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Two Panther Chameleons who want the same tree! The competition is on!
Kyle invites Leo, Katie and Hero out on a hike in New Zealand. A mischievous bird decides to join them as they prepare for the hike. Unfortunately, he's a little too mischievous and steals the key to PlatypusOne. The rangers are on it!
Fireman Sam
The Triplets, Eliott and Toto are on their way to the park but, bad news, dogs are not allowed there! They tried to sneak in but were not able to get very far. What a shame! And it is the same story at the swimming pool, the bakery and even school: dogs are not welcome! The Triplets find it extremely unfair and decide to overlook these bans so that Toto can be part of the fun!
Today, the Triplets feel like playing pirates and Nini would love to play along. Oh no! Shes too young to play pirates with us ! However, Nini has a solid argument: a treasure! Quick, the Triplets and Nini run to the park to protect and bury it. But when Mrs Bun cannot find her jewelry, all eyes turn to Nini who confesses she put them in her treasure box. Good thing the kids drew a map leading to the treasure. Now all they have to do is: Decipher it!
Mom has invited friends over for dinner tonight. The Triplets have to finish eating before they arrive: it is a dinner for grownups only! Too bad, they will not be able to taste the delicious meal Mom has prepared. But Mom tells them that the dinner would be extremely boring for them, so no need to be disappointed. Ding Dong! The doorbell rings! « Sorry, the dinner is not tonight! », Girl tells the guests. That way Mom wont have to spend a boring evening with them either.
Bing is playing the talking lettuce game on Flops phone when he drops the phone and accidentally breaks it. Too panicked to tell Flop whats hes done Bing puts the phone in the bin but hes so upset that Flop knows something has happened.
Bing and his friends put on a show in the park. After Cocos dance, Pandos song and Sulas acrobatics display everyone is excited to see Bings finale. When he gets up on the stage Bing is overcome with stage fright so his friends, and rainbow fairy mice, come to the rescue.
Sula and Amma go round to Bings house to watch the fireworks. Sula doesnt like the bangs so shes wearing her earmuffs but Bing thinks hes brave enough to watch the Fireworks outside in the garden. Suddenly –theres a huge BANG! and a super loud rocket sends Bing racing back inside and under the kitchen table in shock.
Bing plays with a new orange balloon but when he bounces on it too enthusiastically, it POPS. Bing is sad to lose his new toy so Flop helps him put the balloon fragments in the Bye Bye Box; a memory box where things too broken to be fixed but too special to throw away are kept.
Following Stella's suggestion, David and his team offer Grisu a very special day: the firefighters will involve him in their trainings. Delivering things with a drone, hitting targets with firehose water, going down the fire truck ladder while holding a bucket filled with water on one's head, navigating through a maze with lots of fun obstacles. Grisu does well in the proves, in spite of comic mishaps mainly caused by his dad. That is, until Grisu unwittingly burns the garage door switch and traps the firefighters and Fumé inside, right as the siren goes off. But a firefighter never gives up!
Findus finds an abandoned large grey egg by the lake. He brings it home and suddenly a swan chick hatches out of it. Findus promises to look after the chick intensively, but the chickens doubt his ability to teach the little one what it really needs to know. As a tomcat, Findus cannot teach the chick to fly, for example, which makes him sad. When Findus and Pettson take the swan chick back to the lake, its family shows up.
Everyone is playing hide and seek but Paddles keeps being found first. The game continues, suddenly everyone realizes Paddles has become a bit too good at hiding, and as night falls they are worried – Paddles is lost.
When Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse find a strange set of prints in the snow and hunt for the owner, their imaginations run away with them.
The inhabitants of the forest hold a baking contest to celebrate the arrival of summer, but Dr Owl goes overboard with tasting. With the help of Beetle Bodobács, they manage to save the evening with chimney cakes and dancing. The next day, Dr Owl apologizes and improves his mood with a group workout.
Dolly goes for a walk, and finally she is enriched with a beautiful cherry and a good friend.
Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave bake a carrot cake for the Little Bunnies to help them say thank you to their Mom on Mothers Day, for being such a great Mom. Following Hattys special recipe they seek out all the right ingredients, check the quantities they need and mix them all up in Hattys magic hat to make the perfect bake!
Conni visits her friend Annika who is living on a farm. There are pigs, cows, chickens and a lot of other animals to discover. These are thrilling days, with a lot of fun but also a lot to learn about animals and a farmers life.
Conni wants to learn classical dance and goes to a dancing school. At the beginning it seems easy, but then the exercises become more difficult to do and Conni is close to giving up. But dads birthday is near and she wants to perform a birthday dance for him. A good reason not to give up!
Playing in the rain and in the mud is always funny, but afterwards, one must clean their clothes, and Sketcky, he does not know how to do that. Who could help him?
Sketcky, disguised as a Sioux, does not hold up: he dances, sings and wants to go on an adventure! But its impossible to go for a walk, because it keeps raining. Doodleboo then has a little idea: he knows the secret of the great Indian chiefs for rain and good weather...
Sketcky loves snow and he would like to see how it forms in the clouds. Doodleboo knows a great way to visit them.
Sketcky claims not to be afraid of big animals or water. Animals, water? Doodleboo challenges him to find out which big animal has thick skin and loves water.
In the real world Messy walks into the bathroom and is horrified to find it clean! Its not right for a Messy Monster at all. “Why do you have to clean things anyway?” He asks himself. And he goes to Okido to find out! When he arrives Felix and Zoe are at the top of their treehouse and there is a noisy racket going on! They dont know what it could be so they skidoodle to go and have a look. When they arrive in the centre of Okido there are funny little things making lots of noise hurtling around the streets and sending the Okidinians into chaos!
In the real world Messy finds a magnifying glass in his bedroom and everything looks bigger! He wonders why that happens so he goes off to Okido to find out. Messy lands in Felix and Zoes garden and they invite him to come exploring in the forest with them and Tweedy, the famous Explorer. She was the first person ever to see the very rare speckled-freckled frog! Zim and Zam arrive playing hide and seek with Zoom, but he is in disguise as a bucket, so they dont seen him. Messy looks through Zams binoculars and asks how they work.
Huckle, Lowly and Sally set out to prove to Pig Will and Pig Wont that the figure they saw wearing a strange yellow suit and helmet is not a spaceman from another planet. The clues finally lead them to the realization that it was really Granny Goodpig wearing her yellow suit to protect her while she collected honey from her beehives./ Someone took all the red roses from Granny Goat's garden leaving Huckle and gang puzzled.
Daddy brings Daisy and Ollie to the funfair for the first time. Ollie is excited about riding on the famous, Whooper Dooper roller-coaster but Daisy isnt so confident. She encourages the others to enjoy the smaller rides and games first and when they spot Sonny getting off the coaster, he looks like hes really enjoyed himself. With a little bit of encouragement, Daisy decides to ride the roller-coaster and conquers her fear to have a brilliant time.
Leos paper plane crashes into a young Malayan colugo. The Junior Rangers search the rainforest for the colugos mother, but the mission comes to a halt when they chance upon a forest fire. Will the Junior Rangers eventually succeed in their mission? Or will their plans go up in smoke?
Leo meets an oriental pied hornbill while picking apples in his garden. To find the hornbills nest, the Junior Rangers set out for the rainforest once again.
The friends are having a tidying up day. Frightened Baa doesn't like spiders or their webs but Jess helps him to stop being scared by working out that Spiders build webs to catch their supper, and Baa feels re-assured and happy. Spiders are rather nice, rather clean and rather clever.
Poor Willow has a sore hoof and has to stay inside until it's better. She's really missing her orchard so Jess and Mimi are determined to bring something of the outside to Willow to cheer her up. A tree is too big and it's too late in the year for apples. Jess works out that they can make beautiful tree and leaf rubbings into a wonderful tree collage for the stable to remind Willow of her orchard.
When Harry discovers that he is too small to pick apples he goes to the Dino-World Mooseum to find some growth enhancing milk from a mechanical cow.
Michael is organising 'Restaurant Night' at school and all the children have been busy cooking and baking special dishes for everyone to come and eat. The tables are laid, the guests have arrived only… slight problem! there are no plates or glasses! How will they serve the food? Poor Michael! Pat's on his way with the crockery delivery but as he arrives he slips on a puddle the children have left and kerrrsmash! The plates are all broken. Not to worry, Pat has a plan.. And as he drives around the homes of Greendale not only does he collect enough plates for the children's restaurant but he also collects a few more customers!
Daisy the railcar can carry passengers without having to pull any coaches. So, when Thomas is sent to work in the quarry for a spell and Daisy takes on his usual responsibilities, Annie and Clarabel are left behind. Daisy takes every opportunity to remind Annie and Clarabel that, as long as she is working Thomass branch line, they are not needed. But, when Daisy becomes popular with her passengers, she has to pull some passenger coaches after all! Annie and Clarabel get their own back by tricking Daisy into thinking she is need of repair. But two wrongs dont make a right and Annie and Clarabel only end up being left behind in a siding… and then pulled along by dirty old Diesel! *Cough! Cough!*.
Snow comes early to the Island of Sodor – and it is heavier than usual! Donald and Douglas are coupled back-to-back with a van between their tenders and snowploughs on their fronts. Donald and Douglas keep squabbling about which line they should clear first, culminating in a big argument. Donald pulls away hard, snapping a damaged coupling and moving away with Douglass tender! So Douglas is left behind in the snow – without coal or water! The time apart helps cool the brothers tempers. They are delighted to be reunited in the end – and share water and coal from their tenders. Brothers!
Grisu has to look after Thingy while his mistress Olivia is away. Grisu has to take the dog to the pet grooming shop to take a bath. But Thingy is a stubborn dog. He refuses to move forward. Grisu & Stella will have to use kindness and to be smart enough to drive the dog through the town. Without listening to his father Fumé, who tries to make him use his dragon flame...
The shooting of the movie “The monster of the Valley”, directed by the famous Quintin Ratatino, is going badly. A fire has destroyed his mechanical monster and his film crew has deserted the scene. Grisu and Stella help to save the movie. Grisu takes on the role of the monster and Stella helps with the technique. But playing the main part in a Ratatinos movie is not that easy, evenmore when the director asks Grisu to play the role... of a nasty dragon!
Bob and the team have been busy building a new water park, “Spring City Splash” that includes a wave pool and splash zone. Now there is only one thing left to build... the double dragon water slide. Scoop loves dragons and cannot wait to help build the slides, but when he is asked to help build the support beams instead, he is less than impressed with his job. As Bob attaches the new water park entrance sign, Scoop digs foundations for the support beams. Suddenly Scoop becomes distracted with the arrival of the dragon slides and doesnt finish the foundations. He attempts to see the dragon slides only to be sent back to finish his job. Now totally eager to get to the slides, Scoop rushes to complete his job and doesnt realise that the support beams are not set and are beginning to lean.
Leo and Muck are having great fun playing the very latest computer game “Space Robots!” Bob reminds them theyve got an early start in the morning. Muck pleads to stay up a bit longer and Leo promises theyll get a good nights sleep…just as soon as they reach the top level of the game. But at dawn theyre still playing! Next morning, Leo and Muck are very tired and sleepy. Bob explains that they have to finish building The Spring City Wheel, a huge Ferris-wheel, in the Docklands Regeneration Area. Hes promised the Spring City Rockets theyll be the first to ride on it - today! Bob and the gang drive towards the site but on the way Muck and Leo stop to have a quick nap.
A lazy Summers day brings a wonderful discovery for Little Nutbrown Hare… a tree full of bright, beautiful, tasty plums! Little Nutbrown Hare isnt the only one enjoying the juicy summer fruit, it seems like every animal in the meadow has come for a taste. As the Summer goes on the plums disappear and Little Nutbrown Hare begins to wonder what all the animals will do without them.
Little Nutbrown Hare awakes to find the leaves changing colour and falling off the trees, the flowers dropping off the bushes and the tadpoles turning into frogs. Autumn is here and its time for change! Little Nutbrown Hare misses the joys of the Summer meadow. Will he discover that Autumn has its own delights?
Bing and Pando experiment with Bings toy train on the Fun Fort in the playground. The train is good at going over bridges and brilliant at going down the slide. But when Bing slides it off the roof of the play house, the train crashes and breaks. Bing is upset until he realises that the pieces fit together to make something completely different.
Bing and Sula are having so much fun playing together they dont want to say goodbye when Amma arrives to pick Sula up. To delay her departure Bing hides Sulas sparkly shoe in the toilet and it gets soaking wet much to Sulas annoyance.
Bing takes his Hoppity Voosh toy to the park to see the ducks and play on the slide. But when he steps in dog poo and heads to Ammas house to get cleaned up he leaves Hoppity behind. Amma helps Bing to fooocus so that he can remember where he went and retrace his steps to find Hoppity.
Turbulent invited his friend Kiko to sleep over, but in the middle of the night, the Triplets find out that he is a sleepwalker! Kiko is heading towards Moms room and if the kids dont do anything he is going to wake her up and she wont let him sleep over again. However, they cannot wake up Kiko either, it is said to be dangerous. Luckily, the Triplets manage to bring their friend back in bed. But what if he starts again? It is going to be a long long night!
The Triplets, Eliott and Toto are on their way to the park but, bad news, dogs are not allowed there! They tried to sneak in but were not able to get very far. What a shame! And it is the same story at the swimming pool, the bakery and even school: dogs are not welcome! The Triplets find it extremely unfair and decide to overlook these bans so that Toto can be part of the fun!
Plum disregards Strawberrys rule to sign up for use of the café, and is forced to reschedule a big dance recital. She holds a grudge and starts instigating wacky, nonsensical rules to prove rules are silly, until a rule that is very important to her is broken and she finally sees how silly she has been acting.
Were under attack by aliens! or so Kai thinks when he finds a mysterious crop circle underwater. They later realise that the hardworking white-spotted pufferfish is responsible for the intricate circle, but an uncontactable Kai is already on his way to destroy it, thinking it would prevent an alien attack. The rangers are on it!
Kai needs a photo of the majestic Golden Pheasant for a photography competition. But no flash photography please!
Mimi has promised Jess a special surprise if he can work out what he likes best about the Spring… He finds out that there's blossom on the trees, fresh new grass, bright young flowers in the Springtime. But he decides his very favorite thing is the newly hatched very cute little baby birds which his friend Little Bird has been singing about all along.
Willow is the best hide-and-seek finder! Jess is determined to work out a way of hiding without Willow finding him! A trip to the pond where he discovers that both Horace and Sammy Snail are camouflaged leads him to work out that he too can do the same to hide from Willow at last!
At his school's 'Show and Tell', Harry's dinosaurs are branded as old-fashioned in comparison to one of the other kid's hi-tech Dino-Robot.
In this charming collection of tales, the curious Kipper explores the attic, goes fishing with Tiger, finds a magical umbrella, takes a trip to the seaside, receives a visitor in the night and more.
In this charming collection of tales, the curious Kipper explores the attic, goes fishing with Tiger, finds a magical umbrella, takes a trip to the seaside, receives a visitor in the night and more.
The class are playing hide and seek but Paxton is too noisy. Can you find Timmy and his friends in the garden?
Everyone is playing hide and seek but Paddles keeps being found first. The game continues, suddenly everyone realizes Paddles has become a bit too good at hiding, and as night falls they are worried – Paddles is lost.
It the week-end and very early on Saturday morning, Simon and Gaspard run into the yard to set up a super long, toy train track. They do it without a peep, so as to not wake Daddy up. Suddenly, Mommy surprises them. Simon only tells her that they are making the worlds longest train circuit but he doesnt tell her about the surprise for Daddy. Since they have run out of track, Simon and Gaspard start using books that they line up, one after the other in order to finish building the tracks.
Opide is a manatee who weighs 300 kilos and doesnt need Momma Manatee to look after him anymore. However, Momma Manatee is an overprotective mother whos now tormenting her other cubs, not letting them do anything. They cant go to that place because its too deep, neither to that other place because its too shallow, and so on. Tainá and her friends spend the whole day trying to prevent Momma Manatee from ruining her cubs playtime, but she messes up anyways, and gets them all trapped in a river swirl. Opide helps Tainá, her gang and his friends to get out of trouble, and Momma Manatee learns her lesson: its nice to take care of those we love, but we shouldnt get overprotective.
The baby ocelot Jaci is frequently bullied by two baby jaguars, who make fun of his size. But Jaci is brave and stands up to his bullies as much as he can. Tainá and the Guardians of the Amazon are called out to intervene, and the situation degenerates into an unbridled chase: the jaguars chase Jaci, and the Guardians of the Amazon chase the Jaguars and Jaci, trying to protect the little one. The bullies end up cornering Jaci, but Tonho, a huge ocelot, steps in, threatening to beat up the sassy jaguars. But thanks to Tainá, Jaci leaves the jaguars alone, and in the end everyone realizes its not nice to make fun of other peoples bodies.
The Junior Rangers are caught in a sandstorm! Leo grabs Hero and escapes with the other rangers... except he didn't actually grab Hero. He grabbed a Fennec Fox instead!
An Arabian Oryx helps Farah out of quicksand, but leaves with her precious handbook! Can the Junior Rangers help get it back?
At nine oclock you have to be at school, at two oclock at your gymnastics class, and at five oclock your friend Anna is coming, says grandma. Conni thinks its time to learn the time herself. In a very innovative and unusual way grandma teaches her, and soon Conni is an expert!
Conni has to go to the dentist for the first time. Does it hurt? Will the dentist take a big drill to her teeth like dads drill at home? Conni is scared, but really this is an exciting day. The dentist explains everything she wants to know. The examination is interesting and the “tooth machine” is funny.
Conni visits her friend Annika who is living on a farm. There are pigs, cows, chickens and a lot of other animals to discover. These are thrilling days, with a lot of fun but also a lot to learn about animals and a farmers life.
Who is the ideal person to clean up Sketchy's mess? Doodleboo, joking, explains how to draw Sketchy.
What lives in a garden and is busy during the Spring? Doodleboo explains to Sketchy how to draw a bee.
Who is the king of hide and seek in the forest? Doodleboo explains how to draw a squirrel.
In the real world, its a hot sunny day and Messy is playing outside in the sand pit. He tries to make some shade to cool himself down but in the process his ice lolly disappears! He wonders where it could have so he goes to Okido to find out. He lands with a soft, crunchy thud and looks around - thick white snow is everywhere! He finds Zoe and Felix in the garden who invite him to come and play in the park. Zoe and Felix decide to make “the biggest snowman Okido has EVER seen. Messy gets distracted by some giant footprints. He follows the trail and finds a large friendly snow creature called Snowden!
In the real world, its Christmas Eve and Messy is just too excited. He cant wait for Christmas day and wants to stay awake all night. He wonders why he has to go to sleep at all, so he goes to Okido to find out. When he lands in Okido he finds Zoe and Felix cant sleep either, theyre just too excited for Mother Christmas to arrive. But wait “Mother Christmas… what kind of Christmas is this?” asks Messy. Zoe and Felix pull out their Okido Christmas story book and show Messy what happens at Christmas in Okido.
After the Berryworks water supply is blocked by a giant rock brought down by a lightning storm, Strawberry Shortcake and her friends are desperate to find a water source before they will have to evacuate their hometown, Berry Bitty City, for good to live in another region far away, but also a large source of water. But she hears that legend is told to have an ancient artifact found in the mountains to expose eternal water when revealed to sunlight.
Charlotte is downcast when her kite zooms off and a trip to the woods for a camp out doesnt lift her spirits. Who can solve the puzzle of the ghost and the dragon in the trees and cheer Charlotte up in the process?
Michael is organising 'Restaurant Night' at school and all the children have been busy cooking and baking special dishes for everyone to come and eat. The tables are laid, the guests have arrived only… slight problem! there are no plates or glasses! How will they serve the food? Poor Michael! Pat's on his way with the crockery delivery but as he arrives he slips on a puddle the children have left and kerrrsmash! The plates are all broken. Not to worry, Pat has a plan.. And as he drives around the homes of Greendale not only does he collect enough plates for the children's restaurant but he also collects a few more customers!
Some sheeps escaped from Mr. Guellec's field. The farmer is torn as he can't watch the herd and fix the broken fence which allows the sheep to run away at the same time. It's a perfect mission for Grisu who will learn to be a shepherd, with Stella's help. But the task isn't a piece of cake since the sheep don't want to listen to him at all. They rush away throughout the streets of Dragontown, causing troubles. Grisu and Stella have to discover how to steer a herd, especially a stubborn black sheep. Not an easy mission but as ever, a fire fighter never gives up!
The Dragon Stone, a beautiful and rare stone that Grisu's ancestors found centuries ago breaks accidently. It was supposed to be the main stone of an exhibition that Professor Smeraldo has set up. To avoid cancelling the exhibition, Grisu, Fumé and Stella go to explore a cave where they might find another legendary Dragon Stone. But the expedition turns into an adventure when they realize that only the two kids are able to go through the very small entrance of the cave. The quest quickly appears to be a big task for such young kids, even if one of them is a dragon. But thanks to their tenacity (fire-fighters never give up!), Grisu and Stella will be able to find the legendary stone and to find their way back. The exhibition will be saved!
Simon and Gaspard are playing superheroes, challenging each other to find out who is the strongest superhero in the world: Is it SuperRabbit or Captain Rabbit? Is it the one who brings the flower pot to Daddy the fastest or the one with the “superest” cape? Or maybe the one who finds a snail? Or is able to carry a super-duper heavy object? Its going to be a tough call because the two brothers are tied, neck and neck.
Very early in the morning, Simon is awoken. Rise and shine!, it's a big day today, you boys are going on vacation! The whole family has a long car ride. And they have to hurry so they'll reach the port in time for the boat, which will take them to Grandpa and Grandma's. Luckily, Simon never gets bored in the car, he spends his time making up songs and despite a bit of bickering with his brother, the two boys have a lot of fun together.
You Summer in the meadow is a great time to find tasty snacks to eat. Big Nutbrown Hare seems to know all the best tricks and hiding spots for the yummy treats and Little Nutbrown Hare cant help but wish he was as big and smart as his father. However, he soon finds out that there are some things a little Nutbrown Hare can teach a Big Nutbrown Hare.
Basil, who has promised Rosie to go with her to find a rare leaf, hears Scoutbadger doubting his ability to keep his promises. To reassure Rosie, Basil decides to do even better than his promise, he will bring his daughter the most beautiful of rare leaves. Unfortunatley, he has problems and cannot make the rendezvous. Rosie is disappointed. Scoutbadger realises that he should not have doubted Basil and repairs his mistake….
Scoutbadger has made a bet with Pico that his father, Edmund, who never gives the children any lessons, will be there tomorrow. He has, of course, been a little hasty as, for Edmund, this is out of the question.
Judy and Jerome, the breakdown train, have been stuck at Knapford Yard for some time – having been somewhat superseded by Rocky and even Harvey. Ryan hears their sad story and offers to take them to Arelsburgh Harbour for a change of scenery. They love it there at first but soon take advantage of other engines so they can have a tour around the island. Meanwhile, Daisy has a run in with a bull and is derailed. When Thomas goes looking for the breakdown train, it is nowhere to be found! Ryan feels responsible – not just for Daisy but also to make sure Judy & Jerome get to be Really Useful. Ryan catches up with Judy and Jerome in the end and The Fat Controller is reminded how useful they can be. He decides they will have a new home at Arlesburgh with their friends Ryan and Daisy.
Harry Hot Rod is up to mischief. He causes trouble for several of the cities' inhabitants until Wheelie has had enough and goes to set him straight. Harry is busy skidding around in Troy Tractors newly plowed field and doesn't see Wheelie coming. There is an accident and The Heroes of The City rush to the rescue!
Pig with a blue mouth from eating a blue sweet, Kipper with a black eye from a telescope with an inked eyepiece, Jake itching from itching powder – Tiger has fun with his joke box but the joke is on him when the others decide enough is enough!
Tigers very excited when his new rocket arrives. Hes not so excited when it refuses to take off. With a bit of help from Kipper and Sock Thing, everything works out fine.
A Boarding guard helps kids to get on and off the bus safely and there is lots of advice how to behave on the bus, like never stick your heads out of the window – sit still in your seats and always wear your seat belt - when you get off the bus, a motorcycle or bicycle might be coming... always look both ways first, then get off slowly - after you get off the bus, never run around the front to cross the street. Drivers cant see you and thats dangerous. Always remember that the doors on a bus or van can be very dangerous, too.
To earn their Snow Rescue badges, Koko and Wilson have to rescue Zephie, who is pretending to be stranded. They start to bicker about the best way to do it, causing Zephie to tip over. Now they have to do a real rescue! They realise they will need to work as a team and, using Calleys rescue wagon, they get Zephie back on her wheels and earn their badges.
Border Bridge is re-opening - and Wilson has been given the special job of using the new rolling reporter car to make a live report, which will be broadcast on Vees boards all over Chuggington. Wilson takes the car out to practise and comes across Calley training Hoot and Toot. When an emergency call comes in, Calley asks Wilson to look after the twins. They offer to help Wilson practise his report - but instead, they run off with the camera car and end up lost in the ice cave. Happily, the camera is transmitting - so, using Vees boards, Wilson is able to track them.
Its another glorious day in Chuggington and Zephie is keen to enjoy the sunshine, but every job she is given is underground. Meanwhile Speedy is out in the countryside serving drinks with the juicer wagon, when hed rather be doing a proper job at the depot. They agree to swap jobs. While trying to operate the juicer, Zephie accidentally knocks a beehive out of a tree.
A baby White Rhinoceros is trapped in a mudhole! Can the Junior Rangers get it out... and convince its protective mother that they're just there to help?
Rising temperatures have caused a lake to dry up. It's up to the Junior Rangers to find a new home for the Hippopotamus.
Ben has organised a special surprise party for Postman Pat where he plans to award him a gold star for being the best Postman and always delivering on time! Ben sends Pat off to pick up a Special Delivery from Greendale Post Office so they can decorate, but when Ben needs more time he has to find a way to delay Pats journey. No road block or hay bales will stop Pat as the Special Delivery always gets through!
Pat needs to deliver Bernie the parrot to Amy for a check-up, before getting Bernie back to the Parrot Sanctuary. On the way Bernie escapes and hitches a ride on the Pencaster Flyer. Bernie gets into all sorts of mischief, he steals Bills skateboard, gets caught up in Mrs Goggins scarf and winds up in a boat on Pencaster Harbour. As the storm clouds roll in, its up to Pat to save Bernie and get him to Amy.
Bing and Flop are building a sandcastle when Pando joins them in the sandpit with his wind-up digger toy to help. Bing finds a lovely poiky thing in the sand and thinks it will make the perfect decoration for the top of his castle not realizing it belongs to Pandos digger.
Its a beautiful Autumn day and Bing and Sula are in the park with Flop collecting acorns. When Bings pile of acorns keeps getting smaller Flop suggests they hide behind a bush to see whats happening to them – a squirrel is the culprit, hiding acorns for winter.
Bing finds his old baby shoes. They are much too small for Bing now but Coco loves them and so does baby Charlie. When the shoes are a perfect fit for Charlie, Bing has a hard time letting them go to a new home.
Flop is feeling poorly so Bing decides to look after him. He makes Flop comfy on the sofa, gives him a blanket and reads an exciting Hoppity Voosh story. But when Bing tries to make Flop a honey-lemon drink he ends up making a big mess instead. Poor Flop...
Its music time at the creche and everyone wants a turn on the drum. Bing gets impatient waiting for his turn but as he tries to grab the drum from Sula he trips and breaks it. Now nobody can play the drum.
Hoot and Toot must decide the best order in which to do three jobs: pick up the Mayor, clean the tunnel with the scrub-a-chug and have a chugwash. Deciding they should look their best for the Mayor, they have a chugwash first. Then they clean the tunnels – which gets them filthy again! Theyre afraid they wont earn their badges – until they use the scrub-a-chug to clean themselves. Now sparkling, they pick up the Mayor and Vee awards them their badges!
Pongo, a loveable Chinese dragon, becomes Oswald's best friend after Oswald helps him out of a tough spot. But Pongo is so big and clumsy he creates havoc. Pongo decides he just doesn't belong, but Oswald shows him that clumsy or not, Pongo fits in wherever he is.
Oswald and Weenie are preparing to race in the Big City Go-Kart Race. But Oswald is so busy helping his friends get ready, he misses the start. He trails, but catches up quickly as everyone elses go-karts fall apart. Oswald gives them all a lift and they cross the finish line together to share first prize - a trophy full of ice cream.
Its Christmas time. Bob and the team are building the Spring City Christmas display in the city centres plaza. Lofty loves everything Christmas and decorates the yard in snowflakes. Then he sees that Bobs home doesnt have any decorations, so he decides to give him the perfect present. Lofty arrives on site, determined to give Bob his Christmas present but when asked to help hang the lights, he puts the present down by the giant display tree. Lofty finishes his work and again tries to give Bob his present but now its lost somewhere in the display.
Bob must finish a Dinosaur Park attraction for the Mayor to visit that evening. This involves creating a trail around which life-sized models of dinosaurs will be positioned, climaxing with a roaring animatronic model of a triceratops. Muck starts to clear the main path. Hes fascinated, but also a little bit scared of dinosaurs. Leo reassures Muck by revealing he too was a bit wary of dinosaurs when he was small, and gets Muck to 'roar' like a dinosaur. The model dinosaurs arrive and are very impressive. Scoop decides to surprise Leo and pushes the triceratops into the middle of the path. Instead of surprising Leo, they spook Muck who panics and knocks the model over a cliff.
When Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse find a strange set of prints in the snow and hunt for the owner, their imaginations run away with them.
Little Nutbrown Hare discovers he can't fit under his favourite hiding log anymore. With Big Nutbrown Hare's help, he learns he has grown bigger since last Spring, and can now clamber into a hole in a tree that's an even better hiding place. Big Nutbrown Hare learns that you are never too young to play.
When Big Nutbrown Hare tells Little Nutbrown Hare a beautiful full moon will rise that night, Little Nutbrown wants to invite all his friends around for a celebration. When the full moon is veiled in clouds, Little Nutbrown is disappointed - but is extra delighted when the clouds part to reveal a bright red moon.
CRACKPOT accidentally swallows a shooting star. At first he thinks having a luminous nose is fun. However, before long CRACKPOT is disillusioned with his shining snout and sets off to find his friends. Maybe they can solve his problem... GROUCHY shakes him upside down and the lightbeams shine out of the tips of CRACKPOT'S antlers. Then his eyes light up and then his nostrils. Maybe jogging around will help? The light beam cuts through the fog and guides WHITNEY WHALE home. She claps him on his back knocking the star loose.
Trying to figure out what a strange piece of metal with a number 10 on it is, Huckle and his pals take it to Blacksmith Bear who helps them discover strange writing on it. Figuring it must be a foreign language, they take it to Ms Honey and, with her help, determine the piece of metal is a lost tap from Hildas French tap dance shoes./Huckle and pals set out to find the whistle blower who is causing a traffic jam.
Messy is running around in his garden and notices his shadow chasing him and copying everything he does! Trying to figure out how to get rid of it, he goes to Okido. When he arrives, his shadow has followed him and then he spots more shadows on the side of Felix and Zoes house. He looks up to find his friends on the balcony of their treehouse, making shadow puppets. He bounces up to join them and then all of a sudden the shadows disappear….
Messy is hiding in a tent made of cushions, pretending not to be scared of the storm outside! He wonders why the sky is flashing and being so noisy! So he spins to Okido to find the answer. When Messy arrives, Zoe and Felix are lounging, warm and dry in deck chairs, but it appears to be raining on him, and he cant escape it! “Look up Messy!” giggles Zoe. Its Fluff the cloud! Shes been watering Felix and Zoes garden and now needs to go home so invites the trio to come and meet her family.
The girls call in Huckleberry to help design and build a new dog park for their puppies. To Hucks dismay he finds himself in charge of a construction crew of Berrykins, who look up to him as an expert builder. Theyre unaware that he is hiding a secret: all his life, everything he tries to build falls down. When he builds a wall that doesnt fall, he attributes his success to a crystal good luck charm he found. He later learns it belongs to Cherry, who believes that its loss is what prevents her from singing high notes on key. Huck reluctantly returns it to her.
Harry is finding it difficult to learn to play the violin and is fearful about performing in his school concert so he goes to Dino-World to practice.
When Harry discovers that he is too small to pick apples he goes to the Dino-World Mooseum to find some growth enhancing milk from a mechanical cow.
Chuck and friends head to the parts yard to explore their artistic talents.
The trainees are taking their passenger test. If they pass, theyll be able to carry passengers all on their own. Brewster and Wilson are a little nervous, but Koko is confident - after all, shes a passenger train! Mr. Simkins, from the Ministry of Chuggers, arrives to examine them. His jiggleometer will tell him whether or not the trainees are riding smoothly. Koko volunteers to go first. Unfortunately, just as she starts, Simkins coughs and sets the machine off with a deafening beep.
Wilson has been given the important job of bringing the refrigerated ice cream cars from the ice cream factory to the Ice Cream Tasting Fair. The refrigeration cars are heavy, so hell have to take them one at a time. Wilson makes the first trip successfully, but when his hero - cool ice cream chugger Frostini - offers to give him a tour of the factory, he forgets all about the important job he has been charged with.
Angelina and her friends need to figure out what kind of music will be played for the Spring Fling Finale performance.
Angelina is very excited to be directing her very first Hip Hop Show when suddenly her star, AJ, falls and hurts his foot!
On a snowy Winters morning Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse are amazed at the intricate patterns they find in the snowflakes, each one different from the others. The friends try to take one to show Big Nutbrown Hare, but they always melt before he sees them. Will they find a way to stop the lovely flakes from melting?
When Little Nutbrown Hare discovers that he has grown a thick Winter coat, he and Little Field Mouse make a coat from moss to help other creatures in the meadow stay warm. They discover that everyone has their own ways of coping in the colder months, but Big Nutbrown Hare uses the coat as a picnic rug on the snow so they can enjoy a Winter feast.
The children have been left alone in the burrow and have made a mess. To avoid being told off, they say that a wild animal caused the chaos. The rumour spreads through the undergrowth and creates a panic that only the truth can stop….
Its the Machines Check Up Day; a day when Curtis the mechanic comes to check their mechanics and engines are all working properly! Scoop boast hes going to get top marks for his check-up. Lofty is worried he wont get any. After Scoop, Lofty and Muck have a Jet-Wash, Bob calls Curtis to tell him theyre ready but Scoop realises his orange emergency light is broken and thinks he wont get top marks. He panics and decides to hide until Curtis has gone! Scoop scours the Yard for somewhere to hide – but in the process makes himself muddy again. Then he breaks the glass in his side mirror before tearing his rear tyre mud flap. Eventually Bob finds Scoop hiding behind a pile of cement bags, looking dishevelled and sorry for himself! Bob and Wendy fix Scoop so hes ready for his check-up. Lofty is still worried and nervous about being examined.
Roland Sweet has commissioned Bob and Team to build a giant games testing area outside the Shopping Mall to publicise the opening of his new games store. Leo impresses Roland with his musical knowledge, so Roland asks if he can assemble the giant piano keyboard while the rest of the team build a child-sized dolls house and Snakes and Ladders board. Bob asks Scoop to help Leo with the keyboard and but Scoop mixes up the piano keys when moving them. Leo is too proud to follow the diagram Roland gave him so he and Scoop muddle through, treating the keyboard like a jigsaw.
When Huckle and the gang hear strange mumbling voices in the Busytown Museum, it begins to look like its coming from the new Mummy Exhibit. However, after tracking down the clues and putting them together, the sounds turn out to be the voices of the workmen echoing up through air vents from the basement.
Kai, our innovative genius, has a smell bomb collection of different plants and animals. He collects their smell with his smell collecting capsule before its packaged into a handy smell bomb. He wishes to collect the stink of a red panda but he doesnt know where to find one. The rangers are on it!
There have been sightings of the mysterious Tanuki, also known as the raccoon dog, in the Japanese forest. Convinced that the myth of a shape-shifting tanuki is true, Kai is determined to capture the evidence with his Kaimera-1000, a state-of-the-art drone with a 10K ultra HD video camera. It so happens that Katie has a new video camera, but its (sadly) nothing compared to Kais. While slightly doubtful of the myth, the rangers are on it!
Fireman Sam
Mom is having a dinner party at home tonight and she is running all over the place to finish cleaning the house in time. When she goes out to do a round-trip to the bakery, the Triplets decide to give her a hand. But nothing goes as planned: the vacuum cleaner brakes, the couch is stained and the corridor is full of soap. Be careful Mom, the floor is very very slippery!
An animal and pets magazine is organizing a wonderful contest to win a subscription: you have to send them a picture of your dog and relate its achievements. The Triplets decide to photograph Toto but cannot seem to find what he can do. Would he have what it takes to assist firemen? Policemen? Or detectives? Oh no! Just thinking about it makes Toto tremble with fear. The Triplets must think fast, there are only a few hours left to participate. But suddenly it hits them: of course, Toto is a hug specialist!
It is raining a lot outside and the Triplets are bored. Only people who have no imagination get bored, says Mom. The Triplets have many faults but a lack of imagination is not one of them! They start pretending they are drifting on a raft. They reach a desert island on which they will have to survive on their own. But beware: pirates are approaching! Good thing Captain Mom is there to save them and prepare them a delicious heartwarming dinner after all these adventures!
Flop is pushing Bing on the swing in the park when Pando arrives and wants to have a go too. They agree to let each other have turns by counting up to ten but when Pando has his turn he wont count properly. Bing gets so cross he runs in front of the swing and gets bumped.
Bing is busy building a tower as tall as he is with his blocks and is upset when Coco arrives and hijacks the blocks so that she can make a rainbow pattern with them instead. When even Charlie wants to play with the blocks its clear a new game needs to be found that they can all play together.
Bing and Sula go to the park to feed the ducks. Sula is very good at standing quietly and giving the ducks just the right amount of food. Bing throws all his duck food into the water in one go and gets more than he bargained for when a big flappy goose comes to gobble it all up.
Its snack time for Bing but the only banana left is too mushy to eat. Flop suggests making a smoothie with it instead. Disaster strikes when Bings carrot accidentally gets put into the blender as well and when it gets shredded Bing is upset to discover that his carrot has changed and that he cant have it back.
Professor Smeraldo's car accidentally ran into an obelisk in the desert, which now may fall down. It has to be straightened back up fast, as it threatens to tip over. Grisu offers to come help him out and operate a nearby crane to fix up the monument. But Smeraldo gives him wrong instructions by mistake and the crane nearly ends up in the river. Ensue a series of mishaps, such as Smeraldo being chased by a crocodile, and saved by Grisu and his sandwich. Grisu finally manages to put a strap linked to the crane around the obelisk. But as the young dragon is about to operate the crane and pull on the obelisk tip, the crocodile shows up again.
How can it actually be that a dog and a tomcat become friends? Because: they are actually too different, aren't they? In fact, Harpo and Findus don't particularly like each other either when they meet up so far. But then something happens where they can only get out of a mess together. They succeed with luck and courage, and from that day on they are best buddies.
Paddles finds a four leaf clover and saves Bracken from an accident with a pot of paint at the shop all in a single day. Bracken decides Paddles is a lucky talisman and he can make some pocket money by taking orders for four leaf clovers.
Little Nutbrown Hare discovers he can't fit under his favourite hiding log anymore. With Big Nutbrown Hare's help, he learns he has grown bigger since last Spring, and can now clamber into a hole in a tree that's an even better hiding place. Big Nutbrown Hare learns that you are never too young to play.
Berry becomes ill and Dolly and the friends take care of him until he is cured.
Berry becomes sad because he can not climb on the rainbow but Dolly makes him happy with an exceptionally creative present.
Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave are excited about going to school to learn new things. When the teacher fails to show up, Hatty invites Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave to take it in turns at being teacher themselves. They have fun sharing facts about dogs, birds and bananas, and by the end of the day are amazed by how many interesting things they already knew!
Birthday! Birthday! Finally… but before the party can start there are many things to do. Write the invitation cards for all her friends, invent fun games and surprises for all the guests and, and, and ... The night before, Conni is so excited that she can hardly sleep, thinking about what birthday presents she will get from her family and friends.
At nine oclock you have to be at school, at two oclock at your gymnastics class, and at five oclock your friend Anna is coming, says grandma. Conni thinks its time to learn the time herself. In a very innovative and unusual way grandma teaches her, and soon Conni is an expert!
Sketcky is too greedy! He cannot help eating too fast. Doodleboo shows him that he should follow the example of someone who likes to take his time.
Sketcky is invited to his cousin's home in Megalopolis. Sketcky is very happy to visit this city full of people and cars. To avoid traffic jams in this big city, Doodleboo has an idea.
On one of Sketcky's holiday photos, Doodleboo and Sketcky discover an egg in a nest. But the nest is not in a tree. Doodleboo will show Sketcky what this strange animal is, that lays eggs and does not fly.
While Doodleboo and Sketcky sunbathe, Sketcky wants to know more about the sky, clouds, and space! Doodleboo has the idea of a Riddleboo that will reveal all the secrets of the universe to Sketcky...
OKIDO is a kindergarten series about a curious blue monster called Messy. When Messy has a question, he goes to OKIDO, a town where his human friends Zoe and Felix live. Together they get help with the answers from scientific experts Zim, Zam and Zoom. The questions range from the origin of moon rocks to why humans are losing their voicesIn the real world Messy is cold and wonders if its going to snow! And he shoots off to Okido to discover where snow comes from. In Okido, its the middle of summer and Felix and Zoe are about to go to the beach, when a storm blows overhead and a snowflake lands on Messys nose! They realise that it really is snowing and soon the whole place is covered in deep, white snow! The trio are building a snowman when the Cloudship arrives and Zim, Zam and Zoom tell them that the snow is causing problems all over Okido… “If it doesnt stop snowing, well never go to the beach!” says Felix.
In the real world, Messy is climbing a pile of mud in his garden and wonders what the words get up to under all that amazing mess! When Messy needs to know he goes to Okido! When he arrives, Felix and Zoe are off to dinner at Mayor Okis house with him and his mother. Mayor Oki is lamenting the size of his pumpkins when they get there and he hopes they can help him make the pumpkins big and ripe, as he has promised his mother her favourite meal – pumpkin soup.
It's midday and Busytown citizens are dozing off all over town. Huckle, Sally and Lowly try to find out why. Noticing the number of sleeping people holding melted ice cream cones is an important clue. Ultimately, the kids discover that the ice cream truck isn't playing the usual perky tune to announce its arrival - it's playing a lullaby./Someone has taken Huckles car and left their car in its place!
Daisy and Ollie are enjoying pretending to camp on the front lawn. Postman Geoff arrives and thinks its funny that they are enjoying such a pampered experience and the kids ask Daddy to take them camping in the real wilderness instead. When Daddy struggles to erect the tent and a rainstorm starts, it looks like this camping trip will be a wash-out. Luckily Farmer Fran is on hand to offer up her barn and they enjoy an indoor camping experience instead.
Were under attack by aliens! or so Kai thinks when he finds a mysterious crop circle underwater. They later realise that the hardworking white-spotted pufferfish is responsible for the intricate circle, but an uncontactable Kai is already on his way to destroy it, thinking it would prevent an alien attack. The rangers are on it!
Kai needs a photo of the majestic Golden Pheasant for a photography competition. But no flash photography please!
Mimi has promised Jess a special surprise if he can work out what he likes best about the Spring… He finds out that there's blossom on the trees, fresh new grass, bright young flowers in the Springtime. But he decides his very favorite thing is the newly hatched very cute little baby birds which his friend Little Bird has been singing about all along.
Willow is the best hide-and-seek finder! Jess is determined to work out a way of hiding without Willow finding him! A trip to the pond where he discovers that both Horace and Sammy Snail are camouflaged leads him to work out that he too can do the same to hide from Willow at last!
When Sam uses Harry's bucket to collect drips from a leak in the house Harry rushes to Dino-World to save the dinos from drowning.
Dorothy is looking forward to a delivery from Pat a hive of brand new honey bees! She's got the jars ready for the honey and everything.. Pat's got all the gear for handling bees but keeping swarming bees in a hive is a tricky business! As the bees escape and start to buzz all over Greendale it's up to Pat to chase and gather them all up again so that Dorothy can make her honey!
James likes to show off and be the centre of attention, but when he doesnt get his own way, he sulks and pouts. One day James is showing off so much that the passengers start complaining so the Fat Controller takes his coaches away. James starts to pout and he is still pouting the next morning. He is so sulky and rude that the Fat Controller leaves him in his shed. Eventually James apologises and the Fat Controller gives him some work to do, but when James discovers that hes pulling waste trucks he starts sulking again and it is only when his friends help him laugh at himself that James finally manages to find a way to dowhat he has to do, and even enjoy it!
A storm is approaching and Skiff and Joe, the Lighthouse Keeper, patrol Arlesburgh, helping everyone to prepare for it. Duck and Oliver dont think a tiny little railboat should be out in a storm and it seems they are right when Skiffs anchor rope snaps and his sail unfurls. Skiff is terrified as he gets blown down the track and right into a tree that lightning has brought down across the branchline. When Skiff realises that both Oliver and Duck are heading towards the tree he manages to raise his sail to warn them and avert a serious accident.
Grisu is entrusted with what seems to be an easy mission. It consists in moving a beehive in a field of honey flowers. But things get complicated when an accident occurs, and the beehive gets lost. Moreover, Grisu has to deal with Fumé who has a sore throat and cannot spit fire. Grisu will finally succeed in getting the bee queen (and the other bees) into the beehive thanks to Miss Gertrud's perfume. And Fumé will be cured thanks to the honey!
Natureza is on the ice cap conducting a polar bear study. She still has one last bear to tag but it's too fast. So she needs a snowmobile pilot to help her approach and tag the beast. It's a perfect mission for Grisu who is no snowmobile pilot, but can adapt to anything and is impervious to cold! As he lands on the polar cap, Grisu unwittingly wakes up the napping bear and is chased after by it. He gets out of his bind thanks to Natureza. As they're getting ready to tag the bear, Grisu, unwittingly again, burns the snowmobile engine. The mission seems compromised, but a firefighter never gives up! Resourceful Grisu uses his wind-filled parachute to pull the snowmobile and thanks to him, Natureza ends up tagging the bear.
Bob and the team are setting up the Spring City Halloween Festival. Everyone is excited except Lofty. Lofty thinks Halloween is scary, so when he is sent to collect a giant ghost decoration he is more than nervous. Meanwhile Wendy is trying to play a Halloween trick on Bob but keeps ending up with the joke on her. Lofty arrives to collect the ghost decoration from Curtis but even the crate it is stored in looks scary. Determined to be brave, Lofty picks up the crate. But then he hears a rattling sound and thinks its the ghost. He zooms off, still carrying the crated ghost, hoping to get his scary job over with. By rushing off, he doesnt realise that the crate is not locked.
Bob and his crew are building a special area to celebrate local citizens who have improved the life of Spring City. Each recipient will get to see his or her image inside a golden star on a plinth. But Mayor Madison is struggling to decide who exactly will feature in the very first golden star. Various suggestions include Mr. Bentley, who is very keen to be chosen, Tilly and Jenny. But when the Spring City Rockets suggest Betsy, Scoop decides that the honour should go to a machine – and that machine should be him. Scoop shows off in front of Maria hoping he will be chosen. But his reckless behavior results in cutting through an electric cable and causing a massive power cut.
The cool Autumn breeze isnt enough to deter Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse from going out to find what special experiences the day might bring. However, with the weather and wind constantly changing, its very hard for the friends continue playing any one game. Will the strange weather spoil their fun, or will it bring them a special experience after all?
Among the newly fallen Autumn leaves Little Nutbrown Hare finds a very peculiar little, hairy, green… something. Intrigued by what it might be Little Nutbrown Hare asks all his friends, but they all have different answers! It is certainly a very useful something, great for back scratching and games but it takes Little Grey Squirrel to solve the mystery.
After several false starts to get out on a picnic Bing and Flop are finally ready to leave just as it starts to rain. Bing is very disappointed but as they unpack the wheelie bag he realises that they can have their picnic indoors instead.
Bing and Sula find a helium balloon stuck in a tree in the park. They both want to play with it at the same time so Flop makes two strings and they invent a noisy balloon game called “Stuck Duckies”. When they run in opposite directions the balloon flies away, so Flop volunteers to be the stuck duckie so the game doesnt have to end.
Coco discovers Bings dressing up box so they both dress up. Coco is Princess Cococapono and Bing is, of course, King Bing. But there is only one crown and both need it to complete their outfits. When the crown gets broken Flop helps them to make new crowns out of the broken pieces.
Today, the Triplets feel like playing pirates and Nini would love to play along. Oh no! Shes too young to play pirates with us ! However, Nini has a solid argument: a treasure! Quick, the Triplets and Nini run to the park to protect and bury it. But when Mrs Bun cannot find her jewelry, all eyes turn to Nini who confesses she put them in her treasure box. Good thing the kids drew a map leading to the treasure. Now all they have to do is: Decipher it!
Mom has invited friends over for dinner tonight. The Triplets have to finish eating before they arrive: it is a dinner for grownups only! Too bad, they will not be able to taste the delicious meal Mom has prepared. But Mom tells them that the dinner would be extremely boring for them, so no need to be disappointed. Ding Dong! The doorbell rings! « Sorry, the dinner is not tonight! », Girl tells the guests. That way Mom wont have to spend a boring evening with them either.
Berry Bitty City holds an election to see who will fill in as “BerryFest Princess” while Princess Berrykin is absent.
The Junior Rangers are caught in a sandstorm! Leo grabs Hero and escapes with the other rangers... except he didn't actually grab Hero. He grabbed a Fennec Fox instead!
An Arabian Oryx helps Farah out of quicksand, but leaves with her precious handbook! Can the Junior Rangers help get it back?
Mimi's munching some honey sandwiches at the Hutch when Jess comes to visit. She shows him the lovely pots of honey she has and he wonders why bees need to make it. He thinks maybe Jess wonders if it might be used as glue but when Horace singing him a groovy song about HOW honey is made, Jess has an idea that it might be used as food during the winter when there's no pollen..
Jess is excited to tell the children at home all about the Owl he heard Hoo Hoo'ing in the night and he wants to let us hear it. He tries everything he can think of to get the Owl to hoot until he works out that it was nightime when he last heard the owl, so it he waits til it's night again we might just all get to hear the lovely sound of the Owl.
Harry can't find one of his red cowboy socks - the ones with a white fringe.
Pig with a blue mouth from eating a blue sweet, Kipper with a black eye from a telescope with an inked eyepiece, Jake itching from itching powder – Tiger has fun with his joke box but the joke is on him when the others decide enough is enough!
Tigers very excited when his new rocket arrives. Hes not so excited when it refuses to take off. With a bit of help from Kipper and Sock Thing, everything works out fine.
Its snack time and everyone has a cookie. Timmy wants to share his cookie with his friends. Help Timmy cut the cookie and count.
Paddles finds a four leaf clover and saves Bracken from an accident with a pot of paint at the shop all in a single day. Bracken decides Paddles is a lucky talisman and he can make some pocket money by taking orders for four leaf clovers.
Ferdinand is super proud when he shows Simon his awesome, new spinning top. But now come to think of it, Simon has one too. An enormous top made of wood that he shows Ferdinand in his cabin. And so, the great spinning top combat begins. But Simons top quickly smashes into Ferdinands and it explodes into pieces. Ferdinand is totally devastated and Simon breaks down into heartfelt apology. He tries to repair it despite Daddy and Gaspard saying its impossible.
It wont stop raining at the Amazon, so Tainá and her friends are really bored. Theyre not alone: two baby capybaras, Capivari and Capinejar, who also hate rainy days, go to the Terrible Caves in order to play – there, it never rains. But the Terrible Caves are named like that for a reason, so Tainá and her gang are soon called out to save the two little troublemakers. After many adventures inside the Caves, Tainá and her friends manage to get out safe, bringing the two baby capybaras along. It still rains at the Amazon, but getting wet in the rain is way better than getting trapped inside a cave.
The Harpies are some of the largest eagles in the whole world. Theyre bad-tempered and have a frightening scream. Now, imagine two of those birds as neighbors, at one of the highest mountain tops of the Amazon, arguing and screaming at each other all day long. Doesnt sound very good, right? Thats why the babies of both of them went missing, and now Tainá and her gang must go on a thrilling adventure high up in the mountains to find them! Fortunately, everything goes well: in the end, the harpies – who were once friends – reconcile. Were supposed to have fun with our friends, not to argue with them all the time!
Peyo is stranded in the middle of a river, surrounded by scary river monsters. Will the Junior Rangers be able to save him? Are these river monsters as scary as they seem?
Kyle witnesses an amazing phenomenon on Christmas Island - the migration of the red crabs. But his fascination is quickly replaced by worry - what if they have to cross the road to get to the beach? What if they get lost? The rangers are on it!
Conni and all kids from her school visit the zoo. Each child can ask a question about an animal in the zoo. They see the giraffe, monkeys and lions. But Conni is looking for a particular animal… which one could it be?
Painting on Easter eggs, making decorations for the Easter flower arrangement and planting cress all over the table, making it look like a flower bed in spring. Conni and Jacob are having lots of fun with that. After the big Easter campfire, Conni wants to show all the beautiful things to Anna, but whats that … is the Easter Bunny sleeping on the table in the cress bed?
Conni wants to learn classical dance and goes to a dancing school. At the beginning it seems easy, but then the exercises become more difficult to do and Conni is close to giving up. But dads birthday is near and she wants to perform a birthday dance for him. A good reason not to give up!
What's the best guardian of treasure? Doodleboo explains how to draw a Dragon.
What really makes a vacation unforgettable? Doodbleboo explains how to draw a Camera.
Who is very agile flying through the air? Doodleboo explains to Sketchy how to draw a dragonfly.
In the real world, Messy is having fun playing with his remote controlled truck. “Watch out for that sandwich… mind those socks!” he shouts as he steers the truck around his messy, make-shift obstacle course of toy bits and pieces. “Hes amazing, hes going to win, hes, hes, hes… stopped?” Messy hops down off the sofa to check whats wrong with his motionless truck. When you need to know go to Okido! Messy lands with a skip and a bounce at Zoe and Felixs house. Zoe and Felix open the door to let Messy inside.
In the real world, Messy is busy in his bedroom, theres toys and clothes thrown all over the higgledy, piggledy place! He stands on the bed admiring the view – what a magnificent mess - his best ever! Suddenly the lights go out. He tries pressing the light switch on and off but he remains surrounded by darkness. “Why did my light go off all on its own?” he wonders so he vortexes himself to Okido to find out. Messy lands in Okido and bounces into Zoe and Felixs house where he finds them dancing to disco music. “Hey! Youre having a party without me” moans Messy. Zoe reassures him that theyre only practicing for their disco later on in the day.
Kids can meet the characters of Heroes of the City. The message of helping, sharing and caring are also important in this lovely movie. Paulie Police Car and Fiona Fire Engine help the townspeople find thieves, put out fires, and solve mysteries. In the stories everyone can be a hero!
Bing is busy building a tower as tall as he is with his blocks and is upset when Coco arrives and hijacks the blocks so that she can make a rainbow pattern with them instead. When even Charlie wants to play with the blocks its clear a new game needs to be found that they can all play together.
Paddles, Bracken and Bridie are dismayed to find their fishing trip spoiled by litter in the river. Paddles organizes a litter pick, but what to do with the plastic bottles they collect?
Dorothy is looking forward to a delivery from Pat a hive of brand new honey bees! She's got the jars ready for the honey and everything.. Pat's got all the gear for handling bees but keeping swarming bees in a hive is a tricky business! As the bees escape and start to buzz all over Greendale it's up to Pat to chase and gather them all up again so that Dorothy can make her honey!
Grisu has to look after Thingy while his mistress Olivia is away. Grisu has to take the dog to the pet grooming shop to take a bath. But Thingy is a stubborn dog. He refuses to move forward. Grisu & Stella will have to use kindness and to be smart enough to drive the dog through the town. Without listening to his father Fumé, who tries to make him use his dragon flame...
The shooting of the movie “The monster of the Valley”, directed by the famous Quintin Ratatino, is going badly. A fire has destroyed his mechanical monster and his film crew has deserted the scene. Grisu and Stella help to save the movie. Grisu takes on the role of the monster and Stella helps with the technique. But playing the main part in a Ratatinos movie is not that easy, evenmore when the director asks Grisu to play the role... of a nasty dragon!
Simon inadvertently draws with magic marker all over the wall. Oooops, big mess-up! He figures that Mommy and Daddy are not going to be happy at all! With help from his brother Gaspard and before their parents find out, Simon tries his hardest to erase his drawing. He uses his t-shirt bunched up into a ball. Then a wet sponge. But that only makes it worse! They need a basin full of water and soap! It works and the two brothers are able to erase their drawings.
It's summertime, Simon and his little brother Gaspard are vacationing at Grandpa and Grandma's. They just can't wait to go to the beach! But they first have to take a nap. Their excitement is increased ten-fold when Grandma informs them that after their naps, there will be a surprise! A surprise?! No way can Simon go to sleep now, his curiosity is eating a hole in him! He can't resist, so he gets up and through the window, watches as Grandma goes into the barn.
On Summers hottest night Little Nutbrown Hare finds it hard to sleep. When a swim in the river isnt enough to cool him down, Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends ask Little White Owl to tell them a really cold and sleepy bedtime story. Will she come up with a story that can make them feel cool and finally get Little Nutbrown Hare off to sleep?
Rosie wants to give her brothers a surprise afternoon snack in the forest. She needs Lucien, Loudos fathers help. He will accompany them to the wild bees' nest that she has found. However, Berrys unexpected presence will threaten Rosies plans.
Every year, the great inter-burrow games sees the children of the forest competing in a series of events. Each family must choose someone to represent them. It is difficult for our composite family (Fox-Badger) to chose a child, especially when Scoutbadger and Rosie both want to participate.
Daisy the railcar can carry passengers without having to pull any coaches. So, when Thomas is sent to work in the quarry for a spell and Daisy takes on his usual responsibilities, Annie and Clarabel are left behind. Daisy takes every opportunity to remind Annie and Clarabel that, as long as she is working Thomass branch line, they are not needed. But, when Daisy becomes popular with her passengers, she has to pull some passenger coaches after all! Annie and Clarabel get their own back by tricking Daisy into thinking she is need of repair. But two wrongs dont make a right and Annie and Clarabel only end up being left behind in a siding… and then pulled along by dirty old Diesel! *Cough! Cough!*.
What is going on in the city? A whole box of Frankie Fruit's apples disappear. Calamity Crow loses his pear. At Benny the Baker's, the baguettes vanish, and the building site has become a real mess. Could we be dealing with a thief? Naturally, this a case for the Heroes of the City!
Pig suggests Kipper takes some of his unwanted things to a jumble sale. He points out that if Kipper gets rid of old stuff, he will have more room for new stuff. Kipper is almost convinced until he realises his precious comics have to go.
Kipper and Tiger are having great fun with the hosepipe and paddling pool. Unfortunately Tiger didnt attach the hosepipe to the tap properly and suddenly theres water everywhere.
Its Mrs. Roras birthday and mom has a pie for her. CAPs supposed to deliver the pie, but hes running a little late. Its going to get cold. So KEVIN and SUJI decide to take the pie instead. Instead of going the way mom said Kevin is taking a short cut which leads them through a narrow alley with no sideway. Therefore they need to pay special attention and walk along the side of the road, not in the middle where they cant see cars coming. They have to stop and move to the side when cars want to get by.
Koko and Wilson have to load their cars with special blocks and bring them back to Vee without dropping any or leaving any behind. They think this is the easiest badge ever – until they see that the blocks are oddly shaped and wont all fit into the cars! Eventually they realise that if they slot the blocks together to make cubes, they fit into the cars perfectly. They deliver the load to Vee and earn their badges!
Brewster is going to be carrying Mayor Pullman, the new Mayoress of Chuggington, across the newly re-opened Border Bridge in the traditional welcoming ceremony. During the practise run, some of the facade falls off one of the bridges pillars. It looks as though the ceremony will have to be cancelled, as the bridge might not be safe! At first Brewster is devastated - but then he saves the day by using something Dr. Lings been working on: her new soap was a disaster in the chugwash, as it set into rock hard foam, but its perfect for repairing the bridge!
The new Mayoress, accompanied by her nephew Denzil, is touring Chuggington. Shes observing the chuggers working, in order to help her decide who should be the recipient of the prestigious Chugger of the Year award. Koko is sure shes in with a chance - but rather than doing her jobs, she spends her time trying to impress the Mayoress. In the process, she ends up nearly ruining the ceremony. Speedy comes to her rescue time after time. In the end, Koko realises that she hasnt kept her mind on the job and she doesnt really deserve such an honour.
The Junior Rangers have to help a lonely Proboscis Monkey find his honk again.
Kyle finds some mysterious tracks and cube-shaped poop outside a burrow. Curious, he approaches the burrow... but he falls in by accident and the entrance collapses behind him. He's trapped! And he's not alone...there's a baby wombat trapped with him!
Ted has entered his Red Rocket into the Pencaster Flying Machine Challenge and Pat needs to deliver it to him in time for the race to begin. When Pat lands in Thompsons Field after some gusty winds, one of the sheep starts the Rocket and it lifts off with Pat and Jess inside! With no time to spare, Pat agrees to fly Teds Rocket around the course… can Pat make it in time and win Ted the trophy?
Pat has to deliver a disco machine to the school in time for the disco that evening. While the children wait excitedly, the disco machine is damaged in an accident and Pat has to take the machine to Ted for repair. To make matters worse, the bridge to Greendale is closed at the last minute and its up to Pat to find a way to the school in time to save the disco.
Bing and Sula are playing a vooshing game with their favourite toys, Hoppity Voosh and Hippo Fairy. They throw them into the air to see how high they can fly – Voooooosh! Uh-oh…Sulas hippo gets stuck in a tree so Bing throws Hoppity up to save her, only for Hoppity to get stuck too.
Bing and Pando are playing outside in the cold, blowing steamy dragon breath at each other and discovering icicles hanging from the tap. Flop makes hot chocolate to warm everybody up but Bing cant wait for it to cool down before he can drink it and burns his fingers – Pandos quick thinking brings the icicle to the rescue.
Charlie is coming to play and Bing has planned lots of things for them to do. But when Charlie arrives he doesnt want to play any of the games Bing has put out. Bing is upset until Flop suggests they watch to see what Charlie really wants to do. Charlie heads straight for the kitchen where he, and Bing, have a great time making music with pots and pans.
Bing and Flop are in the park when they see Pando on a skateboard. Bing is full of awe as he watches Pando skate up and down and cant wait to have a go himself, but its much harder to balance than Pando made it look. Bing falls off and bumps his knee but Pando finds a clever way to help Bing get his confidence back.
Bing is at Ammas creche when a butterfly flies in and lands on Sulas painting. Bing tries to help the butterfly go back outside by picking it up but he holds it too tightly and the poor butterfly is squished. Flop and Amma help the sad children say goodbye to the dead butterfly.
Hoot and Toot must make deliveries through the night, finishing before sunrise. Away from Chuggington, when Hoots light fails, he screeches to a halt and is too scared to move! But with some gentle encouragement and clever shadow play from Toot, Hoot realises how much fun the night time can be. All their jobs get done before sunrise, and the twins win their badges.
Oswald wakes up to hear the sounds of a parade passing outside his window. He and Weenie persuade Henry and Daisy to come to the parade, where Oswald promises them all kinds of exciting sights. But it turns out there is no parade - just Steve Tree carrying a radio. Henry and Daisy are annoyed that Oswald got them all worked up for nothing. But Oswald tells them they can have their own parade, and he organises a makeshift band to march through Big City Park.
Henry is sad because he can't fly like other birds. Oswald and Daisy try to help him realise his dream. Madame Butterfly gives him wing-flapping lessons, Daisy pushes him around on her unicycle, they all try to stir up a breeze, but nothing can get him airborne. Then the Egg Twins blow a giant bubble that envelops Henry and flies him over Big City!
Bob, Wendy, Leo, Scoop and Lofty are completing the second stage of a bridge over the River Coil in Spring City. This involves building a spar and building out a bridge deck, which is held up by cables attached to the spar. The bridge is due to be complete by Monday morning, in time for the city-folk to get to work. Scoop is sceptical about Leos claims to have caught a fish in the river; Scoop doesnt like fish. The team learn from Mr Bentley that Mayor Madison has re-routed the next days Spring City Quarter Marathon to finish on the bridge, which means they need to finish the bridge by the end of the day. The bridge will be officially opened by the winner crossing the bridge finishing line. When Scoop dips his digger into the river he accidentally catches a fish in his bucket.
Bob and the team have been building a new monorail system that goes across Spring City. Now they only have the last station to complete before the train takes its first journey that evening. But when Bob leaves Leo to finish the last stations platform, Leo has trouble to concentrate on one job at a time. Leo tries to juggle three jobs at once with lots of different questions from Dizzy, Lofty and Tiny. Soon the cement is dripping onto the tracks, the platform tiles overload and break, and the roof crashes into the track and bends it out of shape. Leo thought things couldnt get any worse until he realises that Bob is testing the train... and its heading for the bend in the track! As the train gets closer and closer, Leo finds it harder to decide what to do. But soon he takes control of the situation and concentrates.
On a Midsummer's night, Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends decide to try to stay up all night. With the beautiful long dusk there is plenty of time for play, but one by one they drop off to sleep in the wee small hours. Luckily that leaves them plenty of energy to play the next day.
When Little Nutbrown Hare discovers Little Field Mouse has a wonderful collection of interesting Autumn leaves and Little Grey Squirrel has a collection of acorns of all varieties, he decides to start a collection of his own. But Little Nutbrown Hare can't decide what to collect, until his father encourages him to realise that he has a wonderful collection of memories.
Little Nutbrown Hare & Little Field Mouse are surprised to find an egg lying on the ground. Blue Bird agrees to look after it and when a rather odd and demanding bird hatches, she loves it like her own. When Little White Owl hears it calling one night, she tells them all that the lucky chick is a baby owl and she will teach her all an owl needs to know.
SASHA announces that WHITNEY WHALE will give a concert and asks if INUI and her friends would like to attend. The problem is her song can only be heard underwater. On the beach there is enough flotsam and jetsam to build listening devices. They try it out on SASHA and it works! Of course they dress up for the occasion, pile the listening equipment and some lamps into the kayak and set out. WHITNEY and her whale friends begin to sing and they enjoy the whale song. When CRACKPOT suggests that he could sing too they recommend that he does it under water….
Huckle and his pals all receive party invitations, but the party's location is a mystery. Small circular marks left behind by whoever delivered the invitations are an important clue. It leads Huckle and pals to Miss Honey who's been walking with a crutch. Grateful for the help she got raking up all her leaves, Miss Honey decided to throw a party for all the volunteers./Huckle and his pals discover a mysterious gigantic spoon.
In the real world, Messy is drinking water in his kitchen, and wonders why he has to drink it? What if there wasnt any? He springs over to Okido to look for answers. In Okido Zoe and Felix are in their garden getting ready for a surprise day trip that Zim, Zam and Zoom are taking them on! They are packing Felixs backpack to be prepared for anything – Messy helpfully contributes a bath plug and a sock, before they whizz off to the Cloudship to find out where theyre going.
Messy is dancing to the music from the radio in his kitchen when he hears some noise outside, and wonders what the difference is and how you make music. So he goes to Okido to find out with his friends. In Okido, Zoe is playing a ukulele and Felix is playing a recorder and they are trying to make music, but theyre not very good yet, and neither is Messy when he tries! They see the Cloudship arrive and go in to see Zim, Zam and Zoom. “The Musicbots have a bad case of rhythm-rust!” declares Zam.
The girls plan a formal afternoon lawn party tea with their puppies to inaugurate their new dog park. With the girls dressed in formal gowns and hats that Raspberry has made, and the pups wearing their new high fashion collars, the gates open. For some strange reason the puppies wont go into the dog park! They back away with worried whines. All the girls except Strawberry begin jumping to conclusions about what could be causing the problem. Each has a pet theory which they demonstrate to the others—tempting the pups with treats, changing the parks scents, repainting its colors. Nothing works.
When Sam uses Harry's bucket to collect drips from a leak in the house Harry rushes to Dino-World to save the dinos from drowning.
At his school's 'Show and Tell', Harry's dinosaurs are branded as old-fashioned in comparison to one of the other kid's hi-tech Dino-Robot.
When a visually-impaired motorcycle comes to the truck stop, he teaches Chuck about using other senses.
Children from Chuggington School are coming to the Safari Park, and Mtambo is training Wilson and Brewster to help out as junior guides. Mtambo tells them its important to pay close attention to what he tells them about the animals, as they in turn will have to pass on the facts to the children - who will be tested afterwards to see how much theyve learned. Wilson is impatient, as usual, and wants to give a tour right now! He slips away at the first opportunity, finds the children, and tells them to hop aboard!
Hodge wants to be more independent, but Eddie never lets him do jobs on his own. So when Wilson startles Hodge, causing him to accidentally break a junction box, Hodge decides to deal with it himself. Using the crane, he jams the wires back in and shuts the doors. Easy. But then strange things start happening. Lights and signals stop working, Vee malfunctions and chuggers are sent to the wrong destinations. Hodge and Wilson realise it must have something to do with the box they broke!
When Gracie hears a mysterious tapping in Roquefort Hall, she is afraid that the place is haunted.
All of Angelina's friends are vying for her attention.
Little Nutbrown Hare is fascinated that his friend Little Grey Squirrel is going to stay in his dray all Winter long. He and Little Field Mouse decide to hibernate in the hollow log until Spring, but soon become bored and fidgety. Little Field Mouse gives up and plays in the snow. Will Little Nutbrown Hare manage to stay inside, or will he be tempted out as well?
After a long quiet winter in the meadow Little Nutbrown hare announces that he cant wait for winter to be over so he can enjoy the other seasons with their special treats to see, hear and taste. Will the sound of icicles tinkling in the wind, the taste of a frozen Winter berry and some very unusual tracks in the snow convince the little hare that Winter is just as special as the other seasons?
Woodsy is desperately trying to do do something that requires calm and concentration but his intrusive family make it impossible. The more he tries to be on his own, the less the others leave him alone as they are very curious to find out what he is up to….
Bob and the team are building a new aquarium at the sea life center for a baby tiger shark. Scoop is excited, imagining the shark will be like a pet puppy. Leo is less than enthused, barely concealing his fear of sharks. When the shark is collected at the docks and placed in a holding tank inside Mucks tray, Scoop convinces Muck they should take “Stripy” the shark “for a walk” around the neighbourhood. After introducing her to Pilchard, and pointing out the mayors office (startling Mr Bentley!), they see JJ and Saffi on the playing field, teaching Cooper some pet tricks. Determined to teach Stripy some tricks too, Scoop and Muck begin a game of fetch... which ends up with Muck getting his front bucket stuck between two trees. Back at the sea life centre, Bob is concerned. If the shark doesnt arrive soon, she will miss her feeding time.
Bob and the gang are building an Automatic Car Wash for Curtiss Garage, but Roley is being as obsessive as ever, checking and re-checking that the newly laid tarmac is absolutely, completely flat. Just as Roley gives Bob the all clear to start building, Mayor Madison and Mr. Bentley arrive in Phillip expecting to use the car wash! Wendy explains theyve been held up – but to come back later. Once the car wash is ready, Wendy explains how the control console works and does a test run. It works perfectly and at last Curtis can re-open his garage. Roley, however, is still not convinced the tarmac is flat. To re-assure him Bob tells Leo to do one more test run. As the run starts, Roley thinks he sees some un-flattened tarmac and rushes into the car wash to flatten it!
Mr. Rabbit makes up coupons for free cookies to celebrate the grand opening of his cookie shop and gives them to his young son to drop in the mailbox outside. But the coupons never arrive. After chasing down the clues from the mail carrier to the post office and back again, Huckle determines that Jr Rabbit mistakenly dropped the coupons into the trash container beside the mail box. /A model boat is mysteriously broken and Huckle, Lowly and Sally set out to discover how it happened.
The Junior Rangers teach a city Lyrebird - who can only mimic dreadful man-made sounds - the beautiful song of nature to help him blend in with wild Lyrebirds better. But is it so bad to be different?
It's movie night! But first, the Junior Rangers have to teach a Binturong how to climb trees.
Fireman Sam
When Turbulent comes back with a balloon he got for free on the beach, Poet is jealous. But the balloon lady thinks it's Turbulent coming back and refuses to give Poet the balloon he's asking for.She gives the same answer to Girl, thinking Turbulent is disguised. Enough is enough! The Triplets are sick and tired of people getting them mixed up, they want to be different. Maybe if Poet got fat or Girl changed her hair color, people would make the difference?
24 days seem like a very long wait until Christmas. But the Triplets may have an idea to speed up time. What if they ate all the chocolates from their Christmas calendar at once? Of course, Mom is not happy and warns them: they had better be good, because Santa is watching and doesnt bring gifts to kids who do not behave! Oh no, they only have three weeks to make up for a whole year of silly things!
Mom is having a dinner party at home tonight and she is running all over the place to finish cleaning the house in time. When she goes out to do a round-trip to the bakery, the Triplets decide to give her a hand. But nothing goes as planned: the vacuum cleaner brakes, the couch is stained and the corridor is full of soap. Be careful Mom, the floor is very very slippery!
Bing finds a frog in the garden and wants to keep it so he and Sula make the frog a house in a bucket. But froggy doesnt like her new home and hops out. Maybe theyve not thought enough about what froggy really needs in her home.
Bing wants to play his car park game with Flop but Charlie is visiting and keeps messing up the game. Bing wants Charlie to go away so Flop with Charlie in the kitchen. Bing doesnt enjoy his game on his own and finds out that some games are better played together.
Bing is playing in the garden when he sees his shadow; Flop has one too. Flop and Bing play shadow tag, taking it in turns to be It, but a raincloud covers the sun and the shadows disappear. Flop persuades Bing to go inside, out of the rain, but Bing is upset that his shadow is getting wet outside. .
Bing is at Ammas creche and its his turn to choose the game, Musical Statues. Flop gets the Bingpad going and soon all the children are dancing like crazy. Sula goes out first, quickly followed by Coco. They both watch for wobblers with Amma.
Because he has unintentionally caused an accident and slightly injured Toramento, Grisu suggests replacing him in his job which is to unload and load Olivier's boat. Unfortunately, Grisu, distracted by his father, makes a big mistake as he confuses the boats and unloads and loads the bad one (Smeraldo's boat.) In the end, he burns the forklift... Fortunately, he finds an original solution by creating a kind of suspended train, hanging on the streetlamps (like a car assembly line).
The farm is covered deep in snow. Pettson is dancing around in his kitchen with the chickens. Findus wants to come in too, but at that moment the rotten door handle falls off. So he sets off freezing to the Gustavsson's, meets Harpo and both then end up with Beda Andersson. Pettson and Gustavsson now also go in search of their protégés.
Its the summer holidays and Paddles, Bracken and Bridie build a pirate raft to explore the river. Seamus and Oscar decide to scupper their game, and a daring pirate chase on the river ensues.
When Big Nutbrown Hare tells Little Nutbrown Hare a beautiful full moon will rise that night, Little Nutbrown wants to invite all his friends around for a celebration. When the full moon is veiled in clouds, Little Nutbrown is disappointed - but is extra delighted when the clouds part to reveal a bright red moon.
The kite breaks loose, Berry and Dolly together with their friends are stuck on a high tree. Of course eventually everybody reaches the ground safe and sound.
The characters in the Berry and Dolly stories are a bunch of tiny bugs and beetles who live alongside one another in the forest. The stories are lead by the title characters: Berry the snail and Dolly the ladybird. A variety of other characters join them in their fun and games throughout the series with the stories set in their forest home. All the characters houses, belongings and clothes perfectly match their individual appearance.
Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave make up a song of jungle animal noises. Listening carefully to the sounds their jungle friends make, they learn how to Oooh-Oooh-ooh like a monkey, kaw like a parrot and roar like a Leopard - and everyone joins them in singing their special Jungle Song!
Conni has to go to the dentist for the first time. Does it hurt? Will the dentist take a big drill to her teeth like dads drill at home? Conni is scared, but really this is an exciting day. The dentist explains everything she wants to know. The examination is interesting and the “tooth machine” is funny.
Conni and all kids from her school visit the zoo. Each child can ask a question about an animal in the zoo. They see the giraffe, monkeys and lions. But Conni is looking for a particular animal… which one could it be?
Sketcky would like to succeed in doing his magic tricks, but he fails them all the time. Doodleboo is no more talented than he, but he has a magic Riddleboo for his friend to discover!
Looking at a picture of the desert, Sketcky wonders what one could do in such a huge desert. Doodleboo has an idea of Riddleboo, full of travels and surprises!
Sketcky has no idea how to go to space and approach the biggest star. Fortunately, Doodleboo has a Riddleboo that could help him travel in space.
Sketcky would like to get engaged with Bubble when he becomes a great prince! Doodleboo has a little idea of Riddleboo that would be the perfect engagement gift that Sketcky could offer to Bubble!
In the real world Messy has just finished eating all the hiking-sock-flavoured jam, and he doesnt know what to do with all the jars, so he goes to Okido to ask! When Messy lands, Felix and Zoe are playing some new instruments that they made them themselves! Suddenly, Zoe realises she has lost her communicator. Zoe thinks it must be in the Cloudship, so they hail the Okidoodle to take them there. Zam is putting out the rubbish when they arrive, and Zim has just finished cleaning the entire kitchen! Clearly its not where Zoe left it, so they check the bins in case it was thrown away by accident. But the rubbish has already been taken when they get there!
In the real world Messy is playing with his toy planes, cars and boats and wonders how they all work, so he goes to Okido to find out! When he arrives, Felix and Zoe, they tell him to hurry because they want to watch the “All Okido Race to Windy Hill” with him. “Theres a mystery prize!” they tell him. Messy says they wont watch the race… because theyre going to be in the race and win! He whistles over the Okidoodle and they skidoodle to the starting line!
When a new nameplate is about to be placed on the statue of Admiral Hornblast, it suddenly disappears. Huckle, Sally and Lowly check out the photos and videos taken at the scene and ultimately determine that the statue slide over the plate when it was bumped by an out of control bulldozer./Pig Will and Pig Wont are playing spies. However Pig Wont suddenly finds himself out of the game when his Secret Spy Ring disappears!
Daddy has a surprise for Daisy and Ollie and brings them to a Hot air balloon regatta. Unfortunately, they are too small to go for a flight in the basket, but Postman Geoff and farmer Fran help the children see the world from a bird-eye-view after all. Boo floats up in the picnic basket on a surprise balloon ride of her own and with a little help from Daisy and Ollie they bring her safely back down to the ground.
The Junior Rangers are caught in a sandstorm! Leo grabs Hero and escapes with the other rangers... except he didn't actually grab Hero. He grabbed a Fennec Fox instead!
An Arabian Oryx helps Farah out of quicksand, but leaves with her precious handbook! Can the Junior Rangers help get it back?
Mimi's munching some honey sandwiches at the Hutch when Jess comes to visit. She shows him the lovely pots of honey she has and he wonders why bees need to make it. He thinks maybe Jess wonders if it might be used as glue but when Horace singing him a groovy song about HOW honey is made, Jess has an idea that it might be used as food during the winter when there's no pollen..
Jess is excited to tell the children at home all about the Owl he heard Hoo Hoo'ing in the night and he wants to let us hear it. He tries everything he can think of to get the Owl to hoot until he works out that it was nightime when he last heard the owl, so it he waits til it's night again we might just all get to hear the lovely sound of the Owl.
At his school's 'Show and Tell', Harry's dinosaurs are branded as old-fashioned in comparison to one of the other kid's hi-tech Dino-Robot.
Doctor Gilbertson has a 'visitor' arriving in the afternoon her sister's cat called Bess! And Bess looks rather similar to Jess!... Meow! Pat and Juluian have promised to get Bess to Doctor Gilberston. Double Meow! Poor Jess Julian seems to like Bess more than him! And when Bess escapes a series of chases and misunderstandings make Julian realise how much he loves his good old friend Jess after all.
When the Fat Controller gives Daisy the job of conveying some special passengers up to the holiday town of Harwick, she gets carried away with the responsibility – deciding that, because she is a very special engine, they must be very special passengers! Not stopping for a group of children with sticky ice lollies and refusing to pull a dusty baggage truck results in the passengers not being able to perform their puppet show! Once the audience has been specially bussed in for the show, Daisy is humbled as she becomes a puppet stand for the performance of… a Punch & Judy puppet show!
Thomas loves to race against Max and Monty, the cheeky dumper trucks. But, after one near accident too many, he decides he must ignore them if he wants to get on and be Useful. But, without Thomas to race against, Max and Monty muck about at the building site and Oliver is damaged. Then they race against the other construction vehicles, to see who can get their work done quickest. Rather than driving all the way to the dump, Max and Monty chuck all their building debris over a wall… not realising that the rubble is blocking Thomass branch line! When Thomas returns with Oliver, he ploughs into the pile of dirt and rocks and is derailed. So Max and Monty have to stay up all night clearing the line!
As every year, Maria is set to take part in the pizza contest. But she sprains her wrist at the last moment and, unable to cook, can't participate. So David asks Grisu to cook in her stead. It's the perfect mission for Grisu, who loves pizza (and his father even more). Maria instructs him – and Stella – on how to make the Pizza Nonna, according to her grandmother's recipe. But things go haywire, Grisu unwittingly ends up tied to the ceiling fan, spinning fast, kicking everything and making a mess in the kitchen, plus he burns the recipe. As all hope seems lost, Grisu, who never gives up, has Maria sing a lullaby, which makes her remember the recipe. Thanks to that, they make the best pizza ever and go on to win the contest.
Toramento has to decorate Dragontown with flowers for its yearly ball. But as he got the flowers delivered too late, he won't be able to finish his task on time. So David asks Grisu to help out Toramento and be his assistant gardener. The young dragon is in charge of making flowerbed depicting a volcano in the town square – even though Fumé would rather have his son use cactuses instead of flowers. Things don't go exactly as planned. First, the soil is too hard, and then Thingy unearths most flowers Grisu and Stella have managed to plant.
Scoop is fascinated by a heavy storm, but the impressive lightning damages the Fixham Lighthouse. Bob and the team must repair its lamp and replace its main power cable before dark. On the way they pass Curtis at the Marina and learn that the storm also damaged his motor boat, which he's trying to fix. While Lofty helps remove and replace the lamp, Scoop digs up the old power cable from the lighthouse to shore. With the tide coming in and night-time approaching, Bob and Wendy stay at the lighthouse to finish the job. They get the lamp working again, just as a new lightning storm arrives. Fascinated by the lightning, Scoop accidentally pulls out the new cable and cuts the power.
Team Bob are creating a Soft Play Café for Chef Tattie in an old warehouse by the docks, ready for an opening party tomorrow. Though the build is on track, Chef cant decide what colour to paint the disco room so Bob offers to put up paint samples for him to choose from. Leo shows off his mash-up app and Tattie decides that Leo should DJ for the party. However, Leo isnt as confident as he appeared to Chef and the extra responsibility distracts him from the build. Eventually he ends up walking through spilled paint after putting up the colour samples, leaving differently coloured footprints all over the floor.
One bright moonlit Autumn night, the Nutbrown Hares are both having trouble sleeping. As they lay quietly in a pile of leaves they listen to the sounds of the night… swish, hoot, wobble, nibble, croak and splash! They go on a journey to discover whats making the interesting night noises, but will they work out what sound the moon makes?
Chilly Autumn winds blow as Little Nutbrown Hare chases the beautiful fallen leaves. When one wafts so high that only a bird could catch it Little Nutbrown Hare wishes he could fly as well. He and Little Field Mouse try every way they can think of to fly, without luck. They have fun trying, however, and along the way they discover they have their own very special talents.
Bing makes Sula a picture with all her favourite things on it. It just needs one last jewel stuck on but OOPS the glue spills all over the picture. Sparkles save the day.
Sula, Pando, Flop and Padget all have a knack, a special thing that only they can do. Bing is frustrated when all his own knacks are easy for everyone else to do too. When Pando accidentally hurts Bings ear they are all in for a surprise as Bing discovers he does have a knack that no-one else can do.
Sula and Bing tag their favourite things around the house with heart shaped stickies. Sometimes they have different favourites and sometimes their favourite things are the same. But when Sula tags Hoppity Voosh Bing is upset because Hoppity is his most favourite of favourites and hes not sure he wants to share him.
Mom is having a dinner party at home tonight and she is running all over the place to finish cleaning the house in time. When she goes out to do a round-trip to the bakery, the Triplets decide to give her a hand. But nothing goes as planned: the vacuum cleaner brakes, the couch is stained and the corridor is full of soap. Be careful Mom, the floor is very very slippery!
An animal and pets magazine is organizing a wonderful contest to win a subscription: you have to send them a picture of your dog and relate its achievements. The Triplets decide to photograph Toto but cannot seem to find what he can do. Would he have what it takes to assist firemen? Policemen? Or detectives? Oh no! Just thinking about it makes Toto tremble with fear. The Triplets must think fast, there are only a few hours left to participate. But suddenly it hits them: of course, Toto is a hug specialist!
When Strawberry finds herself in charge of the upcoming BerryFest parade, she hopes her gal pals can help her with the overwhelming amounts of chores. But each of them is rather demanding and ungracious, so they're no use at all. However, when Strawberry gets into trouble, they realize that they need to be more considerate and helpful.
Peyo is stranded in the middle of a river, surrounded by scary river monsters. Will the Junior Rangers be able to save him? Are these river monsters as scary as they seem?
Kyle witnesses an amazing phenomenon on Christmas Island - the migration of the red crabs. But his fascination is quickly replaced by worry - what if they have to cross the road to get to the beach? What if they get lost? The rangers are on it!
Jess wants the puppies to come Puddle Jumping with him. There were lots of puddles the day before but when they get to the spot, the puddle's GONE! Jess goes searching - has someone taken it? Borrowed it? No, he works out that the water's gone back up in to the clouds.
Jess has s new friend - Horace tells him it's his shadow. Jess is keen to introduce him to all his friends, but he keeps running away! Jess works out that the sun has to be shining for the shadow to come back and that all the friends have their Own shadows to play games with too.
When Charlie lends Harry her Sergeant Shout toy for the weekend, Harry promises not to let it leave in his bedroom.
Pig suggests Kipper takes some of his unwanted things to a jumble sale. He points out that if Kipper gets rid of old stuff, he will have more room for new stuff. Kipper is almost convinced until he realises his precious comics have to go.
Kipper and Tiger are having great fun with the hosepipe and paddling pool. Unfortunately Tiger didnt attach the hosepipe to the tap properly and suddenly theres water everywhere.
The class are having a boat race and all the boats have a different sail. What colour are the sails?
Its the summer holidays and Paddles, Bracken and Bridie build a pirate raft to explore the river. Seamus and Oscar decide to scupper their game, and a daring pirate chase on the river ensues.
Its Lous birthday party. Simon, Sophie and Ferdinand are having a gas playing soccer then eating a delicious birthday cake. The kids are having so much fun that when their parents show up, none of them want to leave. But their parents insist and pretty soon Sophie and then Ferdinand leave. When he finds out that his mother is on her way, Simon decides to play hide and seek with Lou, that way, he wont have to leave! When Mommy shows up, she starts looking for Simon, along with Lou and Lous mother.
Tainá and her friends are called out to help once more. This time its Mauro, the mysterious bat that lives in the gloomy Skull Caverns, who needs them. It seems that one of the walls in his home has collapsed, and Tainá can use her strength to help rebuild it. Tainás friends, however, are scared to death of Mauros quirks and Catu ends up creating panic and starting a desperate flight through the corridors of the Skull Caverns. Tainá cant find a way to calm her friends down, and Catu almost falls into the abyss when he leaves the Caverns through an exit on a mountain top – only to be saved by none other than Mauro, who is actually a pretty nice guy. What isnt nice is judging people by their looks.
Tainá and her friends are called out to help another animal. This time, a greedy baby piranha who got lost from his parents. But its difficult to help someone who bites everybody. Suri is the only one safe from the bites, and also the only one who understands the little fish – whose only words are: “Piranha! Piranha! Piranha!”. After a long journey, the gang sees itself surrounded by piranhas! Theyre almost being devoured when the baby piranha recognizes his parents, who are leading the school of hungry piranhas. The gang is saved, the baby piranha returns home and everything ends well.
Its Easter! Kyle discovers a giant green egg thats still warm while hes on an Easter egg hunt. He thinks someone painted a giant chicken egg green for Easter and shows it off to Leo and Katie. But they later learn that it actually belongs to an Emu and that its important for them to return it to its nest for incubation. The rangers are on it!
Kyle is worried for his pet spider, Parker - he seems a little moody these days. Leo suggests for Kyle to set Parker free in the wild to cheer the spider up. Kyle is onboard with the idea! Little does he know, Parker is not only a girl, she also happens to be a venomous redback spider. They have to warn Kyle to be careful and not to set it free carelessly. The rangers are on it!
In the autumn you can make lots of things from colorful leaves and fruits from the trees. The big hollow pumpkins are particularly pretty and you can put candles inside, but Conni has a much better idea for the lantern parade at school….
How do you sit straight in a saddle and how do you put your feet into the stirrups? What is a trot and how do you stop the horse? Conni gets to attend riding lessons with Anna. She can learn everything on her pony, Fecki, until she can ride like an Indian!
Birthday! Birthday! Finally… but before the party can start there are many things to do. Write the invitation cards for all her friends, invent fun games and surprises for all the guests and, and, and ... The night before, Conni is so excited that she can hardly sleep, thinking about what birthday presents she will get from her family and friends.
Who has the most extraordinary costume in the savannah? Doodleboo explains to Sketchy how to draw a Zebra.
Who is the King of Cuddling? Doodleboo explains how to draw a cat.
Who is the true king of hide and seek? Doodleboo explains how to draw a Chameleon.
In the real world, Messy is happily singing away and about to eat a delicious ice cube sandwich but before he knows it, the ice has melted leaving a very sorry looking sandwich indeed! Scratching his head, he decides to find out why its suddenly become so warm? When you need to know... Go to Okido! Messy lands in Okido to find Zoe and Felix in their garden. Theyre fanning themselves under the shade of an umbrella but cant seem to cool down! In order to find some cool shade they ski-doodle off in Okidoodle to the Cloudship.
Messy is in the living room watching cartoons on the TV. As he watches he starts to wonder how do his cartoon characters get inside his telly anyway? He vortexes himself to Okido to find out. Messy arrives with a hop, skip and a jump into Zoe and Felixs house, theyre dancing around to their favourite band who are performing on telly. Messy starts to join in. But all of a sudden, the television screen distorts. Felix tries to change the channel but discovers the TV shows dont have Okido people in them instead theyre hosted by aliens!
When Norman Price decides to put on a magic show at the Floods house, he wants it to be the most spec-tac-ular magic show ever! But as he sets up, he realises he is going to need lots of effects for the show and offers Mandy a part in the grand finale in exchange for her help. The two of them get as many lights together as possible – plugging them all into an overloaded extension lead. Meanwhile, the firefighters are doing a rescue exam with Chief Fire Officer Boyce grading their performances.
When the Pontypandy Pioneers go on a day trip with Trevor to Pontypandy Island, Norman, Mandy, James and Sarah are all desperate to prove that they will be the best explorers. Back at the fire station, Elvis is given the job of presenting an award to Sam and is doing his best to keep it as a surprise – and ends up acting very strangely around Sam. Meanwhile on Pontypandy Island, James is busy reading his How to be a Great Explorer book but his friends dont think you need a book to be a great explorer, you just have to discover new creatures and places.
There will be a puppet show in the middle of the forest. Berry, Dolly, Balthazar and Eddy also get going to watch the show. Eddy and Balthazar had a fight over a pebble when Eddy, the potato beetle, felt down. Oh my!
One day, Egon happily played with his new black scooter. The others also wants to try it but Egon not in the mood for sharing at all!
Bubble, the small flower beetle one spring day decided to build a tall tower from his colorful building blocks. Unfortunately the tower is keep falling down again and again.
Flop is feeling poorly so Bing decides to look after him. He makes Flop comfy on the sofa, gives him a blanket and reads an exciting Hoppity Voosh story. But when Bing tries to make Flop a honey-lemon drink he ends up making a big mess instead. Poor Flop...
Its music time at the creche and everyone wants a turn on the drum. Bing gets impatient waiting for his turn but as he tries to grab the drum from Sula he trips and breaks it. Now nobody can play the drum.
Bing and Sula are playing a vooshing game with their favourite toys, Hoppity Voosh and Hippo Fairy. They throw them into the air to see how high they can fly – Voooooosh! Uh-oh…Sulas hippo gets stuck in a tree so Bing throws Hoppity up to save her, only for Hoppity to get stuck too.
Everyone is playing hide and seek but Paddles keeps being found first. The game continues, suddenly everyone realizes Paddles has become a bit too good at hiding, and as night falls they are worried – Paddles is lost.
Doctor Gilbertson has a 'visitor' arriving in the afternoon her sister's cat called Bess! And Bess looks rather similar to Jess!... Meow! Pat and Juluian have promised to get Bess to Doctor Gilberston. Double Meow! Poor Jess Julian seems to like Bess more than him! And when Bess escapes a series of chases and misunderstandings make Julian realise how much he loves his good old friend Jess after all.
Grisu is entrusted with what seems to be an easy mission. It consists in moving a beehive in a field of honey flowers. But things get complicated when an accident occurs, and the beehive gets lost. Moreover, Grisu has to deal with Fumé who has a sore throat and cannot spit fire. Grisu will finally succeed in getting the bee queen (and the other bees) into the beehive thanks to Miss Gertrud's perfume. And Fumé will be cured thanks to the honey!
Natureza is on the ice cap conducting a polar bear study. She still has one last bear to tag but it's too fast. So she needs a snowmobile pilot to help her approach and tag the beast. It's a perfect mission for Grisu who is no snowmobile pilot, but can adapt to anything and is impervious to cold! As he lands on the polar cap, Grisu unwittingly wakes up the napping bear and is chased after by it. He gets out of his bind thanks to Natureza. As they're getting ready to tag the bear, Grisu, unwittingly again, burns the snowmobile engine. The mission seems compromised, but a firefighter never gives up! Resourceful Grisu uses his wind-filled parachute to pull the snowmobile and thanks to him, Natureza ends up tagging the bear.
While Mommy is building a galaxy mobile in the workshop, Simon and Gaspard are playing in the yard, dressed up as superheroes. Daddy has something else for them to do: take their bath! Sure sure, we're coming! They just have to complete their new mission first: find stars for Mommy's mobile. But how in the world are they going to catch them? With a rocket of course! While the boys go about building their rocket with cardboard boxes, Daddy insists on bath-time! Once. Twice. Yeah yeah, we're almost done!
Simon and Gaspard have made themselves a cabin in the attic. Grandma is finishing up reading them a bedtime story. Come kids, time for bed now! But once in his bed, Simon doesn't want to sleep. He'd rather play around with his flashlight and make Gaspard laugh. Suddenly, a storm erupts. Gaspard is scared, Simon tries to reassure him but he loses his flashlight in the process. Simon finally finds it but Gaspard still wants to go see Grandma and Grandpa! Their journey through the house begins in the pitch-dark. Where are they?
Little Nutbrown Hare is impressed by Blue Birds description of a flowery field that looks just like a sea of colour from her birds eye view. He visits the field with Big Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse, and they discover that everyone has their own unique view of the field, and each one is special in its own way.
Rosie and Biva have found a superb burrow that Rosies father could use when he visits the area. The only problem is that Scoutbadger and Woodsy have also discovered it and Scoutbadger would like to make it into a games room.
Woodsys latest collection is made up of a staggering 345 pine cones that he has hidden in the guest room. Edmund is furious and asks his son to find another place for his collection. After several unsuccessful attempts, Woodsy finally chooses Loudos underground burrow. Just when he thinks he has found the perfect place, he gets a big surprise.
Snow comes early to the Island of Sodor – and it is heavier than usual! Donald and Douglas are coupled back-to-back with a van between their tenders and snowploughs on their fronts. Donald and Douglas keep squabbling about which line they should clear first, culminating in a big argument. Donald pulls away hard, snapping a damaged coupling and moving away with Douglass tender! So Douglas is left behind in the snow – without coal or water! The time apart helps cool the brothers tempers. They are delighted to be reunited in the end – and share water and coal from their tenders. Brothers!
Troy Tractor finds a treasure chest in his field, but before he knows it, it's gone. When Calamity Crow also loses a chest, they know they are dealing with a mystery. Who is stealing the treasure chests? Join the Heroes of the City in the exciting hunt for the missing treasure!
Pig sets up a sweet shop with Arnold as his assistant. Kipper says hed like one of each but Pig wants to be paid. He says hell take a conker in exchange for a gobstopper. But hes made the same offer to Tiger – and in a game of conkers with Kipper, it turns out Tigers world beating conker is, in fact, a gobstopper on a string!
Mouse wants Kipper to push her along on a roller skate. Hes got a better idea. Why dont they play Hide and Seek? She doesnt know what it is so Kipper explains that she covers her eyes and counts to ten while someone hides. Mouse hides first but when its her turn to count she confesses to Kipper that she cant count past five. Kipper says hell teach her and he does his best but in the end its easier to count to five TWICE. But by the end of the game Mouse counts all the way to ten – AND finds Kipper.
Jin explains how the rear-view mirror works and then almost has an accident because there still was a blind spot. Kevin, Doug and Suji are playing hide and seek when Suji suddenly cant be found. They are playing in an unsafe playground and almost get hurt by cars driving around and not seeing them. Poli explains. there are certain spots around cars, trucks and buses that drivers cant see, called blind spots. The bigger the vehicle is, the bigger the blind spots are. If children like Suji walk or play in these blind spots, the drivers cant see them.
In order to earn his badge, Brewster has to invent a fun tour to teach a group of children a little about Chuggington. He decides to show them a Day in the Life of a Chugger – but his tour is so dull! To make matters worse, he accidentally loses his passengers. He finds them with Wilson, having a great time on the turntable. Realising that chuggers work hard, but that they have fun too, he takes his passengers on a Laugh and Learn tour around the depot.
The defect detector is a device that lets Vee know if theres anything wrong with chuggers as they pass by its scanners. Unfortunately, it seems to be malfunctioning! Eddie takes it off to the repair shed and Emery, wanting to be helpful, takes its place. But, worried that he might miss something, Emery sends nearly everyone to the repair shed, creating chaos in the depot! Emery feels bad that hes caused so much work for Vee and wishes he could make up for it. He has an idea. If the detector could talk, it wouldnt have to do everything through Vee. Dr. Ling and Eddie think its a great idea and they update the detector so that it speaks. And they know the perfect voice to use - Emerys!
Eddie is having a very busy day and Hodge really wants to help - but all the jobs need hands not wheels. When Wilson reports the track lift is malfunctioning, Hodge decides to try to fix it himself. He only makes matters worse, bringing the lift to a grinding halt with Wilson stuck on it! Eddie agrees to let Hodge go and fetch the lift part needed, as long as he uses Dr Lings Chugnav to guide him on his journey. Unfortunately, Action Chugger has knocked the satellite, which has skewed the signal, leaving the Chugnav talking utter nonsense!
Kyle is kept awake all night by a mysterious screech that seems to echo throughout the Tasmanian forest. The rangers are on it! After Katie deciphers an audio recording that Kyle sent, they're able to identify the owner of the screech - a Tasmanian Devil.
Kyle invites Leo, Katie and Hero to scuba-dive at the beach. It's a beach party! The boys bust out their signature animal dance moves. Just as Kyle does 'the dolphin', he spots a big-belly seahorse bullying another big-belly seahorse. On closer inspection, the rangers realise that there's no bullying. On the contrary, the seahorses are in love. But it seems it's going to take a lot more work for the male seahorse before the female accepts him. The rangers are on it!
Lucy Selby has been missing her dad so Dr Gilbertson and Sarah have arranged a very special surprise party for her. Pats special delivery is a big cake, and the very special surprise is that PC Selby is hiding inside it! Along the way Pat has to deal with a herd of cows and a runaway cake in his mission to get the cake to the party on time for Lucys surprise.
On the snowiest day of the year Pat has to deliver a pair of ice skates to Meera - but the snow falls so quickly that he gets trapped inside the sorting office with Ben and Jess. With the roads all blocked and more snow falling, Pat needs to find a way to get through the snow and deliver the skates to Meera.
Bing wants to draw a big picture so Flop finds him some chalk to draw on the pavement. Bing draws a fabulous stripy, spotty, zig-zag dinosaur but just as hes finished a rain shower washes the dinosaur away. Bing is devastated until he sees that a bit of dinosaur is left behind and with that new beginning there is another chalk something waiting to be created.
Bing and Sula find a potato in Ammas vegetable patch with a comical face, so they take it under their wing, naming it “Nosey”. The two children look after Nosey and show him around the creche but unfortunately Nosey goes down the slide too quickly and his nose falls off. Amma shows them how to plant both bits of potato so that they can grow new potatoes.
Bing discovers a hole in his favourite yellow wellies but he doesnt want to throw them away in the stinky dustbin. With Flops help, Bing finds a way to recycle the wellies into colourful flower pots instead.
Bing and Flop hear the familiar jingle of Gillys ice cream van and race across the park to find her. After a long run Bing finally gets his ice cream but as he waves goodbye to Gilly he tips the ice cream out of the cone. Its too late to call Gilly back so Flop makes a fruit cone out of the cone and some of his fruit kebab instead.
Bing sees Coco with a plaster on her finger and of course he wants one too. In the absence of a real plaster, Bing makes one out of sticky tape, but its so sticky that it hurts when he tries to take it off. Bing doesnt want Flop to help so Flop comes up with a new game so that Bing can do it himself.
To earn his Training Badge, Wilson must teach Hoot and Toot how to use the paint car. Unfortunately, hes so busy demonstrating how good he is at painting, he doesnt teach them anything. He realises his mistake when time is nearly up – he should have been showing them instead of showing off! Wilson sadly goes through a list of all the things he should have taught them. Hoot and Toot listen closely and surprise Wilson by passing their test. Wilson earns his badge after all!
Oswald's piano has one key that's way off-key, thanks to an unseen ladybird who crawls under the lid. Oswald decides to take the piano to Maestro Bingo's Music Shop where it will be fixed. On the way, he encounters his friends in numerous predicaments - each time the piano comes in handy helping them out. At the Music Shop, Maestro Bingo prescribes several cures, but nothing works. Finally, the ladybird crawls out of the piano - problem solved!
Oswald and Daisy find a duckling whos lost her mother. With the help of the Egg Twins, Madame Butterfly and Johnny Snowman, they search all over town, but cant find her anywhere. Daisy grows fond of the duckling as it reaches out to her for comfort but, when they find its mother, she reluctantly accepts the duckling is back where she belongs.
Film director, Carl Parker, has commissioned Bob and his team to build the set and rocket for a movie – Space Robots 3. The clock is ticking, as they need to release it before Christmas. Leo reveals to Scoop he has aspirations to act, whilst Carl seems to have little control over his remote controlled robot D11D that keeps spooking Muck and running over Wendys toe. Saffi, who is hanging around the studio gates, is a big fan of D11D which leads an eager-to-impress Leo to claim he will be acting in the film, not just building sets. Leo with Scoops help then tries to get the directors attention in various scenes whilst Bobs team and the director are trying to get the set and rocket ready for filming. Leo decides to give up but then has an idea. The next morning, the first days filming is due to start but Leo is nowhere to be seen. Carl calls action on the first scene (between D11D and a much larger robot.).
When Bob and the team are asked to build a set for movie-star Dash Lightnings new film, Muck thinks that his dreams have come true. Dash Lightning is Mucks hero, so he decides that he wants to meet him whilst working at Spring City Studios. But when Muck gets distracted with trying to find his hero, he doesnt pay attention to any of the jobs he is doing. On racing to meet his hero, Muck clips the sets backdrop and he doesnt wait to check the pyrotechnic lights, causing them to fall towards the studio-lighting crane. Just as the director calls action, the set falls apart and the pyrotechnics explode towards the lights, risking a fire.
Little Nutbrown Hare & Little Field Mouse go on an adventurous journey through the woods in search of a special Autumn leaf. They leave a trail of acorns to find their way home, but Little Grey Squirrel unwittingly collects the acorns and leaves them all lost in the woods. Luckily he is able to help when he climbs to the treetops and spies the meadow in the distance.
Spring is coming and Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse are very brave and go on a journey through the meadow to discover the source of a mysterious – and slightly spooky - creaking sound. They follow the clues to discover… its the frozen lake melting, and singing as it does!
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse pick lots of delicious strawberries. Little Nutbrown Hare eats all his and runs out so Little Field Mouse shares hers with him. When he goes to collect some more for his friend he eats them all too. Little Field Mouse shows him how to eat them really slowly to make them last longer.
When LADY P borrows INUI'S umbrella she promises to look after it. She has hardly left the igloo when a sudden gust of wind lifts her off her feet in series of bunny hops that take her up a nearby snowy hill. LADY P catches her breath before a stronger gust pitches her into the open umbrella and propels it downhill. The startled penguin lets out a shriek which alerts CRACKPOT, GROUCHY and INUI. But they cannot help as the wind takes LADY out to sea. Luckily, WHITNEY pushes a snow-encrusted LADY P and the umbrella onto the beach. LADY P proudly says that INUI'S umbrella has emerged unscathed from the ordeal. INUI says she isn't bothered about her silly old umbrella. It was LADY P she was worried about!
Something knocks Sgt. Murphys hat off his head, chops the tops of Baker Humperdinks baguettes, and sheers a path through a flower bed. Although no one saw anything, they all heard it make the same whoop whoop whoop sound. Putting the clues together, Huckle, Sally and Lowly figure out that it was Vanderbuilts new, out of control, boomerang./The mysterious disappearance of Mayor Fox leaves Huckle and the gang on an important search.
In the real world, Messy discovers his socks are in the washing machine! This makes him wonder how a washing machine knows what to do so he goes to Okido to find out… Messy is just about to land in Okido as usual when he is caught mid-air by Zams new camping invention: Camperbot! “Are we going camping?” asks Messy, still held upside down. Zoe and Felix excitedly tell Messy that they are going to test out Camperbot up on Giant Mountain. Felix and Zoe show Messy what Camperbot can do, but when Messy asks it for a sock sandwich it replies that it is “not programmed” to do that… “Not programmed?!” mimics Messy, questioningly.
In the real world, Messy has just woken up and is looking for his sock breakfast, but it is under his toy box and he cant reach, or move it… He needs to know how to move heavy things, and the best place to find out the answer is Okido! When he arrives Zoe and Felix are also trying to move a heavy box! They need to go to the recycling centre today. So they all go to Zam and Zim to find out the best way to do it. Zim, Zam and Zoom are sunbathing and enjoying Zams latest invention when the three arrive.
Blueberry invites Huck to attend Berry Bitty Citys big Masquerade Ball in honor of their new dog park. Unfortunately, Blueberry gets a cold and has to stay home. To keep Huck from being disappointed, Lemon decides to fill in for Blueberry at the Ball, unaware that Raspberry is doing the same thing! At the ball, “Blueberry” (actually Lemon) shows up, saying she feels all better. Later, Strawberry sees Blueberry again in another part of the park, unaware its Raspberry in an identical Blueberry disguise. Strawberry is increasingly puzzled at “Blueberrys” strange behavior, and doubly puzzled to see Lemons puppy, and later Raspberrys puppy, following her around.
Harry can't find one of his red cowboy socks - the ones with a white fringe.
When Charlie lends Harry her Sergeant Shout toy for the weekend, Harry promises not to let it leave in his bedroom.
Chuck and his pals build their own beach hoping to enjoy a little fun in the sun.
Wilson is assisting Frostini as he creates a new flavour for the mayors banquet: Chugstastic Chewy Cheesecake! But they discover that the mayors wife is allergic to cheese. Frostini will have to come up with something else by tonight! Wilson tries to help, but ends up causing the mixing machine to explode covering everything in ice cream. Annoyed, Frostini sends Wilson to the chugwash. Then hes to do Frostinis ice-cream round at the Safari Park, while Frostini thinks up the new flavour.
Zephie is given the important job of transporting newspaper reporter 'Rag' and photographer 'Snap.' Theyre doing a story about Morgans new rail-going cycle, which Zephie isnt happy about. Its her job to take Morgan places! She feels threatened and wonders if she should find a new job. Rag lets her wear his press pass just for fun, and forgets to retrieve it - which means that Zephie gets to go to the premiere of Action Chuggers new movie.
Angelina, Vici and Marco mistakenly think Ms. Mimi is getting married.
When Angelina finds a Valentines card from a secret admirer left at her door step, she and Polly encounter one friend.
Little Nutbrown Hare follows some unusual tracks in the snow that eventually lead him to a shy little spotty deer. He plays with his new friend every day, until she has to leave again with her mother to search for food. Little Nutbrown Hare is sad to see her go, but hes also glad that he has friends that stay in the meadow all year round.
The snow in the meadow is so deep that Little Nutbrown Hare has to stay under the Old Oak tree. Wondering what he is going to do all day in deep snow and with no one to play with, his imagination soon takes over as he creates new kinds of fun. By the time his friends reach him, Little Nutbrown Hare cant believe how the time has flown!
Rosie,in order to beat Scoutbadger in a race, entrusts her precious necklace to Woodsy. However she does not fully trust him even if he does swear to look after it well. However, the Tomcats decide to steal the necklace. In order to get it back and prove to Rosie that he deserves her trust, Woodsy gives in to the Tomcats blackmail and even takes some foolhardy risks….
While working at Fixham Campsite, Dizzy wants to camp out with Leo and the Spring City Rockets till shes put off by the creepy crawlies. She later regrets her decision and returns with Scoop and Muck but they are frightened by the spooky story Leo is telling and the Rockets think they are the creatures from his story. Everyone panics and the build is damaged as they flee. Dizzy gets her wheel stuck in a ditch and is left behind.
Sports guru Skye Sampson asks Bob to build a 100 metre zip-line for her new fitness program. It's a job that Leo should love to help with, but he seems very distracted. Leo is put in charge of finishing the launch platform and fixing the zip-line, but he keeps making mistakes and wonders if he is up to the job. Lofty tries to convince Leo of how well they're doing, but when the zip-line comes loose it's the last straw. Leo says he should give up being a builder. Scoop and Lofty panic that Leo is going to leave the team – they decide they must make things right! But in their attempts to fix the platform they end up demolishing it instead.
The kids search for the owner of a sketchbook that contains drawings done from a high point of view. After determining the artist wasn't drawing at the top of a ladder or up in a tree, they discover the sketchbook belongs to one of Busytown's tallest residents, Jeremy Giraffe. / Huckle and gang investigate a strange temperature drop which turns Busytown's summer to winter.