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A young California Sea Lion makes a surprise appearance during Leos basketball game. Later, a voyage to find the sea lions home turns into a daring rescue on the high seas.
The Junior Rangers have a brush with a poacher as they try to return an Indian Star Tortoise to its home in the scrub forest.
Mandy decides to give the garden a makeover while her mum, Helen is out at work. She soon puts together her gardening team (Sarah, James, Norman and Mike) and Team Garden Force gets to work to make the garden look amazing. As Mandy becomes more obsessed with getting the garden done, she becomes increasingly demanding – Norman is the most displeased about this as his job is spreading the fertilizer! Meanwhile, back at the fire station, Helen is teaching the firefighters some basic first aid. Unfortunately, Elvis cant quite get the hang of the bandaging and keeps managing to injure Station Officer Steele in the process! Back in the garden, Mandy is trying to make a stunning water feature and has enlisted the help of Joes super powerful pump.
A visit to the mangrove swamp is in order when Leo and Hero find a baby estuarine crocodile in the garden. Can the Junior Rangers find the baby crocodiles nest while avoiding the adult crocodiles that roam the swamp?
Leo finds a baby plantain squirrel eating his seed collection. The Junior Rangers drive to the forest to locate the squirrels nest and mother.
One night, Berry and Dolly saw a shiny thing falling from the sky. Fearfully, they head to the depths of the forest to find out what the strange light might be. They found a star-shaped house and a girl.
One day Berry and Flutter played a board game. The first round was won by Berry, and the second one was won by him as well. In the third round, Flutter finished first. Berry got very angry. They played another round, but Flutter won again. Berry couldnt help but made a scene.
Stanley and Balthazar ruin Flutter's playing cards, but seeing the butterfly girl's sadness, they ask Dolly's help to make a brand new card deck.
Leapy the grasshopper makes fun of Katie the yellow ladybird, because she blows bigger bubbles than her. Later, regretting her actions, Leapy has to find a way to apologize to Katie.
Bing is playing in the garden when he sees his shadow; Flop has one too. Flop and Bing play shadow tag, taking it in turns to be It, but a raincloud covers the sun and the shadows disappear. Flop persuades Bing to go inside, out of the rain, but Bing is upset that his shadow is getting wet outside. .
Bing is at Ammas creche and its his turn to choose the game, Musical Statues. Flop gets the Bingpad going and soon all the children are dancing like crazy. Sula goes out first, quickly followed by Coco. They both watch for wobblers with Amma.
Spring has arrived and Tilda fervently wants to paint a white sheep on a green meadow. She grabs her easel and sets off. Her friends may have lots of other suggestions for things she could paint, but she has her heart set on a sheep. Her friend Patrick the sheep turns out to be a difficult model: he just can't keep still.
When Molly visits Tilda, her friend is looking for a birthday present for Rupert. In the end, Tilda decides on a blue scarf. Molly suggests sending Rupert the present as a parcel to make the surprise all the bigger. A great idea, thinks Tilda.
PADDLES and BRACKEN investigate mysterious activity at the village school which the OLD MOORHEN tells them is the work of the little people whore annoyed that the school has been built over their very own fairy-road.
Little Nutbrown Hare is excited because Big Nutbrown Hare has agreed to meet him later to play games. When his father arrives to tell him a storm is coming and he needs to gather food instead, Little Nutbrown Hare is hiding so Big Nutbrown Hare leaves. He searches the meadow for his father, more and more disappointed, but when he learns why Big Nutbrown Hare couldnt play this time, he understands.
Caillou wants to be like a real rockstar, but his loud tunes keep disturbing his family. He goes into a rockstar fantasy, where he learns that he doesnt need to play loudly to make an impact, and finds a new way to rock out – by turning his rock song into a lullaby for Rosie.
At the park to watch a meteor shower, Caillou is surprised to see a new girl, Tina. Suddenly feeling shy, Caillou pretends to be the fearless Dax Turbo Space Captain who makes first contact with the alien, Shyanne (Tina). This helps Caillou overcome his shyness and make a new space-loving friend.
Oh no! Conni and her family are snowed in at an alpine hut! But that's just when the fun starts. Together they build an igloo, collect firewood, start a snowball fight and so much more. This way,the great snow has turned into a great adventure.
What happens in springtime, anyway? Together with granddad and Simon Conni goes exploring. At the pond in the meadow they discover exciting things: There are wandering toads, hopping frogs and storks that can clatter!? In the end they even help rescuing a couple of toads for which they get rewarded with a very funny concert.
What allows you to go play in the clouds? Doodleboo explains how to draw an hot air balloon.
What would we need if we adopted a baby dragon? Doodledoo explains how to draw a Fire Truck.
What animal is as graceful as a dancer ? Doodleboo and Sketchy explain how to draw a Flamingo.
Who doesn't live under water but can still stay there for a long time? Doodleboo explains how to draw a snorkle.
Who loves to go out at night? Doodleboo explains how to draw a bat.
Buns rescues a lost tooth.
Buns helps a friend with a gross problem.
MeeMa makes Buns an extra-long cape.
The kids try to find the owner of a camera using the photos for clues. All the pictures are sporting events, so they eventually find out the camera belongs to the sports reporter for the Busytown Bugle./ A list Sally made mysteriously disappears right off the page.
Brewster learns about camouflage when he repaints the lizards house.
Wilson learns to keep the tracks safe as he tries for his safeguarder badge.
Hoot and Toot have to round up all the stray cars around the depot in record time.
First, you should use the sidewalk side when you get in and out of a car. It's dangerous to use the road side because it puts you in traffic and could create an accident. Second, its the rule to always fasten your seat belt whenever youre in a car. Whether youre in a booster seat or a regular seat, you must buckle up. Remind adults its the rule, too. Third, remember that children should always sit in the back seat. The front seats the most dangerous place to be if accidents happen.
Kevin and Dough are playing ball, but Dumb rolls over it before they reach the park. But he gives them a new ball and again it almost slips under a car. Poli warns, dont play ball where there are cars nearby. When youre focused on the ball, you might not realize when a car's coming. and thats dangerous. If the ball goes out into the road, never run out after it. Just wait until the ball comes to a stop cross safely and then pick it up, or ask an adult to get the ball for you. Play in the park.
The class are having a boat race and all the boats have a different sail. What colour are the sails?
Timmy and his friends are making a snowman. Can you help them?
Harry accidentally smashes his mum's favourite china teacup.
Harry needs help making up a story to go with his new drawing.
Ajay's organised a Summer Special Day on the Green but the sun is so hot that the ice creams all melt, the paddling pool dries up and everyone wants to go home. Ted's invented a special weather machine that can make rain, wind, hail or snow. Now Pat's got to deliver it to the Summer Special without getting caught in a hailstorm, a downpour or a snowdrift.
Chicken Fia is desperately unhappy: her feathers are falling out. With a magnifying glass, Pettson and Findus discover that she has a flea that irritates her skin. So Fia has to be quarantined. Pettson and Findus now think about how to get rid of the annoying and persistent guest. Even after an apple cider vinegar shower, the annoying chicken flea won't go away. So Doctor Findus flea frightener, has to catch it with a flea trap made by Pettson.
When Findus can't fall asleep one evening, Pettson plays him violin music on the gramophone. It works very well for him to fall asleep. So Findus wants to listen to this music again and again. Unfortunately, he unintentionally damages the player. Pettson then mentions that he once played the violin himself. When the old man now tries it out as a substitute, the whole farm suffers from his all too strange tones. How can Findus get a useful aid to fall asleep again?
A rare bird, the Picking Bird, is in the forest for a very short time, and Dr. Natureza wants to be the first to take a photo. But she caught a terrible cold, so it will be up to Grisu to help her as a wildlife photographer. Exploring the forest is an exciting adventure for Grisu and Stella, but the mysterious bird isnt easy to spot. Plus Fumé, whos searching ingredients for a dragon recipe, unintentionally messes up with Grisus mission. In the end, however, Grisu understands that the bird is attracted by sparkling stuff. So he comes up with an inventive way to take the perfect picture just before sunset.
Grisu, with Stellas help, has to babysit and feed a little sea lion while Dr. Natureza is healing its mother. They must prevent the cub from reaching the sea and get lost, but the baby is pretty lively and the mission is not so easy. When the sea lion goes missing, a quest begins. Eventually, the little dragon realizes that the sea lions are very sociable animals, and they love to play, so he will create an improvised fun fair to get the cub back, avoiding other getaways.
Daisy and Ollie are on their first trip to visit London but wonder where to start in such a big city? Daddy has booked a sightseeing bus tour to make the most of their trip so they can visit as many sights as possible. They have a great time taking photos as a souvenir of their visit and Boo impresses them with her ability to sketch the landmarks.
When Daisy learns that some plants and wildlife are in danger of disappearing forever, she worries about how they can protect them. While helping animals in other countries may not be as easy, together Daisy and Ollie learn how they can help creatures closer to home and join in on a ladybird count at the local park.
Daddy takes Daisy, Ollie, Sonny, Boo, Whizzy and Fred for a special twilight visit to the zoo. The children have never visited the zoo at night and are fascinated to discover how different animals sleep. Ore the zookeeper introduces them to all the different animals and their imaginations run wild when they hear a hissing snake sound.
Seeing his tracks in the fresh snow inspires Little Nutbrown Hare to create a new game called snow seek. The friends have a lot of fun creating tracks for Little Nutbrown Hare to follow, but Little Redwood Foxs tracks completely disappear and so does she. When Big Nutbrown Hare reports that Little Redwood Fox was sighted walking backwards, they work out how she managed to trick them all.
Little Field Mouse finds a sparkly rock and announces that its treasure. Little Nutbrown Hare wants a sparkly treasure too, so they set about finding him one that night, by the silvery light of the full moon. Together, they discover that treasure is found in the most unexpected places. When a very ordinary looking rock cracks open to reveal sparkly crystals inside, Little Nutbrown Hare realises that things are not always what they seem.
Bing and Sula are playing a vooshing game with their favourite toys, Hoppity Voosh and Hippo Fairy. They throw them into the air to see how high they can fly – Voooooosh! Uh-oh…Sulas hippo gets stuck in a tree so Bing throws Hoppity up to save her, only for Hoppity to get stuck too.
Bing and Pando are playing outside in the cold, blowing steamy dragon breath at each other and discovering icicles hanging from the tap. Flop makes hot chocolate to warm everybody up but Bing cant wait for it to cool down before he can drink it and burns his fingers – Pandos quick thinking brings the icicle to the rescue.
Charlie is coming to play and Bing has planned lots of things for them to do. But when Charlie arrives he doesnt want to play any of the games Bing has put out. Bing is upset until Flop suggests they watch to see what Charlie really wants to do. Charlie heads straight for the kitchen where he, and Bing, have a great time making music with pots and pans.
Mommy must go shopping but when shes back, she wants the Triplets to play for her and her friend the new piece they learn The Flowers Dance. Unfortunately, the day before, when Eliott was supposed to make them repeat, the Triplets preferred to play with their mini-cars. Which is way more fun! How will they manage to learn a piece in less than three hours? Hopefully, their imagination is always there to help.
The Triplets armchair is quite damaged, Mommy decided to recover it with a new fabric and it will be to the siblings to choose the color! Poet wants blue, the color of the sky, Turbulent wants green, the countrys color, and Girl wants yellow, the color of the sun! Not easy to agree on a same color but careful! If they dont decide quickly, Mommy will, and she has some strange color ideas like grey, the color of the rain!
With the power still out in Berry Bitty City, the girls go on an overnight camping trip. Lemon worries that a creepy creature is in the forest, and the girls get the nervous bug. Strawberry turns their apprehension into fun by daring her friends to stay out in the woods the longest! But soon, someone steals their marshmallow roasting sticks, the capture-the-flag-flags and the horseshoes. Lemon is sure that someones out to sabotage the campout! The girls build wacky monster-traps and capture... Huckleberry, who had gotten himself lost in the dark woods.
Hoot and Toot have to round up all the stray cars around the depot in record time.
Brewster goes on the look out for potential safety hazards on the track.
Wilson and Koko have to feed the animals in the snow, but Wilson cant find the sheep!
Kevin and Doug are going out to look for fireflies at night and take Jenny along on their firefly adventure. Kevin packs sacks and drinks drinks for everybody, but Doug forgets the map and flashlight he was supposed to bring. They are going anyway and seem to get lost, but finally discover a light which they think is the fireflies… While the three of them are searching Owl Forest which is also known for its “forest monster” mom calls Poli for help to look for the kids as they left without telling her. Luckily the rescue team find them fast after some confusing moments in the dark where everybody was unsure what they see. Poli teaches everybody that its important to be extra careful whenever youre in the dark.
Kevin and Doug got to Jenny to do homework together and Jenny promises to bake cubcakes which Doug really is looking forward to. On his way to Jenny Doug shows Musty the way to the hospital and then helps Mary to get her cat Coco from a tree. Because he then hurries – as he does not want to be late for these Cubcakes - he crosses a red light and gets hit by a car. Everybody is worried that he hurt himself but Doug just runs away as he still does not want to be late. Only at Jennys he feels some pain and seeks his knee is bleeding. In the meanwhile Poli arrived on the scene and from the descriptions understands the boy in the accident was Doug.
Its snack time and everyone has a cookie. Timmy wants to share his cookie with his friends. Help Timmy cut the cookie and count.
Harry, Charlie, and the dinosaurs are playing at being pirates.
Harry decides to imitate his Mum by becoming a newspaper reporter for the day.
Its Arnolds birthday and hes got some great presents. Pig has given him a cassette player – but the tape is missing. They want to play musical chairs – who has the tape? Everyone thinks everyone else has it until Tiger asks some searching questions. And the tape is in Tigers…. well, that would be telling wouldnt it?
Kipper thinks the Wonder Dog books are great and decides to be Kipper the Super Dog. His blanket becomes a cape and his bike a Super Bike. Now he needs someone to rescue. He makes Arnolds kite fly when theres no wind. But he becomes a real hero when he saves Jakes kitten. Tiger wants to be a hero too. Pig asks him to rescue Arnolds kite – its stuck in a tree – but Tigers not so sure when he sees how tall the tree is.
Simon doesn't want to play with Gaspard anymore because his blankie really stinks. Yuuuk! Gaspard agrees to put it away so he can play with his brother. Well, he's kind of faking it because he really just stuffed it into his onesie! Since it smells just as bad, Simon finally tells his brother to get rid of it. Gaspard refuses. Simon chases after him to get the blankie. Mommy decides that since the two boys are over-excited, she is going to take them to the park. Super! Simon meets up with Lou and along with Gaspard, they go off to play in the sandbox castle.
PADDLES and BRACKEN investigate mysterious activity at the village school which the OLD MOORHEN tells them is the work of the little people whore annoyed that the school has been built over their very own fairy-road.
Buns finds a chrysalis, vowing to protect it until the butterfly emerges and flies off safely.
Rupert's sensitive hedgehog nose tells him that the weather tomorrow is going to be fantastic. He at once informs Tilda and the two friends decide to prepare a picnic. The other friends join in and the preparations last long into the night, with Molly and Rupert finally falling asleep in Tilda's living room. .
In Tilda's garden, Robin and another robin are quarrelling over an earthworm. Tilda wants to save the poor worm and distracts the birds by suggesting a competition. First, the robins should compete at cherry stone-spitting. This ends in a draw and Tilda sets the next task: pecking out a pattern in a leaf. Both birds peck out a star, so it's a another tie.
What if Edmund and Margarets secrecy means that they are going to have a new baby? This is bad news for Rosie as what will her place be now?
It's hot - very hot! And in this heat, Gustavsson talks Pettson into buying a large vat for immediate collection. So in the middle of the heat, Pettson first has to get his old tractor going. Together with Findus, he then organises the transport of the huge piece to his farm. The old inventor's best idea is now to convert the vat into a fancy swimming pool, with an additional invention for drying off.
Caillou is sad when the sandcastle he built with Grandpa gets washed away. In a medieval fantasy, the Silver Knight (Caillou) helps the King (Daddy) rebuild his ruined castle, and Caillou learns that its the process of creating the castle that is the most fun.
When Caillou accidentally breaks Clementine's moms dinosaur model, he guiltily hides it, but that makes his tummy hurt. In a castaway fantasy, helping Rexy cure his own guilty tummy ache helps Caillou realize the importance of owning up to a mistake.
Conni goes camping at sea with her parents and her friend Simon. Its a holiday full of new experiences and adventures and then it starts to rain…How does it feel to spend a night inside a wet sleeping bag in a tent?
Sketcky is thrilled to have plenty of treats for the upcoming Halloween and hopes to have more than the year before. But how to do it? Doodleboo has an idea: he knows what makes it possible to collect even more candy on Halloween!
Sketcky wonders about the island in the distance. He would like to see it more closely, but how? Fortunately, Doodleboo has the solution.
Doodleboo is invited to the inauguration of a new play park, but Sketcky cannot accompany him. Fortunately, Doodleboo found him the best babysitter!
It's a deal-Doodleboo, Sketcky and Bubble go on vacation. But seeing Sketcky rack up the baggage, Doodleboo digs his head to find a way to transport everything without getting tired. What will his good idea be this time?
Sketcky is surprised: there are plenty of insects in Doodleboo's garden, but almost no flies! Doodleboo knows what flies dislike and makes them fly away, and he will make Sketcky guess!
A Lioness is trapped in a cave! Can the Junior Rangers help reunite her with her pride?
Kyle's ATV is invaded by Echidnas! Can the Junior Rangers help him get his precious vehicle back?
When Mr Frumbles morning newspaper disappears off his front step, Huckle sets out to investigate what happened to it. After a number of other innocuous items disappear from across town, Huckle ultimately discovers that the culprits are none other than Pig Will and Pig Wont. They are enthusiastically taking part in Busytowns Annual Recycling Drive by picking up anything they see that can be recycled./Huckle, Lowly and Sally happen upon a huge tooth and cant imagine anyone in all of Busytown big enough to own it.
The kite breaks loose, Berry and Dolly together with their friends are stuck on a high tree. Of course eventually everybody reaches the ground safe and sound.
The characters in the Berry and Dolly stories are a bunch of tiny bugs and beetles who live alongside one another in the forest. The stories are lead by the title characters: Berry the snail and Dolly the ladybird. A variety of other characters join them in their fun and games throughout the series with the stories set in their forest home. All the characters houses, belongings and clothes perfectly match their individual appearance.
Berry and Dolly together with their friends find a small bug in a cave. They would like to take it home but there is an other tenant also living in the cave.
Sula, Pando, Flop and Padget all have a knack, a special thing that only they can do. Bing is frustrated when all his own knacks are easy for everyone else to do too. When Pando accidentally hurts Bings ear they are all in for a surprise as Bing discovers he does have a knack that no-one else can do.
Sula and Bing tag their favourite things around the house with heart shaped stickies. Sometimes they have different favourites and sometimes their favourite things are the same. But when Sula tags Hoppity Voosh Bing is upset because Hoppity is his most favourite of favourites and hes not sure he wants to share him.
Bing wants Flop to read him his favourite book as he has his bath but Bing joins in with the story too enthusiastically Flop suggests they finish the story in bed as books dont like baths. Bing is heartbroken when the book falls into the bath as he gets into his pyjamas, until Flop helps him to understand that even though the book is wet the story isnt.
In trying to teach Paddles hurling, Fagan and Bracken are a bit too competitive, and despite Paddles best efforts on the pitch soon theres a falling out, with Bridie caught in the middle. Paddles is very downcast and wishes they could all be friends again. The Old Moor Hen suggests a visit to the Magical Wishing Tree. Overhearing, Fagan thinks this might just make all his dreams come true! But what sort of wishes really come true, and who will visit the tree?
When Pettson and Findus return from an outing in the forest, they discover a dead magpie in the yard - the nosey parker. Findus and the chickens are very sad about this. Pettson explains to them that the magpie was very old. They all decide to give her a nice funeral by the lakeside. During the preparations, they fondly remember the little experiences they had with her.
At the request of Emma the forest ranger, Grisu has to tag the sick trees in the forest. The trees must absolutely be cut down before the storm arrives. But all the marks he makes are erased by a mysterious eraser: Fumé, who is determined to defend his tree. Grisu finds a solution by using his father to replant the tree sheltered from the wind.
Olivia competes in the famous Sand Dune Race in a new electric 4x4 she has designed, but her co-pilot has just pulled out. Fortunately, Grisu will take his place. Accompanied by Fumé and Stella, he joins Olivia in the desert. The race begins and soon Slad and Vlad - better known as “The Tricktwins” - give them a hard time. The twins, ready to do anything to win, try to trick them. While Grisu and Olivia's charred windsceen prevents them from moving forward, Grisu has an idea that allows them to get back in the race. Before crossing the finish line, they even help the Tricktwins to get out of a quicksand.
Daisy and Ollie are playing Frisbee with Herbie the dog, he wags his tail happily, but why? Why do monkeys have tails?! Perhaps Boo can help them find out? Daisy and Ollie head to the sand pit to find out.
Daisy and Ollie want to know why tigers have stripes and leopards have spots. Playing in the garden, they spot a butterfly who disappears in the flowers and Daisy and Ollie do an amazing job of disappearing themselves…if only the same could be said be said for Daddy!
Crisp Autumn days are perfect for collecting pretty golden leaves and playing hide and boo. Little Nutbrown Hare is so excited that he accidently promises to play with two different games with two different friends on the same day. He cant be in two places at once, so how will he keep both his promises and both his friends happy?
Grandpa Fox has brought some elderberries for the children. Unknown to the others, Edmund swallows one and then learns that the number had been calculated so that each child received the same amount of berries. Edmund slips away to find another elderberry. Meanwhile, the children share out the berries and find that there are three left over. What should they do ? There seems to be no simple solution….
As Woodsy is going to sleep over at Loudos, there is a spare place in the burrow. Rosie wants to invite Biva but Scoutbadger wants to invite Martis. Edmund, who does not like it when things get too boisterous, says only one friend can come. Scoutbadger and Rosie quarrel over which one can invite their best friend….
Diesel is not a very helpful engine, but at Christmas, when there is so much extra work to be done, his unhelpfulness is really unwelcome and unkind, especially when he refuses to stop for Paxton who has been derailed. Thomas decides to help Diesel see the error of his ways. Over the course of the next few days Diesel is visited by what appear to be ghostly engines who remind him just how unhelpful he has been in the past, the joy helping others can bring at Christmas and the danger that if you dont help others they might not come to help you when you really need them. When Diesel becomes derailed himself and fears that he could be abandoned the message finally hits home.
Spring has arrived and Tilda fervently wants to paint a white sheep on a green meadow. She grabs her easel and sets off. Her friends may have lots of other suggestions for things she could paint, but she has her heart set on a sheep. Her friend Patrick the sheep turns out to be a difficult model: he just can't keep still.
When Molly visits Tilda, her friend is looking for a birthday present for Rupert. In the end, Tilda decides on a blue scarf. Molly suggests sending Rupert the present as a parcel to make the surprise all the bigger. A great idea, thinks Tilda.
A magic carpet, complete with three wishes, turns up in Kippers house. He wishes himself and Hippo to the moon to meet the Bleepers. The carpet tips Hippo off when they reach the moon and the Bleepers find him and wonder what he is and how he got there. When Kipper turns up the Bleepers wonder how he got there. He tells them about the carpet but they laugh. He gives them a ride right round the moon and at last they believe him.
Kipper, Tiger (wearing his proper farmers boots), Pig and Arnold are off to the farm. Arnold finds a large white egg and makes a nest for it in his buggy. The others tease him, but soon the egg hatches and a duckling appears. It joins its mother duck and six brothers and sisters and soon Kipper with Arnold on his shoulders, Tiger slipping in the mud as he carries the buggy, and finally Pig, join the end of the fluffy procession.
Caillou wants to be like a real rockstar, but his loud tunes keep disturbing his family. He goes into a rockstar fantasy, where he learns that he doesnt need to play loudly to make an impact, and finds a new way to rock out – by turning his rock song into a lullaby for Rosie.
At the park to watch a meteor shower, Caillou is surprised to see a new girl, Tina. Suddenly feeling shy, Caillou pretends to be the fearless Dax Turbo Space Captain who makes first contact with the alien, Shyanne (Tina). This helps Caillou overcome his shyness and make a new space-loving friend.
The trainees are doing their advanced safari training to learn how to get closer to the animals. But Wilson camouflages himself as a parrot and scares them all!
A yellow-eyed penguin wanders into Heros kennel. The Junior Rangers head to New Zealand to find the penguins home, but can they prevent tourists from disturbing yellow-eyed penguins on the beach?
When a Sunda slow loris lands in the garden, the Junior Rangers quickly learn that they have to return it to the wild. Will they manage to find the slow loris a home? Or will the slow loris end up as a snack for a hungry sun bear?
Ajays organised a big Skateboard Sizzle competition for everyone to show off their skateboard moves. Theres a wonderful course set up with ramps and everything! Ajay a bit of a dab hand himself and is keen to do a master demonstration for everyone - only thing is, Pats delivering his new skateboard and safety gear and hes late…. Its not until Pat tries out his own newly learned and a bit haphazard skateboard moves that Ajay finally gets his gear and show them all how its done.
Its time for the annual Greendale Duck Race - where everyone has a little rubber duck and they race them down the River Penn (think Pooh Sticks but with ducks!) Alf and Ted reminisce about old times when they raced ducks as kids and realise that there was some cheating going on in the past. Right! The gauntlet is down, Ted and Alf will race again this year and each has something to prove.. However, when the racing ducks Pat is delivering fall off the back of his truck and go AWOL and Ted and Alfs mega boats sink, the real helping hand spirit of Greendale returns and they help Pat save the day.
Flop teaches Bing and Pando how to blow bubbles. Pando soon gets the hang of it but Bing struggles and gets frustrated. After many attempts and some gentle guidance from Flop Bing finally blows a big bubble and is outraged when Pando pops it.
Bing and Sula head off for a picnic at the paddling pool with Flop. But when they get there, they are shocked to find there is no water inside. Bings disappointment soon gives way to the realisation that its a very special pool day. With no water there are all sorts of games they can play that are usually against the pool rules.
During Bings bedtime routine he inadvertently pees on his blankie and its too wet to wash and dry before bed. Fortunately his Hoppity Voosh toy has a cape just as soft and huggy as blankie and it even smells just right too.
Coco shows Bing how to do really good Big Boos and together they make Flop jump. When Bing tries out his new tricks on Charlie he finds out the power of Boo has to be scaled down for babies.
Bing and Sula discover a new toy at Ammas creche, a talking ride on car. It seems like fun until Talkie Taxi keeps saying the same thing over and over again. When the taxi crashes and is finally silenced Bing and Sula use their imagination to play a game they really want to play without being dictated to by the noisy taxi.
Wilson has one hour to use the camera car to take pictures of three faults: one thats up high, one thats down low, and one thats on something moving. Wilson spots a fault on something moving - Kokos wagon - and wastes most of his time chasing her without ever getting a picture. Times up and Wilson thinks hes failed his badge, as hes only photographed two faults: a fallen signpost and faulty doors on a chute at the quarry. But Lori points out that not only is the chute is high up, but also its doors move – so that counts as two things and Wilson wins his badge!
Oswald and the gang are eagerly making preparations for the following days Big City Autumn Festival. There is a lot of excitement and activity in the air and once the preparations have been made everyone retires for the night in eager anticipation of the next day. The following morning, however, they wake up to find it has snowed overnight, making plans for a Big City Autumn Festival seem ruined. But ever the optimist, Oswald shows everyone that they can have an even better time in the snow.
Oswald and Weenie catch a firefly in Big City Park and get their chance to make a wish. But making a wish is a lot harder than they think – after all, they love everything they already have. After a whole day and night of not being able to make up their minds, Oswald and Weenie return to the Park only to find that all of the other fireflies have disappeared! Only then does Oswald realise what the wish should be.
When Skye Sampson asks Bob and Team to create a beach motocross course on Fixham Beach, Bob is so enthused he decides to compete himself. But its been a while since hes ridden his old bike and he wonders if it will even make it round the course. While Bob and Curtis work on the bike, word gets out that there is a mysterious entrant called the Masked Biker. Scoop and Muck become convinced that the Masked Biker is Leo, hiding his identity to take part even though he isnt old enough to race.
Mr Bentley is doing vocal warm-ups with the Spring City Rockets, and is about to begin rehearsals for his latest masterpiece, “A Pocketful of Pirates”. As Bob, Wendy, Leo, Dizzy and Muck arrive to renovate the hilltop theatre, Mr Bentley encourages them to join in the warm-ups. But Bob proves to be a hopeless thespian. As he confesses: Im a builder, not a actor!” But Dizzy shows theatrical flair. When Mr Bentley has to run home and retrieve an important prop, he asks Dizzy to assistant direct. Shes so excited by the task that she accidentally tells Leo to use slow-drying cement instead of fast-drying cement as they begin paving a hillside track down to the theatre. Torn between two important tasks - the play and the build - Dizzy also messes up her directorial duties, telling Brandon to get his pirate props from the wrong box.
Little Nutbrown Hare wakes early one Summer morning before the sun has risen. Big Nutbrown Hare sends Little Nutbrown Hare off to invite his friends for breakfast so he can rest a little longer. Along the way Little Nutbrown Hare discovers how wonderful and different all his friends homes are. Will Little Nutbrown Hare still love his own home as much as he did?
The series follows a warm father-son relationship that Little Nutbrown Hare decides he wants a clever long tail like his friends, rather than a short fluffy one. They help out by making him a long tail but all the results are either too tickly, bendy or flappy. When Big Nutbrown Hare spots his son from way across a grassy field everyone realizes that Little Nutbrown Hares little tail is clever in its own way.
One Summers day Little Field Mouse is very excited to show Little Nutbrown Hare her new favourite thing, a very pretty flower… the prettiest ever! She lets Little Nutbrown Hare borrow it to show Big Nutbrown Hare, but when it blows away during the night Little Nutbrown Hare worries how his friend will react. Will he be able to work up the courage to tell her what happened?
When he notices strange footprints in the snow, Crackpot is afraid there may be a “fluffy white ghost” at the North Pole. Even if Lady P, Grouchy and Inui are not convinced about Crackpots theory, they agree to help him get to the bottom of the mystery. In the course of the investigation they all have no doubt: a fluffy white ghost is trying to scare them. Holding hands and, running a line, they start chasing mysterious footprints – only to find out that the owner is actually a white Arctic Fox called Snowflake.
Baby Sadie's dolly has mysteriously gone missing somewhere between home and the band shell in Busytown Park. Huckle and his team search for clues at all the places Sadie visited that day. They discover the dolly inside a grand piano that's playing a few sour notes./Cars are disappearing from a particular parking space, Huckle and gang set out to find out why.
Messy goes to Okido to find out why vacuum cleaners are so noisy, and inadvertantly releases a huge swarm of Vacubot 2000s across Okido City!
Messy wants to run further, but he keeps getting out of breath. Will he able to take on the Great Okido Challenge, and race to the finish line?
Sour teasing Apple escalates into a prank war between the two of them. After the girls' feud disrupts the town, they are sentenced in a Berry Bitty City-style trial to camp alone together for a whole weekend. Miraculously, they emerge best buds, and their friends are relieved, until Sour's influence on Apple turns her into a mini-Sour, and they have to do a personality makeover on Apple.
Harry isn't allowed to join Sam's band because he's not very good at playing the drums.
Harry wants to build a dream house and realises he must go to Dino-World in order to find the space and materials to build.
Haulie and Porter leave Chuck and his pals with Dahlia, a babysitter, and the youngsters take advantage of her good nature to play in ways theyre not normally allowed… until things get a little bit out of control.
Olwin takes every group of new trainees out on an outward bound training course. She teaches them navigating skills to be used in the event of bad weather or emergencies. Brewster, Wilson and Koko are really looking forward to it - until Zephie and Hodge tell them how Nanny Olwin will treat them like babies the whole time! And she does. Fed up, the trainees go off and hide from Olwin in the Old Town. Its all fun and games until a heavy fog rolls in, and the trainees are trapped. Olwin comes to the rescue and finds the chuggers.
A storm has left the Safari Park in a bit of chaos, and some animals have escaped! Emery teases Brewster, saying one of the escapees is a dragon. So when one of the fugitives - a golden bell frog - makes his home in a tunnel that amplifies his distinctive 3 - note croak into a mighty roar, the trainees are convinced that Emery is right! While they debate what to do, Zephie heads straight towards the other side of the tunnel. They have to stop her! When Zephie learns that there is a dragon in the tunnel, it is too much for her and she stalls and falls over.
Sandro and Stella are preparing a surprise party for David's tenth anniversary as captain of the fire brigade. But Fumé unwittingly smashes the cake Sandro baked, and the firefighter doesn't have time to make a new one because he has to go on a rescue mission. So Grisu offers to bake one in his stead, helped by Stella. They immediately run into difficulties as the grocery shop is closed. They have to get their ingredients elsewhere – Fumé at Gertrude's, Stella at Maria's pizzeria and Grisu at Guellec's farm. This entails comic mishaps such as Stella running on a rollin pin or Grisu pursued by the black sheep.
Natureza is going to to the polar cap to conduct some studies. She needs someone to build an igloo for her while she sets up scientific instruments. Impervious to cold, Grisu accepts to come along and build the igloo. He quickly runs into comic difficulties: the snow he is to dig out to make bricks gets too hard, he's distracted by a playful sea lion, then he's trapped by falling icicles (and fortunately gets rescued by Natureza)… To top it off, as Grisu is almost done, a snowball thrown by the sea lion smashes on his head. Surprised, the little dragon lets out a flame that melts down the igloo's top. But a firefighter never gives up!
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse pick lots of delicious strawberries. Little Nutbrown Hare eats all his and runs out so Little Field Mouse shares hers with him. When he goes to collect some more for his friend he eats them all too. Little Field Mouse shows him how to eat them really slowly to make them last longer.
Little Nutbrown Hare makes a slippery slide from a pile of snow and has so much fun he decides to keep it a secret and play with it all by himself. But he soon gets bored playing by himself, and invites his friends to play. They build bigger and curvier slides together and slide faster and faster. Little Nutbrown Hare learns its lots more fun to shares the joy with his friends.
Rosie, Scoutbadger, Woodsy and Berry decide to put on a show for their parents. They make a little theatre but Scoutbadger wants to control everything and thinks he is a star. His team quits and each one goes off to rehearse an act alone. Woodsy will juggle with plums, Rosie will walk on stilts and Berry will do acrobatics. Meanwhile, Scoutbadger rehearses his one-badger show but finally goes hoarse….
When an old factory needs demolishing to make way for a new skyscraper, Bob says they will need to bring down the factory's tall chimney using explosives. Lofty is nervous about the noise of the explosion, but Scoop hopes it's as big and loud as possible. As they begin to knock down the main building, Lofty becomes increasingly spooked by unexpected crashes and bangs around the site - most of them caused by Scoop. Bob tries to reassure Lofty, but when Scoop surprises the crane by shouting 'KA-BOOM', Lofty accidentally smashes the girder he's carrying against the chimney and creates a hole. Now the chimney might fall the wrong way into the nearby street.
At the new Skyscraper Bob and the team find that Mayor Madison wants the elevator finished so she can have her photo taken at the top. Scoop wants to see the whole of Spring City too. He rolls into Tinys cage but on the way up realises that hes not so keen after all and in panic rolls onto high up floor girders of the unfinished skyscraper. Bob embarks on a daring rescue. Realising that Bob is taking a risk to help him Scoop manages to control himself and roll back into the cage. From now on, hed rather keep his wheels firmly on the ground!
A mysterious giant circle appears in the middle of a corn field. Although Pig Will and Pig Wont are convinced its the landing site of an alien flying saucer, Huckle puts the clues together and ultimately goes up in a hot air balloon to reveal the flattened area is actually Vincent Van Goats latest artistic endeavor./When flying potatoes are dropping from the sky in Busytown, Huckle and gang are determined to find out why.
A swim in the garden brings Leo and Hero up close and personal with a Malayan water monitor. The Junior Rangers set out to search for the monitors home, but will their jeep survive a river crossing after a jeep float gets punctured?
Imagine Leos surprise when he realises that a piece of seaweed in his aquarium is actually a leafy seadragon! The Junior Rangers set forth to put the leafy seadragon back in Australian waters, but their mission changes course when they have to save leafy seadragons that have been washed ashore.
Fireman Sam
A common tree frog hops into the garden one wet and rainy day. Leo, Katie and Hero take the frog to the forest, where Ranger Rocky directs them to find the frogs breeding ground.
The Junior Rangers go to the rainforest to find a new home for a goliath birdeater spider. But can the Junior Rangers scare off a pair of weasels who are preying on their eight-legged friend?
Dolly accidentally knocks over a glass of water on Berry's painting. The colors on Berry's painting get faint and watery. Berry gets mad at Dolly for 'ruining' his painting. Later Berry's friends admire the little snail's unique style of painting, so he insists that it was his idea to make the painting like this. But then Dolly arrives and sheds light to Berry's lies.
One day Dolly leaves for and adventure with Harry Hedgehog, so she asks Bubbles to take care of her flowers while she's gone. Bubble forgets to water them, so they quickly wither. Now Bubble has to find a way to make the flowers bloom again.
The residents of the forest decide to celebrate the last day of the year with music. The ants form a choir, Dr Owl becomes the conductor, and all the little bugs create instruments for themselves. But Iris, the icebeetle loses her bells, so everyone starts to help her find them.
The boys resent the girls for not telling them what Christmas surprise they have in mind for the night. But all things go well, when the surprise is revealed and their old friend, the Stargirl takes them on a magical ride on her starship in the clear night sky.
Bing drives his toy car around the breakfast things on the table and accidentally spills krispos all over the kitchen floor. He helps Flop to clear them up with the aid of the voo-voo cleaner but neither of them notice when Bings car gets sucked up along with the krispos.
Bing and Pando discover a new climbing frame at the playground. Its got climbing bits, tippy bits and even a wobbly bridge. But when Bing gets to the top of the slide its too scary for him to go down. Bing watches Pando to see how he does it, then he helps Hoppity Voosh to go down. When Hoppity likes it Bing has a go too.
Rupert's sensitive hedgehog nose tells him that the weather tomorrow is going to be fantastic. He at once informs Tilda and the two friends decide to prepare a picnic. The other friends join in and the preparations last long into the night, with Molly and Rupert finally falling asleep in Tilda's living room. .
In Tilda's garden, Robin and another robin are quarrelling over an earthworm. Tilda wants to save the poor worm and distracts the birds by suggesting a competition. First, the robins should compete at cherry stone-spitting. This ends in a draw and Tilda sets the next task: pecking out a pattern in a leaf. Both birds peck out a star, so it's a another tie.
It's a day of sunshine and showers, but the rainbow over Drumsnella brings a smile in more ways than one (eventually....) The piglet twins, Fergal and Fergus, have got packets of sweets from the shop as payment for helping Mrs Twigg out. This gives Fagan an idea for yet another get rich quick plan, and he offers his services as an odd job man around the village. But nothing he does is a 'help' and he just ends up getting in to trouble and making the day go from bad to worse. The rainbow gives him a better idea - why not dig for a pot of gold instead, and instant wealth! Fagan enlists Paddles' help and they zoom off after the rainbow.
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse discover creatures that can blend in with their surroundings and are inspired to learn just where they can blend in. Little Nutbrown hare becomes disappointed when his white fluffy tail and his dark brown ear tips give him away each time. Thats until he discovers the reeds by the river are exactly the right height and colours to camouflage him perfectly.
When Caillous over-enthusiasm accidentally scares away the birds on his backyard bird feeder, he jumps into an explorer fantasy where he is pursued by a very enthusiastic but friendly Bigfoot (Mommy) and learns to soften his approach in order to see the birdies up close.
When Caillou thinks his snow buddy isn't as good as Sarah's, his feelings of inadequacy inspire an Ace Builder fantasy. Caillou learns that just because something is different, doesn't mean it's better or worse, it's just different!
Conni knows the way back from kindergarten by heart. But today there's a construction site that blocks her way home. Oh no! How is she supposed to find the way home? A man Conni doesn't know wants to help her. She's supposed to follow him... But Conni has learned that she's not supposed to follow strangers!
But I'm not a baby anymore! shouts Conni as her mum and dad look for a babysitter to take care of her and Jakob for an evening. She doesn't want a strange girl that looks after her and tells her when to go to sleep. But as she meets Marie she has to admit: A babysitter can be a great friend.
What provides milk while we picnic in the countryside? Doodleboo explains how to draw a cow.
Who loves to build its home on the edge of the water ? Doodleboo explains how to draw a castor.
Who can go on a picnic without a backpack? Doodleboo explains how to draw a pelican.
Who loves to hang out in holes? Doodleboo explains how to draw a mouse.
Who is a very soft little animal that loves to snack on leaves on top of a tree? Doodleboo explains how to draw a koala.
The friends help Rhonda problem-solve.
Buns and Blossom try to cool off in Kevin's pool.
Buns helps Nevillle and Kevin with their dance routine.
Forgetful Mayor Fox has misplaced the giant key to the city that he's supposed to be presenting to a visiting astronaut. Huckle and his pals try to figure out where he set it down. They learn that Mayor Fox did one thing while touring a candy factory that required both his hands - stirring a huge pot of candy goo. Not far away they find a big chocolate-covered key./When Busytown residents are baffled by mysterious door knocking, Huckle and gang discover who it is.
Brewster goes on the look out for potential safety hazards on the track.
Wilson and Koko have to feed the animals in the snow, but Wilson cant find the sheep!
Brewster learns to share the workload with his team mates.
Kevin got a new bicycle and goes to the park with Doug to ride it. While they are on their way the rescue team is working on fixing traffic lights near the park. When they are getting close Kevin asks Doug to race him to the park and to be first Kevin takes the street rather than the sidewalk and almost gets hurt. The Rescue team teaches him to only ride your bicycle in designated places, such as bicycle lanes or playgrounds where there are no cars around. Regular streets can have lots of traffic. If you get into an accident, it can be a very bad one. Always wear protective gear whenever you ride a bike.
Kevin and Doug are going out to look for fireflies at night and take Jenny along on their firefly adventure. Kevin packs sacks and drinks drinks for everybody, but Doug forgets the map and flashlight he was supposed to bring. They are going anyway and seem to get lost, but finally discover a light which they think is the fireflies… While the three of them are searching Owl Forest which is also known for its “forest monster” mom calls Poli for help to look for the kids as they left without telling her. Luckily the rescue team find them fast after some confusing moments in the dark where everybody was unsure what they see. Poli teaches everybody that its important to be extra careful whenever youre in the dark.
Timmy and his friends are having a picnic. How many apples, cakes and drinks do they have?
Its dressing up time and Timmy plays Doctor! Poor Teddy is sick, can you help Timmy put some plasters on Teddy to make him better?
When Harry is disappointed that none of his wishes come true in the real world, the dinosaurs take him to visit the wishing well.
Harry, Charlie, and the dinosaurs are playing at being pirates.
Ajays organised a big Skateboard Sizzle competition for everyone to show off their skateboard moves. Theres a wonderful course set up with ramps and everything! Ajay a bit of a dab hand himself and is keen to do a master demonstration for everyone - only thing is, Pats delivering his new skateboard and safety gear and hes late…. Its not until Pat tries out his own newly learned and a bit haphazard skateboard moves that Ajay finally gets his gear and show them all how its done.
Findus finds an abandoned large grey egg by the lake. He brings it home and suddenly a swan chick hatches out of it. Findus promises to look after the chick intensively, but the chickens doubt his ability to teach the little one what it really needs to know. As a tomcat, Findus cannot teach the chick to fly, for example, which makes him sad. When Findus and Pettson take the swan chick back to the lake, its family shows up.
How can it actually be that a dog and a tomcat become friends? Because: they are actually too different, aren't they? In fact, Harpo and Findus don't particularly like each other either when they meet up so far. But then something happens where they can only get out of a mess together. They succeed with luck and courage, and from that day on they are best buddies.
Grisu, with Stellas help, has to pilot a special drone that Mr Guellec bought for his farm, where a Rainbow Magpie is ruining his fruits. The drones loudspeaker is supposed to emit a sound that will repel the bird in a harmless way, but things dont go as planned. Not only does the Rainbow Magpie look unaffected by the drone, but it even mistakes it for a bird and chases after it. Grisu has a hard time shooing the bird away - with Fumes intervention making things worse - until he finds out that luring it to the nearby forest is much more effective….
Grisu helps Toramento, who is setting up a sightseeing tour of the Pink Cave of the Valley. But some funny facts happen in the Cave: signs moving apparently by themselves, strange noises… Toramento suspects that a ghost lives there, but Grisu doesnt believe it. After a little mayhem, the little dragon finds out that the funny facts are caused by a small but sassy bat, who lives in the Cave and is annoyed by artificial light. Eventually, Grisu, helped by Stella and Toramento, creates a light system built with luminescent rocks, that spreads a soft glow that doesnt annoy the bat.
Daisy and Ollie visit a castle. Although nobody lives there now, they find out who used to live there and meet Dave the Knight who gives them a tour of the castle. He introduces them to an archer and a falconer and they learn all about the medieval times. When Daddy misplaces their picnic, its up to Whizzy to save the day with a little help from William the archer.
Daisy and Ollie are so excited to go to their first ever festival. Dr Bones and the Dinos are performing, the kids favourite band. But when Daddys car breaks down, its a race on all types of transport to try and get there in time for DR Bones performance. Will they make it?
Daddy takes the children to the car show room, hes buying a green car? Daisy and Ollie learn about hybrid cars and enter a competition to design their own hybrid car of the future. Whizzy and Boo cant agree on their car design but surprisingly a mix of both of both of their ideas creates the winning design.
The Winter snow is softening in the meadow and Big Nutbrown Hare finds some beautiful flowers peeking through the snow, a sure sign that Spring is finally on its way. Little Nutbrown Hare decides he wants to show Big Nutbrown Hare something special too, something he has never seen before. With the help of his friends Little Nutbrown Hares comes up with a very special and unique treat!
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse befriend a little green caterpillar but aren't prepared for the changes it will undergo.
Bing and Flop are in the park when they see Pando on a skateboard. Bing is full of awe as he watches Pando skate up and down and cant wait to have a go himself, but its much harder to balance than Pando made it look. Bing falls off and bumps his knee but Pando finds a clever way to help Bing get his confidence back.
Bing is at Ammas creche when a butterfly flies in and lands on Sulas painting. Bing tries to help the butterfly go back outside by picking it up but he holds it too tightly and the poor butterfly is squished. Flop and Amma help the sad children say goodbye to the dead butterfly.
Bing wants to draw a big picture so Flop finds him some chalk to draw on the pavement. Bing draws a fabulous stripy, spotty, zig-zag dinosaur but just as hes finished a rain shower washes the dinosaur away. Bing is devastated until he sees that a bit of dinosaur is left behind and with that new beginning there is another chalk something waiting to be created.
Its the night and The Triplets and Grandpa are at the beach to observe the night of the shooting stars. The Triplets are really really excited and ask a lot of questions to Grandpa. He explains to them that when you discover a new star you can name it after yourself, and when you see a shooting star you must make a wish. When they see their first shooting star, the Triplets wish for exactly the same thing, to have their own little star, The Triplets star!
In Grandpas garden, Turbulent is fascinated by the super heroes stories he can read in his book. He wishes too to be a Kind Vigilante who saves the lovely and the helpless. Unfortunately, every time he tries to save someone, his sister who stucked her kite in a tree or his brother who is afraid of a spider for example, Grandpa always comes first and fixes the problem. When Turbulent was at the most discouraging point, a new villain appears ant kidnap all the people he loves, the Kind Vigilante is back in business!
The girls call in Huckleberry to help design and build a new dog park for their puppies. To Hucks dismay he finds himself in charge of a construction crew of Berrykins, who look up to him as an expert builder. Theyre unaware that he is hiding a secret: all his life, everything he tries to build falls down. When he builds a wall that doesnt fall, he attributes his success to a crystal good luck charm he found. He later learns it belongs to Cherry, who believes that its loss is what prevents her from singing high notes on key. Huck reluctantly returns it to her.
Brewster learns to share the workload with his team mates.
Toot discovers that having good manners is about what you do, not what you say.
The trainees must compare loads to determine which are heavier and which are lighter. It looks like Brewsters got it wrong when he says his second load is heavier than his first – the loads weight exactly the same. But then a stowaway is discovered in the second load - Peckham! It turns out Brewster was right after all – Peckhams added weight means the second load was heavier!
Jenny wants them all to make a traffic safety map of their town. She thinks its easy. On their way to school, keep track of how many times they cross streets, whether theres a traffic signal and if the roads are safe or dangerous. Then mark it on the maps. She convinces Kevin and Doug to do it each of them at home and meet later at school. The kids have a lot of fun marking all spots on their way as safe or not so safe. They speak to Poli, trucks and cars on their way to make right decisions. And get a big compliment from Poli in the end Well you all did a great job of showing safe and dangerous ways to get around town.
Poli is driving through town making sure the rescue team is all doing their jobs and the kids are safe. Cleany seems to have a problem as somebody keeps knocking over trash cans and making a mess. At first everybody thinks that it is Kevin and Doug, but then it turns it it is Whooper, who is not turning carefully enough at the corners. When cars go around the corner, the rear wheels always rotate farther inwards than the front wheels. The bigger the car is the more inward needs the rear whell to turn.
The class are having a boat race and all the boats have a different sail. What colour are the sails?
When Harry is disappointed that he can't have what he wants for breakfast he goes to Dino-world.
Harry fails to see any benefit in rain when a visit to the beach is rained off.
A magic carpet, complete with three wishes, turns up in Kippers house. He wishes himself and Hippo to the moon to meet the Bleepers. The carpet tips Hippo off when they reach the moon and the Bleepers find him and wonder what he is and how he got there. When Kipper turns up the Bleepers wonder how he got there. He tells them about the carpet but they laugh. He gives them a ride right round the moon and at last they believe him.
Kipper, Tiger (wearing his proper farmers boots), Pig and Arnold are off to the farm. Arnold finds a large white egg and makes a nest for it in his buggy. The others tease him, but soon the egg hatches and a duckling appears. It joins its mother duck and six brothers and sisters and soon Kipper with Arnold on his shoulders, Tiger slipping in the mud as he carries the buggy, and finally Pig, join the end of the fluffy procession.
When Simon finds out from Ferdinand that theres a new super-duper big slide at the municipal pool, he absolutely has to go! Mommy, Gaspard and Ferdinand go with him and at the pool, they all meet up with Lou. Like Ferdinand, she too has tried out the super-slide that Simon has just now discovered. Super impressed (and daunted) by its height, he uses his brother as an excuse to not go, saying that he has to accompany him to the little slide! But even though the little slide is way shorter than the big one, its still too high for Gaspard.
It's a day of sunshine and showers, but the rainbow over Drumsnella brings a smile in more ways than one (eventually....) The piglet twins, Fergal and Fergus, have got packets of sweets from the shop as payment for helping Mrs Twigg out. This gives Fagan an idea for yet another get rich quick plan, and he offers his services as an odd job man around the village. But nothing he does is a 'help' and he just ends up getting in to trouble and making the day go from bad to worse. The rainbow gives him a better idea - why not dig for a pot of gold instead, and instant wealth! Fagan enlists Paddles' help and they zoom off after the rainbow.
Superbuns teams up with a snail for Track and Field day.
One chilly, windy day, Tilda wants to visit her friend Molly. On her way across the fields, she meets Patrick the sheep, who's got a cold. Tilda immediately informs Molly and together the two mice knit Patrick a nice warm scarf. Patrick is overjoyed, but now all the other sheep want scarves too. Now Tilda and Molly have to call her friends in to help.
Unbearable noise is distracting the inhabitants of Wild Rose Lane from their activities. As it turns out, Billy and Benny have found a trumpet and decided to dedicate themselves to music. Their distorted squawking is torment for the neighbours. Things can't go on like this, so Tilda prescribes the young squirrels music lessons from the frogs.
The children have been left alone in the burrow and have made a mess. To avoid being told off, they say that a wild animal caused the chaos. The rumour spreads through the undergrowth and creates a panic that only the truth can stop….
Findus likes to sit in front of Pettson on the handlebars when he rides his bike. But now he also wants to have his own bicycle. And Pettson builds him one. The first cautious attempts at riding are actually quite successful. So Findus feels called to take on difficult challenges. When Pettson is asleep, he ventures on a rapid downhill tour. Which gets the chickens into big trouble.
Caillou feels frustrated when Rosie solves all the scavenger hunt clues at Grandma and Grandpas beach house. In fantasy, Caillou pretends to be a pirate captain on a sinking ship who learns the importance of listening to his team.
Caillou doesnt like Daddys chicken dinner, and he says so with a “Yuck!” Going into fantasy, Caillou pretends to be the Silver Knight, cooking a meal for a very picky King (Daddy), and the experience teaches him to express his dislike for something in a more polite way.
Grandma is sleeping and mum has gone shopping. Hey – we will surprise them both with some homemade cakes because we are the bakers! Is this really a good idea of Conni or will it cause pandemonium?
Sketcky is looking for his little dinosaur everywhere and Doodleboo offers him to do an archaeological excavation in the toy box! Sketcky, having found it, learns that thanks to archeology, there are other extraordinary beings too. Moreover, Doodleboo knows something that is even better and more prehistoric than dinosaurs...
Sketcky's friends are coming soon and he still does not know what he's going to serve them. It should be something everyone loves but not too difficult to cook. Doodleboo will help him prepare a gourmet meal thanks to his Riddleboo!
For Sketcky, imitating a baby is easy! One just needs to cry. However, succeeding in comforting him is more complicated. Doodleboo surely has an idea of Riddleboo that can help them calm the crying baby.
Surely, we all want to become great! Bubble wants to, as well, to be great to be able to create the most beautiful choreographies of the world! Doodleboo knows something that proves that, with a little patience, things become even more majestic!
Playing in the rain and in the mud is always funny, but afterwards, one must clean their clothes, and Sketcky, he does not know how to do that. Who could help him?
The Junior Rangers have to break up a fight between two ferocious... Mantis Shrimps!
Can the Junior Rangers get a baby Komodo Dragon to a safe place before the menacing adults get to it?
Trying to figure out what a strange piece of metal with a number 10 on it is, Huckle and his pals take it to Blacksmith Bear who helps them discover strange writing on it. Figuring it must be a foreign language, they take it to Ms Honey and, with her help, determine the piece of metal is a lost tap from Hildas French tap dance shoes./Huckle and pals set out to find the whistle blower who is causing a traffic jam.
The characters in the Berry and Dolly stories are a bunch of tiny bugs and beetles who live alongside one another in the forest. The stories are lead by the title characters: Berry the snail and Dolly the ladybird. A variety of other characters join them in their fun and games throughout the series with the stories set in their forest home. All the characters houses, belongings and clothes perfectly match their individual appearance.
It turns out whether there are witches or not, and that it is not nice to frighten others.
Berry and Dolly goes to the kindergarten and the day passes fast with lot of interesting plays.
Bing has a great time choosing the perfect present for Sula in Padgets shop. Its a wand and is sparkly and flashy and spinny and Bing knows that she will love it. Bing is thrilled until it is time to hand the present over when he decides he wants to keep the spinny wand himself.
Bing wants to try Cocos Hula Hoop. Its harder than it looks but he finds lots of other hoopy games as he tries. Just as Bing almost gets it right he gets carried away with spinning, trips over and breaks the hoop. Coco is upset that she cant hula anymore until Bing and Charlie remind her of all the other games they can still do with the bent hoop.
Bing and Sula are in the park playing at being giants and splashing in puddles with their big welly boots. As they play the puddles get bigger and bigger until Bing slips over in the mud and gets wet everywhere. Amma comes to the rescue with a giant warm bath and a giant carroty bagel.
Its Halloween! The crows have been at he vegetables again, so Mr Wolfie has tasked Paddles and Bracken with the job of making a scarecrow. Fagan discovers the scarecrow and decides it might be a hoot to dress up and scare the locals. After much shrieking and screaming the whole community are convinced their village has a monster on the loose. Until Paddles figures it out and gives Fagan the fright of his life.
Findus' self-confidence is in serious crisis: the chickens accuse him of not being a real cat because he doesn't hunt mice. A strange accusation, he thinks. Because Findus actually likes mice and feels no need to hunt them. But in order not to be brought up any further, he tries to conform to the hens' ideas. But he doesn't succeed at all in chasing mice because he lacks any experience.
A rare bird, the Picking Bird, is in the forest for a very short time, and Dr. Natureza wants to be the first to take a photo. But she caught a terrible cold, so it will be up to Grisu to help her as a wildlife photographer. Exploring the forest is an exciting adventure for Grisu and Stella, but the mysterious bird isnt easy to spot. Plus Fumé, whos searching ingredients for a dragon recipe, unintentionally messes up with Grisus mission. In the end, however, Grisu understands that the bird is attracted by sparkling stuff. So he comes up with an inventive way to take the perfect picture just before sunset.
Grisu, with Stellas help, has to babysit and feed a little sea lion while Dr. Natureza is healing its mother. They must prevent the cub from reaching the sea and get lost, but the baby is pretty lively and the mission is not so easy. When the sea lion goes missing, a quest begins. Eventually, the little dragon realizes that the sea lions are very sociable animals, and they love to play, so he will create an improvised fun fair to get the cub back, avoiding other getaways.
Daisy and Ollie discover they have a skeleton but does everything else have one too? There are plenty of surprises when they explore the garden to find out.
Daisy and Ollie want to go on a safari, but Africa is too far away. Maybe they can go on safari in the garden and see what they can discover. Who knows what lurks in the bushes, Lions, hippopotamus or even strange horned beasts?
A fun, spooky tale from little White Owl leaves the friends a little on edge, so when they hear strange noises in the pumpkin patch, they wonder what kind of creepy creature might be lurking there with them. Will Big Nutbrown Hare be able to convince them not to let their imaginations run away with them?
The Tomcats now consider Rosie as their enemy number 1 instead of Scoutbadger. Blinded by rivalry, Scoutbadger is fooled by the cats who turn him against the fox so that they can steal a game of skittles. Our two heroes will finally join together to get back the skittles, especially as these belong to Woodsy….
It is well known that foxes have very developed instincts. Rosie decides to use them to resolve the mystery of the missing nuts. However she forgets to use her brain too and her certainties cause her problems, especially when she starts unjustly accusing certain friends….
Den and Dart are a team and the best of friends. They work together at the Dieselworks and are rarely separated. But when Mavis has an accident and is sent for repair the Fat Controller needs a replacement engine to work at the quarry. He decides to send Den who is very worried about taking on a new job on his own, especially when Mavis warns him about how troublesome the trucks can be. Dart isnt too happy about working on his own at the quarry either, but with the help from new friends both Den and Dart manage to cope with being separated.
Rupert's sensitive hedgehog nose tells him that the weather tomorrow is going to be fantastic. He at once informs Tilda and the two friends decide to prepare a picnic. The other friends join in and the preparations last long into the night, with Molly and Rupert finally falling asleep in Tilda's living room. .
In Tilda's garden, Robin and another robin are quarrelling over an earthworm. Tilda wants to save the poor worm and distracts the birds by suggesting a competition. First, the robins should compete at cherry stone-spitting. This ends in a draw and Tilda sets the next task: pecking out a pattern in a leaf. Both birds peck out a star, so it's a another tie.
Its Jakes birthday and everyone seems to have forgotten. He wishes for a big birthday party with all his friends. Kipper arrives – but he just wants to take Jake to the park. Luckily Kipper cant keep a secret and Jakes wish comes true.
Theres a thump on Kippers front door. When he opens it, theres a ball. But its not an ordinary ball as Kipper soon finds out – it seems to have a life of its own, and Arnold has great fun with it when no-one is looking.
When Caillous over-enthusiasm accidentally scares away the birds on his backyard bird feeder, he jumps into an explorer fantasy where he is pursued by a very enthusiastic but friendly Bigfoot (Mommy) and learns to soften his approach in order to see the birdies up close.
When Caillou thinks his snow buddy isn't as good as Sarah's, his feelings of inadequacy inspire an Ace Builder fantasy. Caillou learns that just because something is different, doesn't mean it's better or worse, it's just different!
Koko gets hooked on a computer game trying to beat Hodges high score. She becomes so obsessed that she neglects to be safe on the rails.
Join the Junior Rangers as they race across the tundra to reunite a lost reindeer calf with its herd. However, a river crossing might prove too tiring for the young reindeer.
A visit to the mangrove swamp is in order when Leo and Hero find a baby estuarine crocodile in the garden. Can the Junior Rangers find the baby crocodiles nest while avoiding the adult crocodiles that roam the swamp?
Dorothy has bought a super shiny new Quad Bike for her husband Alfs birthday. Pat has to deliver it, complete with its big red bow before Alf gets home - hes out searching for a lost sheep. When Pats van breaks down he has to ride the Quad Bike cross country to get to Alfs on time. On the way as luck would have it he finds the lost sheep - and the poor things stuck in a giant muddy puddle. Pat finds a handy new use for the Quad Bike AND the bow and Alfs delighted to get not only a lovely new toy but also his favourite sheep back safe and sound.
Alfs homing pigeon Cedric is taking part in a big race today and Pat has to deliver a special tracking device for Alf to attach to Cedric. Time is short so Pats in a hurry so much so hat he doesnt notice a naughty magpie steeling the shiny tracker from his van. Pat tries to track it down but only finally with the help of the local children who are using a flying camera to take pictures of the local area does he manage to get the tracker back and deliver it to Alf. Just in the nick of time!
Its a windy day and Bing wants to fly his Hoppity Voosh kite with Flop. And he wants to do it all by himself. Even when Pando arrives and wants to help Bing insists on doing it his way. When the kite gets caught up in the park bench Bing realises that there are some times when another pair of hands comes in handy.
Its bath time and Bing just cant help adding a few more quirts of bubble goo…and a few more….and a few more, until he gets more bubbles than he can handle.
Bing goes to play with Sula who is engrossed in a game of sparkle magic when he arrives. Bing wants to play too but Sula finds all sorts of reasons why Bing cant play with her special sparkly things. Amma suggests that Bing makes his own sparkle magic stone but disaster strikes when Bing accidentally spills Sulas precious sparkle dust.
Bing and Pando are in the sandpit pretending to be diggers. Bing wants to dig the biggest hole and gets upset when Pando accidentally fills it in. It takes Flop to show them how they can work together to be just like the digger men they saw planting a tree in the park earlier.
Sula and Amma have come to Bings house for lunch but there are no carrots so Flop pops to the shop to get some. Bing stays behind but its not long before he starts to miss Flop. Missing Flop…its a Bing thing.
To earn a passenger service badge, Wilson must speak up, be nice to his passengers, and smile at all times – no matter what happens! His passengers know that its a test, and go out of their way to make things very challenging for Wilson - but he keeps smiling and earns his badge.
Oswald and Weenie play a game of hide and seek that unexpectedly turns into a game of lost and found when Weenie disappears. Worried, Oswald looks all over Big City in search of his pet and finally finds him – fast asleep under Johnnys car seat. After making sure that Weenie knows never to hide in vehicles again they all celebrate with free ice cream!
Oswald and weenie have overslept only to find that everyone else in Big City has also overslept (well, not everyone – Daisy always gets up with the sun!) After waking Henry up, the gang walk through the deserted streets of Big City and reach Alarm Clock Building where they discover that the clock has mysteriously stopped. With the help of his friends, Oswald climbs inside the clock tower to discover the root of the problem – a sleeping squirrel!
Team Bob are on site to create a temporary city beach for the summer in Spring City. Bob explains that they will be using sand from a real beach. Mr. Bentley interrupts to inform them that he wants it to be a Blue Ribbon beach, an eco award for the cleanest, safest beaches, so they will have to work hard to keep the site tidy. There will be an inspection later in the day and he is determined for them to get the award for Spring City. Lofty takes this very seriously and is worried when Muck spills sand on the site.
Bob, Leo, Muck and Scoop are at Fixham Castle to clear a courtyard wall and restore a bricked-up archway to its original splendour. Leo is taken by a statue of Sir Roger de Fixham riding a horse in the courtyard and Muck and Scoop play charging knights. After the wall is cleared they hear a strange beeping noise. It turns out to be Mr. Bentley who is searching for buried treasure with his metal detector. Bentley tells them The Legend of the Silver Shield – a shield that the knight on the statue originally held but which was later buried somewhere in the castle grounds. Scoop is transfixed! While Bob and the others knock out the bricks from the Archway, Scoop decides to dig around for buried treasure.
Trying to keep cool on a sticky Summers day by the stream, Little Nutbrown Hare and Big Nutbrown Hare have lots of fun skipping stones and throwing sticks. When Little Nutbrown Hare discovers that sticks float, the two follow the sticks down the river to see where they go. Its not an easy chase, and there is a surprise around every corner. Where will the sticks end up?
Summer is at its hottest and Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse want to run and play but the sun is just too hot and strong. Thats until Little Grey Squirrel gives them both a wonderful present, big leafy parasols. When he later changes his mind and takes Little Nutbrown Hares parasol back, the little hare is naturally disappointed. Can the friends find a way for all of them to be happy?
You Summer in the meadow is a great time to find tasty snacks to eat. Big Nutbrown Hare seems to know all the best tricks and hiding spots for the yummy treats and Little Nutbrown Hare cant help but wish he was as big and smart as his father. However, he soon finds out that there are some things a little Nutbrown Hare can teach a Big Nutbrown Hare.
Inui wakes to find that there has been a particularly heavy snowfall in the night. She calls out to her friends: itll take more than deep snow to stop them playing out! She begins digging a path while Grouchy tunnels through the snow. Crackpot clears a path like an automatic snow-blower. Inuis friends build a snow-maze by accident – but they miss each other all the time. Finally Inui has an idea how to guide her friends to her igloo, - where they meet Lady P who has taken advantage of all the tunnels and paths!
It seems some sort of monster is causing havoc in Busytown Lake. The kids catch glimpses of it and find numerous finny footprints by the shoreline. However closer investigation reveals it to be Mr Fix-Its latest invention – a swim fin-wheeled amphibious submarine car!/Huckle and his pals try to track down a bad driver.
Messys got pins and needles! He needs Zim and Zams help. Will he be able to get through the crowds at The Okido Musical Statues competition without Mayor Oki spotting him?
After accidentally causing a mini avalanche, Messy must help Lofty dig out the entrance to his cave so he can warm up again - brr!
Berrykin Bloom's braggart cousin, Berrykin Bertram, has won the hot sauce competition at the local county fair year after year. But this year, Sour and Apple are determined to help the kindhearted Bloom win... whether he wants to or not!
Nana is reading Harry a bedtime fairy story, but decides it is time for Harry to go to sleep before the story is finished.
Charlie wants to go to the circus but her Mum is unable to take her.
The boys follow the giant tire track of a legendary truck, and let their imaginations go wild, only to find that Bigtire is nothing like what they predicted!
Koko challenges Wilson to see if they can stay awake all night! Morning comes, and Wilson declares himself the winner - just as Vee gives him a job for the day: hes going to be collecting the mail and taking it to the sorting office. While Koko sleeps in, poor Wilson struggles to keep his eyes open. Later, Koko overhears Vee tell Morgan that shes worried about Wilson falling asleep on the job. Koko feels terrible. They should never have stayed up playing all night. She didnt think about the consequences! Going in search of Wilson, she finds him fast asleep on a siding and wakes him up. But its too late; hes already missed the deadline for getting it to the sorting office.
The trainees are doing a sign-reading exercise. If they work as a team and follow the signs correctly - therell be a wonderful surprise at the end of it. The trainees start off together, but Koko and Wilson quickly lose patience with Brewster - hes so methodical, that its slowing them up! The friends have a bit of a falling out, and Wilson and Koko race on ahead guessing at the outcome of the course without waiting for the final clue. But Brewsters approach is the right one and his patience is rewarded when he finds the surprise - a private screening of a new Action Engine movie at the ride - in theatre!
Grisu and Stella are supposed to draw water from an old well but they soon face several problems: the bucket they use is holed and when they manage to get a bucket full of water, the thirsty sheeps drink all. Not mentioning Fumé who doesn't see the point of watering plants when you can do some dragon training. Grisu thinks he has found the perfect solution when he gets the idea of borrowing the firefighter's water pump… until Fumé (always the same old tune) burns it! But Grisu is never short of ideas. He manages to build a whole aqueduct and a funny pumping device to bring water from the river to the farm!
Following Stella's suggestion, David and his team offer Grisu a very special day: the firefighters will involve him in their trainings. Delivering things with a drone, hitting targets with firehose water, going down the fire truck ladder while holding a bucket filled with water on one's head, navigating through a maze with lots of fun obstacles. Grisu does well in the proves, in spite of comic mishaps mainly caused by his dad. That is, until Grisu unwittingly burns the garage door switch and traps the firefighters and Fumé inside, right as the siren goes off. But a firefighter never gives up!
After Big Nutbrown Hare shows Little Nutbrown Hare a special place where his voice echoes, he and Little Field Mouse play a game of 'Try to find me' with Little Redwood Fox and Little Grey Squirrel. They hide in the ravine and as their voices bounce off the rocky walls, their friends have a very tricky time trying to find them.
When Little Nutbrown Hare, Little Field Mouse and Big Nutbrown Hare go up to high meadow with Big Nutbrown Hare they get caught in the mist. Its a little scary so they hold hands and pass the time by playing guessing games. As the mist starts to lift, they see a beautiful circle rainbow around the sun.
Scoutbadger still has a soft toy, however this morning it is not in its usual place at the bottom of the bed. Scoutbadger has to find it but how can he search without revealing what he is looking for and perhaps having the others make fun of him?
When Bob and the team arrive at Chef Tatties fun new Milk Shake Bar, Scoop sees Chef Tattie experimenting with ingredients for his milk shakes and gets inspired. Scoop decides that he will do the same when he he helps Two-Tonne mix up the concrete for the Car Park. But the next morning, its soon clear that Scoops concrete isnt dry. Scoop has to scrape it all off so they can start again. But Bob thinks there might be something to Scoops idea to make a fun car park after all and gives him some crazy but proper materials to mix up in Dizzy.
Keen on Bobs sardine sandwiches, Pilchard sneaks into his rucksack and hitches a ride to work at Chef Tatties UFO-themed revolving restaurant where she sneaks out and walks through some paint leaving a trail of green footprints. Inspired by all the talk of aliens, the Machines follow the trail. Pilchard arrives in the kitchen and goes to sleep on top of a remote control causing the restaurant to revolve at high speed. Bob saves the day by luring Pilchard off the remote control with a sardine sandwich. The team finish the restaurant and the Machines discover the truth about the alien .
The Pig Twins discover a puddle full of stranded goldfish. Huckle and his pals try to solve the mystery of where they came from. It turns out they were blasted out of the park fountain when an obstruction in the drain hole suddenly got unplugged./ A mysterious message on Sgt. Murphys radio has Huckle and the gang baffled!
Leo, Katie and Hero travel to the forest to return an equatorial spitting cobra to its home. Things heat up when the Junior Rangers and slithery serpent are ambushed by mongooses.
The discovery of a green iguana in the garden leads to an adventure in the rainforest! The Junior Rangers want nothing more than to find the iguanas home, but a hungry hawk has other plans for the iguana.
Fireman Sam
A young California Sea Lion makes a surprise appearance during Leos basketball game. Later, a voyage to find the sea lions home turns into a daring rescue on the high seas.
The Junior Rangers have a brush with a poacher as they try to return an Indian Star Tortoise to its home in the scrub forest.
The forest friends go for a walk in the forest, but Bubbles can't stop hiccupping. His friends try to help him by giving all sorts of advice. To eat, drink, hold his breath... But none of them seem to help. Finally, Stanley scares Bubbles from behind the tree. The hiccup stops, but now Bubbles is offended by Stanley. They all make amends later, after Stanley saves Bubbles from slipping into the creek.
The forest friends decide to help the Millerbug fix his broken windmill, but the wind doesn't seem to be blowing. Zephyr goes on to save the day, by asking the Wind to help the group restart the mill. Finally, the Millerbug can prepare his delicious bread.
Zephyr and Leapy decide to make a little surprise box for Dr Owl's most beloved belongings. They want to decorate the box with shells, so the Robin flies them to the seashore to collect the most beautiful shells. They even get some help from the Crab, and get a ride back home on a back of a turtle.
One day Stanley gets a silver robot from Frank as a present. The robot can move, make sounds and also flash its lights. When Stanley wants to show it to Berry, the robot slips from his hands and breaks into pieces. While Stanley and Berry are out to get some help, Bubbles finds the robot and repairs it.
Coco and Charlie are playing at Bings house when Coco spots the measuring lines on the wall that show how Bing has grown. Flop measures Bing and hes bigger than the last time. When Bing cant reach his paper aeroplane Coco offers to measure him again to check if hes really grown.
Bing is getting ready to go to Sulas house but hes all sneezy and hot so Flop decides that Bing needs to stay home and keep his germs to himself. Even though Bing is soon tucked up on the sofa with a hot honey lemon hes very disappointed that he cant play with Sula.
One chilly, windy day, Tilda wants to visit her friend Molly. On her way across the fields, she meets Patrick the sheep, who's got a cold. Tilda immediately informs Molly and together the two mice knit Patrick a nice warm scarf. Patrick is overjoyed, but now all the other sheep want scarves too. Now Tilda and Molly have to call her friends in to help.
Unbearable noise is distracting the inhabitants of Wild Rose Lane from their activities. As it turns out, Billy and Benny have found a trumpet and decided to dedicate themselves to music. Their distorted squawking is torment for the neighbours. Things can't go on like this, so Tilda prescribes the young squirrels music lessons from the frogs.
The Harvest festival is on and Paddles, Bracken and Bridie help Mr and Mrs Wolfie in the vegetable garden. Once the vegetables are collected Mrs Wolfie sends Paddles, Bracken and Bridie off to pick “wild blackberries” so that she can make her famous Blackberry Pie. Fagan plots to steal the blackberries that the intrepid friends pick. Fagan picks 3 blackberry bushes and then hides himself in the best fitting one, so that he becomes a mobile blackberry bush. Fagan using his disguise follows the three friends as they pick blackberries and Fagan eats as they pick, unbeknownst to the friends.
Big Nutbrown Hare has a lot to do today. Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse promise to help but there are so many wonderful distractions they forget their promise and let Big Nutbrown Hare down. Luckily they learn a valuable lesson from some bees and get busy to make to things right!
Clementine is coming over to play, but Caillou cant find her favourite action figure in his messy room. Overwhelmed by the task of cleaning up, he pretends to be a superhero who is overwhelmed with so many people to help and learns a new strategy to go one-by-one until the job is done.
Caillou has to wear an uncomfortable sunhat, but he is too shy to tell Clementines Mommy how he feels. He pretends to be Ace Builder who is struggling to build a bridge because of an ill-fitting hard-hat. After Ace finally tells his boss how he feels, Caillou is inspired to speak up in real life.
In the kindergarten they handicraft funny jewelery for the big carnival party. Everyone talks about how they will disguise themselves this year, only Conni is a bit perplexed. Fortunately, mum has a bunch of old clothes that might just help them to conjure up something. And that gives Conni a great idea: Yay! I'll... But she's not going to tell her friends - for now!
You don't buy fleas at the flea market! Conni knows that much. But you have to prepare a lot for one: you have to make price tags and bring money for change, you have to build a pretty booth and ... and maybe one has to part with things you don't really want to give away. Unless you find something much more pretty, that you can only get if you do decide to part with your old stuff.
What animal is the best at scratching your back? Doodleboo explains how to draw a cute hedgehog.
Who's back can we ride on in the ocean? Doodleboo explains how to draw a sea horse.
What costume Sketchy really wants to wear? Doodleboo explains how to draw a Super Hero.
What was a caveman's favorite attraction? Doodleboo explains how to draw a funny dinosaur.
Who reigns over the ocean? Doodleboo explains how to draw a Pirate.
Buns and Blossom make a gift for their grammas.
On Park Appreciation Day, Buns reminds her friends about the power of teamwork.
Buns helps Neil get to his birthday party on time.
Red spots suddenly begin appearing on everything in Busytown from Mr. Rabbits mail box to Hilda Hippos roof! Huckle ultimately discovers that the red spots are really juice marks made from cherries falling from overhanging trees. / A teeny weeny piano motivates Huckle, Sally and Lowly to try to figure out who would own such a small instrument.
Toot discovers that having good manners is about what you do, not what you say.
The trainees must compare loads to determine which are heavier and which are lighter. It looks like Brewsters got it wrong when he says his second load is heavier than his first – the loads weight exactly the same. But then a stowaway is discovered in the second load - Peckham! It turns out Brewster was right after all – Peckhams added weight means the second load was heavier!
To earn their badges, Koko and Brewster have to wash some dirty cars using the Chugwash. Koko will bring the cars to Brewster, who will put them through the wash. Koko is impatient and delivers the cars too quickly. Brewster is overly careful about washing them and goes too slowly, getting behind. They both realise their mistakes and work as a team to get the job done properly.
Kevin and Doug got to Jenny to do homework together and Jenny promises to bake cubcakes which Doug really is looking forward to. On his way to Jenny Doug shows Musty the way to the hospital and then helps Mary to get her cat Coco from a tree. Because he then hurries – as he does not want to be late for these Cubcakes - he crosses a red light and gets hit by a car. Everybody is worried that he hurt himself but Doug just runs away as he still does not want to be late. Only at Jennys he feels some pain and seeks his knee is bleeding. In the meanwhile Poli arrived on the scene and from the descriptions understands the boy in the accident was Doug.
Jenny wants them all to make a traffic safety map of their town. She thinks its easy. On their way to school, keep track of how many times they cross streets, whether theres a traffic signal and if the roads are safe or dangerous. Then mark it on the maps. She convinces Kevin and Doug to do it each of them at home and meet later at school. The kids have a lot of fun marking all spots on their way as safe or not so safe. They speak to Poli, trucks and cars on their way to make right decisions. And get a big compliment from Poli in the end Well you all did a great job of showing safe and dangerous ways to get around town.
The class are learning a dance. Can you nod your head, clap your hands and shake your body with Timmy and his friends?
The class is having a picnic and everyone is happy. Especially Paxton! Learn about healthy snacks with Otus, Stripey and Yabba.
Harry decides to imitate his Mum by becoming a newspaper reporter for the day.
When Harry is disappointed that he can't have what he wants for breakfast he goes to Dino-world.
Its time for the annual Greendale Duck Race - where everyone has a little rubber duck and they race them down the River Penn (think Pooh Sticks but with ducks!) Alf and Ted reminisce about old times when they raced ducks as kids and realise that there was some cheating going on in the past. Right! The gauntlet is down, Ted and Alf will race again this year and each has something to prove.. However, when the racing ducks Pat is delivering fall off the back of his truck and go AWOL and Ted and Alfs mega boats sink, the real helping hand spirit of Greendale returns and they help Pat save the day.
The farm is covered deep in snow. Pettson is dancing around in his kitchen with the chickens. Findus wants to come in too, but at that moment the rotten door handle falls off. So he sets off freezing to the Gustavsson's, meets Harpo and both then end up with Beda Andersson. Pettson and Gustavsson now also go in search of their protégés.
Findus is bored. To avoid a bad mood, Pettson entrusts him with his old harmonica, which the little cat is allowed to play with for a change. Findus promises to take the best possible care and then immediately plays around outside in the yard with the valuable heirloom until he takes a little break. Shortly afterwards the harmonica has disappeared. Does Beda Andersson's cow have anything to do with it?
Gertrud promised Maria to make a perfume for Toramento with whom she has a first date tonight. Unfortunately, Gertrud's laboratory has burned down and with it, all the ingredients. Grisu's mission (with Stellas help) is to find the flowers the perfume requires and to help Gertrud to make the perfume again. But finding the flowers is not an easy thing, especially with Thingy around. Moreover, Grisu, peeved by Fumé, spits a flame, and burns all the ingredients once more! But Grisu is a resourceful dragon, and he manages to create the perfume Maria expects just in time for her romantic date!
Grisu helps Professor Smeraldo to retrieve a Dragonosarus egg from the icecap. Fumé joins the mission too, hoping to do some dragon training. They must prevent the prehistoric egg, caught in an iceblock, from falling off a crevasse, but a hungry albatross pops out and the mission is not so easy since the ice block ends up falling into the crevasse. Luckily, snowdrift softers the impact but our heroes find themselves without any rope to bring the egg back. In the end, the little dragon creates an ice firefighter pole using Smeraldo's searching material and manages the rescue the egg with Fumes help.
Daddy takes the children, Whizzy & Boo to visit the farm and collect some eggs. Watching the chicks hatching makes them wonder which came first, the chicken or the egg? Together they try and find out!
Daisy and Ollie are looking forward to helping Daddy babysit Libby for the afternoon but soon realise its not that easy! Libby cant speak yet and understanding what she wants is very difficult. The children try hard to understand Libby and entertain her for the day.
Its Boos birthday! Daddy doesnt have all of the ingredients they need to make Boos favourite banana birthday cake so they head off to the supermarket. Daisy and Ollie learn about the importance of writing a list to make sure you buy everything you need as its so easy to get distracted by the wonderful array of items on sale!
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse see a beautiful rainbow. When it disappears before Big Nutbrown Hare can see it, they recreate it for him with flowers.
Little Field Mouse and Little Nutbrown Hares favourite tree falls over in a summer storm. They're sad until they discover the fallen tree provides an exciting new place to explore.
Bing and Sula find a potato in Ammas vegetable patch with a comical face, so they take it under their wing, naming it “Nosey”. The two children look after Nosey and show him around the creche but unfortunately Nosey goes down the slide too quickly and his nose falls off. Amma shows them how to plant both bits of potato so that they can grow new potatoes.
Bing discovers a hole in his favourite yellow wellies but he doesnt want to throw them away in the stinky dustbin. With Flops help, Bing finds a way to recycle the wellies into colourful flower pots instead.
Bing and Flop hear the familiar jingle of Gillys ice cream van and race across the park to find her. After a long run Bing finally gets his ice cream but as he waves goodbye to Gilly he tips the ice cream out of the cone. Its too late to call Gilly back so Flop makes a fruit cone out of the cone and some of his fruit kebab instead.
Despite all Mommies effort to fix it, there is nothing to do, the door of the Triplets closet is definitely broken. It opens automatically every time someone closes it and it makes an awful shrilling noise. Instantly, the Triplets imagination goes wild, all the more that they just read a book about a knight ghost who haunts a dirty old castle. For them there is not doubt, their closet is haunted! What reassures not at all Poet, or Toto!
Tomorrow is my birthday, claims Girl, but Poet and Turbulent disagree: No, mine! they both answer. Mom explains that Triplets have the same birthday. The Triplets are quite disappointed, they each wanted to have their own party and their very own cake. However, Grandpa has an idea: he takes them to the countryside and shows Girl a rose bush which he created especially for her, lends a little plane to Turbulent, as well as a spyglass to Poet. At first, they are each extremely happy...but it is a lot more fun to share your presents, right?
The girls plan a formal afternoon lawn party tea with their puppies to inaugurate their new dog park. With the girls dressed in formal gowns and hats that Raspberry has made, and the pups wearing their new high fashion collars, the gates open. For some strange reason the puppies wont go into the dog park! They back away with worried whines. All the girls except Strawberry begin jumping to conclusions about what could be causing the problem. Each has a pet theory which they demonstrate to the others—tempting the pups with treats, changing the parks scents, repainting its colors. Nothing works.
To earn their badges, Koko and Brewster have to wash some dirty cars using the Chugwash. Koko will bring the cars to Brewster, who will put them through the wash. Koko is impatient and delivers the cars too quickly. Brewster is overly careful about washing them and goes too slowly, getting behind. They both realise their mistakes and work as a team to get the job done properly.
Brewster and Koko have to find coloured cars by solving riddles that will let them know where theyre hidden. Competitive Koko is afraid Brewster will finish before she does – so when she stumbles across one of his cars, she hides it. Koko finishes before Brewster, but when Vee tells her the task cant be completed until they both put their cars together – Koko realises shes done the wrong thing. She confesses, and together they line the cars up to make a rainbow!
To earn their badges, Koko and Brewster must ride the rails and report any problems. Emery reported 10 problems when he earned his badge, and they decide to beat that record. They split up. But Brewsters patrol is interrupted when he tries to catch a naughty, escaped monkey who is wreaking havoc - and he doesnt report anything. Theyre disappointed they havent beaten the record, but when Brewster explains why he didnt report and tells Vee about the problems the monkey caused, he learns that those problems count as a report! Koko and Brewster win their badges – and beat Emerys record!
Mom takes Kevin and Suji shopping as Broom's Mart's having a sale right but they have a hard time to find a parking because so many people are using the opportunity. When they finally get to the store things seem to be a bit out of control with so many people rushing around. The Rescue team is working had to keep things under control. When mom finally heads back to the car with the kids Kevin almost gets hit by a car as he was jumping around and playing in the lot. Poli scolds mom, Parking lots are dangerous places. You should always watch your children in them.
Doug is playing with his jet-speed in-line skates! …and claims he is going to fight a space monster in his skates, but Kevin says his scooter could leave those skates of Doug in the dust anytime! They plan a race in the park. The rescue team helps the kids to prepare the “race track” and the race starts with Kevin and Doug chasing each other through the streets towards the park but some of the alleys are too narrow.All they think about is who is faster.
Timmy and his friends are making a snowman. Can you help them?
Harry and Charlie have their football confiscated because they are unable to play football together without arguing.
Harry has a cold but gets bored of staying in bed so decides to go and play in Dino world.
Its Jakes birthday and everyone seems to have forgotten. He wishes for a big birthday party with all his friends. Kipper arrives – but he just wants to take Jake to the park. Luckily Kipper cant keep a secret and Jakes wish comes true.
Theres a thump on Kippers front door. When he opens it, theres a ball. But its not an ordinary ball as Kipper soon finds out – it seems to have a life of its own, and Arnold has great fun with it when no-one is looking.
Simon is going on a school outing with the whole class. Once the kids are in the bus taking them to the forest, Simon starts getting super impatient. He wants to see tons of animals! So much so that he invents a funny song, and the rest of the class sings along. The bus reaches its destination and Simon rushes off to find animals. But all he finds is a little beetle. And worse than that, it starts to rain and the kids and their teacher have to climb into the bus so they can eat their picnic without getting wet.
The Harvest festival is on and Paddles, Bracken and Bridie help Mr and Mrs Wolfie in the vegetable garden. Once the vegetables are collected Mrs Wolfie sends Paddles, Bracken and Bridie off to pick “wild blackberries” so that she can make her famous Blackberry Pie. Fagan plots to steal the blackberries that the intrepid friends pick. Fagan picks 3 blackberry bushes and then hides himself in the best fitting one, so that he becomes a mobile blackberry bush. Fagan using his disguise follows the three friends as they pick blackberries and Fagan eats as they pick, unbeknownst to the friends.
Superbuns helps Nevillle as he builds his next big thing.
Tilda finds a bottle containing a treasure map in the stream. She excitedly shows Rupert her discovery and the two go on a treasure hunt. They turn Wild Rose Lane on its head, but there's no treasure to be found. After hours of searching in vain, the pair recover with a tasty picnic in Tilda's garde, where Tilda finally decodes the complicated map.
Tilda's Great Great Aunt Emily is visiting Wild Rose Lane. Rupert suggests they have a competition to decide which of the two mice bakes the better cheesecake. While Emily sets to work in Rupert's kitchen, Tilda discovers an old recipe from her ancestor Eusebia which sounds better than her own.
Woodsy is desperately trying to do do something that requires calm and concentration but his intrusive family make it impossible. The more he tries to be on his own, the less the others leave him alone as they are very curious to find out what he is up to….
Pettson and Findus are fishing on the lake in an old rubber dinghy that has not been used for years. Unfortunately, a mishap with a fishing hook causes it to leak and the two end up in the water. Back on land, Pettson invents a crazy story about a sea monster that is supposed to live in their lake. Findus now thinks that this monster must feel lonely. He builds his own second monster out of the leaky rubber dinghy as suitable company. Pettson is increasingly embarrassed by the action because he resents having fooled the cat.
Caillou is frustrated when he cant score a basket in his new basketball hoop. After pretending hes in charge of a space mission, guiding a shuttle pilot (Mommy) into a moon crater, Caillou learns to slow down and take a breath. This helps him finally score a basket!
When Caillou can't get the steps right to a block party line dance, he worries hell ruin the dance for everyone. But Grandma's story about square dancing for a famous square dance caller (Caillou) helps Caillou overcome his anxiety and dance the night away.
Sleeping a night in the school means: having a barbecue, listening to stories and taking a night walk to look for hedgehogs and …little funny vampires? Or are these perhaps bats? Conni will sort it out!
Sketcky, disguised as a Sioux, does not hold up: he dances, sings and wants to go on an adventure! But its impossible to go for a walk, because it keeps raining. Doodleboo then has a little idea: he knows the secret of the great Indian chiefs for rain and good weather...
Sketcky loves snow and he would like to see how it forms in the clouds. Doodleboo knows a great way to visit them.
Sketcky claims not to be afraid of big animals or water. Animals, water? Doodleboo challenges him to find out which big animal has thick skin and loves water.
Sketcky is too greedy! He cannot help eating too fast. Doodleboo shows him that he should follow the example of someone who likes to take his time.
Sketcky is invited to his cousin's home in Megalopolis. Sketcky is very happy to visit this city full of people and cars. To avoid traffic jams in this big city, Doodleboo has an idea.
The Junior Rangers invent a new mechanical leg for a Japanese Spider Crab.
Kyle claims to have discovered a brand new animal species - it has the fur and body of an otter, webbed feet and bill of a duck, and a tail like a beaver. Kylasaurus needs help!
Huckle and his pals all receive party invitations, but the party's location is a mystery. Small circular marks left behind by whoever delivered the invitations are an important clue. It leads Huckle and pals to Miss Honey who's been walking with a crutch. Grateful for the help she got raking up all her leaves, Miss Honey decided to throw a party for all the volunteers./Huckle and his pals discover a mysterious gigantic spoon.
Balthazar really gets to like the unknown bumblebee girl, and with the help of the friends he even builds a house for her.
Berry and Dolly accidentally ruin the snowman of Balthazar but finally they build an even nicer one jointly.
Berry and Dolly insist on seeing an octopus. They manage to get to the home island of the octopus and in the way back home rainbow-fishes help them.
Flop teaches Bing and Pando how to blow bubbles. Pando soon gets the hang of it but Bing struggles and gets frustrated. After many attempts and some gentle guidance from Flop Bing finally blows a big bubble and is outraged when Pando pops it.
Bing and Sula head off for a picnic at the paddling pool with Flop. But when they get there, they are shocked to find there is no water inside. Bings disappointment soon gives way to the realisation that its a very special pool day. With no water there are all sorts of games they can play that are usually against the pool rules.
During Bings bedtime routine he inadvertently pees on his blankie and its too wet to wash and dry before bed. Fortunately his Hoppity Voosh toy has a cape just as soft and huggy as blankie and it even smells just right too.
It is the 83rd annual conkers competition in Drumsna and Paddles, Bracken, Bridie, Fagan and even Uncle Liam are all competing for the renowned title of “The Supreme Conqueror”. Everyone wants to win and each competitor is ready to do whatever it takes. Bracken steeps his conker in vinegar. Fagan finds a monster conker namely a coconut which fell off the back of the Drumsna delivery van. Fagan and Bracken beat all opponents and meet in the final. Fagans coconut is declared the winner and Mrs Hoot reprimands Bracken for using vinegar, declaring that all conkers are created equal.
Findus really wants to be the pumpkin king of the village one day. This year, with the help of Pettson, he is working especially hard to grow a giant pumpkin. Because Findus tries so hard, even the chickens believe in him. But the competition with Gustavsson and Beda never sleeps. If Findus is to succeed anyway, it will take a crazy miracle.
Grisu, with Stellas help, has to pilot a special drone that Mr Guellec bought for his farm, where a Rainbow Magpie is ruining his fruits. The drones loudspeaker is supposed to emit a sound that will repel the bird in a harmless way, but things dont go as planned. Not only does the Rainbow Magpie look unaffected by the drone, but it even mistakes it for a bird and chases after it. Grisu has a hard time shooing the bird away - with Fumes intervention making things worse - until he finds out that luring it to the nearby forest is much more effective….
Grisu helps Toramento, who is setting up a sightseeing tour of the Pink Cave of the Valley. But some funny facts happen in the Cave: signs moving apparently by themselves, strange noises… Toramento suspects that a ghost lives there, but Grisu doesnt believe it. After a little mayhem, the little dragon finds out that the funny facts are caused by a small but sassy bat, who lives in the Cave and is annoyed by artificial light. Eventually, Grisu, helped by Stella and Toramento, creates a light system built with luminescent rocks, that spreads a soft glow that doesnt annoy the bat.
Ollie has a great dinosaur collection! Daisy and Ollie want to find out what dinosaurs actually looked like. Daddy shows them a special fossil in the shed. Daisy and Ollie go on their very own fossil hunt in the garden, but will they be lucky enough to find a dinosaur?
Theres a beautiful moon lighting up the night sky. Daisy and Ollie wonder what its made from? Boo thinks its a great big banana, Daddy says its made of Cheese…but what could it be?! Maybe the answer can be found in Daddys biscuits and the vegetable patch!
The friends are all playing together in the Autumn meadow. Little Redwood Fox inadvertently spoils all the games of the day, but the others put their heads together and come up with a game that suits her perfectly.
Over by the river, Berry finds a magnificent, shiny stone. This fascinates Scoutbadger who is determined to get his hands on it. He tricks his sister into exchanging, in secret, the stone for a 'magic chestnut' that grants wishes. But the wishes Berry makes do not seem to be coming true….
When foxes lose a canine milk-tooth, there is a little initiation ritual - 'the hunt for the little slug'. Berry is delighted to show that 'she is big now' but her brothers are rather jealous that they were not initiated when they were little. Edmund is very worried and wonders if it is really necessary that his 'little sweetheart' takes some risks….
The excitement continues for Thomas & his friends in Series 19. Thomas causes an accident by being silly, blaming an imaginary engine named Geoffrey, but then proves he is a good friend by helping Hiro. Elsewhere, Diesel is visited by some 'ghostly' Christmas engines, Percy struggles to keep track of his woolly cargo and the engines work as a team to rescue a stranded whale.
One chilly, windy day, Tilda wants to visit her friend Molly. On her way across the fields, she meets Patrick the sheep, who's got a cold. Tilda immediately informs Molly and together the two mice knit Patrick a nice warm scarf. Patrick is overjoyed, but now all the other sheep want scarves too. Now Tilda and Molly have to call her friends in to help.
Unbearable noise is distracting the inhabitants of Wild Rose Lane from their activities. As it turns out, Billy and Benny have found a trumpet and decided to dedicate themselves to music. Their distorted squawking is torment for the neighbours. Things can't go on like this, so Tilda prescribes the young squirrels music lessons from the frogs.
Kipper and Tiger go to the stream and play with their paper boats. They decide playing pirates and building a raft is more exciting. Soon they find themselves marooned on an island in the stream….but luckily Pig is there to save them.
Kipper visits Tiger who is in bed with a really bad cold. Tiger is a demanding patient and none of the things Kipper has brought to cheer him up seem to work. In the end Kipper calls Pig and Arnold in to give the patient some of his medicine.
Clementine is coming over to play, but Caillou cant find her favourite action figure in his messy room. Overwhelmed by the task of cleaning up, he pretends to be a superhero who is overwhelmed with so many people to help and learns a new strategy to go one-by-one until the job is done.
Caillou has to wear an uncomfortable sunhat, but he is too shy to tell Clementines Mommy how he feels. He pretends to be Ace Builder who is struggling to build a bridge because of an ill-fitting hard-hat. After Ace finally tells his boss how he feels, Caillou is inspired to speak up in real life.
After an encounter with a magnetic crane, Wilson finds himself magnetized and attracting a lot of unwanted attention!
Leo finds a baby plantain squirrel eating his seed collection. The Junior Rangers drive to the forest to locate the squirrels nest and mother.
A common tree frog hops into the garden one wet and rainy day. Leo, Katie and Hero take the frog to the forest, where Ranger Rocky directs them to find the frogs breeding ground.
Pat is delivering a big box of lovely Ukeleles for Reverend Timms Ukelele Big Band. Everyones getting one and as Pat delivers them he finds out that they all have a little problem they need help with - happily Pat CAN help - whether its tuning or plucking or keeping in time.. Reverend Timms is overjoyed as they all arrive playing a wonderful tune for him – and the children have a special treat for everyone as they play a song theyve composed themselves.
Pat has a very unusual delivery today - an ENORMOUS tree which Alf has ordered for Thompson Ground. Very tricky indeed to transport Pat has strapped it into the 4x4 and is driving very slowly. Jess is worried about the little birds nest Pat has not noticed in the tree - its full of baby birds! The children have an archaeological dig in Thompson Ground too as Alf thinks theyd have fun digging whilst he digs a hole for his new tree. The children find a few treasures and finally Pat delivers the tree-mendous tree AND the nest full of baby birds all safe and sound.
Bing has a brand new Hoppity Voosh lunch box, and Pando has the exact same one – match! At first its fun to match, but that changes when Bing and Pando mix their lunchboxes up and end up with the wrong lunch.
Coco is staying at Bings house for her very first sleepover and as she produces her collection of Rainbow Fairy Mice and insists on playing the Goodnight Game its not long before the differences in their bedtime routines emerge.
Bing and Sula have a penny each for the Surprise Machine in Padgets shop. Sula gets the silver rhino she wanted so Bing is convinced he will get the toy he wants too. When the Surprise Machine delivers his capsule Bing is upset to discover the alien he has set his heart on is not inside.
Bing wants to get dizzy on the roundybout so Pando pushes him superfast. Bing quickly learns that a little dizzy is fun, but too much dizzy is no fun at all.
Bing builds a house out of the sofa cushions and Coco decides its the perfect starting point for a game of “Big Bad Wolf” with Sula and Charlie. Bing enjoys being wolfie until hes not allowed into the house he built, at which point the game loses its appeal.
Hoot and Toot must decide the best order in which to do three jobs: pick up the Mayor, clean the tunnel with the scrub-a-chug and have a chugwash. Deciding they should look their best for the Mayor, they have a chugwash first. Then they clean the tunnels – which gets them filthy again! Theyre afraid they wont earn their badges – until they use the scrub-a-chug to clean themselves. Now sparkling, they pick up the Mayor and Vee awards them their badges!
On a very windy day in Big City, Oswald and Weenie volunteer to look after baby Catrina while Madame Butterfly goes back to the Diner for her blanket. Oswald buys a balloon as a present for Catrina but a strong wind carries Catrina and the balloon off high into the sky! Oswald and Weenie commandeer a hot air balloon to try and catch Catrina who flies further and further away from Big City until they all eventually reach outer space! Oswald and Weenie finally rescue Catrina and manage to hitch a ride back to big City on a shooting star.
Henry is taking a special picture of the gang in front of Big Citys geyser. While waiting around for their picture to be taken they decide to play a ball game but Weenie gets all covered in mud! Oswald tries to give Weenie a bath, but she doesnt want to take one. After chasing her around Big City and getting himself and his friend all wet in the process, Oswald finally manages to get Weenie clean again and everyone has their picture taken.
Bob tells a tired Scoop to stay behind at Bob's Yard as he goes to build an ice-cream kiosk at the beach. Scoop keeps finding spurious reasons to radio Bob and make him return to the yard. Finally theres a real crisis but Bob doesn't believe its anything serious. Scoop takes a burning bin to the beach where it falls on the kiosk roof. Scoop saves the kiosk by scooping sand onto the roof.
Mayor Madison has commissioned a skate park so that the Spring City Rockets can enter an online action sports video. As Bob and the team set to work building it, Scoop, Muck and Lofty ask Leo if he can skate. Although hes never actually set foot on a board, Leo gets swept up in the moment and boasts that hes an amazing skateboarder, nicknamed “Lightning Leo”. When Brandon announces that they need one more rider to join them in the video (competition rules) Dizzy is keen to have a go, demonstrating her skill on four wheels. But the machines insist Lightning Leo should be in it... and suddenly Leo finds himself slated for a “Battle of the Boards” contest with Dizzy once the skate park has been completed. He dashes off to buy a skateboard kit (including an action camera), and returns to the park to practice.
On Summers hottest night Little Nutbrown Hare finds it hard to sleep. When a swim in the river isnt enough to cool him down, Little Nutbrown Hare and his friends ask Little White Owl to tell them a really cold and sleepy bedtime story. Will she come up with a story that can make them feel cool and finally get Little Nutbrown Hare off to sleep?
Little Nutbrown Hare is impressed by Blue Birds description of a flowery field that looks just like a sea of colour from her birds eye view. He visits the field with Big Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse, and they discover that everyone has their own unique view of the field, and each one is special in its own way.
One gorgeous Summer morning Big Nutbrown Hare wakes to find Little Nutbrown Hare enthralled by a story of Little White Owls. Encouraged, Little Nutbrown Hare sets off to make up a story of his own, but finds it harder than he thought to come up with one. With the help of his father, he finally uses some fruit hes collected on the way to help him tell a very colourful tale.
Grouchy shows his friends a snowball that he has been making. His ambition is to make the biggest snowball in the world. Inui asks why he keeps it on the mountain top and Grouchy explains that he doesnt want it to melt in the summer months. Inui suggests that they go and play in the valley below as its a bit chilly up on the mountain. While they are playing the ground trembles beneath their feet: the huge snowball accidentally rolls down the mountain and creates havoc for Inui and her friends.
Someone in Busytown Park got rid of Sally and Hilda's newly drawn hopscotch board. Huckle and Lowly set about helping the girls find out who's responsible. As it turns out the culprit isn't a who, but a what - the park's new sprinkler system washed the chalk drawing clean off the sidewalk./ Mr. Gronkles great great grandfather has hidden a priceless treasure somewhere and its up to Huckle and the gang to find it.
Mayor Oki wants to dress to impress all the visiting Mayors with a gemstone encrusted chain. He neeeds Messy's help to work out how to make gemstones before she arrives!
Everyone in Okido is feeling very tired. Messy tries to help by adding extra super beans to Farmer Fuddles new recipe, but now everyone has far too much energy! How can Messy help them burn it off so Okido City can go back to normal?
When Apple feels left out of a Berryball game and an advanced ballet class, she invents some “groove booties” programmed to dance to any beat. She temporarily impresses her friends with her dance moves, but when the groove booties go out of control and threaten the town's Berryball game, she is forced to fess up.
Harry decides he wants to be a zookeeper when he grows up, but he can't wait until then so he opens his very own zoo in Dino-World.
When a letter addressed to a 'Mr. Snow' is delivered to Harry's house, Harry concludes that Mr. Snow must live in Dino-World.
To get an awesome new toy, Chuck promises to clean up the paved track. But when the job is harder than he imagined, he convinces Biggs to help, only to feel guilty when Biggs does most of the work.
The trainees are taking their passenger test. If they pass, theyll be able to carry passengers all on their own. Brewster and Wilson are a little nervous, but Koko is confident - after all, shes a passenger train! Mr. Simkins, from the Ministry of Chuggers, arrives to examine them. His jiggleometer will tell him whether or not the trainees are riding smoothly. Koko volunteers to go first. Unfortunately, just as she starts, Simkins coughs and sets the machine off with a deafening beep.
Wilson has been given the important job of bringing the refrigerated ice cream cars from the ice cream factory to the Ice Cream Tasting Fair. The refrigeration cars are heavy, so hell have to take them one at a time. Wilson makes the first trip successfully, but when his hero - cool ice cream chugger Frostini - offers to give him a tour of the factory, he forgets all about the important job he has been charged with.
Professor Smeraldo's car accidentally ran into an obelisk in the desert, which now may fall down. It has to be straightened back up fast, as it threatens to tip over. Grisu offers to come help him out and operate a nearby crane to fix up the monument. But Smeraldo gives him wrong instructions by mistake and the crane nearly ends up in the river. Ensue a series of mishaps, such as Smeraldo being chased by a crocodile, and saved by Grisu and his sandwich. Grisu finally manages to put a strap linked to the crane around the obelisk. But as the young dragon is about to operate the crane and pull on the obelisk tip, the crocodile shows up again.
Because he has unintentionally caused an accident and slightly injured Toramento, Grisu suggests replacing him in his job which is to unload and load Olivier's boat. Unfortunately, Grisu, distracted by his father, makes a big mistake as he confuses the boats and unloads and loads the bad one (Smeraldo's boat.) In the end, he burns the forklift... Fortunately, he finds an original solution by creating a kind of suspended train, hanging on the streetlamps (like a car assembly line).
Little Nutbrown Hare is excited because Big Nutbrown Hare has agreed to meet him later to play games. When his father arrives to tell him a storm is coming and he needs to gather food instead, Little Nutbrown Hare is hiding so Big Nutbrown Hare leaves. He searches the meadow for his father, more and more disappointed, but when he learns why Big Nutbrown Hare couldnt play this time, he understands.
Little Nutbrown Hare and Little Field Mouse discover creatures that can blend in with their surroundings and are inspired to learn just where they can blend in. Little Nutbrown hare becomes disappointed when his white fluffy tail and his dark brown ear tips give him away each time. Thats until he discovers the reeds by the river are exactly the right height and colours to camouflage him perfectly.
The children want to give their parents a portrait of them which is much more flattering than reality. But arent imperfections part of what we like about others ?
Bob and the team will be building an enclosure and viewing platform for the new giraffe. Lofty is excited that he will be seeing his favourite animal. But when the giraffe arrives he gets so anxious to get a good view that he crashes through a fence and frightens the giraffe away! Luckily he knows exactly what giraffes eat and is soon tempting the giraffe back to his enclosure with a big pile of leaves on his jib. The enclosure is finished and tidied up just in time and Bob suggests Jenny Dobbs names the giraffe after its biggest fan… Lofty!
Bob and his gang are installing new barriers and laying a new paved driveway at FIxham Town Hall; at the end of the day a statue of Mayor Madison will be unveiled in the new driveway. Scoop is fitted with his pneumatic breaker and gets overexcited while using it, resulting in him breaking an underground water pipe and causing it to leak. While Bob and Wendy have some difficulty installing the barrier, Scoop covers up the leak and gets Muck to stand over the hole thus blocking the water from escaping. When Muck moves from this position Scoop speeds back to hide his mistake and causes Lofty to drop the paving slabs. The slabs are shattered! Scoop remarks on them looking like jigsaw pieces – giving Bob the idea of using the broken slabs to make crazy paving.
The kids find some numbered papers blowing around the park. After investigating several possibilities of where they could be from, they finally figure out they were once fastened to trees in the park as part of a self-guided tour to celebrate Arbor Day. / When all the milk in Huckles Dads store turns out to be sour, Huckle, Sally and Lowly set out to find out why.