More everyday items go under the microscope with a look at how objects such as lace and unicycle wheel hubs are made.
More everyday items go the microscope. How are external hard drives, Thai rice boxes and paper towels made?
More everyday items go under the microscope with a look at how objects such as tea, artificial flowers and alloy wheels are made.
More everyday items go under the microscope with a look at how objects from gel caps to frozen pancakes are made.
More everyday items are put under the microscope as we discover how paper umbrellas, coal, aircraft seats and urns are made.
Dark matter is one of the greatest mysteries of the universe facing scientists today. Could it be the cause of supermassive black holes and mass extinctions?
Astronomers have discovered bizarre planets very different to Earth out in the galaxy, but will we ever locate a planet similar to our own?
Dwarf planets are some of the solar system's most active places, from oceans of liquid water on Pluto to vanishing volcanoes on icy Ceres.
Adam teams up with actor Gary Oldman to build one of Hollywood's deadliest weapons: the ZF1 multi-artillery gun from sci-fi film, The Fifth Element.
Adam stages an epic food fight with his MythBusters pal, Tory Belleci. They build a rapid-fire weapon that turns hot dogs into destructive projectiles.
How do they make garden forks, English toffee, paint chip cards, and Bundt pans? Find out as more everyday items are put under the microscope.
How do they make pewter flasks, potato salad and hydrogen fuel cells? Find out as more everyday items are put under the microscope.
How do they make robotic hunting decoys, scoreboards, and lassos? Find out as more everyday items are put under the microscope.
How do they make turf grass, beef jerky, wood chippers, and bowling pins? Find out as more everyday items are put under the microscope.
How do they make Leatherman multi-tools, jojoba oil, and marionettes? Find out as more everyday items are put under the microscope.
How do they make fish decoys, cylinder stoves and digitalise film? Find out as more everyday items are put under the microscope.
Treasure hunter Darrell Miklos dives the waters of Campeche, Mexico in search of shipwrecks first located by astronaut Gordon Cooper from space in 1963.
Darrell visits the Atocha, a valuable shipwreck Cooper recorded 50 years ago. Experts send Darrell to an archive in Spain to hunt down an ancient manifest.
Interstellar space is the space between the universe's stars. New discoveries reveal that it's not empty and unremarkable as previously thought.
New discoveries lead scientists to question if the Big Bang really happened. They investigate if it was the start of many multiverses.
Dark matter and energy battle for the cosmos and the winner will determine the universe's fate. New discoveries may reveal which force will win.
More everyday items go under the microscope with a look at how indie car seats, paper flowers and stand-by generators are made.
More everyday items go under the microscope with a look at how objects including knee replacements are made.
More everyday items go under the microscope with a look at how objects such as cast iron stoves are made.
More everyday items go under the microscope with a look at how objects such as sewage pumps are made.
More everyday items go under the microscope with a look at how objects including car tyres, scuba tanks and silk are manufactured.
More everyday items go under the microscope. How are rock crushers, cake sprinkles and steam irons made?
Clayton and his team prepare to flip a 20,000-lb carnivore fossil from the earth. Mike hunts for a duckbill skull and Jared uncovers an ancient reptile.
Clayton must haul his 20,000-lb dinosaur fossil to a lab for analysis. The Harris-Bolan clan chases poachers off their land and Jared makes a final bid to make money.
After Aron's successful test of his Death Ray, Jack focuses on Tesla's potential murder. The first suspect takes him overseas to Serbia to look for clues.
The team travels to Serbia, Tesla's homeland, and discovers unseen documents drawn by Tesla himself. Meanwhile, the Death Ray build moves ahead.
Interstellar space is the space between the universe's stars. New discoveries reveal that it's not empty and unremarkable as previously thought.
New discoveries lead scientists to question if the Big Bang really happened. They investigate if it was the start of many multiverses.
Dark matter and energy battle for the cosmos and the winner will determine the universe's fate. New discoveries may reveal which force will win.
Clayton and his team prepare to flip a 20,000-lb carnivore fossil from the earth. Mike hunts for a duckbill skull and Jared uncovers an ancient reptile.
Clayton must haul his 20,000-lb dinosaur fossil to a lab for analysis. The Harris-Bolan clan chases poachers off their land and Jared makes a final bid to make money.
Rob heads to California to investigate a network for major fault lines that could set off a mega-quake. Plus, he explores a mysterious sinkhole.
Rob Nelson investigates a cluster of ancient ruins in New England that suggest Europeans arrived in the Americas almost 1,000 years before Columbus.
How do they assemble the reinvented Morgan 3 Wheeler? Plus, how do they protect firefighters' hands from heat, flame and chemical attack?
Apollo 12 astronauts bring back something alive from the moon and NASA track an asteroid heading towards Earth only to make a shocking discovery.
An Apollo 17 photo seems to show a US military outpost on the Moon and is life in the oceans of Jupiter's moons? Plus Neil Armstrong faces real danger.
The Lighthouse of Alexandria is one of the world's original Seven Wonders. Experts investigate its many secrets - did it hold a superweapon?
The Dead Sea Scrolls in Israel are the oldest biblical texts. New discoveries might finally reveal the hidden meaning behind these manuscripts.
Find out how coconut charcoal, dial indicators, wet downdraft tables, and bassoon reeds are made.
Find out how pasta dyes, blueberries, composting toilets, and surge arresters are made.
Find out how angle grinders, berry baskets, and omnidirectional speakers are made.
Find out how cartridge blades, chocolate banana loaves, vending machines, and dive computers are made.
Find out how ultra-thin glass, pallet dismantling machines, cupcakes, and seamless stainless steel tubes are made.
Find out how Potash, Leather Bracelets, Wild Rice, and Hex Key L Wrenches are made.
How do they make the tank piercing super bullet? Plus, how do they forge the infamous torture weapon, the dentist's drill?
How do they make giant floating power stations that provide power around the world? Plus, how do they fabricate the world's smallest aircraft?
How do they create coloured crayons used by children and artists around the world? Plus, how do artisans and craftsmen create treasured mirrors in India?
How do they build the steam-powered paddleboats that cruise the Mississippi River? And, how did they create the defence system called 'the waterwall'?
How do they make modern paving stones and how has the process changed over thousands of years? Plus, how do they create a traditionally tailored tuxedo suit?
How do they fabricate fire gloves for emergency services personnel? Plus, how do they create the enamel that is used in bake-wear around the world?
Confidential CIA files reveal a secret war for space between America and the Soviets. And, experts investigate American espionage during the Apollo programme.
Experts investigate the Lunar Landing Research Vehicle that nearly killed Neil Armstrong during training. Some believe this proves why the moon landing is fake.
When a Chinese moon rover breaks down, a NASA scientist points to a mysterious material that seemed to sabotage the Apollo missions, decades earlier.
Newly discovered documents reveal NASA's secret plan B for failure of the first moon landing. And NASA's Cassini mission unravels a 300-year-old mystery.
Find out how CNC assembly machines, lemon tarts, and miniature war figures are made.
Find out how chemical tank pressure vents, candy wafers, food trucks and traditional ropes are made.
Find out how graphene, the world's smallest car, force testers, and composite cars are made.
Find out how LED tubes, chocolate peanut butter bars, and robotic medication dispensers are made.
Find out how commercial drones, aquarium fish, runway cleaners, and shuttlecocks are made.
Find out how mortars, pestles bowling lane conditioners, crematories and wood playsets are made.
Paul looks for answers in a 60-year-old string of unsolved cattle mutilations across the US. He heads to a remote Nebraska farm to uncover the truth.
Paul searches for evidence that extra-terrestrials are among us. He unearths long-buried files that could lead to an alien cover-up all the way to the White House.
Experts investigate the disappearance of people who have gone missing while swimming in the Triangle. Some locals believe a sea monster is responsible.
New discoveries might finally explain the truth behind one of the Triangle's most infamous mysteries, when 306 US Navy crewmen vanished without a trace.
A team of researchers seeks answers to mysteries surrounding the Mothman. They explore theories that the legendary cryptid is an abnormality in the evolutionary chain.
Paranormal investigations reveal stunning new evidence about the Jersey Devil, a monster that prowls the Pine Barrens of New Jersey.
A cryptozoologist investigates reports of a sea monster in Alaska. He reviews eyewitness accounts and examines never-before-seen video evidence.
A woman claims to be under attack from an unseen force. Could it be linked to a Native American legend about a mysterious race of giants?
Paul looks for answers in a 60-year-old string of unsolved cattle mutilations across the US. He heads to a remote Nebraska farm to uncover the truth.
Paul searches for evidence that extra-terrestrials are among us. He unearths long-buried files that could lead to an alien cover-up all the way to the White House.
How do they make the tank piercing super bullet? Plus, how do they forge the infamous torture weapon, the dentist's drill?
How do they make giant floating power stations that provide power around the world? Plus, how do they fabricate the world's smallest aircraft?
How do they create coloured crayons used by children and artists around the world? Plus, how do artisans and craftsmen create treasured mirrors in India?
How do they build the steam-powered paddleboats that cruise the Mississippi River? And, how did they create the defence system called 'the waterwall'?
How do they make modern paving stones and how has the process changed over thousands of years? Plus, how do they create a traditionally tailored tuxedo suit?
Experts investigate to see if the fire on Apollo 1 that killed three astronauts was a cover-up. Was it a tragic accident or part of the moon landing conspiracy?
Experts investigate if there was a conspiracy to fake the moon landing. Does a secret report suggest the Nazis were involved in the Apollo space programme?
The sunken town of Baiae remains frozen in time, lying on the seabed of the Bay of Naples. Now, marine archaeologists investigate its fascinating secrets.
Thermopylae was the site of an iconic ancient battle. Legend says that in 480BC, 300 Spartan warriors died there - experts reconstruct the lost battlefield.
Find out how nail files, birch canoes, boat hardtops, and high voltage circuit breakers are made.
Ever wondered how everyday items are made? Find out how macarons, pine needle baskets, and micrometers are made.
Ever wondered how everyday items are made? More common items including endoscopes, megaphones and uranium go under the microscope.
Ever wondered how everyday items are made? More common items including hollow disk pumps and yachts go under the microscope.
How are everyday objects made? Common items including collagen and plier staplers go under the microscope.
How are everyday objects made? Common items including Thai barbeques, diving masks and fins, and bassoons go under the microscope.
How do the islanders of the Outer Hebrides use pedal power to weave world-famous Harris tweed? And, in Iceland, how do they prepare fermented shark?
How do they make the world's most expensive and luxurious beds? And, how do they deliver supplies and equipment to the International Space Station?
How do they make the distinctive Borsalino hat worn by Indiana Jones? And, how do they make a bicycle which can fold up to a tenth the size of a regular bike?
How do they make the world's most famous electric guitar, the Fender Stratocaster? And, how do they make Swedish fermented cod roe Kalles caviar?
It's been tipping over for 800 years - what's the gravity-defying magic behind Pisa's leaning tower? And, how are chocolate digestive biscuits manufactured?
How did the ancient Greeks invent parchment with techniques still used today? And how do they make shuttlecocks, the fasting moving object in sport?
Using material salvaged from scrap yards, Adam and two colleagues design and build three motorised monsters of destruction, inspired by post-apocalyptic worlds.
Adam wants to build his own version of King Arthur's legendary sword - Excalibur. Using the iron found in a meteorite, he attempts to make an indestructible weapon.
Neutron stars are violent phenomena that defy the laws of physics. New discoveries reveal they have the power to destroy planets and even other stars.
Supernovas are the violent death of giant stars. New discoveries reveal how these events create the elements that are essential to all life in the universe.
Find out how wooden matches, tillage machines, telescopic gangways, and mabe pearls are made.
Find out how mosquito coils, solar-assist tricycles, palm oil, and fiberglass chopper guns are made.
Find out how wood toys, retro toasters, laboratory furnaces, and aerogels are made.
Find out how combination squares, farmed shrimp, ball valves, and string trimmers are made.
Find out how Chinese style furniture, electrical switches, Thai fish sauce, and cappers are made.
Find out how race car oil, plaster mouldings, lemongrass oil, and fly tying vices are made.
Josh Gates explores legendary places of protection, from Pablo Escobar's secret Colombian hideaway to a floating kingdom on Peru's Lake Titicaca.
Josh visits three sites where the journey is the destination in Bolivia, French Guiana and Turkey.
Josh investigates the mystery of the crystal skulls in Belize, Spain and Scotland.
Josh explores three iconic monuments in New York, Istanbul and Honolulu.
Steel magnate Andrew Carnegie and coal king Henry Clay Frick join forces to create the most power industrial empire during America's Gilded Age.
Railroad kingpin Cornelius Vanderbilt takes on his old friend Daniel Drew in a war for the Erie Railroad. Vanderbilt has millions, but Drew has a secret weapon.
Confidential CIA files reveal a secret war for space between America and the Soviets. And, experts investigate American espionage during the Apollo programme.
Experts investigate the Lunar Landing Research Vehicle that nearly killed Neil Armstrong during training. Some believe this proves why the moon landing is fake.
When a Chinese moon rover breaks down, a NASA scientist points to a mysterious material that seemed to sabotage the Apollo missions, decades earlier.
Newly discovered documents reveal NASA's secret plan B for failure of the first moon landing. And NASA's Cassini mission unravels a 300-year-old mystery.
Josh Gates explores legendary places of protection, from Pablo Escobar's secret Colombian hideaway to a floating kingdom on Peru's Lake Titicaca.
Josh visits three sites where the journey is the destination in Bolivia, French Guiana and Turkey.
Josh investigates the mystery of the crystal skulls in Belize, Spain and Scotland.
Josh explores three iconic monuments in New York, Istanbul and Honolulu.
How do the islanders of the Outer Hebrides use pedal power to weave world-famous Harris tweed? And, in Iceland, how do they prepare fermented shark?
How do they make the world's most expensive and luxurious beds? And, how do they deliver supplies and equipment to the International Space Station?
How do they make the distinctive Borsalino hat worn by Indiana Jones? And, how do they make a bicycle which can fold up to a tenth the size of a regular bike?