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Leo, Katie and Hero travel to the forest to return an equatorial spitting cobra to its home. Things heat up when the Junior Rangers and slithery serpent are ambushed by mongooses.
The discovery of a green iguana in the garden leads to an adventure in the rainforest! The Junior Rangers want nothing more than to find the iguanas home, but a hungry hawk has other plans for the iguana.
Fireman Sam
A young California Sea Lion makes a surprise appearance during Leos basketball game. Later, a voyage to find the sea lions home turns into a daring rescue on the high seas.
The Junior Rangers have a brush with a poacher as they try to return an Indian Star Tortoise to its home in the scrub forest.
The forest friends go for a walk in the forest, but Bubbles can't stop hiccupping. His friends try to help him by giving all sorts of advice. To eat, drink, hold his breath... But none of them seem to help. Finally, Stanley scares Bubbles from behind the tree. The hiccup stops, but now Bubbles is offended by Stanley. They all make amends later, after Stanley saves Bubbles from slipping into the creek.
The forest friends decide to help the Millerbug fix his broken windmill, but the wind doesn't seem to be blowing. Zephyr goes on to save the day, by asking the Wind to help the group restart the mill. Finally, the Millerbug can prepare his delicious bread.
Zephyr and Leapy decide to make a little surprise box for Dr Owl's most beloved belongings. They want to decorate the box with shells, so the Robin flies them to the seashore to collect the most beautiful shells. They even get some help from the Crab, and get a ride back home on a back of a turtle.
One day Stanley gets a silver robot from Frank as a present. The robot can move, make sounds and also flash its lights. When Stanley wants to show it to Berry, the robot slips from his hands and breaks into pieces. While Stanley and Berry are out to get some help, Bubbles finds the robot and repairs it.
Coco and Charlie are playing at Bings house when Coco spots the measuring lines on the wall that show how Bing has grown. Flop measures Bing and hes bigger than the last time. When Bing cant reach his paper aeroplane Coco offers to measure him again to check if hes really grown.
Bing is getting ready to go to Sulas house but hes all sneezy and hot so Flop decides that Bing needs to stay home and keep his germs to himself. Even though Bing is soon tucked up on the sofa with a hot honey lemon hes very disappointed that he cant play with Sula.
One chilly, windy day, Tilda wants to visit her friend Molly. On her way across the fields, she meets Patrick the sheep, who's got a cold. Tilda immediately informs Molly and together the two mice knit Patrick a nice warm scarf. Patrick is overjoyed, but now all the other sheep want scarves too. Now Tilda and Molly have to call her friends in to help.
Unbearable noise is distracting the inhabitants of Wild Rose Lane from their activities. As it turns out, Billy and Benny have found a trumpet and decided to dedicate themselves to music. Their distorted squawking is torment for the neighbours. Things can't go on like this, so Tilda prescribes the young squirrels music lessons from the frogs.
The Harvest festival is on and Paddles, Bracken and Bridie help Mr and Mrs Wolfie in the vegetable garden. Once the vegetables are collected Mrs Wolfie sends Paddles, Bracken and Bridie off to pick “wild blackberries” so that she can make her famous Blackberry Pie. Fagan plots to steal the blackberries that the intrepid friends pick. Fagan picks 3 blackberry bushes and then hides himself in the best fitting one, so that he becomes a mobile blackberry bush. Fagan using his disguise follows the three friends as they pick blackberries and Fagan eats as they pick, unbeknownst to the friends.
Big Nutbrown Hare has a lot to do today. Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse promise to help but there are so many wonderful distractions they forget their promise and let Big Nutbrown Hare down. Luckily they learn a valuable lesson from some bees and get busy to make to things right!
Clementine is coming over to play, but Caillou cant find her favourite action figure in his messy room. Overwhelmed by the task of cleaning up, he pretends to be a superhero who is overwhelmed with so many people to help and learns a new strategy to go one-by-one until the job is done.
Caillou has to wear an uncomfortable sunhat, but he is too shy to tell Clementines Mommy how he feels. He pretends to be Ace Builder who is struggling to build a bridge because of an ill-fitting hard-hat. After Ace finally tells his boss how he feels, Caillou is inspired to speak up in real life.
In the kindergarten they handicraft funny jewelery for the big carnival party. Everyone talks about how they will disguise themselves this year, only Conni is a bit perplexed. Fortunately, mum has a bunch of old clothes that might just help them to conjure up something. And that gives Conni a great idea: Yay! I'll... But she's not going to tell her friends - for now!
You don't buy fleas at the flea market! Conni knows that much. But you have to prepare a lot for one: you have to make price tags and bring money for change, you have to build a pretty booth and ... and maybe one has to part with things you don't really want to give away. Unless you find something much more pretty, that you can only get if you do decide to part with your old stuff.
What animal is the best at scratching your back? Doodleboo explains how to draw a cute hedgehog.
Who's back can we ride on in the ocean? Doodleboo explains how to draw a sea horse.
What costume Sketchy really wants to wear? Doodleboo explains how to draw a Super Hero.
What was a caveman's favorite attraction? Doodleboo explains how to draw a funny dinosaur.
Who reigns over the ocean? Doodleboo explains how to draw a Pirate.
Buns and Blossom make a gift for their grammas.
On Park Appreciation Day, Buns reminds her friends about the power of teamwork.
Buns helps Neil get to his birthday party on time.
Red spots suddenly begin appearing on everything in Busytown from Mr. Rabbits mail box to Hilda Hippos roof! Huckle ultimately discovers that the red spots are really juice marks made from cherries falling from overhanging trees. / A teeny weeny piano motivates Huckle, Sally and Lowly to try to figure out who would own such a small instrument.
Toot discovers that having good manners is about what you do, not what you say.
The trainees must compare loads to determine which are heavier and which are lighter. It looks like Brewsters got it wrong when he says his second load is heavier than his first – the loads weight exactly the same. But then a stowaway is discovered in the second load - Peckham! It turns out Brewster was right after all – Peckhams added weight means the second load was heavier!
To earn their badges, Koko and Brewster have to wash some dirty cars using the Chugwash. Koko will bring the cars to Brewster, who will put them through the wash. Koko is impatient and delivers the cars too quickly. Brewster is overly careful about washing them and goes too slowly, getting behind. They both realise their mistakes and work as a team to get the job done properly.
Kevin and Doug got to Jenny to do homework together and Jenny promises to bake cubcakes which Doug really is looking forward to. On his way to Jenny Doug shows Musty the way to the hospital and then helps Mary to get her cat Coco from a tree. Because he then hurries – as he does not want to be late for these Cubcakes - he crosses a red light and gets hit by a car. Everybody is worried that he hurt himself but Doug just runs away as he still does not want to be late. Only at Jennys he feels some pain and seeks his knee is bleeding. In the meanwhile Poli arrived on the scene and from the descriptions understands the boy in the accident was Doug.
Jenny wants them all to make a traffic safety map of their town. She thinks its easy. On their way to school, keep track of how many times they cross streets, whether theres a traffic signal and if the roads are safe or dangerous. Then mark it on the maps. She convinces Kevin and Doug to do it each of them at home and meet later at school. The kids have a lot of fun marking all spots on their way as safe or not so safe. They speak to Poli, trucks and cars on their way to make right decisions. And get a big compliment from Poli in the end Well you all did a great job of showing safe and dangerous ways to get around town.
The class are learning a dance. Can you nod your head, clap your hands and shake your body with Timmy and his friends?
The class is having a picnic and everyone is happy. Especially Paxton! Learn about healthy snacks with Otus, Stripey and Yabba.
Harry decides to imitate his Mum by becoming a newspaper reporter for the day.
When Harry is disappointed that he can't have what he wants for breakfast he goes to Dino-world.
Its time for the annual Greendale Duck Race - where everyone has a little rubber duck and they race them down the River Penn (think Pooh Sticks but with ducks!) Alf and Ted reminisce about old times when they raced ducks as kids and realise that there was some cheating going on in the past. Right! The gauntlet is down, Ted and Alf will race again this year and each has something to prove.. However, when the racing ducks Pat is delivering fall off the back of his truck and go AWOL and Ted and Alfs mega boats sink, the real helping hand spirit of Greendale returns and they help Pat save the day.
The farm is covered deep in snow. Pettson is dancing around in his kitchen with the chickens. Findus wants to come in too, but at that moment the rotten door handle falls off. So he sets off freezing to the Gustavsson's, meets Harpo and both then end up with Beda Andersson. Pettson and Gustavsson now also go in search of their protégés.
Findus is bored. To avoid a bad mood, Pettson entrusts him with his old harmonica, which the little cat is allowed to play with for a change. Findus promises to take the best possible care and then immediately plays around outside in the yard with the valuable heirloom until he takes a little break. Shortly afterwards the harmonica has disappeared. Does Beda Andersson's cow have anything to do with it?
Gertrud promised Maria to make a perfume for Toramento with whom she has a first date tonight. Unfortunately, Gertrud's laboratory has burned down and with it, all the ingredients. Grisu's mission (with Stellas help) is to find the flowers the perfume requires and to help Gertrud to make the perfume again. But finding the flowers is not an easy thing, especially with Thingy around. Moreover, Grisu, peeved by Fumé, spits a flame, and burns all the ingredients once more! But Grisu is a resourceful dragon, and he manages to create the perfume Maria expects just in time for her romantic date!
Grisu helps Professor Smeraldo to retrieve a Dragonosarus egg from the icecap. Fumé joins the mission too, hoping to do some dragon training. They must prevent the prehistoric egg, caught in an iceblock, from falling off a crevasse, but a hungry albatross pops out and the mission is not so easy since the ice block ends up falling into the crevasse. Luckily, snowdrift softers the impact but our heroes find themselves without any rope to bring the egg back. In the end, the little dragon creates an ice firefighter pole using Smeraldo's searching material and manages the rescue the egg with Fumes help.
Daddy takes the children, Whizzy & Boo to visit the farm and collect some eggs. Watching the chicks hatching makes them wonder which came first, the chicken or the egg? Together they try and find out!
Daisy and Ollie are looking forward to helping Daddy babysit Libby for the afternoon but soon realise its not that easy! Libby cant speak yet and understanding what she wants is very difficult. The children try hard to understand Libby and entertain her for the day.
Its Boos birthday! Daddy doesnt have all of the ingredients they need to make Boos favourite banana birthday cake so they head off to the supermarket. Daisy and Ollie learn about the importance of writing a list to make sure you buy everything you need as its so easy to get distracted by the wonderful array of items on sale!
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse see a beautiful rainbow. When it disappears before Big Nutbrown Hare can see it, they recreate it for him with flowers.
Little Field Mouse and Little Nutbrown Hares favourite tree falls over in a summer storm. They're sad until they discover the fallen tree provides an exciting new place to explore.
Bing and Sula find a potato in Ammas vegetable patch with a comical face, so they take it under their wing, naming it “Nosey”. The two children look after Nosey and show him around the creche but unfortunately Nosey goes down the slide too quickly and his nose falls off. Amma shows them how to plant both bits of potato so that they can grow new potatoes.
Bing discovers a hole in his favourite yellow wellies but he doesnt want to throw them away in the stinky dustbin. With Flops help, Bing finds a way to recycle the wellies into colourful flower pots instead.
Bing and Flop hear the familiar jingle of Gillys ice cream van and race across the park to find her. After a long run Bing finally gets his ice cream but as he waves goodbye to Gilly he tips the ice cream out of the cone. Its too late to call Gilly back so Flop makes a fruit cone out of the cone and some of his fruit kebab instead.
Despite all Mommies effort to fix it, there is nothing to do, the door of the Triplets closet is definitely broken. It opens automatically every time someone closes it and it makes an awful shrilling noise. Instantly, the Triplets imagination goes wild, all the more that they just read a book about a knight ghost who haunts a dirty old castle. For them there is not doubt, their closet is haunted! What reassures not at all Poet, or Toto!
Tomorrow is my birthday, claims Girl, but Poet and Turbulent disagree: No, mine! they both answer. Mom explains that Triplets have the same birthday. The Triplets are quite disappointed, they each wanted to have their own party and their very own cake. However, Grandpa has an idea: he takes them to the countryside and shows Girl a rose bush which he created especially for her, lends a little plane to Turbulent, as well as a spyglass to Poet. At first, they are each extremely happy...but it is a lot more fun to share your presents, right?
The girls plan a formal afternoon lawn party tea with their puppies to inaugurate their new dog park. With the girls dressed in formal gowns and hats that Raspberry has made, and the pups wearing their new high fashion collars, the gates open. For some strange reason the puppies wont go into the dog park! They back away with worried whines. All the girls except Strawberry begin jumping to conclusions about what could be causing the problem. Each has a pet theory which they demonstrate to the others—tempting the pups with treats, changing the parks scents, repainting its colors. Nothing works.
To earn their badges, Koko and Brewster have to wash some dirty cars using the Chugwash. Koko will bring the cars to Brewster, who will put them through the wash. Koko is impatient and delivers the cars too quickly. Brewster is overly careful about washing them and goes too slowly, getting behind. They both realise their mistakes and work as a team to get the job done properly.
Brewster and Koko have to find coloured cars by solving riddles that will let them know where theyre hidden. Competitive Koko is afraid Brewster will finish before she does – so when she stumbles across one of his cars, she hides it. Koko finishes before Brewster, but when Vee tells her the task cant be completed until they both put their cars together – Koko realises shes done the wrong thing. She confesses, and together they line the cars up to make a rainbow!
To earn their badges, Koko and Brewster must ride the rails and report any problems. Emery reported 10 problems when he earned his badge, and they decide to beat that record. They split up. But Brewsters patrol is interrupted when he tries to catch a naughty, escaped monkey who is wreaking havoc - and he doesnt report anything. Theyre disappointed they havent beaten the record, but when Brewster explains why he didnt report and tells Vee about the problems the monkey caused, he learns that those problems count as a report! Koko and Brewster win their badges – and beat Emerys record!
Mom takes Kevin and Suji shopping as Broom's Mart's having a sale right but they have a hard time to find a parking because so many people are using the opportunity. When they finally get to the store things seem to be a bit out of control with so many people rushing around. The Rescue team is working had to keep things under control. When mom finally heads back to the car with the kids Kevin almost gets hit by a car as he was jumping around and playing in the lot. Poli scolds mom, Parking lots are dangerous places. You should always watch your children in them.
Doug is playing with his jet-speed in-line skates! …and claims he is going to fight a space monster in his skates, but Kevin says his scooter could leave those skates of Doug in the dust anytime! They plan a race in the park. The rescue team helps the kids to prepare the “race track” and the race starts with Kevin and Doug chasing each other through the streets towards the park but some of the alleys are too narrow.All they think about is who is faster.
Timmy and his friends are making a snowman. Can you help them?
Harry and Charlie have their football confiscated because they are unable to play football together without arguing.
Harry has a cold but gets bored of staying in bed so decides to go and play in Dino world.
Its Jakes birthday and everyone seems to have forgotten. He wishes for a big birthday party with all his friends. Kipper arrives – but he just wants to take Jake to the park. Luckily Kipper cant keep a secret and Jakes wish comes true.
Theres a thump on Kippers front door. When he opens it, theres a ball. But its not an ordinary ball as Kipper soon finds out – it seems to have a life of its own, and Arnold has great fun with it when no-one is looking.
Simon is going on a school outing with the whole class. Once the kids are in the bus taking them to the forest, Simon starts getting super impatient. He wants to see tons of animals! So much so that he invents a funny song, and the rest of the class sings along. The bus reaches its destination and Simon rushes off to find animals. But all he finds is a little beetle. And worse than that, it starts to rain and the kids and their teacher have to climb into the bus so they can eat their picnic without getting wet.
The Harvest festival is on and Paddles, Bracken and Bridie help Mr and Mrs Wolfie in the vegetable garden. Once the vegetables are collected Mrs Wolfie sends Paddles, Bracken and Bridie off to pick “wild blackberries” so that she can make her famous Blackberry Pie. Fagan plots to steal the blackberries that the intrepid friends pick. Fagan picks 3 blackberry bushes and then hides himself in the best fitting one, so that he becomes a mobile blackberry bush. Fagan using his disguise follows the three friends as they pick blackberries and Fagan eats as they pick, unbeknownst to the friends.
Superbuns helps Nevillle as he builds his next big thing.
Tilda finds a bottle containing a treasure map in the stream. She excitedly shows Rupert her discovery and the two go on a treasure hunt. They turn Wild Rose Lane on its head, but there's no treasure to be found. After hours of searching in vain, the pair recover with a tasty picnic in Tilda's garde, where Tilda finally decodes the complicated map.
Tilda's Great Great Aunt Emily is visiting Wild Rose Lane. Rupert suggests they have a competition to decide which of the two mice bakes the better cheesecake. While Emily sets to work in Rupert's kitchen, Tilda discovers an old recipe from her ancestor Eusebia which sounds better than her own.
Woodsy is desperately trying to do do something that requires calm and concentration but his intrusive family make it impossible. The more he tries to be on his own, the less the others leave him alone as they are very curious to find out what he is up to….
Pettson and Findus are fishing on the lake in an old rubber dinghy that has not been used for years. Unfortunately, a mishap with a fishing hook causes it to leak and the two end up in the water. Back on land, Pettson invents a crazy story about a sea monster that is supposed to live in their lake. Findus now thinks that this monster must feel lonely. He builds his own second monster out of the leaky rubber dinghy as suitable company. Pettson is increasingly embarrassed by the action because he resents having fooled the cat.
Caillou is frustrated when he cant score a basket in his new basketball hoop. After pretending hes in charge of a space mission, guiding a shuttle pilot (Mommy) into a moon crater, Caillou learns to slow down and take a breath. This helps him finally score a basket!
When Caillou can't get the steps right to a block party line dance, he worries hell ruin the dance for everyone. But Grandma's story about square dancing for a famous square dance caller (Caillou) helps Caillou overcome his anxiety and dance the night away.
Sleeping a night in the school means: having a barbecue, listening to stories and taking a night walk to look for hedgehogs and …little funny vampires? Or are these perhaps bats? Conni will sort it out!
Sketcky, disguised as a Sioux, does not hold up: he dances, sings and wants to go on an adventure! But its impossible to go for a walk, because it keeps raining. Doodleboo then has a little idea: he knows the secret of the great Indian chiefs for rain and good weather...
Sketcky loves snow and he would like to see how it forms in the clouds. Doodleboo knows a great way to visit them.
Sketcky claims not to be afraid of big animals or water. Animals, water? Doodleboo challenges him to find out which big animal has thick skin and loves water.
Sketcky is too greedy! He cannot help eating too fast. Doodleboo shows him that he should follow the example of someone who likes to take his time.
Sketcky is invited to his cousin's home in Megalopolis. Sketcky is very happy to visit this city full of people and cars. To avoid traffic jams in this big city, Doodleboo has an idea.
The Junior Rangers invent a new mechanical leg for a Japanese Spider Crab.
Kyle claims to have discovered a brand new animal species - it has the fur and body of an otter, webbed feet and bill of a duck, and a tail like a beaver. Kylasaurus needs help!
Huckle and his pals all receive party invitations, but the party's location is a mystery. Small circular marks left behind by whoever delivered the invitations are an important clue. It leads Huckle and pals to Miss Honey who's been walking with a crutch. Grateful for the help she got raking up all her leaves, Miss Honey decided to throw a party for all the volunteers./Huckle and his pals discover a mysterious gigantic spoon.
Balthazar really gets to like the unknown bumblebee girl, and with the help of the friends he even builds a house for her.
Berry and Dolly accidentally ruin the snowman of Balthazar but finally they build an even nicer one jointly.
Berry and Dolly insist on seeing an octopus. They manage to get to the home island of the octopus and in the way back home rainbow-fishes help them.
Flop teaches Bing and Pando how to blow bubbles. Pando soon gets the hang of it but Bing struggles and gets frustrated. After many attempts and some gentle guidance from Flop Bing finally blows a big bubble and is outraged when Pando pops it.
Bing and Sula head off for a picnic at the paddling pool with Flop. But when they get there, they are shocked to find there is no water inside. Bings disappointment soon gives way to the realisation that its a very special pool day. With no water there are all sorts of games they can play that are usually against the pool rules.
During Bings bedtime routine he inadvertently pees on his blankie and its too wet to wash and dry before bed. Fortunately his Hoppity Voosh toy has a cape just as soft and huggy as blankie and it even smells just right too.
It is the 83rd annual conkers competition in Drumsna and Paddles, Bracken, Bridie, Fagan and even Uncle Liam are all competing for the renowned title of “The Supreme Conqueror”. Everyone wants to win and each competitor is ready to do whatever it takes. Bracken steeps his conker in vinegar. Fagan finds a monster conker namely a coconut which fell off the back of the Drumsna delivery van. Fagan and Bracken beat all opponents and meet in the final. Fagans coconut is declared the winner and Mrs Hoot reprimands Bracken for using vinegar, declaring that all conkers are created equal.
Findus really wants to be the pumpkin king of the village one day. This year, with the help of Pettson, he is working especially hard to grow a giant pumpkin. Because Findus tries so hard, even the chickens believe in him. But the competition with Gustavsson and Beda never sleeps. If Findus is to succeed anyway, it will take a crazy miracle.
Grisu, with Stellas help, has to pilot a special drone that Mr Guellec bought for his farm, where a Rainbow Magpie is ruining his fruits. The drones loudspeaker is supposed to emit a sound that will repel the bird in a harmless way, but things dont go as planned. Not only does the Rainbow Magpie look unaffected by the drone, but it even mistakes it for a bird and chases after it. Grisu has a hard time shooing the bird away - with Fumes intervention making things worse - until he finds out that luring it to the nearby forest is much more effective….
Grisu helps Toramento, who is setting up a sightseeing tour of the Pink Cave of the Valley. But some funny facts happen in the Cave: signs moving apparently by themselves, strange noises… Toramento suspects that a ghost lives there, but Grisu doesnt believe it. After a little mayhem, the little dragon finds out that the funny facts are caused by a small but sassy bat, who lives in the Cave and is annoyed by artificial light. Eventually, Grisu, helped by Stella and Toramento, creates a light system built with luminescent rocks, that spreads a soft glow that doesnt annoy the bat.
Ollie has a great dinosaur collection! Daisy and Ollie want to find out what dinosaurs actually looked like. Daddy shows them a special fossil in the shed. Daisy and Ollie go on their very own fossil hunt in the garden, but will they be lucky enough to find a dinosaur?
Theres a beautiful moon lighting up the night sky. Daisy and Ollie wonder what its made from? Boo thinks its a great big banana, Daddy says its made of Cheese…but what could it be?! Maybe the answer can be found in Daddys biscuits and the vegetable patch!
The friends are all playing together in the Autumn meadow. Little Redwood Fox inadvertently spoils all the games of the day, but the others put their heads together and come up with a game that suits her perfectly.
Over by the river, Berry finds a magnificent, shiny stone. This fascinates Scoutbadger who is determined to get his hands on it. He tricks his sister into exchanging, in secret, the stone for a 'magic chestnut' that grants wishes. But the wishes Berry makes do not seem to be coming true….
When foxes lose a canine milk-tooth, there is a little initiation ritual - 'the hunt for the little slug'. Berry is delighted to show that 'she is big now' but her brothers are rather jealous that they were not initiated when they were little. Edmund is very worried and wonders if it is really necessary that his 'little sweetheart' takes some risks….
The excitement continues for Thomas & his friends in Series 19. Thomas causes an accident by being silly, blaming an imaginary engine named Geoffrey, but then proves he is a good friend by helping Hiro. Elsewhere, Diesel is visited by some 'ghostly' Christmas engines, Percy struggles to keep track of his woolly cargo and the engines work as a team to rescue a stranded whale.
One chilly, windy day, Tilda wants to visit her friend Molly. On her way across the fields, she meets Patrick the sheep, who's got a cold. Tilda immediately informs Molly and together the two mice knit Patrick a nice warm scarf. Patrick is overjoyed, but now all the other sheep want scarves too. Now Tilda and Molly have to call her friends in to help.
Unbearable noise is distracting the inhabitants of Wild Rose Lane from their activities. As it turns out, Billy and Benny have found a trumpet and decided to dedicate themselves to music. Their distorted squawking is torment for the neighbours. Things can't go on like this, so Tilda prescribes the young squirrels music lessons from the frogs.
Kipper and Tiger go to the stream and play with their paper boats. They decide playing pirates and building a raft is more exciting. Soon they find themselves marooned on an island in the stream….but luckily Pig is there to save them.
Kipper visits Tiger who is in bed with a really bad cold. Tiger is a demanding patient and none of the things Kipper has brought to cheer him up seem to work. In the end Kipper calls Pig and Arnold in to give the patient some of his medicine.
Clementine is coming over to play, but Caillou cant find her favourite action figure in his messy room. Overwhelmed by the task of cleaning up, he pretends to be a superhero who is overwhelmed with so many people to help and learns a new strategy to go one-by-one until the job is done.
Caillou has to wear an uncomfortable sunhat, but he is too shy to tell Clementines Mommy how he feels. He pretends to be Ace Builder who is struggling to build a bridge because of an ill-fitting hard-hat. After Ace finally tells his boss how he feels, Caillou is inspired to speak up in real life.
After an encounter with a magnetic crane, Wilson finds himself magnetized and attracting a lot of unwanted attention!
Leo finds a baby plantain squirrel eating his seed collection. The Junior Rangers drive to the forest to locate the squirrels nest and mother.
A common tree frog hops into the garden one wet and rainy day. Leo, Katie and Hero take the frog to the forest, where Ranger Rocky directs them to find the frogs breeding ground.
Pat is delivering a big box of lovely Ukeleles for Reverend Timms Ukelele Big Band. Everyones getting one and as Pat delivers them he finds out that they all have a little problem they need help with - happily Pat CAN help - whether its tuning or plucking or keeping in time.. Reverend Timms is overjoyed as they all arrive playing a wonderful tune for him – and the children have a special treat for everyone as they play a song theyve composed themselves.
Pat has a very unusual delivery today - an ENORMOUS tree which Alf has ordered for Thompson Ground. Very tricky indeed to transport Pat has strapped it into the 4x4 and is driving very slowly. Jess is worried about the little birds nest Pat has not noticed in the tree - its full of baby birds! The children have an archaeological dig in Thompson Ground too as Alf thinks theyd have fun digging whilst he digs a hole for his new tree. The children find a few treasures and finally Pat delivers the tree-mendous tree AND the nest full of baby birds all safe and sound.
Bing has a brand new Hoppity Voosh lunch box, and Pando has the exact same one – match! At first its fun to match, but that changes when Bing and Pando mix their lunchboxes up and end up with the wrong lunch.
Coco is staying at Bings house for her very first sleepover and as she produces her collection of Rainbow Fairy Mice and insists on playing the Goodnight Game its not long before the differences in their bedtime routines emerge.
Bing and Sula have a penny each for the Surprise Machine in Padgets shop. Sula gets the silver rhino she wanted so Bing is convinced he will get the toy he wants too. When the Surprise Machine delivers his capsule Bing is upset to discover the alien he has set his heart on is not inside.
Bing wants to get dizzy on the roundybout so Pando pushes him superfast. Bing quickly learns that a little dizzy is fun, but too much dizzy is no fun at all.
Bing builds a house out of the sofa cushions and Coco decides its the perfect starting point for a game of “Big Bad Wolf” with Sula and Charlie. Bing enjoys being wolfie until hes not allowed into the house he built, at which point the game loses its appeal.
Hoot and Toot must decide the best order in which to do three jobs: pick up the Mayor, clean the tunnel with the scrub-a-chug and have a chugwash. Deciding they should look their best for the Mayor, they have a chugwash first. Then they clean the tunnels – which gets them filthy again! Theyre afraid they wont earn their badges – until they use the scrub-a-chug to clean themselves. Now sparkling, they pick up the Mayor and Vee awards them their badges!
On a very windy day in Big City, Oswald and Weenie volunteer to look after baby Catrina while Madame Butterfly goes back to the Diner for her blanket. Oswald buys a balloon as a present for Catrina but a strong wind carries Catrina and the balloon off high into the sky! Oswald and Weenie commandeer a hot air balloon to try and catch Catrina who flies further and further away from Big City until they all eventually reach outer space! Oswald and Weenie finally rescue Catrina and manage to hitch a ride back to big City on a shooting star.
Henry is taking a special picture of the gang in front of Big Citys geyser. While waiting around for their picture to be taken they decide to play a ball game but Weenie gets all covered in mud! Oswald tries to give Weenie a bath, but she doesnt want to take one. After chasing her around Big City and getting himself and his friend all wet in the process, Oswald finally manages to get Weenie clean again and everyone has their picture taken.
Bob tells a tired Scoop to stay behind at Bob's Yard as he goes to build an ice-cream kiosk at the beach. Scoop keeps finding spurious reasons to radio Bob and make him return to the yard. Finally theres a real crisis but Bob doesn't believe its anything serious. Scoop takes a burning bin to the beach where it falls on the kiosk roof. Scoop saves the kiosk by scooping sand onto the roof.
Mayor Madison has commissioned a skate park so that the Spring City Rockets can enter an online action sports video. As Bob and the team set to work building it, Scoop, Muck and Lofty ask Leo if he can skate. Although hes never actually set foot on a board, Leo gets swept up in the moment and boasts that hes an amazing skateboarder, nicknamed “Lightning Leo”. When Brandon announces that they need one more rider to join them in the video (competition rules) Dizzy is keen to have a go, demonstrating her skill on four wheels. But the machines insist Lightning Leo should be in it... and suddenly Leo finds himself slated for a “Battle of the Boards” contest with Dizzy once the skate park has been completed. He dashes off to buy a skateboard kit (including an action camera), and returns to the park to practice.
On Summers hottest night Little Nutbrown Hare finds it hard to sleep. When a swim in the river isnt enough to cool him down, Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends ask Little White Owl to tell them a really cold and sleepy bedtime story. Will she come up with a story that can make them feel cool and finally get Little Nutbrown Hare off to sleep?
Little Nutbrown Hare is impressed by Blue Birds description of a flowery field that looks just like a sea of colour from her birds eye view. He visits the field with Big Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse, and they discover that everyone has their own unique view of the field, and each one is special in its own way.
One gorgeous Summer morning Big Nutbrown Hare wakes to find Little Nutbrown Hare enthralled by a story of Little White Owls. Encouraged, Little Nutbrown Hare sets off to make up a story of his own, but finds it harder than he thought to come up with one. With the help of his father, he finally uses some fruit hes collected on the way to help him tell a very colourful tale.
Grouchy shows his friends a snowball that he has been making. His ambition is to make the biggest snowball in the world. Inui asks why he keeps it on the mountain top and Grouchy explains that he doesnt want it to melt in the summer months. Inui suggests that they go and play in the valley below as its a bit chilly up on the mountain. While they are playing the ground trembles beneath their feet: the huge snowball accidentally rolls down the mountain and creates havoc for Inui and her friends.
Someone in Busytown Park got rid of Sally and Hilda's newly drawn hopscotch board. Huckle and Lowly set about helping the girls find out who's responsible. As it turns out the culprit isn't a who, but a what - the park's new sprinkler system washed the chalk drawing clean off the sidewalk./ Mr. Gronkles great great grandfather has hidden a priceless treasure somewhere and its up to Huckle and the gang to find it.
Mayor Oki wants to dress to impress all the visiting Mayors with a gemstone encrusted chain. He neeeds Messy's help to work out how to make gemstones before she arrives!
Everyone in Okido is feeling very tired. Messy tries to help by adding extra super beans to Farmer Fuddles new recipe, but now everyone has far too much energy! How can Messy help them burn it off so Okido City can go back to normal?
When Apple feels left out of a Berryball game and an advanced ballet class, she invents some “groove booties” programmed to dance to any beat. She temporarily impresses her friends with her dance moves, but when the groove booties go out of control and threaten the town's Berryball game, she is forced to fess up.
Harry decides he wants to be a zookeeper when he grows up, but he can't wait until then so he opens his very own zoo in Dino-World.
When a letter addressed to a 'Mr. Snow' is delivered to Harry's house, Harry concludes that Mr. Snow must live in Dino-World.
To get an awesome new toy, Chuck promises to clean up the paved track. But when the job is harder than he imagined, he convinces Biggs to help, only to feel guilty when Biggs does most of the work.
The trainees are taking their passenger test. If they pass, theyll be able to carry passengers all on their own. Brewster and Wilson are a little nervous, but Koko is confident - after all, shes a passenger train! Mr. Simkins, from the Ministry of Chuggers, arrives to examine them. His jiggleometer will tell him whether or not the trainees are riding smoothly. Koko volunteers to go first. Unfortunately, just as she starts, Simkins coughs and sets the machine off with a deafening beep.
Wilson has been given the important job of bringing the refrigerated ice cream cars from the ice cream factory to the Ice Cream Tasting Fair. The refrigeration cars are heavy, so hell have to take them one at a time. Wilson makes the first trip successfully, but when his hero - cool ice cream chugger Frostini - offers to give him a tour of the factory, he forgets all about the important job he has been charged with.
Professor Smeraldo's car accidentally ran into an obelisk in the desert, which now may fall down. It has to be straightened back up fast, as it threatens to tip over. Grisu offers to come help him out and operate a nearby crane to fix up the monument. But Smeraldo gives him wrong instructions by mistake and the crane nearly ends up in the river. Ensue a series of mishaps, such as Smeraldo being chased by a crocodile, and saved by Grisu and his sandwich. Grisu finally manages to put a strap linked to the crane around the obelisk. But as the young dragon is about to operate the crane and pull on the obelisk tip, the crocodile shows up again.
Because he has unintentionally caused an accident and slightly injured Toramento, Grisu suggests replacing him in his job which is to unload and load Olivier's boat. Unfortunately, Grisu, distracted by his father, makes a big mistake as he confuses the boats and unloads and loads the bad one (Smeraldo's boat.) In the end, he burns the forklift... Fortunately, he finds an original solution by creating a kind of suspended train, hanging on the streetlamps (like a car assembly line).
Little Nutbrown Hare is excited because Big Nutbrown Hare has agreed to meet him later to play games. When his father arrives to tell him a storm is coming and he needs to gather food instead, Little Nutbrown Hare is hiding so Big Nutbrown Hare leaves. He searches the meadow for his father, more and more disappointed, but when he learns why Big Nutbrown Hare couldnt play this time, he understands.
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse discover creatures that can blend in with their surroundings and are inspired to learn just where they can blend in. Little Nutbrown hare becomes disappointed when his white fluffy tail and his dark brown ear tips give him away each time. Thats until he discovers the reeds by the river are exactly the right height and colours to camouflage him perfectly.
The children want to give their parents a portrait of them which is much more flattering than reality. But arent imperfections part of what we like about others ?
Bob and the team will be building an enclosure and viewing platform for the new giraffe. Lofty is excited that he will be seeing his favourite animal. But when the giraffe arrives he gets so anxious to get a good view that he crashes through a fence and frightens the giraffe away! Luckily he knows exactly what giraffes eat and is soon tempting the giraffe back to his enclosure with a big pile of leaves on his jib. The enclosure is finished and tidied up just in time and Bob suggests Jenny Dobbs names the giraffe after its biggest fan… Lofty!
Bob and his gang are installing new barriers and laying a new paved driveway at FIxham Town Hall; at the end of the day a statue of Mayor Madison will be unveiled in the new driveway. Scoop is fitted with his pneumatic breaker and gets overexcited while using it, resulting in him breaking an underground water pipe and causing it to leak. While Bob and Wendy have some difficulty installing the barrier, Scoop covers up the leak and gets Muck to stand over the hole thus blocking the water from escaping. When Muck moves from this position Scoop speeds back to hide his mistake and causes Lofty to drop the paving slabs. The slabs are shattered! Scoop remarks on them looking like jigsaw pieces – giving Bob the idea of using the broken slabs to make crazy paving.
The kids find some numbered papers blowing around the park. After investigating several possibilities of where they could be from, they finally figure out they were once fastened to trees in the park as part of a self-guided tour to celebrate Arbor Day. / When all the milk in Huckles Dads store turns out to be sour, Huckle, Sally and Lowly set out to find out why.
Leo finds a blue pansy caterpillar, and the Junior Rangers set off to find a home for it. On the way, they come upon other blue pansy caterpillars and butterflies, whose home will be destroyed soon. Can the Junior Rangers find a new home for all these blue pansies?
Ranger Rocky invites the Junior Rangers along on an adventure to return an orca to the sea. But the task becomes twice as hard when they come across a second orca that is stranded on the beach.
Fireman Sam
A swim in the garden brings Leo and Hero up close and personal with a Malayan water monitor. The Junior Rangers set out to search for the monitors home, but will their jeep survive a river crossing after a jeep float gets punctured?
Imagine Leos surprise when he realises that a piece of seaweed in his aquarium is actually a leafy seadragon! The Junior Rangers set forth to put the leafy seadragon back in Australian waters, but their mission changes course when they have to save leafy seadragons that have been washed ashore.
During Christmas, Dr Owl gets sick, and Bubbles can't seem to wrap his head around the fact that doctors can also get sick. Flutter helps him understand that the car of a car mechanic can also break down, and the shoe of a cobbler can also get torn sometimes. So the friends make a beautiful surprise for the old doctor.
There are two balls in the kindergarden. One, the big bugs play with, and one for the small bugs. One day one of the balls bursts and they all have to find a way to peacfully play with the one remaining ball. Soon they realize that they can also play together, so Stanley admits that the small bugs are not that clumsy after all.
The Moonbug can't walk. The centipede always helps him to get him to where he wants to go. But one day the centipede has to go on a long journey, so the Moonbug is left to go alone to Alfonso's concert. But Eddy, the potatobeetle builds a special chair with wheels for Moonbug. The Moonbug can finally go alone to Alfonso's concert, and anywhere he wants to.
A great storm tears down the fireflies' house. The whole house breaks into peaces and all the lanterns with it. So the small firefiles go on a journey to find the wise old Shining Bug, and ask him to give them new lanterns. When the fireflies return home they are surprised by their new home, the forest friends have built them.
Bing is playing Hide & Seek at the creche with Sula, Pando and Coco. Bing doesnt go to the toilet with all the others before the game starts and when he needs to go before he is found he has to decide whether to give up his hiding place or try and hold on.
Bing and Flop are making ginger bunny biscuits for Charlie and Coco. But when Charlie and Coco arrive Charlies done a mega poo and in all the fuss cleaning him up nobody hears the chickie timer ring to tell them that the biscuits are cooked.
Tilda finds a bottle containing a treasure map in the stream. She excitedly shows Rupert her discovery and the two go on a treasure hunt. They turn Wild Rose Lane on its head, but there's no treasure to be found. After hours of searching in vain, the pair recover with a tasty picnic in Tilda's garde, where Tilda finally decodes the complicated map.
Tilda's Great Great Aunt Emily is visiting Wild Rose Lane. Rupert suggests they have a competition to decide which of the two mice bakes the better cheesecake. While Emily sets to work in Rupert's kitchen, Tilda discovers an old recipe from her ancestor Eusebia which sounds better than her own.
Its winter, and peak sledging time – a sport at which Paddles excels! He helps his friends sledge and keep warm as well by inventing a sledging game; he tows everyones sledges up the hill and toboggans down on his tummy, towing all behind! The friends explain to Paddles that cold winter nights mean its ceilidh time, and everyone helps prepare for a ceilidh at the Wolfie house. But as the big night arrives theres yet more snow, and its even colder – how will everyone get to the ceilidh? Paddles and his sledging ceilidh cart to the rescue!
It's Little Field Mouse's birthday and Little Nutbrown Hare wants to give her exactly the right gift. After a moments thought he realises he has no idea what to give her. Big Nutbrown Hare encourages his son to think about everything he knows about his friend. He remembers she likes to look nice on her birthday, so her makes her a lovely necklace and she is delighted!
Caillous balloon fun at the harvest fair is cut short when his excitement causes him to accidentally lose his balloon. A make-believe hot air balloon race teaches him a lesson in mindfulness, which he puts to use to win a new red balloon!
Caillou is disappointed that he has to stop flying paper airplanes for bath time, so Daddy suggests an underwater adventure where Caillou realizes that when one adventure doesnt work out, its okay to let it go because there are other ways to have fun.
Why do you have to dig a whole if you want to build a house? What happens in the big cement mixer? What exactly is a crane good for? Conni and Simon think the visit of dad's construction site is super exciting and explore every corner. But the best thing is that they're even allowed to help build a real brick wall!
Dad doesn't really want to mow down all those nice daisies? And what's he doing with all those tiny plants in the pots? Maybe Conni could lend her dad a hand. She learns how to lay out a flowerbed and to plant flowers and dad learns that the garden hose is not just for watering the flowers...
What does a real pirate never separate from? Doodleboo explains how to draw a parrot.
What animal from the savanah makes lots of noise and loves playing in water? Doodleboo explains how to draw an elephant.
Accusing a mysterious thief of stealing his candy, Sketcky ends up finding it at the bottom of his toy chest. Doodleboo meets a Riddleboo to ward off thieves.
Attention, ladies and gentlemen, the circus has just arrived near Doodleboo's house. You too, guess what Doodleboo prefers at the circus.
Sketcky and Bubble learn a choreography together, but Sketcky does not know how to do somersaults. Doodleboo knows someone who could teach him how to do it.
Superbuns helps Blossom retrieve a ball.
The groups tea party is saved by a new friend.
Buns finds a chrysalis, vowing to protect it until the butterfly emerges and flies off safely.
A mysterious giant circle appears in the middle of a corn field. Although Pig Will and Pig Wont are convinced its the landing site of an alien flying saucer, Huckle puts the clues together and ultimately goes up in a hot air balloon to reveal the flattened area is actually Vincent Van Goats latest artistic endeavor./When flying potatoes are dropping from the sky in Busytown, Huckle and gang are determined to find out why.
Brewster and Koko have to find coloured cars by solving riddles that will let them know where theyre hidden. Competitive Koko is afraid Brewster will finish before she does – so when she stumbles across one of his cars, she hides it. Koko finishes before Brewster, but when Vee tells her the task cant be completed until they both put their cars together – Koko realises shes done the wrong thing. She confesses, and together they line the cars up to make a rainbow!
To earn their badges, Koko and Brewster must ride the rails and report any problems. Emery reported 10 problems when he earned his badge, and they decide to beat that record. They split up. But Brewsters patrol is interrupted when he tries to catch a naughty, escaped monkey who is wreaking havoc - and he doesnt report anything. Theyre disappointed they havent beaten the record, but when Brewster explains why he didnt report and tells Vee about the problems the monkey caused, he learns that those problems count as a report! Koko and Brewster win their badges – and beat Emerys record!
The trainees have to remember three destinations and visit them in the right order. Wilson and Koko make fun of Brewster when he makes up a rhyme to help him remember – but when they get stuck halfway through the test, they discover that his rhyme really works! They remember where theyre going, and all three trainees earn their badges.
Poli is driving through town making sure the rescue team is all doing their jobs and the kids are safe. Cleany seems to have a problem as somebody keeps knocking over trash cans and making a mess. At first everybody thinks that it is Kevin and Doug, but then it turns it it is Whooper, who is not turning carefully enough at the corners. When cars go around the corner, the rear wheels always rotate farther inwards than the front wheels. The bigger the car is the more inward needs the rear whell to turn.
Mom takes Kevin and Suji shopping as Broom's Mart's having a sale right but they have a hard time to find a parking because so many people are using the opportunity. When they finally get to the store things seem to be a bit out of control with so many people rushing around. The Rescue team is working had to keep things under control. When mom finally heads back to the car with the kids Kevin almost gets hit by a car as he was jumping around and playing in the lot. Poli scolds mom, Parking lots are dangerous places. You should always watch your children in them.
Timmy likes football. What other things does Timmy like?
Otus has a toy truck and the class have built an obstacle course. What shapes are the obstacles?
Harry fails to see any benefit in rain when a visit to the beach is rained off.
Harry and Charlie have their football confiscated because they are unable to play football together without arguing.
Dorothy has bought a super shiny new Quad Bike for her husband Alfs birthday. Pat has to deliver it, complete with its big red bow before Alf gets home - hes out searching for a lost sheep. When Pats van breaks down he has to ride the Quad Bike cross country to get to Alfs on time. On the way as luck would have it he finds the lost sheep - and the poor things stuck in a giant muddy puddle. Pat finds a handy new use for the Quad Bike AND the bow and Alfs delighted to get not only a lovely new toy but also his favourite sheep back safe and sound.
It has snowed overnight and Findus wants to go sledging immediately. However, the sledge is broken and Petton is busy with other things. Then Gustavsson brings over some old pots and pans that have been sorted out. Findus really wants to keep the big pan so that he can use it as a spare sledge. This works out quite well down the hill, but then Findus accidentally slides onto the lake, where the ice collapses beneath him. Only Harpo can save his friend.
It's a rainy day. Findus is very bored and his mood is getting worse because he can't go out to play. To distract and entertain him, Pettson tells Findus a fantastic story about how his boot ended up in the goldfish bowl. He starts by telling how he got the goldfish and when he found out that he could talk to them.
During an expedition to the jungle, Smeraldo finds an ancient vase from the dragons age. Since he needs help to carry the relic to his lab, Grisu will join him in the mission. The job isnt easy, as the vase is very frail and a bunch of wild animals - especially some cheeky toucans - will get in their way. But with the help of Smeraldo, Olivia and Stella (who sneaked onboard to take part in the adventure), Grisu manages to carry the precious object to a safe place.
A shooting star has been seen above Dragontown. At it fell in the surrondings, Pr. Smeraldo wants to find it before the wind and the rain bury the stone. Unfortunately, he has a wide area to comb. It's a perfect mission for Grisu and Stella. Equiped with a metal detector, Grisu has to deal with many obstacles, among them Thingy who turns mad every time he hears the detector beeping. And you can't imagine how many metal things lie around. Not only can't Grisu and Stella find the precious meteorite, but also they collect metal waste such as an old whistle, a magnet, wire or a weathervane.
Daisy and Ollie are pretending to be monsters in the garden which makes them wonder if monsters are real. They start to imagine all the different imaginary monsters they would like to meet and invent some marvelous characterful friends.
Daddy surprises the children with a trip to, Milos Diner-saur. Daisy, Ollie and Sonny are intrigued as theyve never been to a real restaurant before. Daddy helps them navigate the menu and what to choose, it turns out theres a lot more to running a restaurant than cooking at home!
Its New Years Eve! Daisy and Ollie discover how to throw an autism friendly New Years party for Daisys cousin Theo. Celebrating should be inclusive for everyone and together they have a wonderful time planning the party.
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse are inspired to make a spiders web, but run into all sorts of comic trouble when they do.
When Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse find a strange set of prints in the snow and hunt for the owner, their imaginations run away with them.
Bing sees Coco with a plaster on her finger and of course he wants one too. In the absence of a real plaster, Bing makes one out of sticky tape, but its so sticky that it hurts when he tries to take it off. Bing doesnt want Flop to help so Flop comes up with a new game so that Bing can do it himself.
On the way to Padgets shop Bing and Flop stop to play with Arlo the cat. Bing loves Arlo and knows just where he likes to be stroked and what games he likes playing. On the way home, Bing spots a new cat but this one isnt so friendly and scares Bing when he tries to play with it.
Bing and Flop find a patchy of fluffy white dandelions in the park. After blowing the seeds off all but one of them, Bing decides to take the last one as a present to Sula. As they set off across the park Bing negotiates many windy, wobbly hazards to keep the dandelion safe only for Sula to scatter the seeds accidentally as she hugs Bing saying hello.
The Triplets and Eliott play cards quietly in the living room, when they smell something burning in the kitchen. What a mess! Now Mommys cake is ruined! Eliott is really embarrassed, he has to bake the cake again. Mrs Gzell brings her sick cat for Eliott to nurse as she's going out. Eliott gives that important task to the Triplets. They are really excited! But between Toto, a particularly annoying fly and Imhotep who does whatever he wants, the Triplets have a lot of work.
The Triplets are at the beach and theyd like to make a present for Mommy, a pucka-shell necklace. But its not easy when there are only mussels on the beach. When suddenly, Turbulent finds a gorgeous shell, he puts it against his ear to listen to the sea when surprise! The shell tickles him, its a hermit crab which fascinate Poet and Girl. They imagine themselves living great adventures in the deep sea with their new friend. But during their game, the Triplets didnt realize the tide had risen. They are stuck on their rock, how will they escape?
Blueberry invites Huck to attend Berry Bitty Citys big Masquerade Ball in honor of their new dog park. Unfortunately, Blueberry gets a cold and has to stay home. To keep Huck from being disappointed, Lemon decides to fill in for Blueberry at the Ball, unaware that Raspberry is doing the same thing! At the ball, “Blueberry” (actually Lemon) shows up, saying she feels all better. Later, Strawberry sees Blueberry again in another part of the park, unaware its Raspberry in an identical Blueberry disguise. Strawberry is increasingly puzzled at “Blueberrys” strange behavior, and doubly puzzled to see Lemons puppy, and later Raspberrys puppy, following her around.
The trainees have to remember three destinations and visit them in the right order. Wilson and Koko make fun of Brewster when he makes up a rhyme to help him remember – but when they get stuck halfway through the test, they discover that his rhyme really works! They remember where theyre going, and all three trainees earn their badges.
To earn his badge, Brewster has to stay clean while pulling a very messy load. It all goes wrong and he gets filthy – and the chugwash is broken! Koko comes to his rescue by suggesting that he washes himself clean in the Storm Maker. He cleans himself up, delivers his load – and earns his badge!
Wilson already knows how to honk, but Emery is testing him to make sure he knows when to honk. Wilson gets a bit mixed up and fails his first attempt – but when he encounters a broken signal light at a tunnel entrance, his honking saves the day! Since hes proved he knows how to use his horn correctly in an emergency, he wins his badge after all.
Kevin and Doug are crossing at a green light, but Kevin, but then Kevin has a second thought and turns back on the middle of the road and almost runs into a car. When you have to go back, go all the way to the other side and wait for the next light. Poli teaces the kids while you are crossing the road, you should not pick things up from the ground, play games, read books, or look anywhere but the street.
Kevin is playing a computer game, but then mom needs to go and wants Kevin to read a book to Suji, but Kevin tells Suji hes busy and has not time for her now. More and more Kevin gets suck into his games, and does not play with Doug anymore either. Even when a big soccer game is coming up Kevin does not want to participate. Hes playing the game on the street, when walking, on the bus – always. …until he has an accident as he ended up in the middle of the street without noticing. Poli scolds him, Kevin, it's very dangerous to walk and play a game at the same time. When you walk along the street, you must pay attention.
Timmy and his friends are having a picnic. How many apples, cakes and drinks do they have?
A preschool boy named Harry receives a bucket full of toy dinosaurs. This bucket holds a secret --- by using its power, Harry can travel with his dinosaurs to an amazing land of imagination called Dino World.
Harry is finding it difficult to learn to play the violin and is fearful about performing in his school concert so he goes to Dino-World to practice.
Kipper and Tiger go to the stream and play with their paper boats. They decide playing pirates and building a raft is more exciting. Soon they find themselves marooned on an island in the stream….but luckily Pig is there to save them.
Kipper visits Tiger who is in bed with a really bad cold. Tiger is a demanding patient and none of the things Kipper has brought to cheer him up seem to work. In the end Kipper calls Pig and Arnold in to give the patient some of his medicine.
In the snow-covered yard, Simon and Gaspard are tossing snowballs at each other. Not only Simon hits Gaspard, but he also manages to dodge all of Gaspards snowballs. Since Gaspard is sick and tired of always losing, Mommy comes to his rescue. Shes on his team! Good move because Simon gets hit instantly by one of her snowballs. But Simon, with his endless source of brilliant ideas, , runs into the house and comes back with his Super Rabbit costume. Now it is unbeatable!
Its winter, and peak sledging time – a sport at which Paddles excels! He helps his friends sledge and keep warm as well by inventing a sledging game; he tows everyones sledges up the hill and toboggans down on his tummy, towing all behind! The friends explain to Paddles that cold winter nights mean its ceilidh time, and everyone helps prepare for a ceilidh at the Wolfie house. But as the big night arrives theres yet more snow, and its even colder – how will everyone get to the ceilidh? Paddles and his sledging ceilidh cart to the rescue!
Superbuns helps Blossom and Gnat work together to write a story for great stories camp.
Edna asks Rupert to look after her sons Billy and Benny. No problem, thinks Rupert. They can play while he reads a book. But no sooner has Rupert sat down in his armchair than the little squirrels turn up with one request after another. First they want lunch, then they need to go to the loo, then they want to play.
All the inhabitants of Wild Rose Lane are looking forward to the broadcast of a spooky play on the radio. Only Billy and Benny aren't allowed to join in, as they're still too young. The disappointed boys decide to teach the adults a lesson. In the evening, the friends gather at Tilda's.
Rosie,in order to beat Scoutbadger in a race, entrusts her precious necklace to Woodsy. However she does not fully trust him even if he does swear to look after it well. However, the Tomcats decide to steal the necklace. In order to get it back and prove to Rosie that he deserves her trust, Woodsy gives in to the Tomcats blackmail and even takes some foolhardy risks….
Chicken Fia is desperately unhappy: her feathers are falling out. With a magnifying glass, Pettson and Findus discover that she has a flea that irritates her skin. So Fia has to be quarantined. Pettson and Findus now think about how to get rid of the annoying and persistent guest. Even after an apple cider vinegar shower, the annoying chicken flea won't go away. So Doctor Findus flea frightener, has to catch it with a flea trap made by Pettson.
When Caillou can't wait to open the mysterious box Daddy brought home, he imagines he's an explorer searching for the Lost City accompanied by his assistant (Rosie). By being patient, they finally find the city and Caillou discovers that some things are worth waiting for.
When Gilbert decides to sleep in Rosies room, Caillou feels so lonely that he pretends to be a castaway stranded on a deserted island. To get back home, Caillou builds a raft with island buddies Teddy and Rexy and realizes that because he has his friends, hes not alone at all.
Swimming in a bathtub is great but how to swim in a big swimming pool? No problem for Conni. Together with her friend Simon she learns how to swim; it takes time but in the end they both receive a seahorse swimming award.
On one of Sketcky's holiday photos, Doodleboo and Sketcky discover an egg in a nest. But the nest is not in a tree. Doodleboo will show Sketcky what this strange animal is, that lays eggs and does not fly.
While Doodleboo and Sketcky sunbathe, Sketcky wants to know more about the sky, clouds, and space! Doodleboo has the idea of a Riddleboo that will reveal all the secrets of the universe to Sketcky...
Sketcky would like to succeed in doing his magic tricks, but he fails them all the time. Doodleboo is no more talented than he, but he has a magic Riddleboo for his friend to discover!
Looking at a picture of the desert, Sketcky wonders what one could do in such a huge desert. Doodleboo has an idea of Riddleboo, full of travels and surprises!
Sketcky has no idea how to go to space and approach the biggest star. Fortunately, Doodleboo has a Riddleboo that could help him travel in space.
Oh no! Someone is stung by the Brazilian Yellow Scorpion!
Peyo is stuck in a tree with an Anaconda hanging right above him. Can the Junior Rangers get to him in time?
Something knocks Sgt. Murphys hat off his head, chops the tops of Baker Humperdinks baguettes, and sheers a path through a flower bed. Although no one saw anything, they all heard it make the same whoop whoop whoop sound. Putting the clues together, Huckle, Sally and Lowly figure out that it was Vanderbuilts new, out of control, boomerang./The mysterious disappearance of Mayor Fox leaves Huckle and the gang on an important search.
The violin of the poor Cricket breaks. Berry and Dolly takes care that neither the Cricket nor the other animals remain without instrument and music.
Dolly helps Christopher, the canary who broke his wing. In gratitude Christopher takes Dolly to the island where the yellow ladybird lives.
Berry visits his distant relative, Snail Sam.
Coco shows Bing how to do really good Big Boos and together they make Flop jump. When Bing tries out his new tricks on Charlie he finds out the power of Boo has to be scaled down for babies.
Bing and Sula discover a new toy at Ammas creche, a talking ride on car. It seems like fun until Talkie Taxi keeps saying the same thing over and over again. When the taxi crashes and is finally silenced Bing and Sula use their imagination to play a game they really want to play without being dictated to by the noisy taxi.
Its a windy day and Bing wants to fly his Hoppity Voosh kite with Flop. And he wants to do it all by himself. Even when Pando arrives and wants to help Bing insists on doing it his way. When the kite gets caught up in the park bench Bing realises that there are some times when another pair of hands comes in handy.
Paddles wants to play but despite an extensive search of Drumsna for a play mate and something to do everyone is too busy. Hhhmmm, whats going on? Bracken and Bridie eventually provide a welcome diversion in the form of a game of trust involving Paddles and a blindfold, and lead him to the Village Hall. Surprise! The hall is full of friends and balloons, and theres a mouth- watering celebratory spread laid out too – happy home day Paddles (much more exclusive than a birthday!) so glad you came into our lives!
Pettson and Findus have picked cherries. They are happy about the great yield of three buckets full to the brim. Because Petterson has to visit Beda Anderson for a moment, Findus guards the harvest. But then aggressive rabbit thieves appear and challenge the cherry sheriff Findus to a kind of duel. They brazenly want to steal his cherries and have good cards because: They are outnumbered. One against many - Findus might as well pack his bags.
Gertrud promised Maria to make a perfume for Toramento with whom she has a first date tonight. Unfortunately, Gertrud's laboratory has burned down and with it, all the ingredients. Grisu's mission (with Stellas help) is to find the flowers the perfume requires and to help Gertrud to make the perfume again. But finding the flowers is not an easy thing, especially with Thingy around. Moreover, Grisu, peeved by Fumé, spits a flame, and burns all the ingredients once more! But Grisu is a resourceful dragon, and he manages to create the perfume Maria expects just in time for her romantic date!
Grisu helps Professor Smeraldo to retrieve a Dragonosarus egg from the icecap. Fumé joins the mission too, hoping to do some dragon training. They must prevent the prehistoric egg, caught in an iceblock, from falling off a crevasse, but a hungry albatross pops out and the mission is not so easy since the ice block ends up falling into the crevasse. Luckily, snowdrift softers the impact but our heroes find themselves without any rope to bring the egg back. In the end, the little dragon creates an ice firefighter pole using Smeraldo's searching material and manages the rescue the egg with Fumes help.
Its a hot sunny day and Daisy and Ollie need to wear suncream to stop their skin getting burnt. Postman Geoff has a special delivery for Daddy. Why does Postman Geoff have darker skin than us, ask Daisy? Perhaps Postman Geoffs parcel will help them find out?
Ollie has the hiccups because he ate his breakfast too quickly! Daddy tells the children about all the tricks they could try to cure the hiccups, but instead of helping, they all manage to catch them too! Perhaps a fright from Boo will help?!
Its a fine Autumn day and it seems that all of the meadow creatures are out enjoying the sun. Little Nutbrown Hare is surprised that Big Nutbrown Hare knows every single creature in the meadow. He sets out to trick him into believing there is a brand new animal… called a Grrr-umph, which he cleverly creates out of shadows! Will Big Nutbrown Hare be tricked?
What if Edmund and Margarets secrecy means that they are going to have a new baby? This is bad news for Rosie as what will her place be now?
The children have been left alone in the burrow and have made a mess. To avoid being told off, they say that a wild animal caused the chaos. The rumour spreads through the undergrowth and creates a panic that only the truth can stop….
Stephen is the oldest engine on the Island of Sodor and people love to see him, so sometimes he makes special journeys round the island. Hes still called the Rocket, though hes much slower than the other engines. Sometimes they have to slow down for him, which Gordon in particular doesnt like. But its because Stephen travels so slowly that he notices that the Suspension Bridge is damaged and manages to alert the other engines in time to avoid a disaster!
Tilda finds a bottle containing a treasure map in the stream. She excitedly shows Rupert her discovery and the two go on a treasure hunt. They turn Wild Rose Lane on its head, but there's no treasure to be found. After hours of searching in vain, the pair recover with a tasty picnic in Tilda's garde, where Tilda finally decodes the complicated map.
Tilda's Great Great Aunt Emily is visiting Wild Rose Lane. Rupert suggests they have a competition to decide which of the two mice bakes the better cheesecake. While Emily sets to work in Rupert's kitchen, Tilda discovers an old recipe from her ancestor Eusebia which sounds better than her own.
Pig asks Kipper to look after Arnold and says hes really tired so he wont be any trouble. Kipper reads to him, makes a house under the table, turns a cardboard box into a railway engine, but by the time Pig returns, its Kipper who cant keep his eyes open.
Kipper cant understand where the contents of his cereal packet have gone, or why, when he know he put them away, his toys are littered all over the place. Then he discovers hes got a little visitor – and life may never be the same again.
Caillous balloon fun at the harvest fair is cut short when his excitement causes him to accidentally lose his balloon. A make-believe hot air balloon race teaches him a lesson in mindfulness, which he puts to use to win a new red balloon!
Caillou is disappointed that he has to stop flying paper airplanes for bath time, so Daddy suggests an underwater adventure where Caillou realizes that when one adventure doesnt work out, its okay to let it go because there are other ways to have fun.
Zephie starts a club and is selective about who can join, causing division amongst the friends.
The Junior Rangers go to the rainforest to find a new home for a goliath birdeater spider. But can the Junior Rangers scare off a pair of weasels who are preying on their eight-legged friend?
A young California Sea Lion makes a surprise appearance during Leos basketball game. Later, a voyage to find the sea lions home turns into a daring rescue on the high seas.
Pats mission today is to collect donations towards the brand new Greendale Website. Theres lots and lots to do and all kinds of obstacles for Pat along the way.. its a long day for Pat – but hes rewarded when the Website goes live e and as a special present the children have prepared a special tribute to Pat.
Its Diwali. Nisha is trying to decorate the café with special fairy lights to celebrate this festival of lights. Pat delivers them first thing! But distaster - the lights break straightaway - theyre not working.. and they realise that the electricity in the café is also broken..inally as the snow falls down Pat makes it up to the old Post Office in the hills to get the old lights out, hangs them all across the valley and turns them on - Nisha is delighted,the most beautiful festival of lights she could ever have wished for!
Its a hot day and Bing and Flop buy an ice lolly from Gilly the ice cream lady. Before they can eat them a frog hops into Bings paddling pool and they go to the rescue. By the time they return to the ice lollies all thats left are the sticks and a plate of lolly goo.
Bing and Sula enjoy painting a giant mural at Ammas nursery until Bings enthusiastic rainbow painting makes paint run all over Sulas beautiful tree. Sula is upset, until Flop and Amma help them see that the painting isnt spoiled, its just different. In fact, the harder they look the more they can see that they have painted a beautiful rainbow tree.
Bing and Flop play hide and seek on the way to Padgets shop. Bing doesnt want the game to end when they get there so he hides behind the door to the stock room, where Flop really cant see him. When the door slams shut, Bing is stuck inside.
Bing and Flop are building a sandcastle when Pando joins them in the sandpit with his wind-up digger toy to help. Bing finds a lovely poiky thing in the sand and thinks it will make the perfect decoration for the top of his castle not realizing it belongs to Pandos digger.
Its a beautiful Autumn day and Bing and Sula are in the park with Flop collecting acorns. When Bings pile of acorns keeps getting smaller Flop suggests they hide behind a bush to see whats happening to them – a squirrel is the culprit, hiding acorns for winter.
Hoot and Toot must make deliveries through the night, finishing before sunrise. Away from Chuggington, when Hoots light fails, he screeches to a halt and is too scared to move! But with some gentle encouragement and clever shadow play from Toot, Hoot realises how much fun the night time can be. All their jobs get done before sunrise, and the twins win their badges.
Oswald volunteers to make a special birthday cake for Catrinas birthday party. Madame Butterfly says that all Catrina needs is a small simple cake. However, Oswald ends up making a huge birthday cake, eight tiers in total, with a tiny cupcake on top. After a collision with the Egg twins en route to the party Oswald ends up with just the cupcake – perfect for baby Catrina!
Oswald is playing the piano, with Weenie beside him, when they hear a drip drip dripping noise. Oswald investigates only to discover it is a leaking tap in the kitchen. Oswald tries to fix it with his spanner but the pipe bursts and water floods Big City!
There is a sand sculpture competition taking place on Fixham Beach and Leo is the designated Weather Forecaster for the day; his weather app assures him there is a heat-wave on the way. Mayor Madison is judging the teams (including late entrants Bob and Wendy) but loses a special loaned ring. The partly built sand sculptures are demolished in the search but the ring still isnt found, so Mr Bentley fetches his metal detector and combs the beach while the sculptures are rebuilt. When the skies darken ominously, Leo realises hes been checking the wrong Spring City and that a freak storm is heading for them.
When an old factory needs demolishing to make way for a new skyscraper, Bob says they will need to bring down the factory's tall chimney using explosives. Lofty is nervous about the noise of the explosion, but Scoop hopes it's as big and loud as possible. As they begin to knock down the main building, Lofty becomes increasingly spooked by unexpected crashes and bangs around the site - most of them caused by Scoop. Bob tries to reassure Lofty, but when Scoop surprises the crane by shouting 'KA-BOOM', Lofty accidentally smashes the girder he's carrying against the chimney and creates a hole. Now the chimney might fall the wrong way into the nearby street.
Little Nutbrown Hare has a new game. He will be Big Nutbrown Hare for a day, doing jobs like finding food, answering tricky questions and resting in the grass. Likewise, Big Nutbrown Hare must take on his sons jobs of playing with his friends, making up new games and asking questions. Its all great fun until they realize that they are much, much better at being themselves.
A Summer storm sweeps across the valley and a nervous Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends scamper into a cave with Big Nutbrown Hare. They are all safe and dry in the cave, but the thunder outside is still scary. Big Nutbrown Hare explains that noises cant hurt you… but will he help them overcome their fears enough to enjoy the storm and the wonders of nature that it brings?
A lazy Summers day brings a wonderful discovery for Little Nutbrown Hare… a tree full of bright, beautiful, tasty plums! Little Nutbrown Hare isnt the only one enjoying the juicy summer fruit, it seems like every animal in the meadow has come for a taste. As the Summer goes on the plums disappear and Little Nutbrown Hare begins to wonder what all the animals will do without them.
After having forgotten about her birthday, Inui and her friends struggle to surprise Lady P with a special present. Crackpot stumbles over something on the ground and falls headlong over a little wooden crate: it contains a little china tea-service! Lady P will love it! But then Crackpot drops the precious package and the tea service is in a hundred pieces. The hastily glued china surprises Lady P – but the polite penguin says: this is the best birthday she has ever had because she has shared it with her friends.
The kids try to find the owner of a camera using the photos for clues. All the pictures are sporting events, so they eventually find out the camera belongs to the sports reporter for the Busytown Bugle./ A list Sally made mysteriously disappears right off the page.
Mayor Oki and Geoffrey get competitive! They each want their fizzy water to be Okido's one and only favourite. Messy tries to help them both get to the top spot, but things get very fizzy very quickly!
Messy accidentally removes the brakes from Mayor Oki's carnival float, but it turns out he really needs them! Will Messy be able to stop the runaway float?
When the girls discover that Apple's groove booties can teach the pups to dance, Plum gets an idea for a Doggie Dance Show. Wanting to impress them, Huck offers to have TomTom join the show... despite the pup's obvious dislike of performing in public. It's up to Strawberry to help Huck see that he should not force TomTom into something he just doesn't want to do.
Harry wants to surprise Mom when she returns home from shopping - so he decides he will play her some music.
Harry is impressed when he learns that Firemen don't just put out fires, they also rescue people.
When Chuck neglects to do his daily maintenance, he gets stuck in reverse gear. Fearful that his parents will be angry at him, Chuck tries to do all his chores backwards… with disastrous results.
Children from Chuggington School are coming to the Safari Park, and Mtambo is training Wilson and Brewster to help out as junior guides. Mtambo tells them its important to pay close attention to what he tells them about the animals, as they in turn will have to pass on the facts to the children - who will be tested afterwards to see how much theyve learned. Wilson is impatient, as usual, and wants to give a tour right now! He slips away at the first opportunity, finds the children, and tells them to hop aboard!
Hodge wants to be more independent, but Eddie never lets him do jobs on his own. So when Wilson startles Hodge, causing him to accidentally break a junction box, Hodge decides to deal with it himself. Using the crane, he jams the wires back in and shuts the doors. Easy. But then strange things start happening. Lights and signals stop working, Vee malfunctions and chuggers are sent to the wrong destinations. Hodge and Wilson realise it must have something to do with the box they broke!
Because of a domestic accident, Fumé's hurt his foot and his wing. He must stay at home and not move at all. At David's request, Grisu agrees to take care of his father as a nurse. But Fumé is an unbearable patient and Grisu ends up giving in to his whims: to go and get a pizza at Maria's. The journey turns into an adventure and Grisu realizes that the city is definitely not made for the disabled. For the return trip, he builds a kind of racing kart. Fumé is so happy that he feels much better now, ready to go back for another pizza.
Grisu's mission is to replace David in a camping trip where he was supposed to take the children. But his father accompanies them and makes a lot of mistakes, pretending he knows everything about camping! Grisu ends up burning the tent. Fortunately, he has the idea to make clay tiles with the help of his father's flame. And so, he makes a shelter for him and his friends.
Big Nutbrown Hare has a lot to do today. Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse promise to help but there are so many wonderful distractions they forget their promise and let Big Nutbrown Hare down. Luckily they learn a valuable lesson from some bees and get busy to make to things right!
It's Little Field Mouse's birthday and Little Nutbrown Hare wants to give her exactly the right gift. After a moments thought he realises he has no idea what to give her. Big Nutbrown Hare encourages his son to think about everything he knows about his friend. He remembers she likes to look nice on her birthday, so her makes her a lovely necklace and she is delighted!
While their parents are absent, Scoutbadger, Rosie and Woodsy have to agree on the next family outing. Rosie and Scoutbadger quickly have different suggestions. Each tries to persuade Woodsy to vote for their idea. Finally, Woodsy comes up with a different suggestion but is disappointed when the other two do not even listen to him. Woodsy is peeved and goes to find Loudo, determined to make his voice heard in some other way.
Tonight the Fixham Medieval Festival will open, but Maria Madison is appalled to discover that the castle has no portcullis. She summons Bob to put one in. Meanwhile Mr Bentley puts his foot through a rotten section of drawbridge as he eagerly heads into the castle to rehearse his lines. Leo becomes distracted role-playing as Prince Fix-a-Lot and traps himself behind the portcullis and inside the castle where he can hear a ghost wailing! Bob and the team hatch a plan to break into the castle to rescue Leo. First they fit a new drawbridge in place of the rotten one so that Muck can drive across and raise the portcullis with his bucket. Bob bravely ventures into the castle, saving Max and exposing the real ghost.
Saffi declares that Wendy is her hero. She then tells the Spring City Rockets that her hero is going to build them a fancy tree house so that they can have their first ever club meeting. Wendy wants to live up to her hero status and re-organises the schedule so that the elaborate tree house is ready by the end of the day. But things dont quite go to schedule when Saffi tries to help out. Saffi arranges furniture on wet paint and then causes Wendy to stick to adhesive. Things then get worse when Saffi uses the tree-house before it is ready, causing it to collapse. Now not only does Wendy have to save the collapsing tree-house but also the Rockets prize cup. With the help of Bob, Wendy dangles from a harness to retrieve the prize cup.
Peppino delivers pizzas faster than anyone in Busytown, so when the kids wait an unusually long time for their pizza to arrive, they figure something must be wrong at the pizzeria. But Peppino isn't there and neither is his delivery car. By following his delivery route, the kids ultimately find Peppino stuck in an elevator./Fairy dust and strange sightings has Hilda Hippo convinced there are real live fairies in Busytown Woods!
Leo is shocked to find an electric eel in the garden pond! The Junior Rangers travel to South America to return the eel to its home, but their mission takes a wild turn when they meet an anaconda.
Leo spots a South African cheetah cub in his garden. The Junior Rangers journey to the savannah to locate the cheetah cubs mother, but the cheetah cub is captured halfway by illegal hunters. Will the Junior Rangers have enough speed to catch up with these criminals?
Fireman Sam
Leo, Katie and Hero travel to the forest to return an equatorial spitting cobra to its home. Things heat up when the Junior Rangers and slithery serpent are ambushed by mongooses.
The discovery of a green iguana in the garden leads to an adventure in the rainforest! The Junior Rangers want nothing more than to find the iguanas home, but a hungry hawk has other plans for the iguana.
On a spring day, Flutter meets a group of unknown butterfly girls. The girls are happy, energetic and skitty, and Flutter is in awe of them at first. But it turns out the group always makes fun of Flutter's real friends. So Flutter decides to choose her peacful way of life besides her friends.
The Ant Queen has just recovered from a long sickness, so the ants decide to build her a giant Ferris Wheel on top of the hill. The work isn't going as fast as they've planned, so the forest friends decide to help them. The work still goes slowly, so they sadly give up, but then the night stars arrive to help the group, and the Ferris Wheel is finally complete.
The three bark beetles can't decide what costume to wear to the spring carnival party. So they ask the help of Leapy. Since she also still hasn't gotten a costume yet, they come up with the idea to dress as the four seasons. Leapy becomes Spring, and the three bark beetles become Summer, Fall and Winter. The four seasonelves go on to win the costume contest at the party.
In January, Eddy the Potato beetle and his friends visit Stanley, who presents his new toy cars. Eddy would like to try out the silver truck but accidentally breaks it. The next day, Eddy confesses his mistake and compensates Stanley with a golden-colored vehicle, while Patrik, the handyman beetle, repairs the wheel.
Bing and Pando experiment with Bings toy train on the Fun Fort in the playground. The train is good at going over bridges and brilliant at going down the slide. But when Bing slides it off the roof of the play house, the train crashes and breaks. Bing is upset until he realises that the pieces fit together to make something completely different.
Bing and Sula are having so much fun playing together they dont want to say goodbye when Amma arrives to pick Sula up. To delay her departure Bing hides Sulas sparkly shoe in the toilet and it gets soaking wet much to Sulas annoyance.
Edna asks Rupert to look after her sons Billy and Benny. No problem, thinks Rupert. They can play while he reads a book. But no sooner has Rupert sat down in his armchair than the little squirrels turn up with one request after another. First they want lunch, then they need to go to the loo, then they want to play.
All the inhabitants of Wild Rose Lane are looking forward to the broadcast of a spooky play on the radio. Only Billy and Benny aren't allowed to join in, as they're still too young. The disappointed boys decide to teach the adults a lesson. In the evening, the friends gather at Tilda's.
Piglet twins FERGUS and FERGAL make mischief with their disastrous suggestions of how PADDLES and BRACKEN can ensure that MRS. WOLFIES Mothers Day is a day to remember which it is for all the wrong reasons.
Little Nutbrown Hare keeps winning a game with Little Field Mouse, and enjoys it so much he doesn't realise she is frustrated with losing. Big Nutbrown Hare helps him realise that winning is less important than making sure everyone enjoys playing the game. So Little Nutbrown Hare invents a new game that Little Field Mouse and her twin siblings can enjoy playing too.
When Caillou wants to play T-ball instead of helping his family with spring cleaning, a fantasy about being a player on a famous (but selfish) baseball team during the World Baseball Finals shows him that teamwork is the best approach.
When Caillou and Clementine find a tiger toy at school, they are reluctant to look for its owner and give it back. By pretending to be a safari guide who finds a baby tiger separated from his mother, Caillou realizes that its not right to keep things that dont belong to you, no matter how much you love them.
Making others laugh is great! And you can even learn that? Conni is amazed. Together with Simon and a real clown she discovers all the things a clown has to be able to do. But the best is that in the end there is a real show in a real circus! Conni is very excited because this time it won't be just mum and dad watching!
Why do I have to look left, right, left, if the traffic lights are green?, Conni wonders. And what if there are no traffic lights? Conni thinks that there are a lot of things to discover in traffic. That's why she's going on a small walk through the city with her mum and Anna that ends at a traffic light that you can eat!
Friend Philivert is celebrating his birthday. Only problem: crossing the wild jungle. Help Sketcky find which companion can help them cross the city.
This weekend is camping at the ranch. But Sketcky has no cowboy accessories. Fortunately, Doodleboo knows what cowboys love.
What is the most extraordinary magical creature that can be met in a fairy tale: Doodleboo has his idea, and to please his friends, he will make them a pretty Riddleboo!
Sketcky drew the plan of the castle of his dreams. Bubble wants his room to be in the dungeon. Sketcky does not understand why, but Doodleboo will point it out to him.
For Christmas, Sketcky wonders how Santa Claus could give so many gifts. Thanks to Doodleboo, he will know who is very useful to Santa Claus.
Superbuns teams up with a snail for Track and Field day.
Superbuns helps Nevillle as he builds his next big thing.
Superbuns helps Blossom and Gnat work together to write a story for great stories camp.
The Pig Twins discover a puddle full of stranded goldfish. Huckle and his pals try to solve the mystery of where they came from. It turns out they were blasted out of the park fountain when an obstruction in the drain hole suddenly got unplugged./ A mysterious message on Sgt. Murphys radio has Huckle and the gang baffled!
To earn his badge, Brewster has to stay clean while pulling a very messy load. It all goes wrong and he gets filthy – and the chugwash is broken! Koko comes to his rescue by suggesting that he washes himself clean in the Storm Maker. He cleans himself up, delivers his load – and earns his badge!
Wilson already knows how to honk, but Emery is testing him to make sure he knows when to honk. Wilson gets a bit mixed up and fails his first attempt – but when he encounters a broken signal light at a tunnel entrance, his honking saves the day! Since hes proved he knows how to use his horn correctly in an emergency, he wins his badge after all.
The trainees have to do safety checks before making a long journey. Koko wants to reach the destination first – so when she mistakenly thinks Brewster has raced ahead, she doesnt bother to top up her coolant. She goes faster and faster trying to catch up until she overheats and stalls. She may not have earned her badge this time, but shes learned a very important lesson – never skimp on preparation!
Doug is playing with his jet-speed in-line skates! …and claims he is going to fight a space monster in his skates, but Kevin says his scooter could leave those skates of Doug in the dust anytime! They plan a race in the park. The rescue team helps the kids to prepare the “race track” and the race starts with Kevin and Doug chasing each other through the streets towards the park but some of the alleys are too narrow.All they think about is who is faster.
Kevin and Doug are crossing at a green light, but Kevin, but then Kevin has a second thought and turns back on the middle of the road and almost runs into a car. When you have to go back, go all the way to the other side and wait for the next light. Poli teaces the kids while you are crossing the road, you should not pick things up from the ground, play games, read books, or look anywhere but the street.
Timmy loves driving his new go-kart but he has to drive safely. Help him learn when to stop and when to go.
Timmy and his friends are making a train out of lots of different shapes. Can you help them?
Harry has a cold but gets bored of staying in bed so decides to go and play in Dino world.
A preschool boy named Harry receives a bucket full of toy dinosaurs. This bucket holds a secret --- by using its power, Harry can travel with his dinosaurs to an amazing land of imagination called Dino World.
Alfs homing pigeon Cedric is taking part in a big race today and Pat has to deliver a special tracking device for Alf to attach to Cedric. Time is short so Pats in a hurry so much so hat he doesnt notice a naughty magpie steeling the shiny tracker from his van. Pat tries to track it down but only finally with the help of the local children who are using a flying camera to take pictures of the local area does he manage to get the tracker back and deliver it to Alf. Just in the nick of time!
What a fright: Findus has completely forgotten that the next day is Pettson's birthday, and so he has no present. The chickens, on the other hand, are well prepared. They have been rehearsing a dance ballet for days. Findus feverishly thinks about what else he can organise himself, but he can't think of anything in a hurry. So he meekly asks to be allowed to take part in the chickens' show. But how and with what?
The chickens are very strict: they are not convinced by Findus' performance on his new bike so far. They do not want to live with this dangerous situation on the farm. They demand that Findus must pass a highly official cycling test before he is allowed to ride around at will. He has to master stations on a course that the chickens have devised. Findus is now a little afraid of failing the test.
Toramento is exhausted because of his job, so Grisu tries to help him by boosting a malfunctioning and slow cleaning robot to do the job in his place. But the boosted robot is not easy to control and makes a mess all around the city, also because Thingy wants to play with it, sending the machine haywire. Eventually Grisu understands that Toramento doesnt need a robot doing the job in his place, but a care-giving device that provides coffee and massages, keeping his stamina up.
Checking the safety items at the watch tower in the forest, Emma realizes that the alarm system doesn't work anymore. Grisu suggest using the old fire station alarm bell. Great idea! Unfortunately, David, who's supposed to set it up, is called for an intervention and must leave. Grisu offers his help. Here is Grisu and Stella heading to the forest with the old bell on a cart. The noisy bell creates some confusion in the forest since everybody thinks there's a fire. Not mentioning Michel, Gertrud's very talkative parrot who can't help but imitating every sound and voice he hears. The mission turns into a catastrophe when Grisu burns the bell… right when a fire starts into the forest. But Grisu is resourceful, as always, and he uses Michel as a spare alarm bell.
Daisy and Ollie set out on a fantastical imaginary adventure to rescue the precious banana treasure from a mischievous villain.
Daisy and Ollie attend a dancing lesson at an inclusive theatre club where they discover various ways to help them learn the steps and keep in time with the music. They meet Rose who is deaf, and she helps them to understand how she interprets the music without hearing it like they do. The children put on a brilliant performance for the theatre group.
Daisy and Ollie are amazed when they meet someone who lives in a campervan. They explore different types of accommodation, and what exactly is it that makes somewhere your home?
Little Nutbrown Hare discovers he can't fit under his favourite hiding log anymore. With Big Nutbrown Hare's help, he learns he has grown bigger since last Spring, and can now clamber into a hole in a tree that's an even better hiding place. Big Nutbrown Hare learns that you are never too young to play.
When Big Nutbrown Hare tells Little Nutbrown Hare a beautiful full moon will rise that night, Little Nutbrown wants to invite all his friends around for a celebration. When the full moon is veiled in clouds, Little Nutbrown is disappointed - but is extra delighted when the clouds part to reveal a bright red moon.
Bing is vooshing with Hoppity around the garden, making him fly higher and higher. With one particularly enthusiastic throw Hoppity disappears. After a hunt, Bing finds Hoppity in the washing up bowl and gets upset because a wet, mucky Hoppity just doesnt feel right.
Bing and his friends play Nature Explorers in Ammas garden by spinning a giant colour wheel and then finding something of that colour in the garden. When its Bings turn to find something red he doesnt look carefully before he tries to pick a raspberry and pricks his finger.
Bing has enough money to buy one thing in Padgets shop but he finds it hard to choose between all the lovely things. After much deliberation Bing chooses a camper van but on the way home he begins to regret his decision.
The wind is blowing on the beach while the Triplets are really excited at the thought of trying their brand new kite. But because of the wind ziouuuff the three sun hats fly away and go into the sea. The children dont know what to do and look for a way to get their hats back. But by the way, where are going all the items which fly away?
The boys and Kiko are making a football field to play on the beach, all they need is a fourth player to make two teams. They ask Girl who was picking up shells on the beach. She happily accepts their offer but once the fields ready, and with no explication at all, Girl starts sulking on her towel and refuse to talk to the boys. Nothing will make her stop, not pulling faces, not Mommies hugs, not even candies! What could have possibly happen?
The girls decide to each bake Berrykin Bloom the perfect cupcake, to be presented at a ceremony honoring him for his achievements in Berryculture. Their efforts get comically out of control as they begin competing with each other to create the biggest and best cupcake ever!
The trainees have to do safety checks before making a long journey. Koko wants to reach the destination first – so when she mistakenly thinks Brewster has raced ahead, she doesnt bother to top up her coolant. She goes faster and faster trying to catch up until she overheats and stalls. She may not have earned her badge this time, but shes learned a very important lesson – never skimp on preparation!
Olwin asks Brewster to take a long line of heavy cars to the quarry. He gives it his best shot, but really struggles to pull the heavy load up the steep hill. He just isnt capable on his own. Brewster doesnt want to let Olwin down so he asks Koko to help him, even though he thinks it means forfeiting his badge. They get the cars to the quarry and Olwin explains that being capable means carrying out a task in the best way, no matter how you do it. Brewster has proved himself a very capable chugger indeed.
Wilson and Brewster forget their fire safety rules during a drill and miss out on earning their badges – but they learn from their mistakes and when theres a real fire, they know just what to do.
The kids are learning how to ride a bike, but Jenny has a hard time and Kevin tries to show her how it goes, but she keeps falling. Then Poli has an idea. -Jenny, dont look down at the wheels. Look ahead!- Finllay Jenny succeeds. Poli teaches make sure youre always looking ahead of you. Both hands should be on the handlebars, ready to use the brakes. If you just use the front brake, you may fall, so its always safer to use both brakes.When youre going downhill, you can build up speed quickly, so its important to use your brakes and stay in control.
For the rescue team there is a lot of work as there is snow day! Kevin and Suji are playing in the snow building snow castles and a snowman. When its time to go home, Suji insists to take here new friend, the snowman home, so they push and pull it all the way towards home. When it gets to crossing the road however, Suji slips and falls and almost gets hurt by a car. Thankfully Poli arrives at the scene and tells the kids When it snows, roads are very slippery! Cars and people can easily get into accidents! Cars cant stop quickly on snowy roads, so you have to make sure to be extra careful when crossing on foot.
Its dressing up time and Timmy plays Doctor! Poor Teddy is sick, can you help Timmy put some plasters on Teddy to make him better?
When Harry discovers that he is too small to pick apples he goes to the Dino-World Mooseum to find some growth enhancing milk from a mechanical cow.
When Sam uses Harry's bucket to collect drips from a leak in the house Harry rushes to Dino-World to save the dinos from drowning.
Pig asks Kipper to look after Arnold and says hes really tired so he wont be any trouble. Kipper reads to him, makes a house under the table, turns a cardboard box into a railway engine, but by the time Pig returns, its Kipper who cant keep his eyes open.
Kipper cant understand where the contents of his cereal packet have gone, or why, when he know he put them away, his toys are littered all over the place. Then he discovers hes got a little visitor – and life may never be the same again.
Simon is ecstatic because he is going to take his first sailing lessons ever. And whats more, hell be with Maelle who wants to team up with him. Superrrr! The kids are going to have to maneuver the boat around the big buoys in the water. But before that, they are going to have to push the boat into the water! And though Maelle seems pretty self-confident about the whole thing, Simon is much less so. Especially when he learns that you can also fall in the water! Steering the boat without smashing into the buoys is more complicated than he thought.
Piglet twins FERGUS and FERGAL make mischief with their disastrous suggestions of how PADDLES and BRACKEN can ensure that MRS. WOLFIES Mothers Day is a day to remember which it is for all the wrong reasons.
Geemaw tries to be more of a traditional gramma, much to Blossom and Buns kind amusement.
Tilda is visited by her Great Great Aunt Emily. In honour of the occasion, all the friends have a game of Blind Man's Buff. Emily and Rupert have to take off their glasses. After the game, the two pairs of spectacles get mixed up and Emily and Rupert suddenly start suffering all manner of mishap: Rupert bites into an onion instead of an apple...
A new kind of biscuit has been delivered to the village shop and Molly would dearly love to know how they taste. Under Tilda's alarmed gaze, she climbs up the counter on which the biscuit tin is standing, climbs inside – and when a gust of wind blows the lid shut, can't get out again. Horrified, Tilda rushes off to get help from Rupert.
Martis wants to leave, like his older brothers before him. Scoutbadger says he would like to go along too. The boys will find out that they are not yet quite big enough to play the adult.
When Findus can't fall asleep one evening, Pettson plays him violin music on the gramophone. It works very well for him to fall asleep. So Findus wants to listen to this music again and again. Unfortunately, he unintentionally damages the player. Pettson then mentions that he once played the violin himself. When the old man now tries it out as a substitute, the whole farm suffers from his all too strange tones. How can Findus get a useful aid to fall asleep again?
Caillou wants to be like a real rockstar, but his loud tunes keep disturbing his family. He goes into a rockstar fantasy, where he learns that he doesnt need to play loudly to make an impact, and finds a new way to rock out – by turning his rock song into a lullaby for Rosie.
At the park to watch a meteor shower, Caillou is surprised to see a new girl, Tina. Suddenly feeling shy, Caillou pretends to be the fearless Dax Turbo Space Captain who makes first contact with the alien, Shyanne (Tina). This helps Caillou overcome his shyness and make a new space-loving friend.
From rainy home to sunny Spain – Conni is going on holiday and she will fly for the first time. Its a big adventure – passport control, check-in, bag drop-off … and then in the airplane, where there are so many other exciting things that the long journey to Spain seems to pass in the blink of an eye.
Sketcky would like to get engaged with Bubble when he becomes a great prince! Doodleboo has a little idea of Riddleboo that would be the perfect engagement gift that Sketcky could offer to Bubble!
Sketcky invented a song for the island's great singing competition that evening! But he needs a musician to accompany him and has not found anyone... Doodleboo will help him, thanks to a Riddleboo! And he is sure that what his friend needs is a very good castanets player!
Sketcky would like to organize a football tournament but he does not know how to do it... Doodleboo surely has an idea of Riddleboo to help him.
Sketcky is looking for the perfect gift for Mother's Day! He can count on Doodleboo to have a good idea...
Sketcky dreams of going to the shooting stars night. But there will be a lot of people and Sketcky wants to get the best spot. Doodleboo knows exactly what he would need to arrive first tonight...
Peyo gives a Three-toed Sloth a bath and washes its camouflage away!
A stinky Hero seeks grooming advice from the Ring-tailed Lemurs.
Huckle, Lowly and Sally set out to prove to Pig Will and Pig Wont that the figure they saw wearing a strange yellow suit and helmet is not a spaceman from another planet. The clues finally lead them to the realization that it was really Granny Goodpig wearing her yellow suit to protect her while she collected honey from her beehives./ Someone took all the red roses from Granny Goat's garden leaving Huckle and gang puzzled.
Reggie Squirrel is busy collecting food for the winter. But, oh dear, someone has chewed through his pantry wall! His hazelnuts have all rolled way! Berry and Dolly know who did it….
Berry and Dolly make an ice skate with the help of Iris, the snowbug and teach Stanley how to ice-skate.
Berry and Dolly together with their friends build a giant swing for the birthday of Harry, the hedgehog.
Its bath time and Bing just cant help adding a few more quirts of bubble goo…and a few more….and a few more, until he gets more bubbles than he can handle.
Bing goes to play with Sula who is engrossed in a game of sparkle magic when he arrives. Bing wants to play too but Sula finds all sorts of reasons why Bing cant play with her special sparkly things. Amma suggests that Bing makes his own sparkle magic stone but disaster strikes when Bing accidentally spills Sulas precious sparkle dust.
Bing and Pando are in the sandpit pretending to be diggers. Bing wants to dig the biggest hole and gets upset when Pando accidentally fills it in. It takes Flop to show them how they can work together to be just like the digger men they saw planting a tree in the park earlier.
PADDLES and BRACKEN investigate mysterious activity at the village school which the OLD MOORHEN tells them is the work of the little people whore annoyed that the school has been built over their very own fairy-road.
Findus notices several knots in Pettson's handkerchief and asks what they are for. Pettson explains that they are reminder knots for him. They are supposed to help him remember something that he must not and does not want to forget under any circumstances. They then work through the knots one by one that day. Which is quite exhausting, because the old man has often made quite crazy connections.
During an expedition to the jungle, Smeraldo finds an ancient vase from the dragons age. Since he needs help to carry the relic to his lab, Grisu will join him in the mission. The job isnt easy, as the vase is very frail and a bunch of wild animals - especially some cheeky toucans - will get in their way. But with the help of Smeraldo, Olivia and Stella (who sneaked onboard to take part in the adventure), Grisu manages to carry the precious object to a safe place.
A shooting star has been seen above Dragontown. At it fell in the surrondings, Pr. Smeraldo wants to find it before the wind and the rain bury the stone. Unfortunately, he has a wide area to comb. It's a perfect mission for Grisu and Stella. Equiped with a metal detector, Grisu has to deal with many obstacles, among them Thingy who turns mad every time he hears the detector beeping. And you can't imagine how many metal things lie around. Not only can't Grisu and Stella find the precious meteorite, but also they collect metal waste such as an old whistle, a magnet, wire or a weathervane.
Daisy and Ollie explore why some smells are nice and some smells are so stinky! Herbie buries a bone in the compost heap and has fun running around with Daddys smelly socks! Daisy & Ollie have lots of fun smelling all the nice and not so nice things around the house and garden and discover why everything cant smell so nice.
Its a beautiful autumn day. Daddy is raking up the leaves and the children have fun helping him in the garden. Its a cold day but the children have wrapped up warm in their coats, hats and scarves. But what about the poor little hedgehog they find in the garden? How will he keep warm over the colder winter months? Daisy and Ollie help the hedgehog find a warm and safe place to hibernate.
Little Nutbrown Hare discovers that everyone else can whistle but him… the birds, Little Grey Squirrel, Otter and even the wind in the river reeds. Inspired by the wind, he practices really hard and eventually learns to blow through a reed himself to make it whistle. He and his friends make a beautiful and eerie whistling symphony amongst the reeds.
Woodsy is desperately trying to do do something that requires calm and concentration but his intrusive family make it impossible. The more he tries to be on his own, the less the others leave him alone as they are very curious to find out what he is up to….
Rosie,in order to beat Scoutbadger in a race, entrusts her precious necklace to Woodsy. However she does not fully trust him even if he does swear to look after it well. However, the Tomcats decide to steal the necklace. In order to get it back and prove to Rosie that he deserves her trust, Woodsy gives in to the Tomcats blackmail and even takes some foolhardy risks….
Bertie, Thomas and Spencer get into a debate about how many wheels is best. Bertie has four wheels, Thomas has six and Spencer is very proud of his twelve. But when Spencer breaks down while taking the Duke and Duchess to Callan Castle, Thomas must transport his passengers instead. Then Thomas finds the track blocked and Bertie takes over. And when Bertie has a flat tyre who should turn up, but the Thin Controller on his bicycle. Surely the Duke and Duchess cant ride to Callan Castle on his bike! Luckily, the Thin Controller has a better idea about how to help.
Edna asks Rupert to look after her sons Billy and Benny. No problem, thinks Rupert. They can play while he reads a book. But no sooner has Rupert sat down in his armchair than the little squirrels turn up with one request after another. First they want lunch, then they need to go to the loo, then they want to play.
All the inhabitants of Wild Rose Lane are looking forward to the broadcast of a spooky play on the radio. Only Billy and Benny aren't allowed to join in, as they're still too young. The disappointed boys decide to teach the adults a lesson. In the evening, the friends gather at Tilda's.
Kipper and Pig see kangaroos and helicopters in the cloud shapes. Suddenly Arnold walks up a rainbow and Kipper has to go and find him. Is it all a dream?
Tiger wants to show everyone how good he is at crazy golf. Hes a bit upset when Kipper manages to get the ball through the Windmill – and he doesnt – but hes even more upset when his ball ends up in the pond and even Arnold manages the Loop the Loop.
When Caillou wants to play T-ball instead of helping his family with spring cleaning, a fantasy about being a player on a famous (but selfish) baseball team during the World Baseball Finals shows him that teamwork is the best approach.
When Caillou and Clementine find a tiger toy at school, they are reluctant to look for its owner and give it back. By pretending to be a safari guide who finds a baby tiger separated from his mother, Caillou realizes that its not right to keep things that dont belong to you, no matter how much you love them.
Action Chugger goes undercover as an ordinary chugger and learns that its hard work without his super powers.
The Junior Rangers have a brush with a poacher as they try to return an Indian Star Tortoise to its home in the scrub forest.
A swim in the garden brings Leo and Hero up close and personal with a Malayan water monitor. The Junior Rangers set out to search for the monitors home, but will their jeep survive a river crossing after a jeep float gets punctured?
Its Christmas! And everyones getting ready for the pantomime. Little Lucy has a wonderful song to sing at the centre of the show but when she goes missing whilst out riding on Pumpkin the horse all that matters is to find her.. and the newly fallen snow means that Pat has to be VERY resourceful in order to find her. A snowmobile saves the day and Pat gets Lucy back - in time for the Panto and a rather special Christmas Song to celebrate. Happy Christmas Greendale Village, Happy Christmas Everyone!.
Ted Glenns Cornish cousin Ned is sending him a steam engine as an alternative means to power his workshop. Pat and Jess set off to Cornwall to collect this very large special delivery in the SDS Plane whilst Ted sets about giving away all of his old inventions to the people of Greendale in order to clear out enough space for the engine. Pat and Jess meet the eccentric Ned Glenn at his workshop and wrestle with the crate containing the heavy engine to get it aboard the plane.
Bing finds his old baby shoes. They are much too small for Bing now but Coco loves them and so does baby Charlie. When the shoes are a perfect fit for Charlie, Bing has a hard time letting them go to a new home.
Flop is feeling poorly so Bing decides to look after him. He makes Flop comfy on the sofa, gives him a blanket and reads an exciting Hoppity Voosh story. But when Bing tries to make Flop a honey-lemon drink he ends up making a big mess instead. Poor Flop...
Its music time at the creche and everyone wants a turn on the drum. Bing gets impatient waiting for his turn but as he tries to grab the drum from Sula he trips and breaks it. Now nobody can play the drum.
Bing and Sula are playing a vooshing game with their favourite toys, Hoppity Voosh and Hippo Fairy. They throw them into the air to see how high they can fly – Voooooosh! Uh-oh…Sulas hippo gets stuck in a tree so Bing throws Hoppity up to save her, only for Hoppity to get stuck too.
Bing and Pando are playing outside in the cold, blowing steamy dragon breath at each other and discovering icicles hanging from the tap. Flop makes hot chocolate to warm everybody up but Bing cant wait for it to cool down before he can drink it and burns his fingers – Pandos quick thinking brings the icicle to the rescue.
To earn his Training Badge, Wilson must teach Hoot and Toot how to use the paint car. Unfortunately, hes so busy demonstrating how good he is at painting, he doesnt teach them anything. He realises his mistake when time is nearly up – he should have been showing them instead of showing off! Wilson sadly goes through a list of all the things he should have taught them. Hoot and Toot listen closely and surprise Wilson by passing their test. Wilson earns his badge after all!
Oswald, Weenie and Henry decide to spend the day together, and set off for Madame Butterflys Diner. Henry orders fish fingers - just like always on a Monday - but Oswald orders the Monday Surprise. It turns out to be the best meal of all! Oswald exclaims I guess you never know! delighted that life is always full of surprises. As their day goes on, Henry and Oswald encounter many more happy surprises but Henry gets the biggest one of all when his friends throw a birthday party for him – eight days early! Henry finally admits that life is much more fun when…you never know whats going to happen next….
Oswald tries roller-skating in Big City Park only to keep falling over. Daisy tries to teach him, and Johnny Snowman gives him a pep talk, but after Oswald falls into Fish Fountain, he is ready to give up. But then Madame Butterfly loses control of Catrinas pram and it starts rolling wildly through the park, heading straight for Big Pond. Oswald sees the danger and, without thinking, roller-skates to the rescue!
At the new Skyscraper Bob and the team find that Mayor Madison wants the elevator finished so she can have her photo taken at the top. Scoop wants to see the whole of Spring City too. He rolls into Tinys cage but on the way up realises that hes not so keen after all and in panic rolls onto high up floor girders of the unfinished skyscraper. Bob embarks on a daring rescue. Realising that Bob is taking a risk to help him Scoop manages to control himself and roll back into the cage. From now on, hed rather keep his wheels firmly on the ground!
When Bob and the team arrive at Chef Tatties fun new Milk Shake Bar, Scoop sees Chef Tattie experimenting with ingredients for his milk shakes and gets inspired. Scoop decides that he will do the same when he he helps Two-Tonne mix up the concrete for the Car Park. But the next morning, its soon clear that Scoops concrete isnt dry. Scoop has to scrape it all off so they can start again. But Bob thinks there might be something to Scoops idea to make a fun car park after all and gives him some crazy but proper materials to mix up in Dizzy.
Little Nutbrown Hare awakes to find the leaves changing colour and falling off the trees, the flowers dropping off the bushes and the tadpoles turning into frogs. Autumn is here and its time for change! Little Nutbrown Hare misses the joys of the Summer meadow. Will he discover that Autumn has its own delights?
The cool Autumn breeze isnt enough to deter Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse from going out to find what special experiences the day might bring. However, with the weather and wind constantly changing, its very hard for the friends continue playing any one game. Will the strange weather spoil their fun, or will it bring them a special experience after all?
Among the newly fallen Autumn leaves Little Nutbrown Hare finds a very peculiar little, hairy, green… something. Intrigued by what it might be Little Nutbrown Hare asks all his friends, but they all have different answers! It is certainly a very useful something, great for back scratching and games but it takes Little Grey Squirrel to solve the mystery.
INUI and her friends are strolling along the seashore when they see a distant iceberg. She remarks that she has always wanted to explore an iceberg. They row to the iceberg and find a way into it. The transparent iceberg allows them to explore the undersea world without getting wet. Amazed by the underwater show they do not realize that a second iceberg has collided with their “submarine”. They get out of the iceberg in a hurry and make it back safely to the shore.
Forgetful Mayor Fox has misplaced the giant key to the city that he's supposed to be presenting to a visiting astronaut. Huckle and his pals try to figure out where he set it down. They learn that Mayor Fox did one thing while touring a candy factory that required both his hands - stirring a huge pot of candy goo. Not far away they find a big chocolate-covered key./When Busytown residents are baffled by mysterious door knocking, Huckle and gang discover who it is.
It's the Great Okido Cake Off! In his enthusiasm, Messy accidentally ruins everyone's cakes. Will he be able to follow the recipe and bake a cake in time for for Gloria's 80th birthday party?
When Stan Tall starts to develop rust it's up to Messy to help him get to Maker Mechanic, will they make it in time?
When a simple tune Cherry composes goes viral on the Berryweb, Cherry quickly gets fed up with everyone listening to this song, everywhere, all the time. She goes to comic lengths to get some peace so she can compose the song she's suppose to write for the Queen of Berryvania.
Harry and the dinos discover that there's a new dinosaur in the house, and it belongs to Nana.
Harry wants to sleep out in his new tent in the garden so that he can practice his scout skills.
When a visiting truck shows off with his speedy toy, Chuck and his friends challenge him to a contest, then use science to find ways to make their own model truck go faster.
Wilson is assisting Frostini as he creates a new flavour for the mayors banquet: Chugstastic Chewy Cheesecake! But they discover that the mayors wife is allergic to cheese. Frostini will have to come up with something else by tonight! Wilson tries to help, but ends up causing the mixing machine to explode covering everything in ice cream. Annoyed, Frostini sends Wilson to the chugwash. Then hes to do Frostinis ice-cream round at the Safari Park, while Frostini thinks up the new flavour.
Zephie is given the important job of transporting newspaper reporter 'Rag' and photographer 'Snap.' Theyre doing a story about Morgans new rail-going cycle, which Zephie isnt happy about. Its her job to take Morgan places! She feels threatened and wonders if she should find a new job. Rag lets her wear his press pass just for fun, and forgets to retrieve it - which means that Zephie gets to go to the premiere of Action Chuggers new movie.
After an expedition to the Jungle, Doctor Natureza finds out that a little monkey, Simmy, hid in her plane and followed her to Dragontown. Grisu has to help Natureza to bring the monkey back and reintroduce into the wild. But Simmy doesnt seem to be in a rush to return to wildlife and, being quite cheeky and lively, it gives Grisu a hard time. Eventually, the little dragon finds out that the monkey needs to make peace with its brother Sammy, and after that the two apes return to their home in the Jungle together.
Olivia and Sandro are preparing orienteering training for the crew. David and Steffan are to meet them but have been called to another mission. But they cant let Olivia and Steffan know as their walkie-talkie isnt working. Grisu volunteers to deliver the message with Stellas help and following the map Olivia has prepared. But they must get to the firefighters before the enter the cave at the end of the trail. Grisu and Stella have to work without a compass after Fumé breaks it; but using traditional navigation methods and with an ingenious invention from Grisu when all seems lost, the manage to deliver their message just in time.
Little Nutbrown Hare keeps winning a game with Little Field Mouse, and enjoys it so much he doesn't realise she is frustrated with losing. Big Nutbrown Hare helps him realise that winning is less important than making sure everyone enjoys playing the game. So Little Nutbrown Hare invents a new game that Little Field Mouse and her twin siblings can enjoy playing too.
Days On a hot Summers day Big Nutbrown Hare wants the young ones to have some relaxing time by the river. Like most young kids they have trouble staying quiet and still. When they do finally manage some quiet time, they experience the variety of life that the river has to offer, including some rare birds and a family of terrapins.
Is Rosie hanging around with the Tomcats? Scoutbadger and Woodsy have some good reasons for thinking so….
When Bob takes Pilchard for her check-up, he discovers that the Vet Tilly is looking after a dog named Cooper... and he likes to chase cats. Vet Tilly panics as Mayor Madison is arriving that evening with her cat to be groomed. She doesnt want Cooper to chase the Mayors cat! Bob suggests making a reception area that keeps cats and dogs separate and immediately the Vet commissions the build. Now working against the clock, Bob and the team have to complete the new reception area before the Mayor arrives. But on promising to keep the animals away from the building work, Leo accidentally lets Pilchard escape from her basket and doesnt return to collect Cooper. Bob cant continue his work until all the animals are out of the way.
Bob is looking after Curtiss garage while Leo takes him out for a birthday meal at Chef Tatties. However, the meal is a ruse, arranged so that Bob and his gang can secretly give Curtis workshop a makeover. Scoop is excited to be at the garage; he claims to have a great knowledge of mechanics. The build is all on schedule until Bob is forced to attend to Mr Bentley who keeps him busy because hes very fussy about how much air he has in Philips tyres. At the restaurant Curtis is keen to get back to the garage as he is nervous about leaving it in somebody elses hands. When Bob rings Leo and asks him to play for time Leo orders more and more food for himself to eat. At the, now busy, garage Scoop decides to take a look at whats troubling Betsy, using the new vehicle inspection lift.
When Huckle, Lowly and Sally find a lost bag, they use the eyeglass case, atomizer, map, and a red scarf inside it to determine that the owner is a famous international opera star whos come to Busytown to perform for the first time./Cyclists getting flat tires somewhere in Busytown lead Huckle and the gang on a mystery.