide to move the piano (it's on wheels) all by themselves. They soon hit a slope and can't push the piano up it. Fumé comes in and without being asked, pushes the piano up the hill with the kids on it. But then Fumé trips and the piano rolls down the other side, ending up in a haystack by the farm.
Simon trades his favorite cars with Ferdinand for the latters robot. But when he realizes the robot is broken, Simon wants his cars back. Ferdinand knew the robot was broken and he didnt tell him! But Ferdinand refuses to give Simon back his cars “A gift is a gift!” Simon is crafty though and he gets his cars back by making Ferdinand believe there is something super cool hidden inside the robot!
Simon is playing soccer with his little brother Gaspard. Simon is having a gas but Gaspard is sick and tired of playing goalie. Simon isnt listening to him though. So Gaspard walks off sulking. His smile quickly returns when he starts to play with Ferdinand, their neighbor but also Simons best friend. At least Ferdinand lets him kick the ball. For Gaspard things are pretty clear: Ferdinand is like a super big brother! Simon is bummed and wants his little brother back! But hes not easy to seduce. Until Gaspard falls and gets hurt a bit. Ah, only his real big brother Simon knows how to look after his little “booboos”!
Trying to keep cool on a sticky Summers day by the stream, Little Nutbrown Hare and Big Nutbrown Hare have lots of fun skipping stones and throwing sticks. When Little Nutbrown Hare discovers that sticks float, the two follow the sticks down the river to see where they go. Its not an easy chase, and there is a surprise around every corner. Where will the sticks end up?
Grandpa Fox invents a scary story for the children. But the children become scared for real and decide to lay a trap for the nasty monster who is supposed to appear and drag them away by the feet… When it comes to the shivers, Grandpa will not be the only one to be scared….
Scoutbadger is angry with Martis who prefers to play a game with Loudo. Scoutbadger hates this game and wants his friend, his very best friend, not to play it and spend more time with him.
The Troublesome Trucks are being particularly cheeky and disobedient. When a new brake van called Bradford arrives from The Mainland Thomas is delighted to work with him as Bradford is excellent at keeping The Troublesome Trucks under control. But Bradford is a real stickler for the rules, and Thomas soon tires of his petty regulations, which are always making him late.. Eventually Thomas is so fed up with Bradford that he decides to go off without a brake van, a reckless and dangerous move, which ends up with Thomas hurtling out of control down Gordons Hill with no brake van to stop him.
A serious wind storm has hit The City. Leaves and rubbish is flying around in the air, trees have snapped off and apples are rolling around in the road. When the Mayor loses an important document in the wind the Heroes of the City have to take part in a whirling hunt to find the vanished paper. A paper that turns out to be a big surprise.
In this charming collection of tales, the curious Kipper explores the attic, goes fishing with Tiger, finds a magical umbrella, takes a trip to the seaside, receives a visitor in the night and more.
In this charming collection of tales, the curious Kipper explores the attic, goes fishing with Tiger, finds a magical umbrella, takes a trip to the seaside, receives a visitor in the night and more.
Poli teaches little Kevin: be smart whenever you cross the street, use a crosswalk, an overpass, or an underpass and always obey the lights! “Super Ranger Toy” is on sale and many people are coming to the store including Kevin and his mom. Kevin wants to reach the store fast, so nobody takes the last Super Ranger toy and starts running across the street without using the crosswalk – in fact some other people are not crossing at the crosswalks so Kevin thinks he does not have to bother either.
Wilson is trying for his Fire Warden badge and is thrilled to be given his own siren. When the fire alarm goes off, he must sound his siren and make sure everybody leaves the area safely. Wilson gets a little carried away practising and doesnt hear when the real alarm goes off. He is given another chance and this time concentrates and takes his responsibilities very seriously. When the alarm goes off during the night, he is able to evacuate the chuggers from the roundhouses quickly and calmly.
Dr. Ling is giving a talk about meteors and how, many years ago, one crashed right near this area. Brewster pulls in a real meteorite, borrowed from the museum. Dr. Ling demonstrates that you can move the meteorite with a magnet, as meteorites contain metal. Hoot and Toot are afraid the meteorite might escape and destroy Chuggington, so they decide to return it to space. They take it up the mountains and try to catapult it into the sky, but it falls to earth and races toward the city! Hoot and Toot chase it as it rolls around Chuggington. With the trainees help, they capture it, using the magnetic crane.
An ice storm hits Chuggington and Koko really wants to help. She sees her chance when she comes across one of the anti-freeze cars. She thinks shes de-icing the tracks, but shes actually making them even icier - she doesnt realise that the car contains water. Because of her actions, Eddie and Emery get stranded out in the cold. Koko admits her mistake and does what she can to help Calley rescue them. When Eddie and Emery are back, safe and warm, Koko promises shell never do anything like that again without checking with someone first!
A Siberian Chipmunk has stolen Kai's smell capsule which holds the smell of a very, very rare animal. What could it be?
The Junior Rangers find a lost baby vampire bat. Will they be able to find its home and return the baby bat to its family safely?
Meera decides to order an extra-special teddy for her baby brother Nik, and it is Pat's job to deliver it in time for the Teddy Bears' Picnic that Nisha has organised. When the package gets mixed up with one containing a bell for Rosie the goat, the teddy gets lost and Alf thinks Rosie has eaten the bell. While Alf rushes Rosie to see Amy, Pat needs to save the day and retrieve the teddy in time for the picnic.
When the water tower falls across the train tracks at the station halt, its Pats job to pick it up using his helicopter and a giant super 3 magnet. The Magnet soon starts attracting objects - Alfs spade, PC Selbys hat, Pumpkins bridle, from all over Pencaster and Greendale. A chase ensues as Amy, Alf and PC Selby race to get their metal objects back from Pat. Pat needs to save the day and lift the water tower off the tracks before the Pencaster Flyer comes into the station….
Bing and Pando are in the sandpit pretending to be diggers. Bing wants to dig the biggest hole and gets upset when Pando accidentally fills it in. It takes Flop to show them how they can work together to be just like the digger men they saw planting a tree in the park earlier.
Sula and Amma have come to Bings house for lunch but there are no carrots so Flop pops to the shop to get some. Bing stays behind but its not long before he starts to miss Flop. Missing Flop…its a Bing thing.
Bing has a brand new Hoppity Voosh lunch box, and Pando has the exact same one – match! At first its fun to match, but that changes when Bing and Pando mix their lunchboxes up and end up with the wrong lunch.
Coco is staying at Bings house for her very first sleepover and as she produces her collection of Rainbow Fairy Mice and insists on playing the Goodnight Game its not long before the differences in their bedtime routines emerge.
Bing and Sula have a penny each for the Surprise Machine in Padgets shop. Sula gets the silver rhino she wanted so Bing is convinced he will get the toy he wants too. When the Surprise Machine delivers his capsule Bing is upset to discover the alien he has set his heart on is not inside.
Wilson has one hour to use the camera car to take pictures of three faults: one thats up high, one thats down low, and one thats on something moving. Wilson spots a fault on something moving - Kokos wagon - and wastes most of his time chasing her without ever getting a picture. Times up and Wilson thinks hes failed his badge, as hes only photographed two faults: a fallen signpost and faulty doors on a chute at the quarry. But Lori points out that not only is the chute is high up, but also its doors move – so that counts as two things and Wilson wins his badge!
Oswald and Weenie go to the pet shop and buy a tiny fish named Flippy. But when they bring her home, Flippy starts eating and grows so big they cant accommodate her. Reluctantly, Oswald and Weenie decide to find her a more suitable home - the Big City Aquarium, where Flippy and her famous flip become the star attraction.
While Oswald and Weenie enjoy playing in the leaves, Henry insists that they rake them into a neat pile. But all their attempts to do so are frustrated and Henry realises some things just cant be tidied up. Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em: Henry jumps into the leaves with Oswald and Weenie, and, much to his surprise, has a great time.
Bob and his crew are finishing off the new penguin pool at Spring City Zoo. Its almost complete when Lofty accidentally drops a large rock, which smashes the observation window. Its urgent that they fix it quickly because the penguins will be arriving any moment. Meanwhile Mayor Madison and Mr. Bentley are entertaining a special visitor, the grouchy Mayor Snipe from Riverdale. They take him on a tour of the city, but he isnt impressed with the castle, the sports stadium or the revolving restaurant.Back at the zoo the penguins have arrived, but the pool isnt ready for them yet. Leo has been busy working on a new pond and water feature at The Town Hall, and Lofty suggests the penguins can stay there until their new home is ready.
Bob and the team arrive at the Racetrack to build three horse stables the day before a big race. At the sight of the horses, Leo goes into cowboy mode for the duration of the build. Henry Corner, the anxious groom, wants the build to be as noise-free as possible for the sake of his nervy horses, which is exactly when the noisy Two-Tonne arrives in reverse. The build progresses well, until, getting carried away lassoing with some spare ropes, Leo scares the horses, who escape from their paddock and kick out at the nearly-built stables in their excitement. The stables collapse like dominos! Bob and Scoop have to round up the horses now galloping around the racetrack while Wendys quick thinking and Loftys help steers them back safely into their paddock. But the stables still need to be built all over again and now its nearly dusk. A contrite Leo thinks he may have a solution, but what?
Little Field Mouse finds a sparkly rock and announces that its treasure. Little Nutbrown Hare wants a sparkly treasure too, so they set about finding him one that night, by the silvery light of the full moon. Together, they discover that treasure is found in the most unexpected places. When a very ordinary looking rock cracks open to reveal sparkly crystals inside, Little Nutbrown Hare realises that things are not always what they seem.
The Winter snow is softening in the meadow and Big Nutbrown Hare finds some beautiful flowers peeking through the snow, a sure sign that Spring is finally on its way. Little Nutbrown Hare decides he wants to show Big Nutbrown Hare something special too, something he has never seen before. With the help of his friends Little Nutbrown Hares comes up with a very special and unique treat!
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse befriend a little green caterpillar but aren't prepared for the changes it will undergo.
INUI and her friends go to a beach where they find a football. Goalie CRACKPOT catches all his friends' penalties. An unnerved GROUCHY kicks the ball harder before hitting a WALRUS. The disgruntled WALRUS confiscates the ball and tells them to clear off his beach. But he cannot finish his phrase as he moans. The territorial WALRUS is in dental distress. He reluctantly agrees to let our polar pals dislodge a piece of soft corral that was stuck between his teeth and was responsible for the WALRUSS bad mood.
When Hilda arrives at Sally's dance party, she's suddenly struck with a severe case of the sneezes. Thinking she's come down with a cold, her friends take her to Doctor Lion who informs her she has an allergy to something. It turns out she's allergic to her best friend Sally - or rather, the new rose-scented perfume Sally's wearing./Huckle, Lowly and Sally find they have their mystery-solving hands full when things start disappearing, in the blink of an eye!
In the real world, Messy is in the garden, jumping around excitedly. He bounds from left to right but accidentally catches his foot on a garden hose, which sends him flying. He lands with an awkward bump. Messy sits up and rubs his elbow that caught his fall. “Hmmm”, says Messy, “my elbow feels really hard but my tummy feels soft”. He wonders why some parts of his body feel harder than others. Its off to Okido to find out. He lands in Okido with a leap and jump. “Whos this?” asks Messy as hes greeted by a little dog. YAP YAP YAP barks the dog, just as Zoe and Felix arrive to join him.
Messy is in his garden looking at ants. He notices how they move in lines and come in and out of a hole in the ground! He wonders why – its off to Okido to find out! Messy crash lands in front of Zoe and Felix who are holding a cake. They tell him that its Mayor Okis birthday so theyre having a picnic so they zip off to the park to meet Zim, Zam and Zoom. Felix, Zoe and Messy are a little disappointed on arrival when see that the picnic food Zim, Zam and Zoom have brought is TINY….
The continuing problem with the towns power keeps the Berrykin crews digging and the girls from doing their work—especially frustrating Cherry, who is struggling to write a song. Strawberry rallies their spirits by suggesting a fun way for them to spend the day out of town: a treasure hunt! The girls divide into two teams, each leaving clues for the other that lead to funny objects. The team that collects all the objects first, wins the grand prize—a bag of banana chips from Strawberrys Café that look like gold coins. While the girls have fun, Berrykins Ed and Earl struggle to uncross the crossed juice cables under the café floor. The power problem has given the appliances a life of their own, resulting in Earl thinking the café is haunted!
Harry fails to see any benefit in rain when a visit to the beach is rained off.
Harry and Charlie have their football confiscated because they are unable to play football together without arguing.
When Rally helps Biggs work on his racing, Chuck becomes jealous when he cant gain his brothers attention.
Olwin takes every group of new trainees out on an outward bound training course. She teaches them navigating skills to be used in the event of bad weather or emergencies. Brewster, Wilson and Koko are really looking forward to it - until Zephie and Hodge tell them how Nanny Olwin will treat them like babies the whole time! And she does. Fed up, the trainees go off and hide from Olwin in the Old Town. Its all fun and games until a heavy fog rolls in, and the trainees are trapped. Olwin comes to the rescue and finds the chuggers.
A storm has left the Safari Park in a bit of chaos, and some animals have escaped! Emery teases Brewster, saying one of the escapees is a dragon. So when one of the fugitives - a golden bell frog - makes his home in a tunnel that amplifies his distinctive 3 - note croak into a mighty roar, the trainees are convinced that Emery is right! While they debate what to do, Zephie heads straight towards the other side of the tunnel. They have to stop her! When Zephie learns that there is a dragon in the tunnel, it is too much for her and she stalls and falls over.
When Marco is chosen to run in The Chipping Cheddar Mouse Marathon nobody is more delighted than Angelina.
Angelina opens her very own pretend ballet school in the attic and enlists Polly as her first (and only) pupil.
Little Nutbrown Hare tries to jump high enough to reach a last Autumn apple on a high branch. Unable to reach it, even with the help of Little Field Mouse, he gives up. But after watching some little salmon struggling to swim up a waterfall he decides to think like a fish and try, try, try again until he reaches the tasty prize.
Little Nutbrown Hare falls into a muddy Autumn puddle and is delighted when he startles Little Grey Squirrel, who doesnt recognize him at first. This starts a great new game of Surprise! as they dress up in disguises to surprise the others. But they werent ready for Little Field Mouse, who works out a clever way of surprising her friends even more.
When foxes lose a canine milk-tooth, there is a little initiation ritual - 'the hunt for the little slug'. Berry is delighted to show that 'she is big now' but her brothers are rather jealous that they were not initiated when they were little. Edmund is very worried and wonders if it is really necessary that his 'little sweetheart' takes some risks….
Bob and the team have been building a new monorail system that goes across Spring City. Now they only have the last station to complete before the train takes its first journey that evening. But when Bob leaves Leo to finish the last stations platform, Leo has trouble to concentrate on one job at a time. Leo tries to juggle three jobs at once with lots of different questions from Dizzy, Lofty and Tiny. Soon the cement is dripping onto the tracks, the platform tiles overload and break, and the roof crashes into the track and bends it out of shape. Leo thought things couldnt get any worse until he realises that Bob is testing the train... and its heading for the bend in the track! As the train gets closer and closer, Leo finds it harder to decide what to do. But soon he takes control of the situation and concentrates.
Film director, Carl Parker, has commissioned Bob and his team to build the set and rocket for a movie – Space Robots 3. The clock is ticking, as they need to release it before Christmas. Leo reveals to Scoop he has aspirations to act, whilst Carl seems to have little control over his remote controlled robot D11D that keeps spooking Muck and running over Wendys toe. Saffi, who is hanging around the studio gates, is a big fan of D11D which leads an eager-to-impress Leo to claim he will be acting in the film, not just building sets. Leo with Scoops help then tries to get the directors attention in various scenes whilst Bobs team and the director are trying to get the set and rocket ready for filming. Leo decides to give up but then has an idea. The next morning, the first days filming is due to start but Leo is nowhere to be seen. Carl calls action on the first scene (between D11D and a much larger robot.).
It's midday and Busytown citizens are dozing off all over town. Huckle, Sally and Lowly try to find out why. Noticing the number of sleeping people holding melted ice cream cones is an important clue. Ultimately, the kids discover that the ice cream truck isn't playing the usual perky tune to announce its arrival - it's playing a lullaby./Someone has taken Huckles car and left their car in its place!
Kyle invites Leo, Katie and Hero to scuba-dive at the beach. It's a beach party! The boys bust out their signature animal dance moves. Just as Kyle does 'the dolphin', he spots a big-belly seahorse bullying another big-belly seahorse. On closer inspection, the rangers realise that there's no bullying. On the contrary, the seahorses are in love. But it seems it's going to take a lot more work for the male seahorse before the female accepts him. The rangers are on it!
The Mountain Gorillas have elected a new leader... Ranger Rocky! But where's the original silverback leader?
Fireman Sam
The Triplets stumble upon an ice-cream vendor at the beach and ask their Mom for one, but the answer is no! The same thing happens in front of a toy store and a swimming pool store. Mom is starting to find her kids quite capricious, so she tells them the incredible story of a boy whose parents gave him every single thing he asked for.
The Triplets and Kiko decide to have a funny-face contest, but Grandpa warns them: if the wind blows in your direction your face might get stuck that way your whole life. The Kids are totally panicked and want to find out if it is true. Poet and Turbulent make Kiko believe that his face got stuck but then Grandpa plays the same trick on them. Poet and Turbulent sheepishly hide behind lampshades. Good thing it was only a joke!
Turbulent invited his friend Kiko to sleep over, but in the middle of the night, the Triplets find out that he is a sleepwalker! Kiko is heading towards Moms room and if the kids dont do anything he is going to wake her up and she wont let him sleep over again. However, they cannot wake up Kiko either, it is said to be dangerous. Luckily, the Triplets manage to bring their friend back in bed. But what if he starts again? It is going to be a long long night!
Bing and Sula help Amma to get lunch ready. Bing watches yummy peas and delicious carrots go into the pot, but when lunch is served theyre all mixed up together and Bing doesnt like it. Amma finds Bing an unmixing spoon so that Bing can enjoy his lunch just the way he likes it.
Bing falls in love with a lost dog he and Flop find in the park and decides he wants to keep her. When the owner turns up Bing is very upset when it comes to saying goodbye to his new friend.
At Ammas creche the children make eggy heads with egg shells and cress seeds. Bing knows his Eggy needs water, light and time before it can grow hair but waiting is hard so he tries to speed up the process by giving Eggy lots of water with the garden hose.
Bing gets jealous when Sula pays more attention to Pando on a playdate. As he feels more and more left out Bing tries to get Sulas attention and spoils Sulas tea party. Sula pushes Bing and they both end up angry. Amma shows them a way to get rid of all their anger so the toy party can continue.
Grisu and Stella are supposed to draw water from an old well but they soon face several problems: the bucket they use is holed and when they manage to get a bucket full of water, the thirsty sheeps drink all. Not mentioning Fumé who doesn't see the point of watering plants when you can do some dragon training. Grisu thinks he has found the perfect solution when he gets the idea of borrowing the firefighter's water pump… until Fumé (always the same old tune) burns it! But Grisu is never short of ideas. He manages to build a whole aqueduct and a funny pumping device to bring water from the river to the farm!
When Findus can't fall asleep one evening, Pettson plays him violin music on the gramophone. It works very well for him to fall asleep. So Findus wants to listen to this music again and again. Unfortunately, he unintentionally damages the player. Pettson then mentions that he once played the violin himself. When the old man now tries it out as a substitute, the whole farm suffers from his all too strange tones. How can Findus get a useful aid to fall asleep again?
Paddles, Bracken and Bridie are dismayed to find their fishing trip spoiled by litter in the river. Paddles organizes a litter pick, but what to do with the plastic bottles they collect?
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse are inspired to make a spiders web, but run into all sorts of comic trouble when they do.
The green Grub wants to stay with Dolly for the winter, but always finds her at the wrong time with the request. The Wind accidentally blows the The Green Grub to the seaside, then brings it back to Dolly. Finally, Dolly happily welcomes the Green Grub for the winter and prepares a comfortable bed for him.
Berry the snail and Dolly the ladybird are the best friends ever. They have many adventures, while they make new friends and get knowledge about the world around them.
Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave put on a show for Hilda the Cow, to thank her for all her hard work down on the farm. They make up a play about Hilda planning a dance party for all her friends and choose costumes, props and sound effects to help tell their story. Tweet directs the action, Ruff-Ruff plays Farmer Fred and Dave stars as Hilda the Cow. Despite some mishaps the show is a triumph and Hilda is inspired to throw a real party!
Swimming in a bathtub is great but how to swim in a big swimming pool? No problem for Conni. Together with her friend Simon she learns how to swim; it takes time but in the end they both receive a seahorse swimming award.
From rainy home to sunny Spain – Conni is going on holiday and she will fly for the first time. Its a big adventure – passport control, check-in, bag drop-off … and then in the airplane, where there are so many other exciting things that the long journey to Spain seems to pass in the blink of an eye.
Sketcky is looking for his little dinosaur everywhere and Doodleboo offers him to do an archaeological excavation in the toy box! Sketcky, having found it, learns that thanks to archeology, there are other extraordinary beings too. Moreover, Doodleboo knows something that is even better and more prehistoric than dinosaurs...
Sketcky's friends are coming soon and he still does not know what he's going to serve them. It should be something everyone loves but not too difficult to cook. Doodleboo will help him prepare a gourmet meal thanks to his Riddleboo!
For Sketcky, imitating a baby is easy! One just needs to cry. However, succeeding in comforting him is more complicated. Doodleboo surely has an idea of Riddleboo that can help them calm the crying baby.
Surely, we all want to become great! Bubble wants to, as well, to be great to be able to create the most beautiful choreographies of the world! Doodleboo knows something that proves that, with a little patience, things become even more majestic!
In the real world, Messy has just woken up and is looking for his sock breakfast, but it is under his toy box and he cant reach, or move it… He needs to know how to move heavy things, and the best place to find out the answer is Okido! When he arrives Zoe and Felix are also trying to move a heavy box! They need to go to the recycling centre today. So they all go to Zam and Zim to find out the best way to do it. Zim, Zam and Zoom are sunbathing and enjoying Zams latest invention when the three arrive.
In the real world, Messy has just woken up and is looking for his sock breakfast, but it is under his toy box and he cant reach, or move it… He needs to know how to move heavy things, and the best place to find out the answer is Okido! When he arrives Zoe and Felix are also trying to move a heavy box! They need to go to the recycling centre today. So they all go to Zam and Zim to find out the best way to do it. Zim, Zam and Zoom are sunbathing and enjoying Zams latest invention when the three arrive.
Something knocks Sgt. Murphys hat off his head, chops the tops of Baker Humperdinks baguettes, and sheers a path through a flower bed. Although no one saw anything, they all heard it make the same whoop whoop whoop sound. Putting the clues together, Huckle, Sally and Lowly figure out that it was Vanderbuilts new, out of control, boomerang./The mysterious disappearance of Mayor Fox leaves Huckle and the gang on an important search.
Ollie has brought his model sailing boat to the park. But how exactly does it move on water if it doesnt have an engine? Whizzy and Boo set sail on an adventure but when the winds stops blowing, they get stuck on the island. They make friends with the local ducks and settle into their new home…but will they ever be rescued? Daddy, Daisy and Ollie climb abroad a rowing boat and set on a rescue mission.
The Junior Rangers head to the ocean to find a home for a young scalloped hammerhead shark. Unfortunately, the adventure takes a wet turn when the hammerhead shark gets caught in a shrimp net.
Leo comes across an eastern spotted skunk while playing a game of mini-golf in the garden. The Junior Rangers pop by the prairie to find a suitable home for the skunk, but an unfriendly coyote could put a dent in their plans.
Baa's feeling lonely as his buddy Billie the mouse has gone off for the day. Jess goes hunting for someone to come to the meadow to live with Baa. He find a fish to live in the trough, but there's no pond weed for him to live, he tries Sammy snail but he carries his own home on his back so he doesn't need a new home, finally they realise that there are ants already living with Baa in the meadow.
Mimi's painting a lovely picture at her hutch, with Jess along for a visit. Suddenly she's collapses in fits of tickly giggles, there are ants everywhere.. Mimi can't paint, tho, whilst she's being tickled and Jess works out they are here for her honey sandwiches!
Harry is finding it difficult to learn to play the violin and is fearful about performing in his school concert so he goes to Dino-World to practice.
Beep Beep Beep! What an odd contraption! A metal detector has arrived for Ted and he'd like to use it to find his grandad's medal for Nisha's grand exhibition of local historical relics. But before Pat can get it to Ted he's caught up helping lots of local residents find things they've lost and happily most of them are metal so the detector comes in VERY handy!
Samson boasts proudly that he has been given a very special job taking stone from the quarry to the docks. But when he learns that Thomas has been given the same job he tries to find another way to prove how important he is. So he decides to take much more trucks than he should insisting that this will save time. But with so many heavy trucks Samson cant get over Gordons Hill. So it takes even longer and when he asks Thomas to help him, he ends up making Thomas late too. The Fat Controller is not happy, but Samson insists that hes learned his lesson and wont make the same mistake again….
Judy and Jerome, the breakdown train, have been stuck at Knapford Yard for some time – having been somewhat superseded by Rocky and even Harvey. Ryan hears their sad story and offers to take them to Arelsburgh Harbour for a change of scenery. They love it there at first but soon take advantage of other engines so they can have a tour around the island. Meanwhile, Daisy has a run in with a bull and is derailed. When Thomas goes looking for the breakdown train, it is nowhere to be found! Ryan feels responsible – not just for Daisy but also to make sure Judy & Jerome get to be Really Useful. Ryan catches up with Judy and Jerome in the end and The Fat Controller is reminded how useful they can be. He decides they will have a new home at Arlesburgh with their friends Ryan and Daisy.
Some sheeps escaped from Mr. Guellec's field. The farmer is torn as he can't watch the herd and fix the broken fence which allows the sheep to run away at the same time. It's a perfect mission for Grisu who will learn to be a shepherd, with Stella's help. But the task isn't a piece of cake since the sheep don't want to listen to him at all. They rush away throughout the streets of Dragontown, causing troubles. Grisu and Stella have to discover how to steer a herd, especially a stubborn black sheep. Not an easy mission but as ever, a fire fighter never gives up!
The Dragon Stone, a beautiful and rare stone that Grisu's ancestors found centuries ago breaks accidently. It was supposed to be the main stone of an exhibition that Professor Smeraldo has set up. To avoid cancelling the exhibition, Grisu, Fumé and Stella go to explore a cave where they might find another legendary Dragon Stone. But the expedition turns into an adventure when they realize that only the two kids are able to go through the very small entrance of the cave. The quest quickly appears to be a big task for such young kids, even if one of them is a dragon. But thanks to their tenacity (fire-fighters never give up!), Grisu and Stella will be able to find the legendary stone and to find their way back. The exhibition will be saved!
Sports guru Skye Sampson asks Bob to build a 100 metre zip-line for her new fitness program. It's a job that Leo should love to help with, but he seems very distracted. Leo is put in charge of finishing the launch platform and fixing the zip-line, but he keeps making mistakes and wonders if he is up to the job. Lofty tries to convince Leo of how well they're doing, but when the zip-line comes loose it's the last straw. Leo says he should give up being a builder. Scoop and Lofty panic that Leo is going to leave the team – they decide they must make things right! But in their attempts to fix the platform they end up demolishing it instead.
Science and engineering hot shot Mei Moon has designed and built a rocket, named Stella. If successful Stella will become the smallest rocket ever to reach space. The Spring City Rockets have gathered and made a banner to celebrate and Bob's job is to finish building Stella's launch pad near the Observatory. Lofty is given the important task of lifting Stella onto the launch pad. Mei reminds him he has to be very careful, but he becomes flustered and tries to place the rocket before the launch pad is finished. Stella falls off and flops into wet concrete, ejecting her landing parachute, which Lofty accidentally runs over and rips. Now the launch is ruined. The team clean the concrete splattered rocket by using the machine wash back at the yard, but they still have the problem of the ripped parachute.
Little Nutbrown Hare has a new game. He will be Big Nutbrown Hare for a day, doing jobs like finding food, answering tricky questions and resting in the grass. Likewise, Big Nutbrown Hare must take on his sons jobs of playing with his friends, making up new games and asking questions. Its all great fun until they realize that they are much, much better at being themselves.
A Summer storm sweeps across the valley and a nervous Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends scamper into a cave with Big Nutbrown Hare. They are all safe and dry in the cave, but the thunder outside is still scary. Big Nutbrown Hare explains that noises cant hurt you… but will he help them overcome their fears enough to enjoy the storm and the wonders of nature that it brings?
Bing is getting ready to go to Sulas house but hes all sneezy and hot so Flop decides that Bing needs to stay home and keep his germs to himself. Even though Bing is soon tucked up on the sofa with a hot honey lemon hes very disappointed that he cant play with Sula.
Bing is playing Hide & Seek at the creche with Sula, Pando and Coco. Bing doesnt go to the toilet with all the others before the game starts and when he needs to go before he is found he has to decide whether to give up his hiding place or try and hold on.
Bing and Flop are making ginger bunny biscuits for Charlie and Coco. But when Charlie and Coco arrive Charlies done a mega poo and in all the fuss cleaning him up nobody hears the chickie timer ring to tell them that the biscuits are cooked.
The Triplets stumble upon an ice-cream vendor at the beach and ask their Mom for one, but the answer is no! The same thing happens in front of a toy store and a swimming pool store. Mom is starting to find her kids quite capricious, so she tells them the incredible story of a boy whose parents gave him every single thing he asked for.
The Triplets and Kiko decide to have a funny-face contest, but Grandpa warns them: if the wind blows in your direction your face might get stuck that way your whole life. The Kids are totally panicked and want to find out if it is true. Poet and Turbulent make Kiko believe that his face got stuck but then Grandpa plays the same trick on them. Poet and Turbulent sheepishly hide behind lampshades. Good thing it was only a joke!
Strawberry and her friends try to break a Berry Bitty World record to win a vacation for Berrykin Bloom.
Leos paper plane crashes into a young Malayan colugo. The Junior Rangers search the rainforest for the colugos mother, but the mission comes to a halt when they chance upon a forest fire. Will the Junior Rangers eventually succeed in their mission? Or will their plans go up in smoke?
Leo meets an oriental pied hornbill while picking apples in his garden. To find the hornbills nest, the Junior Rangers set out for the rainforest once again.
The friends are having a tidying up day. Frightened Baa doesn't like spiders or their webs but Jess helps him to stop being scared by working out that Spiders build webs to catch their supper, and Baa feels re-assured and happy. Spiders are rather nice, rather clean and rather clever.
Poor Willow has a sore hoof and has to stay inside until it's better. She's really missing her orchard so Jess and Mimi are determined to bring something of the outside to Willow to cheer her up. A tree is too big and it's too late in the year for apples. Jess works out that they can make beautiful tree and leaf rubbings into a wonderful tree collage for the stable to remind Willow of her orchard.
When Sam uses Harry's bucket to collect drips from a leak in the house Harry rushes to Dino-World to save the dinos from drowning.
In this charming collection of tales, the curious Kipper explores the attic, goes fishing with Tiger, finds a magical umbrella, takes a trip to the seaside, receives a visitor in the night and more.
In this charming collection of tales, the curious Kipper explores the attic, goes fishing with Tiger, finds a magical umbrella, takes a trip to the seaside, receives a visitor in the night and more.
Timmy and Finlay build Otus an enormous castle with colourful flags. What colour are the flags?
Paddles, Bracken and Bridie are dismayed to find their fishing trip spoiled by litter in the river. Paddles organizes a litter pick, but what to do with the plastic bottles they collect?
Ferdinand shows off his super new pedal car to Simon. Boy is he proud of it! Unfortunately there isnt enough room for two in the car. So when Daddy tells Simon that Grandpa made one for him when he was a little boy, Simon gets all excited at the idea of having his own pedal car. And so, in a blink, Daddy and Simon get to work in Daddys workshop and pretty soon, Simon has his own mega-super car with pedals and...a second speed, which Daddy explains is supersonic-turbo speed!
Teodoro, the anteater, is Tainás number one fan, and he wants to become a Guardian of the Amazon! However, the baby anteater will only cause trouble, playing the hero, and more often than not, Tainá and the true Guardians of the Amazon must intervene. The Cru-Cru calls them out one more time, and a landslide puts some animals at risk. Tainá saves all of them, until she suddenly hears someone still in the danger zone, and runs to the rescue. In the middle of the landslide, she sees Teodoro, trying to play the hero! Luckily hes an anteater, and manages to dig a safe exit from the landslide zone, following the path of an abandoned termite mound and thus saving not only himself, but also Tainá and the Guardians of the Amazon. Back to safety, the gang realizes that Teodoro was at the danger zone to actually save a bird, and grant him the title of Guardian of the Amazon.
Theres no way Antonio, a baby Amazonian tapir, will agree to take his bath, so Tainá and her friends are called out to help convince him. But Antonio is a slob who loves playing on the mud, and wears the gang out to the point theyre as covered in mud as himself. After escaping from Tainá for a long time, Antonio ends up trapped in a deep mire, in which he starts to sink, and so do Catu and Pepe. Tainá needs to use all her strength and cleverness to take all of them out of the mire and save the day. After the frightening incident, Antonio decides that hell never run away from his bath again.
Were under attack by aliens! or so Kai thinks when he finds a mysterious crop circle underwater. They later realise that the hardworking white-spotted pufferfish is responsible for the intricate circle, but an uncontactable Kai is already on his way to destroy it, thinking it would prevent an alien attack. The rangers are on it!
Kai needs a photo of the majestic Golden Pheasant for a photography competition. But no flash photography please!
Conni wants to learn classical dance and goes to a dancing school. At the beginning it seems easy, but then the exercises become more difficult to do and Conni is close to giving up. But dads birthday is near and she wants to perform a birthday dance for him. A good reason not to give up!
Birthday! Birthday! Finally… but before the party can start there are many things to do. Write the invitation cards for all her friends, invent fun games and surprises for all the guests and, and, and ... The night before, Conni is so excited that she can hardly sleep, thinking about what birthday presents she will get from her family and friends.
From rainy home to sunny Spain – Conni is going on holiday and she will fly for the first time. Its a big adventure – passport control, check-in, bag drop-off … and then in the airplane, where there are so many other exciting things that the long journey to Spain seems to pass in the blink of an eye.
What does a king love to do on the beach? Doodleboo explains how to draw a Castle.
Who does not mind the rain? Doodleboo explains how to draw a snail.
Who can take you on an extraordinary vacation? Doodleboo explains to Sketchy how to draw funny alien.
In the real world Messy is about to have his favourite snack – a pair of socks! He quickly gulps down the first delicious sock and then reaches out for the second but he cant find it. “Its got to be here somewhere, but why cant I see it?” He says. A puzzled Messy transports himself to Okido to find out. Messy lands in Okido and startles at the sight of a ginormous multi-coloured paper model monster. “We made it for you” giggle Zoe and Felix as they appear from behind their hiding places.
In the real world, Messy is in the kitchen preparing his breakfast. In this instance, just like most others, its a plateful of socks. Before he tucks in, he notices the fridge door is open. He jumps down from the breakfast table to shut it. “How do these things stick to the fridge?” he says looking at the collection of colourful magnets. “What are they? Why dont they fall off? Its like magic?” He vortexes himself to Okido to find out. He joins Zoe and Felix in the garden, who are busy packing things to take with them to the beach. At the command of Messys whistle, Okidoodle whizzes out of the garage and theyre on their way.
Its the annual Pontypandy Cheese Roll Challenge (a race down a hill chasing a giant circular cheese) and Norman really wants the prize - the giant cheese! He sets out to win, but is too late to enter the competition so decides hell have to get the cheese another way…At the fire station, Elvis and Sam are trying to train with Saturn, the thermal imaging device, but Radar keeps interrupting proceedings by sniffing out and eating their lunch, some freshly baked sausage rolls. Things go from bad to worse when Saturn hits the side of the training tower and breaks!
Its a snowy day in Pontypandy when Moose announces he is opening his Winter Wonderland. Norman, Sarah and James are very excited but unfortunately when they arrive there, they find that its all about igloo building and theres not an ice rink in sight. Meanwhile back at the fire station, the firefighters are testing out new winter firefighting equipment and theres something in a holdall that Elvis cant wait to show Penny! Back at the Winter Wonderland the adults are engrossed in the different types of snow, but the kids are keen to show off their skating skills. So in the absence of an ice rink, they decide to sneak off to the frozen lake.
Berry and Dolly are planting sunflowers on a spring day. They take care of the flowers carefully as they emerge from the ground and grow tall. The two friends are very happy. Unfortunately the joy does not last long; someone damaged the flowers.
Dolly wants to bake strawberry pie, so she asks Stanley and Balthazar to pick some strawberries. Along the way, the two friends are playing with a pebble, until they had a fight and fall into the water.
On a winter day, Milla, the snow beetle, invited her friends to ski. Berry, Lily and Flutter had nothing to ski with, so they made new skis for everyone.
Bing and Flop are building a sandcastle when Pando joins them in the sandpit with his wind-up digger toy to help. Bing finds a lovely poiky thing in the sand and thinks it will make the perfect decoration for the top of his castle not realizing it belongs to Pandos digger.
Its a beautiful Autumn day and Bing and Sula are in the park with Flop collecting acorns. When Bings pile of acorns keeps getting smaller Flop suggests they hide behind a bush to see whats happening to them – a squirrel is the culprit, hiding acorns for winter.
Bing finds his old baby shoes. They are much too small for Bing now but Coco loves them and so does baby Charlie. When the shoes are a perfect fit for Charlie, Bing has a hard time letting them go to a new home.
Singing sensation Spaniel OConnell visits & this gives Fagan & Bracken an idea: Lightning can strike twice – lets form a band and be rich and famous! Meanwhile, Paddles misses hanging around with his best friend. A conversation with Spaniel means its Paddles that grabs the headlines instead.
Beep Beep Beep! What an odd contraption! A metal detector has arrived for Ted and he'd like to use it to find his grandad's medal for Nisha's grand exhibition of local historical relics. But before Pat can get it to Ted he's caught up helping lots of local residents find things they've lost and happily most of them are metal so the detector comes in VERY handy!
Maria ordered way too much stock and if she doesn't sell hundreds of pizzas today, everything will be ruined! Grisu offers to do some advertising to bring people in. After a shooting session, Grisu Stella and Fumé distribute and stick flyers and posters around the city. But Fumé overzealous sticks his posters anywhere. Grisu has to catch up with his father's mistakes and ends up burning the cart full of flyers. After his despair moment, Grisu has the idea to do an air show. With his father, they draw a giant pizza in the sky, made with colored smoke...and it works.
Stella is taking part in a dance video contest and she asks Grisu to dance along with her. The young dragon accepts immediately. But as soon as they start filming, Fumé comes in and asks his son to do dragon training with him. He then unwittingly makes Grisu fall and botches the shot. From then on, Stella and Grisu keep changing location so that they can shoot in a quiet place, meaning without Fumé. But the older dragon shows up anyway and ruins the shot, albeit unvoluntarily.
Simon is having fun with Gaspard in the tree house but Daddy comes to tell them its bed time. Simon says, hey, why cant we sleep in the tree house? Nothing doing, Simon has to go off to bed in the house. But its not over 'til its over! With Gaspard, they are going to spend the night in the cabin. Period! Their secret mission to escape from the house has begun. Theyve just got to make sure mom and dad dont catch them!
While trying to help Grandpa pick his tomatoes, Simon accidentally tears out an entire tomato plant! Grandpa laughs and calls Simon, the King of the Goofs! Simon is bummed though, and he is intent on proving to Grandpa that its not true, hes no goof! Why hes even going to hold onto Elviss leash later that day at the beach, you just wait and see! And even if the mischievous little dog thinks he can do whatever he wants, its Simon who will have the last word!
Summer is at its hottest and Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse want to run and play but the sun is just too hot and strong. Thats until Little Grey Squirrel gives them both a wonderful present, big leafy parasols. When he later changes his mind and takes Little Nutbrown Hares parasol back, the little hare is naturally disappointed. Can the friends find a way for all of them to be happy?
So that his snack and game party is a success, Scoutbadger starts to do all the things that had been allotted to the others. He says he does things better and faster - even if it is not true. The others decide to let him get on with it. When he realises that he has forgotten his own task, that of inviting their friends, Scoutbadger realizes that he has gone too far.
Woodsy has had enough of Berry telling the parents when he does something he shouldn't. Following Loudos advice, he devises a good way to stop this tale-telling. Now, when Berry tells tales about him, no one will believe her… But is this really a good idea ?
Samson boasts proudly that he has been given a very special job taking stone from the quarry to the docks. But when he learns that Thomas has been given the same job he tries to find another way to prove how important he is. So he decides to take much more trucks than he should insisting that this will save time. But with so many heavy trucks Samson cant get over Gordons Hill. So it takes even longer and when he asks Thomas to help him, he ends up making Thomas late too. The Fat Controller is not happy, but Samson insists that hes learned his lesson and wont make the same mistake again….
When Hot Dog Herbies Cousin Ginger Goose comes to visit in her aerial balloon, many people in The City become curious and impressed by the beautiful balloon. Calamity Crow is the most curious of all and he finds himself suddenly hanging helplessly upside down under the climbing balloon. The Heroes of the City turn out!
In this charming collection of tales, the curious Kipper explores the attic, goes fishing with Tiger, finds a magical umbrella, takes a trip to the seaside, receives a visitor in the night and more.
In this charming collection of tales, the curious Kipper explores the attic, goes fishing with Tiger, finds a magical umbrella, takes a trip to the seaside, receives a visitor in the night and more.
Kevin and Dough are chasing each other to get to Jennys house first. And Whooper does not slow down when approaching the crosswalk, although Poli told him to do so. Everybody has to be more careful to be safe, Green means go…but just because the lights green, doesnt mean its safe to run across. Remember three steps! Step 1: always stop at the curb before you enter into a crosswalk and wait for the green light. Step 2: make sure all cars are stopped before you cross. Step 3: dont take your eyes off the cars while youre crossing. Always keep watching to make sure that you see the cars and the drivers see you.
Wilson is flown to a secret location by Action Chugger and has to navigate his way home, using Dr. Lings new invention – the Chugnav. When a squirrel accidentally knocks the Chugnav upside down and back to front, causing it to malfunction, Wilson gets hopelessly lost. But once he figures out that he should do the opposite of what the Chugnav tells him, he gets back safely and earns his badge!
The trainees are having an exciting stunt training session with Action Chugger, when he is called away to do some filming. As he leaves, Action Chugger invites Brewster and Koko to come down to the film set later to demonstrate the skills they have learned. But Brewster gets called on a long run to Tootington and has no time to practise. Koko goes with him to keep him company - and puts her new skills to use when she saves Brewster from a runaway wagon! When they go to the film set later, Brewster is relieved when Action Chugger is too busy to see them, as he hasnt had a chance to practise.
On an icy winters day, Wilson and Koko are sent out to sand the tracks in the mountains. They take a short cut through the ice cave. Koko does everything properly, but Wilson doesnt keep his mind on the job, as he has fun exploring. He doesnt realise that an icicle has fallen into his sand wagon, wetting the sand and rendering it useless. Hes stuck! He figures out a way to dry the sand by using the heat from his engine and makes it back to the depot - after finishing his job, of course!
The Junior Rangers teach an Archerfish how to aim - with the help of their water guns and a whole lot of fun!
A sad baby Elephant needs some cheering up (and some trunk training) when he finds himself constantly upstaged by his older brother.
Pat has to deliver a hibernation box to Amy for Dora the Doormouse. Meanwhile the children are looking for a clubhouse for their superhero club. Pat collects the shed from the Sorting Office and uses his helicopter for the delivery but disaster strikes when the shed lands in a tree! When it turns out the shed is not what Amy had ordered, Pat saves the day by making a special home for Dora with cardboard boxes and the shed becomes a special treehouse for the superhero club.
Baby Nik has lost his green rabbit and he cant sleep without it. Meera orders a new one for urgent delivery by the Special Delivery Service. When the Pencaster Flyer breaks down, Pat uses Pumpkin to collect the rabbit, but naughty Pumpkin runs off with it! A chase ensues, the rabbit ends up in Michaels ice-cream machine and is then shot into the sky above Pencaster, ending up on top of a high lamp post. It is down to Jess as the best climber to save the day.
Bing wants to get dizzy on the roundybout so Pando pushes him superfast. Bing quickly learns that a little dizzy is fun, but too much dizzy is no fun at all.
Bing builds a house out of the sofa cushions and Coco decides its the perfect starting point for a game of “Big Bad Wolf” with Sula and Charlie. Bing enjoys being wolfie until hes not allowed into the house he built, at which point the game loses its appeal.
Its a hot day and Bing and Flop buy an ice lolly from Gilly the ice cream lady. Before they can eat them a frog hops into Bings paddling pool and they go to the rescue. By the time they return to the ice lollies all thats left are the sticks and a plate of lolly goo.
Bing and Sula enjoy painting a giant mural at Ammas nursery until Bings enthusiastic rainbow painting makes paint run all over Sulas beautiful tree. Sula is upset, until Flop and Amma help them see that the painting isnt spoiled, its just different. In fact, the harder they look the more they can see that they have painted a beautiful rainbow tree.
Bing and Flop play hide and seek on the way to Padgets shop. Bing doesnt want the game to end when they get there so he hides behind the door to the stock room, where Flop really cant see him. When the door slams shut, Bing is stuck inside.
To earn a passenger service badge, Wilson must speak up, be nice to his passengers, and smile at all times – no matter what happens! His passengers know that its a test, and go out of their way to make things very challenging for Wilson - but he keeps smiling and earns his badge.
Oswald, Weenie and Henry go on a picnic. Henry only makes enough food for three, but Oswald keeps inviting friends to join them. Henry's worry over the lack of food grows until he's ready to call the whole thing off. Luckily, when they realise the problem, everyone manages to contribute something special to the picnic, and it turns into a big happy party.
After admiring his friends' collections of various objects, Oswald becomes inspired to start a collection of his own – clouds. But Oswald soon discovers that there are some things in this world that are to be admired but not kept. Clouds are beautiful and for everyone.
Rolands Gifts is an internet gift shop; Bob, Leo, Scoop, Muck and Lofty are in it's huge distrubution warehouse with owner, Roland Sweet. Its a few days before Christmas and Roland has commissioned Bob and his team to install a hi-tech a robotic picking system, which will pick items off shelving, wrap them and put them into delivery vans via a chute. The system needs to be installed by evening the next day so customers receive their gifts in time for Christmas Day. Scoop and Muck are excited and do robotic impressions; Leo claims to be very knowledgeable about robotics. During the installation Leo switches the system on to prove his knowledge to Scoop. Meanwhile an approaching snowstorm has moved the delivery deadline to that very evening.
Team Bob are preparing to dig the foundations for a skyscraper in Spring Citys new business zone and are under pressure from Mayor Madison to get started. She keeps interrupting their work on Bobs smart-phone. Scoop and Muck set a challenge to see which of them can dig/clear the earth quickest. Interrupted again, Bob calls a halt but the machines get carried away and keep digging. Scoop goes too deep and hits into something hard underground. Bob calls Anish Bose, the archaeologist, who announces the discovery of Roman ruins. The build will have to halt while they excavate the site. Scoop is filled with remorse and horrified to learn that Romans didnt have machines like him. An interested crowd starts to gather as Anish discovers more artefacts. Mr Bentley arrives for a progress report but rather than being angry at the lack of progress he is excited by the historic discovery.
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse see a beautiful rainbow. When it disappears before Big Nutbrown Hare can see it, they recreate it for him with flowers.
Little Field Mouse and Little Nutbrown Hares favourite tree falls over in a summer storm. They're sad until they discover the fallen tree provides an exciting new place to explore.
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse are inspired to make a spiders web, but run into all sorts of comic trouble when they do.
Its the coldest day ever and INUI has run out of firewood for the oven. Thats when she and GROUCHY and CRACKPOT remember Chilly Peak Mountain. The ARCTIC FOXES who live there are delighted to see INUI and her friends again. Their place is warm because there is a volcano beneath it. INUI and her friends descend to explore the source of the micro climate. Down in the cavern it soon gets far too hot for them. Back in the igloo they find the perfect temperature. LADY P has brought over some spare firewood and has stoked the stove. And all their friends are there: SASHA, JOHNNY the weasel, the ARCTIC SPIDER, to name a few.
When Mr Frumbles morning newspaper disappears off his front step, Huckle sets out to investigate what happened to it. After a number of other innocuous items disappear from across town, Huckle ultimately discovers that the culprits are none other than Pig Will and Pig Wont. They are enthusiastically taking part in Busytowns Annual Recycling Drive by picking up anything they see that can be recycled./Huckle, Lowly and Sally happen upon a huge tooth and cant imagine anyone in all of Busytown big enough to own it.
Messy finds a grey sticky thing that looks like a net in the corner of his bathroom. But what is it - he goes to Okido to find out! He lands in Zoe and Felixs garden to find them doing some paper gluing to make a picture. Zoes communicator rings and Zam tells her that theres an emergency at Loopy Bridge and she needs their help! When they arrive they see that theres a crack in Loopy Bridge! Zam says she could fix it but shes run out of glue… Felix offers his paper glue to her, but she tells him that it wont be sticky enough, and she needs a special glue.
Messy is spinning himself around and around in circles across the sitting room… just for fun of course! He loses balance and topples over. Messy sits up and wonders why his windmill came to a dizzy end? He magically transports himself to Okido to find out! In Okido, Zoe and Felix are practising ballet so Messy bounces in to show off his best monster moves until theyre interrupted by the sound of Zoes communicator – its Zim calling! Theyre invited to help Zim, Zam and Zoom at Magneto Zone.
With the power still out in Berry Bitty City, the girls go on an overnight camping trip. Lemon worries that a creepy creature is in the forest, and the girls get the nervous bug. Strawberry turns their apprehension into fun by daring her friends to stay out in the woods the longest! But soon, someone steals their marshmallow roasting sticks, the capture-the-flag-flags and the horseshoes. Lemon is sure that someones out to sabotage the campout! The girls build wacky monster-traps and capture... Huckleberry, who had gotten himself lost in the dark woods.
Harry has a cold but gets bored of staying in bed so decides to go and play in Dino world.
A preschool boy named Harry receives a bucket full of toy dinosaurs. This bucket holds a secret --- by using its power, Harry can travel with his dinosaurs to an amazing land of imagination called Dino World.
Chuck works to recreate the night his parents first met in order to resolve their disagreement.
Koko challenges Wilson to see if they can stay awake all night! Morning comes, and Wilson declares himself the winner - just as Vee gives him a job for the day: hes going to be collecting the mail and taking it to the sorting office. While Koko sleeps in, poor Wilson struggles to keep his eyes open. Later, Koko overhears Vee tell Morgan that shes worried about Wilson falling asleep on the job. Koko feels terrible. They should never have stayed up playing all night. She didnt think about the consequences! Going in search of Wilson, she finds him fast asleep on a siding and wakes him up. But its too late; hes already missed the deadline for getting it to the sorting office.
The trainees are doing a sign-reading exercise. If they work as a team and follow the signs correctly - therell be a wonderful surprise at the end of it. The trainees start off together, but Koko and Wilson quickly lose patience with Brewster - hes so methodical, that its slowing them up! The friends have a bit of a falling out, and Wilson and Koko race on ahead guessing at the outcome of the course without waiting for the final clue. But Brewsters approach is the right one and his patience is rewarded when he finds the surprise - a private screening of a new Action Engine movie at the ride - in theatre!
Mr. Mouseling's hobby as a photojournalist for the Mouseland Herald has brought him to Camembert Academy.
AJ wants to perform the “Cheese Roll” dance just like his Granddad taught him.
One Autumn day Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse convince Little Grey Squirrel to leave his pile of spotted acorns unattended, so they can all play with the crunchy leaves. While theyre gone Little Redwood Fox discovers the yummy acorns and takes them home. Once she finds out they actually belong Little Grey Squirrel, she has to decide whether to give them back or keep them.
The first snowfall of the Winter blankets the entire meadow, and Little Nutbrown Hare is confused because he can no longer see the bush, the log or his seedpod ball under all the snow! Will Little Nutbrown Hare be able to find his way around the meadow now that all his familiar places are covered under a blanket of fresh white snow?
What if Edmund and Margarets secrecy means that they are going to have a new baby? This is bad news for Rosie as what will her place be now?
When Bob and the team are asked to build a set for movie-star Dash Lightnings new film, Muck thinks that his dreams have come true. Dash Lightning is Mucks hero, so he decides that he wants to meet him whilst working at Spring City Studios. But when Muck gets distracted with trying to find his hero, he doesnt pay attention to any of the jobs he is doing. On racing to meet his hero, Muck clips the sets backdrop and he doesnt wait to check the pyrotechnic lights, causing them to fall towards the studio-lighting crane. Just as the director calls action, the set falls apart and the pyrotechnics explode towards the lights, risking a fire.
Jenny Dobbs commissions Bob and team to build Komodo Island with a walkway/bridge for the public to gain a better view of the Komodo Dragons. Muck discovers he is terrified of the Komodos so is set to work clearing out their old enclosure (without his knowledge) instead. When he discovers some eggs buried in the earth there he braves returning to the Island to ask Jenny what to do with them. But a Komodo hisses at him and Muck is spooked - he backs into part of the walkway causing it to collapse and leaving Leo dangling in mid air from a safety harness. When Muck sees the Komodo apparently climbing the tree to attack Leo he overcomes his fears to go back and save him.
When a new nameplate is about to be placed on the statue of Admiral Hornblast, it suddenly disappears. Huckle, Sally and Lowly check out the photos and videos taken at the scene and ultimately determine that the statue slide over the plate when it was bumped by an out of control bulldozer./Pig Will and Pig Wont are playing spies. However Pig Wont suddenly finds himself out of the game when his Secret Spy Ring disappears!