The Junior Rangers head to the ocean to find a home for a young scalloped hammerhead shark. Unfortunately, the adventure takes a wet turn when the hammerhead shark gets caught in a shrimp net.
Leo comes across an eastern spotted skunk while playing a game of mini-golf in the garden. The Junior Rangers pop by the prairie to find a suitable home for the skunk, but an unfriendly coyote could put a dent in their plans.
This morning at Grandpa and Grandma's, theres lots of fog. Simon and Gaspard have just woken up and they go bug-eyed: they have the impression that they're in a cloud! But while they're having fun in the fog, the children stumble on a cow walking around the yard. Grandma knows it well, it's Roussette, she often gets lost. What they have to do now is take her back to the farm. Simon and Gaspard are a little uneasy around this huge beast.
Shaun invites his friends to Sand Island during the summer heatwave. Christopher and Chloe, the two canaries, ferry the friends over. Bubble, Balthazar, Dolly, Stanley, Berry, Flutter, and Shaun build sand houses. Balthazar accidentally knocks down Bubble the flower beetle's house. Suddenly, a summer shower begins and washes away all the sand houses. They stand sadly around their ruined creations and decide to build a large drip sandcastle together. Side by side, they build drip towers, construct castle walls, and decorate the tops with sand balls. The day passes joyfully, and by the evening, when the canaries come to pick them up, magnificent drip towers stand tall on the island.
At the end of summer, the Star Girl visits her friends. She rarely comes because her star-shaped house is in the sky. They spend a day together, and when night falls, the Star Girl bids everyone farewell. She cant speak, but she plays the harp beautifully. The music will lift her house into the sky. However, this time one of the harp strings comes loose, and the house doesnt rise. The Wind blows the string out of her hand, and she cant catch it.
The Centipede's apple tree hasnt had any fruit for many years. He asks Berry for help, who carefully tends to the tree. At the beginning of summer, apples finally appear, and the Centipede is so happy that he invites his distant relative, the Millipede, for a visit. However, the Millipede falls ill and cant come. The Centipede then invites his friends to a big apple party. When they arrive, they pretend that the Millipede was there, but it turns out that it was just his friends in costume.
The Cave Spider and the tiny Spiderling are good friends, and one summer day they are walking on the mountaintop. Spiderling blows a dandelion at the Cave Spider, who falls and gets injured. Spiderling immediately seeks help from Doctor Owl, who determines that the Cave Spider's legs are bruised and prescribes two weeks of rest. Berry, Dolly, Stanley, and Balthazar help the Cave Spider get home. Dolly suggests they sew a large canopy so the Cave Spider can watch the ants' end-of-summer fireworks from the air. Flutter, Leapy, Zephyr, and the others make the canopy, and on the night of the fireworks, they lift the Cave Spider up so he can enjoy the view from above.
On a spring day, Alfonso finds an unknown seedling by the stream. The cricket carefully guards the plant, which soon produces a special flower. Alfonso waters and tends to it daily, happily watching it grow. One morning at the end of summer, Alfonso notices that the flower has wilted and its petals have fallen off. Sadly, he gathers the petals and brings them into the house. In the afternoon, Dolly visits him, and later his friends come over to cheer him up. They bring delicious pancakes, but Alfonso is still sad. They go out to the stream, and Alfonso scatters the flower petals into the water, bidding them farewell with tears.
As the end of summer approaches, the Lightning Beetle visits the fireflies and surprises them with a new book about planets and stars. After a conversation, one little firefly, when the others were already asleep, sets out to conquer the sky, but becomes completely exhausted and crashes. Doctor Owl diagnoses him with a fever and possible pneumonia, so he stays with him to heal. The other fireflies decide to surprise him. With the help of Berry, Dolly, Balthazar, Stanley, Flutter, and Eddy, they make colourful orbs, and the Lightning Beetle crafts the Sun. They suspend the planets on a hoop, which Eddy rotates with a contraption. They also instal tiny lights, resembling stars.
Dolly goes for a walk, and finally she is enriched with a beautiful cherry and a good friend.
Coco shows Bing how to do really good Big Boos and together they make Flop jump. When Bing tries out his new tricks on Charlie he finds out the power of Boo has to be scaled down for babies.
Bing and Sula discover a new toy at Ammas creche, a talking ride on car. It seems like fun until Talkie Taxi keeps saying the same thing over and over again. When the taxi crashes and is finally silenced Bing and Sula use their imagination to play a game they really want to play without being dictated to by the noisy taxi.
Its a windy day and Bing wants to fly his Hoppity Voosh kite with Flop. And he wants to do it all by himself. Even when Pando arrives and wants to help Bing insists on doing it his way. When the kite gets caught up in the park bench Bing realises that there are some times when another pair of hands comes in handy.
Its bath time and Bing just cant help adding a few more quirts of bubble goo…and a few more….and a few more, until he gets more bubbles than he can handle.
Tilda Appleseed is overwhelmed by the many tasks in her guesthouse. But when she observes calm Snaily, she realizes that she can accomplish everything in a relaxed manner and one step at a time.
The moles Luisa and Elsa are about to get married in Tildas garden. When the time for the ceremony arrives, Luisa has disappeared. Tilda and Elsa eventually find her stuck in the forest.
Todays the annual Kite Festival, but there is no wind. So, Rupert builds a wind machine. The machine breaks and the improved version creates such a strong wind not only the kites go flying….
A lazy Summers day brings a wonderful discovery for Little Nutbrown Hare… a tree full of bright, beautiful, tasty plums! Little Nutbrown Hare isnt the only one enjoying the juicy summer fruit, it seems like every animal in the meadow has come for a taste. As the Summer goes on the plums disappear and Little Nutbrown Hare begins to wonder what all the animals will do without them.
Little Nutbrown Hare awakes to find the leaves changing colour and falling off the trees, the flowers dropping off the bushes and the tadpoles turning into frogs. Autumn is here and its time for change! Little Nutbrown Hare misses the joys of the Summer meadow. Will he discover that Autumn has its own delights?
The cool Autumn breeze isnt enough to deter Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse from going out to find what special experiences the day might bring. However, with the weather and wind constantly changing, its very hard for the friends continue playing any one game. Will the strange weather spoil their fun, or will it bring them a special experience after all?
Leo, Katie and Hero travel to Peru to take a marvellous spatuletail home. But what can they do when the hungry bird falls into a deep sleep?
The Junior Rangers bring a wild boar in their garden back to the forest. There, Ranger Rocky advises the Junior Rangers to find the boars sounder, which is a group of female wild boars and their young children.
Enchanted by its hopping, Kate captures a grasshopper, but as soon as its in the jar, it stands still. In Mimiloo, Kate and Mim-Mim help Lily try to capture some amazing new Mimiloo critters to learn all about them. The mysterious, playful creatures lead them on a wild chase, but when theyre captured, they turn out to be super shy!
A bird has flown into Kates house, and Kate has an idea to get it out—but her parents cant hear her over the commotion. In Mimiloo, a group of lemmings are in trouble and decide that Mim-Mim is their leader. They ask him to find them a new home—but a soft-spoken little lemming has a great idea herself!
Annalee and Boribon are planning a trip, but Boribon isnt feeling well. The little bear's fever rises, and he has to stay in bed. Annalee takes care of him, so the days pass quickly. Thanks to all the care and medicine, Boribon soon gets well again!
Blossom and Superbuns journey to meet Blossoms science hero and get a picture together.
Rhonda and Blossom team up for the lemonade stand for the fair, but they can't agree on anything.
Nevillle has a crisis over his dad giving away his favorite tiara. Superbuns comes to the rescue.
Findus meets a curious spiny animal in a corner of the yard - a little hedgehog. The cat is determined to teach his new friend things he likes to do himself. However, Findu's preferences such as gymnastics and climbing are not at all suited to a short-legged hedgehog. This leads to some harmless accidents. When the newcomer disappears without a trace, Findus worries that he has driven him away with his impetuous ways.
Beda writes an angry letter to Gustavsson because his shooting noise has scared her cow. When the postman wants to deliver the letter, he stops at Pettson and Findus' house first. Findus accidentally drops the letter into the soup, making it unreadable. The two trick the postman for a while so that he doesn't notice how they rewrite the letter on their own assumption about its contents. In the process, the previous complaint turns into a friendly invitation to coffee and cake.
In the real world, Messy is fascinated by a goldfish swimming around in its bowl. “How do you stay under water for so long” he asks but theres no response from the fish apart from a line of bubbles, which Messy watches rise to the surface. “When you need to know go to Okido” he cries. In Okido, Messy joins Zoe and Felix in the garden where theyre looking at all their favourite finds gathered in a treasure chest. Messys attention immediately turns to a golden-shiny-round-thing that glistens golden in the sunlight.
Trying to figure out what a strange piece of metal with a number 10 on it is, Huckle and his pals take it to Blacksmith Bear who helps them discover strange writing on it. Figuring it must be a foreign language, they take it to Ms Honey and, with her help, determine the piece of metal is a lost tap from Hildas French tap dance shoes./Huckle and pals set out to find the whistle blower who is causing a traffic jam.
Monkey loves looking clean; he admires his reflection in the lake when all of a sudden mud flies over to his direction. Can it be? It sure can, that is, if you have a Hippo friend next to you…when Hippo comes to shore, Monkey must play with him his favorite game… “Monkey See Monkey Do”!
A heatwave has hit Pontypandy and the fire crew are relaxing and trying to keep cool. But Chief Fire Officer Boyce has other ideas as he puts his rigorous Shape Up and Shine fitness routine into action. The crew swelters and sweats as Boyce barks out orders. Penny and Ellie just about keep up with the exercises, but Steele, Elvis and Arnold are soon struggling. Meanwhile Sam has taken The Pontypandy Pioneers off to the woods for a woodland fire safety lesson and picnic.
Its autumn and getting dark early, so Sarah and James plan to host a spooky party in the Wholefish Café for their friends. But Sarah takes over all of the organising and leaves James with just one job… to make a bat decoration. Frustrated that Sarah hasnt listened to his party ideas, James decides to make the biggest bat Pontypandy has ever seen. Meanwhile over at the Station, Sam is showing Elvis how to make his famous toffee apples. But Station Officer Steele cant wait to eat one and keeps trying to take one from a batch that Sam made for the spooky party. Over at the café, Sarah is about to hang her ghost centre-piece when she sees James homemade gigantic bat hanging in the middle of the party, taking all of the space.
Its Christmas! And everyones getting ready for the pantomime. Little Lucy has a wonderful song to sing at the centre of the show but when she goes missing whilst out riding on Pumpkin the horse all that matters is to find her.. and the newly fallen snow means that Pat has to be VERY resourceful in order to find her. A snowmobile saves the day and Pat gets Lucy back - in time for the Panto and a rather special Christmas Song to celebrate. Happy Christmas Greendale Village, Happy Christmas Everyone!.
The sure way of stopping the arguments between Rosie and Scoutbadger is that Rosies parents get back together… at least that is what she will try and arrange….
Martis has a very distinctive laugh and this becomes an attraction for his friends - until the moment that the joke no longer makes him laugh at all.
Sketcky claims not to be afraid of big animals or water. Animals, water? Doodleboo challenges him to find out which big animal has thick skin and loves water.
Sketcky is too greedy! He cannot help eating too fast. Doodleboo shows him that he should follow the example of someone who likes to take his time.
Sketcky is invited to his cousin's home in Megalopolis. Sketcky is very happy to visit this city full of people and cars. To avoid traffic jams in this big city, Doodleboo has an idea.
Messy is making a new jigsaw puzzle in his bedroom and its of a dinosaur. “Id love to see a REAL dinosaur,” he says. He wonders why hes never seen one… So off he goes to Okido! Messy lands in Zoe and Felixs garden and cartwheels down the path to catch up with them. Zoe and Felix are carrying sandcastle equipment – Messy picks up Felixs bucket and puts it on his head. “Whats this?” he asks, “A new hat?” Felix and Zoe laugh and invite him to come to the beach with them. Messy speeds off in excitement!
In the real world, Messy is in the garden, jumping around excitedly. He bounds from left to right but accidentally catches his foot on a garden hose, which sends him flying. He lands with an awkward bump. Messy sits up and rubs his elbow that caught his fall. “Hmmm”, says Messy, “my elbow feels really hard but my tummy feels soft”. He wonders why some parts of his body feel harder than others. Its off to Okido to find out. He lands in Okido with a leap and jump. “Whos this?” asks Messy as hes greeted by a little dog. YAP YAP YAP barks the dog, just as Zoe and Felix arrive to join him.
Simon and his little brother Gaspard want to play with Daddy in the yard but he keeps disappearing in the weirdest ways. Daddy suggests they play hide and seek but instead of looking for them, he disappears again. He suggests they play soccer, but he kicks the ball over the fence and into the neighbors yard. Mommy comes home from the office. Daddy suggests they hurry inside for their snack. What in the world is Daddy up to anyway?? Simon finally understands: if Daddy wants them occupied elsewhere, its because he preparing a super surprise for them! And he is! Hes built them a tree house! Thank-you Daddy!!
Trying to keep cool on a sticky Summers day by the stream, Little Nutbrown Hare and Big Nutbrown Hare have lots of fun skipping stones and throwing sticks. When Little Nutbrown Hare discovers that sticks float, the two follow the sticks down the river to see where they go. Its not an easy chase, and there is a surprise around every corner. Where will the sticks end up?
Summer is at its hottest and Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse want to run and play but the sun is just too hot and strong. Thats until Little Grey Squirrel gives them both a wonderful present, big leafy parasols. When he later changes his mind and takes Little Nutbrown Hares parasol back, the little hare is naturally disappointed. Can the friends find a way for all of them to be happy?
You Summer in the meadow is a great time to find tasty snacks to eat. Big Nutbrown Hare seems to know all the best tricks and hiding spots for the yummy treats and Little Nutbrown Hare cant help but wish he was as big and smart as his father. However, he soon finds out that there are some things a little Nutbrown Hare can teach a Big Nutbrown Hare.
Flop is pushing Bing on the swing in the park when Pando arrives and wants to have a go too. They agree to let each other have turns by counting up to ten but when Pando has his turn he wont count properly. Bing gets so cross he runs in front of the swing and gets bumped.
Bing is busy building a tower as tall as he is with his blocks and is upset when Coco arrives and hijacks the blocks so that she can make a rainbow pattern with them instead. When even Charlie wants to play with the blocks its clear a new game needs to be found that they can all play together.
Bing and Sula go to the park to feed the ducks. Sula is very good at standing quietly and giving the ducks just the right amount of food. Bing throws all his duck food into the water in one go and gets more than he bargained for when a big flappy goose comes to gobble it all up.
Its snack time for Bing but the only banana left is too mushy to eat. Flop suggests making a smoothie with it instead. Disaster strikes when Bings carrot accidentally gets put into the blender as well and when it gets shredded Bing is upset to discover that his carrot has changed and that he cant have it back.
Bing finds a frog in the garden and wants to keep it so he and Sula make the frog a house in a bucket. But froggy doesnt like her new home and hops out. Maybe theyve not thought enough about what froggy really needs in her home.
On a rainy day, Dolly's house gets flooded. When the rain stops, Stanley, the stag beetle, repairs the roof. Berry also helps Dolly, who is upset about her soaked drawings. Berry visits Raymond, the copper beetle, who has plenty of bells. He asks for two special bells to cheer Dolly up. At home, he makes coconut balls and later delivers them to Dolly along with the bells, which make her very happy. Later, Berry paints over the stain caused by the rain, and Dolly repaints the pictures with the help of Flutter and Leapy. The bells bring joy to the house.
Flutter, the butterfly girl, catches a cold on a gloomy, rainy day. Doctor Owl examines her and advises her to rest a lot in bed. Her friends visit often to take care of her, and Flutter always asks them to read from her new book. Soon, everyone knows the story, which tells of a ball held in a splendid castle. One day, Balthazar makes Flutter sad by saying that the princess story is just a fairy tale. Flutter turns away, disappointed, and falls asleep. Balthazar meets Doctor Owl, who notices that something is bothering him.
Mama Owl's chicks are born, and soon they are strong enough for Berry and Dolly to visit them. Doctor Owl asks for their help while he works. The owl babies are very lively, and Berry and Dolly play with them enthusiastically and patiently. At lunchtime, Mama Owl is running out of patience, but eventually, they manage to feed the chicks. After finishing lunch and resting a little, the little ones regain their energy. They happily jump around Mama Owl, who feels it is time that the chicks learn to fly.
Alfonso, the cricket, plays beautifully on his violin for the forest inhabitants, but one day, no one listens to his new piece. First, he looks for Berry, Balthazar, and Stanley, but they are busy. He goes to Dolly, but she doesnt have time either. Very discouraged, he decides to leave the forest. However, he meets the Magpie, who welcomes him and cheers him up. Meanwhile, the others begin to search for Alfonso. When they find him, they apologize and invite him to play his new piece at the playground opening.
Something knocks Sgt. Murphys hat off his head, chops the tops of Baker Humperdinks baguettes, and sheers a path through a flower bed. Although no one saw anything, they all heard it make the same whoop whoop whoop sound. Putting the clues together, Huckle, Sally and Lowly figure out that it was Vanderbuilts new, out of control, boomerang./The mysterious disappearance of Mayor Fox leaves Huckle and the gang on an important search.
All Monkey wants is to eat a nice fresh carrot, but someone has beat him to it. When Monkey discovers that the rabbit is the carrot eater he immediately invites him to play Monkeys favorite game… “Monkey See Monkey Do”!
While Lizzie is giving an examination to Radar (who has been under the weather), Hannah is left in charge of the veterinary centre. Hannah shows off an exotic animal to Norman. The animal is a fox with an injured tail, and Hannah inadvertently allows it to escape. Hannah and Norman go in search of the fox and are helped along the way by Trevor. With the assistance of Sam and Penny, Lizzie completes her examination of Radar and determines that hes fit. But they discover that Elvis has been feeding Radar chocolate, and chocolate is unhealthy for dogs.
Its autumn and getting dark early, so Sarah and James plan to host a spooky party in the Wholefish Café for their friends. But Sarah takes over all of the organising and leaves James with just one job… to make a bat decoration. Frustrated that Sarah hasnt listened to his party ideas, James decides to make the biggest bat Pontypandy has ever seen. Meanwhile over at the Station, Sam is showing Elvis how to make his famous toffee apples. But Station Officer Steele cant wait to eat one and keeps trying to take one from a batch that Sam made for the spooky party.
Kipper is waiting for Pig and Arnold at the duck pond when a small friendly robot clanks out of the water. At Kippers house it tries a piece of bread, a milk shake and some chocolate cookies but when Kipper introduces Hippo, to his horror, the robot eats him too! Happily Kipper and Hippo are reunited at the duck pond.
Its Arnolds birthday and hes got some great presents. Pig has given him a cassette player – but the tape is missing. They want to play musical chairs – who has the tape? Everyone thinks everyone else has it until Tiger asks some searching questions. And the tape is in Tigers…. well, that would be telling wouldnt it?
Caillou gets stung by a bee, but learns that bees are special creatures that don't want to hurt people!
Caillou gets ready for his first day back at school and Mommy packs him a lunchbox surprise!
Ida asks Molly, if she can look after her duckling Alina. But today of all days, Alina wants to learn how to fly and gets herself in some risky situations – and so Molly has to take some risks too.
Mole mother Gertrud has a cold, so Tilda watches her kids. The children teach Tilda how to dig. Unfortunately, Tildas tunnel leads directly to Rupert, whos upset about the molehills in his garden.
Mom is having a dinner party at home tonight and she is running all over the place to finish cleaning the house in time. When she goes out to do a round-trip to the bakery, the Triplets decide to give her a hand. But nothing goes as planned: the vacuum cleaner brakes, the couch is stained and the corridor is full of soap. Be careful Mom, the floor is very very slippery!
An animal and pets magazine is organizing a wonderful contest to win a subscription: you have to send them a picture of your dog and relate its achievements. The Triplets decide to photograph Toto but cannot seem to find what he can do. Would he have what it takes to assist firemen? Policemen? Or detectives? Oh no! Just thinking about it makes Toto tremble with fear. The Triplets must think fast, there are only a few hours left to participate. But suddenly it hits them: of course, Toto is a hug specialist!
Is Rosie hanging around with the Tomcats? Scoutbadger and Woodsy have some good reasons for thinking so….
When Thomas causes a small accident by being silly he is so embarrassed that he blames it on someone else… called Geoffrey, an engine he just made up on the spur of the moment. But Thomas imaginary engine raises a lot of questions from his friends and soon Thomas is describing what Geoffrey looks like too. When the Fat Controller wants to meet this new engine Thomas realises that his story may have got a little out of hand!
The Fat Controller sends Thomas to the docks to collect a very important Christmas parcel. Unfortunately Cranky drops it when he is unloading a ship and hearing the way the parcel rattles thinks it must be broken. He tries to hide it from Thomas so that nobody will find out what hes done. But the Fat Controller does not give up so easily and neither does Thomas and with the help of Salty the parcel is soon discovered again. Thomas sets off to deliver it at last, but slips on the icy tracks, dislodging the parcel and thinks he must have broken it too. When the Fat Controller opens it the surprise turns out to be a surprise for Thomas and Cranky too!
Koko becomes incredibly strong after she gets an upgrade to her hydraulic power booster.
Wilson goes for the gold to find out what he's best at as all of Chuggington is celebrating and competing in the Chuggington Games!
Wilson organizes Zephie, Piper, and Hoot & Toot together to form his very own Junior Chug Patrol Crew, but he finds it difficult to be a good chief.
Gertrud promised Maria to make a perfume for Toramento with whom she has a first date tonight. Unfortunately, Gertrud's laboratory has burned down and with it, all the ingredients. Grisu's mission (with Stellas help) is to find the flowers the perfume requires and to help Gertrud to make the perfume again. But finding the flowers is not an easy thing, especially with Thingy around. Moreover, Grisu, peeved by Fumé, spits a flame, and burns all the ingredients once more! But Grisu is a resourceful dragon, and he manages to create the perfume Maria expects just in time for her romantic date!
Grisu helps Professor Smeraldo to retrieve a Dragonosarus egg from the icecap. Fumé joins the mission too, hoping to do some dragon training. They must prevent the prehistoric egg, caught in an iceblock, from falling off a crevasse, but a hungry albatross pops out and the mission is not so easy since the ice block ends up falling into the crevasse. Luckily, snowdrift softers the impact but our heroes find themselves without any rope to bring the egg back. In the end, the little dragon creates an ice firefighter pole using Smeraldo's searching material and manages the rescue the egg with Fumes help.
Were under attack by aliens! or so Kai thinks when he finds a mysterious crop circle underwater. They later realise that the hardworking white-spotted pufferfish is responsible for the intricate circle, but an uncontactable Kai is already on his way to destroy it, thinking it would prevent an alien attack. The rangers are on it!
On a hot summer day, Berry, Dolly, Bubble and Balthazar put on their swimsuits, looked for their buckets, shovels and started to build the loveliest sand castle on the Sand Island.
On a sunny autumn day, Berry and Dolly went into to forest to pick blueberries. Flutter, the butterfly girl, and Eddy, the potato beetle joined them as well. When Eddy saw the fruitful bushes cant help but pick all the best fruits before the others. Whats left to do?
Its December, and its gingerbread time! Berry and Dolly love making them. Berrys house filled with the wonderful smell of the biscuits what the magpie immediately noticed from above. Grabbed the bowl and flew away with it. Oh my!
On a summer afternoon after a heavy storm Leapy, the grasshopper found an injured stranger, He immediately called for help. Berry and Dolly arrived in no time as always.
Berry and Dolly are planting sunflowers on a spring day. They take care of the flowers carefully as they emerge from the ground and grow tall. The two friends are very happy. Unfortunately the joy does not last long; someone damaged the flowers.
Bing takes his Hoppity Voosh toy to the park to see the ducks and play on the slide. But when he steps in dog poo and heads to Ammas house to get cleaned up he leaves Hoppity behind. Amma helps Bing to fooocus so that he can remember where he went and retrace his steps to find Hoppity.
After several false starts to get out on a picnic Bing and Flop are finally ready to leave just as it starts to rain. Bing is very disappointed but as they unpack the wheelie bag he realises that they can have their picnic indoors instead.
Bing and Sula find a helium balloon stuck in a tree in the park. They both want to play with it at the same time so Flop makes two strings and they invent a noisy balloon game called “Stuck Duckies”. When they run in opposite directions the balloon flies away, so Flop volunteers to be the stuck duckie so the game doesnt have to end.
Coco discovers Bings dressing up box so they both dress up. Coco is Princess Cococapono and Bing is, of course, King Bing. But there is only one crown and both need it to complete their outfits. When the crown gets broken Flop helps them to make new crowns out of the broken pieces.
Bing makes Sula a picture with all her favourite things on it. It just needs one last jewel stuck on but OOPS the glue spills all over the picture. Sparkles save the day.
Get to know our little pets better through charming stories featuring the characters from the popular Bing series.
Simon and Gaspard find a lost, little cat in their yard. He is soooo cute and the children want to keep him. But Milou is jealous. And Daddy and Mommy explain to the boys that the cat must belong to someone and that tomorrow, they will have to find its owner. Simon and Gaspard are disappointed but still happy they can spend the night with the cat. They have an argument over who gets to sleep next to the little cat. And the cat has to deal with Milous jealousy as well, although Milou finally adopts him too, with a big lick on the face!
The chickens are very strict: they are not convinced by Findus' performance on his new bike so far. They do not want to live with this dangerous situation on the farm. They demand that Findus must pass a highly official cycling test before he is allowed to ride around at will. He has to master stations on a course that the chickens have devised. Findus is now a little afraid of failing the test.
Little Nutbrown Hare & Little Field Mouse are surprised to find an egg lying on the ground. Blue Bird agrees to look after it and when a rather odd and demanding bird hatches, she loves it like her own. When Little White Owl hears it calling one night, she tells them all that the lucky chick is a baby owl and she will teach her all an owl needs to know.
Little Nutbrown Hare & Little Field Mouse go on an adventurous journey through the woods in search of a special Autumn leaf. They leave a trail of acorns to find their way home, but Little Grey Squirrel unwittingly collects the acorns and leaves them all lost in the woods. Luckily he is able to help when he climbs to the treetops and spies the meadow in the distance.
Racing is exciting, but not for everyone. When Boribon feels sad because he hasn't won first place, Annalee cleverly finds a way to cheer the little bear up.
Rupert teaches the kids how to find ones way through the forest. But as they search their way home, Rupert falls asleep. The kids follow their tracks and also help Rupert find his way back.
Mole Max thinks his son Karl is too young to go camping with the other kids. Tilda changes Maxs mind and Karl happily joins the trip. He feels insecure until he helps Tilda in an emergency.
Mommy is coming home! The Triplets run to welcome her when they realize her favorite flowerpot has been knocked down and broken. But who could do such a thing? The Triplets decide to hide the flowerpot but unfortunately Mommy sees it and asks to know who did this. Since no one replies, she states a fault confessed is half redressed and she gives them five minutes to find the guilty one. Who did this? Girl with her tea party? Turbulent with his soccer ball? Or Poet with his violin? Or maybe someone else?
Its the end of the day at the beach and the Triplets want an ice cream. Mommy says they wont be hungry for dinner when she prepares for them a delicious soup of stinging nettles and a juicy ox tongue. When she sees their reaction, Mommy challenges them to fish their dinner and everything theyll find will end in their plate. The Triplets are more than excited, which one of them will bring the biggest fish? But unfortunately, our heroes will only catch a disgusting, sticky jellyfish. They hope Mommy wont make them eat it.
Harrison wants to be a tour guide, but first he must pass the test: devising a special tour. He plans to go around his favourite parts of Chuggington, but needs a special place to end his tour. While searching, Harrison discovers working parts of Chuggington that hes never seen before, but doesnt find his special place. Time is running out and a dusty Harrison rushes back to the Working Wheels Yard for a wash but they are too busy to fit him in. Harrison is distraught. He can't give a tour looking like this!
Most of the good folk of Pontypandy have gathered in Pontypandy Park for the annual town festival. Norman is running the coconut shy (gluing down the coconuts so nobody can win), Bella is providing delicious pizzas and Moose is manning the Test Your Strength machine. The fire fighters are well represented with Sam giving the kids rides on Jupiter whilst Station Officer Steele is proudly showing off his new Mobile Command Unit vehicle. Mike is running late with his stick your head through a hole in a painted board amusement. Helen tells him its unusable as the paint is still wet.
A zap from a toy robots laser beam and a chance comment from Mandy makes Norman-Man think hes found his super powers… hes invisible! He gets the chance to test his new-found powers out when Joes robotic dog goes on the rampage, but soon discovers he isnt invisible. Sam and the teams dream of a fire free month go up in flames.
Kipper thinks the Wonder Dog books are great and decides to be Kipper the Super Dog. His blanket becomes a cape and his bike a Super Bike. Now he needs someone to rescue. He makes Arnolds kite fly when theres no wind. But he becomes a real hero when he saves Jakes kitten. Tiger wants to be a hero too. Pig asks him to rescue Arnolds kite – its stuck in a tree – but Tigers not so sure when he sees how tall the tree is.
A magic carpet, complete with three wishes, turns up in Kippers house. He wishes himself and Hippo to the moon to meet the Bleepers. The carpet tips Hippo off when they reach the moon and the Bleepers find him and wonder what he is and how he got there. When Kipper turns up the Bleepers wonder how he got there. He tells them about the carpet but they laugh. He gives them a ride right round the moon and at last they believe him.
After Caillou blows up at Leo for falling behind in a relay race, Leo decides he no longer wants to play, so Caillou pretends to be an athlete who is criticized by his Coach (Leo) during a track and field meet. Realizing that his words were hurtful, Caillou cheers Leo on, making the race even more fun.
Caillou can't bear to dig up his beloved green bean plant in the school garden. He goes into a farming fantasy where an overly-fluffy sheep is reluctant to shave her wool. Caillou learns that while saying goodbye can be hard, its the only way to move forward.
Thomas befriends a stray dog who is wandering around the railway and tries to find him a home. In the process, Thomas derails and the fuzzy little dog raises the alarm.
Ranger Rocky invites the Junior Rangers along on an adventure to return an orca to the sea. But the task becomes twice as hard when they come across a second orca that is stranded on the beach.
Leo is shocked to find an electric eel in the garden pond! The Junior Rangers travel to South America to return the eel to its home, but their mission takes a wild turn when they meet an anaconda.
Pat must deliver Ben to Greendale School, dressed as superhero, The Blue Flash. But Ben keeps stopping to help people on the way and his costume gets increasingly ruined! Meanwhile at the school, Julian can't wait to meet his hero but Sarah Gilbertson insists that The Blue Flash isn't real... At last Pat arrives at the school with Ben wearing a new costume hastily cobbled together by Pat. Julian isn't fooled. Looks like The Blue Flash isn't real after all...
Pat must deliver eggs, milk, flour and butter to Greendale for the annual Pancake Race. But when Michael mixes all the ingredients together, Pat finds that he instead has to deal with a mixing bowl full to the brim with pancake mix... Meanwhile in Greendale, Sara's attempts at pancake-tossing aren't going well and she soon loses her pancake under the wheels of PC Selby's car. Even worse, Ted Glen's amazing Pancake Machine has run out of mix so Sara won't be able to run the race unless Pat can get to Greendale on time...
Bing and Flop play hide and seek on the way to Padgets shop. Bing doesnt want the game to end when they get there so he hides behind the door to the stock room, where Flop really cant see him. When the door slams shut, Bing is stuck inside.
Bing and Flop are building a sandcastle when Pando joins them in the sandpit with his wind-up digger toy to help. Bing finds a lovely poiky thing in the sand and thinks it will make the perfect decoration for the top of his castle not realizing it belongs to Pandos digger.
Its a beautiful Autumn day and Bing and Sula are in the park with Flop collecting acorns. When Bings pile of acorns keeps getting smaller Flop suggests they hide behind a bush to see whats happening to them – a squirrel is the culprit, hiding acorns for winter.
Bing finds his old baby shoes. They are much too small for Bing now but Coco loves them and so does baby Charlie. When the shoes are a perfect fit for Charlie, Bing has a hard time letting them go to a new home.
Flop is feeling poorly so Bing decides to look after him. He makes Flop comfy on the sofa, gives him a blanket and reads an exciting Hoppity Voosh story. But when Bing tries to make Flop a honey-lemon drink he ends up making a big mess instead. Poor Flop...
Pongo the Friendly Dragon is sad because he doesnt have anyone his size to play with and cant enjoy activities like riding on the seesaw. Feeling sorry for his friend, Oswald finds the perfect match for Pongo - Laverne the White Elephant - but Pongo is too shy to say hello to her. Oswald devises ways to get them together, but the clumsy Pongo keeps ruining his efforts. Finally Oswald manoeuvres both Pongo and Laverne into the basket of a hot-air balloon and sets them adrift, and they float off together, friends at last.
Oswald takes over the ice cream route when Johnny Snowman has the sniffles. Johnny is very grateful, especially as he has a special delivery that he does every Friday afternoon. Oswald and Weenie set off but soon find that doing a job isnt always easy. Nevertheless, Oswald and Weenie press on and end up not only making that special delivery but also selling all of the ice cream!
Bob and the gang are building an Automatic Car Wash for Curtiss Garage, but Roley is being as obsessive as ever, checking and re-checking that the newly laid tarmac is absolutely, completely flat. Just as Roley gives Bob the all clear to start building, Mayor Madison and Mr. Bentley arrive in Phillip expecting to use the car wash! Wendy explains theyve been held up – but to come back later. Once the car wash is ready, Wendy explains how the control console works and does a test run. It works perfectly and at last Curtis can re-open his garage. Roley, however, is still not convinced the tarmac is flat. To re-assure him Bob tells Leo to do one more test run. As the run starts, Roley thinks he sees some un-flattened tarmac and rushes into the car wash to flatten it!
While working at Fixham Campsite, Dizzy wants to camp out with Leo and the Spring City Rockets till shes put off by the creepy crawlies. She later regrets her decision and returns with Scoop and Muck but they are frightened by the spooky story Leo is telling and the Rockets think they are the creatures from his story. Everyone panics and the build is damaged as they flee. Dizzy gets her wheel stuck in a ditch and is left behind.
It's Little Field Mouse's birthday and Little Nutbrown Hare wants to give her exactly the right gift. After a moments thought he realises he has no idea what to give her. Big Nutbrown Hare encourages his son to think about everything he knows about his friend. He remembers she likes to look nice on her birthday, so her makes her a lovely necklace and she is delighted!
Little Nutbrown Hare keeps winning a game with Little Field Mouse, and enjoys it so much he doesn't realise she is frustrated with losing. Big Nutbrown Hare helps him realise that winning is less important than making sure everyone enjoys playing the game. So Little Nutbrown Hare invents a new game that Little Field Mouse and her twin siblings can enjoy playing too.
Days On a hot Summers day Big Nutbrown Hare wants the young ones to have some relaxing time by the river. Like most young kids they have trouble staying quiet and still. When they do finally manage some quiet time, they experience the variety of life that the river has to offer, including some rare birds and a family of terrapins.
When a new nameplate is about to be placed on the statue of Admiral Hornblast, it suddenly disappears. Huckle, Sally and Lowly check out the photos and videos taken at the scene and ultimately determine that the statue slide over the plate when it was bumped by an out of control bulldozer./Pig Will and Pig Wont are playing spies. However Pig Wont suddenly finds himself out of the game when his Secret Spy Ring disappears!
Messy is in the living room watching cartoons on the TV. As he watches he starts to wonder how do his cartoon characters get inside his telly anyway? He vortexes himself to Okido to find out. Messy arrives with a hop, skip and a jump into Zoe and Felixs house, theyre dancing around to their favourite band who are performing on telly. Messy starts to join in. But all of a sudden, the television screen distorts. Felix tries to change the channel but discovers the TV shows dont have Okido people in them instead theyre hosted by aliens!
Its night time in the real world, but Messy is not asleep. Hes at his window mesmerised by the nights sky and all the distant lights he see can twinkling from far, far away. A curious Messy vortexes himself to Okido! Messy arrives just in time to catch Felix and Zoe heading to Zim Zam and Zooms. Apparently theyve made a discovery and have breaking news for the whole of Okido! At the Cloudship, Mayor Oki is preparing to be filmed by a camera man whilst Zim, Zam and Zoom introduce their news.
Blueberry invites Huck to return to Berry Bitty City to co-write a story with her to submit to an online mystery magazine. He is hopeful that if the story is accepted, he can raise funds for his new Hucks Hotel for Homeless Pets. But as they write the story, Huck feels he isnt contributing anything—Blueberrys insistence on duplicating the style of Patti Persimmon dominates their story. Trouble ensues when Blueberry learns Huck is writing a song with Cherry. She thinks he has found a new writing partner he likes better than her.
Charlie is having a sleepover and has invited Harry, however, Charlie's Mum says he is only allowed to bring one of the dinos with him.
Harry goes to Dino-World to learn how to make origami animals.
Robotruck is the hottest new toy this Christmas, but Chuck got the last one in the stores. When he decides to re-give it to his pal Boomer, he sets off a series of kind acts that proves generosity can be contagious.
Its high summer when many more people visit the island. The Fat Controller is concerned about getting them all to their destinations on time. When Duck tells the other engines about the slip coaches they used on the Great Western Railway, which could be uncoupled at stations without stopping, James tells the Fat Controller and claims its his idea. But James has never used slip coaches before and soon runs into trouble.
When Thomas and Diesel are sent to collect trucks from the Ffarquhar Quarry, they argue about who should be the back engine. But then Diesel suggests he take the trucks with Mavis and leave Thomas to look after the quarry until they get back. When they dont come back, Thomas gets fed up and decides to take another load of troublesome trucks on his own and then there is trouble!
Grisu has a new mission: helping Toramento to change the lighthouses bulb. Soon he discovers that this is not the only problem with the lighthouse. The rotating lamp is also blocked by a seagull's nest. And the seagull doesn't allow anyone to approach its nest. Grisu, being attacked by the animal, spits a flame and burns the bulb. How to replace it? He must find a solution quickly before a boat runs aground on the reefs. Could Fumé do the trick? Grisu asks his father for help. Thanks to Stella and Toramento, Fumé will overcome his hate of water, thus being able to reach Grisu. Then, he will replace the light bulb by spitting out the biggest flame ever.
Natureza wants to study hawklings about to hatch on top of Mount Dragonberg and for that, she needs to set up a camera in their nest. Grisu accompanies her – as a fellow mountain climber. But he's not quite a seasoned one and has a few comic failures (fortunately he has a safety rope). As they are about to cross a wooden bridge, Fumé – who's tagging along – accidently wakes up a grumpy bear. Surprised, Grisu breathes out a flame that burns the bridge, ruining the expedition. But a firefighter never gives up.
A Summer storm sweeps across the valley and a nervous Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends scamper into a cave with Big Nutbrown Hare. They are all safe and dry in the cave, but the thunder outside is still scary. Big Nutbrown Hare explains that noises cant hurt you… but will he help them overcome their fears enough to enjoy the storm and the wonders of nature that it brings?
A lazy Summers day brings a wonderful discovery for Little Nutbrown Hare… a tree full of bright, beautiful, tasty plums! Little Nutbrown Hare isnt the only one enjoying the juicy summer fruit, it seems like every animal in the meadow has come for a taste. As the Summer goes on the plums disappear and Little Nutbrown Hare begins to wonder what all the animals will do without them.
Berry is annoyed with Edmund as he does not want to play at skittles with her. She decides to change fathers. Accompanied by Rosie, she wants to find out what her friends fathers are like.
Bob and his crew are building a special area to celebrate local citizens who have improved the life of Spring City. Each recipient will get to see his or her image inside a golden star on a plinth. But Mayor Madison is struggling to decide who exactly will feature in the very first golden star. Various suggestions include Mr. Bentley, who is very keen to be chosen, Tilly and Jenny. But when the Spring City Rockets suggest Betsy, Scoop decides that the honour should go to a machine – and that machine should be him. Scoop shows off in front of Maria hoping he will be chosen. But his reckless behavior results in cutting through an electric cable and causing a massive power cut.
Scoop is fascinated by a heavy storm, but the impressive lightning damages the Fixham Lighthouse. Bob and the team must repair its lamp and replace its main power cable before dark. On the way they pass Curtis at the Marina and learn that the storm also damaged his motor boat, which he's trying to fix. While Lofty helps remove and replace the lamp, Scoop digs up the old power cable from the lighthouse to shore. With the tide coming in and night-time approaching, Bob and Wendy stay at the lighthouse to finish the job. They get the lamp working again, just as a new lightning storm arrives. Fascinated by the lightning, Scoop accidentally pulls out the new cable and cuts the power.
All the balls at Farmer Patrick Pig's new mini putt are disappearing. After much investigation Huckle and the gang track the missing balls to Patrick's record breaking egg laying chicken. / When the gold coins Mr Fix It finds on the beach disappear, Huckle, Lowly and Sally set out to find out where they went.
Leos paper plane crashes into a young Malayan colugo. The Junior Rangers search the rainforest for the colugos mother, but the mission comes to a halt when they chance upon a forest fire. Will the Junior Rangers eventually succeed in their mission? Or will their plans go up in smoke?
Leo meets an oriental pied hornbill while picking apples in his garden. To find the hornbills nest, the Junior Rangers set out for the rainforest once again.
At the beach, Gaspard does one goof-up after another. He wants to play with Simon but each time he turns out to be a real pain in the neck. He tangles up the string to the kite, makes his brother fall in the water after pushing him on the inflatable ducky-life-preserver...and finally, the cherry on the cake: Simon has built awesome sand castles with Maelle and Gaspard shows up, smashing the tower on one of them and totally destroying the other castle. “I cant believe it, you did that on purpose!”.
Berry becomes sad because he can not climb on the rainbow but Dolly makes him happy with an exceptionally creative present.
The kite breaks loose, Berry and Dolly together with their friends are stuck on a high tree. Of course eventually everybody reaches the ground safe and sound.
Berry and Dolly together with their friends find a small bug in a cave. They would like to take it home but there is an other tenant also living in the cave.
It turns out whether there are witches or not, and that it is not nice to frighten others.
Bing goes to play with Sula who is engrossed in a game of sparkle magic when he arrives. Bing wants to play too but Sula finds all sorts of reasons why Bing cant play with her special sparkly things. Amma suggests that Bing makes his own sparkle magic stone but disaster strikes when Bing accidentally spills Sulas precious sparkle dust.
Bing and Pando are in the sandpit pretending to be diggers. Bing wants to dig the biggest hole and gets upset when Pando accidentally fills it in. It takes Flop to show them how they can work together to be just like the digger men they saw planting a tree in the park earlier.
Sula and Amma have come to Bings house for lunch but there are no carrots so Flop pops to the shop to get some. Bing stays behind but its not long before he starts to miss Flop. Missing Flop…its a Bing thing.
Bing has a brand new Hoppity Voosh lunch box, and Pando has the exact same one – match! At first its fun to match, but that changes when Bing and Pando mix their lunchboxes up and end up with the wrong lunch.
Edna has a new business idea: restoring old furniture. When the twins Billy and Benny play with paint, they accidentally splatter Robins favourite cabinet. Edna is shocked, but Robin loves the result.
Frogs are staying at the Guesthouse Appleseed to collect leaves. When Tilda discovers a beautiful portrait of herself, she asks Rupert, who also received a portrait, and they search for the artist.
The big neighbourhood race is coming up, and Snaily, who came in last place last year, dreams of winning this time. He discovers his talent on Billy's skateboard, but the rules stand in his way.
Among the newly fallen Autumn leaves Little Nutbrown Hare finds a very peculiar little, hairy, green… something. Intrigued by what it might be Little Nutbrown Hare asks all his friends, but they all have different answers! It is certainly a very useful something, great for back scratching and games but it takes Little Grey Squirrel to solve the mystery.
One bright moonlit Autumn night, the Nutbrown Hares are both having trouble sleeping. As they lay quietly in a pile of leaves they listen to the sounds of the night… swish, hoot, wobble, nibble, croak and splash! They go on a journey to discover whats making the interesting night noises, but will they work out what sound the moon makes?
Chilly Autumn winds blow as Little Nutbrown Hare chases the beautiful fallen leaves. When one wafts so high that only a bird could catch it Little Nutbrown Hare wishes he could fly as well. He and Little Field Mouse try every way they can think of to fly, without luck. They have fun trying, however, and along the way they discover they have their own very special talents.
Whos that hopping into the garden? Why, its a yellow-footed rock-wallaby—and its baby! The Junior Rangers hightail it to Australia to send mother and child home, but will a couple of flat tires throw a spanner in the works?
A vervet monkey shows up as an uninvited guest to one of Leos picnics. The Junior Rangers head to the savannah to bring the monkey home, but the trip takes a nasty turn when they fall into an animal trap.
Dad gives Kate a puzzle that seems too hard to solve. In Mimiloo, Mim-Mim finds an enchanted ring that leads everyone on a quest to find the hidden treasure of King Tut-n-Bunny. It leads them to a sphinx which is full of obstacles and challenges that test the gangs abilities and Mim-Mims courage.
Kate is making a balloon buddy for Mim-Mim and needs a big balloon. In Mimiloo, Kate, Mim-Mim and their friends find a balloon tree, but all its balloons are flat and droopy. They must find a way to re-inflate the balloons for the Big Balloon Parade, where Kate has a big surprise for Mim-Mim!
Annalee and Boribon go on a hike. Annalee fills her backpack, and they set off to climb a mountain. When they reach the top and the strange rock, an interesting view unfolds before them. However, on the way back, a small accident happens….
Buns and Meemaw love Halloween the most. By helping friends with their costumes, they save the day.
The friends find a mansion that might have ghosts, or maybe whoever is in there just needs a friend.
After one of the best Halloweens ever, Rhonda lost all her candy. Buns and her friends save the day.
Findus promises the chickens that he will build them a feather brush machine. However, he then passes on this difficult tinkering to Pettson, who is more skilled with his hands. Unfortunately, Pettson forgets the order. When the chickens joyfully await the finished machine the next day and are presented with nothing, they are deeply disappointed. The old man and his cat now learn what it means not to keep a promise.
It is very windy and therefore a good opportunity to fly a kite. Findus overdoes it, however, because he has great fun annoying the chickens with his flying manoeuvres. This eventually leads to them vehemently refusing to continue laying eggs for this chaotic chicken-hostile farm. So they spontaneously decide to emigrate to Gustavsson. On the way there, however, they are threatened by a hungry buzzard.
In the real world Messy is about to have his favourite snack – a pair of socks! He quickly gulps down the first delicious sock and then reaches out for the second but he cant find it. “Its got to be here somewhere, but why cant I see it?” He says. A puzzled Messy transports himself to Okido to find out. Messy lands in Okido and startles at the sight of a ginormous multi-coloured paper model monster. “We made it for you” giggle Zoe and Felix as they appear from behind their hiding places.
Huckle and his pals all receive party invitations, but the party's location is a mystery. Small circular marks left behind by whoever delivered the invitations are an important clue. It leads Huckle and pals to Miss Honey who's been walking with a crutch. Grateful for the help she got raking up all her leaves, Miss Honey decided to throw a party for all the volunteers./Huckle and his pals discover a mysterious gigantic spoon.
In the hot savanna it is hard to find some shade, monkey thought he found the perfect place when this “place” started to move…. Turns out to be his friend the Camel who's all ready to play Monkeys favorite game… “Monkey See Monkey Do”!
MOOSE shows a photo album of himself as a child building animals out of sticks in the Canadian mountains. The Wildmen of Pontypandy (Moose and TOM) are taking the Pontypandy Pioneers (MANDY, NORMAN, DEREK, SARAH and TREVOR) up the mountain for a wilderness outing, and Moose will live his childhood dream of building a giant bear out of sticks and twigs. JAMES has a cold and is forced to stay behind, with his uncle Sam as babysitter. Sam tries to keep James entertained with games, but Sam becomes obsessed with one particular game – trying to maneuver a hoop over a wire without setting off a buzzer. Sam sets James the challenge of finding three fire hazards while Sam continues trying (and failing) to conquer the wire/buzzer game. On the mountain, Moose launches into building his bear like a man obsessed. He takes all the best twigs and sticks for himself, so the kids are only capable of building small, pathetic animals. And finally, Moose commandeers everyone to work on his giant bear. The bear is 8 foot tall, and while posing for a photo with the bear, Moose inadvertently knocks it over.
Mrs Chen is taking a school trip to the ruins. Norman thinks this will be boring and is also annoyed to be paired up with Lily. But Trevor is late with the bus, and when he turns up the bus is clearly not running well. However, Mrs Chen insists that they set off before he can check under the bonnet. Meanwhile, Sam is showing the other firefighters how to rescue a horse, but Elvis is more interested in pretending to be a cowboy. Steele arrives, confiscates Elvis's cowboy hat and tells him to get off the plastic horse – no more being a cowboy. The bus breaks down.
Ted Glenns Cornish cousin Ned is sending him a steam engine as an alternative means to power his workshop. Pat and Jess set off to Cornwall to collect this very large special delivery in the SDS Plane whilst Ted sets about giving away all of his old inventions to the people of Greendale in order to clear out enough space for the engine. Pat and Jess meet the eccentric Ned Glenn at his workshop and wrestle with the crate containing the heavy engine to get it aboard the plane.
When Rosie, Scoutbadger and Woodsy are busy with their friends, Berry realises that she does not have one of her own. So, when she finds a twisted little branch that looks a bit like an animals face, she calls it Cherry, says that it is her friend and brings it in to be part of the family. However, Berrys artificial friend starts to take up a little too much room.
Woodsy tried to take some honey from the bees and they chased him. He got such a fright that he no longer wants to leave the burrow. His brothers and sister will do everything they can to help him over his phobia.
On one of Sketcky's holiday photos, Doodleboo and Sketcky discover an egg in a nest. But the nest is not in a tree. Doodleboo will show Sketcky what this strange animal is, that lays eggs and does not fly.
While Doodleboo and Sketcky sunbathe, Sketcky wants to know more about the sky, clouds, and space! Doodleboo has the idea of a Riddleboo that will reveal all the secrets of the universe to Sketcky...
Sketcky would like to succeed in doing his magic tricks, but he fails them all the time. Doodleboo is no more talented than he, but he has a magic Riddleboo for his friend to discover!
Messy is in his garden looking at ants. He notices how they move in lines and come in and out of a hole in the ground! He wonders why – its off to Okido to find out! Messy crash lands in front of Zoe and Felix who are holding a cake. They tell him that its Mayor Okis birthday so theyre having a picnic so they zip off to the park to meet Zim, Zam and Zoom. Felix, Zoe and Messy are a little disappointed on arrival when see that the picnic food Zim, Zam and Zoom have brought is TINY….
Messy finds a grey sticky thing that looks like a net in the corner of his bathroom. But what is it - he goes to Okido to find out! He lands in Zoe and Felixs garden to find them doing some paper gluing to make a picture. Zoes communicator rings and Zam tells her that theres an emergency at Loopy Bridge and she needs their help! When they arrive they see that theres a crack in Loopy Bridge! Zam says she could fix it but shes run out of glue… Felix offers his paper glue to her, but she tells him that it wont be sticky enough, and she needs a special glue.
Simon has found a wounded bird in the yard. With help from his younger brother Gaspard, he decides to look after him. Simon takes a real liking to the bird, he becomes his friend. He even gives him a name: Feather. With help from daddy, he builds him a nest, finds him seeds to eat. But the bird recovers and one day, flies off without Simon even noticing. Saddened by his departure, Simon looks all over for him. Finally, the bird reappears and shows Simon his real nest. Simon gets to meet the birds whole family and realizes how much better it is for him to be with other birds in his natural element. He is so happy that Feather has found his Mommy and Daddy again!
On Summers hottest night Little Nutbrown Hare finds it hard to sleep. When a swim in the river isnt enough to cool him down, Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends ask Little White Owl to tell them a really cold and sleepy bedtime story. Will she come up with a story that can make them feel cool and finally get Little Nutbrown Hare off to sleep?
Little Nutbrown Hare is impressed by Blue Birds description of a flowery field that looks just like a sea of colour from her birds eye view. He visits the field with Big Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse, and they discover that everyone has their own unique view of the field, and each one is special in its own way.
One gorgeous Summer morning Big Nutbrown Hare wakes to find Little Nutbrown Hare enthralled by a story of Little White Owls. Encouraged, Little Nutbrown Hare sets off to make up a story of his own, but finds it harder than he thought to come up with one. With the help of his father, he finally uses some fruit hes collected on the way to help him tell a very colourful tale.
Bing wants to play his car park game with Flop but Charlie is visiting and keeps messing up the game. Bing wants Charlie to go away so Flop with Charlie in the kitchen. Bing doesnt enjoy his game on his own and finds out that some games are better played together.
Bing is playing in the garden when he sees his shadow; Flop has one too. Flop and Bing play shadow tag, taking it in turns to be It, but a raincloud covers the sun and the shadows disappear. Flop persuades Bing to go inside, out of the rain, but Bing is upset that his shadow is getting wet outside. .
Bing is at Ammas creche and its his turn to choose the game, Musical Statues. Flop gets the Bingpad going and soon all the children are dancing like crazy. Sula goes out first, quickly followed by Coco. They both watch for wobblers with Amma.
Bing drives his toy car around the breakfast things on the table and accidentally spills krispos all over the kitchen floor. He helps Flop to clear them up with the aid of the voo-voo cleaner but neither of them notice when Bings car gets sucked up along with the krispos.
Bing and Pando discover a new climbing frame at the playground. Its got climbing bits, tippy bits and even a wobbly bridge. But when Bing gets to the top of the slide its too scary for him to go down. Bing watches Pando to see how he does it, then he helps Hoppity Voosh to go down. When Hoppity likes it Bing has a go too.
One autumn day, Reggie Squirrel is visited by his old friend, Otto Badger, who brings a frisbee as a gift. They happily play with it, and when they head home, the frisbee falls at the base of a tree. Later, Berry and his friends find it and play with it, but Balthazar throws it so far that the frisbee vanishes. Reggie Squirrel asks them about it later, but Balthazar denies having seen it. Dolly and Flutter find the frisbee and bring it back to Reggie. Berry, feeling ashamed, admits that they accidentally threw the frisbee and couldn't find it. In the end, they all play happily with it until dark, carefully making sure not to throw it too far.
Leapy, the grasshopper girl, gets paint on her hair while painting her house in the spring. She cant wash it off, so Zephyr, the dragonfly, offers to cut her hair. Leapy is very sad when she sees herself in the mirror; she doesnt like her new hairstyle. At Zephyr's suggestion, they show the others, but only Dolly notices the change and compliments her. Later, they hold a hairstyle day, where everyone creates special hairstyles for themselves. Leapy happily finishes painting her house and invites her friends to a spring feast.
Stanley's birthday is approaching, and he becomes very curious and cant wait to find out what gift he will receive from Dolly. He peeks into the ladybird girl's drawer. The next day, he tells Balthazar that he knows what his gift will be. On his birthday, the friends gather and wish Stanley a happy birthday. Flutter presents the cake, they sing, and then Stanley blows out the candles and cuts the cake. Stanley receives many nice gifts, including a bowling set from Dolly. Stanley admits that he peeked into the ladybird girl's drawer because he was curious about his gift.
Shaun invites his friends to Sand Island during the summer heatwave. Christopher and Chloe, the two canaries, ferry the friends over. Bubble, Balthazar, Dolly, Stanley, Berry, Flutter, and Shaun build sand houses. Balthazar accidentally knocks down Bubble the flower beetle's house. Suddenly, a summer shower begins and washes away all the sand houses. They stand sadly around their ruined creations and decide to build a large drip sandcastle together. Side by side, they build drip towers, construct castle walls, and decorate the tops with sand balls. The day passes joyfully, and by the evening, when the canaries come to pick them up, magnificent drip towers stand tall on the island.
Huckle, Lowly and Sally set out to prove to Pig Will and Pig Wont that the figure they saw wearing a strange yellow suit and helmet is not a spaceman from another planet. The clues finally lead them to the realization that it was really Granny Goodpig wearing her yellow suit to protect her while she collected honey from her beehives./ Someone took all the red roses from Granny Goat's garden leaving Huckle and gang puzzled.
It is night time at the jungle, it is dark and Monkey hears a strange a noise. Who is making that noise? Whooooo? It is the owl and he is hooting hello. Monkey is happy to meet his friend and to invite him to join him in his favorite game… “Monkey See Monkey Do”!
Sam arrives at Mike's workshop to find Elvis and Mike rehearsing for a concert tonight. Elvis and Mike start arguing about how a particular bit of the song goes, and the argument soon escalates and the band breaks up. Sam, non-plussed, leaves to take Elvis to work. At the fire station, Elvis is adamant he doesn't want to reform the band, and instead demonstrates his new hobby – juggling! And he's going to do it before Mike's band tonight. But he's terrible – the apples he juggles land on Steele's head. At his workshop, Mike, with Mandy and Helen, auditions for a new band member. Nearly everyone in Pontypandy tries out, but they're all awful! And Mike complains that none of them is quite like Elvis. At the quayside, Sam and Steele check Joe's stage and lighting preparations are OK.
When Norman, James, Sarah and Mandy go to play Castles and Kings at the ruins, Gareth builds them a rather pathetic cardboard dragon to use in their game. Norman, who wants to be the King of Dragons decides that the dragon should be a lot better than it is and sets off with Gareth to find the bits and pieces to make it the best dragon ever. At the fire station, the team is about to start some smoke room drills, but Elvis has failed the vehicle inspection and has to get Jupiter clean before he is allowed to join in. He gets frustrated as everyone else gets stuck into the drills and he only manages to get Jupiter dirtier.
Kipper thinks the Wonder Dog books are great and decides to be Kipper the Super Dog. His blanket becomes a cape and his bike a Super Bike. Now he needs someone to rescue. He makes Arnolds kite fly when theres no wind. But he becomes a real hero when he saves Jakes kitten. Tiger wants to be a hero too. Pig asks him to rescue Arnolds kite – its stuck in a tree – but Tigers not so sure when he sees how tall the tree is.
A magic carpet, complete with three wishes, turns up in Kippers house. He wishes himself and Hippo to the moon to meet the Bleepers. The carpet tips Hippo off when they reach the moon and the Bleepers find him and wonder what he is and how he got there. When Kipper turns up the Bleepers wonder how he got there. He tells them about the carpet but they laugh. He gives them a ride right round the moon and at last they believe him.
Caillou is worried there's a monster under his bed, so Daddy checks to make him feel better!
New guests arrive at Guesthouse Appleseed – the famous band “The Merry Mice” and two hares who want to record birds singing. But with the mice practising their music, the hares cant hear any birds.
Tilda asks Edna to repair her entrance door that creaks so loudly that her guests want to leave Guesthouse Appleseed. But normally, Rupert does all repairing work for Tilda and interferes.
It is raining a lot outside and the Triplets are bored. Only people who have no imagination get bored, says Mom. The Triplets have many faults but a lack of imagination is not one of them! They start pretending they are drifting on a raft. They reach a desert island on which they will have to survive on their own. But beware: pirates are approaching! Good thing Captain Mom is there to save them and prepare them a delicious heartwarming dinner after all these adventures!
When Turbulent comes back with a balloon he got for free on the beach, Poet is jealous. But the balloon lady thinks it's Turbulent coming back and refuses to give Poet the balloon he's asking for.She gives the same answer to Girl, thinking Turbulent is disguised. Enough is enough! The Triplets are sick and tired of people getting them mixed up, they want to be different. Maybe if Poet got fat or Girl changed her hair color, people would make the difference?
Its Mothers Day when all the mothers get together to talk about their daily lives and the community. Meanwhile, the fathers and children prepare them a pleasant evening along with some surprises. Rosie has decided to mark the occasion with a lovely sculpture for her mother but things do not turn out quite as expected.
Kevin is very excited by the snow, but Victor doesnt like it at all. He explains to Kevin that the snow is causing all sorts of trouble. Emily is stuck in the Steamworks, because the parts she is waiting for are on a truck thats stuck in the snow at the depot. When Kevin goes outside some snow falls off the roof trapping him too. Victor thinks Kevins gone to try to fetch the truck from the depot and sets off to rescue his friend. Luckily Thomas has been sent to the depot too and is able to find Victor before anyone else gets stuck in the snow!
Toby stubbornly refuses to fill up with coal just because Henrietta keeps reminding him. He leaves her behind and sets off to take some trucks to the Scrapyard, but ends up running out of coal just as he gets there. Toby needs someone to stop and give him some coal, but is hard to see amongst all the scrap. Reg tries to help him be seen, but when the other engines do finally see Toby, they get the wrong idea and soon a rumour spreads across the island that the poor old Toby is being scrapped!
With guidance from the ever-wise Hanzo, Tai must learn how to remain focused, calm, and balanced.
The Trainees are on a mission to play top-secret spy games in Chuggington but their sleuthing missions turn into wild shenanigans.
Zephie, Wilson, and Brewster compete to be Koko's partner in a relay race, but Koko knows that Zephie is the weakest.
During an expedition to the jungle, Smeraldo finds an ancient vase from the dragons age. Since he needs help to carry the relic to his lab, Grisu will join him in the mission. The job isnt easy, as the vase is very frail and a bunch of wild animals - especially some cheeky toucans - will get in their way. But with the help of Smeraldo, Olivia and Stella (who sneaked onboard to take part in the adventure), Grisu manages to carry the precious object to a safe place.
A shooting star has been seen above Dragontown. At it fell in the surrondings, Pr. Smeraldo wants to find it before the wind and the rain bury the stone. Unfortunately, he has a wide area to comb. It's a perfect mission for Grisu and Stella. Equiped with a metal detector, Grisu has to deal with many obstacles, among them Thingy who turns mad every time he hears the detector beeping. And you can't imagine how many metal things lie around. Not only can't Grisu and Stella find the precious meteorite, but also they collect metal waste such as an old whistle, a magnet, wire or a weathervane.
Kai needs a photo of the majestic Golden Pheasant for a photography competition. But no flash photography please!
Dolly wants to bake strawberry pie, so she asks Stanley and Balthazar to pick some strawberries. Along the way, the two friends are playing with a pebble, until they had a fight and fall into the water.
On a winter day, Milla, the snow beetle, invited her friends to ski. Berry, Lily and Flutter had nothing to ski with, so they made new skis for everyone.
There will be a puppet show in the middle of the forest. Berry, Dolly, Balthazar and Eddy also get going to watch the show. Eddy and Balthazar had a fight over a pebble when Eddy, the potato beetle, felt down. Oh my!
One day, Egon happily played with his new black scooter. The others also wants to try it but Egon not in the mood for sharing at all!
Bubble, the small flower beetle one spring day decided to build a tall tower from his colorful building blocks. Unfortunately the tower is keep falling down again and again.
Sula, Pando, Flop and Padget all have a knack, a special thing that only they can do. Bing is frustrated when all his own knacks are easy for everyone else to do too. When Pando accidentally hurts Bings ear they are all in for a surprise as Bing discovers he does have a knack that no-one else can do.
Sula and Bing tag their favourite things around the house with heart shaped stickies. Sometimes they have different favourites and sometimes their favourite things are the same. But when Sula tags Hoppity Voosh Bing is upset because Hoppity is his most favourite of favourites and hes not sure he wants to share him.
Bing wants Flop to read him his favourite book as he has his bath but Bing joins in with the story too enthusiastically Flop suggests they finish the story in bed as books dont like baths. Bing is heartbroken when the book falls into the bath as he gets into his pyjamas, until Flop helps him to understand that even though the book is wet the story isnt.
Bing has a great time choosing the perfect present for Sula in Padgets shop. Its a wand and is sparkly and flashy and spinny and Bing knows that she will love it. Bing is thrilled until it is time to hand the present over when he decides he wants to keep the spinny wand himself.
Bing wants to try Cocos Hula Hoop. Its harder than it looks but he finds lots of other hoopy games as he tries. Just as Bing almost gets it right he gets carried away with spinning, trips over and breaks the hoop. Coco is upset that she cant hula anymore until Bing and Charlie remind her of all the other games they can still do with the bent hoop.
Get to know our little pets better through charming stories featuring the characters from the popular Bing series.
Simon plays a joke on Gaspard by hiding his truck. Ha ha ha super funny! But when the truck disappears again while the brothers are building a race track in the yard, Simon swears that he hasnt pulled the same joke twice. It wasnt me, I promise! Simon helps Gaspard look all over the place for the truck but, ahhh, now its his toy car that disappears. Actually, it was Grandpa who moved them so they wouldnt get them wet while he watered his garden. Except that both the truck and the car disappear again! Is this one of Grandpas jokes?
When Pettson and Findus return from an outing in the forest, they discover a dead magpie in the yard - the nosey parker. Findus and the chickens are very sad about this. Pettson explains to them that the magpie was very old. They all decide to give her a nice funeral by the lakeside. During the preparations, they fondly remember the little experiences they had with her.
Spring is coming and Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse are very brave and go on a journey through the meadow to discover the source of a mysterious – and slightly spooky - creaking sound. They follow the clues to discover… its the frozen lake melting, and singing as it does!
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse pick lots of delicious strawberries. Little Nutbrown Hare eats all his and runs out so Little Field Mouse shares hers with him. When he goes to collect some more for his friend he eats them all too. Little Field Mouse shows him how to eat them really slowly to make them last longer.
The lake is vast, the water is deep, and Boribon is small. At first, hes afraid of the water, but Ben helps him and teaches him how to swim. They also build a sandcastle together.
Ida asks Molly, if she can look after her duckling Alina. But today of all days, Alina wants to learn how to fly and gets herself in some risky situations – and so Molly has to take some risks too.
Mole mother Gertrud has a cold, so Tilda watches her kids. The children teach Tilda how to dig. Unfortunately, Tildas tunnel leads directly to Rupert, whos upset about the molehills in his garden.
Mommy must go shopping but when shes back, she wants the Triplets to play for her and her friend the new piece they learn The Flowers Dance. Unfortunately, the day before, when Eliott was supposed to make them repeat, the Triplets preferred to play with their mini-cars. Which is way more fun! How will they manage to learn a piece in less than three hours? Hopefully, their imagination is always there to help.
The Triplets armchair is quite damaged, Mommy decided to recover it with a new fabric and it will be to the siblings to choose the color! Poet wants blue, the color of the sky, Turbulent wants green, the countrys color, and Girl wants yellow, the color of the sun! Not easy to agree on a same color but careful! If they dont decide quickly, Mommy will, and she has some strange color ideas like grey, the color of the rain!
The trainees are going off to training camp to learn to work as a team and acquire new skills. They have to put up three shelters before sunset, when Skylar and Tyne will come to inspect them. Things get off to a bumpy start when Hoot and Toot squabble over who is taking which cars. They accidentally leave one behind with half the parts for the shelters. It's not long before Brewster notices that they dont have everything they need. Hoot and Toot feel terrible for letting the team down.
When Ellie takes the Cadets on a field trip, they soon discover that gas canisters and campfires dont mix. Now they find themselves in the middle of a forest fire. Fortunately, Sam and Tom finish their helicopter safety checks just in time to swoop to the rescue.
Monster Mania hits town when there is a sighting of the Pontypandyness Monster. Norman, determined to get the first sighting of the monster, takes Joes Submaster 2000 without asking. Now trapped at the bottom of the lake, Sam and Penny must perform an underwater rescue before the submersible fills with water.
Kipper, Tiger (wearing his proper farmers boots), Pig and Arnold are off to the farm. Arnold finds a large white egg and makes a nest for it in his buggy. The others tease him, but soon the egg hatches and a duckling appears. It joins its mother duck and six brothers and sisters and soon Kipper with Arnold on his shoulders, Tiger slipping in the mud as he carries the buggy, and finally Pig, join the end of the fluffy procession.
Its Jakes birthday and everyone seems to have forgotten. He wishes for a big birthday party with all his friends. Kipper arrives – but he just wants to take Jake to the park. Luckily Kipper cant keep a secret and Jakes wish comes true.
After Daddy accidentally frightens Caillou with a picture book monster named Squibby, hes too scared to fall asleep. So, with a flashlight in hand, Caillou pretends to be a monster tracker where he “shines a light” on what scares him and discovers that its not so scary after all.
While trying a new trick on his bike, Caillou loses control and has a fall, triggering a new fear of bike riding. But by playing with the Red Racer, the worlds best driver, Caillou learns how to manage his fear and try again.
A little railway show comes to Sodor and a misunderstanding leads to all the small engines on railway turning up at Ulfstead Castle to participate.
Leo spots a South African cheetah cub in his garden. The Junior Rangers journey to the savannah to locate the cheetah cubs mother, but the cheetah cub is captured halfway by illegal hunters. Will the Junior Rangers have enough speed to catch up with these criminals?
Leo discovers a reef manta ray pup in the garden. The Junior Rangers set sail to find the manta ray a home in the ocean, but what happens when Ranger Rocky gets stuck in a sea jelly bloom?
Pat doesn't realise today's Special Delivery, a super all-in-one remote control, is quite as powerful as it is! As Jess falls asleep on the buttons, machines all around Pencaster start going haywire. Waiting for the remote, Charlie and Julian are installing a futuristic 'Shop a Bot 3000' robot sales assistant for Mrs Goggins, but they make the mistake of turning it on before the controller arrives. Pat struggles to make his delivery before the shop robot does too much damage!
Ted and PC Selby are building a zipwire to run from Greendale Crag all the way down into the valley. The kids are on a hike, led by Lauren which is due to culminate at the zipwire - the only trouble is, its not built yet! Pat and Jess have to race against time to deliver the huge steel cable to the top of the crag before the kids get there. Alls going well until Pat hits bumpy ground and the cable rolls out of the back of the jeep and back down the hill! It takes the combined efforts of Pat, Ben, the SDS helicopter and some nifty map reading to rewind the uncoiled and hopelessly tangled cable and get it back up to Greendale Crag.
Its music time at the creche and everyone wants a turn on the drum. Bing gets impatient waiting for his turn but as he tries to grab the drum from Sula he trips and breaks it. Now nobody can play the drum.
Bing and Sula are playing a vooshing game with their favourite toys, Hoppity Voosh and Hippo Fairy. They throw them into the air to see how high they can fly – Voooooosh! Uh-oh…Sulas hippo gets stuck in a tree so Bing throws Hoppity up to save her, only for Hoppity to get stuck too.
Bing and Pando are playing outside in the cold, blowing steamy dragon breath at each other and discovering icicles hanging from the tap. Flop makes hot chocolate to warm everybody up but Bing cant wait for it to cool down before he can drink it and burns his fingers – Pandos quick thinking brings the icicle to the rescue.
Charlie is coming to play and Bing has planned lots of things for them to do. But when Charlie arrives he doesnt want to play any of the games Bing has put out. Bing is upset until Flop suggests they watch to see what Charlie really wants to do. Charlie heads straight for the kitchen where he, and Bing, have a great time making music with pots and pans.
Bing and Flop are in the park when they see Pando on a skateboard. Bing is full of awe as he watches Pando skate up and down and cant wait to have a go himself, but its much harder to balance than Pando made it look. Bing falls off and bumps his knee but Pando finds a clever way to help Bing get his confidence back.
Oswald and Weenie offer to pick tutti-fruits for Madame Butterfly so that she can make their favourite pie. They take little Catrina along with strict instructions not to let her spoil her appetite by eating the fruits. Once at the park, Catrina spots a mother bird struggling to feed her hungry babies and decides to help. Oswald doesnt realise what shes up to as he keeps being distracted by his passing friends. Thinking Catrina is trying to eat the tutti fruits herself, Oswald spills all of his fruits trying to stop her. But when he finds out what Catrina is really up to he gladly lends a hand.
Henry is reluctant to go to the beach with Oswald and Daisy because he hates getting wet, but Oswald eventually manages to persuade him and they all head off. Once there, Daisy starts splashing around, inadvertently scaring Henry away from the water. She decides to go surfing so shes out of Henrys way while he settles down to read his newspaper on his special Penguin Patrol raft. Suddenly Daisy appears riding a huge wave and heading straight for the beach – and the unsuspecting Henry! Everyone ends up in the water. Just as well, since Daisy has got stranded on a sandbar and needs rescuing.
Sports guru Skye Sampson asks Bob to build a 100 metre zip-line for her new fitness program. It's a job that Leo should love to help with, but he seems very distracted. Leo is put in charge of finishing the launch platform and fixing the zip-line, but he keeps making mistakes and wonders if he is up to the job. Lofty tries to convince Leo of how well they're doing, but when the zip-line comes loose it's the last straw. Leo says he should give up being a builder. Scoop and Lofty panic that Leo is going to leave the team – they decide they must make things right! But in their attempts to fix the platform they end up demolishing it instead.
Science and engineering hot shot Mei Moon has designed and built a rocket, named Stella. If successful Stella will become the smallest rocket ever to reach space. The Spring City Rockets have gathered and made a banner to celebrate and Bob's job is to finish building Stella's launch pad near the Observatory. Lofty is given the important task of lifting Stella onto the launch pad. Mei reminds him he has to be very careful, but he becomes flustered and tries to place the rocket before the launch pad is finished. Stella falls off and flops into wet concrete, ejecting her landing parachute, which Lofty accidentally runs over and rips. Now the launch is ruined. The team clean the concrete splattered rocket by using the machine wash back at the yard, but they still have the problem of the ripped parachute.
Little Nutbrown Hare wakes up to a colourful sprig of holly in the snow outside the hollow log. Its surprise gift from Little Spotty Deer, who has returned to the meadow. This gives Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse the idea to spread the joy and surprise all their other friends with a holly sprig too, so the three of them make a game of it. Theme: Spreading fun and joy.
Day It is the shortest day of the year so the sun doesn't rise until very late and is going to set very early. To Little Nutbrown Hare everything feels mixed up and there's no time to do all the things he wants to do. Thats until he and Little Field Mouse name it Topsy-Flopsy Day and decide to make a fun and funny day of it!
In Winter, Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends try to find an extra special place and extra special food for Feast Day celebrations. When things go awry and nothing seems special at all, they discover that the most important thing is to be able to celebrate with those you love. Theme: celebrating with those you love.
Timmy and his friends are making paper planes but Timmy needs some help from Finlay. Help Timmy decide which transport comes next.
When Huckle and the gang hear strange mumbling voices in the Busytown Museum, it begins to look like its coming from the new Mummy Exhibit. However, after tracking down the clues and putting them together, the sounds turn out to be the voices of the workmen echoing up through air vents from the basement.
In the real world, Messy is lazing in his sandpit when he hears something that sounds like a tiny invisible engine? “Aww” smiles Messy as he sees its only a little buzzing bumble bee! He watches it land on a nearby garden flower and wonders why bees like flowers anyway? He vortexes himself to Okido to find out. Messy lands in Okido, where Zoe and Felix seem very down in the dumps. What's wrong? Messy asks. They explain theyre sad because their tomato plants havent produced any tomatoes just flowers.
In the real world, Messy does a BIG sneeze and finds he had a tiny hair in his nose! But it's so small he loses it immediately... This gets him wondering, what's the smallest thing there is?! Messy goes to Okido to find Zoe and Felix just in time to catch Zim star as guest on Mayor Oki's TV show! Mayor Oki introduces Zim, 'Okido's expert on everything!' but Mayor Oki thinks he knows better than Zim “everything in the world is made of sandwiches” he says! Zim corrects him, “actually Mr Mayor, everything in the world is made of something very small, we call them atoms”.
When Huckleberry and Blueberrys Patti Persimmon-style mystery story is rejected by the online mystery magazine, Strawberry comes up with a new way to raise funds for Hucks pet shelter—a big dog show! Plum attempts to turn the dog show into an extravagant dance performance. The competition heats up, everyone wanting their pup to perform in an even more spectacular manner, and the dog training sessions go comically awry. Meanwhile Huck and Blueberry co-write a monster mystery, inadvertently starting a rumor that a Berry Patch monster is loose! The rumor, combined with Jadeybug from the post office forgetting to send out the show invitations, results in no one coming to the show. Fortunately, Blueberry had submitted her and Hucks new mystery story to the online magazine, and the editor is thrilled with their work.
Harry is pleased when he wins a game he is playing with Nana so he visits Dino-World where he makes up lots of games and wins every time.
Harry wants to do lots of things all at once so instead of choosing one activity he goes to Dino-World.
Chuck is eager to help out around the truck stop but he may need a little support from his friends.
Thomas is on his branch line when a passenger pulls the emergency cable and he has to stop quickly. But it turns out not to be an emergency at all, but a bird watcher whos spotted a rare bird. To make matters worse, Clarabel has a wheel flat after being dragged along with her brakes on. So the next time Thomas sees the bird watcher he refuses to stop to collect him, but he soon learns that thats not the right thing to do either.
Everyone is happy at Christmas time except for Duncan the Scottish narrow gauge engine, who seems to be grumbling even more than usual. But Victor offers Duncan a new coat of paint if he can only not grumble for one whole day. Duncan rises to the challenge, but it is not so easy for an engine who likes to grumble to give up the habit of a lifetime.
At the request of Emma the forest ranger, Grisu has to tag the sick trees in the forest. The trees must absolutely be cut down before the storm arrives. But all the marks he makes are erased by a mysterious eraser: Fumé, who is determined to defend his tree. Grisu finds a solution by using his father to replant the tree sheltered from the wind.
Olivia competes in the famous Sand Dune Race in a new electric 4x4 she has designed, but her co-pilot has just pulled out. Fortunately, Grisu will take his place. Accompanied by Fumé and Stella, he joins Olivia in the desert. The race begins and soon Slad and Vlad - better known as “The Tricktwins” - give them a hard time. The twins, ready to do anything to win, try to trick them. While Grisu and Olivia's charred windsceen prevents them from moving forward, Grisu has an idea that allows them to get back in the race. Before crossing the finish line, they even help the Tricktwins to get out of a quicksand.
Little Nutbrown Hare awakes to find the leaves changing colour and falling off the trees, the flowers dropping off the bushes and the tadpoles turning into frogs. Autumn is here and its time for change! Little Nutbrown Hare misses the joys of the Summer meadow. Will he discover that Autumn has its own delights?
The cool Autumn breeze isnt enough to deter Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse from going out to find what special experiences the day might bring. However, with the weather and wind constantly changing, its very hard for the friends continue playing any one game. Will the strange weather spoil their fun, or will it bring them a special experience after all?
As Woodsy is going to sleep over at Loudos, there is a spare place in the burrow. Rosie wants to invite Biva but Scoutbadger wants to invite Martis. Edmund, who does not like it when things get too boisterous, says only one friend can come. Scoutbadger and Rosie quarrel over which one can invite their best friend….
Team Bob are creating a Soft Play Café for Chef Tattie in an old warehouse by the docks, ready for an opening party tomorrow. Though the build is on track, Chef cant decide what colour to paint the disco room so Bob offers to put up paint samples for him to choose from. Leo shows off his mash-up app and Tattie decides that Leo should DJ for the party. However, Leo isnt as confident as he appeared to Chef and the extra responsibility distracts him from the build. Eventually he ends up walking through spilled paint after putting up the colour samples, leaving differently coloured footprints all over the floor.
Leo is late as hes overslept thanks to staying up late playing a fishing game on his phone. Bob, Lofty, Leo and Wendy are installing a satellite dish and at the Spring City News HQ located at the docks. The dish has to be in place in time for the Six OClock News bulletin. En route to site the team stop to say hello to the Spring City Rockets who are practicing in preparation for a dance show later that day which will be covered on the news. On site Leo and Lofty are teamed up. During the build Leo is distracted by the game; Lofty suggests he should pay more attention. While tying the dish to Loftys hook Leo - distracted by the game - does not secure it properly. As Lofty raises the dish it comes loose and drops to the floor.
Baby Sadie's dolly has mysteriously gone missing somewhere between home and the band shell in Busytown Park. Huckle and his team search for clues at all the places Sadie visited that day. They discover the dolly inside a grand piano that's playing a few sour notes./Cars are disappearing from a particular parking space, Huckle and gang set out to find out why.
Were under attack by aliens! or so Kai thinks when he finds a mysterious crop circle underwater. They later realise that the hardworking white-spotted pufferfish is responsible for the intricate circle, but an uncontactable Kai is already on his way to destroy it, thinking it would prevent an alien attack. The rangers are on it!
Kai needs a photo of the majestic Golden Pheasant for a photography competition. But no flash photography please!
In the park, Simon and Gaspard are playing tag. But since Gaspard slips through a concrete tunnel that is way too narrow for Simon, the two brothers start bickering. And since Simon says that Gaspard is being a baby, Gaspard doesnt want to play with his brother any more. Hed rather go off to sulk! Pffffft, what a poopy sulker! Simon grabs the ball and decides to go play by himself. Except that he sends it flying back into the very narrow tunnel and...it gets stuck! Simon runs to Gaspard to ask for help getting it out but Gaspard refuses, he is still sulking.
Berry and Dolly goes to the kindergarten and the day passes fast with lot of interesting plays.
Balthazar really gets to like the unknown bumblebee girl, and with the help of the friends he even builds a house for her.
Berry and Dolly accidentally ruin the snowman of Balthazar but finally they build an even nicer one jointly.
Berry and Dolly insist on seeing an octopus. They manage to get to the home island of the octopus and in the way back home rainbow-fishes help them.
The violin of the poor Cricket breaks. Berry and Dolly takes care that neither the Cricket nor the other animals remain without instrument and music.
Dolly helps Christopher, the canary who broke his wing. In gratitude Christopher takes Dolly to the island where the yellow ladybird lives.
Coco is staying at Bings house for her very first sleepover and as she produces her collection of Rainbow Fairy Mice and insists on playing the Goodnight Game its not long before the differences in their bedtime routines emerge.
Bing and Sula have a penny each for the Surprise Machine in Padgets shop. Sula gets the silver rhino she wanted so Bing is convinced he will get the toy he wants too. When the Surprise Machine delivers his capsule Bing is upset to discover the alien he has set his heart on is not inside.
Bing wants to get dizzy on the roundybout so Pando pushes him superfast. Bing quickly learns that a little dizzy is fun, but too much dizzy is no fun at all.
Bing builds a house out of the sofa cushions and Coco decides its the perfect starting point for a game of “Big Bad Wolf” with Sula and Charlie. Bing enjoys being wolfie until hes not allowed into the house he built, at which point the game loses its appeal.
Tilda is excited about the cake contest, but when she burns her hands, she cant bake anymore. Her friends at the Guesthouse Appleseed decide to help her by creating a special cake together.
Tilda is excited for her Aunt Emily's visit, but when Emily gets sick, she decides to send her photos. However, her friends make it difficult to take perfect pictures until the costume box provides a funny solution.
Its National Hugging Day! All the friends hug each other, except for Rupert. Tilda knows theres something wrong! Rupert is afraid his spines could hurt anyone. But Tilda already has an idea.
Crisp Autumn days are perfect for collecting pretty golden leaves and playing hide and boo. Little Nutbrown Hare is so excited that he accidently promises to play with two different games with two different friends on the same day. He cant be in two places at once, so how will he keep both his promises and both his friends happy?
A fun, spooky tale from little White Owl leaves the friends a little on edge, so when they hear strange noises in the pumpkin patch, they wonder what kind of creepy creature might be lurking there with them. Will Big Nutbrown Hare be able to convince them not to let their imaginations run away with them?
The friends are all playing together in the Autumn meadow. Little Redwood Fox inadvertently spoils all the games of the day, but the others put their heads together and come up with a game that suits her perfectly.
A yellow-crested cockatoo joins Leo and Heros game of musical statues. After learning more about the bird, the Junior Rangers travel to the rainforest to take it home.
Katie finds out that a big fish in the garden pond is a whitespotted bamboo shark. The Junior Rangers sail to the Pacific Ocean to find a coral reef for the bamboo shark to live in.
Kate sees a falling star shoot across the sky and wonders where it landed. In Mimiloo, Kate, Mim-Mim and their friends find the fallen star in the Forever Forest. Its just a baby, so they must find a way to reunite it with its mama in the nighttime sky.
When Dad catches a cold, Kate wants to help him feel better. In Mimiloo, Gobble and Tack have caught a bug too…the giggle bugs! Kate and Mim-Mim must find the cure: merry berry bush berries. The bush will only release berries if they make it laugh, but Mim-Mims jokes arent funny. Hell have to tickle its funny bone another way!
Annalee wants to bake an apple pie, but there are no apples at home. Boribon hops into his car and heads off to the old apple tree. Although he makes it home safely, he doesn't bring any apples with him. What could have happened to him along the way?
Buns has to choose between showing up to her own fan club or helping her sister Blossom.
Strange noises in the house seem to Findus to clearly indicate a haunting ghost or an encroaching monster. But his search for the exact origin of the sounds is unsuccessful. By chance, he and Pettson find out that swallows and their young birds have been living very well hidden under the gable of the roof for a short time. The little ones are constantly emitting hungry sounds that could very well be mistaken for ghostly voices.
It's hot - very hot! And in this heat, Gustavsson talks Pettson into buying a large vat for immediate collection. So in the middle of the heat, Pettson first has to get his old tractor going. Together with Findus, he then organises the transport of the huge piece to his farm. The old inventor's best idea is now to convert the vat into a fancy swimming pool, with an additional invention for drying off.
In the real world, Messy is in the kitchen preparing his breakfast. In this instance, just like most others, its a plateful of socks. Before he tucks in, he notices the fridge door is open. He jumps down from the breakfast table to shut it. “How do these things stick to the fridge?” he says looking at the collection of colourful magnets. “What are they? Why dont they fall off? Its like magic?” He vortexes himself to Okido to find out. He joins Zoe and Felix in the garden, who are busy packing things to take with them to the beach. At the command of Messys whistle, Okidoodle whizzes out of the garage and theyre on their way.
Something knocks Sgt. Murphys hat off his head, chops the tops of Baker Humperdinks baguettes, and sheers a path through a flower bed. Although no one saw anything, they all heard it make the same whoop whoop whoop sound. Putting the clues together, Huckle, Sally and Lowly figure out that it was Vanderbuilts new, out of control, boomerang./The mysterious disappearance of Mayor Fox leaves Huckle and the gang on an important search.
All Monkey wants is to eat a nice fresh carrot, but someone has beat him to it. When Monkey discovers that the rabbit is the carrot eater he immediately invites him to play Monkeys favorite game… “Monkey See Monkey Do”!
Norman is making the “best spy movie ever” about an international spy, but unfortunately poor James has been roped in as his stunt double. Hes nervous about doing dangerous stunts, and messes them all up. Meanwhile, Sam is stuck watching a midday movie at the fire station, starring Ryan McChin. All the other firefighters are enamoured by the Hollywood actor, but Sam cant see whats so great about him. Penny chuckles good naturedly, “Since when were you a professional actor, Sam?” Back on set, Normans stunts are becoming more and more dangerous, and Sam is called out to save James from several mini-emergencies. The shoot climaxes in Hannahs garage, where a stunt involving fire gets out of control and ignites a pile of oily rags. Sam and the team are called to fight the fire and rescue James. Norman splices footage of the emergency rescue into his movie, and changes the story. Now the film is about an international firefighting spy, with Sam as Normans stunt double. At the premiere, Penny is impressed by Sams cinematic acting debut - hes almost as good as Ryan McChin!
While Lizzie is giving an examination to Radar (who has been under the weather), Hannah is left in charge of the veterinary centre. Hannah shows off an exotic animal to Norman. The animal is a fox with an injured tail, and Hannah inadvertently allows it to escape. Hannah and Norman go in search of the fox and are helped along the way by Trevor. With the assistance of Sam and Penny, Lizzie completes her examination of Radar and determines that hes fit. But they discover that Elvis has been feeding Radar chocolate, and chocolate is unhealthy for dogs.
Pat has to deliver some pumpkins to Greendale School for the annual Halloween Pumpkin Party. But when he picks them up from Ted's workshop, Jess starts playing with a giant pumpkin and it rolls into the river and floats away. Pat follows it along the river and tries to fish it out with Alf's rod but the pumpkin is too heavy and the line breaks. As the party gets under way in Greendale, the giant pumpkin floats out to sea and Pat and Jess board the SDS Orca and head out into Pencaster Bay.
Rosie has the habit of keeping everything they find, which annoys her brothers. Then the boys find an object that Rosie lost and do not want to return it, using her favourite principle of 'finders, keepers'.
Its lovers day in the forest. While Margaret and Edmund are wondering what gifts they can give each other, Scoutbadger and Rosie are intrigued by Woodsys behaviour. He seems to have a secret that they are determined to disover….
Looking at a picture of the desert, Sketcky wonders what one could do in such a huge desert. Doodleboo has an idea of Riddleboo, full of travels and surprises!
Sketcky has no idea how to go to space and approach the biggest star. Fortunately, Doodleboo has a Riddleboo that could help him travel in space.
Sketcky would like to get engaged with Bubble when he becomes a great prince! Doodleboo has a little idea of Riddleboo that would be the perfect engagement gift that Sketcky could offer to Bubble!
Messy is spinning himself around and around in circles across the sitting room… just for fun of course! He loses balance and topples over. Messy sits up and wonders why his windmill came to a dizzy end? He magically transports himself to Okido to find out! In Okido, Zoe and Felix are practising ballet so Messy bounces in to show off his best monster moves until theyre interrupted by the sound of Zoes communicator – its Zim calling! Theyre invited to help Zim, Zam and Zoom at Magneto Zone.
Messy is running around in his garden and notices his shadow chasing him and copying everything he does! Trying to figure out how to get rid of it, he goes to Okido. When he arrives, his shadow has followed him and then he spots more shadows on the side of Felix and Zoes house. He looks up to find his friends on the balcony of their treehouse, making shadow puppets. He bounces up to join them and then all of a sudden the shadows disappear….
Gaspard is doing everything Simon does. He even thinks hes Super Rabbit! Enough is enough and Simon decides to turn the tables on his brother by repeating everything Gaspard says. But Simon finally understands that if Gaspard is copying him, its because he wants to be just like him, he admires his older brother. So Simon goes back to being a sweet, caring older brother and suggests that since theres only one Super Rabbit, then he can become…Capitan Rabbit! Yippee!!
Little Nutbrown Hare has a new game. He will be Big Nutbrown Hare for a day, doing jobs like finding food, answering tricky questions and resting in the grass. Likewise, Big Nutbrown Hare must take on his sons jobs of playing with his friends, making up new games and asking questions. Its all great fun until they realize that they are much, much better at being themselves.
A Summer storm sweeps across the valley and a nervous Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends scamper into a cave with Big Nutbrown Hare. They are all safe and dry in the cave, but the thunder outside is still scary. Big Nutbrown Hare explains that noises cant hurt you… but will he help them overcome their fears enough to enjoy the storm and the wonders of nature that it brings?
A lazy Summers day brings a wonderful discovery for Little Nutbrown Hare… a tree full of bright, beautiful, tasty plums! Little Nutbrown Hare isnt the only one enjoying the juicy summer fruit, it seems like every animal in the meadow has come for a taste. As the Summer goes on the plums disappear and Little Nutbrown Hare begins to wonder what all the animals will do without them.
Coco and Charlie are playing at Bings house when Coco spots the measuring lines on the wall that show how Bing has grown. Flop measures Bing and hes bigger than the last time. When Bing cant reach his paper aeroplane Coco offers to measure him again to check if hes really grown.
Bing is getting ready to go to Sulas house but hes all sneezy and hot so Flop decides that Bing needs to stay home and keep his germs to himself. Even though Bing is soon tucked up on the sofa with a hot honey lemon hes very disappointed that he cant play with Sula.
Bing is playing Hide & Seek at the creche with Sula, Pando and Coco. Bing doesnt go to the toilet with all the others before the game starts and when he needs to go before he is found he has to decide whether to give up his hiding place or try and hold on.
Bing and Flop are making ginger bunny biscuits for Charlie and Coco. But when Charlie and Coco arrive Charlies done a mega poo and in all the fuss cleaning him up nobody hears the chickie timer ring to tell them that the biscuits are cooked.
Bing and Pando experiment with Bings toy train on the Fun Fort in the playground. The train is good at going over bridges and brilliant at going down the slide. But when Bing slides it off the roof of the play house, the train crashes and breaks. Bing is upset until he realises that the pieces fit together to make something completely different.
At the end of summer, the Star Girl visits her friends. She rarely comes because her star-shaped house is in the sky. They spend a day together, and when night falls, the Star Girl bids everyone farewell. She cant speak, but she plays the harp beautifully. The music will lift her house into the sky. However, this time one of the harp strings comes loose, and the house doesnt rise. The Wind blows the string out of her hand, and she cant catch it.
The Centipede's apple tree hasnt had any fruit for many years. He asks Berry for help, who carefully tends to the tree. At the beginning of summer, apples finally appear, and the Centipede is so happy that he invites his distant relative, the Millipede, for a visit. However, the Millipede falls ill and cant come. The Centipede then invites his friends to a big apple party. When they arrive, they pretend that the Millipede was there, but it turns out that it was just his friends in costume.
The Cave Spider and the tiny Spiderling are good friends, and one summer day they are walking on the mountaintop. Spiderling blows a dandelion at the Cave Spider, who falls and gets injured. Spiderling immediately seeks help from Doctor Owl, who determines that the Cave Spider's legs are bruised and prescribes two weeks of rest. Berry, Dolly, Stanley, and Balthazar help the Cave Spider get home. Dolly suggests they sew a large canopy so the Cave Spider can watch the ants' end-of-summer fireworks from the air. Flutter, Leapy, Zephyr, and the others make the canopy, and on the night of the fireworks, they lift the Cave Spider up so he can enjoy the view from above.
On a spring day, Alfonso finds an unknown seedling by the stream. The cricket carefully guards the plant, which soon produces a special flower. Alfonso waters and tends to it daily, happily watching it grow. One morning at the end of summer, Alfonso notices that the flower has wilted and its petals have fallen off. Sadly, he gathers the petals and brings them into the house. In the afternoon, Dolly visits him, and later his friends come over to cheer him up. They bring delicious pancakes, but Alfonso is still sad. They go out to the stream, and Alfonso scatters the flower petals into the water, bidding them farewell with tears.
It's midday and Busytown citizens are dozing off all over town. Huckle, Sally and Lowly try to find out why. Noticing the number of sleeping people holding melted ice cream cones is an important clue. Ultimately, the kids discover that the ice cream truck isn't playing the usual perky tune to announce its arrival - it's playing a lullaby./Someone has taken Huckles car and left their car in its place!
Would you believe that water is falling from the sky in the hot savanna…well it can happen if you have an elephant friend next to you…and when Monkey sees a friend he always invites him to play his favorite game Monkey See Monkey Do.
It's freezing and Mike Flood is building an ice rink in his back garden. The kids are going to play ice hockey on it – except Noman can't skate, and so is forced to use a penguin skating aid. He tries to pretend that this is a ice hockey secret weapon but in fact it just makes him extremely clumsy and slow. Play continues, but Norman keeps messing things up with his penguin – embarrassed, he ends up hurling Superpenguin with the unfortunate result that it smashes into Mike Flood's floodlights, which topple into each other, crash to the ground and explode into flames. Everyone flees the rink but Norman, unable to skate, is trapped. Sam and the team (who have been gritting the pavement) arrive to help, which they do by extending the inflatable pathway across the ice.
Charlie feels that his children are more impressed with Tom Thomas than they are of him. When Tom finds himself drifting away in a dinghy, Charlie helps to find him using his years of expertise as a fisherman.
Kipper, Tiger (wearing his proper farmers boots), Pig and Arnold are off to the farm. Arnold finds a large white egg and makes a nest for it in his buggy. The others tease him, but soon the egg hatches and a duckling appears. It joins its mother duck and six brothers and sisters and soon Kipper with Arnold on his shoulders, Tiger slipping in the mud as he carries the buggy, and finally Pig, join the end of the fluffy procession.
Its Jakes birthday and everyone seems to have forgotten. He wishes for a big birthday party with all his friends. Kipper arrives – but he just wants to take Jake to the park. Luckily Kipper cant keep a secret and Jakes wish comes true.
Caillou and the Super Friends use their powers to save their ball from the Master Thief!
Its time for spring-cleaning and Tilda decides to give her friends all the things that she doesnt need any more and brings them in her garden. But her friends now think shes moving out.
Mollys wool that she just bought disappeared! Shes sure that it must have been stolen, so Tilda and Rupert found the Appleseed Detective Agency. Are the friends going to catch the burglar?
24 days seem like a very long wait until Christmas. But the Triplets may have an idea to speed up time. What if they ate all the chocolates from their Christmas calendar at once? Of course, Mom is not happy and warns them: they had better be good, because Santa is watching and doesnt bring gifts to kids who do not behave! Oh no, they only have three weeks to make up for a whole year of silly things!
Mom is having a dinner party at home tonight and she is running all over the place to finish cleaning the house in time. When she goes out to do a round-trip to the bakery, the Triplets decide to give her a hand. But nothing goes as planned: the vacuum cleaner brakes, the couch is stained and the corridor is full of soap. Be careful Mom, the floor is very very slippery!
Woodsy is suffering from not feeling appreciated enough by the forest children. It is always Scoutbadger who does extraordinary things and gets all the recognition. Woodsy is hurt and decides to pull off an exploit - to bring back the scarecrows hat and so be finally acclaimed a hero.
When railway inspectors come to the Island of Sodor, they start their inspection on Thomas branch line. Thomas, Annie and Clarabel are keen to show what they can do, but there are nothing but problems: a stuck window in a hot carriage, naughty schoolchildren pulling the emergency cable and animals on the line! To make matters worse one of the inspectors is very grumpy. But when Annie discovers that hes left his gold watch on her seat, Thomas sets out to return it and that finally impresses the grumpy inspector more than anything.
When Henry hears that the Fat Controllers grandchildren have chickenpox, he starts to worry about whether engines can get chickenpox too. Then he meets Thomas who has been splattered with mud and is carrying a wagon of chickens, and becomes convinced of it! It seems like every engine Henry meets is splattered with something that looks like spots and its not until the end of the day that poor Henry discovers that chickenpox is not really a problem for engines after all!
Wilson looks shiny and new after his trip to the Chug Wash and the other trainees are impressed - but everyone knows he's a magnet for a mess!
New to Chuggington, Tai must navigate her way around town to make an important delivery on time! With help from her new friends, she just might get the job done!
Toramento is exhausted because of his job, so Grisu tries to help him by boosting a malfunctioning and slow cleaning robot to do the job in his place. But the boosted robot is not easy to control and makes a mess all around the city, also because Thingy wants to play with it, sending the machine haywire. Eventually Grisu understands that Toramento doesnt need a robot doing the job in his place, but a care-giving device that provides coffee and massages, keeping his stamina up.
Checking the safety items at the watch tower in the forest, Emma realizes that the alarm system doesn't work anymore. Grisu suggest using the old fire station alarm bell. Great idea! Unfortunately, David, who's supposed to set it up, is called for an intervention and must leave. Grisu offers his help. Here is Grisu and Stella heading to the forest with the old bell on a cart. The noisy bell creates some confusion in the forest since everybody thinks there's a fire. Not mentioning Michel, Gertrud's very talkative parrot who can't help but imitating every sound and voice he hears. The mission turns into a catastrophe when Grisu burns the bell… right when a fire starts into the forest. But Grisu is resourceful, as always, and he uses Michel as a spare alarm bell.
The Junior Rangers are caught in a sandstorm! Leo grabs Hero and escapes with the other rangers... except he didn't actually grab Hero. He grabbed a Fennec Fox instead!
Berry, Dolly, Stanley, Balthazar, Flutter and Bubble are hiking in the forest on a beautiful autumn day. Suddenly they recognized that someone is crying in the bush. They found a mushroom without his hat. The friends immediately start to help him.
One spring day, Frank longhorn beetle visits his friend, Stanley. Frank suggests to organize a football match. Everyone wants to play football, the two teams get together quickly. The girls cheer on the sidelines. The game is about to start.
Easter is here. The girls: Dolly, Flutter, Leapy, Zephyr and Rosita gather and start to paint the Easter eggs. They happily work all day, painting beautiful eggs.
One night Berry is already in his bed, when he hears some strange noise. First he doesn't care, but the noise just getting louder. Finally he opens the door when the little green worm appeared. Long time no see friend just arrived.
One autumn day, Dolly made plum dumplings and invited her friends for lunch. Balthazar and Stanley decided to make an eating competition.
Bing and Sula are in the park playing at being giants and splashing in puddles with their big welly boots. As they play the puddles get bigger and bigger until Bing slips over in the mud and gets wet everywhere. Amma comes to the rescue with a giant warm bath and a giant carroty bagel.
Flop teaches Bing and Pando how to blow bubbles. Pando soon gets the hang of it but Bing struggles and gets frustrated. After many attempts and some gentle guidance from Flop Bing finally blows a big bubble and is outraged when Pando pops it.
Bing and Sula head off for a picnic at the paddling pool with Flop. But when they get there, they are shocked to find there is no water inside. Bings disappointment soon gives way to the realisation that its a very special pool day. With no water there are all sorts of games they can play that are usually against the pool rules.
During Bings bedtime routine he inadvertently pees on his blankie and its too wet to wash and dry before bed. Fortunately his Hoppity Voosh toy has a cape just as soft and huggy as blankie and it even smells just right too.
Coco shows Bing how to do really good Big Boos and together they make Flop jump. When Bing tries out his new tricks on Charlie he finds out the power of Boo has to be scaled down for babies.
Get to know our little pets better through charming stories featuring the characters from the popular Bing series.
Simon, disguised as Super Rabbit and Gaspard, disguised as Captain Rabbit, are playing lawn bowling in the yard. Simon is pretty good at it but Gaspard is having a lot of problems. So during snack time, Simon makes his brother believe that if he drinks a mega soup made with super bananas, he will become super strong and knock down all the pins! Mommy goes along with the game and...it works! Simon cant believe his eyes, Gaspard is able to knock down the pins from much further away than he can.
Findus' self-confidence is in serious crisis: the chickens accuse him of not being a real cat because he doesn't hunt mice. A strange accusation, he thinks. Because Findus actually likes mice and feels no need to hunt them. But in order not to be brought up any further, he tries to conform to the hens' ideas. But he doesn't succeed at all in chasing mice because he lacks any experience.
Little Nutbrown Hare makes a slippery slide from a pile of snow and has so much fun he decides to keep it a secret and play with it all by himself. But he soon gets bored playing by himself, and invites his friends to play. They build bigger and curvier slides together and slide faster and faster. Little Nutbrown Hare learns its lots more fun to shares the joy with his friends.
After Big Nutbrown Hare shows Little Nutbrown Hare a special place where his voice echoes, he and Little Field Mouse play a game of 'Try to find me' with Little Redwood Fox and Little Grey Squirrel. They hide in the ravine and as their voices bounce off the rocky walls, their friends have a very tricky time trying to find them.
Home sometimes gets crowded, especially when there's a teddy-bear battle going on. There isn't enough space left for Boribon's blue teddy bears. Annalee eventually finds a solution to the problem.
New guests arrive at Guesthouse Appleseed – the famous band “The Merry Mice” and two hares who want to record birds singing. But with the mice practising their music, the hares cant hear any birds.
Tilda asks Edna to repair her entrance door that creaks so loudly that her guests want to leave Guesthouse Appleseed. But normally, Rupert does all repairing work for Tilda and interferes.
Its the night and The Triplets and Grandpa are at the beach to observe the night of the shooting stars. The Triplets are really really excited and ask a lot of questions to Grandpa. He explains to them that when you discover a new star you can name it after yourself, and when you see a shooting star you must make a wish. When they see their first shooting star, the Triplets wish for exactly the same thing, to have their own little star, The Triplets star!
In Grandpas garden, Turbulent is fascinated by the super heroes stories he can read in his book. He wishes too to be a Kind Vigilante who saves the lovely and the helpless. Unfortunately, every time he tries to save someone, his sister who stucked her kite in a tree or his brother who is afraid of a spider for example, Grandpa always comes first and fixes the problem. When Turbulent was at the most discouraging point, a new villain appears ant kidnap all the people he loves, the Kind Vigilante is back in business!
Lots of freight has arrived from the docks and Cormac is worried how he and Old Puffer Pete will get it all delivered in time. He hopes Pete has his fast wheels on today. Pete says that he doesnt, because slow and steady is the way to go. Cormac disagrees and challenges Pete to a race. They will divide up all the deliveries and the first to finish wins.
Norman sets out to make a wizard adventure movie with Mandy, Sarah and James. But when he finds himself dangling from a zip line, high above the Pontypandy countryside, Sam and the mountain rescue team give the kids something better to film.
This series about a fireman named Sam, his fellow firefighters, and other residents in the fictional Welsh rural village of Pontypandy.
Theres a thump on Kippers front door. When he opens it, theres a ball. But its not an ordinary ball as Kipper soon finds out – it seems to have a life of its own, and Arnold has great fun with it when no-one is looking.
Kipper and Tiger go to the stream and play with their paper boats. They decide playing pirates and building a raft is more exciting. Soon they find themselves marooned on an island in the stream….but luckily Pig is there to save them.
Caillou feels intimidated when Billy, Clementines brother, shows off some super cool moves at the skate park. Caillou pretends to be Skip Super, facing off against Giant Rexy while helping new superhero, Kick-Flip (Billy), overcome his feelings of inadequacy to help save the day.
Caillou gets carried away with generosity when at the neighbourhood Give and Take and he gives Rosies doll away without asking. In a Pirate fantasy where his treasure is given to a sea monster, Caillou learns that its not right to give things away that dont belong to you.
In Brazil, Thomas meets two wood-burning engines who've never travelled beyond their eucalyptus railway. Thomas agrees to swap jobs with them for the day, but this causes more trouble than he expects.
Ranger Rocky entrusts the Junior Rangers with a mission—return a mola to the ocean! The Junior Rangers take up the challenge, but find themselves having to wing it when some seagulls start pecking the mola.
The Junior Rangers bring a young Rothschilds giraffe to the savannah to find it a good home. However, the expedition comes to a standstill when the Junior Rangers jeep gets bogged in mud.
Julian and the kids at Greendale School are excited about a Festival of flight - Teds coming to talk about aviation and Alfs bringing Cedric the racing pigeon. Pat has to deliver special jet boots to the school, built by Teds inventor friend. Ted will demonstrate them. But on the way to Greendale, Pat stops to help Alf, whose cows have got loose. Pat sees Ajay, out for a days bird-watching. Pat has promised to lend Ajay his wellies and asks Ajay to get them from the van, but Ajay takes the jet boots by mistake.
Julians preparing for “spring has sprung”, the Greendale school play, when Pat gets a special delivery call. Its a yeti costume for Bill. When Pat is diverted into the countryside by PC Selby, he spots one of Alfs missing sheep - and shes about to have a lamb! Alf cant get there as his quad bike is being fixed, so Pat offers to take the sheep in his van. But the sheep is reluctant to move. Meanwhile, Bill is worried that his costume wont turn up and hell let his classmates down. Out in the fields, Pat hits upon the idea of dressing up like a woolly sheep by putting on the yeti costume. It works!
Bing is at Ammas creche when a butterfly flies in and lands on Sulas painting. Bing tries to help the butterfly go back outside by picking it up but he holds it too tightly and the poor butterfly is squished. Flop and Amma help the sad children say goodbye to the dead butterfly.
Bing wants to draw a big picture so Flop finds him some chalk to draw on the pavement. Bing draws a fabulous stripy, spotty, zig-zag dinosaur but just as hes finished a rain shower washes the dinosaur away. Bing is devastated until he sees that a bit of dinosaur is left behind and with that new beginning there is another chalk something waiting to be created.
Bing and Sula find a potato in Ammas vegetable patch with a comical face, so they take it under their wing, naming it “Nosey”. The two children look after Nosey and show him around the creche but unfortunately Nosey goes down the slide too quickly and his nose falls off. Amma shows them how to plant both bits of potato so that they can grow new potatoes.
Bing discovers a hole in his favourite yellow wellies but he doesnt want to throw them away in the stinky dustbin. With Flops help, Bing finds a way to recycle the wellies into colourful flower pots instead.
Bing and Flop hear the familiar jingle of Gillys ice cream van and race across the park to find her. After a long run Bing finally gets his ice cream but as he waves goodbye to Gilly he tips the ice cream out of the cone. Its too late to call Gilly back so Flop makes a fruit cone out of the cone and some of his fruit kebab instead.
The Annual Big City Sand Sculpture Contest is taking place at the beach, and Oswald is judging the final entries. Each competitor has his or her own method of creating sand sculptures and there are some interesting results – Henry uses very exact methods while Daisy has a more unstructured approach. Oswald thinks that all of the sculptures are good in their own way and finds it very hard to decide whos is the best. However, he ends up not having to choose when Pongo jumps into the sea making such a splash it causes all of the sculptures to merge into one beautiful and very unique giant sculpture – the clear winner!!
Oswald and Weenie find out that their favourite TV personality Sammy Starfish is playing for one night only at the Big City Auditorium. They rush out to buy tickets, saving a place in the queue for their friends. Oswald lets everyone else go first only to find they have sold out of tickets when it is his and Weenies turn. Distraught, Oswald turns to go home when he hears a stagehand struggling with a piano. Oswald kindly lends a hand and finds himself on stage with none other than Sammy Starfish! In fact, he ends up accompanying him on the piano!
Bob and the team have been busy building a new water park, “Spring City Splash” that includes a wave pool and splash zone. Now there is only one thing left to build... the double dragon water slide. Scoop loves dragons and cannot wait to help build the slides, but when he is asked to help build the support beams instead, he is less than impressed with his job. As Bob attaches the new water park entrance sign, Scoop digs foundations for the support beams. Suddenly Scoop becomes distracted with the arrival of the dragon slides and doesnt finish the foundations. He attempts to see the dragon slides only to be sent back to finish his job. Now totally eager to get to the slides, Scoop rushes to complete his job and doesnt realise that the support beams are not set and are beginning to lean.
Leo and Muck are having great fun playing the very latest computer game “Space Robots!” Bob reminds them theyve got an early start in the morning. Muck pleads to stay up a bit longer and Leo promises theyll get a good nights sleep…just as soon as they reach the top level of the game. But at dawn theyre still playing! Next morning, Leo and Muck are very tired and sleepy. Bob explains that they have to finish building The Spring City Wheel, a huge Ferris-wheel, in the Docklands Regeneration Area. Hes promised the Spring City Rockets theyll be the first to ride on it - today! Bob and the gang drive towards the site but on the way Muck and Leo stop to have a quick nap.
Can you guess how much I love you? Little Nutbrown Hare asks his father. Big Nutbrown Hare looks up at the big, old oak tree. As much as the Old Oak Tree is big? he asks. Little Nutbrown Hare holds up an acorn in triumph. No, as big as this acorn! He replies. Because this acorn will just keep growing and growing and growing.
One morning in the early Springtime, Little Nutbrown Hare wakes to find the air filled with a delightful smell. He and Little Field Mouse search all over the meadow, the woods and by the riverside to find the source of the wonderful smell. They discover all kinds of new and unexpected Spring scents… sweet, pretty and fresh, but will they find the one they are searching for?
Little Nutbrown Hare watches as Blue Birds eggs hatch into three happy, chirpy baby birds. Fascinated and charmed by these youngsters, he visits them every day and even helps teach them to sing, play and fly. But how will he feel when Summer is on its way and they are ready to fly the nest and make homes of their own?
Timmy and his friends are playing pirates. Where is the treasure in the garden?
Mr. Rabbit makes up coupons for free cookies to celebrate the grand opening of his cookie shop and gives them to his young son to drop in the mailbox outside. But the coupons never arrive. After chasing down the clues from the mail carrier to the post office and back again, Huckle determines that Jr Rabbit mistakenly dropped the coupons into the trash container beside the mail box. /A model boat is mysteriously broken and Huckle, Lowly and Sally set out to discover how it happened.
In the real world, Messy is running around. He runs so fast that he can feel his heart beating loudly! Why is that happening all of a sudden? When you need to know, go to Okido! Messy lands in Okido onto Zoe and Felix's trampoline. They all jump off, and they notice all their hearts are beating loudly but they dont know why... Zim and Zam will know though, so off they go to see them. Zim, Zam and Zoom are baking a cake. Zim startles as they enter the lab, he was whisking so fast that his cake mix flies out of his hands and lands all over Zoom!
In the real world, Messy is having fun on his swing. Back and forth he goes but suddenly it breaks! A disappointed Messy goes off go to Okido to find out why! He lands in Felix and Zoe's garden but can't see them anywhere. To Messys surprise, out they jump from behind something strange… “Where did these metal trees come from?” Messy asks them and discovers that they aren't trees, they're legs! In fact, they're legs of Stan Tall, Okido's biggest robot who is helping Zim build a bridge today. So Messy whistles the Okidoodle over and they race Stan to the seaside to get started!
Plums plan to direct a small, simple fairytale play as a surprise performance for the Baby Berrykins snowballs out of control when she hears of the same play being done on a grand scale in Berry Big City. Not listening to Strawberrys advice to keep it simple, she becomes convinced that unless her production is as big, shell be the laughing stock of the berry bitty theatrical world! Casting the girls and Berrykins as stage stars in a sendup of “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves,” Plum attempts to match the spectacular stage effects of a big city theater.
A preschool boy named Harry receives a bucket full of toy dinosaurs. This bucket holds a secret --- by using its power, Harry can travel with his dinosaurs to an amazing land of imagination called Dino World.
When Harry thinks his delicious cookie has been stolen he goes to Dino-World where he plays at being a detective searching for the thief.
Looking to avoid a future breakdown, Chuck exercises to the extreme.
Duncan is the grumpiest engine on the narrow gauge railway. He is always complaining about one thing or another. But when Duncan gets a very grumpy passenger, Duncan finds his grumpiness very annoying. So he decides to do everything he can to make the grumpy passenger stop complaining. But Duncan soon learns that you cant make everyone happy.
It is Christmas Eve and a lot of passengers are coming home to Sodor for the holiday. Connor cant carry all the passengers who are trying to get on his train. He promises to come back and collect them, but the snow keeps falling and the engines are struggling to keep the track clear. It becomes a race against time and all the engines have to work together to clear the tracks and get the passengers home in time for Christmas.
A rare bird, the Picking Bird, is in the forest for a very short time, and Dr. Natureza wants to be the first to take a photo. But she caught a terrible cold, so it will be up to Grisu to help her as a wildlife photographer. Exploring the forest is an exciting adventure for Grisu and Stella, but the mysterious bird isnt easy to spot. Plus Fumé, whos searching ingredients for a dragon recipe, unintentionally messes up with Grisus mission. In the end, however, Grisu understands that the bird is attracted by sparkling stuff. So he comes up with an inventive way to take the perfect picture just before sunset.
Grisu, with Stellas help, has to babysit and feed a little sea lion while Dr. Natureza is healing its mother. They must prevent the cub from reaching the sea and get lost, but the baby is pretty lively and the mission is not so easy. When the sea lion goes missing, a quest begins. Eventually, the little dragon realizes that the sea lions are very sociable animals, and they love to play, so he will create an improvised fun fair to get the cub back, avoiding other getaways.
Among the newly fallen Autumn leaves Little Nutbrown Hare finds a very peculiar little, hairy, green… something. Intrigued by what it might be Little Nutbrown Hare asks all his friends, but they all have different answers! It is certainly a very useful something, great for back scratching and games but it takes Little Grey Squirrel to solve the mystery.
One bright moonlit Autumn night, the Nutbrown Hares are both having trouble sleeping. As they lay quietly in a pile of leaves they listen to the sounds of the night… swish, hoot, wobble, nibble, croak and splash! They go on a journey to discover whats making the interesting night noises, but will they work out what sound the moon makes?
The badger-foxes have to quickly organize the forest dance. This mainly consists of starting off the dancing. Edmund does not know how to dance and tries to find ways of getting around this problem. The children will do everything they can to help him so that Margaret, who loves dancing, will not be disappointed.
After a solar panel demonstration, Mayor Madison decrees that the Sea Life Center will be entirely powered by renewable energy. Bob and the team must build a wind farm, which excites Scoop - he can't wait to see the 'spinny things' going round. As they begin construction, Mr Bentley arrives and pulls Bob away, enthusing about other renewable energy schemes they have planned. Spring City will need more energy as it grows, so they need to think ahead. Scoop decides he should think ahead like Mr Bentley suggests, and convinces Lofty to move some of the turbines closer together.
Bob announces theres been a Spring City Clock Competition to design the new Spring City Clock – and guess whos won? The Spring City Rockets! Bob shows the Machines their winning design and explains that metal figures will emerge and sound the bells on the clock. Wendy has been welding the metal figures together. Leo arrives and is looking forward to helping Bob with the decorative cladding around the clock tower but Bob tells him its Recycling Day today and his job is to take all the recycling to the Centre first. Bob and the Machines set off to the site while Leo and Muck gather up the boxes of recycling from around the Yard. But Leo is in such a hurry that he mistakes the box with the metal figures in for recycling and dumps it at the Recycling Centre.
It seems some sort of monster is causing havoc in Busytown Lake. The kids catch glimpses of it and find numerous finny footprints by the shoreline. However closer investigation reveals it to be Mr Fix-Its latest invention – a swim fin-wheeled amphibious submarine car!/Huckle and his pals try to track down a bad driver.