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History 2 HD
MonsterQuest: Monster Close Encounters; sezona 3, epizoda 8

Most compelling evidence for the creature known as Bigfoot may be the increasing close encounters that are frightening witnesses in America. Stories have told of interactions range from objects being thrown to frightening abductions by hairy beasts.

WW2 Treasure Hunters: Forgotten Bomber; sezona 2, epizoda 5

The WW2 Treasure Hunters are in Northern France looking for the remains of an RAF Fairey Battle bomber plane shot down during the days after Dunkirk.

UFO Hunters: USOs; sezona 1, epizoda 2

In 1990, a pilot flying his small plane off Catalina Island spotted an object just below the surface of the water which enveloped his plane with a bright light, freezing his controls.

The Universe: Edge of Space; sezona 3, epizoda 9

Low orbit is only 120 miles above Earth, but this is where most of space exploration has occurred.

Lost Gold of World War II: Death on the Mountain; sezona 1, epizoda 1

A team of Americans attempts to solve one of the great mysteries of World War II. With the help of an eyewitness, they explore a mountain in the Philippines where Japanese general Yamashita is believed to have buried a vast treasure during the war.

Ancient Top 10: Secrets Of Egypt; sezona 1, epizoda 2

From the riddles of the Sphinx to mummification and the pyramids, Egypt has seen some of the highest-profile archaeological finds in history. But with so many contenders, which secret has had the biggest impact on our view of Ancient Egypt?

In Search of Aliens: The Mystery of Loch Ness; sezona 1, epizoda 4

The Loch Ness Monster is one of the world's most enduring mysteries. Are these fantastic creatures leftover dinosaurs, mythical animals or something that travelled to Earth millions of years ago?

Ancient Aliens: Alien Operations; sezona 5, epizoda 9

Accounts from various cultures describe similar divine, birdlike figures that brought advanced medical knowledge to mankind thousands of years ago. Who were these ancient surgeons?

MonsterQuest: Monster Close Encounters; sezona 3, epizoda 8

Most compelling evidence for the creature known as Bigfoot may be the increasing close encounters that are frightening witnesses in America. Stories have told of interactions range from objects being thrown to frightening abductions by hairy beasts.

WW2 Treasure Hunters: Forgotten Bomber; sezona 2, epizoda 5

The WW2 Treasure Hunters are in Northern France looking for the remains of an RAF Fairey Battle bomber plane shot down during the days after Dunkirk.

UFO Hunters: USOs; sezona 1, epizoda 2

In 1990, a pilot flying his small plane off Catalina Island spotted an object just below the surface of the water which enveloped his plane with a bright light, freezing his controls.

The Universe: Edge of Space; sezona 3, epizoda 9

Low orbit is only 120 miles above Earth, but this is where most of space exploration has occurred.

Lost Gold of World War II: Death on the Mountain; sezona 1, epizoda 1

A team of Americans attempts to solve one of the great mysteries of World War II. With the help of an eyewitness, they explore a mountain in the Philippines where Japanese general Yamashita is believed to have buried a vast treasure during the war.

Ancient Top 10: Secrets Of Egypt; sezona 1, epizoda 2

From the riddles of the Sphinx to mummification and the pyramids, Egypt has seen some of the highest-profile archaeological finds in history. But with so many contenders, which secret has had the biggest impact on our view of Ancient Egypt?

In Search of Aliens: The Mystery of Loch Ness; sezona 1, epizoda 4

The Loch Ness Monster is one of the world's most enduring mysteries. Are these fantastic creatures leftover dinosaurs, mythical animals or something that travelled to Earth millions of years ago?

Ross Kemp: Shipwreck Treasure Hunter: Slaver Ship Secrets; sezona 1, epizoda 3

Ross prepares to explore the wreck of a sunken steam-age ship, the Iona II. The ship went down with a mystery cargo on board. Determined to solve the mystery, Ross meets with a maritime historian who has uncovered the Iona IIs shocking purpose.

Battles BC: Joshua: Epic Slaughter; sezona 1, epizoda 4

Relive the first battle in the conquest of the Promised Land, where a defector in Jericho helped the Israelites infiltrate the city, destroying it from the inside.

MonsterQuest: The Curse of the Monkey Man; sezona 3, epizoda 16

Engrained in the history and mythology of India are tales of a ferocious creature, half-man, half-ape. It has been dubbed the monkey-man and headlines across the world have told of the vicious nocturnal attacks that occurred in New Delhi.

MonsterQuest: Killer Crocs; sezona 3, epizoda 17

Worldwide, there have been hundreds of mysterious sightings spanning many centuries. Throughout history, these sightings have spawned countless stories.

Brad Meltzer's Decoded: Spear of Destiny; sezona 2, epizoda 6

The Spear of Destiny passed through the hands of leaders like Napoleon and Adolf Hitler, and there are a number of shadowy institutions around the world that are still chasing the Spear. Decoded tries to solve this centuries-old mystery.

Warriors: Spartan Vengeance; sezona 1, epizoda 8

In 479BC, the Spartans beat the Persians to avenge their defeat at Thermopylae. Discover what it was like to fight in one of history's most tactical battles.

Atlantis Found: Atlantis Found; sezona 1, epizoda 1

Adventurer-geologist Dr Martin Pepper sets out to prove that Atlantis existed on the Greek island of Santorini, and was destroyed in the biggest volcanic eruption in human history.

Ross Kemp: Shipwreck Treasure Hunter: Slaver Ship Secrets; sezona 1, epizoda 3

Ross prepares to explore the wreck of a sunken steam-age ship, the Iona II. The ship went down with a mystery cargo on board. Determined to solve the mystery, Ross meets with a maritime historian who has uncovered the Iona IIs shocking purpose.

Battles BC: Joshua: Epic Slaughter; sezona 1, epizoda 4

Relive the first battle in the conquest of the Promised Land, where a defector in Jericho helped the Israelites infiltrate the city, destroying it from the inside.

MonsterQuest: The Curse of the Monkey Man; sezona 3, epizoda 16

Engrained in the history and mythology of India are tales of a ferocious creature, half-man, half-ape. It has been dubbed the monkey-man and headlines across the world have told of the vicious nocturnal attacks that occurred in New Delhi.

MonsterQuest: Killer Crocs; sezona 3, epizoda 17

Worldwide, there have been hundreds of mysterious sightings spanning many centuries. Throughout history, these sightings have spawned countless stories.

Brad Meltzer's Decoded: Spear of Destiny; sezona 2, epizoda 6

The Spear of Destiny passed through the hands of leaders like Napoleon and Adolf Hitler, and there are a number of shadowy institutions around the world that are still chasing the Spear. Decoded tries to solve this centuries-old mystery.

Warriors: Spartan Vengeance; sezona 1, epizoda 8

In 479BC, the Spartans beat the Persians to avenge their defeat at Thermopylae. Discover what it was like to fight in one of history's most tactical battles.

Atlantis Found: Atlantis Found; sezona 1, epizoda 1

Adventurer-geologist Dr Martin Pepper sets out to prove that Atlantis existed on the Greek island of Santorini, and was destroyed in the biggest volcanic eruption in human history.

Ross Kemp: Shipwreck Treasure Hunter: Slaver Ship Secrets; sezona 1, epizoda 3

Ross prepares to explore the wreck of a sunken steam-age ship, the Iona II. The ship went down with a mystery cargo on board. Determined to solve the mystery, Ross meets with a maritime historian who has uncovered the Iona IIs shocking purpose.

Battles BC: Joshua: Epic Slaughter; sezona 1, epizoda 4

Relive the first battle in the conquest of the Promised Land, where a defector in Jericho helped the Israelites infiltrate the city, destroying it from the inside.

MonsterQuest: The Curse of the Monkey Man; sezona 3, epizoda 16

Engrained in the history and mythology of India are tales of a ferocious creature, half-man, half-ape. It has been dubbed the monkey-man and headlines across the world have told of the vicious nocturnal attacks that occurred in New Delhi.

MonsterQuest: Killer Crocs; sezona 3, epizoda 17

Worldwide, there have been hundreds of mysterious sightings spanning many centuries. Throughout history, these sightings have spawned countless stories.

Brad Meltzer's Decoded: Spear of Destiny; sezona 2, epizoda 6

The Spear of Destiny passed through the hands of leaders like Napoleon and Adolf Hitler, and there are a number of shadowy institutions around the world that are still chasing the Spear. Decoded tries to solve this centuries-old mystery.

Warriors: Spartan Vengeance; sezona 1, epizoda 8

In 479BC, the Spartans beat the Persians to avenge their defeat at Thermopylae. Discover what it was like to fight in one of history's most tactical battles.

Atlantis Found: Atlantis Found; sezona 1, epizoda 1

Adventurer-geologist Dr Martin Pepper sets out to prove that Atlantis existed on the Greek island of Santorini, and was destroyed in the biggest volcanic eruption in human history.

Ross Kemp: Shipwreck Treasure Hunter: Slaver Ship Secrets; sezona 1, epizoda 3

Ross prepares to explore the wreck of a sunken steam-age ship, the Iona II. The ship went down with a mystery cargo on board. Determined to solve the mystery, Ross meets with a maritime historian who has uncovered the Iona IIs shocking purpose.

Battles BC: Joshua: Epic Slaughter; sezona 1, epizoda 4

Relive the first battle in the conquest of the Promised Land, where a defector in Jericho helped the Israelites infiltrate the city, destroying it from the inside.

MonsterQuest: The Curse of the Monkey Man; sezona 3, epizoda 16

Engrained in the history and mythology of India are tales of a ferocious creature, half-man, half-ape. It has been dubbed the monkey-man and headlines across the world have told of the vicious nocturnal attacks that occurred in New Delhi.

MonsterQuest: Killer Crocs; sezona 3, epizoda 17

Worldwide, there have been hundreds of mysterious sightings spanning many centuries. Throughout history, these sightings have spawned countless stories.

Brad Meltzer's Decoded: Spear of Destiny; sezona 2, epizoda 6

The Spear of Destiny passed through the hands of leaders like Napoleon and Adolf Hitler, and there are a number of shadowy institutions around the world that are still chasing the Spear. Decoded tries to solve this centuries-old mystery.

Warriors: Spartan Vengeance; sezona 1, epizoda 8

In 479BC, the Spartans beat the Persians to avenge their defeat at Thermopylae. Discover what it was like to fight in one of history's most tactical battles.

Atlantis Found: Atlantis Found; sezona 1, epizoda 1

Adventurer-geologist Dr Martin Pepper sets out to prove that Atlantis existed on the Greek island of Santorini, and was destroyed in the biggest volcanic eruption in human history.

UFO Hunters: Reverse Engineering; sezona 1, epizoda 3

Has the US military derived various forms of technology, including stealth technology, from downed UFOs?

Food Tech: Italian Dinner; sezona 1, epizoda 7

Host Bobby Bognar explores Italian cuisine across the U.S., sourcing ingredients, pasta secrets in NY, vinegars, wines in CA, and dessert wisdom from NJ to Costa Rica.

Human Weapon: Kung Fu; sezona 1, epizoda 9

Journey to China, home to one of the oldest and most famous martial arts of all – Kung Fu. From Beijing to the Great Wall, our hosts will travel this vast country, learning techniques from some of the greatest living masters.

Breaking Mysterious: Lost; sezona 1, epizoda 4

Hunt for the truth about the 1980s arcade game that's been linked to MK-Ultra, and join the search for a lost nuclear bomb. Plus, is Lake Michigan the final resting place for millions of dollars in stolen Confederate gold?

WW2 Treasure Hunters: D-Day Dress Rehearsal; sezona 2, epizoda 7

In 1944, the south-west of England was packed with American troops training for D-Day. Suggs and Stephen discover more about this friendly invasion.

Rome: Rise and Fall of an Empire: Constantine the Great; sezona 1, epizoda 10

As Emperor of Spain, Gaul and Britain, Constantine proved himself as a leader and changed western civilisation forever, turning the empire towards Christianity.

Lost Relics of the Knights Templar: Libation Vessel; sezona 1, epizoda 4

Episode four centres on the Libation vessel. Exquisitely shaped from marble, it's Carls favourite piece from the hoard and in pristine condition; adorned with four carved heads.

Where Did It Come From?: Ancient China: Drilling and Mining; sezona 1, epizoda 11

Mining the earth for coal, erecting drilling rigs for oil and natural gas to pipe to our homes, smelting iron ore into buildings of iron and steel - all of these are fundamentals of the modern industrialised world, but they are nothing new.

UFO Hunters: Reverse Engineering; sezona 1, epizoda 3

Has the US military derived various forms of technology, including stealth technology, from downed UFOs?

Food Tech: Italian Dinner; sezona 1, epizoda 7

Host Bobby Bognar explores Italian cuisine across the U.S., sourcing ingredients, pasta secrets in NY, vinegars, wines in CA, and dessert wisdom from NJ to Costa Rica.

Human Weapon: Kung Fu; sezona 1, epizoda 9

Journey to China, home to one of the oldest and most famous martial arts of all – Kung Fu. From Beijing to the Great Wall, our hosts will travel this vast country, learning techniques from some of the greatest living masters.

Breaking Mysterious: Lost; sezona 1, epizoda 4

Hunt for the truth about the 1980s arcade game that's been linked to MK-Ultra, and join the search for a lost nuclear bomb. Plus, is Lake Michigan the final resting place for millions of dollars in stolen Confederate gold?

WW2 Treasure Hunters: D-Day Dress Rehearsal; sezona 2, epizoda 7

In 1944, the south-west of England was packed with American troops training for D-Day. Suggs and Stephen discover more about this friendly invasion.

Rome: Rise and Fall of an Empire: Constantine the Great; sezona 1, epizoda 10

As Emperor of Spain, Gaul and Britain, Constantine proved himself as a leader and changed western civilisation forever, turning the empire towards Christianity.

Lost Relics of the Knights Templar: Libation Vessel; sezona 1, epizoda 4

Episode four centres on the Libation vessel. Exquisitely shaped from marble, it's Carls favourite piece from the hoard and in pristine condition; adorned with four carved heads.

Where Did It Come From?: Ancient China: Drilling and Mining; sezona 1, epizoda 11

Mining the earth for coal, erecting drilling rigs for oil and natural gas to pipe to our homes, smelting iron ore into buildings of iron and steel - all of these are fundamentals of the modern industrialised world, but they are nothing new.

UFO Hunters: Reverse Engineering; sezona 1, epizoda 3

Has the US military derived various forms of technology, including stealth technology, from downed UFOs?

Food Tech: Italian Dinner; sezona 1, epizoda 7

Host Bobby Bognar explores Italian cuisine across the U.S., sourcing ingredients, pasta secrets in NY, vinegars, wines in CA, and dessert wisdom from NJ to Costa Rica.

Human Weapon: Kung Fu; sezona 1, epizoda 9

Journey to China, home to one of the oldest and most famous martial arts of all – Kung Fu. From Beijing to the Great Wall, our hosts will travel this vast country, learning techniques from some of the greatest living masters.

Breaking Mysterious: Lost; sezona 1, epizoda 4

Hunt for the truth about the 1980s arcade game that's been linked to MK-Ultra, and join the search for a lost nuclear bomb. Plus, is Lake Michigan the final resting place for millions of dollars in stolen Confederate gold?

WW2 Treasure Hunters: D-Day Dress Rehearsal; sezona 2, epizoda 7

In 1944, the south-west of England was packed with American troops training for D-Day. Suggs and Stephen discover more about this friendly invasion.

Rome: Rise and Fall of an Empire: Constantine the Great; sezona 1, epizoda 10

As Emperor of Spain, Gaul and Britain, Constantine proved himself as a leader and changed western civilisation forever, turning the empire towards Christianity.

Lost Relics of the Knights Templar: Libation Vessel; sezona 1, epizoda 4

Episode four centres on the Libation vessel. Exquisitely shaped from marble, it's Carls favourite piece from the hoard and in pristine condition; adorned with four carved heads.

Where Did It Come From?: Ancient China: Drilling and Mining; sezona 1, epizoda 11

Mining the earth for coal, erecting drilling rigs for oil and natural gas to pipe to our homes, smelting iron ore into buildings of iron and steel - all of these are fundamentals of the modern industrialised world, but they are nothing new.

UFO Hunters: Reverse Engineering; sezona 1, epizoda 3

Has the US military derived various forms of technology, including stealth technology, from downed UFOs?

Food Tech: Italian Dinner; sezona 1, epizoda 7

Host Bobby Bognar explores Italian cuisine across the U.S., sourcing ingredients, pasta secrets in NY, vinegars, wines in CA, and dessert wisdom from NJ to Costa Rica.

Human Weapon: Kung Fu; sezona 1, epizoda 9

Journey to China, home to one of the oldest and most famous martial arts of all – Kung Fu. From Beijing to the Great Wall, our hosts will travel this vast country, learning techniques from some of the greatest living masters.

Breaking Mysterious: Lost; sezona 1, epizoda 4

Hunt for the truth about the 1980s arcade game that's been linked to MK-Ultra, and join the search for a lost nuclear bomb. Plus, is Lake Michigan the final resting place for millions of dollars in stolen Confederate gold?

WW2 Treasure Hunters: D-Day Dress Rehearsal; sezona 2, epizoda 7

In 1944, the south-west of England was packed with American troops training for D-Day. Suggs and Stephen discover more about this friendly invasion.

Rome: Rise and Fall of an Empire: Constantine the Great; sezona 1, epizoda 10

As Emperor of Spain, Gaul and Britain, Constantine proved himself as a leader and changed western civilisation forever, turning the empire towards Christianity.

Lost Relics of the Knights Templar: Libation Vessel; sezona 1, epizoda 4

Episode four centres on the Libation vessel. Exquisitely shaped from marble, it's Carls favourite piece from the hoard and in pristine condition; adorned with four carved heads.

Where Did It Come From?: Ancient China: Drilling and Mining; sezona 1, epizoda 11

Mining the earth for coal, erecting drilling rigs for oil and natural gas to pipe to our homes, smelting iron ore into buildings of iron and steel - all of these are fundamentals of the modern industrialised world, but they are nothing new.

Ancient Aliens: Mysterious Relics; sezona 5, epizoda 10

All around the world, archaeologists have uncovered mysterious relics revered by ancient cultures for thousands of years. What is it about these ancient objects that draws people to them?

MonsterQuest: Lake Demons; sezona 3, epizoda 9

Beneath the waters of north western Canada a fifty foot monster is said to lurk. Stories from Canada's Lake Okanagan date back to the First Nation peoples, who lived in fear of this terrifying creature of the lake that became known as 'Ogopogo'.

WW2 Treasure Hunters: Pathfinder; sezona 2, epizoda 6

The WW2 Treasure Hunters are in Cambridgeshire on the former airbase of the Pathfinders Force - the elite flying team whose WW2 exploits were kept top secret.

UFO Hunters: Reverse Engineering; sezona 1, epizoda 3

Has the US military derived various forms of technology, including stealth technology, from downed UFOs?

The Universe: Space Disasters; sezona 3, epizoda 10

Explore the controlled explosion of launch, the fiery crucible of re-entry and everything in between to see why space flight is still a highly dangerous pursuit.

Battles BC: Joshua: Epic Slaughter; sezona 1, epizoda 4

Relive the first battle in the conquest of the Promised Land, where a defector in Jericho helped the Israelites infiltrate the city, destroying it from the inside.

Search for the Lost Giants: The Giant Curse; sezona 1, epizoda 4

When the Vieira brothers head west to explore an island shrouded in mystery, they uncover compelling evidence of giants, but their investigation takes a dark turn.

Gold Hunters: Legend of the Superstition Mountains: Curse of the Black Legion; sezona 1, epizoda 4

Hunting for the Lost Dutchman is usually a one-man journey, but Wayne Tuttle is partnering with a team of experts to follow a newly-revealed clue that could finally solve the 500-year-old mystery of America's most famous buried treasure.

Ancient Aliens: Mysterious Relics; sezona 5, epizoda 10

All around the world, archaeologists have uncovered mysterious relics revered by ancient cultures for thousands of years. What is it about these ancient objects that draws people to them?

MonsterQuest: Lake Demons; sezona 3, epizoda 9

Beneath the waters of north western Canada a fifty foot monster is said to lurk. Stories from Canada's Lake Okanagan date back to the First Nation peoples, who lived in fear of this terrifying creature of the lake that became known as 'Ogopogo'.

WW2 Treasure Hunters: Pathfinder; sezona 2, epizoda 6

The WW2 Treasure Hunters are in Cambridgeshire on the former airbase of the Pathfinders Force - the elite flying team whose WW2 exploits were kept top secret.

UFO Hunters: Reverse Engineering; sezona 1, epizoda 3

Has the US military derived various forms of technology, including stealth technology, from downed UFOs?

The Universe: Space Disasters; sezona 3, epizoda 10

Explore the controlled explosion of launch, the fiery crucible of re-entry and everything in between to see why space flight is still a highly dangerous pursuit.

Battles BC: Joshua: Epic Slaughter; sezona 1, epizoda 4

Relive the first battle in the conquest of the Promised Land, where a defector in Jericho helped the Israelites infiltrate the city, destroying it from the inside.

Search for the Lost Giants: The Giant Curse; sezona 1, epizoda 4

When the Vieira brothers head west to explore an island shrouded in mystery, they uncover compelling evidence of giants, but their investigation takes a dark turn.

Gold Hunters: Legend of the Superstition Mountains: Curse of the Black Legion; sezona 1, epizoda 4

Hunting for the Lost Dutchman is usually a one-man journey, but Wayne Tuttle is partnering with a team of experts to follow a newly-revealed clue that could finally solve the 500-year-old mystery of America's most famous buried treasure.

Ancient Aliens: Mysterious Relics; sezona 5, epizoda 10

All around the world, archaeologists have uncovered mysterious relics revered by ancient cultures for thousands of years. What is it about these ancient objects that draws people to them?